You are currently viewing Lemurian Grids ~ Power Week ~ Cosmic Love Is in the Air * Activating NEW Stories ~  Beings of Crystalline Light

Lemurian Grids ~ Power Week ~ Cosmic Love Is in the Air * Activating NEW Stories ~  Beings of Crystalline Light

Lemurian Grids ~ Power Week ~ Cosmic Love Is in the Air * Activating NEW Stories ~  Beings of Crystalline Light



Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand

Universal Alliance of Light


Greetings Holy Ones of our 144000 Wayshowers of New Earth

Great Spirit continues to send all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 massive waves of the Creation Flame to prepare for tomorrow’s Celestial Alignment with the Harvest Full Supermoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Water Sign Pisces the Fish. This Event is bridging in the Divine Feminine Goddess Yin Energies of the Holy Waters of Infinite Source Creator.

We have higher resonance in Mother Earths “heartbeat” today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of  57 and 59 hz, Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Anchored in and Rising.

Pachamama also received two massive activations today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with the most powerful magnitude 6.5 earthquake in British Columbia, Canada at 22:22 UTC and a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Northern Mariana Islands at 11:36 UTC. All our Priestesses and Priests of our New Lemuria holding the Keys and Codes for the Raising of the Sacred Land of Mu for all our Good People of the New Earth

As Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun transform into Crystalline Light Bodies of Infinite Life all our Star Nations and Universal families of Light join in this Great Celebration and Transformation to 5D Avatars of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment forever more… A’Ho!









The last 2 months has allowed the OLD Grids stored in the Magma and Tectonic Plates to be released.
Specifically Lemurian Grids.
Archiving OLD stories + Emotions in HER body and our bodies
…and Activating NEW stories.
❤ Valerie


pure creation
pure creation



~ Lauren Zimmerman ✨️

There are more crafts in the atmosphere of Earth than have been here for 40.000 years.
If you understand the reason behind this, you will understand that Change is imminent for Earth and its reality..✨️
Visionary Art by Matheus Creative

Cosmic Love Is in the Air

Many powerful divine compliments coming into union
Embrace union with a clean slate, pure heart and wide open arms
These unions will take this freedom ride to a whole new level and will have missions that fit together perfectly
When two whole divine compliments come into balance harmony and union a third even more powerful energy is created
Two become One
Cosmic Love Is in the Air
Cosmic Love Is in the Air

Monday 16 September : The Power Week

And so it begins, the power week of September that includes the Full Moon and Eclipse on Wednesday and the Equinox!
It began on Saturday with a real Whoosh of power with the X.4 Class Solar Flare. Wow, was that ever a BIG one and it has raised the Solar frequencies at the same time as the Lunar frequencies are rising in preparation for the Full Moon/Eclipse and then the Equinox.
Yes, this is a big one for sure. Be kind to yourself and others, because it may be hard on your mental and emotional aspects as you integrate this energy to raise your own frequencies and shift more fully into your new soul mission. Changes may be rapid and shocking, but always positive.
This energy is also taking relationships to a new level, with more openness and intimacy. For soul connected relationships there will be deep infusions of love and sensuality as the Sacral Chakra opens fully, and more expressions of intimacy and love as the Throat Chakra opens to higher expressions of union and joy.
Hold on everyone….this is going to be a wild ride of joy and pleasure and realignment as we, and the Earth, realign to our true selves within the new templates of the Human Angel and the Being of Crystalline Light.
Power Week
Power Week

A deepening frequency is rising within hearts throughout this world. It is rising through the earth, moving through the ley lines and beginning to infiltrate and saturate the deepest shadows of the old world traumas.
This frequency, as it rises and deepens in you and me, is breaking down and dissolving the shadow parts of us too. Our wounding, hurts, sorrow, pain … all trauma locked away in the deepest recesses of our minds and bodies, is moving now, dissipating, often playing out in someway as it rises into the light that we truly are.
This deepening frequency is called LOVE. Pure, powerful, divine love … this is our essence, and who we are. We are shedding the dross that has anchored us for lifetimes and lifting into the true lightness and beauty of our truth, RIGHT NOW.
You will be feeling the changes in you.
You will be seeing the changes in your life.
You will be sensing the changes coming.
You will be realising, or beginning to realise, what is happening and why.
This is why we are here now, and the reason we came. WE ARE THE CHANGE!
We are ‘pure love’ and through our rising purity, change comes. Opening into that deep trust within us, we know, all is well, all is perfect within the divine flow of ‘Love’.
We are in this together, a powerful, positive wave of purity, becoming brighter, clearer and more present- everyday.
~ Janine 💛



