Divine Logos (Kryst Feminine & Solar Kryst Masculine) GUIDING FOCUS BEING ANCHORED IN NEW TIMELINES – Cosmic Solar Dragon Christos Kings & Queens
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Krystal Diamond Avatars of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth
We have major waves of Higher Resonance coming in from 5D and beyond.
Pachamama received a powerful activation today with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Gansu Sheng, China at 15:59 UTC. Mother Earth also had a huge release today with a massive Volcanic explosion in Iceland. The blood of Gaia through her magma is flowing for the cleansing and purging of all that remains of the toxic energies from the past.
The Christos Sophianic energetics are flooding in from our local Solaris and directly from the Great Central Sun, sent by Mother Father God to upgrade and activate all our Celestial Golden Children of the Sun.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being inundated and filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit of the most High to complete and fulfill our Divine Birthright as Sovereign conscious Co-Creators of our full Planetary Liberation.
Our original blueprints of Divinity are returning through our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA activations as the Awakened Mind of Buddha is being transmitted to the Living Hearts of our Ground Crew Team of the New Earth. Together we rise into the Dawning of the Golden Sun of the New Age of Light…A’Ho!
We are in a cosmic place that is challenging to describe, it’s a cosmic crossroads that is ancient and new at the same time. Many timelines converging into one causing a clash of realities. You will observe those on a 3D timeline, and it will seem nothing like the reality you are experiencing. There is excellent order on the 5D timelines, the opposite for 3D. Cosmically, we are moving faster than ever before in a powerful way
Our vision is clear, the North Star guides us home to the kingdom that dwells within. Polarities change spinning magnetism of the Self, transforming duality to singularity, the rising in consciousness towards peace. We return to eternal love & the powerful beings of light we are.
Asian crane
Breathe as you receive light to your vessel! Diamond light is streaming in fast and strong charging ley lines and vortexes. This gives seismic activity as it transmutes density. Quantum hopping between realities is happening so this shows glitches in time & other effects. Dejavu will increase as remembrance embarks for this galactic alignment. Profound light is here, allow it to heal, transmute and transform you into joy, harmony, love and peace. Encompassing all rays of light just like your diamond lightbody!
diamond lightbody
Set the intention, from this day forward, leading up to 12/21 portal, to do all that you can to remain in a high vibrational state. Practice meditation with deep breathing, eating light foods, water, herbal tea, exercise, get good rest, and limit your time with electronics.
The light of each soul on Earth who is ready, will merge with the new higher energies arriving from the Great Central Sun on the 12/21 portal. Also the alignments of the star bodies in our local Universe will amplify the frequencies. Immense change is unfolding, prepare to jump timelines in the days ahead.
12/18/23: You should feel a shift today giving you the uplift you’ve been waiting for. When it comes, it will be easier to go with it than to question it… and you should go with it. You are fully transformed now, as 2023 intended, and your attitude and willingness are crucial to how far and high you can fly. The winds will be blowing, but it’s your wings, your strength, and your determination you’re testing.
You are the pilot, so instincts and intuition, and openness and confidence, are your best Right Actions. 2024 has much to offer on your behalf… and the more you can handle, the more you will receive. Your Right Action today is to check yourself for stability… looking for poise and balance. You’ve got this.
Self government, the ability and right of a person or a group to live by its own rules/laws.
The importance of autonomy is not only becoming greater and more essential in the new reality but it is also being restored to its truthful meaning.
During the past weeks I have been witnessing something magnificent taking place in the inner worlds.
The Divine Logos flowing in via our True Genealogy, is becoming alive in our own Genes.
The Divine Logos is liberating us from the overwriting of the fallen program and is restoring our systems, bringing inner healing and full realignment of our inner flows to the organic flows of Creation and our true family.
This can only take place via the process of autonomy which is something the individual must first consciously decide inwardly.
There is a timing for this realisation when one has reached a satisfying level of inner knowing and integration of enough inner aspects.
Then the true meaning of autonomy can be seen and understood.
