You are currently viewing The role of NESARA GESARA and the launch of Med Beds ~ Quantum Financial System (QFS) Activated
launch of Med Beds

The role of NESARA GESARA and the launch of Med Beds ~ Quantum Financial System (QFS) Activated

The role of NESARA GESARA and the launch of Med Beds ~

Quantum Financial System (QFS) Activated





 As I have told you all before. Hold on to your Zim-Notes. The return value will be insurmountable. Because what is the basis for nations who want to join the BRICS? They all must have a national currency. 
Gold Telegraph 
The world is now in the early stages of the next great bull market in gold(XRP)and silver(XLM), and if you do not act soon, you could miss the opportunity to make triple-digit profits quickly and easily. In the next month, when gold has doubled and silver has quintupled! So hurry up and buy what you can afford before the prices are too high to buy when it is too late. Gold(XRP) and silver(XLM) will be the real winners, but this time in the absolute of the transfer. Knowledge is a power that can be worn like armor, and truth is a weapon that can be wielded like a sword, cutting through the propaganda of misinformation and deception, exposing the lies for all of us to see. Wake up. There is no fear, only excitement to defeat the Deep State cabal once and for all.


NESARA GESARA, often discussed in the context of global economic reform, plays a crucial role in the narrative surrounding Med Beds. The proposed reforms aim to bring about a new era of prosperity and health, with Med Beds at the forefront.

The launch of this technology is seen as a critical component of a larger plan to restore balance and well-being to the world.

For those eagerly awaiting the launch of Med Beds, trusting the plan requires a leap of faith.

The secrecy and controversy surrounding the technology heighten the suspense, but proponents assure the public that the wait will be worth it. As details slowly emerge, the promise of a healthier, more vibrant future keeps hope alive.

As we approach a medical revolution, the potential of Med Beds offers a glimpse into a future where disease, aging, and suffering are significantly reduced. The journey to this point has been long and fraught with challenges, but the promise of what lies ahead is truly extraordinary. As we await the public launch of this technology, anticipation and excitement continue to build, heralding a new dawn for health and humanity.

Stay informed, stay hopeful, and continue to advocate for the launch of Med Beds. As more information becomes available, please share it widely to ensure this revolutionary technology can benefit as many people as possible.

The future of healthcare is on the horizon, and with it comes the promise of a healthier, brighter world for everyone.

Attention!!! What happens when you place the world’s most powerful energy source close to your beating heart? You’re about to find out…


launch of Med Beds
launch of Med Beds




There will be EBS. They will show documentaries of everything that happened to wake up the masses.

At the end of the 12 days, they will provide an 800 number for THOSE 24 AND OLDER to call to get a  “Redemption Center Appointment”  to “RECEIVE AND ACTIVATE” their QFS – Quantum Access Account cash account on the new Starlink Satellite System.

There were 75 Deep State Banks that had all their assets seized and all assets and accounts closed. All Cabal Central Banks were taken over, with assets inserted into the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

QFS is running on Distributive Ledger Blockchain technology where nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.

They can see where all the money goes, which stops corruption.

Everyone ALREADY has 1) their bank accounts, 2) their ISO 20022 Compliant Digital Assets, i.e. XRP, and 3) their Retirement Account Values, being MIRRORED in REAL TIME, along with OTHER amounts of money in an individual QFS – Quantum Access Account.

The seized Cabal assets were moved into People’s Quantum Financial Accounts. All money in trust funds was moved into individual QFS – Quantum Access Account.

All of our bank accounts, savings accounts, and retirement accounts were safe in the new Quantum System.

The only amounts not reflected in the individual QFS – Quantum Access Account were your non-retirement investments and stock market shares. All of that goes away!

It is advisable to SELL non-retirement investments and take the MONEY out of the stock market immediately and transfer it to your BANK ACCOUNT, or say goodbye when the MARKETS are CLOSED NEVER TO REOPEN.

The Master Key GRAND Revelations: XRP/L Quantum Financial System – A Paradigm Shift in the Global Economy – Dave XRP Lion Reveals the Big Secrets

 Discover Dave XRP Lion ’s groundbreaking revelations  about   the   Quantum Financial System (QFS) and XRP/L.   Unlock the master key to understanding the paradigm shift in the global economy and the big secrets that are reshaping the future of finance.


The Quantum Financial System XRP/L – a masterpiece bestowed upon humanity by the celestial realms. Led by the enigmatic figure known as   Dave XRP Lion,   this revolutionary system promises to reshape the very foundations of our global economy.

Prepare to plunge into the depths of this quantum wonderland, where every keystroke echoes through the halls of eternity, and the key to unlimited access lies within the reach of a select few.

Unlocking the Gates of Financial Evolution: The XRP/L1 Quantum Financial System

BOOOM!!! Dave XRPLion $100T Trillion Dollar ZIM$ Bonds Dirty Little Secret Just EXPOSED Must-Read Trump News

Discover the groundbreaking insights of   Dave XRPLion   as he uncovers Zimbabwe’s $100 trillion hidden bonds and advocates for a new Quantum Financial System. Explore how these revelations could upend Fortune 500 companies, reshape global finance, and bring humanitarian benefits. Dive into the future of asset-backed currencies and the policy implications.



August is a very hot month



August is a very hot month

So, economic adviser Joe Biden resigns. You have five trading platforms closed. Several brokerages are down. Now, mind you, the war with Israel and Iran hasn’t even started yet.

And nearly $2 trillion has been wiped from US markets so far, just 15 MINUTES since the opening bell. On top of this news, the NASDAQ hits a record high, dropping 1000 points on the day, something that has never been done before.

Folks, do you see what’s happening? I know there are many of you sitting around waiting for the greatest transfer of wealth that humanity has ever seen.

Tokyo is the city with the most millionaires in the world, London has the most multimillionaires and New York has the most multibillionaires. Will you be one of the new additions to these areas?

We’re living in historic times, folks. There will never be another time like this. So, know what’s on the other side of this. And it’s going to be glorious.

A transfer of wealth for the ages


I told my followers this was coming. It has to happen because everything is based on artificial value in a very inflated market. We are witnessing a wealth transfer for the ages. And it will never happen again.

The last crash.
The last election.
The last president.

I’ve been saying this for years. It was an accident that got you into this mess. It’s an accident that’s going to get you out of it.

According to the latest analysis, the price of Bitcoin is experiencing some volatility, with a notable decline of around 4% in the last 24 hours (CoinCodex).

Analysts have projected that Bitcoin could potentially fall to around $51,500 if the downward trend continues, which would represent a further drop from current levels. This would equate to a possible overall drop of approximately 12% from recent highs.

RMN Thurs, Fri. 8, 9 Aug. 2024: “I just saw something that really made me stop and say huh. Kevin O’Leary was being interviewed for his opinion on the economy and how bad it is being handled, he said just wait until August 8 and ninth. There is going to be a major Nexus August 8 and ninth, a major transformation of the world economy. He didn’t say revaluation he said transformation coming from somebody like Kevin O’Leary. If you don’t know who Kevin O’Leary is, he’s one of the richest men in the World and he helps people make money. He understands the stock market understand national economy it doesn’t matter it is if it is the USA, Canada, Great Britain, China, any country he understands how the economy is structured. He also understand how it should be running he has said in the past that it is broken, but he just got through saying just waiting until after August 8 and ninth, there’s change coming interesting to me”. …Super Mario on Telegram Mon. 5 Aug. 2024

Plan Q: Global Stock Market Crash That Originated in Japan



 This week, stock markets and the financial industry around the world began to fluctuate significantly, as if linked to the Bank of Japan’s interest rate hike.

