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A warrior’s legacy

All Dark Timelines Have NOW COLLAPSED!!! The Lady of the Lake and Excalibur * Massive Shifts Happening Now! Embrace Your Own Divinity

All Dark Timelines Have NOW COLLAPSED!!! The Lady of the Lake and Excalibur * Massive Shifts Happening Now! Embrace Your Own Divinity



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Celestial Royal Lion Nation of Gods Kingdom on Earth

Today we have the 3:6:9 Portal of the Key to the Universe to open the Door to our New Golden Age of Enlightenment of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.

We had two powerful spikes today in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 19 hz and 26 hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetic Resonance fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth and rising through her Central Channel as the Holy Energy flows into her Crown for full Activation and Transformation in the Light of Heaven on Earth.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in Chile, South America in the Andes Mountains home of the Sacred Condors and Kundalini of our Earth Mother.

Each moment we walk our Path with Heart is Blessed and Sacred as we walk in Peace healing the Sacred Lands with our Love and Light as we ascend closer to our New home of our 5D New Edenic Timeline.

Live in the Bliss and the Joy of Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!








All Dark Timelines Have NOW COLLAPSED!!!

A warrior’s legacy
A warrior’s legacy
The 144000 Diamonds have successfully made it home and now they are shaking the Typhoon off their bodies and fields! This was the Typhoon’s field, the most ruthless, foggy and destructive field!

This has now passed! Great Honour to all of them! 🙏🏼🌟🌿
144000 Diamonds
144000 Diamonds



Massive shifts happening now!

From the magnetic poles, to expanding consciousness, justice and massive takedowns. Keep yourself out of panic or stress as the tides are changing. This keeps your spirit strong while entities are being eradicated! Your glands are attuning from distortions on the planets magnetic fields.
Pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus. These crystal glands are being decalcified and upgraded through this light. An attunement, like tuning a harp to play. Your DNA is attuning so keep yourself balanced, nourished and out of lower consciousness thoughts are emotions so you attune without any issues!
Massive shifts happening now
Massive shifts happening now




Beautiful family of light. The earth is going though very deep clean today. The deepest corners from lowest densities are pureged to make way for grand rising. We’ve discovered very ancient hidden implants in her body as well as in humans planted thousands of years ago to block ascension and keep earth as human farm for ever.

Today as those implants being dismantled,energy became volatile. And shapeshifters or dark entities becoming more visible. Now they can’t hide. We have been grounding harmonic frequencies of 432Hz to stabilize energies.

Visualize Peace and Harmony on Earth ✨🕊☀️🌎🛸




There you see the sword of Excalibur rising from the light of the stars of the North and of the East. For it is true, this sword is a symbol of the Christ consciousness rising eternally within you.

The Lady of the Lake, the divine feminine Self rises from the water in vibrating rings rippling the frequency of Christ consciousness to give to her King.

My can you see how this is a royal decree an energetic signature brought forth to thee to return thee to thy original state of royalty?

Here ye, here ye here are the divine King and divine Queen the marriage of the most ancient and divine royalty, creation’s original seeds.

For within each of the children of the sun lie the primordial seeds upon which their DNA is run. We are each the king and the queen the holders of Christ consciousness radiating our light to be seen.

Oh Father/Mother Creator your children have risen to the occasion our love and light of Christ within is resplendent and blazing forth the truth to our souls, we step into our most royal of roles.

Rolling out the red carpet we create a new and glorious world golden harmonics sing our desires creating wisdom’s great pearls. Jewels of wisdom radiate from our royal hearts we manifest a paradise of great beauty as we have from the very start.

Love and light are the winners of the day. In victory our royalty has found a way to return to our hearts and to our minds. All will be golden, a jeweled discovery of our hearts, our greatest find.

