You are currently viewing JUPITER RETROGRADE ~ Navaratri 2024 Day 7: Maa Kalaratri * Portal of Rebirth ~ Quantum Leaps in our Soul Journey

JUPITER RETROGRADE ~ Navaratri 2024 Day 7: Maa Kalaratri * Portal of Rebirth ~ Quantum Leaps in our Soul Journey

JUPITER RETROGRADE ~ Navaratri 2024 Day 7: Maa Kalaratri * Portal of Rebirth ~ Quantum Leaps in our Soul Journey



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sovereign Awakened Leaders of Mother Gaia’s Evolution

Here we Glow again Starseeds of Terra Nova Gaia!

Our local Soularis has released the Sixth X Class Solar Flare of this intense Month of Red October, maxing at X 1.43 at 3:47 PM PST (15:47 UTC ). Our Sun also released another powerful M Class Flare maxing at M 7.77 at 23:12 UTC opening the Triple 7 Trinity Portal of Divine Providence.

We also had major spikes in the heartbeat of Gaia again today, registering on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes 58 hz, 62 hz, 66 hz and a major pulse of white light at 70 hz. Fifth through Eighth Dimensional frequencies anchored and holding steady.

Today we also celebrate the Seventh Day of Navaratri in honor of Goddess Ma Kalaratri the fiercest and most protective form of Goddess Parvati, blessing her devotees with courage and security.

Mother Earth and all Her Children of the Sun are being enveloped in Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light, these Indestructible Particles of Chrystaligned Codes of New Eden are opening and activating the Crystalline 12 Strand DNA of our Rainbow Tribe of the 144 for this Greatest Shift of all Ages into the New 5D Golden Age of Heaven on Earth.

All our Good People of New Earth are being prepared for tomorrow’s massive 10:10 Activation Portal and Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New human Species of homo-Luminous. Every moment of every day is our Transformation and Transfiguration in the Light.

Let us all do our best to stay present and Heart centered as we navigate through and through and through all barriers, obstacles and ultimately through the veils of separation in our compression breakthrough as SuperNova Expansive Wayshowers of Gaia Galactica!












Neha Mewari

Navaratri 2024 Day 7: Maa Kalaratri Puja Rituals, Mantras, and Chants

Explore the significance of Maa Kalaratri during Navratri, her powerful attributes, and the rituals and mantras dedicated to her on the seventh day of this vibrant festival.

Navratri 2024 Day 7: Puja Rituals

To honour Goddess Kalaratri, devotees perform various rituals that include chanting her sacred mantras. The primary mantra associated with her worship is:

  • Mantras
ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यै नमः॥Om Devi Kalaratryai Namah॥

This mantra is a powerful invocation that calls upon her blessings and guidance.


Navratri 2024 Day 7: Colour of the Day – Royal Blue

  • prarthana (prayer)
एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्ना खरास्थिता।लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्त शरीरिणी॥वामपादोल्लसल्लोह लताकण्टकभूषणा।वर्धन मूर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी॥Ekaveni Japakarnapura Nagna Kharasthita.Lamboshthi Karnikakarni Tailabhyakta Sharirini.Vamapadollasalloha Latakantakabhushana.Vardhana Murdhadhwaja Krishna Kalaratrirbhayankari.

This prayer invokes her protection and embodies her essence, allowing devotees to connect with her energy.


Navratri 2024 Day-wise Colour Guide: Meaning, Goddess, and Symbolic Significance

  • Stuti (Hymn)

Devotees also chant the following stuti (hymn) as a form of devotion:

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कालरात्रि रूपेण संस्थिता।नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Kalaratri Rupena Samsthita.Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah.

As you celebrate the seventh day of Navratri, embrace the powerful energy of Goddess Kalaratri. Engage in her rituals, recite her mantras, and seek her blessings for protection and courage. May her auspicious presence guide you through challenges and inspire you to rise above fear. Celebrate this day with devotion and immerse yourself in the vibrant spirit of Navratri!

Navaratri Day 7: Goddess Maa Kalaratri
Navaratri Day 7: Goddess Maa Kalaratri


TODAY’S ORACLE. What a strange, foggy energy for many. It is all new within yet it’s not there yet, embodied, manifested. You may feel in-between worlds. It’s hard to grasp where this goes yet it is for sure that it’s not going in the same direction. What is happening is taking time, depth, profound cleasing and inner change. It is a shift that can’t be accelerated even if it feels that it is going so fast, that every week is new in its vibe. That’s the paradox — energetic newness is constant, without the physical one.
Something needs a little more time to feel clear, to feel able to move forward. Something is too spacey. You are not alone in this — many are going through massive reconfigurations and/or through a lot at this time. Embrace yourself exactly where you are. One day at a time. Easy does it. Don’t push, don’t force. You are changing. Everything will fall into place. You will know.