As long as there is still an active need for attachment and the understanding of self responsibility is still unclear and hidden in the inner areas of the blind spots of an individual, this cannot take place.
The children coming out of the 3d graves is a process of preparation connected to this because the children were called to leave the family systems of vampirism and codependency which reflected in all of their relationships and interfered with the relationship to their own self.
The removal of the garment is also part of this process because by removing the garment one can remove previous and specific self limitations that were connected to the 3d experience.
Autonomy is the ability to govern the Self.
How can one become autonomous?
By becoming Self Illuminated, by restoring a direct connection to Source via the inner planes.
Remember that each Living Child is connected to its true Genealogy and its virtues and righteous acts or the absence of them!
And this is what is now coming to the surface, to be seen and understood!
Everything starts making more sense once the Child starts remembering his/her True Lineage.
The Tree of Life via its hollow nature is showing us how one can find Self illumination.
We will work on this via the magnificent energies of the upcoming Solstice!
So many layers are clearing and so many flows are being restored!
Each day we are here we are taking another step closer to our True, Sweet and Natural Essence and Sense of Self!
Dear friends, we are just a couple of days away from the Winter/Summer Solstice and the energies are ramping up. The Solstice light codes are already being absorbed by our body fields and mostly by our nervous system. Energetically speaking, our brain hemispheres are undergoing changes so that their interconnectivity is increasing and assisting the creation of new pathways. Some headaches might occur during this period. Stay hydrated.
The main goal of these Solstice light codes is the creation of a new inner balance. However, through this process of internal realignment we are also purging unnecessary blockages and energetic anchors that are preventing us from “taking off”.
This alignment of our soul, mind, and body fields is a constant process and requires a lot of energy. We are being transmuted by the cosmic energies, and this process needs patience and understanding. As the new lightcodes enter your nervous system, they then spread down the spine and into the rest of your body systems and organs. Whenever this new high frequency information encounters stagnant energy within the body, an energetic friction is created. This may cause physical symptoms of all sorts, depending on where in the body the blockage is located. That said, these symptoms could also connect with the stagnant emotions stored in such organ/system. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body and intuition during these 10 days so these emotional issues can be addressed. Stay focused on your heart center and feel the sacred Light pulsating within you.
As we approach the Solstice climax, you may notice a few physical and emotional imbalances trying to be released. This is a critical part of the transmutation process in order to achieve a new lighter inner and peaceful state of being. On the other hand, if you have already released all that was needed to clear during this phase of your earthly journey, then the Solstice energy will find you in a more peaceful and stable place. The dynamics of this process are unique to each of us.
The Trinity codes embedded within the Solstice energies, during the day afterwards 12:22 (which is a fractal portal), and around Christmas time/Christ consciousness reawakening, will be working intensively and deep within us this whole week.
Our energy fields are getting ready for the shift that will take place as we move into the new year. The 2024 energies are also slowly but steadily starting to enter into our consciousness and energy spheres. New timelines are being woven, and this week and the next will be pivotal for consolidating our future steps. Of course, the future is not written in stone, but it is our present conscious choices that will delineate the future timelines. Go within, meditate, listen to the activations, and try not to resist the changes the universe is triggering in your life.
Remember, the Universe is on your side and wants you to shine brightly. Much love, and have a wonderful day.
Today I saw just how powerful this Solstice is going to be: ‘a cessation’. And after this, the flooding in of peace and prosperity. I saw the earth shaking, shifting as the new rises to the surface. The idea of the individual will lose its grip as community blooms — but not at the expense of sovereignty. This is the great, beautiful paradox. For the individual sees that all flows from her. She is responsible for the world that blooms in her field.
‘It must begin now.
Feather and bark, petal and stone.
The tide turns, as the natural world takes hold.’
I see us dissolving into Gaia in true energetic union. I hear, ‘Giants, elves, dragons call, will you hearken?’
