Libra Equinox Gateway ~ The Seven Realms – Ancient Codes * Harvest Queen and the Earth Mother ~ The Priestess, Riding Her Star Horse from Sirius
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Great Spirits of the Universal One of Pure Consciousness
Happy Equinox Gateway and 22:22 Portal Activation!
To join in today’s Equinox and changing of the Seasons Ceremony our local Soularis released to powerful Soular Flares with a C 3.7 and a more intense M 3.7 bringing in our Codes of the 37 into the 73 Heaven upon Earth manifestations.
Today as our local Soularis moves into the sign of Libra, symbolized by the scales, we are feeling the balancing of polarities as the Yin merges with the yang, the holy water with the holy fire. The Divine Masculine joins together with the Divine Feminine in Divine Union as the Eagle flies with the Condor to usher in the 5d New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good people of the New Earth.
Synchronizing with today’s Magical Gateway we have a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 77 Red Crystal Earth as Mother Gaia transforms into her 5D Crystalline LightBody of Infinite Light.
As all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 enter the Zero Point Sill Center within all come into synchronicity and harmony as we flow with the Sacred Sounds of the Music of the Spheres.
In Buddha Mind of the Awakened Consciousness of Pure Awareness we realize our True Nature of Eternal Life and together call in and consciously cocreate the Pure Land of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
As we step over the threshold of the New Earth we bridge Heaven and Earth through our Rainbow Bridge and navigate on through to the other shore of Enlightenment forever more…Aho!
“The Priestess, riding her Star Horse from Sirius, arrives on Earth, carrying the potent energy of the 6th dimension. Her sacred mission is to activate the master stone grid, unlocking a profound flow of cosmic light that bridges heaven and Earth. As the grid awakens, the stones pulse with a radiant energy that expands consciousness, lifting humanity into a new era of wisdom, love, and interconnectedness with the stars.”
Today, we stand at the powerful balance point between light and dark, the cosmic gateway of the Equinox.
This is a sacred moment to align with the Earth’s shifting energy and prepare to anchor more light into your being. The veil is thin, and the frequencies are high.
Take a moment to ground yourself into the crystalline grid of Gaia. Feel her support as you step into this new phase of balance, harmony, and expansion.
Affirm: “I am aligned with the divine balance of the universe. I welcome the flow of light into every aspect of my life, and I walk forward with grace, love, and purpose.”
Breathe in this energy. Breathe out any limitations. You are limitless.
Sending you radiant light as we journey together into this new chapter.
22nd/23rd September 2024 : Equinox and Sun into Libra
As we move into Libra it seems as if everything has slowed after the frantic pace of the April to September period.
We have arrived where we are meant to be and it is time to be still and find the Inner Balance.
Equinox is the time when the seasons change and so the day and the night are of equal length. It is a time when the Earth herself finds balance as she begins a new phase of her spiral journey around the Sun.
We are called to celebrate this moment by finding that point of balance within ourselves as we rest and connect with Love, Joy, Peace and Beauty before we begin another phase of our inner journey.
We can be confident that we are where we need to be as we embark on the next phase. Everything we need is coming to us, at the right time.
As the Sun moves into Libra, the sign of Balance and Relationship ruled by Venus, we can feel a light being shone on these aspects of our journey bringing intense energies of unconditional love whether it be to friendships, partnerships, romantic or soulmate relationships, or marriages. The energy is intense, sensual and soulful. It is a good time to “upgrade” relationships to the next level.
The Earth too is feeling the need to come into balance with Nature. The Feather of Ma’at, the Egyptian Goddess of Cosmic Balance, is an important symbol for now. It signifies the lightness of Joy as we move with currents of the ascending Flow of Divine Energy.
On this day, May your Heart be as Light as a Feather.
9/22/24: You are empowered this year not by what you‘ve accomplished or achieved in the world, not by your social standing, and certainly not by your commitment to a policy, system, or belief. You have, in fact, by degree, desire, and by design, overcome many of the entanglements of these elements. You’ve progressed by outgrowing who you were and laboring all year on a new version of yourself, which is now creating reality on your behalf.
Today prompts you to be intentional and take action in your new form… paying close attention to what’s unfolding around you. Because what happens now is the marker of your progress and, more importantly, the canvas upon which you will paint your future.
Libra Season begins on the Equinox Gateway of the 22nd September, placing the cusp Virgo and Libra at an electrifying energetic space, especially so as following a Super Full Moon partial Eclipse on the 18th. This is a time of uploads, downloads and an energetic detox all in one moment and could be overwhelming for those with Sensitivities to cosmic events, atmospheric pressure or adverse weather and environmental conditions.
Libra holds the concept of Harmony closely to its heart. This year the pull in dynamics which is being felt as shifts in awareness is likely to put a strain on the bridge between the two worlds long lived in by the spiritual community. That being of a widening gap between the intentions of a third dimension and a higher frequency. This is highly likely to affect the Timeline perceived by the masses, as well as the personal identity to a known reality as experienced by the individual.
