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What are the misunderstandings and essence of “letting go” to face a new world? – 3D → 5D letting go


What are the misunderstandings and essence of “letting go” to face a new world? – 3D → 5D letting go




What are the misunderstandings and essence of “letting go” to face a new world? – 3D → 5D letting go

Have you ever heard the word “  letting go  ” in the world of psychology or spirituality?  It literally means letting go of unnecessary things that you are holding on to, like “letting go of suffering.”

This letting go will come to you as an important process as you move forward into the new world, including GESARA, which is occurring now.

However, if you misunderstand the essential meaning of the word “let go,” you will be in trouble. In relation to this point, I tweeted the following.

In this article,  I would like to explain  the misunderstandings that can occur and the essence of “letting go” to move towards a new world.

Let’s learn about the misconceptions about “letting go”

First, I would like to address some common misconceptions when it comes to understanding “letting go.”

GESARA is coming, so you quit your job and went into debt?

It is said that when GESARA is activated and the world becomes a new world, there will be no need to worry about money. This is a welcome relief for those who have struggled with money in the past, such as having a difficult job or struggling with debt.

However, it appears that the following cases actually occurred.

When I saw the information on the SNS that “GESARA will finally arrive in October!”, I decided, “In that case, I should just quit my job!” or “It’s okay to buy a house and a car and go into debt.” It seems that some people were disappointed.

If GESARA comes, put aside all the hard work and financial struggles you have had up until now.

However, in reality, GESARA was not activated even that month and some people simply lost their jobs or ended up with more debt.

I don’t believe the timing of GESARA will be revealed to anyone in advance, but I’ll leave that issue aside for now.

Nowadays, money is in circulation and is used to exchange goods and values. If you think about it, you will see that if you suddenly quit your job and increase your debts, you will end up in a lot of trouble.

Why did I have to “let go” in a way that made me feel bad?

On the other hand, I often see patterns that I can’t let go of. They say GESARA is coming, but will it really come? This is a skeptical person.

These people end up thinking that they have to think about what would happen if GESARA doesn’t come and think of ways to make money in today’s world.

In the end, I couldn’t look forward to GESARA and started down the path of being chased by money again.

Misunderstanding of “letting go” on a 3D level

People who have given up their jobs and money, and people who can’t give up their money, have something in common.

The thing is, I think “letting go” means giving up something tangible, like a job or money.

It can be said that letting go of concrete things is  letting go on a 3D level  .  You are simply letting go of  visible objects or  visualized “illusions.”

However, letting go of the 3D level may not be the ultimate solution. As in the example above, letting go may make you feel worse.

Because I’m not really ready to let  this go  . In other words,  it’s because I haven’t decided to let go yet  .

In the example above, this means only trusting information that says “GESARA is coming soon”, or thinking of ways to make money because “we don’t know if GESARA is coming”.

However, unless you decide for yourself, you will never be satisfied with the path you have chosen. And if GESARA does not arrive on time, you complain that you have been “cheated.”

Detachment at this 3D level cannot be called true detachment.

True “letting go” is letting go of your heart.

So what is true abandonment? It is abandoning what is in your heart.

To be more specific,  it means  letting go of unnecessary attachments and beliefs that are causing you pain.

For example, why do you feel anxious when you don’t have money? Money is nothing more than a number that replaces things and valuables.

However, each person has their own reasons for thinking they can’t live without money. There could be a number of reasons behind this, such as a history of struggling with money or feelings of anxiety about not having money.

To abandon this reason in its own way is true abandonment.

Letting go of the heart  becomes possible by  looking at the heart from a bird’s eye view  . This bird’s eye view  can be called letting go from  a fifth-dimensional perspective.

And everything that makes us suffer is actually created by our own minds. What exists in the 3D world is nothing more than a reflection of the world of your mind.

So the order is to first solve the problems of your heart and then let go of the things you can see.  The idea is  to let things go from higher dimensions to lower dimensions.

If you supplement it, it can be significant to drop things in order from low to high dimensions. That’s when you start to notice and want that final push.

Most of the mental resolution has already been completed, but there may be cases where it can be completed by abandoning the real thing.

However, if this is not the case, even if you let go of things, you will not be paying attention to them and in the end, things you do not need end up coming back around you.

