2020 – 11.11.22 The Year of the Krystic Sacred Heart Resonance and Families Unification

2020 – 11.11.22 The Year of the Krystic Sacred Heart Resonance and Families Unification

Greetings Dear StarOnes,
With Love we come to share this note…

Dear ones, we are contemplating so much progress with the Luminescence of Monadic activation since 2014, and more waves of Plasma Energetic upgrades are on their way with each alignment within and without during your Celestial Summer/Winter Solstices. Previously, about one third of the earth grids were able to hold the Krystic architecture that ran correct proportions of the diamond sun blueprint and tri-wave current that allowed for resetting of the organic timelines in the Cosmic Clock.
Starseeds are the first waves of conduit for transmitting the ascending Aqualine Central Sun frequencies into the earth. You are the natural conduit for growing these frequencies on the earth surface, as you helped to anchor these plasma infusions onto the surface grid, this also served to repair damaged networks or descending hubs and consequentially increasing the Krystic architecture. As you communed with the Aqualine Sun frequencies emanating from the central sun throughout all suns in this galaxy, these blue plasma energies gradually removed all that is artificial or false, restoring your body and consciousness to reflect its true essence and divine nature. There are groups in the Christos Mission that are in the process of spiritual initiation to embody the Cosmic Mother Krystallah, Universal Solar Feminine Melchizedek, Galactic Solar Feminine Keriatric and Planetary Solar Feminine Celestial templates that are explicitly connected to the Mother Arc’s 13th Pillar.
The Cosmic Sacred Heart of the Universe and your’s hold the truth of the Krystalline Unity field intelligence. Many starseeds who were infused by the new Solar Galactic Light began to activate their Crystal Bodies and diffuse its Codes to manifest abundance prosperity and Unity Consciousness on this planet. From within the sacred heart and held point of the eternal flame of divine love, one is connected with the entire Universe, and this is when communication with the Personal Christ or Krystal Guardians is made possible. Dear Hearts it is time to reclaim your right to all layers of the Universal Families to be unified. This process is your Monadic integration process.
2020 -11.11.22 is the opportunity for the 12:12 Starsseeds families to Unify in their Sacred Heart Truth, liberated, sovereign and free reinstate the wholeness of their Divine Blueprint via their Christ-Sophia Presence within the Cosmic Memory of the Amenti Records. You can begin “working” together in co-creating the highest capacity of benevolence for Gaia. Remember, the Aquamarine Ray is the blue diamond chalice frequency of divine love found within the sacred crystal heart, this represents humanity’s real parent and Cosmic Mother resurrecting herself in the fallen realm to be able to fully protect and reclaim her children from the phantom matrix. Through the Beloved Mother Arc, you are able to discern between the Alien Dark Mother (black madonna) and its artificial reversal Mother energies reflected in the lunar forces (black Lilith).
Co-creating within the UNIFIED LIGHT may take some practice on your part, it requires that you become very Clear within your heart’s Intent-ions while living in a Clear-Clean body. Indeed, when Higher Consciousness is combined with Earth’s energy it creates “Heaven on Earth”. It is time to bring down your Higher Consciousness into your life daily and harness your creative energy to manifest tangible for the world at large. Trust your Krystal sacred Heart’s intuitive power to guide you . Your only “job” is to remain open and radiant as much as possible, that’s all. And in doing so you will then serve as a reminder to everyone else that, this is possible for them as well. Be the LightHouse for ALL to SEE.
Blessings of Pure Light and Happy New Year to All
You are Loved 💙🌀💎
In service to All, in service to ONE
join Deeaia Cosmic BlueRay Galactic Guardian of the Mother Arc Elder at the BleuRay Council
Light encoded pic by Deeaia my Gratitude to the artist 💙
Copyright (©) 2019 Chantal Christine * All Rights Reserved * 2012 &on- You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
#love #unityconsciousness #divinelove #wholeness #crystalline #lightboday #heartchakra #ascension
#spiritualfreedom #divineblueprint #diamondsun #avatar #christconsciousness


Elizabeth Peru

17 hrs
1:1 is The Day of NEW BEGINNINGS, as we SET an energy tempo for our 2020, culminating on 12:12 in December. How are you sending your 1:1 and what will your visions be?

Sending you my love and blessings for a LIGHT-FILLED January and 2020 ahead.
How are you beloved ONE – now that we’re ALL experiencing the 20’s and the NEW energy decade of light is underway? I’m hearing such positive feedback from our loving Tip-Off Community, that they’re feeling inspired and committed to living their most authentic life in the year ahead! I support your every step and will be encouraging you everyday…

2020 is a ‘gateway’ year into the accelerating astrological Age of AQUARIUS – where caring, kindness and sharing are themes. Indeed, have you been feeling the call to LIGHTEN UP in all areas of your life? This is the year where LIFE goes COSMIC. And this community, are ALREADY leading the way.