The Equinox is an Elemental Gateway, overseen by high resonating light beings who work on angelic mission. Such beings are beyond our state of comprehension and can be felt only through the connection with the elemental portals which we understand as `nature`. This is why the Equinox marks a time of a felt change in energetics to energy workers, many of whom have been persecuted for their awareness of `invisible forces` across human history. Around this time we also feel the thinning of the veil and recognise close connections to elemental, cosmic and spirit beings.
Magical Equinox
Awaken witches, wizards and warlocks. The message of the coming of freedom and peace requires your attention.
Light Warriors defend your station and protect your beloveds.
Light holders breath the story of your heart into expressions of matter and form.
Angels honour your duty and your devotion to the holy feminine.
Join in hand to hand a cherished connection of the souls of men. Sing your most holy sacred chords of ushering harmony.
All the Earth’s children can become bliss by surrendering faith to feel the pulse of the living planet, the cushion of divine will.
Be ready to accelerate The Advance in the name of glory.
And with every fibre of your being burst into life a living breathing hope which penetrates all in existence.
Stretch out your heart to its limits and reach out into the beyond.
Command for all that you believe in to be.
Crush the darkness with your light and fight to turn the tide.
Do not entertain limits on love.
Abandon all that is dim, to make way for the return of magic and the bringing forth of light.
On the day of the Equinox, it is believed that Awakened Souls have the ability to vibrate at much higher frequencies, potentially experiencing a rapid ascension into new, unprecedented vibrations on Earth. For the past few days, I’ve felt powerful surges of crystallized Light flooding my body, signaling profound shifts within.
This evolutionary transformation takes place within the energy body and chakra system, as divine sentient intelligence recodes our thoughts, expands our horizons, and activates dormant DNA along with the crystalline Merkaba Light Body. During the opening of the Equinox Stargate, we have a unique opportunity to activate more Light consciousness within the brain, attuning us to the new 5D paradigm. This activation expands our awareness, connecting us to a new world timeline that operates in unity consciousness and in alignment with the true Law of One.
We stand at a powerful ‘seed moment’ right now! Seize this opportunity with everything you have. While much of the world remains unaware of the powerful energies at play this week, you have the clarity to understand and harness them. Use your higher awareness to plant your golden seeds of Light consciousness and embody the Divine Human you are destined to BE!
Awakened Souls
Divine Energy Works
The Cosmic Gateway to the Magical Galactic Equilibrium of the Autumnal/Vernal Equinox 2024 is open! With the Equinox arriving at 0° Libra on September 22nd, we are at the Divine Union Point of Light and Dark, achieving a complete balance of the energies of the Sun (Masculine aspect) and the Moon (Feminine aspect). We embark on a deep journey within, aligning with the Universe’s sacred rhythms.
The Equinox energies are bringing planetary balance and connection between the Crystalline Core of the Earth and the Crystalline Core of the Moon, bringing them into alignment. Under the Equinox energies, Earth’s Crystalline Core and magnetic grid are expanding, resulting in a shift of energies and a timeline jump. We are receiving Light Body, DNA, and Higher Heart activations through the abundance of the Ascension Plasma Waves. Synchronicity Energetic Encodings 922 and 229 are activating the rebirth at Zero Point Energy of Ascension. The September Equinox is preparing us for the Quantum Metamorphosis, leading to the Solar Eclipse on October 2nd.
What a beautiful day with sacred formations in the sky that are meant to bring huge changes and restore spiritual and heart connection in humanity!
Kites, a yod and a Divine perfect trine between the Sun and the Moon at the very beginning of the signs of the Twin Flames!
In the next few weeks and months unpleasant, unprecedented and shocking events might take place in the world while people will experience permanent and relieving changes in their personal lives.
Of course all these are already taking place but we will witness an increase.
Remember that is all taking place for the higher good so try to let go of any pending inner distortion and immature resistance.
Trust and be consciously present while you are focusing on the right ways and tools and using the keys of harmonious navigation
Nothing is as it seems now!
Please stick to the truth that you are worthy and deserve what is truly meant for you as a free, responsible and adult Being!
There are beautiful and divine blessings of upliftment that are hiding behind all the current changes.
There are new beginnings in the works even if you cannot see them yet!
This is all connected to the great matter/antimatter liberation and the release of all of its structures that has been taking place since we reached the 888 level!
I wish each and everyone a great adjustment to the Free Waters of Life!
“It is time to learn how to drive and navigate your Being while in the Free Waters of Life.
The Free Waters of Life is a choice and they bring different kinds of waves. These waves are not destructive, they are connected to living pulsations and musical keys.
They are so powerful that they can bring total change as nothing can resist them because they carry the essence and way of True Life!
Now, there is a lot to learn anew.
Do you remember Posidonia?”
Blessings of Equilibrium!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
This is potentially a life changing equinox in so many ways as the old paradigm dissolves even more.
Note, this is within you as well.