How to live in the transition period with fifth-dimensional thinking

This time, we explain the misconceptions about “letting go” and its essence.

The essence of detachment is to resolve the issues of the heart  within oneself  . The idea behind this idea is that in the 3D world, we are simply looking at images projected by our own minds.

The three-dimensional world that we are led to consider as “reality” is nothing more than an illusion, and the world within our hearts, or the world of our souls, is the real world.

If you can see through this essence, you will realize that the suffering you suffer in the three-dimensional world is nothing more than a reflection of the world of your mind. Therefore,  we understand that  the solution lies in the mind.

We are currently in the transition period of the new world, and the show is still on in the 3D world. Therefore, money is circulating and there may be times when you feel it is difficult.

However, if the essence is a heart problem, it is possible to resolve the heart problem even during this transition period.

For example, when it comes to money, I believe it is possible to mentally abandon it and still live in a world with money.

During this transition period,  I think it is best  to continue to let go of the 5th dimension while at the same time living with the illusions of the 3rd dimension.

And to get rid of mental problems,  it is important to first  become aware  of them. This means that the three-dimensional world is an illusion and that we are connected to it through our own senses.

It’s important that  you experience this with your own senses  , rather than having someone explain it to you.  To do this, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the things that happen every day and take opportunities to notice them.

There are many tips for moving towards the 5th dimension all around us.





Master Antuak – May abundance and prosperity come to all the children of Father Mother Adonai.

Beloved Emanuel and beloved Pastor, I am Master Antuak and I wanted to give you important messages for all humanity tonight.Because we are already in the harvest phase of everything we have sown and are sowing, we are already reaping the fruits of our effort, of our efforts.As you know, as many of you know, a great system has come into effect that we have been waiting for and eagerly awaiting for so long, the quantum system, as I have shared with you in previous messages. But this is the gateway to great manifestations of prosperity for all of Father Mother’s children.

By merging Nesara Gesara into one bloc, we support all countries without exception. With this system there will no longer be any possibility for the dark forces for their evil and twisted plans of control, domination, speculation, theft of funds and funds deposited for people in this system and in the previous financial system are about to get hurt.

The story closes and this process, the previous one, is buried, and with it the doors of prosperity and abundance open.

Master Antuak
Master Antuak

My beloved ones, be patient, now is the time for everything to begin. Little by little you will see the results. Great times are coming for humanity. But we must have faith, my beloved ones, so that everything will manifest.

Also in a very special way for all those who fulfill special missions. Included in this great process are the resources for the great projects of Light to be carried out on the planet.

Everything is already moving with full control.A great step has already been taken and the delivery of all these great projects on a planetary scale by the children of the Father and Mother in preparation for the New Golden Age is assured.

Have confidence and great faith that we have taken the big step, the big step that we have always longed for and that is finally becoming a reality.

We expect that in the process of transition from one system to another there will be some changes and adjustments in the systems, and perhaps there will be some difficulties at the beginning, but all of this is under control and in the hands of the Light.

Everything is in the power of the Light and there will be no more intervention for devastating evil plans.
The forces of darkness will have no place in this new system.

Well, my beloveds, another victory to be celebrated and we move forward.

The ascension process is accelerating. There is no turning back, as we say, the ascension process is virtually guaranteed for all the children of the father-mother on this planet.

Now my beloveds, this is the information. I bless you and thank you for being channels to convey this information.

I bless you all and the Golden Age is now, now, at the door, my beloveds.

I am Master Antuak, better known as Master Saint Germain.




RUMORS: 10/13/2024

You test your reasoning ability only by interacting with other people; this is the way to understand your development. If people can introduce negative thoughts into your thinking center, or if you generate negative thoughts, it means that your thinking center is not sufficiently developed.



Trying to silence your mind is just a futile attempt to escape reality. If you don’t improve your thought structure, the Matrix will have control over you.


“To move from a world of questions to a world of answers, you need to be able to ignore your intellect for a while. This means being able to give up any personal comforts; your addictions and venture into the unknown, where there is no guarantee of success.

The image of the master calling his student to the edge of the abyss and asking him to close his eyes and enter the void is a metaphor for what we are talking about. Do humans have wings, and will they unfold when the free fall begins? The only way to find out is to follow the master’s call.”