Alexander Quinn – Starseed

End of September Energy Forecast

Twice each year eclipses significantly impact both our internal and external environments. The eclipse season is characterised by rapid, unforeseen changes that present unique opportunities for personal and collective transformation, including substantial breakthroughs and developmental leaps for the light worker. By intensifying pressure and discomfort, eclipses accelerate our growth, prompting us to let go of outdated patterns, embrace life upgrades, and cultivate heightened self-awareness. This eclipse marks the first of the season and the first in Pisces since 2017 and along with the solar flooding, sun activity will bring not only more upgrades of the physical nature, but a tightened sense of that which does not align wanting to fall away now. Pisces, the twelfth and final sign of the Zodiac, symbolises both endings and beginnings.
As a mutable water sign, Pisces emphasises the importance of surrendering, relinquishing control, and trusting life’s natural flow. It is closely associated with the fundamental nature of reality, guiding us to align with what is meant to be, beyond our personal desires and resistance. As we journey through all twelve zodiac signs, the sense of identity formed through previous stages dissolves in Pisces, allowing us to reconnect with the collective whole if the egoic mind has become light enough to let the higher self play out the potential misinterpreted upgrade unfolding. Lightworkers will be experiencing themes of closure and completion. Towards the end of this month of September, it’s really going to show the starseeds where to examine what is ending in their lives and how we navigate these transitions, particularly when we face uncertainty about the next phase which the higher self already has planned out. The lunar nodes hold significant meaning in both Vedic and evolutionary astrology.
In evolutionary astrology, the lunar South Node represents habitual tendencies, behaviours, and patterns that keep us anchored in the past, often perpetuating familiar cycles. It reflects our innate talents but also highlights areas where we may become stagnant. In Vedic astrology, the South Node, known as Ketu, is linked to detachment, past karma, and spiritual insight. The South Node has been in Libra since July 2023 and will transition to Virgo in January 2025. The North Node in evolutionary astrology points to the collective direction of evolution, urging growth and exploration. It serves as the counterbalance to the South Node’s pull. In Vedic astrology, this point, called Rahu, is associated with materialism, ambition, and worldly success. Currently located in the early degrees of Aries, the North Node will shift into Pisces in January 2025.
This lunar eclipse in Pisces, aligned with the North Node in Aries, Is really going to show the lightworker where to release anything hindering our forward progress, close outdated cycles, and embrace new growth. As a precursor to the North Node’s ingress into Pisces, this event underscores the importance of surrendering to life’s flow, relinquishing comfort zones, and creating space for fresh beginnings. That along with other up and coming events, it’s a time of letting go of the old and closing up cycles whether you are ready or not! Something I have been speaking about for the last month or so in recent posts. You’re upgrading your car / House. The financials and paperwork can be mystifying, but just wait until you drive or sit in your new abode and contemplate what all the stress was really about in the first place. Embrace the change. You are ascending.
 The sun is about to give us another large wave of energy which is incoming and growing any moment now going to the next 24 hours. There will be a time fractal and physical upgrade BOTH at the same time. Just walk and breathe through it. Lots of love. AQ


Light Codes of Infinite Creation
Light Codes of Infinite Creation


9/16/24: Ready or not, it’s time to fly. Bridges burn behind you, towers will fall today, and you can’t go back. You don’t belong there. Tomorrow’s Pisces supermoon brings fulfillment of your life’s journey so far. It is both the omega and the alpha. But it is today when you spread your wings to greet your destiny. 2024, and the Dragon energy that fuels it, promised you empowerment. What you’ve been doing over the past 8 years is preparing yourself to handle that power responsibly and respectfully…
to stand balanced in who you are and ready to claim all that you can be. This energy is not just metaphorical. It’s very real and personal and we will see its effects moving forward. Remember, though, as you shift, that karma is very much in play. Be present, alert, and spiritually engaged. You do not fly alone.
Dragon energy
Dragon energy
Energy update.
Pre Eclipse…Eclipse Eve…DownUnder.
Interesting terminology my guides are using reflecting a state of BEing…being on the cusp of…a pre cursor…the cursor is there waiting…PROMPTing…the next LINES in the SCRIPT. One’s SCRIPTures back to self.
A significant timeLINE shift BEing felt. The hands of time BEing the hands that write the next LINE.
The poised hand hovers over the blank page.
Where shall we go?
In which direction?
NORTH. EAST. WEST. SOUTH. What will be reported on the NEWS.
What will be the SCRIPT written when tomorrow comes.
A narrative…a story that began some 250 million years ago, in a land far far away…in another uni verse…another dimension where we were all one united front…the sands in the hour glass are about to be turned over by grandfather Chronos…hence Grandfather clocks.
It seems we are levitating within a magical fairytale.
A dream upon a dream upon a dream.
A surreal tale to be told to the future generations.
How could one ever deSCRIBE what was experienced during The Great Awakening of Self.
What words would one use, when no words seem beFITTING. As it was deSIGNed only to be felt. To be lived. Such is the transFORMation of life within this realm.
The human, unbeKNOWING what had beFALLEN before it, and the task that was at HAND.
But now, BEing here, it feels so WRITE. Like waiting for a phone call you somehow know, is never going to come. Because you don’t need to hear it. You already know. The higher self has come onLINE.
The lull between worlds, a hazy blur.
But still we keep walking. One step in front of the other, and the brave foot finding the pavement with a solid resounding thud.
What will tomorrow bring? Well now, that all depends.
What FRAME of mind will you enter it with.
One of trust, faith and surety of the destination?
I surely hope so.
Let’s meet up on that blindingly lit path.
The path named Destiny Close.
On the street with no words
In your eyes, I will know your name.
Peace x
The path named Destiny Close
The path named Destiny Close