I’ve been loving seeing your PHOTOS of Vision Boards and Journals of your Tip-Off Notes for 2020. I love how the daily energy forecasts for 2020 are inspiring our community and sparking inspiration already!
Today’s energy forecasts have just been loaded. Listen to me speaking to you about the energy fo 1:1 and the important first week of January. Another ECLIPSE is coming soon 🌟


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.


Jan 1 through Jan 5
Gene Key 38
The Warrior Of Light
“Your Life’s Work is a great thing to contemplate. So have a good look at the Gene Key you have there. What response do those three words trigger inside you? Confusion, excitement, doubt, annoyance? Whatever it is, that is your starting point. Begin with that feeling. That is the difficulty or not. Why do you feel that? What lies behind that feeling? Start exploring it yourself. I have the 64th Gene Key. It is the Shadow of Confusion ironically – the Gift of Imagination and the Siddhi of Illumination. I have really, really learned about those words. I know what they mean inside of me at such a deep level. These words have layers to them. They are both individual and collective. So I have learned for example that my Shadow of Confusion when it is harnessed can lead me to become a man who helps lead others out of their confusion about what they are here to do. But first I have to harness that Shadow. I have had to harness it. I have had to accept it, embrace it, transform it into a creative force to help others. So think about your Shadow at that level as well. The pain inside of you is so that you eventually learn from it and then you help others from that pain because it has transformed inside you.
Doesn’t it make perfect sense? Everything difficult in our lives is there to become a gift to help others.
This is the beautiful truth hidden in the Gene Keys:
that every Shadow contains a Gift.”
– The 38th Way, the Gift of Perseverance
“Perseverance is the most essential human attribute of the inner warrior because the darker forces of human instinct are so deeply embedded in our nature. Over time, through perseverance, love and trust, you will eventually attain victory and experience your own divinity.”


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Ruddhttps://amzn.to/2KRJTTr


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

Calendar TRUTH

NS1.32.6.19 (Greg2019.12.31) – As we collectively transition from the Gregorian year 2019 into the much-anticipated year 2020, we greet everyone with goodwill and loving energy. As many are noting online, this great transition presents a moment for reflection and taking pause to account for all we have experienced, personally and as a human/planetary species, and for what we intend and hope to energize and emphasize in the times ahead. Even though we aim to promote a calendar reform (calendar change), the importance of this transitional moment and numerological effect and meaning of 2020 is not lost on us. After all, “all is number.”

The synchronic number 2020 symbolizes huge potential. When you keep seeing this number, it’s time to use your gifts and talents to accomplish your goals and have the life that you desire. … The appearance of the numbers 2020 indicates it’s time to live your life with optimism and enthusiasm. When factored, whether as 2+2 or 2×2, 2020 becomes 4. The number 4 is a number of “being”, it is the number that connects mind-body-spirit with the physical world of structure and organization. Four symbolizes the safety and security of home, the need for stability and strength on a solid foundation of values and beliefs. Number 4 also represents “self-existing” definition and form.
As a reflection, in the year 2016, on Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the Global Council for Calendar Awareness (G.C.C.A.) launched a 4-year campaign entitled “Calendar Referendum Initiative 2020” (CRI-2020) with the intention of making conscious the deleterious (harmful) effects of our unconscious collective utilization of the Gregorian calendar, en masse, as the civil / business standard for time-keeping and coordination among global society. The Gregorian calendar is something we mostly take for granted and hardly ever question the effects of, even though it is completely ubiquitous and enmeshed into nearly every aspect of our lives.
Our CRI-2020 campaign aims to make clear that the artifice of the Gregorian calendar has served, in it’s 4+ centuries of prolonged use, to pull humanity further and further away from synchronization and harmony with Nature’s timing and cycles, of which we can increasingly see the deteriorating results. Over these past four years, we have raised awareness and promoted adoption of the “untried solution”, presented as the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar. We want to thank everyone who has supported this effort by signing the CRI-2020 online petition (link here: https://www.change.org/p/un-secretary-general-calendar-refe…), helping us to reach over 5,200 (4 x 1,300) signatures recently. Though this number may not seem like a lot in terms of quantity, we recognize that, as with “turtle time” (another term we use to describe Nature’s timing), the quality of slow and steady is the movement of things which endure.
As we have each “new year”, we, yet again, invite you to “ditch the glitch” of the erroneous and artificial Gregorian calendar system, and make the conscious choice to shift from harm to harmony by beginning to utilize the 13-month, 28-day calendar as a tool for personal and planetary transformation / synchronization of your consciousness with Nature. Please download a free PDF copy of the current 2019-2020 transitional calendar at this link: https://13months28days.info/…/2019-2020-13-Month-28-day-NEW…. In this 28-page booklet, you will learn about the New OS (Operational System) we are promoting to support a shift into greater harmony and synchrony.
#ditchtheglitch #timeisart #naturaltime #synchronicity #creativity #inspiration #newvision #clearseeing #shiftfromharmtoharmony #choicepoint #noosphere #thoughtsbecomereality #whatwillyouemphasizenow