We are here to bridge the gap between the old and the new.

Between Earth and Heaven

3D and 5D

Each of us is an energy transducer. Our purpose is to transmute the nonsense, the chaos, the pain… into Love.

Can you do this?

Can you keep doing this no matter how many times the 3D world kicks your ass?



Of course you can.

That’s why you came.


Hello everyone, it’s Wolvie.

It’s 5:45 in the morning now.

I am really happy.

This month was a long-awaited month and I am very happy.



This month. This month is our month. This month is our month.

I’m crying right now because I’m filled with all kinds of emotions.

And I want everyone to keep their faith.

It will definitely come this month.

That’s all I can say for now.

If I get a miracle call, I will sing opera immediately.

I sing.



Sing that opera. Probably the best opera I’ve ever sung in my life.

I wish I had a voice.

I hope everyone is well.

Have a good day. Bye Bye.


This is done openly.

BRICS aims to create an alternative to the International Monetary Fund.



They all store gold and have influence over various commodity markets.

The situation is clear.


EBS alert imminent

Black Swan Event

NESARA/GESARA Revolution Kickoff Week



The US Navy and aircraft carriers are in battle formation.

on the West Coast, the Pacific coast of the United States and throughout the Mediterranean.

Category 5 Hurricane Milton miraculously weakened to a Category 2 as it made landfall in Florida, then moved inland, flooding and destroying child trafficking tunnels beneath Disney World. The child rescue operation will be announced at a later date.

Believe in the plan


From October 22nd to 24th, BRICS will announce a currency backed by gold and silver⁉️

Shhh, the movie is about to start 🍿🍿

Just 10 trading days left until BRICS unveils a 40% gold-backed currency.


There are approximately 6,000 Starlink satellites in orbit.

Finally, SpaceX will create a massive Starlink train of 12,000 satellites, a phenomenon in which satellite internet “Starlink” satellites move in a line across the night sky. It has been observed many times in Japan and anyone can easily see it by checking the times and locations of the sightings using the Satellite Tracker app.


About  Mickey Mouse Watch! 

🤯👀Phil  said during the show that when he looks at a Mickey Mouse watch, he should think of it as “MIRROR”. I reflected the Mickey Mouse watch in the mirror and took a picture.

Mickey Mouse’s clock points to 10/2 or 10/10.

Both the number “2” and the letter “Z” draw a curved line slanting from left to right, with a ring at the bottom.

The number “2” represents the letter “Z”, and instead of 10 (10 puns), 01>1. (*Mirror)

Z = 26 (last letter of the alphabet) + 1 = 27

What if Mickey Mouse’s clock says October 27th (Sunday)?

From October 27th to November 5th, exactly 10 days…10 days of darkness 😳🤯


Imminent Black Swan Event

EBS Alert Early Next Week NESARA/GESARA Revolution The US Navy and aircraft carriers will be in battle formation off the US West Coast, US Pacific Coast and in the Mediterranean Sea.


I agree with Bruce, but keep an eye on your email between now and Tuesday.

As I said, the process has already begun. This does not come from me, it comes from above.

I hope nothing goes wrong and there are no more delays.

God blesses.



Countries such as Russia, Brazil and several others are positioning themselves for the QFS transition. 

On Monday, October 14, 2024, at the BRICS Summit, they will announce the Seven Kingdoms, along with the Global Currency Reset.


The Future of Healthcare: Accessible and Advanced

Retraining healthcare professionals. Implementing these advanced technologies will require significant adjustments in the medical community.

Healthcare professionals will need to undergo extensive retraining to familiarize themselves with new equipment and treatment protocols. This represents a substantial investment in education and training, but the potential benefits far outweigh the costs.

By equipping medical staff with the knowledge and skills to utilize these technologies, we can ensure that patients receive the best possible care.


UV light therapies: 

Non-invasive treatment options. Along with Med Beds, UV light therapies are set to revolutionize treatment options. These therapies offer non-invasive solutions to various conditions by harnessing the power of ultraviolet light to enhance the body’s natural healing processes.