The Pulse Point Of The Eternal Beginning
The Pulse Of Love At The Speed Of Light
Is The Centre Of Our Creational Clock Now
Total Collapse Of Space Time
We Are STARS Embodied
What Time Is It?
Always Love At The Speed Of Light
Light Has Just Been Freed
Eternal Beginning
Eternal Beginning


Master Lady Kira Raa

Jupiter Retrograde Redefines Normal

Beyond the fear, doubt and hesitancy resides NORMAL. Jupiter is now Retrograde as the “countdown” begins!

Let us hold our hearts for ALL … that are navigating ALL Storms… as Jupiter calls us to RISE and GERMINATE or TERMINATE

TODAY as Jupiter goes retrograde this is THE RETURN of ALL and it is yours to REMEMBER into this MOMENT! This is a RISING TIDE and is filled with the moments that will defines it ALL.

As Jupiter turns we are CALLED INTO ACTION!

This is the moment of Passionate Action through the Clarity of YOUR VISION. To To release the fear, doubt and hesitance as you EMBRACE the October, November and December expansion of Ah, VE, Sa.

In this moment notice IF AND WHAT you are Questioning.

NOTCIE what you are NOTICING and most importantly do not hide from YOU!

If there is a voice that needs to be heard, let it have its say.

If there is a fear that needs to be reassured offer it comfort.

If there is a moment you forgot the Extra-ordinary Creator YOU ARE…SMILE!

The universal Heartbeat of Avesa is here and today Jupiter opens its gateway and the RAPID ASCENT HAS BEGUN.

YOU…All-ready KNOW that the NEW WORLD HAS Begun.

Now…what will you do about it?




Jupiter, the Great Benefic, shifting to retrograde motion
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, shifting to retrograde motion



10/9/24: Decisions were made yesterday (because we make them every second) and some were major decisions… so today brings a settling and an accounting. You chose your way, it belongs to you now, and so you move forward from here. But, as always there are questions. Are you at peace with your choices? Is anything attached, like regret, remorse, or guilt that needs addressed? Are you better for the choices you made? Are you taking full responsibility for them? And, finally, can you build on what you’ve chosen? Much will be settled before October is done as new decisions arise. But each day until then is yours to explore and each decision is yours to live with. Just remember to factor in the questions.



Divine Feminine 7777

Tomorrow is the 1010 portal.

The 1010 portal is an energetic opening where we can connect and receive new light codes and downloads from the Universe, the energy of creation.
On the tenth day of the tenth month we have the 1010 portal. We are receiving the energy of this powerful portal into the planetary and individual systems for a few days now.
It is the reason for more ascension symptoms and tiredness. This portal represents the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. We might just say the beginning of a new era.
The energy is really powerful right now and we can feel this sense of great change, leveling up, moving forward, stepping into our power. Our DNA is being upgraded, activated.
It can cause tingles within the body, itchy skin. We are able to live in a 5th dimensional kind of way in the physical life more and more. We will be able to jump timelines because of all the energy, knowledge, information we are receiving right now.
This is a portal of rebirth.
Number 10 has the vibration of optimism, positivity, it brings new beginnings, confidence, independence, creativity, success, determination, motivation, individuality, but also nothingness, infinity, oneness, the energy of creation.
We are invited to open up to the unknown, receive the light codes and downloads that are coming in right now and create the life we desire. Really do it, not just think or dream about it.
No more waiting for someone from the outside to do it for you as you are the one. we are going through an important expansion right now.
Receiving high frequency energy from the universe, source energy into our systems – planetary and personal systems.
We are shifting into a new reality where we can be more who we truly are, speak our truth, set boundaries, love ourselves more and meet others on that higher level of awareness and understanding of the world within and around us and the connections with others. We will even jump timelines.
Some amazingly powerful days are in front of us. The universe is bringing some magic into our lives. Open up to receive and take care of your physical body.
1010 portal
1010 portal


Divine Energy Works

JUPITER RETROGRADE ~ OCT 9th, 2024 ~ FEB 4th, 2025

Every 13 months, Jupiter goes RX for about 4 months, marking a period of Inner Growth, putting our external Expansion on hold. While Direct, Jupiter’s energy flows Outward; in RX, it turns Inward, guiding us toward deeper Awareness and Alignment with our Authentic Self. In Gemini, this RX supports dismantling limiting beliefs and mindset patterns, inviting deep reflection.
It’s a chance to rewrite our life narrative from a place of Abundance, Connection, & Alignment, preparing us to move forward with renewed vision, once Jupiter goes Direct. The 10-10 Cosmic Gateway of Energy is Open, and working together with Jupiter RX and Pluto Direct (on Oct 11th) as a Triple Portal, this energy is bringing Galactic Heart Attunement and Higher Chakras Activations, guiding us towards Quantum Leaps in our Soul Journey.
Magical Jupiter Aligns with 10-10 Portal, as it begins its Backwards Dance on Oct 9th, in the sign of Twins- Gemini, lasting until Feb 4th. Jupiter becomes 6th heavenly body to join the Retrograde Party this season, together with Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron, 4 Uranus.
Often called the Luckiest Planet, Jupiter is a Galactic Activator, and it energetically rules Spirituality & Expansion, Higher Mind, Growth, Healing, Luck, Abundance, Miracles, & Male Yang Energy.