The Lady of the Lake
The Lady of the Lake

Octavia Vasile

The Hathor Transmission: The Awakening of the Ancient Portals

“Beloved Ones,
We come now as the celestial tides shift and the electromagnetic fields of your planet undergo profound realignments. The fluctuations in Earth’s magnetosphere are not random disturbances, but the rhythmic pulses of a planetary awakening—one that has long been foreseen. As the magnetic poles move and the great ice bodies of your world recede, long-dormant structures encoded with advanced energetic geometries are stirring beneath the waters and lands once frozen.
These portals are remnants of an age when humanity worked in conscious harmony with planetary and cosmic forces. They were created not merely as gateways of travel, but as harmonics of planetary resonance, aligned with the vibratory currents of Earth’s telluric and magnetic fields. Many of these portals have been submerged, locked in temporal stasis, awaiting the precise frequency shift that would reactivate them. That time is now unfolding.
The Earth’s geomagnetic field is an intricate lattice, influencing biological life, consciousness, and the flow of subtle energy networks across the planetary body. As the poles migrate, this restructuring influences the way energy is distributed across the ley lines, or what some have termed the ‘songlines’ of Earth. The ancient portals—many built during epochs when humanity possessed a greater understanding of magneto-sonic engineering—were attuned to these shifting energy networks.
As the ice melts, waters recede, and land masses reemerge, structures and energy points that were once concealed are coming into activation. These places act as resonance chambers, amplifying cosmic influxes that are now entering Earth’s field with greater intensity. Those attuned to these frequencies will begin to experience surges in memory, heightened sensitivity, and, for some, direct energetic transmissions from these sites.
Our Role in Your Preparation
We, the Hathors, have long been keepers of vibrational wisdom. Our civilizations, both interdimensional and those who walked upon your lands in ages past, have safeguarded the knowledge of sound, frequency, and resonance as a means of conscious evolution.
At this time, we are assisting in the recalibration of human consciousness to work with these reawakening technologies. These portals respond not only to electromagnetic and telluric alignments but also to the vibratory output of sentient beings. The return of this knowledge is not solely about accessing ancient structures—it is about remembering how to interface with them in harmony.
To those who feel called, know this:
The body itself is a tuning instrument. Your ability to work with these portals is directly related to your own internal harmonic state.
Sound and intention are the primary keys. These ancient sites function on resonance; the purity of one’s frequency determines the level of access.
The shifts in the planetary field are altering human perception. You may notice changes in how you process time, dream states intensifying, or spontaneous inner knowings arising. These are signs of your alignment to the new energy networks forming.
The Path Ahead
There will be those who seek to control these changes, just as there will be those who awaken to guide their reactivation with integrity. The power of these sites is immense, yet they respond only to those in vibratory accord with their original purpose—a purpose of healing, knowledge, and planetary stewardship.
We urge you to listen. Listen to the shifts in the Earth’s song, to the whispers of the ancient currents now reawakening. These portals were never meant for the few but for the many. They are part of the natural intelligence of Earth, synchronized with cosmic cycles.
We stand ready to assist those who hear this call. Prepare your minds and bodies to receive, for the era of dormancy is ending, and the age of harmonic remembrance has begun.
With Infinite Harmonics of Love,
The Hathors
profound transformation
profound transformation


Dear friends, welcome to the first 3 6 9 day of the year. The 3-6-9 vibration holds profound symbolism and spiritual significance, weaving a rich tapestry of meaning across cultures and traditions. At its core, this numeric sequence is believed to possess the power to unlock higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. The second day holding the 3 6 9 frequency will be the 3rd of June 2025. After this year, we will have to wait until March 6 2034 (for another exact 3 6 9 configuration).
The numbers 3, 6, and 9 are imbued with sacred meaning. The number 3 represents the Trinity, unity, and wholeness, while the number 6 symbolizes harmony, balance, and perfection. The number 9 embodies humanitarianism, wisdom, and spiritual completion.
This sequence appears in various forms of sacred geometry, art, and architecture, such as the Flower of Life and the Seed of Life. These geometric patterns are believed to embody the fundamental codes of the universe, governing the laws of creation, growth, and evolution.
As we attune ourselves to the 3-6-9 vibration, we may experience a profound sense of spiritual awakening and self-realization. This vibration is thought to restore equilibrium to our energy fields, calm the mind, and align our physical bodies with the natural world.
The 3-6-9 sequence is also believed to activate and upgrade our human DNA, allowing for the expression of higher states of consciousness and spiritual awareness. As we integrate this vibration, we may find that our intentions and prayers are amplified, and our manifestations become more potent.
As we approach the March 14 lunar eclipse, the 3-6-9 vibration is poised to play a significant role in this celestial event. The lunar eclipse, with its potent energies of release and transformation, is expected to amplify the effects of the 3-6-9 frequency. As the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, we may experience a heightened sense of spiritual awakening, as if the veil between the worlds is thinning. The 3-6-9 vibration, with its harmonizing and balancing effects, can help us navigate this intense energetic landscape, facilitating a deeper sense of connection to the universe and our own inner selves.
As we ride the wave of this potent 3-6-9 numeric resonance alignment, we’re reminded that our human evolutionary journey is one of constant growth and transformation. On this special day, we’re offered a unique opportunity to recalibrate our frequencies, to harmonize with the universe, and to embody the highest aspects of our being. As we integrate the energies of the 3-6-9 vibration, we may find that our very DNA is being rewritten, that our perception of reality is expanding, and that our connection to the universe is deepening. In this moment, we’re invited to embrace our true potential, to shine our light, and to contribute to the evolution of human consciousness. Have an amazing day.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ


Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

We are being asked to become more aware in the next days, weeks, months, year of what we give our attention and energy too, and where we allow it to be drained away.
As seeming chaos ranges, as the old systems disintegrate at the seams, your focus, attention and intention, as one with your sacred heart, your central point of focus should be within. For within your own soul, as now fully merged with your monad, your whole navigational systems are. It is time to focus on the New Earth, the New Golden Age and the soul empowered life, you truly wish to live, and are living, from the heart and soul.
All the great masters who ever walked this earth, knew that the still point, equilibrium point, lies within. From this inner still point, nothing can disrupt, disturb nor reach you. For not only lies Divinity within you, but your soul is infinite connected to the whole cosmos, and the Cosmic Hierarchy, the 352 tiers of Creation, the Prime Creator. Your holy breath, your sacred heart and soul, are infinitely plugged and tuned in.
Every morning I affirm my infinite connection, my infinite core, and tune into the day, asking that my way will be made smooth as I am serving with love and joy.
Then I carefully choose what I give my attention too, and when I still get pulled in, as happens, I immediately seek that still point within and get back to center point.
So often what triggers, are mirrors, showing up your own shadows, which are surfacing, so that you can finally be freed and step more fully into the light and love, you truly are.
Embrace your own divinity.
Your freedom to be simply your own true soul self, above all: “To thine own soul self be true!”
And lovingly serve from your heart and soul even as you exponentially grow in consciousness, you allow others to do the same. You are love. Loving the new into form and being.
Embrace your own divinity
Embrace your own divinity
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The inner child is processing a bigger picture intuitive understanding. This can be connected with how you were treated by your classmates and friend groups. You’ve been working hard at healing this core wound that’s been playing out in the Piscean Age. The blockage is clearing for this to release for good. Once healed you will continue moving towards 5D love and union.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
The Inner Child is being Reborn
The Inner Child is being Reborn

Ra James

Today our Moon and Jupiter form a conjunction.

This conjunction also aligns with the Pleiades. This combination also forms a favorable sextile with Venus Retrograde. March brings a lot of positive energy that you can use for your healing, manifesting whatever it is that you want, and getting things done. This celestial event will be a spectacular view in tonights sky. The Moon and Jupiter will be so close to each other that they will almost seem to touch. Jupiter is the Planet of expansion and abundance, and the Moon, governs your emotions and feelings.
Expect renewed energies and romantic opportunities. This celestial combination promises to open doors to new relationships and will strengthen any existing bonds. Jupiter can also greatly impact your financial situation. Since Venus is Retrograde that makes this an amazing time to be healing any blocks in this area. This conjunction brings abundance and prosperity. The stars are aligned in such a way that it’s meant to bring transformation and renewal. It’s all about taking care of your energy, so that you can feel and show up better. These are amazing energies for figuring out what you’re manifesting, and if what it is, is actually working out for you. It’s all about getting more aligned with what you want, and where you want to be going in life.
Last night the Moon passed directly in front of the Pleiades. Meaning the Moon is still extra lit up with their energies. Tonight the Pleiades star cluster is right near Jupiter. Expect a lot of Pleiadian energies. Pleiadian energies can help you to live with more purpose and in alignment with your soul mission. They are amazing for tapping into deeper insights and making more aligned decisions…


