Kumara (Honoured Self) MULTIDIMENSIONAL LIGHT DYNAMICS ~ Core Magnetic Shifts
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Great Clear Lighted Star Blissed Warriors of the 144
A new Light has appeared today as a guide to our highest timeline. Allow it to lead you to the deepest most Sacred part of yourself, the Still White Magnetic Light at your center, zero point to the Void of Infinite potential. This guiding light will assist you to merge with your Eternal multidimensional Self at-one with the Great Mystery and all that is. The Love of the Divine is resonating in the Core of your beingness. The Green Ray of Healing from the Great Central Sun is penetrating and opening the Emerald Portal within your Sacred Heart Chakra. Allow it to expand out to the ends of the multiverse and Return to the Center of the Sacred Hoop for full integration and activation of the 144 Codes of our 12 Strand Angelic DNA. We are in the final Days of the false 3d matrix of ignorance and separation.
As we navigate between worlds through the Void we merge the Two into the One, the Yin with the Yang, the Water with the Fire, Shakti with Shiva, the Condor with the Eagle in the Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. In this merging in Unity Consciousness we usher in the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. In the Primordial Waves of Alchemy we activate the Crystal Palace in the Center of the Brain with the Freedom Codes of Source and Release all Sentient Beings of the Way from Samsara, in this Now.
Keep holding the Light and Rising together, Starseeds of the New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 24°28′ Pisces, Sun at 20°00′ Gemini
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A tumultuous labor demonstration.
Sabian Symbol for 21º Gemini
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 21º Gemini.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
The purging of the priesthood.
Sabian Symbol for 25º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 25º Pisces.
The Solstice portal just opened.. Ready to free fall into the unknown on a whole new level?! We’ve been initiated, trained, ready to align with our heart centered co-creations. Humanity will take massive jumps during this transit..
Divine Love healing ALL timelines, realities, ancient vows/ contracts..HIS-tory rewritten..Love Prevails..Bliss codes, Union codes..
UPDATE. Time of life charged with renewal, hope, cross roads and intensity. Something has been charged up. Your life. Your soul. Your potential. Your truth. This sacred flame is carrying you. The light was never stopped — it just weakened at times. New doors are opening. Perhaps a new paradigm. Be bold. Walk through it.
You have chosen a new path. This is a matter of self-respect, of honoring your truth. You elevate your life everytime you release what’s a No in your heart. You know this — you deserve to find more and more aligned circumstances & to embody more and more of your true self as you go. Joy comes comes big for the daring souls who embrace being fully who they truly are. New joy awaits you.
We are in the Solstice Gateway Now: Core magnetic shifts, plate shifts, and jumps in frequency. A big week for pre-Solstice Grid & Gatekeeping!
Let us unify and infuse the Grids, organic stargates, Gaia, Solaris, and the Unified field of Ascending Hearts with the most refined Crystalline LoveLight yet!
We hold the unified field of Peace as ONE in our meditations, co-creating light-infusions of Peace and Ascension.
See you in the Unified Field of Crystalline Hearts.
Dear family of love and light, per Gaia’s request, the Divine and the company of heaven are carrying out a special Divine intervention and operation to clear certain areas of the planet. And there are also groups of souls who will be cleared. The Divine has started this special operation so that the clearing process can be done successfully.
According to Gaia’s ascension schedule, Gaia has made changes to the planet. And Gaia insists the changes that need to happen. Gaia asks the Divine and the company of heaven to help her and carry out the changes that needed for the ascension purpose. The changes will release a great deal of deeply buried pain for the planet.
The Divine and the company of heaven encourages light workers to stay in the higher heart and be peaceful while the Divine and the company of heaven carry out the Divine intervention. Know that the Divine is in control. Gaia’s ascension is developing on her schedule. All is well indeed.
Thank you for your love and light. Divine blessings to you always.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
The New Energies Are Coming In For Us Through Octopus Ancient Being That Transmits Through Andromeda Galaxy…. The Codes Coming In Are in A Form of Small Organic Technology Zygota/Eggs they Bring Nourishment for the Body….
The New Architecture Will Bring Waves of Unconditional Love Beyond The Walls We’ve Built So far…. The Shielding That Has been In Place Is being Reprogrammed as New Energy Is Holding Everything In Pure Unconditional Love, Everything Beyond We Knew So Far….