Dear friends, the energetic landscape of this week has become more complex than expected. These last few days have seen our sun become very active with the generation of three potent X solar flares and a still ongoing geomagnetic storm.
We now need to add a new player into the equation: comet ATLAS. Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, also known as Comet C/2023 A3, is currently visible in the sky and is expected to be at its best visibility this year. It reached its perihelion on September 27, 2024, and will make its closest approach to Earth on Saturday October 12, 2024.
To spot this comet, look east before sunrise, and use binoculars or a telescope at low power. You can find it in the constellation of Sextans, and it will move to Virgo after its closest approach to Earth.
Energetically speaking, Comet ATLAS (C/2023 A3) ignites a profound awakening within us. This majestic comet embodies the essence of transformation, renewal, and collective evolution.
Comets are celestial harbingers of change, carrying energies that disrupt stagnant patterns and awaken new possibilities. Their ionic tails emit high-frequency radiation, influencing Earth’s magnetic field and resonating with humanity’s collective unconscious. Comets possess three primary energies: transformative, awakening, and evolutionary. The transformative energy disrupts existing structures, clearing the way for renewal. The awakening energy activates dormant DNA codes, enhancing intuition and consciousness. Finally, the evolutionary energy propels humanity forward, fostering growth and adaptation.
Comet ATLAS heralds a global awakening, shattering illusions and revealing hidden truths. Its perihelion at 28° Cancer – 3° Leo, activates the sacred codes of family, roots, and emotional healing. This celestial event also awakens our creative potential, self-expression, and leadership, bridging the gap between nurturing and ambition.
As Comet ATLAS interacts with Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn, its energies amplify emotional growth and awareness, spiritual intuition and artistic expression, inner strength, and personal power. This alchemical process reveals hidden family dynamics, past emotional trauma, and inner strength, empowering us to rebirth our true selves.
Sometimes through hardship, comet ATLAS heralds a global shift in emotional intelligence and empathy, creative expression and innovation, leadership and heart-centered power. Humanity will awaken to a new era of cooperation, mutual support, and collective evolution.
As we navigate this transformative landscape, remember that the universe is rebirthing itself through us. Comet ATLAS offers a rare opportunity for growth, awakening, and renewal. Embrace its energies, and let the cosmic awakening guide you toward a brighter, more radiant you.
To prepare for this celestial burst of change, focus this week on cultivating inner balance and harmony. Meditate and connect with nature to ground yourself. Practice self-care and emotional balance to navigate the intensifying energies. Cultivate intuition and inner wisdom to make informed choices. Finally, embody compassion and empathy to create a supportive environment for yourself and others. By embracing the cosmic awakening of Comet ATLAS, we can harness its transformative energies and co-create a brighter future for humanity.
The 10:10 energy gateway on Thursday October 10 will be bringing yet another wave of transformational energy. Stay tuned for more updates as we keep navigating this complex week. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ


OCTOBER 8 2024



Today is another special day of exorcism and blessed correction for both Yin and Yang and the continuation of the great eclipse on the 2nd of October that purged many fallen energies that had been affecting the relationship between the feminine and the masculine.
Please note also that the liberation from the mind demons is an ongoing one which will last for the next few months.
It will be coming in in waves and reaching parts of the population that will be ready to be free from them.
‘The word “exorcism” means “to make someone swear” and mainly refers to the exorcist forcing a spirit to obey some higher power and exit one’s body or field.
A prerequisite for a Soul to be in the 3d was to contract different spirits and be a vessel for their energies, the same was taking place for nature too.
As the Earth has been ascending, these contracts have been changing very fast during the last years and this is still an ongoing development.
The spirits of evil/lower consciousness of separation, are still departing via many different ways and separation is healing faster now since more and more people have been using their free will, intentions and repositioning in order to be free and sovereign.
The Twin Flames are steadily moving towards the state of syn-chronisation via the Kundalini nodes.
The state of syn-chronisation opens the Equilibriums which then open the great doors to the power of the cosmos and then the living state of Eros, can be experienced.
The state of Eros is very much connected to the galactic teams and the remembrance of their history which just opened upon this Equinox and will continue unfolding ahead.
“Eros invincible in battle”
The meaning of this quote by Sophocles in Antigone that is referring to Eros as invincible in battle, carries a true meaning for the Twin Flames and the galactic chronicles as many of the members of the galactic sacred fleet are Twin Flames in the state of Eros/love.
This will be seen and understood in the future as the new Twin Flame chronicles are coming up!
Collectively, the feminine and the masculine are now reaching the nuclear state of their opposition/alienation/separation/disagreement that has been active in and between them and are given all tools, solutions and support in order to heal and bridge their lack of syn-chronisation.
They are being pushed to understand themselves deeper.
They will come to remember and realise that manifestation, creativity, abundance and fulfillment comes only via syn-chronisation and union of their qualities and that the whole narrative of separation and differences, was planned and imposed via the goal of the fallen goal to keep them powerless.
The masculine will be now reconnecting to God and the feminine to her passion!
At the same time, the appearance of Atlas signifies a total change of the level of consciousness for all peoples on Earth.
Atlas in mythology is the one that after the Titans lost the war, he was responsible for holding the Earth’s sky dome of the realm of Hyperborea which is the outer realm and the oldest one which includes all realms, on his shoulders.
He is also the father of the 7 sisters, the Pleiades.
Atlas means ‘he who endures everything’ and he has given his name to Atlantis, Atlantis ocean etc.
The indigos via Altas can now receive new codes of reconnection to the true worlds and restore their cosmic nervous system.
This means that they are also restoring their Yin and Yang power circuits and reconnecting to the radio and information of the free worlds!
A new wave of awakening is here for many more indigos!
Blessings of Eros!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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A Gateway Of New Energy
A Gateway Of New Energy