So much of the old stuff, the old things, the old patterns of pain and suffering, are surfacing, or have surfaced, to say their final goodbyes. Release, forgive self and others and let go. This means duality and separation as well and all mud slinging, name calling and all labels as well. Those days are finally over.
Kiss it all farewell and thank all and everyone for the lessons they brought, bless them and now go forward in love, with love and through love, for there is only one.
You may feel yourself in a kind of limbo as this happens. Breathe deeply, go into nature and the still point within, and learn to simply be. Surrender to the mighty flow of the rivers of life, while you are being prepared for the next steps or pathways. You are in the process of liquidation of the old you and the forming of the new illumined you, and metamorphing into your true highest soul self.
It is a life changing journey in itself and a cosmic one. A soul journey and not just a destination. You are being prepared for universal mastery, which will continue long after you have left the earthly planes of existence, as your eternal and infinite soul journeys on.
You are here for a single eyewink in eternity.
Find inner peace, joy and deep illumination within, as you simply await the next steps in the perfect unfolding of the Divine masterplan within and without.
We are moving into the unified field of Divine Will and Unity now.
For The Light Of Now Is Paving The Way For Rapid Activations.
I Am Told To Continue Amplifying This Narrative
For The Calling To Converge In Higher Light Synthesis Is The Feeling You Are Experiencing
The Synthesis Of Now Is Deep As Many Become More Activated And Aligned To The Cellular Calling Of Their Higher Light Role
The Cellular Expression Of Your True Mission Is Alive And Well
I Am Shown This Encoded Vibrational Signal Moving Through Your Light/Body Physical Synthesis Of Now
I Ask You To Feel More Deeply Into What You Truly Feeling
A Vibrational Awakening Beyond The Human Physical Reality
The Harmonic Alliance Of You Is A Wonderful Evolution To Explore
The Path To Exponential Advancement Is Alive And Well
Together We Are Building The Crystalline Framework Of Now
It Is Beautiful and Expansive
Continue Flowing In Light Wayshower
With Love For The Journey
Know We Are Flourishing In Activated Light
With Love,
Arcturian Light Family
Karen Lithika
Together In Light
Ra James
Happy Equinox! We have shifted into a New Season. We also have shifted into higher energies within the ascension. Expect some major DNA upgrades as we are receiving a huge influx of Galactic Energies/ Energies directly from our Central Sun. The veil between our world, and the spirit world is getting thinner and thinner. That means things are more open psychically right now. Trust the clarity you’re getting on things. Equinox’s are powerful portals, and also crossing points. It’s also a Fairy Gateway.
The Equinox is a time of balance. It’s a time to connect with the Harvest Queen and the Earth Mother. The Autumn Equinox marks the Goddesses passage into the Underworld. The Goddess is turning from Mother to Crone. We now begin our descent into the Autumn and Winter. During this time we can more easily cross or travel between worlds. Expect more dreams, visions, and even astral travel experiences. It’s all about the Harvest and finding Gratitude. You may be noticing more spirit signs, angels numbers, and downloads. You’re receiving lots of messages right now! It’s a great time to be connecting with the spiritual.
Expect huge shifts over the next 3 weeks in a positive way! These energies are amazing to tap into for healing and manifesting too! Equinox’s bring a lot of activation energies. We have also shifted into Libra Season, which lasts until Oct 22nd. This time of balance and harmony brings new energy and insight, perfect for reflection and growth…
September 22, 2024: Equinox; Sun enters Libra – 8:44 am EDT.
Libra is the first sign of the second half of the Wheel of the Zodiac. The first half is about the development of the individual; the second half concerns the development of the collective.
The seeds of the collective lie in the desire of the individual to be in relationship with others. Libra addresses all kinds of relationships – marriage and partnership, friendships, family, work, and community. It the “I/thou” sign and describes how we as individuals relate to others.
The entry of the Sun into Libra also marks the second Equinox – a point of balance between day and night. Whether we are moving toward the light or the dark (Southern vs Northern Hemisphere), this is the halfway point in our journey. Light and dark come into equal balance.
The symbol for Libra is The Scales, a mechanism that weighs one object against another. In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Libra is allied with Ma’at, the Goddess of Truth, Balance and Justice. In her myth, Ma’at weighs the heart of the newly deceased on her scale against the feather she wears in her crown. The heart needs to be lighter than the feather in order for its owner to be granted admission to the Egyptian version of heaven.
Individuals with Libra strong in their personalities love beauty, symmetry, and harmony and are uncomfortable with conflict. They are peacemakers; they wish to bring the opposites into dynamic balance. In its shadow, Libra energy can value harmony over honesty, resulting in people pleasing and emotional dishonesty in their closest relationships. Learning to speak their truth when confronted with disagreement is a major source of growth for these natives.
The Sun will be in the emanation of Libra/Ma’at from September 22 to October 22.
September 22, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
The Equinox is a highly sensitive time of year that thins the veil and allows us to feel into the subtle energies with greater ease.