If you Resonate Be Open To Receive Activation from An Andromedan Octopus…
As a Kumara (Honoured Self), you volunteered to do this work from the heavens – you are bridging the gap, and taking the eternal flame to earth through your sacred work, you have been prepared for this, you will know what to do – you are the one who has embraced the Sacred Flame within and did what you came to do. Now it is time to take the Sacred Flame to Earth and present it to humanity.
It takes an act of courage by those who have grace and deepest love for this planet – this has happened before and it is happening again. The shift within Oneself, is interplanetary within the body.
The level of light above is the highest of love’s light, we will continue to assist and hold this energy.
From the outer dimensions, at the end of this current age, many illumined beings are watching and assisting, cosmic awareness is just as great as planetary awareness, it is time to move forward, old teachings are shifting, there are other lives with which to bring new light.
There are three worlds that you will choose from – make the choice with the heart with the highest love – Creation, Sustain, Destruction.
You choose your experience from that which you place attention and focus upon.
June 11, 2023 is a gateway. Each of you will be choosing where you will be going. It is like a fork in the road but for different timelines, different vibrations and different heights on this timeline. This day is essential for making the highest potential choices. Grab this opportunity and leave behind everything that doesn’t serve you anymore. You can fly up very far and very fast or you can go at a habitual pace if you so choose. It is like a trampoline. You can jump very high, average height or just walk around the trampoline and continue on your path.
You are so good at thinking about things. You are so good at planning things and hoping that everything will go according to your plan. Forget it! There will be opportunities that you just need to jump on. You need to do the work releasing everything that doesn’t serve you anymore before June 11th because the lighter you are the higher you can jump. Release all unforgiven things, all unnecessary relationships, all stereotypes and 3D beliefs. All this needs to go away because what you are stepping into is so much bigger, so much wider, so much more expansive than whatever we have ever lived as human beings.
This moment of choice is big not only for individuals and groups, but big for humanity as a whole. Humanity is actually choosing its way. With all the teaching that was done for you, all the nurturing, you are coming to your final point. You are ready moving forward and that is the way and the speed that you want to go as a whole, to the oneness of humanity.
You will be much more connected on an energetic level as individuals to each other and to the whole after this gateway and because of that we can make this huge jump. You don’t have to wait for a response because you immediately feel the response in your Light Bodies. You don’t have to wait for the others because you will know the answer to your questions. This is a great gift that you deserve, have earned and a great tool that can be used in going forward.
The Cosmic Adventure: Ascending to The Kingdoms of Light
Have you ever considered that there are parts of yourself that are in the dark and have no other way of finding the light but through you?
The parts of yourself that are in the dark, too, desire the light. They seek explanations and solutions.
What you may experience is not essentially the dark force’s intent but its emotional makeup—the fear that vibrates as a result of a lack of knowledge. You’re going to receive requests for information from parts of yourself.
How do you let them know?
You spread light by shedding it. “I desire for all of my other selves to join me on this journey and to get light as well,” you declare. It is quite easy.
You are a beacon of light. You are a conduit of light!
You are a teacher, a healer, and a source of information. You have been called to teach the parts of yourself that may not know how to find the light except through you.
You have been called to shed light on the truth about yourself, your life, and your purpose in this lifetime.
We live in a world where there is a lot of information, and a lot of information is coming at us.
You share what you know with your other selves so that they can learn and grow. You shed light on their path so that they can see where they’re going and find their way.
They want the light as well; they want solutions and answers. They want to know why this is happening, what’s going on, and how it can be resolved.
If you want to go face the darkness, then you can. The closer you get to it, the more bright light you will run into, and it will push back the darker things that are not meant for you.
Do not let the dark force intimidate you. You can become stronger by being in its presence. You become stronger by standing with it and seeing all of your emotions projected in front of you.
If you choose to take on this exercise, meditate on your responsibility for the parts of yourself that you don’t know about. Remember to breathe and allow your heart to fill with love for all parts of yourself, and then visualize light coming from your heart into the hearts of everyone in your life.