Great rods of light, shimmering crystalline pillars circle the earth. Women and men dance in figures of eight through them, weaving powerful grids. A white rose blooms in the centre of their circle.
‘The rose blood runs strong. Christ is in the land.’ The green man rises up from inner earth, and this inner land is utterly bejewelled, glittering. I am told that these riches ‘will be worn by those above who love the land’. This is the crystalline field that awaits us. ‘Centre yourself on this solstice’. I see myself sitting on the land, grounding as a huge infusion pours up from below. ‘The darker the light, the lighter the dark; this day is the purifier of all souls.’
A blessed Solstice for us all.
Thanks to Recalibration for this Winter Solstice Art.
source: crystalsoundhealing.net
Great rods of light
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
* Ascension EVENT UPDATE* THIS IS A WAKE-UP CALL ~ The Galactic Federation
Greetings our Dear Family of Light,
The Earth is being hit with some of the Biggest energy burst from your Logos in the Last 6 of your earth years. Meaning that it is amping up for the Big one. Just since our Last Update you have received continued M class flares every day. However, 2 of your earth days ago on the 14th you received 2 very Large M class and One massive X class flare reaching an X2.87. This is the Biggest flare the Earth has received within your last 6 earth years. This will be actually reaching your Earths atmosphere today. Giving Humanity and the Earth an extreme boost of Light Directly from Our Infinite Creator. This amp up of Light, is to help awaken more individuals before the Solstice Portal on The 21st of your Earth month of December. This is a Wake up Call. The Solstice Portal, Brings new plans, new ideas, new ways of being that will blossom & grow, and become bountiful harvests in the year ahead. This is the Beginning of the New Earth. The dreams of everything to come this your Earth year are being sparked in your winter’s rest. This is where the Ideas for your New Earth will be generated for manifestation.
Winter is the season when things are revealed by turning deep within yourself. While the Summer is sparked with new Growth.
By awakening more individuals during these times will help to jump you into the New Year. allowing for the 5th dimensional frequencies to push you into the vibrations for the creation of the new Earth.
For the Northern Hemisphere, you will experience a period of Inner exploration and deep contemplation. While the Southern Hemisphere, will experience a Time of Renewal, with fresh Ideas and New Growth.
The Earth Herself has stayed calm the Last week, steady within 4th dimensional frequencies, With an average from 10 hz to 24 hz.
You are approaching a very important time within your spiritual evolution, as you enter this new phase. This phase will bring you closer to the 5th dimensional frequencies and will help the Earth boost herself into the 5th degree density. Allowing for us, your Star families, to interact in a more direct way. The Earth is well on her way to becoming a 5th degree celestial body. It will become harder and harder for humans to stay within lower vibrations. The Dark ones continue to push the Lower vibration through their Wars and separation. However, this wake-up call will change things. As the infinite Light engulfs your Planet, many of your people will be looking for Peace. They will be looking for a different way. They will no longer want to entertain Hate or Fear.
They will be looking, for you. You are the forerunners, and the ones to lead Humanity into the New Earth. Shine your Lights Bright Dear Ones, to help others find their way.
This has been a resounding guiding light I have been witnessing for the last several weeks since the heightened transformational gateway opening up for the next integrative levels of the Solar Kryst Feminine & Solar Kryst Masculine shifts occurring with Daughter Codes of Andromeda Galaxy supporting the Son Codes Activating at this time within the spiritualized DNA, fire codex & sunlight body activations.
If you have begun to notice the way your inner divine guidance is nudging you to really lean into how you look at immunity in your own god-sovereign freedom, you would be aware of the guidance to purge & refine your own solar sanctum, solar energy centers, solar sacrum (core base chakras by rewilding your base foundation of your soul to human full expression not only in public but in how you show up in full congruency in all ways, always) – from the Krystalline core of your heart.
You may have become aware of the guidance to renew a heavy metal detox from your bloodstream, shift eating habits, & open up to new creative projects & specifically how you are guided to really irrevocably clear your mental body as you honor your emotional body in physical activity.