It also indicates that we have reached a turning point on our own journey through the astrological wheel. The astrology wheel begins at Aries Season and ends at Pisces Season. Libra Season, which happens this month, is the midpoint of this wheel, and brings about a change in the flow and direction of energy. This shift in energy is also mirrored in mother nature too as we enter the season of Spring or Autumn- both of which bring so much change and transition. The Equinox has long been a sacred time when the veil between the physical and spiritual world is thin, and the energy grid of the planet comes into a higher vibration and harmony.
All of Mother Earth responds to the Equinox, and this is something we may even be able to see with the changing of the seasons.
In the Northern Hemisphere, nature is beginning to shed, release, and let go. In the Southern Hemisphere, nature is beginning to bloom and blossom. No matter where you live, we can all feel this shift in energy coursing through our own lives. We may find that some things need to be released and that some things come into full bloom. September brings some powerful numerology as well. Being the 9th month of the year, it is the only month where our personal year number and our personal month number aligns. This signifies that September is a time for really honing in on the gifts and lessons of our numerology for the year.
Nikola Tesla famously said- “If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.”
The start of Libra Season coincides with the Equinox, making it a powerful point of transition in the year. Libra is considered a cardinal sign, which gives it the energy of leadership, new beginnings, and setting forth in a new direction. It is a time where we may organically start thinking about where we have landed and what changes we may wish to make. September feels to be a month for setting the stage of what’s to come.
October is a month of huge cosmic shifts and changes, and it seems that all through September, we will be getting whispers of this energy. We may begin feeling a need to make changes in our own lives, or we may be seeing things shift and change in the world around us. This may be especially amplified as we cross the September Equinox, which represents the halfway point on the
On Sunday, September 22nd, it is another busy day astrologically! The Sun, mediator between our inner self and the outside world, is shifting into Libra, sign of the Scales, at 8:44am EDT. The focus for the next month is our relationships with others, as well as our relationship with ourselves. The keywords of balance, harmony, cooperation, compromise, fairness, peace, equality, and justice, are the focus. We are striving for a balance of give and take, as well as mutual support and respect, in our interactions. We are also striving for a balance within ourselves of our own feminine and masculine energies.
We also have Venus, ruler of love, partnerships, resources, finances, values and self-worth, shifting into Scorpio the Scorpion at 10:36pm EDT. Right before her transition, while still in Libra, she will challenge Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, along with power and control, who is currently retrograde in Capricorn. The Divine Feminine is taking her power back……owning her power……becoming empowered! There may be some “kick-back” in her interactions with others. Or, she is feeling disempowered and being pushed to make a change. Once she moves into penetrating Scorpio, where she will be until October 17th, she will rise from the ashes, born anew like the Phoenix, and move into her truth, her strength, her passion and her magnetism! The past Lunar Eclipse is still active and working its transformative energies upon us! Welcome the shifts, changes, evolution and soul growth with open arms!
Sun in Virgo trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Sun enters Libra. Venus in Libra square Pluto – We’re feeling the pull, digging deep, figuring out what skills are required to ensure our wellbeing. Now, we’re ready for change, ready to do what needs to be done, ready to take on the scary thing, ready to step into our power. There are people onside too, allies, partners, lovers, friends. Others with whom we can travel life’s road, hand in hand, heart to heart.
And yet, as the wheel of the year turns and all is meant to be equal, a tremble erupts. What if I can’t trust them? What if I end up with nothing? What if this love, this job, this role destroys me? Compromise, normally second nature to Venus, suddenly seems like selling her soul.
Take a breath. The seasonal round continues – blossom and leaf fall. This is the perfection, the nature of it all. For when we are willing to accept that everything dies, then we can truly live.
It is about finding the poignant beauty in autumn as much as we enthuse over spring. There is something precious in both beginnings and endings. Let Change show you her gifts.
TODAY marks the first Equinox Portal of this 13-Moon year (second on the Gregorian Calendar): the perfect moment when the sun passes directly over the Earth’s equator bringing equal day and night to both North and South hemispheres.
Our ancestors saw this window as a special time of communion with the cosmos, and built amazing temples and structures to mark and track the changing of the seasons, encoding the Sacred Harmonics of TIME into their architectural creations. This is how temples like the “The Pyramid of Kukulcan” in ChichenItza were built for astronomical purposes.
“During the vernal equinox (March 21-22-23)and the autumnal equinox (September 21-22-23) the sunlight bathes the western balustrade of the pyramid’s main stairway. This causes 7 isosceles triangles to form imitating the body of a serpent roughly 37 yards [111 ft] long that creeps downwards until it joins the huge serpent’s head carved in stone at the bottom of the stairway. Mexican researcher Luis El Arochi calls it “the symbolic descent of Kukulkan”(means the feathered serpent), and believes it could have been connected with agricultural rituals.”
This equinox portal is taking place inside the window between the lunar eclipse from last KIN 73 (Sept.18, 2024) and the coming solar eclipse of KIN 87 (October 2, 2024) This balance between Light and Darkness is ALSO mirrored with great numerical elegance with double-digit dates on the Gregorian count, the 13-Moon, 28-Day synchronometer and the Ancient Maya count… How is this?