  Tuesday, August 6, Japan time: Japanese and US stock markets continue to decline



Is the global stock market crash (Japan and US) that occurred last weekend a turning point event for Plan Q?


We had been closely monitoring the trends after the stock market reopened at the end of the week, but on August 5 (Monday, Japan time), the Japanese stock market plunged even further.



On the New York Stock Exchange, which reopened on Monday, the 5th (US time), the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at US$ 38,703.27, down US$ 1,033.99 from its closing price the previous week.


Immediately after trading began, selling spread across a wide range of stocks, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by more than $1,200 at one point and continued to plummet.


The stock market crash occurred not only in Japan and the United States, but also in Europe… and yesterday, the Korean stock market also plummeted.


A global stock market crash is being facilitated.


  Global stock market slump originating in Japan, triggered by rising Japanese interest rates and strong yen



At this point, the main points of this event are:


☆The global stock market fell, triggered by Japan’s “interest rate hikes and strong yen.”


☆ While there is no single significant cause for stock declines like the one that occurred during the Lehman shock, the decline is linked to the overall stock market.


And that.


In the information related to the Q Plan, it has been said for several years that  the last piece of the “elimination of the old financial system (DS monetary system)”, which is a turning point in the GCR (Global Monetary Reform), will be a global  It was.


The current global stock market crash is considered consistent with what was outlined in Plan Q.


The reason for the “global stock market crash” according to the Q Plan is that


☆ After gold-backed digital currency (mainly XRP) secures legal backing


☆ After the release of new Japanese yen notes


That’s what I was thinking.


This is because before implementing the global stock market crash (elimination of fiat money/stock market system), it is necessary to launch (secure) a new backup element (GESARA social mechanism).


  Global stock market crash could be a turning point for Plan Q



This week, several financial changes are taking place on a global scale.


☆ Bank of Japan interest rate hike and rapid fluctuations in Japanese yen appreciation


☆UK central bank cuts interest rates


☆Bitcoin is falling dramatically



☆ US Stock Market Crash



☆ Japanese stock market crash



When we examine the information from different perspectives, we infer that recent financial fluctuations (such as the crash) are not simply fluctuations in the financial market, but rather the visualization of important movements related to Plan Q.


  July and August will be the final period of destruction and elimination of the Rapid Society System (DS System).




To make the transition to a new society (GESARA society), it is first necessary to destroy and eliminate the old social system (DS system).


Plan Q also moves in line with this idea,  going through the “destruction and elimination phase” and moving on to the “creation phase”.


We are currently in a transitional period where the “destruction/elimination phase” and the “creation phase” overlap.


I feel that the “destruction/elimination phase” will come to an end in early September (Julian calendar).


I believe that July and August of the Julian calendar will be the final period of the “destruction/elimination phase”.


Currently (August 6, Japan time), we are in the second half of July according to the Julian calendar.


  The important creation will become apparent in the next step.



What will emerge when destruction and exclusion come to an end?


I believe that new elements and movements related to the creation of a new social system (GESARA society) will emerge.


I would like to keep in mind the possibility that USDN (Gold-Backed US Notes) could emerge as an element that has not materialized so far.


Currently, the “destruction/elimination phase” and the “creation phase” overlap, so the creation of a new social system can emerge without waiting for September in the Julian calendar.


Q Japan
Q Japan





Mr. Pool: GESARA NESARA in progress!

Important Alert: The Federal Reserve’s Emergency Meeting and the Future of Our Financial System – Mr. Pool: GESARA NESARA Underway!

IMPORTANT ALERT  –  The Federal Reserve is calling an emergency meeting!  Withdraw all funds from your banks NOW! The financial landscape is changing dramatically, and the implications could be profound. Have these people realized that the Fed is private? That they are printing money out of thin air? This is the reason we have runaway inflation. Or do they still believe in their government, which is trying to control every aspect of their lives? Here’s what you need to know.

The Federal Reserve: A Private Entity That Controls Our Economy

Many Americans don’t realize that the Federal Reserve is a private entity. This means that it operates independently of government control, making decisions that affect the entire economy without public accountability.

The Fed has the power to print money out of thin air, a practice that devalues ​​our currency and leads to inflation. By continually increasing the money supply, they create an economic environment where the value of the dollar decreases, leading to higher prices for goods and services.

The Root Cause of Inflation: Infinite Money Printing.  Inflation is often misunderstood by the general public. It is not just rising prices; it is the devaluation of the currency due to excessive money printing. When the Federal Reserve prints more money, every dollar in circulation loses value.



This phenomenon, known as monetary inflation, is the real culprit behind the rising cost of living. Instead of addressing the root cause, many people mistakenly blame external factors or market forces, when in reality the problem lies with the unchecked powers of the Federal Reserve.

Government Control Over Your Life.  Many Americans place their trust in the government, believing that it works in their best interests. However, the reality is that the government often seeks to control many aspects of our lives, from the economy to personal freedoms.

The actions of the Federal Reserve are a prime example of this control. By manipulating the money supply and interest rates, the Fed influences economic conditions that affect all Americans. This control extends beyond the economy, as the policies influenced by the Fed impact the social and political aspects of our lives.

Mr. Pool’s Revelation: GESARA and NESARA

For those worried about the future, there is hope. Mr. Pool announced that GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) and NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) are in the works. These initiatives aim to restructure the financial system, moving away from the corrupt practices of the Federal Reserve.

Under GESARA and NESARA, the Federal Reserve was transferred to the Treasury, and the IRS no longer exists. This marks the beginning of a new era of transparency and financial fairness.

The transition to a gold-backed dollar.  One of the most significant changes under GESARA and NESARA is the transition to a gold-backed dollar.

This means that the US dollar will once again be tied to the value of gold, providing a stable and secure currency. Unlike the fiat system, which is based on debt and unlimited printing, a gold-backed dollar ensures that the currency maintains its value over time.

This change will protect against inflation and provide a solid foundation for economic growth.

The End of Big Pharma.  Another critical aspect of this new era is holding Big Pharma accountable. These corporations, which have profited immensely from past health and disease crises, will face unprecedented prosecutions.

Their exploitative practices, driven by profit rather than genuine health concerns, will be exposed and dismantled. This will pave the way for more ethical and effective healthcare solutions that prioritize patient well-being over corporate greed.

The collapse of the oil market and the end of Rockefeller’s influence

The oil market has been driven to zero, signaling the end of Rockefeller’s influence over the global energy sector. This drastic move aims to dismantle the monopolistic control that has long dictated energy policies around the world. By reducing our dependence on oil, we can transition to cleaner, more sustainable energy sources.

Free energy technology, long suppressed by powerful interests, is on the way, promising a future where energy is abundant, clean and free for all.



A new era of healthcare: Healing through light and sound waves.  Hospitals of the future will focus on true healing through advanced technologies such as light and sound waves. These non-invasive treatments will revolutionize healthcare by offering effective and holistic solutions to various diseases.

By harnessing the power of light and sound, we can treat diseases at their source, promoting natural healing and reducing the need for pharmaceuticals and invasive procedures.

The Restoration of Constitutional Law.  As we move into this new era, constitutional law will once again grace our land. This means a return to the principles and values ​​that founded our nation, ensuring that individual rights and freedoms are upheld.

The deep state agencies established to serve the interests of the cabal will collapse. This restoration will empower citizens, fostering a society where justice and freedom prevail.

Sovereignty and Freedom: The Dawn of a New Nation.  Our nation will be sovereign and free, no longer subject to the whims of corrupt entities and agents of the deep state.

This newfound independence will allow us to build a society based on fairness, transparency, and respect for individual freedoms. By dismantling the deep state, we can create a government that truly serves the people, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

Peace and prosperity around the world.  The changes underway are not limited to the United States. These reforms will have a global impact, ushering in an era of peace and prosperity around the world.