It is a complex world, and you are one of many parts that make up the whole. There is no harm to be done by empowering yourself and your other selves through the veil of ignorance. After all, everyone could benefit from some enlightenment.
You can always ask for guidance from your guides and angels. That is why they are here. They will help you come to an understanding of their intent so that you do not get stuck in the dark. What you may think is “darkness” is actually more akin to “ignorance.”
You have been asked to come down to Earth to assist in the transformation of this planet so that it can be ready for its ascension.
You were chosen because of your abilities and experiences from previous lives and because of your desire to help make this planet a perfect place for the second wave of humanity, who will be able to move up into higher dimensions and enjoy these new realities that are all around us right now.
The Galactic Federation’s mother ships have been here for many years, but they were not allowed to land until this planet was ready for them. There were many other extraterrestrial species that wanted to use this world as their home base, but they could not do so until it had been transformed by human beings into a beautiful jewel in the universe.
You see, there are many different levels of reality within our galaxy, and some planets have progressed much further into various dimensions than others. Some planets are closer to their ascension than others are, but all planets must follow their own timetable for transformation before they can move up into higher realities where life is.
Your ultimate objective is to literally ascend into the higher cosmology of motherships and leave this planet. When you reach the kingdoms of light, you’ll be able to live in the alternate worlds that are all around you but that your three-dimensional eyes aren’t allowed to view.
You will have completed your mission on Earth, and the planet will begin its shift. It will be a stunning gem in the cosmos. You might decide to stay for a while to assist in the restructuring and reconstruction of this new Earth. Yet eventually, you’ll want to move on to new tasks that will change other universes.
Keep in mind that you are renegades who enjoy an adventurous time. Hence, it is likely that you will move on to a new mission and let others enjoy this lovely world!
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
We ask you to attune to the Light Synthesis in every moment, the complex gift of Light Transmission.
The subtle transformation of Light is now reaching you in an expanded Multidimensional Language. Feel your eyes, skin, brain interpret Light, feel this integration in a new complex light format.
Take a step beyond your current understanding. Expand your light to see a new view of this process. Layer this experience with the view of Light Expansion and guidance from your soul family
As you choose this level of focus, expand this sensitivity to every cell, to become truly integrated in your own awareness.
The true awareness of You will assist your Higher Light Vision.
Powerful Pluto is creating cosmic news headlines once again… this time in a profound way with Mercury!
On June 11 Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini.
On the SAME day Pluto retrogrades from Aquarius back into Capricorn.
So… Pluto will be in a harmonious TRINE to Mercuryat the exact moment that Pluto moves from 00° into 29° Capricorn and Mercury moves from 29° Taurus into 00° Gemini.
This sets up a highly positive “Zero-Point” Shift of profound discoveries.
A major awakening about the great impact of your thoughts and words on your well being – or lack thereof, is very real.
Mercury governs communication and the mind.
Pluto symbolizes the unconscious and your deepest feelings.
Mercury is curious and Pluto empowering.
Thus, Mercury trine Pluto creates big AHA moments… received through your heightened intuition.
You get new, refreshing and profound answers.
Conversations are deepened.
And with the simultaneous change of signs at zero-point degree numbers, major shifts can occur as a direct result of discovering the Truth.
This is heightened by the June 11 date – 11 is the master number of living in the present moment – the teacher and Psychic Master.
Any shift only happens Now, in THIS moment.
Play, creativity, feeling only happens NOW.
The impact of words is especially made clear now in a way that will bring major epiphanies.
In fact, understanding the power of words is the consciousness shift taking place within all of us now…
And, as Pluto continues to cross back and forth from the late degrees of Capricorn into 00° Aquarius over the next 17 months, situations bringing breakthroughs and answers will continue to multiply.
Transformation arising from Truth is the big theme in all our lives.
Take a moment and visualize a New Earth where the oceans are clean, the air is pure, nature thrives, everyone is considered equal, people are taken care of, and peace washes over us all like a beautiful waterfall of oceanic love energy each and every day!