⁂ September 22 corresponds precisely to DAY 3 of the 3rd Month/Moon of the 13-MOON year coded by TONE 3: the ELECTRIC Moon of SERVICE.
⁂ On the Ancient Maya count this day corresponds to 7Ben, the equivalent of KIN 33 on the Galactic Maya count.
⁂ Number 3 represents activation and bonding!
⁂ On the Tzolkin count, TODAY, September 22 corresponds to KIN 77 12 Earth 22+77=99 33×3!!! The Earth holds precisely the powers of Navigation, Evolution and Synchronicity!
May Peace, Balance, Harmony and Beauty prevail on Earth!
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Cooperate, Dedicate and Universalize’. The 12th day of a wavespell is all about finding your people, engaging with other humans rather than being on your own. Cooperation is what it is all about and that’s because together we can achieve much more than we can individually. Try to find some like-minded folk today to hang out with and remember no man (or woman) is an island. This number also represents Dedication and today is great for dedicating yourself to your cause. It is a great practice to get into when this number comes around.
Today is Red Earth and its keywords are ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation’. Red Earth days are all about progress and growth and for taking a leap forward on your path. As it is a ‘Crystal’ day, this suggests that we can evolve by getting together with like-minded folk and we should be working together to evolve, that’s the nature of mankind. When you combine the meaning of the day with the number the result is Cooperate to Evolve!
The Guide for the day is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘Going with the flow’. This suggests that by relaxing, and trusting in the universe will guide your evolution in the right direction. It is so good for us to relinquish control from time to time. When we have a laid back attitude and are OK with just seeing how things turn out, we allow things to happen that we didn’t plan. Think back over your life – how many good things happened to you because you were not in control?
The Challenge of the day is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. The role of the challenge aspect of any day can seem confusing. For those who are the challenge, the day is tougher for them because their issues will surface. For everyone else, the challenge is more like you must ‘pay attention’ to the lesson of the day. So, evolving naturally would lead to healing but it is not easy, we have to stretch ourselves.
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. This means that awareness about magic will aid your evolution. People born on Yellow Seed are in a strong position today and can share wisdom about their magical knowledge. They love to ‘sow awareness’ as they have so much information that they have accumulated.
The Ally today is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin. A great friend to have around today if you are lucky enough to know one. If you are a White Wind, be prepared to be of service to others today.
It is a Portal Day! This adds great power to folk who are consciously seeking to evolve!
KIN 77 – is the DOUBLE MAGICIAN’s code! Double the MAJIK 7+7= 14 The WIZARD’s number..
TODAY is also a GAP day – Galactic Activation Portal = on EQUINOX so we have EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA intensity and access to multi-dimensions through this PHENOMENAL HOLY PORTAL of PEACE!!!.
Sunday 22 September – 13:44 UTC- Universal time
5.43am PT – Pacific time USA
6.43am MT – Mountain time USA
7.43AM Central Time – Usa
8.43 am ET. NY time
10.43 pm AEST – Melbourne/Sydney Australia
Monday 23 September
12.43 am – NZST – Auckland NZ
Lot’s of Majik abounds with this EPIC day as GAIA prepares to be STILL and BALANCED as we FLIP the seasons!!
Another very significant evolutionary day for Planet Earth and her inhabitants!
KIN 77 – RED CRYSTAL EARTH is the anniversary of the FUKUSHIMA earthquake and nuclear disaster so take heed of the SIGNS and possible EARTH SHAKING that Pachamama is communicating today.
KIN 77 aligns with the EQUINOX EVENT today.. when the EARTH’S Magnetosphere is more permeable to COSMIC forces – Solar Winds and CME’S. The veil is thinner (especially on a GAP day!!!!) and therefore the best time to view AURORAS.. Brace ourselves for a bumpy ride with our cushioned belt at its weakest!!
RED CRYSTAL EARTH is charging up the GRID – Gaia’s CRYSTAL CORE computer is fully ACTIVE and transmitting today!!!
Day 12 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we are focused on COOPERATION, networking and joining together with LIKE MINDED kin in communities to EVOLVE (often through harsh lessons! and build bridges to other worlds and realms. Let’s leave the PAST behind and build the bridge to the NEW!
RED CRYSTAL EARTH is ACTIVATING our CONNECTIONS… After SURRENDERING the PAIN and SUFFERING it is now time to build new bridges!
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic. Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing our FEARS, in order to reclaim our POWER and SOVEREIGNTY. Thus space is created for something new to emerge.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today through the power of cooperation with others. We thus create telepathic links in our communication grids allowing for cooperative thoughts, ideas and inspiration to flow. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other and Mother Gaia!
NOTE: Today is a great day to MEDITATE and set forth your intention through GAIA’S GRIDS to energize the program for the NEW TIME and NEW EARTH… All hearts and minds joining together in this UNIFIED PEACEFUL field AMPLIFIED through this miraculous 22/4 EQUINOX GAP PEACE portal!!