By dismantling the corrupt systems that have long oppressed nations, we can create a world where cooperation and mutual respect thrive. This new global order will promote economic stability, social justice, and environmental sustainability, benefiting all humanity.

The Federal Reserve’s emergency meeting marks a turning point in our financial history. As we transition to a gold-backed dollar and embrace the principles of GESARA and NESARA, we can look forward to a future of economic stability, ethical healthcare, and true sovereignty.

It’s time to acknowledge the flaws in our current system and embrace the changes that will lead to a better world. Withdraw your funds, stay informed, and prepare for the dawn of a new era.


Federal Reserve Emergency Meeting
Federal Reserve Emergency Meeting





Has it begun? Three phases now lead to the final apocalypse of the fiat money system  

Is the financial system collapsing? Here’s what you need to know about the potential apocalypse collapse of the fiat currency system.

The global financial system is showing signs of serious distress today. But is this the beginning of the apocalypse of the global monetary system?

This time it could be much worse

Unlike the 2008 crisis, this time the underlying problems are much deeper and the usual solutions may not work.

Today’s alarming events may be just the beginning, and the Federal Reserve’s usual tactics of cutting interest rates and injecting money into the financial economy may not be enough to save the Grand Experiment of the Global Fiat Currency Debt System.

In this article
  • Market crash and margin calls
  • Bear market and flight to safety
  • Federal Reserve intervention and quantitative easing
  • The bottom line

The current global financial situation is precarious. While today’s events have not been disastrous, they signal potential dangers ahead.

The fundamental weaknesses of the 2008 financial crisis were never properly addressed, only temporarily covered up.

So, let’s take a look at the three phases that could certainly lead to the ultimate apocalypse of the global monetary system.

1) Market crash and margin calls

A sudden and significant drop in global markets can trigger margin calls.

A Margin Call is a demand by a brokerage firm for an investor to deposit more cash or securities to cover potential losses.

When this happens, large investment firms and hedge funds often sell assets like gold to cover their losses, which drives down the price of gold during market declines.

For example, if the stock market crashes, investors who borrowed money to buy stocks (using leverage) must quickly provide additional funds or sell their assets to meet the broker’s demands.

This forced selling can create a downward spiral, where falling asset prices lead to more margin calls and more selling, worsening the market crisis.

2) Bear market and flight to safety

Continued sell-offs can lead to a bear market, which is a prolonged period in which investment prices fall significantly, typically 20% or more from recent highs.

During a bear market, investors look for safer places to park their money. This rush to safety causes the prices of gold, the US dollar, long-term US Treasuries, and even Bitcoin to rise as they are seen as safe investments.

A bear market reflects widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment, where people expect prices to continue falling.

At such times, they often shift their investments to assets that are considered more stable and less risky. Gold is traditionally seen as a safe haven because it holds its value better than most assets during economic downturns.

Similarly, the US dollar and US Treasuries are seen as safe havens because they are backed by the US government. Recently, Bitcoin has also been seen as a hedge against traditional financial instability.

3) Federal Reserve Intervention (Bringers of the Monetary System Apocalypse)

If markets continue to fall, the Federal Reserve (the US central bank) may intervene.

They will cut interest rates and use Quantitative Easing (QE), which means buying long-term bonds to inject money into the economy and encourage lending and investment.

However, this could lead to the devaluation of fiat currencies (making money less valuable) and eventually freeze credit markets, where companies borrow money.

During the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve used massive QE to stabilize the economy. By purchasing large amounts of government bonds and mortgage-backed securities, the Fed increased the money supply, making it cheaper to borrow money.

While this helped prevent a deeper recession, it also set a precedent for relying on QE during crises. In the current context, the effectiveness of QE is uncertain.

More QE could lead to rising inflation and erode the value of currencies. If banks, businesses and consumers lose additional confidence in the financial system, they may hoard cash instead of spending or lending, potentially leading to a freeze in credit markets. It won’t be long now.

The bottom line

Today’s financial troubles could be early warnings of a much larger crisis. All three phases—Market Crash and Margin Calls, Bear Market and Flight to Safety, and Federal Reserve Intervention and Quantitative Easing—could lead to the collapse of the fiat financial system. It is vital to remain vigilant and ready as these uncertain times unfold.


apocalypse of the fiat money system  
apocalypse of the fiat money system




This is not the end of financial markets – the truth is that this is just the beginning of the chaos…


If you’re surprised by the current events in the financial world, you probably haven’t been paying much attention. Stock prices were obscenely high, and many investors were deeply in debt. By Michael Snyder

The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 1,000 points on Monday, and stock prices are still obscenely high and many investors are still extremely leveraged. We will experience some ups and downs in the coming days, and it will be some time before this tragedy has its full impact.

But there is no doubt that we are facing a major problem. (  Global Financial Crisis: The Collapse Marks the Beginning of Our Freedom! Black Swan or Black Monday?

After the chaos we saw on Friday, I wasn’t sure if we would see even greater bloodshed on Monday, but   that’s exactly what happened   …

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1,033.99 points, or 2.6%, to close at 38,703.27. The S&P 500 fell 3% to close at 5,186.33. Both averages posted their worst daily losses since September 2022.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite lost 3.43% to close at 16,200.08

At times, the Nasdaq lost more than 1,000 points.

This is the first time in history that this has happened.

You won’t believe it: As of Monday morning, tech companies had collectively lost   nearly a trillion dollars   in market capitalization.

Tech stocks recovered somewhat later in the day, but the Magnificent Seven as a whole are still   about $3 trillion   below their all-time high in market cap.

That’s a lot of money. Over the past three trading sessions,   the Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq have all plummeted   …


The Dow has fallen 5.24% over the past three trading sessions, posting its worst three-day loss since June 14, 2022, when it plunged 5.91% in three days.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite lost 7.95% in the period. This was the Nasdaq’s biggest three-day drop since June 13, 2022, when it plunged 10.57% in three days. The S&P 500 lost 6.08% in three days, posting its biggest three-day drop since June 14, 2022, when it lost 7.03%.

But in Japan it was even worse.

On Monday, the Japanese experienced a stock market crash   of epic proportions   …

In Asia, Japanese stocks confirmed a bear market overnight as Asia-Pacific investors got their first chance to react to weak US jobs data on Friday.

The Nikkei lost 12.4 percent to close at 31,458.42 points. It was the worst day for the index since “Black Monday” in 1987, which shook Wall Street. The loss of 4,451.28 points was also the biggest in its history. The good news is that we will have a dead cat bounce.

As I write this, Japanese stocks are rallying strongly, and the same could happen for US stocks when markets here open.

So why is this happening?

Some blame  the bad economic news   we are receiving and the Federal Reserve’s inaction.

Others   argue   that what we are witnessing here is “the result of investors having to untangle complicated trades involving high borrowing costs”…


But economists say the decline is not a sure sign of an impending recession. The current sell-off is the result of complicated, highly leveraged transactions that have artificially inflated stock values ​​and the associated task of extricating investors.

The truth is that many factors come into play.

But after several years of one-way traffic, many people are quite shocked at how quickly stock prices are now moving  in the other direction   …

“Investors have gotten so used to the stock market going in one direction that now they suddenly realize, ‘Oh, stocks can go down too?’” said Torsten Sløk, chief economist at Apollo Global Management.

“This is a situation where one weak piece of data – Friday’s jobs numbers – has brought the pessimists out of hibernation.”

For a long time, the Federal Reserve and other central banks around the world have artificially propped up financial markets.