Dear friends, as we stand at the threshold of the Supermoon Lunar Eclipse climaxing on Tuesday September 17, 2024, the mystical waters of the Universe beckon us to dive in. Like a master weaver, the cosmos has crafted a tapestry of complex celestial energies, enveloping us in its intricate threads. The eclipse corridor, September 16/17–October 2/3, is officially open.
And this special energetic window starts a spiritual tsunami, washing away the old, and birthing the new. This 25° Pisces lunar eclipse is the catalyst, urging us to surrender to its transformative power.
Five main threads of transformation await us during this eclipse corridor period that starts today:
Emotional Liberation: we will be urged to let go of the past, and surrender to the emotional catharsis that this intense magnetic and feminine Supermoon brings.
Spiritual Awakening: Pisces’ energy awakens our intuition, guiding us toward the mystical realms and communication with non-physical dimensions.
Relational Renaissance: The eclipse opposition to the electric and masculine Sun in Virgo holds up a mirror, reflecting our deepest desires, and forcing us to confront the truth in our family and relationships dynamics.
Karmic Cleansing: The Pisces-Virgo axis purges us of past patterns, liberating us from karma’s grip. This will be a key topic during these upcoming two weeks.
Holistic Harmony: Virgo’s practicality and Pisces’ compassion lift us toward self-care, wellness, and holistic healing. It’s time to nurture yourself as you move through this intense transformational period.
On top of the Moon and the Sun playing their main roles, a few planetary influences are also coming into the front line. As the celestial orchestra plays its symphony, Neptune conducts the spiritual awakening, Jupiter expands our emotions and relationships, Saturn stabilizes our growth, and Uranus sparks unexpected events and innovative solutions and perspectives.
Therefore, during the opening of this eclipse corridor under the enlightening Supermoon Pisces eclipse, we can expect to experience deep emotional intensity and sensitivity, increased intuition and multidimensional communication, relationship revelations and transformations, spiritual growth and awakening, and deep karmic/ancient patterns clearing and releases.
The time has arrived to embrace our vulnerability, and release the emotional burdens that have been weighing us down. Nurture self-care, and engage in holistic wellness activities. Seek spiritual guidance, and connection with like minded individuals who can support your journey of transformation and higher timelines post-eclipse. It’s time to re-evaluate relationships and boundaries. Trust the universe’s plan, and surrender to this amazing process of transformation.
This Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is a cosmic invitation to transformation, dear friends. Let us embark on this journey, and emerge reborn, renewed, and radiant. Welcome to the second eclipse corridor of 2024.
Stay tuned for daily updates as we navigate together these amazing cosmic waves. Have a great week.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Beloved Ones,
We are crossing the threshold into a new destination. Many of you are now strongly feeling the Piscean lunar eclipse that is already being formed in our Heavens. The Piscean eclipse acts as the antechamber of the energies that we will be working with during 2025. Energies that are key to helping us awaken our ninth chakra, ending the reconnection to our monadic dimension, and starting with the process of healing and activating our sapphire body.
Many of you who have already healed disconnection and other healing anomalies, and are already working with your ninth chakra, embodying the liquid Gold Light that is the result of monadic activation/integration and that will signify a major opening in your soul mission, for many of you are now embodying new aspects of your purpose, receiving new divine assignments to continue contributing into our current planetary transition.
We all have our time to find a more harmonic state of being, for all needs to occur within a Divine Order for All Creation.
The Piscean eclipse will align Neptune, square to Jupiter which expands Piscean and Neptunian essence, and harmonizes with Uranus, propitiating the transformation and adaptation to change required for us to continue with our process of metamorphosis, as we are literally becoming anew, in mind, body and spirit.