Today’s question is “How can I co-operate with like minded souls to SEED the highest potentials for our communities, going with the Divine flow for our Planetary evolution?”
Today is a beautiful day to be in nature, connect to Mother Gaia, communicate with the Crystal Devas and cocreate Divine new projects with your kin. In Joy!!
Divine blessings for the successful harmonic CONNECTION of our collective MINDS today! “Viva la R-evolution”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED CRYSTAL EARTH CABAN attunes us to the signs, synchronicities and flow of the natural rhythms of Gaia. CABAN is our evolutionary compass that shows us which path to take, and how to navigate through our life’s journey. GAIA is taking charge today to set the NEW COURSE in HER favoured direction. What a BRILLIANT alignment as KIN 77 is steering the course during this monumental portal day linking to the past ARIES – SOLAR ECLIPSE EVENT!!!
If humans think they are in control of Pachamama then they are deluded, as ultimately Mumma calls the shots for her evolution.. She is a very tolerant Mother but when pushed too far – she will retaliate to teach her children valuable lessons – over and over the lessons repeat through her cycles until we LEARN the lesson and change our behaviour.
There are no coincidences and Gaia is constantly talking to us… the Fukushima Earthquake hit on the eve of Valentine’s Day and the Shuri Castle Fire (on Okinawa island Japan) ignited on Halloween 2019.
The Hiroshima bomb was dropped on BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE day, and Nagasaki on WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR. All events are always in alignment with the codes which are our CLUES to navigate our course through these monumental markers.. Keep LISTENING and observing to read the clues that PACHAMAMA gives us.
RED EARTH has a softer, more feminine and flowing energy today, compared to yesterday’s masculine Warrior challenges! The Warrior questioned and thus rejected the status quo, now CABAN is bringing forth the era of PEACE!. Changing the combative and competitive culture to one of peace and unity, in harmony with Mother Gaia and the natural synchronic flows.
Today we tune in and LISTEN to the heartbeat of our Mother – the Schumann resonance, and begin to fully connect as ONE being. As we synchronize with the natural rhythms of Mother Earth, we become aligned through the natural harmonic matrix, and can easily attune to the New Time, rapidly accelerating our personal and Planetary evolution.
The CRYSTAL tone aligns BRILLIANTLY with RED EARTH – as it activates GAIA’S crystalline Diamond Grid – like a huge reboot, bringing it online to the MAX. Gaia will be infused with this Planetary POWER through her meridians, chakras, ley lines and sacred sites… Engines are switched ON and operating at full capacity – TURBO BOOSTED.
NOTE: Keep an EYE on the SCHUMANN graph today for messages from GAIA..
Absolutely PERFECTO as we RESET and REBOOT during this EQUINOX event.
Our hearts and MINDS become attuned to each other and Mumma Gaia as we sync together – one MIND on the same track – a new better harmonious track – of benefit to all for our best evolutionary path – the GOD timeline for Planet Earth.
As we attune and FLOW with the synchronicities, the CRYSTAL tone brings greater opportunities for CONNECTION – bringing us together with our communities to co-create our better world. Common-unity. Our focus is to gather with pure MINDS to listen for the messages which navigate our path, revealing our collective evolution.
Sit STILL in Mother Nature today and LISTEN to the SIGNS and messages that Pachamama is delivering through the natural world. Feel and sense the ONENESS and know that we are merely passengers riding on the back of our great Pachamama, as she steers a SPEEDY course to our UTOPIAN future paradigm!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED CRYSTAL MOON MULUC adds more gentle feminine intuitive energies and a beautiful sensitivity to the day, especially with the waning gibbous moon at 77% full (KIN 77 – BAM!) in EARTHY sensual TAURUS today. GAIA has a feminine expression of consciousness and MULUC is guiding our reins today. ensuring our Planetary GPS is steered towards restoring BALANCE on Planet Earth.
The beautiful GODDESS energies are bringing back the Divine Feminine qualities – of LOVE, care, nurturance, compassion and empathy, through a greater presence of the GODDESS on Earth.
The key to this restoration is through CONNECTION, and witnessing every soul on Earth as EQUALS – all our Divine broThors and SiStars – ONE GLOBAL FAMILY.
This FLOW of consciousness through the Universal Waters of the Goddess, attunes us to the minds and thoughts of our kin, and we can then respond in cooperative and compassionate ways.
The power of the Goddess and the Universal waters, allows us to flow with the thoughts, ideas and opportunities arising today. Our focus is on PURIFICATION of our thoughts, beliefs and programs, detoxing and RELEASING anything not in alignment with our new cooperative communities. HALLELUJAH – SWEET SURRENDER – LET IT ALL GO!!
Today we focus all together on evolving the collective MIND, to that of the HIGHER DIVINE MIND, bringing us all closer together in our collective quest.