Now that artificial support has been withdrawn, many are struggling   to “adjust to the end of cheap money around the world”   …

“This is not a recessionary move, just a good old-fashioned market panic,” said Joe Brusuelas, senior economist and senior policymaker at RSM US. “This is not a Washington-inspired event, a slowdown in the labor market or Fed delays. This is a major regime shift as investors around the world prepare for the end of cheap money.”


Of course, the Fed could decide to intervene at any time.

There is now growing optimism that the Fed will come to the rescue with an emergency interest rate cut.

In fact,   many bond traders are betting very large amounts   that this is exactly what will happen soon…

Bond traders are eagerly betting that the U.S. economy is on the verge of deteriorating so rapidly that the Federal Reserve will have to start easing monetary policy aggressively — possibly before its next scheduled meeting — to avoid a recession.

I wouldn’t recommend holding your breath and waiting for it to happen.

The Dow would likely have to fall to at least 35,000 before the Fed would even consider an emergency rate cut.

But I’m convinced that someone will probably come to the next scheduled meeting.

Of course, a rate cut won’t exactly save us from what we’ll end up facing.

As  James Howard Kunstler    observed  , “Anything that can break, will break.”…

The wait is finally over. Everything that can collapse, does   : the stock markets, the bond markets, the galaxy of derivatives – bets on this and that never pay off. The banks are next. Gold and silver are fighting for their lives now because they are actually worth something.


This does not mean that every day will be bad for financial markets.

During a bull market, things are calm and stock prices tend to rise slowly and steadily.

During a bear market, the situation is very turbulent and there are violent ups and downs.

So when the Dow Jones rises hundreds of points in a single day, don’t assume the crisis is over. A big swing in one direction or another is a bad sign.

Please also understand that we are nowhere near the eye of the storm yet.

What we are currently experiencing is just an initial turbulence. The truly painful consequences will probably not arrive for some time.



Breaking News Alert: Stock Market Trajectory After Event Broadcast System (EBS), NESARA GESARA, and Redemption Center Appointments to Activate Our Quantum Financial System Accounts

Breaking News!  Dave XRPLion  has revealed critical information about the stock market trajectory post-  Event Broadcast System (EBS), lockdowns, NESARA/GESARA, and Redemption Center appointments  to activate our  Quantum Financial System accounts.  This revelation is crucial, and we should clear up some misconceptions based on previously revealed and published divine insights.

Breaking News Alert: Dave XRPLion’s Crucial Report on Stock Market Manipulation and the Quantum Financial Shift

At a time when the financial world is shrouded in uncertainty and misinformation,  Dave XRPLion  emerges as a beacon of truth. In this explosive report, he sheds light on the inner workings of market manipulation and the impending transformation ushered in by the Quantum Financial System (QFS). Brace yourself for a seismic shift in the global financial landscape as we dissect the intricate machinations of market forces and the ultimate reckoning that awaits.

The illusion of stock market recovery

Despite widespread confusion, the recent recovery in the stock market is not a genuine resurgence. According to XRPLion,  market makers are orchestrating a calculated manipulation  , driving up blue-chip stocks while decimating option prices. This facade of recovery is a deliberate attempt to lure investors into a false sense of security.

The manipulation extends to cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin being pushed to artificial highs. Meanwhile, assets such as silver, gold, XRP, and ISO20022 tokens are suppressed.  This strategic suppression  serves the interests of those in power, allowing them to maintain control over financial narratives. The real danger lies in Bitcoin’s artificial inflation, setting the stage for an  inevitable collapse.

The Black Swan Event: A Ticking Time Bomb

The narrative takes a darker turn with the introduction of the  “Black Swan” event  — a catastrophic scenario ready to cripple the manipulators themselves. XRPLion emphasizes that while the current state of affairs is painful for the manipulators, it remains manageable. However, the  Black Swan event will unleash unprecedented chaos  , pushing the financial system beyond the point of control.

The anticipation of this event is not mere speculation, but a calculated prediction. The manipulative practices that have long propped up the market will no longer suffice. As the market becomes uncontrollable, the true fragility of the system will be exposed.  This is the moment when the tables will turn  , and the manipulators will face their reckoning.

The Deep State Cabal: A Struggle for Power

XRPLion claims that the real power struggle is between the  Deep State Cabal  and the   Space Force-backed  Global Military Alliance THE WHITE HATS . This alliance, XRPLion argues, is poised to shut down all financial markets  , a move that will dismantle the corrupt system that has enslaved humanity.

The planned power outage, supposedly orchestrated to protect the cabal’s interests, will ironically serve as the catalyst for their downfall.  Once the markets are shut down, they will never reopen  . The Quantum Financial System, powered by divine principles, will rise from the ashes of the old, heralding a new era of transparency and fairness.

Quantum Power and the Star Link Revolution

The transition to  Quantum Finance  is marked by the activation of  StarLink  , a revolutionary technology that harnesses quantum power. This technology will obliterate old financial systems, causing  stock and cryptocurrency markets to plummet  . This seismic shift will not just level the playing field; it will completely redefine it.

The market crash that will follow will be the largest in history, surpassing even the Great Depression. This event will be a financial apocalypse for the unprepared, but a historic opportunity for those ready to embrace the new paradigm.  This is where the real transfer of wealth will occur  , as assets are revalued under the new system.

Rise of the Apes: A New Financial Order

In this tumultuous scenario, a new group emerges — the  APES  , a term that symbolizes the collective strength of retail investors. XRPLion emphasizes the power of HODLing (holding on for dear life), while the APES remain steadfast in their positions, awaiting the desired results.

As the old guard collapses, the APES will seize the opportunity to redistribute wealth. This is not just about financial gain; it is about  taking back power from institutions that have long suppressed the masses  . The APES, representing ordinary people, will become the new financial elite, marking the largest transfer of wealth in history.

The End of Kabbalah: A Divine Mandate

XRPLion clarifies a crucial misconception: the Deep State Cabal is not in control.  The real orchestrators are the  Global Military Alliance of white hats,  operating under a divine mandate.  The shutdown of corrupt financial systems is part of a larger spiritual awakening  , as prophesied.

This divine intervention ensures that nothing from the old corrupt system will transition into the new. As stated,  “ALL EVIL IS GONE.”  The new Quantum Financial System is not merely a technological upgrade, but a complete overhaul of the ethical foundations that govern finance. The  centers of redemption  will play a key role in this transformation, ensuring that only those aligned with these divine principles will benefit from the new system  .

Redemption Centers: Gateways to the New Kingdom

The concept of redemption centers is central to the XRPLion narrative. These centers will serve as portals for those deemed worthy of participating in the new financial system.  They are not just physical locations, but spiritual sanctuaries  where individuals can activate their Quantum Access Accounts (QFSA).

This is where the  greatest transfer of wealth will occur  , but it is not merely a financial transaction. It is a spiritual ascension, a transition into a new realm where ethical integrity and divine alignment are paramount. Only those who meet these criteria will be allowed to enter “His Gates,” marking a clear divide between the old and the new.

Stock Market Trajectory
Stock Market Trajectory

The Flip of a Switch: The Ultimate Reckoning

The culmination of this narrative is the moment of the “flip of a switch,” symbolizing the complete and sudden transition from the old system to the new.


This moment will mark the end of the Deep State Cabal and the beginning of a new era . The financial systems as we know them will cease to exist, and with them, the power structures they supported.


This dramatic shift will be the final reckoning, as those who exploited the system for personal gain will find themselves on the losing side.


The APES, representing the common people, will rise up, claiming their rightful place in the new financial order. This is not just a financial revolution, but a social revolution, reshaping the very fabric of our existence.


Dave XRPLion’s report is not just a warning, but a call to action. As the world stands on the brink of a financial revolution, it is crucial to be prepared.