To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The Numerical Significance of 10/10/10. A Gateway Of New Energy: The 10th day of October (10/10/10 ) unlocks a powerful gateway of energy 10/10 in 2024 = a 10 this is a triple ten vibrational energy making it a potent time to alchemise and manifest .
In 2024 the focus is on rebirthing. The Ascending are entering the action phase of this significant cycle with new earth energy gaining momentum rapidly throughout the year. Many ascending individuals will be guided to embrace a clean slate to begin the ascension building process in the coming months.
In numerology 10 is a power and transformational number vibration that signifies wholeness .It signifies a time when everything is in balance and the wheel can start moving again in a new direction. 10 is a powerful manifestation number that can be utilised to activate dreams and desires into new earth reality.
Taking small steps in the direction that intuitively feels right is a way to start revolutionising life on ascending planet welcoming in the new and powerful vibrations of rebirth in 2024.
Who and what departs from life during this gateway creates energetic space for vibrational attraction and alignment . This 10:10:10 Portal activation offers the highest potential of stepping into a new and aligned conscious reality.
The energy in this numerical gateway is intense and Ascension symptoms may follow : fatigue may be experienced during this time. Headaches , restlessness .This portal represents great change, inner transformation , soul expansion , soul exploration, soul expression stepping into self’s authentic power, moving forward.
DNA is being upgraded and activated, resulting in sensations such as tingling and itchy skin. The influx of energy, knowledge, and information enables the ascending to transcend timelines and experience rebirth. The number 10 symbolises optimism, positivity, new beginnings, confidence, independence, creativity, success, determination, motivation, individuality, infinity, oneness, and the energy of creation. This portal activation holds the potential for powerful breakthroughs.
Ascending souls are all presented with opportunities to restart and improve aspects in life as well as experiencing endless opportunities to make inner progress , to reach higher levels of personal conscious awareness .
The date 10/10/10, symbolically refers to as a “bridge,” remaining highly observant and prepared as many ascending will elevate to much higher levels of conscious awareness . Higher conscious levels offer the potential for expanded consciousness .
The energy of 10/10/10 , the ascending collective will now enter a phase of implementation and action this will persist for the remainder of the year. During the upcoming months many ascending will be entering 5D levels ,using this clean slate as a foundation for building in higher conscious realms.
Higher self will merge and guide conscious self in new earth energy , into the desired state of the heart and soul , manifesting this combination onto the blank canvas of ascending life . In numerology 10 symbolises wholeness , karmic completions transformation and balance, this triple 10 activation is the initiation of movement in a new direction.
The number 10 is also considered a Karmic completion number. number 10 brings in bursts of “good” karma. Well deserved rewards. Triple 10 activation energies offer remarkable opportunities to focus on completing outdated cycles in life , providing closure and finality.
This date offers a portal for the rebirth cycle expanding into self’s true version . The numerology of 10/10/10 also aligns with the powerful energies of the number 1, emphasising leadership, independence, creativity, a pioneering perspective .
The ascending prepare for the upcoming Universal Year 9. this powerful 10 combination date is about surrendering and letting go of what no longer serves, creating space for positive changes in the next phases of Ascension life .
The 10/10/10 triple gateway activation is highlighting on self expansion, sovereignty, maturity, integrity, wisdom, endurance tenacity and inner strength. nurturing in self-love and acceptance, aligning with new and exciting opportunities .
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers ©️


Paving the Way for the Collective Consciousness, the Light Way for your Species.
Aligining to the Galactic Universe, integrating and trasmuting Light Upgrades.
See the Power of YOU – the Collective Consciousness of LIGHT – Growing, Achieving, Upgrading Light Assimilation 🙏
Sending waves of Cosmic Love, as we collectively pave the Way.
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Light Healer
the Light Way for your Species
the Light Way for your Species

You’ve purified the relationships that enforced duality and separation, and are ready for Oneness. Oneness is the Way of the 5D New Earth. Connect within and receive this frequency that is expanding you to greater love. This love is assisting you take back your power and embrace your leadership. It is guiding you on how to override the old earth systems with nurturing and care. It will heal the past to the here and now so you may be at peace, and reflect peace to the world around you.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn




On Wednesday, October 9th, Jupiter, the Great Benefic, turns to retrograde motion at 21 degrees Gemini and stays retrograde until February 4th, 2025. Jupiter likes to expand the qualities of whatever sign of the zodiac he is in, and with Gemini it is all about the mental realm……communications, networking, new ideas……his shadow side is about anxiety, nervous energy, and vacillating energies.
So, especially in the last few days, as he stationed at this degree of the zodiac, his energies have magnified immensely! Increased social activity, many things happening at once, overwhelming situations, increased busyness or inability to sleep, are some things that some of you may have experienced. Now that he has turned retrograde, his energies turn inwards in self reflection of our perceptions and belief systems, about ourselves and the circumstances of the world.
We may become more indecisive, unsure, or overwhelmed. We may also experience increased good luck, benefits and blessings as a result of our internal optimism and positive vision of the future. When he is direct we search for new horizons! When he is retrograde we search for internal truth! No matter what is happening, look for the abundance, generosity, faith and wisdom that this Great Bringer of Blessings can provide!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, turns to retrograde motion at 21 degrees Gemini
Jupiter, the Great Benefic, turns to retrograde motion at 21 degrees Gemini


Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini – After a period where life seemed inundated with possibilities, opportunities appear to recede. Don’t assume that a slow-down means previous blessings and benefits have been withdrawn. A little introspection will help you to better understand recent developments and ensure inner growth matches outer growth.
As Gemini is a sign of duality, it’s time to connect and balance material progress with spiritual needs. Confront inner voices that whisper unpleasantly about how you don’t know enough or tell stories about how your ideas or perspectives are unwelcome. Purge unhealthy beliefs that keep you from your share of joy. Undo old teachings that keep you small. Success comes from seeking inner wisdom. Don’t lose hope. Sometimes faith is discovered amidst the darkest moments. Suspend your judgement. Be teachable. Find your meaning.
Degree and Times
Jupiter 21°Ge20′ R – 08:04 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Source :
Painting – Little Schoolgirl by Henri Le Fauconnier
Little Schoolgirl
Little Schoolgirl

Kin 94 ~ White Electric Wizard

‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Service, Activate and Bond’. The 3rd day of a wavespell, turbo charges the energy and now we see everything gather momentum. It can be a real live wire of a day! The wavespell energy moves at a particular pace. Day three is noticeably when we really start to get going! On Electric days we can experience a boost of energy and this helps get things done. It’s seldom relaxing, so you may feel a little burnt out by the end of the day.
Today is White Wizard and its keywords are ‘Enchant, Receptivity and Timelessness’. The Wizard has charm and can put you under a spell, leaving you mesmerized. He invites you down the rabbit hole so be prepared for unusual experiences. You too can be a Wizard yourself today and charm your way through any situation. As it is an Electric day, we all can ‘Activate to Enchant’. This means there is a lot of power we can access today and any spells we cast have a great chance of working. If you are a Wizard, you’ll enjoy being this powerful today. For the rest of us, make sure you don’t fall under a spell. Not all enchanters have your best interests at heart. It is always better to do the enchanting rather than be under an enchantment.
Today’s Guide is the White Mirror which is the symbol of truth. When in this guiding position we must ensure our actions today are motivated by honesty. Therefore, any enchanting you do today must not be with the intention of creating any kind of illusion but only for truthful purposes. When the Wizard is guided by Mirror he is a more honest sorcerer.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. Yellow Seed people love to share wisdom but on Wizard days they find it difficult to get people to pay attention. Sharing of wisdom can still succeed but not without some struggle. No matter what day you are born on, whenever your challenge energy is in your face – it’s time to deal with it. With regular practice, we get pretty good at facing challenges and so don’t shy away from them but instead have a little attitude.
The Occult power today is the healing Blue Hand and when in this magical position expect unexpected healing to occur quite magically. It’s also very handy to use your hands to offer healing to others today as you will have a magic touch. The Blue Hand when in the Occult position symbolizes the magic wand the Wizard is holding in his hand.
The Ally today is the Red Serpent and so if you are one, expect to be called upon to help friends in need. If you need an Ally today but don’t know one, you can help yourself by thinking like a serpent. This entails using all your senses and being very alert to what is going on.
Kin 94
Kin 94