Commanding Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, will be shifting back into Capricorn on Sunday at 5:47am EDT. Shortly after his retrograde back into the sign of the Sea Goat, Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, will make a positive trine to this small planet that packs a powerful punch! Pluto first enters Capricorn in January 2008 and will not totally leave this conservative sign until November 2024, although he dances in and out of his new placement in Aquarius a few times until he is through with conventional Capricorn. The sign of the Sea Goat is traditional, authoritative, cautious, ambitious, organized and security oriented. These can all be wonderful qualities, however, like all of the signs of the zodiac, it carries its “shadow side.”
It is said that Capricorn also rules the patriarchal systems of the world and the 3rd dimensional reality that we are currently living in. When taken to the negative extreme this energy can be callous, depressive, cynical, narrow minded, and overly concerned with status and power. Pluto’s task is to unearth the collective shadow regarding this energy and tear down what is no longer working so that something new can be born in its place. Pluto can bring transmutation, radical change and evolution! We still have time to stand in our truth and be one of the change makers that are needed to shift our world and transform it into a place that empowers us all! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Last Quarter Moon in Pisces. Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries – A cosmic hush settles over us, like a heavy fog, it dampens sound. What does come through is distorted, bits of broken conversation, notes from a song, something long forgotten, half remembered, what was it? It slips away. Dreams recede back from the place they came leaving odd images with no context. There may be the strange sense that we’ve lost our grip on something important, left out a piece of information, misplaced a reference. Where am I?
You are here, says a voice. Here on the planet, here in the now, here in this time, here in this body. A soul having a human experience to gather stories and poems, songs and rhymes. Yes, there are questions that go unanswered, pieces that don’t fit, puzzles that continue to vex. Allow time for quiet reflection. Float. A little trust goes a long way to making sense of confusing vibrations. Be alert to synchronicities. Gently ask scattered soul parts to return home. Know that you are healed and whole.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its keywords are ‘Liberate, Release and Dissolve’. We are traveling through the White Mirror wavespell currently and the Yellow Star is the challenge of the Mirror. Because of the math involved in the Tzolkin, the 11th day is always the challenge. This means we get respite from whatever agenda was set at the beginning. So, release yourself from truth seeking, liberate yourself from this task.
Today is less serious and that is a welcome break.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. You have permission to celebrate beauty today! So, indulge in star gazing, wear something that makes you feel beautiful, spruce up your space and add some sparkle. Pass on a beautiful smile and make being alive an art form. Today is not about taking yourself too seriously, or digging deep into your soul or searching for truth. Appreciating the beautiful world about you and the people in your life is what it is all about. So, be a star today and allow yourself to shine bright. You will feel liberated! It is an interesting combination of number and day. This suggests that by indulging in art or appreciating beauty can lead to releasing. Allow the artist inside of you to be set free and express yourself.
The Guide today is also a Yellow Star, so follow that guiding starlight, which illuminates our path. Now we can easily see which way to go. No stumbling in the dark, it’s a bright sparkly day. Whenever a day is guided by itself, the message of the day is more concentrated because there is no outside influence.
The Challenge is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. Also, this is the wavespell we are in and so in this challenging position the truth is hard to see today but that’s OK. It’s great to have a break from all that self-reflection. Another way of looking at it is; when the Mirror is in a challenging position, the truth may be challenging. Look out for lies and people trying to mislead you today.
The Occult power today is the Red Skywalker which represents ‘Exploring, Wakefulness and Space’. The open-minded Skywalker is so much fun when in this magical position. Explore beauty and art today and you shall be well rewarded for your efforts. The more open your mind is, the more beauty you shall experience. The chances of going on a beautiful, magical adventure is more likely today because of these aspects.
The Ally today is the Blue Monkey and when in this friendly position, monkey is a wonderful friend to hang out with. Monkeys have a natural gift for appreciating beauty and can offer much enthusiasm and motivation.If you don’t have a Monkey in your life that can assist you today, be like a Monkey and enjoy everything sparkly and shiny. The Yellow Star and the Blue Monkey are best buddies because they have in common this love for all things shiny and pretty.
The SPECTRAL TONE is tone number 11 and KIN 128 adds up to 11!! Thus we have an 11.11.DOUBLE GATEWAY today. . HUGE ILLUMINATION CODES!!!
This OPENS a doorway to release the past! Coupled with a 14/5 CODE giving us the COURAGE to BREAK FREE and LIBERATE our new beautiful lives. The SPECTRAL tone also acts to LIBERATE giving us a DOUBLE FREEDOM code.