The old systems of control and manipulation are crumbling , and a new, fairer system is emerging. This is a time of discernment, as only those who align with the principles of the new Quantum Financial System will thrive in the coming era.


This report serves as a beacon of hope and a call to arms. The greatest transfer of wealth in history is not just about financial gain; it is about reclaiming power and freedom from those who have kept humanity enslaved .


As old systems fall, a new dawn emerges, promising a future of prosperity and spiritual awakening for all who are ready to embrace it.
continue reading…




We’re just as excited as you are! Our long-awaited RV-GCR events are “really” underway.

Today we are sending you information to help you with what to do and anticipate in the coming hours and days.

We urge you to pay attention and do your due diligence to “exchange” general currencies and “REDEEM” Zim bonds.

Please do not call or email regarding the information below. We are the messengers.

We provide helpful information in preparing for the blessings.

When we receive the 800 #, we will call you with the numbers and rates. Be prepared.

Message from Bob Towers:

Where to find the 800 number(s) once the RV is released to the T4B tier pool. For us THOSE WHO HOLD ZIM COINS AND/or BONDS.

I advise everyone with ZIM Cash and/or ZIM BONDS to do their due diligence and take this into their own hands.

Once the 800 number is posted, things and schedules for all of us will get very hectic and I may be on my way to a clearing house the night before my exchange. So please do not rely on me for this important task.

Here are the addresses of several RV sites that will post the #800;

Redemption News:

Redemption project:

Dinar Chronicles

Dinar Detectives

Dinar Gurus

Dinar Recaps:

I also recommend you sign up for an email with information from Big’s Big Call at the following URL page

When you go to that site, scroll down and you will see a place where they will put your email address and they will send you the 800 numbers once they are published.




“GCR Related Information” An important decision to promote GCR in the United States! ?

In the GCR/RV, the last stronghold is the United States. An important event occurred in the United States that led to the promotion of the GCR.

“Additional note: August 5, Japan time” Big changes are already appearing after the Ripple (XRP) related decision! ?

Big changes are already appearing after the decision related to Ripple (XRP)! ?

As outlined in the section below, since the “Judgment Approving the Use of Ripple (XRP) for Payments by Financial Institutions and Banks” was passed early last week,  important developments related to Ripple (XRP) have been rapidly becoming available.  is starting to emerge.

I would like to share  three events  that I consider highly related to the Q Plan (GCR/RV) (building a GESARA society).

1) JPMorgan Chase announces it will start using Ripple (XRP) for trading

JPMorgan Chase

Recently, JPMorgan Chase

XRP Now Accepted for Credit Card and Mortgage Transactions

We are announcing this.

This means that Ripple (XRP) can be used for credit card payments (refunds) and mortgage repayments.

At first glance, you might think that this is simply the launch of a new service, but if you look at it from a different perspective,

Elimination of fiat currencies (e.g. USD) from credit card and mortgage services

This is a movement that leads to.

2) OpenEden announces it will provide US Treasury bills (T-bills) for the XRP Ledger (XRPL)

OpenEden Announces Offering of US Treasury Bills (T-bills) for XRP Ledger (XRPL)

OpenEden  is a platform that aims to tokenize real-world assets (RWA) and deploy them in decentralized finance (DeFi).

From such OpenEden

Tokenize US Treasury Bills (T-bills) on the XRP Ledger (XRPL)

There was an announcement.

XRP Ledger (XRPL) will now offer tokenized U.S. Treasury bills (T-bills), short-term U.S. government debt guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury, to XRP Ledger (XRPL) and its users.

The US Department of the Treasury  plays a central role in promoting the GCR/RV  .

Looking at it another way

The US Treasury and Ripple (XRP) are connected through a concrete system (service)

That means it.

3) Ripple announces partnership with Archax, the UK’s first digital asset exchange regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Ripple Announces Partnership with Archax, the First Digital Asset Exchange Regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Archax  (  official website)) is the first digital asset exchange regulated by the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Another day, Ripple

Partnership with Archax


The company plans to bring hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tokenized real-world assets (RWA) to XRPL over the next year.

Ripple (XRP) will become a digital asset (tokenization) in the world’s two largest financial centers, the United States and the United Kingdom. I have the impression that the GCR (Global Monetary Reform) towards a GESARA society has progressed rapidly.

Important decision regarding the use of Ripple (XRP)!

Important decision regarding the use of Ripple (XRP)!

One of the main elements of the  GCR (Global Monetary Reform) is

Use of gold-backed digital currency (GOLD) and systems development (legal/mechanism)

It is.

The “remittance of funds” carried out in the monetary and financial system based on the creation of credit in the old society (DS society)  was done by  “numerical procedures” without any substance  . (This does not mean that the notes are actually transferred to the other party.)

In GCR (Global Monetary Reform)  , the currency and financial system of the old society (DS society) are negated (eliminated).

Physical Funds Transfer Mechanism


The important role for this is

Gold-backed digital currency (GOLD)

And that.

The GESARA society’s fund remittance procedure will be carried out through a physical “gold-backed digital currency”.

What is said to be the mainstay of this gold-backed digital currency is

Ripple (XRP)

It is.

Judgment rejects Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) claims

United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

In the United States,  the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)  has made negative statements  about  the treatment of Ripple (XRP) by financial institutions in the United States.

In the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, which has jurisdiction over Manhattan, New York, which is the center of the US financial market, a trial was being held on claims by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Judge Torres, in charge of the trial,

Ripple (XRP) is not necessarily a superficial security

The verdict has been given.

This thing is

Decision approving the use of Ripple (XRP) for payments by financial institutions and banks


The way is clear for GCR (Global Monetary Reform) to materialize in the United States! ?

The way is clear for GCR (Global Monetary Reform) to materialize in the United States! ?

This decision allows US banks and financial institutions to begin considering  using Ripple (XRP)  for cross-border payments.

In the future, we will see financial institutions (banks) opting to use Ripple (XRP) for cross-border payments as we move towards society’s new digital asset-based transaction system GESARA.

There has not been much coverage of this incident in the world (bitter smile). I believe this is a very important event in the GCR (Global Monetary Reform) and that we have passed an important turning point.

Significant progress on GCR (global monetary reform) in the United States




The Great Reset: GESARA NESARA Activation

One of the most significant outcomes of this global operation will be the activation of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) and the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). This legislation will begin a complete rewiring of Planet Earth, restructuring economic and political systems to promote justice, transparency, and prosperity for all.

The implications of this activation are immense, promising a new era of global peace and cooperation. It is a vision of a future in which wealth and power are not concentrated in the hands of a few, but are distributed more equitably among the world’s population.


A wave of global arrests and government reform.  As part of this monumental operation, there will be widespread arrests of individuals involved in corruption and other criminal activities. It is reported that up to 500,000 indictments have been prepared, targeting those who have exploited their positions of power to harm others.

This will include not only corporate and financial elites, but also government figures who have betrayed the public trust. Removing these individuals is a crucial step in the broader reform process, paving the way for new leadership committed to ethical governance and public service.

The importance of staying informed and staying indoors.  In the face of these extraordinary events, it is crucial that everyone stays informed and, most importantly, stays indoors. Broadcasts will provide essential information that everyone needs to hear. This is not just about witnessing history, but understanding the true state of our world.

The military’s decision to ask people to stay indoors is both a precautionary measure and a way to ensure that the public is fully engaged in this moment of truth. By staying indoors, we can focus on the messages being delivered, process the information, and prepare for the changes that lie ahead.