3 IX – KIN 94
9 OCTOBER 2024
✨✨✨We have a STRONG PLANETARY🌏 calling today for all the EARTH WIZARDS of the DREAMSPELL💫 to bond together and cast forth the
✨GREATEST WHITE MAJIK🕊💫 DREAM-SPELL that the World has EVER seen! ✨⚛💫✴
UNITING us all in a sparkling GRID🌐 of love,💞 compassion and devotion through our enchanted hearts, RECLAIMING our SOVEREIGN 👑DIVINE POWER and empowering the HIGHEST GOLDEN AGE timeline for humanity and GAIA!
Draw forth this potent ELECTRICAL POWER through our Planetary Grid 🌐 system today and fully anchor the WHITE MAJIK through our UNIFIED HEARTS 💞💞💞
Together we are STRONGEST 💪💪💪 and NOTHING can extinguish our ever BRIGHTENING LIGHT✨ and resolve to claim our VICTORY!! 🏆🏆🏆
PLEASE take some time today to PRAY🙏 for PEACE and HARMONY – visualize CALM waters, land and air throughout the globe – particularly in the USA – negating and diffusing HURRICANE MILTON into a mere gentle breeze.. IT IS DONE 🙏🙏🙏
ADD your MAJIK 💫to the VISION of our NEW EARTH🌈🌎 filled with PEACE🕊, BEAUTY,🌹 ABUNDANCE🌻 and DIVINE HU-MANS living together in harmony.❤👫👬👭 ❤ AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
NOTE: 11:11, 10.10 OR 7.07 are especially potent times for this activation.
I activate in order to ENCHANT
Bonding receptivity
I seal the output of Timelessness
With the Electric tone of Service
I AM guided by the power of Endlessness
9/10/2024 = 9/10/8=9/18=9/9 =18=9
✨18.18 ✨– Social upheaval!
✨✨✨9.9.9 DIVINE DESTINY portal✨✨✨
✨AWAKENING more MAJIK!!! 💫💫💫✨
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
18- Social upheaval/endings
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 94 = 13 = 4
And so we have ANOTHER extremely POWER💥FUL day on Planet Earth focused on using our GOD given MAJIKAL POWERS, gifts and skills in DIVINE SERVICE to humanity. 9.9.9. a Universal decree to the power of 3!! IT IS DONE! 🙏⚡🪄
This MAJIKAL and MYSTICAL ELECTRIC⚡ WIZARD🧙🪄 leads us off today – ensuring we have access to endless ELECTRICAL ⚡⚡⚡energy to CREATE our DreamSpell. 💫💫💫
🌟🌟🌟WARNING🌟🌟🌟 TODAY’S energies are EXTREMELY powerful and can be EXPLOSIVE! This is one very INTENSE HIGHLY MAJIKAL 🎩🎩🎩DAY!!
Focus your INTENTION for the HIGHEST GOOD for humanity and our planet!
Day 3 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance. Today we can activate our Wizardry super powers💫💫💫 through the DIVINE WISDOM that emanates from our pure HEART. ❤
The AWAKENED HU-MANS who have reclaimed their Majikal POWERS as DIVINE Sovereign beings, can use these gifts to influence others to step up into Divine Service too.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! 💡💡💡 This is pure creative genius energy – TESLA POWER🌩🌩🌩. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the WIZARD on an 18.18 upheaval day, and throw in the magnifying MIRROR/pyramid for good measure and we have a TRIPLE POWERED electrically charged ROCKET🚀 FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!🔥🔥🔥😍🤗🤗😍
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING,👫 that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER 🔥, to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of BONDING🧑‍🤝‍🧑👭👬 IN SERVICE that the Electric⚡⚡ tone provides.
Today we may experience close BONDING 💗💗 in divine/destined relationships that reflect a timeless quality of enchantment. The SUN is in romantic LIBRA and the MOON is in easy going friendly SAG (true sky),, – so we have GORGEOUS energy for fated meetings!
Use your intelligence and WISDOM from past experience to determine the TRUTH of what presents in the moment. Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from purely bonding with ONE to the joy of bonding with ALL. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY.💗💗💗
NOTE: A strong ELECTRICAL charge naturally exists between Monadic souls 👭👬 and twin souls 👫 so coupled with today’s code, this makes for a very ELECTRIFYING experience. Expect SPARKS to fly!🎇🔥🎆
Today’s question is “HOW can I ACTIVATE my SUPER electrical🔌💡 MAJIKal powers, through the WISDOM and receptivity of my sacred HEART❤️‍🔥, to BOND👫👬👭 with others in Divine Service, creating a MAJIKAL LIFE and WORLD.?” 🙌🙏🙌
Divine blessings for a SUPER, MAJIKALLY enchanted DREAM-SPELL casting day!💫💫💫
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD🔮 -IX Today the ELECTRIC WIZARD opens his HEART 💗 to the endless WISDOM that comes from an alignment of HEART💗 and MIND.
An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the MIND to a deeper understanding of the greater Universe, consequently ACTIVATING the flow of tremendous MAJIK. 💫💫💫 Ariel Spilsbury THE MAYAN FACTOR 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
IX invites you to step into self-empowerment. Empowerment comes from self-acceptance, integrity, and commitment to your evolution. Self-empowerment through your receptivity to the DIVINE is the foundation for you to grow, so that greater Majik flows synchronistically into your life. Claim your alignment with the highest wisdom. Call forth divine action in all that you do and COMMAND it to be so!
✨✨✨We have a STRONG PLANETARY calling today for all the WIZARDS of the DREAMSPELL to bond together and cast forth the GREATEST WHITE MAJIK that the World has seen! UNITING us all in a sparkling GRID of love, compassion and devotion through our enchanted hearts. 🌐💞
Make no MISTAKE this is incredible HIGH MAJIK afforded to HUMANITY today – This enables humanity to literally FLIP THE SWITCH💡 – and TURN ON THE LIGHT!!
We are AWAKENING👁 from the DARK hypnotic DREAM -SPELL💫💫 to a new HEAVENLY enchantment based on unity, equality and endless LOVE..💞💞💞.
Use your MAJIK💫 today to ENCHANT our world for the HIGHEST GOOD – BREAK THE SPELL 💥💥💥– and let’s claim back our full GLORY.🌞.. Aho Planetary kin – what a MAJIKAL DAY!!! ✨✨✨
HIGHER SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC MIRROR 🔎📐– ETZNAB Whoa – what a supercharged POWER💥💥💥 from our Higher guide today! The FALSE MATRIX SHATTERS!!!! Thunderbolts and LIGHTNING⚡⚡ – zap 💥zap 💥zap!! 💥
The ELECTRIC Mirror is highly charged, powered and volatile today, revealing the false triggers fuelling your emotional re-actions. Be mindful of your feelings and reactions to stabilize harmony through BONDING, rather than friction and separation!
The MOON is in SAG and so all TRUTHS will be revealed – the DARK will be illuminated.💡⚡💡
ETZNAB powerfully reveals the false Matrix of illusion today- and once the NEON lights💡 illuminate this artificially constructed STAGE, the whole GAME is revealed for all AWAKENED souls to SEE.