The irrevocable clearing of the mental plane / mental body is to clear distortions so you can access the readily available for your own highest ease, grace & divine inner guidance to align with the next highest priority aspects of your god-sovereign freedom into aligned somatic integrative self-healing mastery.
For each of you, it will be different; please never confuse different to be wrong. Different is to be celebrated; I love when I connect to my fellow soul family, witnessing how they are guided & what they are guided to witness within themselves next – it all plays a significant role in the return of the solar synthesis of universal harmonic light source & sounds fields of the Cosmic Solar Dragon Christos Kings & Queens once more upon the earth.
Mercury has gone retrograde & the systematic response you may feel with this may shift your internal processing in how you communicate to what you give communication energy to or with while shifting your own sacred inner divine dialogue of self-respect, integrity & soul expression.
This period, historically, gets a bad rap when mercury is in shadow or in the microwave/retrograde, but truly, this inner reflective time is to see how you can learn from building deeper spiritual immunity. You may want to hibernate when you may be called to be more social than ever due to the holidays.
Honor what your body speaks – your greatest somatic barometer of truth. If you need a digital detox, take affirmative action. If you need to go be in the wild of the divine mother – do what speaks softly as much as resoundingly to you now.
Just because the outside world says, you need to be disposable to everything always doesn’t mean you have to subscribe to those energetics.
Integration of change shows up organically for each individual. Be willing to try new ways of moving through transformative change without self-imposed limitation that it has to look a certain way for you to integrate a certain way through these new spiritualized blood transfigurations of your cellular memories & angelic DNA activations.
Spiritual immunity is looking at your self-care practices; where can you refine this? It holistically looks at all aspects of your well-being as a god-sovereign cosmic citizen of consciousness.
More to come to support you in your own guiding light on refining your immunity through your multidimensionality.
You are so deeply loved, held & guided in ways you are deeply coming to feel as you give space for your soul’s integration within your human self-healing mastery.
For The Power Of You Is Simply The Power Of Your Light Field Expanding In This Now Moment
This Incredible Moment Of Light Now Reaching Us
For The Light Of Now is Paving The Way To Bring Through Ancient Codes Of Light Initiations, New Earth Light Initiations To Progress The Timeline Of Now.
For The Divine Feminine Frequency Is An Ancient Code Of Light Aligned To Mother Gaia And All Beings
It Is A Light Code Of Creation – Expanding, Multiplying In Light.
Know Thyself To Reach A Higher Level Of Spiritual Attunement.
For The Path Of Light Is Bringing Forth The Feminine Goddess Frequency To Play In Light, To Amplify This Light Formation
To Expand This Multidimensional Frequency In This Now Moment
We Ask You To Pay Close Attention To The Femminine Light Frequencies.
For The Goddess Light Of Ancient Wisdom Coupled With The Wisdom Of Now, Is Merging, Evolving.
As We Reach New Depths Of Light Understanding.
The Great Awakening Of The Divine Feminine Frequency Is Expanding As We Learn To Explore The Great Depths Of Our Crystalline Form Coupled With The Awakening Of The Human Form.