The revelation of these truths marks the beginning of a new era, characterized by accountability and transparency. Military tribunals and confessions will expose the depth of corruption and deceit that has infiltrated various sectors of society. However, this exposure is not an end, but a beginning.

This is an opportunity for societies around the world to rebuild on a foundation of truth and justice. This process will not be easy and will require the collective effort of all citizens to hold leaders accountable and ensure that such abuses of power never happen again.

As we navigate this period of intense revelation, the role of the media will come under scrutiny. Traditional media outlets have often been complicit in spreading misinformation or selectively reporting facts. With media and internet services shut down during broadcasts, there will be a unique moment of clarity, free from the usual noise and distractions.

This period will allow for more honest and unfiltered public discourse, where citizens can discuss and digest the information presented without external influence. It is a time for critical thinking and open discussion, as we collectively decide the future direction of our societies.

The Vision of a Unified World.  At the heart of this global operation is a vision of unity. The division that has characterized much of modern history—whether political, social, or economic—has only served to weaken us as a global community. The revelations and subsequent actions aim to break down these barriers and foster a sense of global solidarity.

The activation of GESARA/NESARA  and the removal of corrupt elements are steps toward a world where cooperation, rather than competition, is the norm. It is a vision of a future where humanity can come together to face common challenges and work toward shared goals.




🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



 Federal Reserve Government Engaged in Massive Constructive Fraud Update 2024/8/4


Kat is the sea3@katisthesea3

2024/8/4 6:51

🇺🇸 8-3-24 Juan O Savin

43:42 [They] like to put dates and meanings on certain things.
They created an image of Obama
that he was not born on the day they said, but many months before.
He is not the son of Stanley Ann Dunham.
It was a cover. It was a fantasy.
The baby comes from a very prominent pedigree family and they gave him the date of August 4, Queen Elizabeth’s birthday.
53:49 The senior management service began on July 13, 1979.
💥  On the 45th anniversary of the founding of the SES,
there was an assassination attempt on President/CiC Trump.
Whoever set up the SES Bush Senior
Bush, if there is someone in the family who does not know their real birth name and is transplanted, they can suggest a new birth date and a much younger age is normal.
Many of these men and women are sexist pedophiles who love to appear young.
GHWB was much older than I was told  💥

🇺🇸 with CaptKyle







Kat is the sea3@katisthesea3

2024/8/4 1:43

🦅🇺🇸🪖  8-3-24 President Trump/CiC, Atlanta, Georgia

“They were very brave and they ran towards me and at that moment they knew  the
bullet was going to go over my head.
situation.  It was  from  God.  You  unbelievers shot God, right,  I just want
to  say they were very  brave  .




Trump gives glory to God for assassination attempt…







Kat is the sea3@katisthesea3

2024/8/4 1:09

😻  Great links @ol_cowboy and @silvercat 🙏🏻🇺🇸

IRS is a private fund in Puerto Rico


The detail isdown arrowdown arrow



Puerto Rico IRS and Treasury Links






🇺🇸 William Cooper
“The Fed government is engaged in a massive constructive fraud.
Americans who filed and paid their income taxes in fear have had their money stolen.
Millions of lives have been ruined.
Millions of innocent people have been imprisoned under the pretense of violating non-existent laws…
Prior to 1940, a separate Internal Revenue Service was established in Puerto Rico”  💥

🇺🇸 Juan O Sabin
In the upcoming reboot, many of the stolen assets will be used to pay off  👉  Social Security beneficiaries who had vast amounts of wealth stolen  🥳

#FraudVitiatesEverything It’s all about ruin by fraud







Kat is the sea3@katisthesea3

2024/8/4 1:05

😻  I understand what you are saying Anna. What you do with the information is your choice.

Countless patriots have told us that American companies are bankrupt.

In other words, the institutions of business are dysfunctional. That is why the buildings in Washington DC are empty. The

Federal Reserve, IRS, Treasury, etc.

The IRS is a private trust in Puerto Rico.

There is no law requiring you to file a tax return.

So it doesn’t matter how you handle communications from the IRS. It is up to you whether you want to destroy it or just process it.

Maybe you are receiving communications from a machine.  It’ll look like the matrix is ​​working
until the lights go out  🍿  👇  IRS agents are saying  they haven’t paid income tax since 1999  🇺🇸 Eliminate income tax NESARA/GESARA  Abolish  the IRS  Federal Reserve Abolish the system🇺🇸  anna justice @Truth_  🎥  2:07








Kat is the sea3@katisthesea3

2024/8/4 12:25

🥳No  Social Security Tax!

🦅🇺🇸🪖  8-4-24 President Trump/CiC
“Because we can cut other costs.
There’s too much waste in government.
Let’s take care of Social Security.
Let’s not hurt the elderly.
There’s too much waste in this government.  There’s too much waste in this government.
Also,  don’t  tax tips. That’s it  . ”   🇺🇸 Juan O Savin  Just like Trump said, cut federal wages in half.  Then cut them in half again.  🎊Abolish  the income tax NESARA/GESARA  Abolish  the IRS  Increase benefits for seniors








✅ The city of Basel, located in northwestern Switzerland, is one of the most dynamic economic regions in Switzerland and home to the world headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements.

✅ The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was created in 1974.

✅ Its 45 members comprise central banks and banking supervisors from 28 jurisdictions, the South African Reserve Bank being part of it.

✅ The Basel Accords were formed with the aim of creating an international regulatory framework to reduce various risks.

✅ Higher Basel 4 limits will further restrict banks’ ability to lend.

✅ Basel 4 was originally planned to start on January 1, 2022, but in March 2020 it was postponed due to the pandemic until January 2023, and will be applied over 5 years (2027).

✅ All banks worldwide had to be Basel 4 compliant (meaning their money had to be asset-backed), many banks have since consolidated, or closed completely.

✅ As of Friday, February 3, 2023, all Basel 4 compliant banks should go public at the new international gold/commodity-backed currency rates as required by the GESARA Act. This is the revaluation of all global currencies (meaning the global currency reset) – the Iraqi dinar will be the first indicator that will trigger the rest:…

✅ FIAT money is backed by a country’s government rather than a physical commodity or financial instrument, meaning that most paper currencies and coins used around the world are FIAT money, which includes the US dollar, British pound, euro, and South African rand.

✅ All Basel 4 compliant countries will issue their new currencies and accept the old money, so the FIAT dollar will become obsolete outside the US and hidden millions will become worthless.

✅ The world will use FIAT and then transition to precious metals/commodity backed currencies and the USD/British Pound and Euro will no longer have any value.

✅ FIAT will be used for up to 90 days in February/March/April, parallel to the new United States Note (USN), they may cut it off by April 30th or soon after.

✅ No FIAT currency or any other form of currency or money can be deposited into the QFS without going through an exchange process and having a digital gold certificate assigned. Without the gold certificate, the computer will not recognize it as money.

✅ Redemption of Zim Bonds creates a transaction where the gold certificates are activated and placed into your QFS account(s).

✅ No currencies are automatically activated in QFS.

✅ When the time comes, each bank account owner will access the QFS portal and will be able to exchange their FIAT currency in that bank account to the QFS.

✅ The QFS already knows if the money is clean and non-terrorist and will allow the exchange to take place, then it will be assigned the gold certificate and become active for use.

✅ 11 global banks investigating the wonderful world of quantum technologies since 2021:…

✅ Is your bank compatible with Basel 4 and QFS? No need to worry, you will receive a QFS wallet and operate your wallet from your phone.

✅ There are 3 main groups driving this initiative:

1 – Swiss Banking Group AG



Note from Judy: 

There have been rumors that on Monday, August 12, 2024, a blackout  will be necessary  for the nuclear-powered lights to go out and the Starlink Space X Quantum Energy System to be turned on.