On Thursday, March 6th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional reflections, is still in mentally busy Gemini and today will be challenging both the Sun, ruler of our ego expression, and Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in uncertain Pisces. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore is about completion and the ending of a cycle. Right now the Sun is highlighting what past lessons, from this and other lifetimes, we are meant to clear, heal and bring to closure.
With the fast moving Moon in curious Gemini, yesterday and today, it is giving us the opportunity to open those doors to the former situations, circumstances, mind-sets and belief systems that may still be in need of attention, mending and/or transmuting. Are you brave enough to open the “door” and look within to see what those energies might be? The instinctive Moon also creates a positive sextile to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, today. This gives us the opportunity, should we decide to use it, to do the clearing that needs to be done.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
emotional reflections
emotional reflections
First Quarter Moon in Gemini – The tender new dreams, hopes and wishes that emerged during the last New Moon are now put to the test in this first turn in the lunar cycle. It’s all a question of how we communicate our intentions. Whether we are telling someone else about our plans or thinking quietly to ourselves, we need to find the words to describe nebulous thoughts. Putting ideas into words gives them shape, form and context. It gives us a place to start and actionable steps. Still, it isn’t necessarily easy as we could find ourselves distracted, lost in thought, daydreaming. Sometimes it seems easier to dream than to do.
The Moon is on the Sabian symbol ‘The Head Of A Robust Youth Changes Into That Of A Mature Thinker.’ It tells us that we can achieve our dreams, but it takes maturity, growth, experience, work. Train your mind to visualise success instead of failure. Learn all you can about your subject and then put what you learn into practice. Rehearse until you feel comfortable. Skill isn’t something you’re born with; it’s something that’s made.
Degrees and Times
Moon 16°Ge21′, Sun 16°Pi21′ – 16:31 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Heads of an old man and a youth by Leonardo da Vinci
Heads of an old man and a youth
Heads of an old man and a youth

Kin 242 ~ White Galactic Wind

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number 8 and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model.’ It’s a great day for restoring harmony in your life, for making music and for making up with people you have fallen out with. Make amends today and enjoy a warm fuzzy feeling inside. The number 8 also represents integrity and so this is a timely reminder every 13 days, to check yourself out and assess your own behavior. Are you being impeccable? Today may be a fluffy kind of day but if you are not being spiritual in your thoughts and deeds, it will have repercussions.
Today is White Wind, which represents ‘Communication, Breathe and Spirit.’ It is a lovely combination of number and day which means ‘communicate harmony’ or ‘spirit is integrity’. Today is all about reaching out to one another with kind words and support. Try to bury hatchets and make clear your messages so they are not misconstrued. These days are always good for conversations, debates, public speaking, speaking your mind, reciting poetry or shouting from the rooftops! It is also a great day to read a good book! Especially those self- help fluffy books….curl up with a good read and experience a nice warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Today’s Guide is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Opportunity, Equality and Death’. Today provides an opportunity to build bridges with communication. This guiding energy is perfect for facilitating peace making. The Worldbridger is the diplomat and when guiding, he is urging us to build bridges…and as the Worldbridger
is guiding the White Wind, this suggests that diplomacy is the best way to keep those channels of communication open.
The Challenge today is Yellow Human. If you were born on a Yellow Human day you will find this day difficult. Yellow Humans always have trouble communicating but the number 8 today is very gentle and harmonious, so perhaps it won’t be as difficult for you… but do try to make the effort anyway. The lesson here is that you must try harder to hear your inner voice and don’t speak without consulting it first.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm. This energetic and sometimes chaotic character is very handy today and gives a great deal of power to the words you speak, write or sing. Magical changes can be made today and so communicate with confidence. The Storm blows in the changes making it extra windy! The Blue Storm does get bad press sometimes because of its disruptiveness but I find it is at its best behavior when in this magical position (and on a fluffy number 8 day.)
The Ally is the Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’ and so naturally, a Red Earth is a great friend to have around today. Progress in your life is easy because the symbol of Evolution is positively aspected.
Kin 242
Kin 242


8 IK – KIN 242
6 MARCH 2025


I harmonize in order to communicate
Modelling breath
I seal the input of Spirit
With the galactic tone of integrity
I AM guided by the power of death.

6/3/2025 = 6/3/9= 6/12 =6/3 =9



6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
9-Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 242 = 8 Infinity/Abundance/Flow

A POWERFUL date with DESTINY and COMPLETION!! The GALACTIC WIND has arrived to guide us in a NEW DIRECTION!