Watch out for a BIG REVEAL today – as all ILLUSIONS are SHATTERED through the TRUTH. The endless patterns are reflected throughout TIME, enabling us to BREAK THE CHAIN and choose a different reality.
The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS as they reveal DIVINE TRUTH 🕊️ – as Spirit Messengers -through all Universal realms. Tune in to this MAJIK MIRROR today and ASK it to reveal the DIVINE TRUTH for our Planet and personally for yourself, in your Mission.
ETZNAB also represents a PYRAMID – which is connected to the electrical piezo 🎇 powered PLANETARY GRID 🌐 – think GIZA plateau POWER🚒🔥🔥 STATION.
We may witness GAIA using this explosive POWER💥 to accelerate her Ascension process. The GRIDS 🌐 are AMPING🔥🔥🔥 up and this POWER will be flowing through – ready for you to access.
The ELECTRICAL ⚡pyramid powerfully amplifies today’s MAJIKAL powers!! Make sure you are in full alignment to benefit from these potent energies. Align your own human will with Divine HU-MAN will and your Higher Self – Mighty I AM presence!
✨✨✨Be transparent, innocently allowing the Majik💫 to come through you, rather than needing to create it. Open to heart-knowing and limitless possibilities. 💞💞💞
✨Ask SPIRIT – “How shall I channel this ENERGY today?”
The WIZARD and the MIRROR can reveal and uncover much DARK MAGIC today – use your mighty SWORD⚔️🤺 of TRUTH and DIVINE❤️‍🔥 HEART to transmute all darkness into LIGHT!✨☀️✨
It is time to DELETE the hypnotic dark DREAM-SPELL and replace it with the DIVINE🕊️ ENCHANTMENT through our bonded SACRED HEARTS. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
May the HOLY SPIRIT🕊️ take FLIGHT in our enchanted HEARTS. ❤️‍🔥
SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC SERPENT 💡🐍 – CHICCHAN ..The RED QUEEN activates our INSTINCT to flow with the majikal energies surging through our bodies. Using our instinct and senses, purifying and attuning our emotional body by raising our kundalini and life-force energy. Elevating our emotional responses to that of intelligent, truthful reflection, rather than survival re-actions!
Make sure this excess electrical charge does not make the SNAKE BITE and lash out in defensive responses. Instead channel the energies – UP through your higher chakras to benefit your ASCENSION.
RED SERPENT reveals our scare-city and survival FEARS today – in the shadow aspect. We can REVERSE the survival narrative and change it to THRIVING by CLAIMING our POWER – owning our SOVEREIGNTY👑 and standing up in our GLORY! 🕊️ RISE UP beautiful NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS. 👑👑👑
Our PASSION may run HOT🔥, HOT🔥, HOT🔥 today fueled by all this electrical energy, so beware of short circuiting!! Channel this SHAKTI energy through creative outlets. 💃💃💃
NOTE: Twin Souls👬 and Divine partners💑 can dedicate this ECSTATIC🔥 CREATION energy to our planetary Ascension, by channeling this potent energy into the land beneath your feet, and GAIA’s grids. 🌐
On a Planetary🌎 level the electrical SERPENTS🐍🐍 are ACTIVATED and on the move today🚗🚗 GAIA’s chakras, sacred sites and power vortices are all super juiced🔥💞🔥 up today through the ELECTRIC SERPENT and ELECTRIC MIRROR – POWER PYRAMID!! Lots of FIRE to fuel our mission.🔥🔥🔥
ULURU our Planetary Solar Plexus☀ and POWER💪 chakra – is amped up… This giant magnetic battery is SUPERCHARGED through the Solar Umbilicus kin of the ELECTRIC⚡🐍 SERPENT 🔥🔥 ON 13TH January 2020.
Watch for signs that the RAINBOW SERPENT🌈🐍 is blessing AUSTRALIA🌏 and our Planet with the RAINBOW🌈 codes, that ACTIVATE our PLANETARY DREAM… ABUNDANCE, PEACE and HARMONY –
Put all this ELECTRICAL⚡⚡⚡ energy to good use by ACTIVATING our UTOPIAN DREAM🏝🐬🌴… Gather with your kin folk and ACTIVATE the MAJIK! ✨✨✨ 💥🔥💥
Tune in during meditation today and use this electricity💡 to boost the Majikal current/chi/life force flowing through your meridians.
My oh my.. so much POWER available today! 💥🔥💡
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL HAND 🌀👋 – MANIK couples with the majikal energy today, to bring forth great healing and LIBERATION for our emotional body and our collective.
As the Spectral tone seeks to release, dissolve and LIBERATE.. we can LIBERATE great healing🌿 in conjunction with the Electric Serpent💡🐍 caduceus properties. Freeing up all the stagnant energy to accomplish vibrant HEALTH🌿 and vitality 🌞 as we reclaim our maximum LIFE FORCE. 🔥🔥🔥
Working with the Yellow Human’S Divine intelligence, we can transcend our lower emotional body today. Elevating it to a more mature and evolved state, through the application of our WISDOM and intelligence. We can discern the triggers and the density illusions, raising our kundalini to attain Higher consciousness.
✨Let GO of the DRAMA, and seek the PEACE and serenity of EMOTIONAL purity. 🕊🕊🕊
Manik also provides great creative impetus to ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS TODAY🙌 – so hop to it!
❓❓What do YOU need to accomplish in your Mission, through greater Service?🤔
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC SEED💡 🌾– KAN the ELECTRIC SEED💡🌱 can be prone to temper tantrums 😠😡😢– refusing to GROW 🌿 and SPROUT, or contribute in any productive way. The path of stagnation is chosen as the SAFE, easy and comfortable path – but this path only leads to degradation, as the seed begins to rot and wither in preparation for the death process.
GROW or DIE 🌱🌿🌳– is the challenge of the YELLOW SEED…
The yellow human gives YOU the CHOICE of which path to follow. CHOOSE WISELY. 🤔
Today we are CHALLENGED to
🌱Go around the obstacles, 🚧
🌱DARE to step out of our comfort zone and
🌱volunteer for DIVINE SERVICE.✨🕊️✨
Today our challenge is to STEP UP, claim our SOVEREIGNTY 👑 and our SUPER POWERS💡 and DARE TO GROW!
Our higher Divine Destiny is CALLING each of us NOW 🐎🐎🐎– LOUD AND clear –
9.9.9. – Are you listening? 👂
Can you HEAR the echoes reverberating throughout time?
Remember that YOU answered the CLARION CALL📣 to come to Earth 🌍🌠
✨✨✨✨NOW IS THE TIME – to serve SPIRIT, by bonding with others in the NEW TIME and attuning to the new Harmonic Matrix of beauty, peace and creativity. 🌈🌈🌈
Today’s question is “HOW can I ACTIVATE my SUPER electrical🔌💡 MAJIKal powers, through the WISDOM and receptivity of my sacred HEART❤️‍🔥, to BOND👫👬👭 with others in Divine Service, creating a MAJIKAL LIFE and WORLD.?” 🙌🙏🙌
Divine blessings for a SUPER, MAJIKALLY enchanted DREAM-SPELL casting day!💫💫💫
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon: Healing Guided Meditation for the New Earth and