The eclipse will provide us with the healing frequencies required for us to focus especially on healing pineal anomalies, as I see often, have imprints, inserts, or implants in your pineal, as well as many other Indigo manipulations that impede you from being the Divine messenger and emissary that you are, for it blocks your ability to fully receive all the guidance you are naturally meant to descend, as part of the Divine.
Pisces offers us the opportunity to heal our upper chakras, and female and masculine trauma, restoring our shoulder blades, and our polarities, and reclaiming our wings, for we were never made to crawl but to fly high within the many Divine dimensions.
Pisces will also show us where we are reticent to move forward, what we have not healed yet, and what has been unified, as a cosmic ally to help us move into a more illumined space. Feelings that can too manifest in our feet, and hips, where we often hide our repressed emotions, and our fears to live within divine love and joy, moving forward from the old and embracing the new, that even if unknown bring many blessings for our new path.
When your body is ready the activation of your Crown complex and shoulder portals does not go unnoticed. It feels like a total download that fills the body with an immense feeling of love, gratitude, joy, and tears of remembrance. The expression, the tingling feeling as I previously shared, and many other similar feelings will inform you that you are under this process, for you are always no matter where you are on your path, under the process of becoming more loved, sovereign and free.
Just keep walking your chosen path, keep being who you are, showing up for yourself each day, as you too show up and care for others. The path is about walking it and learning from it, not about the final destination.
Focusing on our body, and becoming fully aware of what they need is pivotal to embody the divine transmissions that we are receiving at this time. Self-observation and neutral witnessing are key when we are experiencing challenging situations and many body sensations, as our bodies will not only manifest the trauma from this present timeline but from all the timelines we can heal, for as ascending souls we are now ready to confront our shadows and heal all parallel timelines.
Learning to scan our bodies and emotions is vital for us to know what we truly feel, from what is another form of illusion, or egoic pattern, from what is authentic and is informing us of what we need to heal, and from what specific timeline.
Self-exploration, always from a balanced space, will help us determine if what we are feeling belongs to us and is authentic, or if it belongs to something we have created, or being implanted, or indeed something that belongs to another timeline. It can also belong to others, as many of you as empaths and telempathics may be feeling what your familiar, closest ones, or even others (including the planet, the land, animals, and all living forms) are feeling, and it is not yours to carry.
Pisces enhances your intuitive and telempathic abilities, and when we are grounded and balanced we can discern what we are experiencing from what should be filtered, as many of you are Violet holders, stabilizers, and karmic transmuters and will too filter the collective trauma, now being emphasized as we are witnessing.
We all have the same abilities as part of God’s Source, there are not privileged ones on this path, and even though the mission is facilitated in some ways so we can be able to fulfill it, it is through inner work and especially detection of our energetic blockages what start awakening our unique divine abilities.
We have now a propitious and wonderful passage to look within, where everything we need is, healing, guidance, joy, love, and everything we may think we can obtain from the outside.
A passage to be lived from a space of service not just to the Self but to All, as Pisces and Virgo too remind us at this time.
We are heading into a totally New Cycle governed by the power of All united as One, the power of the people together for a more illumined cause that helps the whole retrieve its sovereignty and freedom.
The more we look within and heal ourselves, the more we are helping All on their path to become free sovereign beings, for what we do for ourselves we do for All.
May you love yourselves and your Divine uniqueness unconditionally, Beloveds.
Thank you for your loving and healing essence.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Art by: Forest Spiritual Art
Divine Order for All Creation
Divine Order for All Creation