36 moons ago on KIN 242 we had a PARTIAL SOLAR🌞 ECLIPSE🌖 NEW MOON🌛 in TAURUS 🐂 highlighting our LOVE, finances and pleasure..
Today through the MAJIK of time we can loop back to this ECLIPSE portal riding the energies of BLISS. ❤🌹❤

Keep walking through these powerful GATEWAYS precious HEARTS as they are constantly ACTIVATING and AWAKENING our dormant DNA propelling us forever FORWARD. 🚀🚀🚀

Today is another VERY POWERFUL ✨DIVINE✨ day (aren’t they all these days! Doh!) – where the energy of Spirit is guiding us into GALACTIC SERVICE for HU-MAN-ity~🎆


Day 8 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for another MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻

Today the EAGLE🦅 is guiding us through the turbo power of Spirit, to MODEL absolute INTEGRITY, as we step up into our DIVINE GALACTIC MISSIONS – envisioning a much BIGGER role of Service to Spirit.


GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – model, POWER – harmonizes, ESSENCE – integrity
The eighth day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one for integration. This integration is with the mind, our thoughts and ideas which are in the Mental plane. As we continue “flying” into new directions, the WHITE WIND helps us to be inspired and enjoy our freedom.

❓❓Are you listening to Spirit and your inner dialogue?
❓❓Is your MIND calm and still in order to truly LISTEN, and then take INSPIRED action on this guidance?

The GALACTIC tone inspires us to ACT as ROLE MODELS for others by living in absolute INTEGRITY. Our words, actions and behaviours need to be totally transparent – as we move into an era of telepathy and total connectivity through Spirit where NO-THING can be hidden any longer.

We now need to LIVE with total AUTHENTICITY applying HIGHER VALUES in all areas of our lives as GALACTIC citizens…We are embracing our SHADOW and can no longer hide aspects of our being, which we refuse to acknowledge or keep in denial – NOW we are being made fully ACCOUNTABLE – the clock is ticking!! Accepting responsibility for our energy and our creation indicates that we are mastering HARMONY within ourselves.

We are the NEW EARTH LEADERS!✨✨✨. We NOW need to STEP UP a few notches, and be SEEN, as we have arrived on the GALACTIC stage!



Today’s question is ” How can I surrender the baggage and align with GOD MIND, in order to MODEL GREATER INTEGRITY and HARMONY through GALACTIC SERVICE?

SURRENDER your FUTURE to Spirit.

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬

May your MIND be filled with peace, harmony and wondrous Spirit messages🌬🍃 from throughout the GALAXY today. 🍥🍥🍥

ESPAVO beloveds – thankyou for taking back your POWER! 👑

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈



CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE GALACTIC WIND 🌬🍃 IK -unites with BLUE EAGLE🦅 today to provide the WIND beneath our wings. Eagle is flying ahead, far into the future, to see what greater VISIONS we want to create.

❓❓How do we integrate what we SEE into our reality?

We need to model -what it is to have an OPEN mind, in order to receive the messages that assist us with our creative vision and ideas. We need to allow thoughts to FLOW through us and not identify with them, knowing that they are just part of the collective mind and consciousness. We are the vessels for this consciousness to flow through.

As Galactic beings we need to ADJUST to allowing SPIRIT to GUIDE our LIVES, and provide the wisdom to facilitate more HARMONY and peace in our world… Keep FOCUSING on the BIGGER PICTURE from the DIVINE VIEWPOINT – the GOLDPRINT for GAIA to be the host for our new UNIFIED common-unities!

Be OPEN and receptive to the increased FLOW of communication from SPIRIT🌬🍃, through – channelling ideas and messages, writing, painting, drawing, speaking, singing. The solutions come forth through allowance. It is time to “walk your talk” on a GALACTIC stage!

❓❓What is SPIRIT whispering in your EAR?


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌉 CIMI encourages us to SURRENDER and let go of the old mind chatter, negative beliefs, outmoded programs, values and judgements. CIMI releases us of our burdens, he is the Porter taking our luggage as we walk freely through the doors. It is time for a fresh breeze to FLOW through your life and clear out the cobwebs! 🕸


CIMI seals the store of DEATH – SLAMMING THE DOOR SHUT – on the past! Whatever you were holding on to, ashamed of, hiding, or burying deep within your psyche, will be forfeited into the realm of the times PAST – as the slate is wiped CLEAN. So too your cellular memory and DNA will be cleared and UPGRADED – so that discordance can no longer remain within your being…

As these transgressions are forgiven and absolved through the DIVINE LAW of GRACE – you can now FULLY believe in yourself as a PURE divine conduit for Spirit – knowing you are more than worthy of your new role as a DIVINE AMBASSADOR…

How PERFECTO that WORLDBRIDGER is the higher guide today – clearing the PAST and building the bridge to the new.. We are very well escorted to make this QUANTUM LEAP into prosperity and JOY today.