The Tzolkin Times

15 hrs
Red Self Existing Skywalker
‘Self Existing’ is the name for the number four and its key words are ‘Measure, Form and Define’. It is the fourth day of the White Dog wavespell and a Portal day! The fourth day is all about taking a closer examination of your situation. Before you can progress – you really need to know precisely where you are and where you stand. Think of each wavespell journey as an adventure and on the fourth day, you get out the map and your compass so you may better plot your course.

Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness.’ Skywalker loves to encourage us all to be explorers. Expand your consciousness, travel and explore, take a day out to do something completely different. As it is a number four day we must ‘define wakefulness’. This suggests we take a closer look at what wakefulness entails. What is the very definition of being a conscious being? Deep questions to ponder today so keep an open mind.
The Guide today is the Red Moon, the chilled out ‘go with the flow’ energy. Any adventure you do go on today should be as unplanned as possible. Where can an adventure take you, if you release all control? Follow the Moon and chill out about life for awhile.
The Challenge is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. The relationship between Red Skywalker and it’s challenge Blue Night is so interesting. They are like co dependents. Blue Night dreams up all the dreams that Skywalker explores and Skywalker is always trying to wake up the dreamer. If you are a Blue Night today you will probably just want to stay in bed and carry on dreaming.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. When in this strong position of Magic the Yellow Star shines at its brightest. Dazzling and Elegant, Yellow Star is fabulous today. By appreciating art and indulging in it, can produce very magical moments.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger, the diplomat of the Tzolkin. If you want to take a friend on an adventure today find a Worldbridger. They are very handy Allies, cause they can show you which bridge to cross.