Honour Your True Light Expression
Be The True You
Sit in Light
Anchor Light
Be In Light
Simply Honouring your True Presence is a Quantum Leap to Reaching Both Worlds of Light.
Be the Observer of Your Reality ❤
A True Anchor of Light 💥
With Love Wayshower,
Together We Join In Light
Karen Lithika
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Soul Team Alliance



Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Emotional blockages are clearing away. It is becoming easier access the truth of what has been in the way of wealth and success. Trust your intuition that’s revealing this information. This is all happening because you are moving through the threshold into the 5D New Earth through this Eclipse Season. Knowing the facts will help you in revitalizing your life force energy so you can harness this and create the reality you do want. It starts with getting stable and healthy. Whatever has been depleting you is purifying with the Full Moon Eclipse for you to recover, and get your strength and determination back.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



Hi Big Fella by Cupid Creations
Hi Big Fella by Cupid Creations

Ra James

Today Mars in Cancer is square the Nodes of the Moon in Aries and Libra. Fate and destiny are in the air. This means we are also addressing past life lessons. The Moons Nodes always serve as our guides in life. The South Node is our subconscious. It represents old habits and patterns that we are still holding on too. The North Node is our conscious motivations. It’s where we need to go. When Mars squares the Nodes it brings any unresolved past dynamics up for transformation. You may be facing or working through certain karmic challenges in this lifetime.
Expect a huge clearing of whatever you’re currently working through, or moving through. Cancer is a sign that protects its heart. Mars encourages us to build bridges rather than walls. Mars in Cancer will bring us closer to those we care about and love. Allow yourself time to relax, chill and heal. Today Venus in Libra also aligns with Chiron in Aries. This alignment will be shining a light on your relationship wounds, and any dynamics that bring out your insecurities and leave you feeling triggered.
This is so that you can heal these areas. Tomorrow’s Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be bringing endings, and fated changes to your life. Expect the unexpected as Eclipses are the ultimate wildcard and can go any which way…
Fate and destiny are in the air
Fate and destiny are in the air


The Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Sept 17th is in Pisces, the first in nine years, begins a new energetic cycle with Eclipses across the Pisces-Virgo axis until Feb 2027.

The New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on Oct 2nd Illuminates our Soul Path, marking a complete Rebirth from the Shadows into the New Earth Timeline, and initiates Accelerated Cosmic Recalibration and Destined Changes.
This Lunar Eclipse occurs in the Spiritual, Psychic sign of Pisces, marking the beginning of an energetic cycle that will play out until Feb 2027.
This is the 1st Eclipse in Pisces after 9 years.
The Lunar Nodes are still in Aries and Libra, & they are shifting to the Virgo/Pisces axis in Jan 2025: the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Pisces represents the energy shift through the Lunar Nodes changing signs.
This Lunar Eclipse is conjunct Neptune at 28° Pisces, adding an energetic layer of Mysticism, Dreams, Intuition, Psychic & Healing Powers, bringing us deep into our subconscious, asking us to embrace Spiritual Insights, and navigate emotional Transformation.
This is a time to honor the destined endings-cycles, relationships, & belief systems that no longer align with our Soul Truth. Pay close attention to the spiritual insights flowing through; they’re guiding us toward our next expansion.
Trust in the Divine Timing of these changes, even if they feel intense or unfamiliar.
Our emotional body is undergoing a deep recalibration, making space for the Activation of our unique Soul Gifts. As we step into this New Energetic Cycle, many will be drawn toward True Soul Connections – those Aligned relationships and opportunities that resonate with our Soul Essence.
This Eclipse Season is bringing us deep into our Subconscious, Spiritual Insights, and Transformation of our Emotional Body.
There is an energy of Destined endings, wiping the energetic slate clean, followed by New Destined Beginnings, Activating our Soul Gifts and True Soul Connections.
The Eclipse Season is here to assist with coming into the new branch of reality, clearing the dissonance between the Heart and the Mind, between what the Soul wants and the societal expectations and conditioning.
These societal “norms” and “guidelines” are collapsing into the New Energies, burning into ashes, in order to reemerge from the absolutely different Intention.
📸Celestialmoonfire Art
Rebirth from the Shadows into the New Earth Timeline
Rebirth from the Shadows into the New Earth Timeline

Adrienne Elise

It’s a big week with a Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse happening on Sept. 17th/18th. This Full Moon happens at 25 degrees Pisces, not too far away from Neptune. This Full Moon, happening with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, is an opportunity to re-write our story and our life.

Mercury in Virgo is ready to go, now that he has come out of retrograde shadow. Mercury is coming into a square with Saturn in Pisces, pushing the boundaries on the delusions and lies that have kept us from our Full Potential. We are beginning to see through the veil of the past, and set ourselves free to a New Future. Mercury’s three squares with Uranus is showing us the Power we have, to shine as the Light of the World. But only if we can claim it back.

Mars is in Cancer, fighting for Her. Mars is activating the Mother’s warrior in all of us. We have no time to fight against, in hate or division, the only way forward is Love.

Mars is coming into T-square with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. The Nodes of the Moon are about how to move forward, and what might be holding us back. Mars wants to move, into the Mother’s Ideal Timeline. The only way forward is by claiming our spiritual autonomy back from where we have given it away. Everywhere that we still have loyalties to lower energies is arising, so that we can break the toxic ties.

Venus is in her home sign of Libra, coming into opposition with Chiron in Aries. We are fighting for our Creation Life Forces. She must be the one to take it back, from where it has been given away. We are reclaiming our precious resources, back from the lower energies which would use it to cause harm. We are doing it Her Way Now. Unstoppable Love.