10:10 Activation Portal from my Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥




Enjoy this Healing Guided Meditation from my Sacred Condor for the 10:10 Activation portal tomorrow. This is from her weekly Goddess Transmissions for this current week.

We felt you will benefit from the meditation by itself with some added beautiful Celestial background music to assist you in feeling into the Peace and Bliss within and navigate through this very special day in the Quantum Field.

Have a most beautiful, blessed and auspicious 10:10 Portal Activation.


CLICK HERE for the Guided Meditation



Nathalie Ristord

✨️ Invocation for Higher Vision and Frequency Stabilization

“I call upon the infinite light of the cosmos, the guardians of the stars, the ancient wisdom of the Earth, and the higher frequencies of all dimensions that are in service to the elevation of this planet. Together, we unite in this moment, allowing our hearts to synchronize with the pulse of universal love and peace.
I invoke the crystalline frequencies of balance, harmony, and clarity to descend upon this Earth. May we each become pillars of divine light, anchoring the vision of a world that thrives in love, compassion, and interconnectedness. We release all that is no longer aligned with the highest good, and in its place, we welcome the golden light of healing and transformation.
May the collective consciousness be uplifted, strengthened, and guided by the wisdom of our awakening humanity and interdimensional guides. I call upon our Higher-Selves and beings of light to support this sacred mission, holding steady the frequencies of peace amidst the swirling energies of change.
As we hold this vision, may all beings find refuge in their inner light, may the planet heal from all wounds, and may we rise together into a new era of unity and love.
I anchor these frequencies now, in trust and divine alignment, knowing that all is unfolding as it should. We are the keepers of this vision, the channels of divine will, and the co-creators of a world bathed in light.
And so it is.”
Invocation for Higher Vision
Invocation for Higher Vision

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