UV light has been shown to be effective in treating a range of conditions, from skin disorders to infections. By integrating these therapies into conventional healthcare, patients can benefit from effective treatments with minimal side effects.


Behind the scenes: 

QFS and StarLink QG’s revolutionary Q-Phones are set to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to expedite the distribution of Universal Basic Income (UBI). Watch now to understand the future of global connectivity and economic reform.


The Quantum Revolution Is Here — Are You Ready?

The future is now. Q Phones, Starlink, GESARA, and the Quantum Financial System are here to overturn corrupt systems of control and usher in a new era of global financial freedom. This isn’t just a shift in technology — it’s a revolution that will shake the foundations of the world as we know it.

With Starlink’s unstoppable internet, Stellar’s ​​decentralized blockchain, and Q Phones giving you direct access to your wealth, the power is finally back in your hands. The elite can’t stop you. Governments can’t control you. This is the quantum revolution, and it’s time to take your place in the new world.



● We will never go back to the old monetary system

● Stop printing money out of thin air

● All existing fiat money is being replaced

● The Central Bank system will no longer be owned by the Federal Reserve

● The entire old Cabal department slave financial system is dead!

● No more paper notes (fiat)

● No more SWIFT

● No more monetary slavery!

By exchanging our old Fiat currencies for the new gold-backed currencies, we are in effect exchanging the entire old Cabal Debt Slavery Financial System for a new QFS Gold-backed Financial System.



Gold/Precious Metals and Nesara/Gesara.

Two different factors for the GCR event:

● Factor 1: RV (revaluation of world currencies)

● Factor 2: The Quantum Financial System

For rainbow coins, bonds or ISO20022 assets to start appreciating, the physical precious metals must first undergo a revaluation!

Once the new assessment is defined, the weight of compliance with Basel III + Bretton Woods 3 will give legitimacy to everything else, starting the ISO20022 regulation.



● The White Hat military and other earthlings, including President Trump, President Jinping, President Putin and many other world leaders. BRICS >>

● Extra Benevolent Earthlings and their technologies

● The Ascended Masters, Angels and other Celestials

Entities from the non-physical Spiritual Realms The Divine Source has moved into place, a plan that will defeat these Demons who have a killing power over humanity. Has the plan just begun? No, it has been in play for hundreds, if not thousands of years. The plan is to destroy the evil among us and bring about the Golden Age of Humanity. The contrast between good and evil takes time to see and then make a choice. It is not God’s fault, so he has had a plan for us all along.



● A payment technology that aims to connect financial institutions and drastically reduce the cost and time required for international transfers

● Unlike almost every other blockchain system, Stellar can connect to real-world endpoints, so people can turn their digital representations of money into something they can actually spend

● Secure, decentralized, transparent, fast settlement, low cost

● In the end, everyone in the world must enter the QFS through Stellar. There is no way around it!





Breaking News! Global EBS Alert Ready to Activate — Get Your Phones Ready for Earth Alliance, Mass Arrests, and Military Tribunals on October 24th and 25th!

The stage is set, and there is no turning back. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) alert is imminent, and if you haven’t started preparing yet, now is your final warning. As we approach October 24 and 25, the Earth Alliance, in conjunction with Starlink and other military satellites, is finalizing the intricate global operation that will release the EBS worldwide.



This is happening now, and all signs point to a complete information shutdown across the globe. Preparations are already in full swing, and if you think this is just another false alarm, you are gravely mistaken.

Let’s dive into how this alert will work and why it’s crucial that you’re prepared for it. On October 24th and 25th, every phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable alert signal. This won’t be the gentle ping of your regular notifications — it’ll be an intense, piercing sound that will wake you up, whether you like it or not.

The signal will be broadcast directly from the Starlink satellites, bypassing traditional media channels that are controlled by the elites. This means you won’t have to rely on your local news or social media for updates. The truth is coming straight to your phone, and there’s no way for the globalists to censor it.

The technology behind EBS

The Earth Alliance has been preparing for this for years, quietly building a network of satellites and secure communications lines that will make this operation possible. Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite network has been commandeered for this purpose. Despite the cover stories about providing global internet, Starlink’s true mission has always been tied to the Alliance’s plan to take down the Deep State.