Dragon are beautiful beings existing at the beginning of creation.
Dragon are beautiful beings existing at the beginning of creation.
On Monday, September 16th, we are only one day before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces….do you feel the energies building? Today lovely Venus, ruler of love and connection, in the partnership sign Libra will oppose Chiron, ruler of past wounds and traumas, in assertive Aries. We may be face to face with our karmic challenges within relationships.
This can also include the relationship with ourselves! So, where are the Libra Scales out of balance? Issues that are needing to be looked at now include: codependency, being a peacemaker, lack of balance and cooperation, an either-or mentality, and not having good boundaries. It is time to look deeper into where the “scales” are tipped and rebalance them if need be.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Venus in Libra opposite Chiron retrograde in Aries. Mars in Cancer square the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra – The atmosphere is prickly and uncomfortable. Promises of blessings and abundance recede as memories of pain, loss and rejection gather pace. But it’s necessary for us to face what hurts, heal (or make peace with) the past, and find our strength again. Courageous action now has karmic significance, the potential to carry us forward into new territory, the opportunity for growth.
But first to crawl out of the shell, out of that safe space built when times were hard and scary. Time to fly the nest little bird. Sometimes we need a push to get past self-doubt. Sometimes it seems easier to settle instead of pursuing our greatest passions. The key to healing is to be brave and follow your heart. Blow a kiss to your future self. I’m on my way, my love, I’m on my way!
Degrees and Times
Mars 06°Cn38′, North Node 06°Ar38′ R, South Node 06°Li38′ R – 03:24 (BST)
Venus 22°Li25′, Chiron 22°Ar25′ R – 22:28 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – The Nest by John Everett Millais
The Nest
The Nest

Kin 71 ~ Blue Rhythmic Monkey

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Balance, Organize and Equalize’. The number six is all about restoring balance in your life. It is a necessary process as we all seem to have a tendency to wobble too much in one direction or the other, leaving us a bit disoriented. ‘Rhythmic’ days essentially are about taking care of these important things, so you can reconfigure your energy. Today, make a list and organize your life as you can’t progress effectively until you do so anyway.
Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. How on earth do you organize the Monkey? Ha! Monkey will mess with your head today if you do not address practical matters. Why wouldn’t you want to get things done and re-balance yourself? If you avoid these things Monkey will catch you out. If you choose the wrong course of action things will not turn out well. The most important thing to remember is that Monkey is only trying to show you the right way for your own good! This practical Monkey is better behaved than most as he is more balanced.
Today is Guided by Monkey too, so it is a double helping of this message. When it’s a double Monkey day, anything can happen. But don’t panic! A Monkey day can be guided by either Blue Hand, Blue Storm, Blue Night or Blue Eagle. When he is guided by himself, he is not influenced by these other energies.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon which symbolizes nurturing among other things and so when in the challenging position, it makes it hard for them to find nurturing. If you think that Monkey gets on your back, be thankful you are not a Red Dragon. So if you are a Dragon, how do you get through this day? Well, you too can benefit from rebalancing, it’s just that you may have to try harder than everyone else.
The Occult power is the playful White Dog which represents ‘love and heart’. This is the nicest aspect of the day suggesting that despite today’s challenges, if you can still be loving – well that can lead to magical moments. Plus, Dog’s tenacity can be tapped into which aids this re-balancing act. When this playful puppy is in this position, the chances of magical, romantic encounters are more likely too.
The Ally today is the Yellow Star and so, do call upon one if you need assistance. If you are a Yellow Star, be prepared to be there for others, cheering them up with your sparkly personality. If you don’t have one at hand, you can be shiny like a star and be friendly and sparkly wherever you go today. Indulge with some art and enjoy this beautiful world!
Kin 71
Kin 71