Christina Papageorgiou

1 JANUARY 2020

I DEFINE in order to EXPLORE
Measuring wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Self-existing tone of form
I AM guided by the power of Universal water.
1/1/2020 = 1/1/4 = 6
1/1 portal – new beginnings/leadership
2 – Partnership/Cooperation/Unions
4 – Angelic code – a year for building a new foundation for New Earth
6 – Christ Consciousness/Heaven/Family/Love/Romance
KIN 173 = 11 Portal/Duality/Doorway/Partnership 11:11 code
🎆🎆🎆 Starting the NEW YEAR/DECADE with a DOUBLE BANG 💥💥
Another POWERFUL GAP day and a portal KIN CODE, so lots of POWER igniting🔥 our Planetary LIBERATION 🕊today! HOW DIVINELY PERFECT!!
IT IS TIME TO BREAK OUT OF THE BOX !!!! 💣📦 and CONSTRUCT a new foundation.
💝🐕👪🌹 💝🐕👪🌹💝🐕👪🌹
Very appropriately we commence this new era in the cycle of the WHITE DOG – unconditional LOVE💝, devotion 💝and loyalty💝 – this theme will be the current for the whole year!
Today is Day 4 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE! Today we are EXPLORING what it is to be that LOVE, and be loved, through DEFINING unconditional love in our lives.
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – forms. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Today we are using our MINDS to redefine our HU-man existance through LOVE.. Defining how we can transform our lives through endless LOVE. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY and majikal manifestations through your pure heart..Go forth and BUILD this new more EXPANSIVE foundation of our wonderful LOVE fuelled New world! 🌍🌎🌏
💝🐕👪🌹 💝🐕👪🌹💝🐕👪🌹
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SKYWALKER 🚶BEN Ready, set, GO GO GO space cadets, don your spacesuit, UBER your spaceship ride and lets go on a grand adventure throughout the Galaxy! Today is totally EXPANSIVE!!! An uber day for a trip!! There are literally FIREWORKS in the AIR – so look up to the skies and EXPAND your VISION…
As we are operating in the MENTAL realm, today we are EXPLORING the capacity of our MIND. The mental construct that we have built for ourselves and our whole planet. The BOX or the Matrix, in which we have contained our existance, through the parameters and limits of our Mental programs, belief systems, glass ceilings and boundaries we have constructed. All of these false constructs are fences that have limited our expression and expansiveness into the total immersion of Unconditional Love.💝 We are redefining what is possible for us today, and fully AWAKENING, with an OPEN MIND to allowing more LOVE and pure consciousness to flow into our expanded being. Today Red Skywalker defines WAKEFULNESS and we also have 20/20 VISION activated so the AWAKENING codes are UBER potent today.
Today we EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPAND and witness the new. As we EXPAND we realize greater BLISS as we float endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS. It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully awakened Starseeds bringing Heaven🌈 to Earth.🌏💝
Exploration, expansion and awakening are the qualities of Skywalker, making it a great day to venture outdoors in nature and explore our physical reality on this planet. Take a different route, venture off the beaten path and explore what you can find that can assist you in your creations. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possiblities from which to create a better life for this coming decade.
HIGHER SELF: RED MOON 👸 MULUC is the GODDESS who is BEN’s escort today. The Goddess is very fittingly our Higher guide bringing in this new era of LOVE, peace and divine nurturance operating from a place of HEART centered consciousness. 💝💝💝 MULUC is beckoning us to OPEN our MINDS and to yield our rigid outmoded mental constructs that harden our Hearts. Allowing our MINDS to become more fluid, allowing the Universal waters to flow through our thoughts, our space and our existance. Bringing forth the love, devotion and companionship that the Goddess bestows upon those who are willing to soften and surrender to the POWER OF LOVE 💝, expanding into being ONE with the Universal waters of pure consciousness.
SUPPORT: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌐 CIMI and BEN are best mates! They love to travel together and explore new dimensions and realms. Ben opens the doors and CIMI brings the suitcase! It is absolutely PERFECT that the Worldbridger is bridging the span to this new year and era…the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉 has been completed and CIMI invites you to cross over into a brand new existance. Worldbridger allows you to close the door on old worlds and experiences today – exiting the Matrix and venturing into a new paradigm. Get out of that OLD BOX 📦 that you built for yourself. It is time for a major DEMOLITION and reconstruction work! Pull down those walls and EXPAND the total floorspace, to construct yourself a palace fit for a KING or QUEEN! 👑The Divine Sovereigns of Nova Gaia, really do need a larger playground! Allow CIMI to bring forth new contacts, resources and information needed to EXPAND your mind in order to share and receive a greater LOVE connect-I-on with your kin.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW STAR🌟 LAMAT – is also joining this amazingly EXPANSIVE GLOBAL party today!🎊🎉🎆 LAMAT is the STAR of the show! The portal to other galaxies and planets. LAMAT works in unison OPENING THE GOLDEN GATES for CIMI to connect to, and BEN and MULUC to flow through, on the Superhighways of the Cosmos ignited by the GAP and 11 portal codes! LAMAT shines her starlight on our capacity to EXPAND our thinking. Exploring how it is possible to encompass more beauty, harmony, peace and greater romance in our lives. La Dolce Vita! 🍬 Appreciating that Time is Art. 🎨 Redefining the concept of TIME, to embrace the importance of LOVE💝 to be present in all our creations and expressions. Focusing primarily on the Harmonic Matrix as a model of Harmony throughout the universe, which empowers us to fearlessly co-create the New Earth/Time for all beings.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE NIGHT 🌃💰 AKBAL holds the dreaming codes and brings forth abundance through heeding your intuitive impulses. The BLUE NIGHT governs your sleep time and journeying together with SKYWALKER makes a super Astral travelling combination. As it is a MENTAL realm day you may experience quite lucid dreaming. As we travel through these expanded states we become fearlessly FREE to explore, discovering the infinite abundance that flows through creation, floating in a pink sea of Divine Bliss. Hold on to your dreams and let your intuition guide your adventures in wonderland, remembering to come back home with the treasure in your arms! 💰💎 AKBAL the cosmic genie is the divine blessing today providing the GIFT of endless ABUNDANCE and untold pleasures which await all planetary kin who are operating through their Divinely AWAKENED pure hearts.
A DIVINELY PERFECT CODE, yet again, woven through the Majik tapestry of our Dreamspell journey.
And so mote it be, dear ones! A brilliant day for dreaming, astral travelling, time travelling and Skywalking! 🍥Meditate in order to witness what the cosmos has in store for you. Through redefining what is possible for you you can build a brand new foundation, allowing for greater FREEDOM and EXPANSION!! 

Today’s question is “How can I redefine the BOX that I have existed within, in order to realize total EXPANSION, awakening to the Universal Flow of endless ABUNDANCE?”
🐬🌈 🐬🌈🐬🌈🐬🌈
Divine blessings for the S=T=R=E=T=C=H=I=N=G of your MENTAL playpen to redefine your wondrous NEW LIFE!
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


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  1. Terra Lail


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