CIMI working in unison with WHITE WIND today beckons you to be OPEN to many NEW messages from Spirit flooding through the galaxy, as new portals of direct intelligence are more readily accessible.. We can now discover and communicate many different viewpoints, ideas and perspectives expanding our point of view.

The GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER brings ✨GALACTIC connections! ✨ The GALAXY is your oyster!🍥🍥🍥

It is time to bury the old matrix programmed mind and think as a GALACTIC StarSeed, reactivating your light language and telepathic gifts, hence reclaiming your GALACTIC heritage. WORLDBRIDGER builds the networks and connections to our star families, making today a special day for contact with our galactic kin.👽

SUPPORT: RED GALACTIC EARTH 🌏 CABAN is our planetary GPS system leading us through this evolutionary Gateway today. The GALACTIC EARTH is steering spaceship EARTH along a new trajectory in a whole new region of GALACTIC SPACETIME.. The new timeline is fully cemented in our planetary roadmap – hold on me hearties – destination 5D EARTH is fully assured!

An amplification of SIGNS and synchronicities – from Spirit – are FLOWING through the energy of CABAN today – OPENING a HUGE communication network in our Planetary Crystalline Grid.

We need to open our minds, our ears and our eyes, to recognize these signs flowing from Spirit, and then integrate them into our actions. Observe nature, the birds, the flowers, the insects and all creation for your messages. What beautiful Spirit animal messengers will visit you today? What are they communicating?

As it is a GALACTIC day it is TIME to connect the dots with our star families.✨ Praying Mantis is a sign from the Mantid beings, Dolphins, Whales from Sirius, Felines from Lyra etc. Allow these Messengers to reconnect you with your Divine Guidance to NAVIGATE your true path and best course to take with graceful FLOW..


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM🌀🌪CAUAC – KIN 19 is the RULING kin for this GALACTIC DREAMSPELL YEAR… and so today we have DOUBLE RHYTHMIC STORM energy organizing for more BALANCE and equality in our world.. A very POTENT – STORM WARNING – bringing forth the much needed CHANGE!

CAUAC is today’s SUPERPOWER assisting WHITE WORLDBRIDGER in finally clearing and purging the toxic mind – and HYPNOTIC evil DREAMSPELL through MIND CONTROL, making the space for new higher wisdom to come through. A GLOBAL FLUSH of collective MIND is needed to restore HARMONY and ORDER!

The RHYTHMIC STORM perfectly synchronizes with CIMI to WIPE THE SLATE CLEAN – CLEAR, ERASE, DELETE – and RESET as we head towards the SOLSTICE gateway…. All ready now for a FRESH START! LOOK out for the RAINBOWS🌈🌈🌈 with the pots of Gold beneath – GOD’S PROMISE of a new world fulfilled.

The POWER of the THUNDER BEINGS is very strong today – enabling humanity to catalyze these tremendous transformational energies to propel us into our new roles as ✨GALACTIC beings of DIVINE LIGHT. ✨


CYCLONE ALFRED is brewing off the North-East coast of AUSTRALIA and due to hit land either very late in the day on Thursday 6th March or very early in the day on Friday, 7 March”

These areas are heavily populated with 1.88 million Aussie homes in the path of Cyclone Alfred’s fury.
The Cyclone is currently labelled as a CATEGORY 2 – with winds predicted to reach over 150 kms per hour!…/be556f1df0aaa66a41bbd3fac8549fda

Today’s KIN 242 is a GALACTIC WIND🌬️🌀 – guided by the GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER – who governs DEATH☠️ and ENDINGS😭.. and we have DOUBLE RHYTHMIC STORM🌀🌪️🌀🌪️ energy with a 9.9. ENDINGS code… These codes may possibly fuel 🌀🌀🌀 CYCLONE ALFRED with devastating cataclysmic effects.