6 CHUEN – KIN 71
ORGANIZING for Majikal PLAY! 💫💫
I ORGANIZE in order to PLAY
Balancing illusion
I seal the process of MAJIK
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
16/9/2024 = 7/9/8 = 7/17=7/8=15=6
16- The TOWER struck by LIGHTNING ⚡/Sudden unexpected events
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
15- Spiritual alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Fertility/Harmony/Joy
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 71 = 8 – ABUNDANCE/Infinity/Source FLOW 🌞🎆
Another DIVINELY MAJIKAL day with the FORCE of LOVE abundantly flowing 💖💖💖
Day 6 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges. Today is the day to ORGANIZE our physical reality to find BALANCE through the Majik of PLAY!
WORLDBRIDGER leads us from a world of imbalance, to a beautiful alternative New World of wonder and joy, filled with LOVE, BEAUTY HARMONY and greater balance.
💫WHITE MAJIK💫 and PLAY – THE BEST: combination = FUN, FUN, FUN!! 😊😊😊
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a day to find BALANCE in the physical body by PLAYING, by pushing the edges of what may be possible, to see that so much more BLISS 💞 is AVAILABLE, beyond the realm of this illusionary existence.
Divine blessings for muchos MAJIK, FUN, and DE-LIGHT-FUL merriment today! Better get used to it folks! BLISS IS ON ITS WAY! 🐬💕🐒💫
🙏Namaste’ ❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY 🐒🐒 CHUEN Today we are blessed with a DE-LIGHT-FULL code! DOUBLE the MAJIK💫💫 and DOUBLE the FUN🐬🐬, with our DOUBLE CHUEN day. We also have a majik 717 day code.and a 6 HEAVEN code… beautiful DIVINE MAJIK at PLAY today!!!!! Yipeeee!!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
A great day to LIGHTEN up, release all that was burdening you – take off that heavy brick laden backpack, kick off your shoes and run, skip, hop and jump barefoot in the park with your best buddies. BLUE MONKEY’s revel in the Art of Tom Foolery and PLAY! So today, beloveds we are in for a sweet TREAT! 🍧🍨🍦 Today is a CONEY ISLAND 🎡 (Amusement park) type of day!
Ariel Spilsbury author of The Mayan Oracle sums up the revelry as such;
“BLUE MONKEY🐒 represents the Divine Child,👶 the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, simplicity and joyful wonder.
❓What would it feel like to actually BE a magical child in this culture and time?
The secret that very few know, (because they may feel more comfortable trying to protect themselves) – is that the divine child offers the strongest of all protections, the invulnerability of openhearted Love. 💗
Through innocence, a kind of immunity is created that allows the divine child to be TRANSPARENT, so that the apparent ‘slings and arrows’ of the world can pass right through without being personalized into wounds, reactions or hurt feelings. This is the path of innocence regained. Transparency is the path of the new consciousness. Your spontaneous, divine child will usher in and anchor the new frequency.
❓How can you heal and nourish your inner child?
Explore what truly gives you JOY. 🐬 Find types of work that support your sensitivity and create deep satisfaction. Be simple: love, play, dance, draw, colour, sing. These activities are for all divine children – they serve the expression of the magical child in everyone.
Consciously make time for the joyful freedom and majik of play! “💫💫💫
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY is the Feng Shui Monkey 🐒 who will rearrange your furniture and environment in the most creative way, to build that play tent made from your Bed Sheets.. The best PLAY equipment comes through utilizing what you have access to. Imagination is the mother of invention!
Add a restful hammock in your garden or a mini tramp in your rumpus room. Add the whimsical, fun and colourful to your decor. Project the STARS and GALAXIES onto your ceiling. Use your talent to create and construct, add more LIGHT CATCHERS✨ to your windows which reflect the most Majikal rainbow prisms.🌈💎
Add the WOW FUN factor to your home.🏠.
It is time to balance our homes with our environment – blurring the boundaries so that there is no division – all areas invite you into a PLEASURE zone. The New Earth Architecture is FUN, inviting, warm, ORGANIC, sustainable and very, very comfortable!
The symbol for BLUE MONKEY is the dolphin,🐬🐬🐬 which epitomizes BLISS and the 5th Dimensional codes, so surround yourself in the Dolphin frequencies today to organize for more ecstatic BLISS!🐬💕🐬💕
BLUE MONKEY is also the TIME TRAVELER so today may be a little TRIPPY🌀🌀 as you slip through the veil into other dimensions and realms especially as we enter the ECLIPSE cauldron!.. A wonderful code to journey, astral travel and QUANTUM JUMP to NEW WORLDS.
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR🌟 LAMAT the beautiful graceful and diplomatic STAR is our supporting energy, inviting us to be the playful, creative Artist of our life. Select the hues from your rainbow palate to colour your world with the New frequencies of SOUND and LIGHT, with a sprinkle of SUNSHINE. 🌈🌞🌞
LAMAT is elevating our happiness quotient, and encouraging us to REACH FOR THE STARS. ✨
Swing on a STAR 🌟 and reach the furthest heights that you can imagine.
✨✨✨LIFE IS GREAT, and LIFE is filled with PEACE and JOY, as nature intended it to be, anything else is but an illusion.. LAMAT is guiding you in finding your “sweet spot”. LA DOLCE VITA. 🍧🍦😍