Despite the doom and gloom  of an impending war and the global financial crisis, the white hats remained in control with Trump as commander-in-chief.

[Redacted content]

For many years, the Chinese Communist Party (not the Chinese government, which was working to become a democracy) was engaged in a power grab in America.  This war culminated when, just before the  2020 US presidential election  , the CCP purchased Dominion voting machines that, in collusion with the Democratic Party, the CIA, and the Vatican, flipped millions of votes from Trump to Biden. A military count of  water-marked 2020 ballots  confirmed that Trump won all but two states, with a vote count of over 80%. 

  • The CCP paid for and the CIA developed the Smartmatic software  and Dominion voting machines while conspiring with the Vatican, the Italian government, and other communist parties to swing votes from Trump to Biden in the  2020 election  .
  • Trump would not accept this, and before the 2020 election,  he placed the nation under Martial Law. Trump would remain Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces until all those who committed treason were arrested, including those who certified the illegal 2020 election.
  • A US Interim Military Government then took over  Washington DC  to run the country. The two US governments: (1) a legitimate US Interim Military Government, empowered by the Constitution and the Department of Defense under Military Code 11.3, and (2) an illegal, fraudulent, foreign-paid, foreign-controlled Biden Administration (in the foreign territory of the District of Columbia).
  • Mon, Aug 5, 2024:  URGENT ALERT! MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: Disruptive Event 2 Planned: Military Issued Satellite Phones to Senate in Upcoming Communications Blackout Event
  • [Redacted content]
  • Mon, Aug 5, 2024:  UPDATE: The Brunson Brothers case is BACK! Let me explain….
  • Mon. 5 Aug. 2024:  Global Change ALERT! 10-nation EBS activation, Internet blackout, global martial law and transition to metal-backed currencies!
  • Mon. Aug. 5, 2024:  BQQQM! MILITARY INTELLIGENCE: Special Military Forces Around the World Are on High Alert, Waiting for the “GO Signal” – US-Australia Military Alliance – White House as Military Prison!
  • Mon, Aug 5, 2024:  IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! A Global Military Broadcast to Unify and Transform the World!
  • Sun. Aug. 4, 2024:  BOOM!!! BREAKING NEWS About Med Beds! NESARA GESARA and Med Beds Behind the Scenes: Deep State, Globalist Cabal, DUMBS, Human Cloning, and Medical Technology Suppression
  • Mon, Aug 5, 2024 Situation Update (Videos):  Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: Deep State Cabal Headlines: Pending Nuclear WWIII Vs. White Hat Headlines: Imminent Three-Day Event! Republic Restored via GCR: Mon, Aug 5, 2024 Update

Possible moment:

  • Mon. Aug. 5, 2024 Charlie Ward:  “When Israel and Iran go to war, it will be the cover for the RV.”  Judy Note:  Iran has announced that it will attack Israel on the night of  Mon. Aug. 5, 2024
  • Tue. 6 Aug 2024  : “Three days remaining (  from Sat. 4 Aug 2024  ).” …Wikileaks Truth (Julian Assange) on Telegram  .
  • [Redacted content]
  • There will be a message from the EBS sent out by phone,  TV and radio around the world informing that in the next five hours or so, everyone will need to be at home for a global lockdown that will last 10 to 12 days.
  • NESARA will be announced to the world,  which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.
  • So through EBS  they will show documentaries about everything that happened to awaken the masses.
  • At the end of the 12 days  , they will provide an 800 number for people to call to schedule an appointment to set up their Quantum Money account on the new Starlink Satellite System.
  • There were 75 Deep State Banks  that were seized  and all assets and accounts closed. All Cabal Central Banks were taken over, with assets inserted into the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • QFS runs on Blockchain,  where nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable. They can see where all the money goes, which stops corruption in its tracks.
  • Apparently, everyone has an amount of money  in an individual Quantum Financial Account.
  • The seized assets of the Cabal  were moved into the People’s Quantum Financial Accounts. All money in trust funds was moved into individual QFS accounts. All of our bank accounts, savings accounts and retirement accounts were safe in the new Quantum System.
  • The only amounts not reflected in individual Quantum Accounts  were investments and shares in the Stock Market. All of that goes away! It is advisable to exit the Stock Market immediately.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Mon, Aug 5, 2024 Wolverine: “  I spoke to one of the co-founders of Precatorias and he said everything is looking massive and he is sure we will have some amazing news tomorrow (his Monday). Bondholders are also looking very good for this week.”
  • Mon, Aug 5, 2024  There were rumors that Reno was ready, just waiting for the green light.
  • Sat. Aug. 3, 2024 Texas Snake Room, Ms. Jeannie:  “A friend of ours went to renew a registration in Florida. His bill was $26.75. He handed the girl $30. He needed change, so the girl went to get quarters. When she handed him the change, he was shocked to see the quarters. His excitement got the best of him, and when he went to take a picture, another girl took the quarter. He said it had Trump’s face on it.”
  • Mon. Aug. 5, 2024:  BQQQM! Decoding the NESARA GESARA Acronym: Key Provisions of the NESARA Act!
  • Mon. 5 Aug. 2024:  BREAKING NEWS! The RV/GCR: The Insolvent Nations and the Pending Global Economic Revolt! The Imminent Global Currency Reset and NESARA GESARA

Restored Republic:

For those who are worried about our future, don’t be. …  Mr. Pool, The 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.)  Mon. Aug. 5, 2024

  • The Federal Reserve  was incorporated into the US Treasury.
  • The IRS  no longer exists.
  • The fiat dollar  is backed by gold.
  • Big Pharma  will be sued into oblivion.
  • The oil market  was reset to bring down Rockefeller.
  • Free energy  is on the way.
  • Hospitals  will be true healing through light and sound waves.
  • Constitutional Law  will grace our land.
  • Our nation  will be sovereign and free.
  • The Deep State agencies  created for the Cabal will collapse.
  • World peace  will reign.
to Black Swan Monday
Markets are falling all over the world
Federal Reserve calls emergency meeting
Withdraw all funds from your banks right now!!!
Quantum Financial System Activated
Quantum Financial System Activated

Breaking News! Quantum Financial System (QFS) Activated! US Space Force and Zim Bonds Trigger Major Global Currency Reset!

In the heart of Basel, Switzerland, a seismic transformation in global finance is underway,  led by the revolutionary Quantum Financial System (QFS)  . This is a complete overhaul designed to ensure transparency, efficiency and security in monetary transactions around the world.

The QFS represents the epitome of financial evolution,  utilizing cutting-edge technology to oversee and facilitate global economic exchange with an unprecedented level of accuracy and integrity.

QFS finds its roots in the profound insights of Albert Einstein,  who once delved into the mysteries of the quantum realm. Einstein’s manifesto on the quantum realm unwittingly laid the foundation for quantum technologies that today promise to revolutionize our financial systems.

By leveraging the principles he helped discover, QFS leverages quantum computing to perform tasks at speeds and with a level of security that classical systems could never achieve.

In this light, the QFS is the best financial system ever conceived, promising an era in which transactions will not only be faster and more secure, but also inherently transparent and resistant to the corruption and manipulation that plague traditional banking systems.

Under Basel 4, all banks must meet new standards that require their money to be backed by tangible assets,  but it is integration with the QFS that will truly redefine global finance.

Starting on February 3, 2023, when the new protocols began to take effect, the transition to a commodity-backed currency system marked the first step in a broader strategy to reset the financial status quo. The revaluation of the Iraqi dinar is just the beginning.

This global monetary reset, often whispered about in the corridors of power, will see old fiat systems replaced by robust commodity-backed currencies that will stabilize the economy and protect against the inflationary practices that have historically eroded wealth.