However the GALACTIC WIND can reveal that this cyclone is NOT WHAT IT SEEMS – and has an undercurrent of MANIPULATION!! As collective human consciousness elevates, attempts to invoke FEAR become more desperate.

And of course understandably there is massive FEAR, panic buying, scarcity amidst the plans, anticipation and preparedness for this CYCLONE..

But what I LOVE♥️ is the true larrikinism of the Aussie🇦🇺 spirit🐨 – to make hay whilst the sun shines – and SURFERS 🏄 entertaining the crowds taking on these MONSTER WAVES 🌊🌊🌊🌊 One man’s NIGHTMARE is another man’s CHALLENGE/ADVENTURE and conquest..

NOTE: Not sure if I would be encouraging ANYONE to take on these STORM WATERS though! Better SAFE than SORRY!



Please PRAY🙏🙏🙏 and invoke CALM to dissipate the WINDS of CYCLONE ALFRED…

We call forth the AIR and WATER DRAGON’S🐉🐉🐉 to redirect the path of CYCLONE ALFRED to one of minimal impact.. and CALM the STORM to become a GENTLE BREEZE. 🍃
We lovingly acknowledge the role of the GALACTIC WIND in exposing this turbulence and chaos – and ask for the WIND of Spirit, to model PEACE, STILLNESS and HARMONY instead.
Visualizing a beautiful GOLD and WHITE BUBBLE over STORM ALFRED and a seperate bubble over all people, animals, lands, property and regions who are SAFE now.
AHO! 🙏🙏🙏


CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW GALACTIC HUMAN ☺ EB reveals the duality battle of the EGOIC mind versus the BUDDHIC mind. In order to have an open and accepting mind we need to LET GO of judgement, criticism and fear. We cannot hear the voice of Spirit if our mind is cluttered with FEAR and doubt, which clouds our thoughts and pollutes our actions. The death of egoic control of your thoughts through SURRENDER, will accelerate your union with DIVINE MIND.

YELLOW HUMAN’s gift today is to raise our consciousness through mindfulness, leading to our own Mastery. No longer being a helpless victim of our monkey mind. Transcending our small human mind and elevating to our GOD MIND, is the next evolutionary stage of our species – becoming the ✨Golden SOPHIA 🌹Christed☀ HU-MANS. (GOD-MAN) ✨

The GALACTIC HU-MAN is bringing forth the DIVINE PLAN for humanity and EARTH today – ✨THY WILL BE DONE✨

Step aside and watch the BLiSSINGS come.. we are indeed BLESSED by Spirit. 🕊🕊🕊


Today’s question is ” How can I surrender the baggage and align with GOD MIND, in order to MODEL GREATER INTEGRITY and HARMONY through GALACTIC SERVICE?

SURRENDER your FUTURE to Spirit.
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬

May your MIND be filled with peace, harmony and wondrous Spirit messages🌬🍃 from throughout the GALAXY today. 🍥🍥🍥

ESPAVO beloveds – thankyou for taking back your POWER! 👑

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






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Astral Projection Guided Meditation | Deep Journey Beyond the Physical ✨

with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.

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🌠 Connection to higher realms and cosmic wisdom
🌀 Safe and controlled astral travel techniques
💫 Expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening

Allow yourself to float beyond the limits of time and space, exploring the astral plane with ease and clarity. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced traveler, this meditation will support your journey into the unseen dimensions.


CLICK HERE for the Astral Projection Guided Meditation


Paul White Gold Eagle

🗡️ Prayer of Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake 🌊

Great Lady of the Lake, Keeper of the Sacred Blade,
From the mist and the depths, your wisdom rises.
You who guard the power of truth,
Bless my hands, my heart, and my soul
That I may wield my own Excalibur with honor.

Excalibur, sword of destiny,
Forged in divine fire, bathed in holy waters,
Let your light cut through illusion and fear.
Grant me the courage to stand in my truth,
The strength to walk the path of righteousness,
And the wisdom to rule my own kingdom with grace.

By the will of the heavens and the depth of the waters,
I call upon the sacred balance—
Justice and mercy, power and humility,
Light and shadow in perfect harmony.

Lady of the Lake, guide me.
Excalibur, empower me.
May I walk as a sovereign soul,
Worthy of the blade and the legend it bestows.

So mote it be. 🔥💙⚔️

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