LAMAT assists us in creating more HARMONY🎶 in our world and being in the beauty of nature, celebrating the abundance and joy that surrounds us. Sing, dance, LAUGH and SHINE BRIGHTLY dear STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS! ☀✨ 🌸
✨The NEW TIME✨ allows us to express our JOY and creativity, to the MAX and celebrate our beautiful lives as a living work of ART..
You are the Artist👩 so make sure you PAINT a beautiful landscape! 🖌🎨🖼
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC DOG ✨🐕 OC asks us to OPEN our rose-petalled HEART🌹💗 and reach out to others around us that need some JOY, laughter and PLAY in their lives – which is EVERYONE on our planet right now!
The GALACTIC DOG implores us to respect ourselves and our kin, ensuring that we treat all souls as EQUALS.. focused on harmonizing the energies around us. As we organize our lives and our Divine Mission through total transparency and heart based devotion, we model the better lifestyle that we are all seeking.
In the past few years there has been much division and opposition which separated humanity. The way forward to UNITY is through an open compassionate HEART.💗 Accept and embrace all differing opinions whilst standing firmly in your TRUTH.
Shine your HEART❤ LIGHT✨ and then the TRUTH shall prevail and pave the way forward.
Use the power of compassion, connecting through your compassionate HEART, to create more Majik and wonderment in your day and make the world,.. our world a better place.
❓How can you make someone’s day BRIGHTER and LIGHTER today? 🤔🌞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON🐉 IMIX challenges us today to find balance through nurturing our bodies and our cell-ves, and that of nurturing others… There MUST be a harmonious BALANCE between giving and receiving.
The BEST WAY to find JOY and “treat” ourselves is to elevate our frequency through PLAY TIME! Especially if this involves PLAYING with our beloved kin – our friends, family and besties! Time for some much needed GROUP HUGS! 👫👬👭👫👬👭
✨A warm HUG a day keeps the “nasties” away, and boosts our IMMUNE system and our love quotient❤❤❤
RHYTHMIC IMIX is assisting RHYTHMIC CHUEN in organizing your PLAY SPACE, to be both FUN and life nurturing, a haven for your soul. Your own PEACEFUL SANCTUARY where you can REST and rejuvenate, in order to come out and PLAY again another day!
The shadow of IMIX can include trust and self-worth issues, like the child who feels rejected and isolated like a wall flower and refuses to dance. Do not wait on the sidelines to be invited – take the initiative and create your own MAJIK💫💫 in life. Through reaching out and nurturing others, you in turn can share the true healing power of LOVE! ❤❤❤
Today’s question is “How can I add more PLAY in my day, in order to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY in my LIFE?”
“Does my environment enhance my creativity and JOY?”
On a PERSONAL NOTE- I absolutely LOVE ❤ KIN 71❤ – I experienced this code for 12 months in 2019 as my birthday code. (KIN 71 was the kin on the day of my Gregorian birthday)
The RHYTHMIC tone is FANTASTIC for getting organized (I cleared out a whole shed full of furniture, PLUS a pod of furniture I had stored for 4 years!) and the Monkey brings out more cheekiness, fun and laughter. The two combined bring out the MAJIK – like having Samantha in Bewitched clean your house… just a fabulous code to weave into our daily existence!
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY makes everything FUN!! 🐒😊😄😍
The MAJIKAL BLUE MONKEYS are the MAGICIAN’S holding the codes of the DREAMSPELL.
Jose Arguelles (Valum Votan) the FATHER of the DREAMSPELL was a BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY. The MONKEYS hold much mystery and genius to carry and decipher these codes. We are indebted to Jose for his PLANETARY DIVINE SERVICE over many decades preparing HU-MAN-ITY for our Ascension passage on TIMESHIP EARTH into the NEW TIME on NEW EARTH! DIVINE GRATITUDE to our GALACTIC BROTHER ❤🙏❤🙏❤
HAPPY GALACTIC BIRTHDAY🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 to beloved GALACTIC SISTAR and pioneer of the DREAMSPELL – @ Vasumi Ziijka who has travelled the world for decades, teaching and creatively expressing the DREAMSPELL in her own unique and cheeky way;.DIVINE GRATITUDE for her incredible devotion and service. 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
If you are interested in having a DREAMSPELL reading I highly recommend VASUMI – you can contact her at
Divine blessings for muchos MAJIK, FUN, and DE-LIGHT-FUL merriment today! Better get used to it folks! BLISS IS ON ITS WAY! 🐬💕🐒💫
🙏Namaste’ ❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESSS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of September 15th – September 21st 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste






Eclipse-Equinox week is here! A perfect passage for deep transformation.

Open to receive this Divine dispensation of Cosmic Mother Plasma:
💎 Set your Source-informed intention
💎 Hold the frequency of peace, unity, Ascension
💎 Meditate in the stillness often; deep changes are occurring to our Hearts and DNA in this Now
💎 Be in Divine Neutrality as the acceleration creates rapid change
💎 Light-ground with active flow, creativity, unity as the New Light amplifies our choice points
Partial Lunar Eclipse: Tuesday September 17 at 7:44pm PDT/UTC-7
Equinox: SUNday September 22 at 5:44am PDT/UTC-7
Divine dispensation of Cosmic Mother Plasma
Divine dispensation of Cosmic Mother Plasma

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