Musk’s recent alignment with Trump and his public endorsements were no coincidence — they were part of a larger plan. Starlink isn’t just about internet access — it’s about ensuring that, when the time comes, the entire world will receive the EBS signal without interference from the globalist-controlled media.

ebs alert
ebs alert



The EBS alert will be rolled out globally, but it will be activated in phases. Depending on where you are, you may receive the alert a little earlier or later than others, but make no mistake—it’s coming.

The goal of the phased implementation is to prevent the Deep State from reacting too quickly and catching them off guard. By the time full alert reaches every device on the planet, the Earth Alliance will already be executing the next stages of their plan.

What happens after you receive the alert

Once the EBS reaches your phone, the next phase will begin. The signal will be followed by a broadcast — an unfiltered message from the Earth Alliance, led by Trump and top military leaders.



This broadcast will bypass the corrupt media, delivering real-time updates on the fall of the Deep State, the mass arrests, and the collapse of the corrupt financial system. These broadcasts will come in waves, each revealing more of the truth that has been hidden from us for decades.

Brace yourself for revelations that will shake the very foundations of what you thought was reality. We will finally learn the full extent of the crimes committed by the elites—everything from human trafficking rings to the manipulation of global wars and natural disasters.

The broadcast will expose how FEMA, the FBI and other government agencies have been weaponized against the people, carrying out false flags and deliberate disasters to maintain control.

This will not be a brief broadcast. The EBS broadcast will last for several days — possibly up to 10, depending on the situation on the ground. During this time, there will be no internet access, no social media, no TV, and no conventional news.



The only source of information will be the EBS, which will provide ongoing updates on arrests, military movements, and financial resets. You must be prepared for this blackout. Stock up on food, water, and essential supplies. Have backup power sources ready. You will not be able to go to the store or access online services during this time.

The role of the military

As the EBS alert is issued, militaries will be mobilizing around the world. The Earth Alliance, comprised of white hat military forces from several nations, has been coordinating this operation for years. In the US, militias and other patriotic groups have already been activated and are ready to confront any Deep State operatives who try to disrupt the plan.



The military will be tasked with maintaining order, but make no mistake—there will be resistance from the elites. False flags will be waved to create chaos and confusion. The globalists know their time is up, and they will do everything in their power to stop the Alliance. But their efforts will fail.

During this time, martial law is highly likely. Military tribunals will be broadcast on EBS, and you will witness the downfall of the corrupt politicians, bankers and corporate elites who were part of this evil system. You will see arrests, confessions and the dismantling of the globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long.

The Deep State’s financial institutions will collapse, and the Quantum Financial System (QFS) will officially take over, marking the beginning of the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. Elite-controlled banks, stock exchanges, and fiat currencies will be obliterated, replaced by a fair and transparent financial system that serves the people, not the elites.

New developments: secret military bases and underground facilities

This is where things get even more intense. New information reveals that part of the EBS alert preparation includes targeting and neutralizing underground military bases and secret facilities used by elites.

These underground cities, built by the Deep State to protect themselves from the chaos they have created, are now being identified and destroyed. Earth Alliance has located several of these bunkers, including one beneath Denver International Airport and another in the Swiss Alps, where top globalists have been hiding.

The EBS will not just be a signal to the public — it will be a signal for the final phase of the military takedown of these hidden strongholds. The elites think they can escape underground, but they are wrong.

Special forces teams are already on the ground, and once the EBS is activated, they will move in to eliminate these safe havens. This is a war on a scale we have never seen before, and it is happening in real time. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere left to hide.

Final Words of Preparation

We are days away from the most significant event in human history. The EBS alert is not just an emergency broadcast — it is the key to unlocking the chains that have bound humanity for centuries.

The Earth Alliance, Starlink, and the military are all in place, ready to execute the final phase of this plan. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is about to begin.

But with freedom comes responsibility. You must be ready—physically, mentally, and spiritually—for the challenges that lie ahead.

Once the EBS sounds, there will be no turning back. The corrupt system will be dismantled piece by piece, and the truth will finally be revealed.

Stay strong, stay alert, and trust the plan. The time for talking is over. Now, it’s time for action.

Thinking about the meaning of money during the transition period to the 5th dimension – There is no need to be reluctant to “accept money”

We write content that serves as a guide to  fifth-dimensional thinking.