The leap from FIAT money to asset-backed currencies under the umbrella of the  QFS is not a step, but a quantum leap towards financial integrity.  The QFS ensures that no currency enters the system without being converted into a digital format backed by real, measurable assets.

The old era of fiat currency, where the value of money is dictated by government decree and not backed by physical commodities, is coming to an end. This transition not only secures the financial future, but also obliterates the shady practices of money laundering and financial fraud.

Furthermore, the redemption process within the QFS,  involving Zim Bonds and other instruments, activates wealth through gold certificates, integrating it into the new financial ecosystem. This process is transformative, ensuring that all wealth within the system is cleansed, accounted for and aligned with global economic stability and growth.

The implications for economic policy and personal wealth are profound. Every transaction is recorded in a system that is virtually incorruptible, driven by algorithms that can detect anomalies in real time, preventing the kind of financial crises that have periodically rocked global markets.

Driving this monumental shift are powerhouses such as the Swiss Banking Group AG, INDUS-BRICS and the US Space Force, who have aligned their considerable resources and technological prowess to champion the implementation of the QFS.

Their commitment underscores the global importance of this shift, heralding a future in which financial transactions will no longer be just exchanges of value, but pillars of a new economic order.

As we approach this new era, it is clear that the QFS is not just a new technology, but a new paradigm. It is a beacon of stability, efficiency and security in a world that desperately needs a more reliable financial foundation.

So, as you navigate this new financial landscape, remember that the QFS is not just protecting your transactions; it is ensuring the prosperity and stability of future generations.





RUMORS: 06/08/2024

There is a wave of financial collapses in various markets around the world.

Black Swan or Black Monday?

Stocks and cryptocurrencies plunge as investors panic and global selloff intensifies.

It’s absolute chaos in Japan as stocks are on track for their biggest decline in more than eight years after falling sharply last Friday.

This is an even bigger drop than Black Monday in 1987.

South Korea suspended all sell orders as markets plunged more than 5%.



In the United States, shares of the Magnificent 7 lost almost $500 billion overnight.

With rumors of World War III and civil war in Europe, markets are expecting an even deeper drop tomorrow.


Behind the scenes: QFS and StarLink QG’s revolutionary Q-Phones are poised to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to expedite Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution. Watch now to understand the future of global connectivity and economic reform.


The rapidly approaching “GO signal”

Imminent Action. The deadline for action is fast approaching, with military forces around the world ready to act within hours or days. This readiness underscores the urgency and precision of the planned operations. When the “GO signal” is given, it will trigger a cascade of events that will lead to significant political and military changes globally.

Speed ​​and Precision. Operations will be executed with remarkable speed and precision. This approach is designed to minimize resistance and maximize the impact of the actions taken. The element of surprise is crucial, ensuring that the deep state cannot mount an effective defense.



❎❎❎The release of medical beds to the public does NOT need to wait for EBS/EAS. They will be introduced as a new medical technology that the military is working on and if you want to participate in their “testing” you will need to call a national phone number to make your appointment.

There is still no information available on how and where national telephone numbers will be published.






There is still no information on how or where the phone number will be provided, but IT WILL ONLY BE GIVEN AFTER RESCUE APPOINTMENTS.


Remember I said the “delay” we’ve been through over the last 2+ years is because it literally took THAT LONG for the US Dollar to collapse, and introduce a new gold/silver backed currency, and implement GESARA.

Remember, the Cabal controlled us because of the Central Banking system, including the Federal Reserve. What would we really be fixing if Trump came back into power, but the Cabal still owned us? NOTHING!

We would have fixed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

NOW… the TIME has FINALLY come for what we have been waiting for and working so hard for. There will still be bumps along the way, but remember that easy was never the promise. VICTORY was.

Hold on tight, patriots, and fasten your seatbelts, this movie is about to get REALLY GOOD!


On Monday morning, August 5, 2024, the looming World War III in the Middle East and fears of a recession in the US triggered sell-offs in international markets, with oil, cryptocurrencies and stocks falling across the globe.


The time has come when G7 currency swaps will not save the system. All these G7 fiat currency swaps against oil are now worth zero. That is why the market is collapsing.


I know of some important people with titles moving today.

Some bond deals that were supposed to be closed in the US have been moved to Europe. I hope that’s good news because they’re working hard to get there.


I told my followers this was coming. 

This has to happen because everything is based on artificial value in a highly inflated market. We are witnessing a transfer of wealth for the ages.


Shadow of Ezra: This is the Great Reset

As expected, markets opened with a big drop.

You can hear the panic from the reporters: “We have never fallen more than 1,000 points — EVER, not even during the day — on the Nasdaq.”



The Dow and Nasdaq fell more than 1,000 points after opening Monday amid a major sell-off triggered by the collapse in Japan and renewed fears of a U.S. recession.

Some of the world’s biggest tech companies saw their stocks take a hit on Monday morning. Nvidia, Meta and Apple all lost 6% of their market cap.

The number 6 will appear frequently.

This is the Great Reset.


The Domino Effect: The Global Banking System Under Siege

As markets collapse, the banking sector is not far behind. The leverage these institutions hold is immense, and their exposure to market declines could trigger a domino effect. Banks around the world are bracing for the worst, with some already facing liquidity crises. Bank runs are becoming a real possibility as panic spreads, and branch closures are being anticipated as a measure to control the fallout.


Witness the cataclysmic global financial meltdown that is destroying markets around the world. From Japan’s historic meltdown to the $500 billion loss of the Magnificent 7, this is no ordinary crisis. Is it a Black Swan or another Black Monday? As banks falter and rumors of war grow, prepare for an economic Armageddon that could herald a new world order. Old systems are crumbling—get ready for explosive transformation and the dawn of true financial freedom.




When the global bank run began, a new indicator suggested that the United States was headed for a major recession. All the world’s currencies are currently undergoing a revaluation process.

Deep State Cabal Headlines:

Third World War Nuclear Threat

Iran Orders Direct Attack on Israel

Banks Closed Around the World


White Hat Event:


Three Days

Activation of the Global Emergency Broadcast System

10 Days of

Communications Darkness Global Martial Law

Eight billion people and all. banks all over the world

A global currency reset

GESARA/NESARA Implementation


The countdown has begun.

Welcome to the finals, Patriots.


A memorable week.

You are not ready.

Buckle up and listen to what I have to say, patriots.

A BLACKOUT is required.

It’s time.

It’s the biggest statement yet.

The main event is on its way.


So loud it’ll blow your masks off.

Time is passing (8 days)


There is a wave of financial collapses in various markets around the world.

Stocks and cryptocurrencies plunge as investors panic and global selloff intensifies.

It’s absolute chaos in Japan as stocks are on track for their biggest decline in more than eight years after falling sharply last Friday.

This is an even bigger drop than Black Monday in 1987.

South Korea suspended all sell orders as markets plunged more than 5%.

In the United States, shares of the Magnificent 7 lost almost $500 billion overnight.

With rumors of World War III and civil war in Europe, markets are expecting an even deeper drop tomorrow.


Remember Phil told us that the “delay” we have experienced over the last 2+ years is because it literally took that long to collapse the US dollar, introduce a new gold/silver backed currency, and implement GESARA.

Remember, the Cabal controlled us because of the Central Bank system, including the Federal Reserve. What would we really be solving if Trump came back into power, but the Cabal still owned us? NOTHING!

We would have fixed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

NOW… FINALLY the time has come for what we have been waiting for and working so hard for. There will still be obstacles along the way, but remember that easy was never the promise. VICTORY was.

Hold on tight, patriots, and buckle up, this movie is about to get REALLY GOOD! 😎



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