The 11/2 code highlights partnerships/twin flames and divine partners…and the SUN is in GEMINI the sign of the TWINS. Tis the season of LOVE, romance, harmony and partnerships. The MIRROR wavespell will MAGNIFY our reflections through our relationships today.. Very potent correcting energies. Today we are LIBERATING our new beautiful LIFE through harmonious relationships – bringing back BALANCE to our lives.
Today is a very POWERFUL day for LIBERATION from disharmonious relationships and toxic emotions to release more BEAUTY in our world!
Day 11 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today we are focused on LIBERATING our inner BEAUTY, through uncovering and dissolving discordant emotional patterns that WHITE MIRROR is reflecting in the CORE of our being – particularly in relation to our partnerships and relationships.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING and move forward, FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions.
The SPECTRAL action together with the 11 and 2 codes, focuses on family HARMONY. This is putting your relationships under the magnifying glass for close examination.
These very powerful energies work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true INNER BEAUTY..
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW REALITY where TIME = ART and LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!
So precious hearts laugh, dance and sing with your beloved kin and enjoy this beautiful STARRY day, imagining a new Harmonic reality in our BEAUTY filled world. .
Today’s question is “What do I need to RELEASE and dissolve, in order to LIBERATE more BEAUTY and ART expressing through the new Harmonic Matrix?
Divine blessings for a BEAUTY filled day of LIBERATION and CELEBRATION!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
LAMAT provides perfect energies for healing any disharmonious relationships with yourself or your kin today. We are able to release all the old energy that has built up, and allow ourselves to FEEL LIGHT and FREE, SHINY and BRIGHT once again.
The YELLOW STAR ignites your creativity today and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. Your POWER centre also releases your store of ABUNDANCE.. ensuring the flood gates OPEN and are LIBERATING Universal funds for all – GLOBAL ABUNDANCE is here NOW.
LAMAT is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art, craft, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music All this beautiful energy will lead you to greater harmony within yourself and through your outer reflection in your relations with others. AbeautIful day to gather with your kin and celebrate BEAUTY. .
LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace, harmony and PEACE. YELLOW STAR kin are gifted artisans and Artists, as well as BRILLIANT diplomats and PEACE keepers, which is where they really SHINE.
LAMAT kin have undoubtedly held positions as Galactic Ambassadors and Peace Diplomats through the Galaxy and in many life times. Many STAR BLISS SUNS who hail from Venusian shores carrying Libran/Lamat codes are the Galactic Peacemakers who have journeyed to Earth with that grand purpose.
Ironically many PEACE loving Librans/Yellow Stars attract dysfunctional relationships as part of their life’s lesson to find the BEAUTY amidst the chaos .
Librans are very gentle and beautiful souls holding HUGE LIGHT packets within their pure vessels. Sadly their partners usually play the shadow role in their midst…holding the balance needed in duality, in order for LAMAT to experience and know themselves as DIVINE LIGHT
This paradox is very evident in Twin Flame relationships as identified in the Gemini archetype – one twin is within the LIGHT and the other stands in the SHADOW..however this is all now in the PAST as we move from duality consciousness to UNITY consciousness.
No more SHADOW or MIRROR games.
Hallelujah as every soul will be reflecting GREAT LIGHT!
On a global level the SPECTRAL STAR will reveal more chaos and discord in order for us to SEE THE LIGHT in the Hall of Mirrors, categorically rejecting the reflection of this illusion.
We are NOW choosing to SEE and experience a new Harmonic reality, one filled with UNITY, beauty and PEACE.
We are GIFTED with VERY POWERFUL codes to release and LIBERATE a better world today.
Invite the gift of HARMONY into your life by allowing the BEAUTY of Creation to LIBERATE you through higher LOVE, JOY and BLISS.
SUPPORT: BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY – CHUEN invites us to see beyond the veils of illusion and deception to reveal the purity of TRUTH. Discovering the Divine child in each of us – our PURE INNOCENCE..
As we connect with our inner Divine Child and recognize the divinity within each other – we access the MAJIK of the CREATION within us all. LIBERATING tremendous MAJIK to make our lives BLISSFUL.