In a world that has ascended to the 5th dimension, the GESARA law will be activated and there will be no need for money. On the other hand, we cannot live without money today.

I often hear the question: how should I think about the current situation where I have to think about managing my finances, even though I am trying to become a 5D thinker?

However, I believe that once you understand the true meaning of money, there is no need to feel extreme resistance to receiving money in today’s world.

In this article  I would like to think  about the meaning of “money” at this time of transition to the 5th dimension.

3D/5D Thinking and How to Think About Money

How is money treated in the 3rd and 5th dimensions?

The 3D world is currently dominated by money, and it is said that the 5D world will be a world where money is no longer needed.

First, let’s understand the current situation and future understanding of money.

3D world and control by money

First, let’s talk about money in the three-dimensional world that many people are trapped in.  It can be said that  the world we live in  is dominated by money.

Let’s take a closer look at how we are controlled by money.

First of all, in the 3D world,  it is impossible to survive  without money.

Money is defined as an indicator to determine the value of everything. Therefore, as long as you have money, you can achieve anything.

As a result, many people end up  focusing on making money  instead of living a happy life.  Profit  and loss become the standard of value and a world of fierce competition is expanding.

Money is something that awakens human greed and  awakens the desire for “more and more  .   As a result, an ugly mental world around money will open up.

To obtain money, a system called  work was created  . It is a system in which we allocate our time to work and receive money in exchange for our work.

We have been led to believe that we have to work to survive.

(The author believes that this mechanism was created so that the 4D layer could control the 3D world.)

The key to this system is the premise that the time we live can also be converted into money, as time → labor → money.

In other words,  a world based on money ignores  the individuality of our existence and the time in which we live.

As proof of this, we should think that work is the same no matter who does it, as long as it is worth paying for the work.

Thus, in a three-dimensional world, everything, including our existence and the time we live, are all measured and controlled by a single standard of value: money.

Since there is a system in which money is something that controls us, it is natural for people who have awakened to feel a sense of resistance to receiving money.

What is a fifth-dimensional world without money?

On the other hand, it is said that money is no longer necessary in the 5th dimensional world.

It is said that 5D thinking is  basically  a spirit of sharing and recognizing the value of each other  . And the most valuable thing in the 5th dimensional world is the person himself and what only that person can do.

For example, it is said that the world will become a world in which people who are good at farming will create food, and people who are good at construction will be able to build houses, and so on, and people will exchange skills with each other.

The important thing  is to respect  the individuality  of what only that person can do. If the axis of value is individual, a single standard of value called money will no longer work.

Furthermore, from a theoretical point of view, the system of converting the time we live into work and money will no longer be valid.

There are multiple time axes in the 5th dimension. Unless everyone lives in the same time, it would also be impossible to mechanically convert time into money.

The way we use our time has changed dramatically and it is important that each of us uses our time to live our lives in our own way. In other words,  we live for  our own  mission.

If people who have worked mindlessly until now do not know their mission, they will have nothing to exchange with others and the world may become even more painful.

However, to this end, the GESARA law will be activated and a system will be introduced that guarantees the minimum amount of money to survive.

You can live without doing anything for now, and by demonstrating your own worth, you can choose to live in a way that helps others.

You can see that the GESARA method is simply  a transition mechanism  from a world with money to a world without money.

To summarize what has been said so far, in the 5th dimensional world, we will be in a world where the greatest value is placed on our existence, on our individuality and on the things that only we can do.

Money is no longer necessary because value cannot be measured by a single yardstick. Furthermore, because we respect each other’s values, there is no conflict.

On the other hand, it can be said that the 3D world is the opposite.

It can be said that our existence and individuality are being ignored. All things are measured by a single value called money, so we live in a world where conflicts occur because of money.

How should we view money during the transition to the 5th dimension?

So far, I have written about the 3D world, which is dominated by money, and the 5D world, where there is no need for money. I have realized that money is a single standard for measuring everything, even our existence and our time.

In these circumstances, I often hear people say, “Even though I am trying to move toward 5D thinking, I can’t let go of my financial concerns.”