SUPPORT: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND IK brings forth more Divine signs and messages from Spirit, making this a very powerful day to attune and listen to Spirit for guidance. As we channel these messages and pure LIGHT codes we can gather together and rejoice through singing, dancing and creativity, allowing the Divine messages to flow forth into our expressive creations.
The masculine aspect of Creator is aligning with the Goddess today, to give us the signs and synchronicities revealing the Divine path, for each and everyone of us, to navigate this new era.
With the expression of Father/Mother God/Goddess and Pachamama all delivering STRONG SIGNS today we have a very powerful DIVINE VOICE steering the future course for humanity…
We are held and supported through the DIVINE PLAN for EACH and EVERY ONE of us, and also Mother Gaia.
TRUST the DIVINE PLAN and watch the MIRACLES unfold, to steer our Planetary boat to our desired destination!
We GOT THIS Planetary kin –
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW LUNAR SEED – KAN holds the SEED of new potentials through expanded GROWTH. This SEED is a LUNAR one, which will highlight the duality challenges that have kept us pitted against each other as opponents and battle combatants – such as the war between the sexes, races, nations, and over skin colour and wealth.
This EQUINOX portal is seeking to BRING BALANCE so anything out of balance will be revealed in order to be addressed and depolarized.
The greatest divide currently is that between the AWAKENED populace and those still ASLEEP believing in the Artificial Time Matrix.
The FALSE NARRATIVE of the plandemic leveraged this to the MAX and pitted friends, families and allies against one another in order to SEPERATE, divide and CONQUER. Separation is the best form of controlling the masses.
Never before in history has this division been so great on a GLOBAL level. The choice is down to transhumanism – AI or DIVINE HU-MAN Angelic Christed beings. Each soul is making their personal choice and determining their personal timeline through their behaviour and actions.
At this current time the USA is heading for a Presidential election and this event has POLARIZED their nation again as the battle rages.. NOW is the time for PEACE and UNITY.. no more polarization due to tradition and past behaviours.. The fact that many souls are moving beyond the bi-partison two party system through WAKING UP and seeing through the ILLUSION is good news.
This is the way forward. ONE EARTH, ONE PEOPLE!
The GOLDEN PATH to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS is rapidly ACCELERATED through the current SOLAR energies and ASCENSION activations during this evolutionary phase- So don your crown and regal robes and follow the path to the NEW KINGDOM. This is the DIVINE designated PATH for humanity.
Will YOU choose the path of LOVE and DIVINITY or will you choose the path of FEAR – and control?
The choice is yours and yours alone to make, and will determine your soul’s evolutionary path.. We are at a very pivotal fork in the road.. LISTEN for DIVINE signs and guidance and the true path will reveal itself.
Whatever the polarity the LUNAR SEED reveals today, this SEED is also providing the SUPERPOWER to balance and harmonize these challenges. The LUNAR seed assists you in AWAKENING and GROWING towards the LIGHT by responding to the challenges with RIGHT ACTION..
If you do not make a CONSCIOUS choice and MOVE in that direction, then your seed will become stagnant and bogged down in the mud!
It is time to GROW and seek the LIGHT, together bringing forth the era of PEACE through UNITY consciousness.
We are all SEED pods with potent LIGHT packets encoded within us.
KAN enables us to express our creativity today and to cocreate the beautiful gardens of the future. One by one, each sowing our own unique seed, through our unique talents and contributions, until one day our garden has flourished into the GARDEN OF EDEN! A haven filled with abundance that we can harvest at will. Collective abundance for all beings.
The SUPERPOWER of the KIN 77 – the Lunar Seed will allow us to BLAST through any duality challenges and activate mass AWAKENING through souls seeing and SEEKING the LIGHT.
The FERTILE ground will be cultivated for each AWAKENING soul to be FREED in order to have new opportunities to reach their highest potential.
As we collectively strive for our highest Planetary potential – which is the ultimate intention of this Kin, we will need to work together as ONE UNIFIED MIND, to manifest the harmony desired by Pachamama.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE CRYSTAL HAND MANIK – Today’s challenge is the BLUE CRYSTAL HAND which is the EXACT energy of Solstice Dec 21, 2012. Marking another very significant and pivotal planetary day today. We are LINKED through the MAJIK of the TZOLKIN, and this GIFT today, to access the transformative codes of 2012 in boosting our EVOLUTION today! Woweeeee!!!
EVENT is a
Our challenge today, is to HEAL our capacity to co-operate with other MINDS, transcending the lower mindset of competition and service to self, into the new paradigm of thought. – unity consciousness. We need to HEAL the DIVISION between our MINDS.
We need to expunge the concept of scarcity, competition for limited resources and outmoded technologies, and the need to defend our territory from our Memory of the past. We are learning to evolve from competition into co-operation, and learning to fearlessly focus – during this RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR on the CHANGE that TRANSFORMS our intelligence from fear-based to fear-lessness.