SPECTRAL CHUEN – dissolves the old black magic SPELL and liberates the pure DIVINE heart centered MAJIK through the power of LOVE. The TRUE POWER at the centre of all CREATION.
Trust in the divine patterns at play that LIBERATE your JOY and innocence. Rejoicing and celebrating through PLAYing with our kin. Stepping through the boundaries into deeper and higher levels of FREEDOM from the old paradigm, into B-Earthing a beautiful new utopian world for ourselves, our children, and our future descendants.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED ELECTRIC SKYWALKER – BEN provides DOUBLE the rocket fuel as today’s SUPERPOWER, to ELECTRICALLY IGNITE your desires, passion and yearning for BLISS.
The ELECTRIC tone ACTIVATES us to BOND with our kin, in Divine Service to all.. a strong magnetic force of attraction between like resonance.
BEN enables us to ACTIVATE our JOY through exploring what it is to express our feelings. Allowing ourselves to DISCOVER our feelings that have long been hidden and lost. BEN can help us to soar to the Heavens and anchor these BLISS codes through our-cellves and our union with others.
As we bond with our beloveds in Service to the Divine, with the united mission of bridging Heaven and Earth.
BEN shows us that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation to the BEAUTY we can access and CREATE on this planet.
REACH for the STARS and spread your WINGS to fly on the Cosmic Currents, and then bring the pillars of HEAVEN to anchor our BLISS ON EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR ETZNAB as the challenge today, gives us DOUBLE the power of TRUTH, endlessness and reflection, amplifying the wavespell energy.
ETZNAB gives us the gift of accessing the endless order of Creation. The DOUBLE MIRROR energy, POTENTLY reveals all that needs to be released and stripped away in ourselves, our connections and our world in order to feel our cell-ves as eternal beings.
ETZNAB then challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things and to hold LOVE AND COMPASSION in our hearts. Allowing ourselves to release into the beauty, letting go of the endless order, and seeing it reflected in nature all around us. The elegant creation that stirs your heart and uplifts you with joy and BLISS!
The NEW HARMONIC MATRIX is INFINITE in its BEAUTY and expression of harmonic union. The synchronic order of CREATION is endlessly reflected through the corridors of TIME. It is TIME to SMASH the ILLUSION and CHOOSE to live in the NEW TIME.
IT IS TIME to paint a beauty filled picture for your LIFE and our world.
So precious hearts laugh, dance and sing with your beloved kin and enjoy this beautiful STARRY day, imagining a new Harmonic reality in our BEAUTY filled world. .
Today’s question is “What do I need to RELEASE and dissolve, in order to LIBERATE more BEAUTY and ART expressing through the new Harmonic Matrix?
I dedicate this post to my beloved soul siSTAR and Earth Angel Fran Shore – a YELLOW SPECTRAL STAR.
DIVI is a beautiful diplomatic STAR and peacekeeper who is brilliant at harmonizing emotional dramas. She is an absolute specialist at discovering, dissolving and releasing the root of any discordant emotional patterns and trauma from any dimension or realm in the time space continuum!!! She has been my number ONE, go to healer, counsellor and SAVIOUR for the past decade. I literally would not be here today to write these posts if it was not for her guardianship and protection (against the dark attacks), as my majikal fairy Godmother, giving me the courage to endure my arduous journey.
HAPPY B-EARTHDAY – DIVINE GRATITUDE and eternal LOVE my beautiful Earth guardian.
Divine blessings for a BEAUTY filled day of LIBERATION and CELEBRATION!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
Dearest God Almighty, I would like to go to the Ashram of The Will Of God, in Mt. Shasta, and attend classes for Ascension. I’d like to go to Their Inner Planes. I’d like to petition Adama, as I’d like to be His Student, to teach me about Ascension, raising my vibrations and increasing my Light. I’d like to request My Guardian Angel to take my Soul to Their Inner Planes.
I Am desirous of having a better understanding of the Will Of God, and wishing to come along, through their Seven Portals, leading to The Ascension Door of the 5th Dimension.
I’d like to take Your Hands of Assistance and Guidance, and allow my Guides, Friends and Helpers, to lead and guide me.
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