It is true that we are now trying to move into a fifth-dimensional way of seeing things, but it may seem that nothing has changed in the way money moves in the visible world.

However, if you understand the original meaning of money, you can think about it without contradicting 5D thinking. This may  be the meaning of  money during the transition period from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension.

Here we will consider the true meaning of money and explain how to understand it during the period of transition to the 5th dimension.

The true meaning of money and the wrong way to understand it in the 3D world

I wrote that in the 3D world money controls us. However, money originally did not have the meaning of controlling people.

What is the true meaning of money?

In conclusion, money  is a visible indicator of someone’s (something’s) worth  .

For example, when it comes to haircuts, the skill that allows you to cut hair well is valuable. In the case of food, the value is included in the price of the item itself, the manufacturing technology, the shipping, etc.

Money is something that can be quantified properly according to its value.

The important thing here is that the value of someone (something) comes first,  and not the money itself  . It is important that you do not make mistakes at this point.

In the three-dimensional world, money has value as something that is earned through hard work, and people mistakenly believe that they can achieve anything if they have money and believe that money has value.

You may also have learned how to take care of money, such as “don’t mistreat money.” To some extent, these teachings played a role in increasing the value of money.

5th dimension
5th dimension

However, money represents the value of someone (something), so if you treat it badly, you are treating things or people badly. That is why we are taught to treat money, which represents value, with care.

The meaning of money changes completely depending on whether you value the people and things that money values, or whether you value money itself.

The way we see money in the 3D world is by valuing the money itself.

How to Understand Money During the Transition to the 5th Dimension

So how should we view money now that we are in the transition period into the 5th dimension?

The answer has already been given, but  we must return to the original meaning of money and understand that  money is nothing more than a numerical representation of the value of people and things.

Unfortunately, 3D thinkers may be chasing money because they think it has value. It turns out that those of us who are moving toward 5D thinking don’t agree with that.

Some people ask, “Is it okay for me to get paid for what I do, even though we are moving into the 5th dimension?”

However, a world where money is no longer needed will only come when everyone can recognize each other’s value. In the transition period to the 5th dimension, we are still in a state where value can only be determined by money.

People who think, “Is it okay to accept money?” Don’t you attach some kind of special value to money itself? In other words, you put money before your value.

Instead, the important thing is to recognize the value of what only you can do. Feeling guilty about not getting paid can actually be a sign of low self-esteem.

Regarding the activities of the Alice Mama Family, people sometimes ask, “Are you accepting money even though you are trying to advance to the 5th dimension?”

People who ask this also think that what we do is to make money. It means that the person himself believes that money is something to be earned.

Instead, we assign value to our activities and what we can do, and we set a value proportional to that in monetary terms.

And  all you have to do is be happy with someone who recognizes your value  . You don’t have to deal with people who don’t want to recognize the value of things, like “Why are you accepting money?” or “Isn’t the price too high?”

In fact, this way of linking money to one’s own value is something that athletes and artists, for example, already do.

You probably don’t play sports or arts to make money. You will recognize your own talents and make it your purpose in life to improve them.

I think that by recognizing this yourself and being recognized by others, money will come naturally. You may notice that this way of thinking does not follow the order of wanting to make money → wanting recognition, but rather the order of doing what you want → finding someone who approves → receiving money.

At the same time, as he says, “Even if I work part-time, I will still play in the band,” and it seems there are big obstacles for him to be able to make a living from that alone.

This is probably because sports and the arts, which should be attractive to every person, are measured by a single value called money.

However, in the 5th dimensional world, when GESARA is activated, the money-based control system will collapse. Therefore, it can be said that we are approaching a world where every value is recognized.

We are currently in a rehearsal phase for the transition to the 5th dimension.

The first thing to do is to find  a value that is unique to you  and then admit it  to yourself  . Feel free to assign a value that is appropriate to your value.

The important thing is not to think about money first, but to value your own values. As long as you do things in the right order, you won’t feel overly reluctant to receive money.

In fact, if you firmly recognize your worth, money will mysteriously come to you based on your worth.

And you will be  grateful to someone who recognizes your value  , even if it means paying money.  That feeling of gratitude should circulate again and come back to you.


In this article, I have tried to think about the meaning of “money” from a 3D and 5D perspective.