Our global family is still somewhat divided, and enveloped in FEAR as the masses succumbed to the FEAR based control Matrix. They did not have the capacity to even SEE that they are imprisoned, manipulated and exploited.. making it extremely difficult to break free. Judgement, blame and arguments drive a greater wedge of division.
The BLUE CRYSTAL HAND – offers the gift of RECONCILIATION and mediation today. Using the power of acceptance through empathy and compassion, we can feel and sense what the other is afraid of.. in this way we can offer LOVE, acceptance and forgiveness, blessing our opponents and praying for their AWAKENING to the DIVINE TRUTH.
LOVE is the only panacea, healing this separation and bridging the gap between combatants.
Reach out and SHAKE the hand of your friends and enemies. Let’s all HOLD hands together as we cross over the rainbow bridge to our utopian DREAM world.
The blessing that MANIK bestows this day is the potent power of accomplishment! The ability to accomplish our collective mindset and manifest our collective dreams into our new reality.
The BLUE CRYSTAL HAND – is BRIDGING the GAP – between SOLSTICE 2012 and this EQUINOX – delivering another GIANT LEAP in human consciousness!
KIN 77 provides extremely potent codes, lessons and GIFTS for humanity, as it challenges us to EVOLVE!
We MUST do BETTER as a species. To join together and PROTECT the common interests of each soul, our entire collective family, our Planetary/Celestial family, and our Galactic family.
The beauty of this code is that it HANDS us the SOLUTION – through the GIFT of the CRYSTAL HAND – the POWER of ACCOMPLISHMENT through our DIVINE CONNECTION to each other and to our SOURCE! What a DIVINE BLESSING..
Spaceship Earth is making a strategic MOVE today to ALIGN with our desired collective destination of the NEW GOLDEN ERA on NEW EARTH – especially with this special 22/.4 MASTER BUILDER PEACE CODE. .
Today’s question is “How can I co-operate with like minded souls to SEED the highest potentials for our communities, going with the Divine flow for our Planetary evolution?”
Today is a beautiful day to be in nature, connect to Mother Gaia, communicate with the Crystal Devas and cocreate Divine new projects with your kin. In Joy!!
Divine blessings for the successful harmonic CONNECTION of our collective MINDS today! “Viva la R-evolution”
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 22nd through September 28th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Autumn Equinox Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation (Libra Season).
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Divine Architect of the Cosmos, As we stand at the threshold of the Libra Equinox, Where light and shadow dance in perfect equilibrium, We honor this sacred moment of balance.
Oh Creator of Seasons, We thank You for the harvest, for the lessons of growth, For the beauty of decay that promises renewal. In this time of equal day and night, Teach us the wisdom of balance, In our hearts, our minds, our deeds.
Lord of Light and Lady of the Underworld, As Persephone descends and Inanna returns,Guide us through our own cycles of descent and ascent. Let us embrace the darkness as much as the light, Understanding that in death, there is life; In endings, new beginnings.
Ma’at, Keeper of Cosmic Order, Let Your scales guide our lives towards justice and truth. May we walk the path of righteousness, Balancing our desires with the needs of the world.
We pray for the strength to release, To let go of that which no longer serves, To make peace with the unresolved, And to find serenity in the cycle of letting go.
Bless our homes with prosperity, As the Mabon bell rings, let abundance flow. May our hearts be as fertile as the earth, Ready to plant new seeds of intention.
We call upon the winds of change, To sweep through our lives, clearing the old, Making way for the new. Let our spirits soar with the autumn breeze, Free, yet deeply rooted in the earth.
In this sacred pause, Between the in-breath and the out-breath, We find You, Divine Presence, In the stillness, in the balance, In the very heartbeat of the universe.
We give thanks for the turning of the wheel, For the wisdom in decrease, For the liberation in release, And for the promise of winter’s rest.
Soften us into our roots, Ground us in Your love, As we navigate through this gateway of transformation. With gratitude, we embrace this equinox, Blessing the journey ahead, In harmony with all that is.
Sacred Balance, Keeper of Harmony, Divine Light of the Cosmos,
As the day and night now stand in perfect balance,
I honor the threshold of the Libra Equinox Gateway,
A time where I align my soul with the celestial rhythm,
A time where I seek balance, harmony, and justice within myself and my world.
Great Spirit of the Universe, Divine Libran Energy,
I call upon the scales of Libra to bring equilibrium to my life,
Help me release what no longer serves me,
And welcome the energies of peace, love, and wisdom into my heart.
Guardians of the Gateway, Watchers of the Seasons,
Guide me with clarity as I step through this portal,
Grant me the insight to see all sides of my challenges and blessings,
Teach me to balance my actions with compassion,
And to weigh my words with truth.
Goddess of the Harvest, Sun and Moon, Stars and Earth,
May I walk this sacred path with grace,
Embracing both the light and the shadow within me,
Finding harmony in all things.
I release fear and doubt, and step forward in divine confidence,
Trusting that I am supported by the cosmic flow of the universe.
By the power of the Equinox,
I anchor balance, harmony, and peace in my mind, body, and spirit.
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