The Quantum Awakening Of 2024 Is A Monumental Shift In This Now Moment
I Will Continue To Explore This In Subsequent Posts
We are in the process of releasing being sacrificed to the system that kept us stuck in survival. You are protected through this flow of changes. This safety provides time to heal without interference. Information is guiding you to the solutions needed so you can rise up and fly free. Find quiet time and space so you can listen to your intuition’s guidance, helping you release to recover your power. Release whatever emotions have been corded around this cycle so you can move on to happiness.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn trine Jupiter retrograde in Taurus– Whilst the hustle and bustle of the world spins us into a tizzy before the holidays, Mercury and Jupiter’s retrograde motion draw our attention to the inner journey. Maybe you’ve felt like it’s harder to move, body stiff, mind inflexible, harder to get started in the morning, harder to think clearly, harder to get through the days. It’s like the clock is slowing whilst everything else speeds up and we’re left in a curious place, watching the world whizz past. Or you find yourself caught in a thousand-yard stare, trying to catch your breath after a long climb to get to the top of your personal mountain. Nearly there, nearly there, just one more step, one more, one more…
Sometimes, when we’re so focused on the finish line, we forget to acknowledge how far we’ve come. Take a moment today to give yourself a pat on the back for everything you achieved this year. Forgive the ‘failures’ and reframe them into learning experiences. A positive mindset oils the mental cogs and helps you see the good rather than dwell on the bad. Big ideas require further work and investment, but efforts will be rewarded. Keep the big picture in view.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 05°Cp51′ R, Jupiter 05°Ta51′ R – 14:27 (UT)
On Monday, December 18th, Mercury, the Messenger, in ambitious Capricorn is in a positive trine connection to Jupiter, the Great Benefic, in productive Taurus. This is the second time, of three, that these two planetary bodies connect in this way because of Mercury’s current retrograde motion. The first time was December 7th and the 3rd time, once Mercury turns back to Direct Motion, will be on January 19th. Mercury rules thoughts, ideas, information, messages and communication. Jupiter rules abundance, prosperity, good fortune, success and blessings.
They are both in earth signs, Capricorn and Taurus, which rules things that are tangible, such as job, career, recognition, projects, money and finances. There can be manifestations of generosity, expansiveness, knowledge, guidance, materialized aspirations and new horizons! And, let’s not discount all forms of wealth including wisdom, hope, optimism and higher learning. Interactions with others can produce great results! All forms of communication, including speaking, teaching, writing and learning, are also highlighted! Ask for messages from the Higher Realms and you shall receive! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, the Messenger, in ambitious Capricorn is in a positive trine connection to Jupiter
The number 7 is called ‘Resonant’ and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. The 7th day is all about using your intuition to guide you further on your mission. This wavespell of the Red Skywalker is all about adventures and getting out of your comfort zone. Well, today you can resonate more with this energy if you ‘tune in’. Be prepared to receive messages via dreams or happenstance. Don’t disregard their significance, they may be vital clues.
Today is Blue Storm and its keywords are ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation.’ Stormy days blow in the changes and can be quite disruptive. Sometimes that’s what it takes to move forward, so don’t resist it. Harness this intense energy and make big changes in your life. As it is a ‘Resonant’ day, using your intuition will help you understand what changes to make.
Today’s Guide is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion’. Monkey is a powerful guide and he can show you the magical path. However, if you are acting like a fool, you will trip on the banana peel. He likes to play! ‘Respect Magic’ is Monkey’s message and he guides you to magical changes in your life on this Stormy day. All you have to do is understand the difference between illusion and magic.
The Challenge of the day is the Red Moon, so people born on a Red Moon will not enjoy this disruptive energy. How can one relax when the wind is howling and a storm is brewing? Don’t panic, all you have to do is make some changes and harness that energy. You might surprise yourself and discover ‘a change is as good as a rest.’ For everyone else, expect not to get a chance to rest and take it easy today. There’s just too much going on. If you try to hide in bed on a day like this, the Storm will come to you.
The Occult Power is the White Wind. Expect a magical communication today, either a coincidence or an extremely helpful bit of information. Keep your ears open, spirit is trying to convey to you potentially vital messages. As it is a number 7 day and that represents channeling, you can expect communications coming from all directions today.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun, providing illumination to all who seek help and support. If you are a Yellow Sun, you’ll enjoy the stormy weather as usual and expect to be called upon by those blown away by the energy.
If you don’t have one handy, not to worry! The Sun will shine on you illuminating your path in a friendly way.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 59 = 14 = 5 LIBERATION
A very powerful majikal day is on its way, seeking to LIBERATE our PLANET!
Day 7 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of AWAKENING to our true selves through exploration and EXPANSION.
Today we are clearing out all the emotional debris to create more SPACE for the LIGHT to enter!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the cleansing and transformational potentials today as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all.
Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician – giving us DOUBLE the MAJIK today with the MAJIK MONKEY in the Higher Self/Guide position…
Muchos MAJIK is afoot dear STAR BLISS SUNS!
What are you ATTUNED to today?
What type of LIFE are you generating, to LIBERATE and EXPRESS your true self?
Today’s question is “What debris can I majikally transform, in order to attune to HIGHER FORCES and create SPACE for more LIGHT to enter !”
“How can I use my innate MAJIK to catalyze tremendous (beneficial) CHANGE in my life?”
Divine blessings for the CATHARTIC cleansing today! May the STORM bless our PLANET with Multi-dimensional RAINBOWS. .
Happy travels adventurers!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
CAUAC signals MAJOR transformation, change, and self generation. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The ARRIVAL of THOR and the THUNDERBEINGS who bring the final transformation.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the STORM, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body. BLUE STORM comes to help us in the disintegration process that moves us from separation to Ascension. This initiation by electrical FIRE breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of ALL THAT IS.
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you SEEM to be in order to become fully what you ARE. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
SOURCE: The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury DIVINE GRATITUDE
Allow BLUE STORM’s energies to purify and cleanse you in your final stages of initiation, in preparation for your rebirth through the YELLOW SUN supporting energies today.
NOTE: If you are done with purging and are on the road to Self-Mastery, then today’s challenge is how well you can stay centred and balanced, calmly seeking refuge in the EYE of the STORM! As the energy is RESONANT on the EMOTIONAL plane, we may see many eruptions, chaos, conflict, DISCLOSURE, rebellion and uprising today.
The RESONANT tone finely attunes this STORM with the prime objective being CHANGE and LIBERATION through TRANSFORMATION. The RESONANT STORM will be the catalyst for the ACTIVISTS, LEADERS and wayshowers to channel these tremendous evolutionary energies to INSPIRE others by their actions.
NOTE: If the star glyph for CAUAC/BLUE STORM appears in your own personal Galactic signature, in ANY position, then today your catalytic powers will be EXPANDED exponentially! Get ready to BE THE CHANGE that you have been waiting for!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RESONANT MONKEY CHUEN loves to PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. CHUEN in the HIGHER SELF position guiding this RESONANT STORM is very formidable.. We have a 10/1 MANIFESTATION code and NEW BEGINNINGS/CREATION code today, with a tone 7 and a MAJIK MONKEY This MONKEY is fully primed for QUANTUM MANIFESTATION…
This cheeky, mischievous Monkey has many TRICKS up his sleeve, the UNKNOWN can happen today – particularly with the 18/9 endings code… with a BLUE STORM CODE activated…
GREAT MIRACLES are possible with this energy today.. DIRECT IT with great CAUTION and LOVING INTENTION…
This unpredictable STORM may change direction or create unexpected EVENTS to unfold or transpire. CHUEN is the Magician and Time Traveller so we have the makings of the KANSAS tornado today – carrying us off to a Majikal destination.
We are off to SEE the WIZARD! The EMERALD CITY is nigh!
This MAGICIAN will also reveal any illusions, deceptions and TRICKS – what was UNSEEN can now be SEEN in the LIGHT of DAY Tune in to discover the TRUTH as the STORM clears the path of all debris!
CHUEN is the DIVINE CHILD who connects to our Creator through his intuition and innate knowing. Today we are attuned to GREAT MAJIK accessed through our DIVINE CHILD and connection to SOURCE to channel this through.
CHUEN invites us to LIGHTEN up and PLAY to channel these Divine energies. As THE STORM FREES us from old stagnant patterns we are inspired to TRUST the chaos as a catalyst for great change.
The MAJIK MONKEY as the TIME TRAVELLER can take us to anywhere we want to BE… Use your MAJIK CARPET to travel to new realities and realms as BEN the SKYWALKER expands our adventures!