In fact, it turns out that money in the third dimension has come to be worth more than its original meaning, which has created a wrong way of thinking about money.

The feeling of disgust and guilt about getting money probably comes from the way money is perceived in the three-dimensional world.

So from now on, I think it would be a good idea to think in 5 dimensions and shift to a 5-dimensional way of thinking about money during the transition period to 5 dimensions.

Of course, a world where money is not needed is ideal, but that does not mean that money will disappear all at once.

So let’s start by letting go of the wrong way we think about money.  It means  stopping thinking that money comes first and changing our perception that  our own worth comes first.

And instead of competing for money,  we will shift to a mindset of  sharing the value that each of us has.

Money is just a tool and a measure, so it is possible to change our perceptions even in a world with money.

Stay true to your original understanding of money and embrace the transition period into the 5th dimension with enthusiasm.

↓We offer advice on how to think about money, how to approach fifth-dimensional thinking, etc.



Light Conquers Darkness

History  shows that the powers of darkness always lose when God steps in. When the first missionaries began to spread across the earth two thousand years ago, they drove out the cruel bestiality that characterized every ancient culture.   Light drives out darkness!   As Christ said:

“You are the light of the world.”

Unfortunately, the reality of love and kindness has, on many occasions, been turned into a dead and oppressive religion by the wicked, causing many people to turn away from it and return to the kingdom of darkness.  But over the past two thousand years of history, we have seen an increase in well-being throughout the earth, where people have discovered a Creator of love and kindness, who came to them in Jesus Christ.
People no longer had to live in fortified cities, plague-ridden and corrupt, because outside the cities there was only violence, death, and cruelty. People were no longer tortured in the city markets. People no longer ate each other and publicly offered their babies to demonic gods.

As the kingdom of love and light broke through, thanks to courageous missionaries, the last century literally became the most prosperous period in all of history, with paid vacations, health care, abundant food, safe travel, free time to truly enjoy life (which was unheard of in the past, when people always had to work hard to survive), and so on.



The Great Awakening

Q,   however, has never promoted this theology of escape, but instead calls for a worldwide reformation and restoration of the world. Once humanity awakens from the media mind control and begins to reconnect with the source of truth, life, and love, a bright future awaits us.

This is also why I am writing this post, to help everyone who reads it become aware of the international attack on humanity.

The Covid pandemic, and the next planned pandemics, serve to destroy our world, and enslave us to the clutches of the wicked. Their strategy is simple: ‘warn’ the world of a danger, make it happen, and then say:



‘See, we warned you. Now listen to us, and let us take control of your lives, to protect you.’

It may seem impossible to fight against multi-billionaires and even trillionaires who own almost all the governments and media in the world. However, Q has shown humanity that there is hope. These top-level military intelligence experts have not bowed down to the darkness, but are holding tightly to Christ.

For decades they have been preparing a plan to save the world from this invasion of darkness.

As  the New World Order plans are implemented, they are indeed causing an unprecedented awakening in the world, as more and more people see with their own eyes what the so-called “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for decades.



They feel oppression, see their rights being taken away from them, witness the destruction of entire nations by a disease with a 99.7% survival rate, and so on.

Although the times we live in are very difficult, there is great progress in all of this. As the Bible says:

‘The Lord uses all things for good to those who love him.’

The wicked will fall by their own swords!

I want to end with a powerful and heartfelt prayer posted by Q…




Strengthen my faith, Lord. Forgive my sins, so that I may be cleansed in Your righteousness. Make me courageous, so that I may stand and fight the spiritual battles in my life and in our world. Give me Your wisdom and discernment so that I am not caught off guard. Together, Lord, we will win, because in truth, You have already won.

While evil still roams, the power of Your name and Your blood rises to defeat and bring us victory over every evil planned against us. Though malicious actions may trouble us, we use the armor of God that You have given us to stand firm.

You will bring justice in due time for all the evil and unnecessary violence directed against Your children. Until then, we remain in Your presence, aligned with Your purposes, and look to You as our Supreme Commander and Protector.  Help us avoid temptation and deliver us from evil, Lord. You are the Mighty One, the One who will finally bring all evil to light. With You, Jesus, we are safe. Amen.






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions




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