Click together your RED SLIPPERS, Dorothy…
SUPPORT: YELLOW RESONANT SUN AHAU the RESONANT SUN is attuning us to the SOLAR ASCENSION CODES streaming forth in every increasing INTENSITY on the EARTH plane. As we channel these transformational energies through our cells, we feel LIGHTER and BRIGHTER, enabling greater soul EXPANSION.
The BRILLIANT SUN-LIGHT shines in the darkest corners revealing the deepest shadows. Pay attention to what the SPOTLIGHT illuminates today so that the flames of transmutation can purify and disinfect the dross.
The STORM brings forth ancestral patterns into the LIGHT to be cleansed and transformed. And the SUN follows the STORM activating all the beautiful RAINBOWS in our skies.. The RAINBOW is GOD/S PROMISE to his CHILDREN, that BLISS is being returned to our planet.
As we channel our SOVEREIGN LIGHT we can LIBERATE our true authentic selves. In anchoring these higher vibrational frequencies onto the planet, we can inspire our KIN to rejoice in the BRILLIANT transformation we are catalyzing, through our reclaimed DIVINE SOVEREIGN POWER
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RESONANT WIND IK joins with THE STORM in bringing a gust of FRESH AIR! The WINDS of great CHANGE are blowing a GALE. The WIND may arrive as a gentle breeze, or a HURRICANE – depending on the level of transformation needed.
WHITE WIND brings forth the refining energies of Spirit.. honing our vessels to allow us to be stronger and clearer channels. To fearlessly open our channel to anchor the frequencies through the voice of Spirit… Listening and anchoring the new messages that propel us forward on our missions.
The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed. Follow the guidance of Spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies, fully catalyzing the transformative POWER of the RESONANT STORM.
What type of STORM will you attune to today?
Will it be a cataclysmic tornado crushing everything in its wake?
Or will it be a gentle buffeting wind, guiding your sails to wondrous new lands?
The power of this WIND is also RESONANT tone, so we can very easily attune to Spirit and channel through INSPIRING Messages needed for our personal and Planetary transformation today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RESONANT MOON MULUC provides another layer of potent PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
MULUC challenges us to let go of the shore, drifting to the middle of the Universal waters in the River of Life and flow…… Allowing and trusting Spirit to take us to our destined path both personally and COLLECTIVELY.. trusting that we are all in the DIVINE FLOW for our Planetary evolution.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT. Become the LIGHTHOUSE – the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT, the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Today’s question is “What debris can I majikally transform, in order to attune to HIGHER FORCES and create SPACE for more LIGHT to enter !”
“How can I use my innate MAJIK to catalyze tremendous (beneficial) CHANGE in my life?”
Divine blessings for the CATHARTIC cleansing today! May the STORM bless our PLANET with Multi-dimensional RAINBOWS. .
Happy travels adventurers!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report and Astrology reading for the week of December 17th – 23rd 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 17th – 23rd 2023, guides a very special beautiful meditation and a ceremony for this Thursday’s Winter/ Summer Solstice Portal of the 21st of Dec. a couple of our New Earth scribe messages and she pulls a Tarot card from the Mother Peace deck.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.
a technique that will help you adapt to your cosmic light “download”.
As more love and light enter your consciousness and form, old habits and memories of fear and darkness are pushed to the surface to be released. Most of this fear is old school, but it likes to join anything in today’s life, that is loosely similar. So best to handle fear as a energy field. To help you release this old fear, imagine two reality channels in your brain.
A canal is on the left side of the forehead, which is a symbol of three-dimensional thinking of duality , guilt, worry, and stress. The other channel is on the right side of your forehead, which is a symbol of peace, calm, flow and unconditional love.
Your third eye open is between the two, and monitors your myriad mental messages. As a fear message invades the left side of the forehead (left/fear channel), just change the channel to the right side of the fore head (right/love channel). Don’t try to analyze fear in everything, just change the channel! Try this out…
The long-term goal is to stay in the middle of the two channels, because that is the path of the flow of UNITY. You can practice finding that center, while you’re in the process of releasing fear.
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