Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Indestructible Diamond Minds of Pure Awareness
Happy Portal of the 216, our Triple 6 X Gateway of the Christos Sophia Consciousness of Love Light.
We have massive Higher Energetics flowing in through todays portal!
With the assistance from the Great Central Sun and our Solar Projector, Our local Solaris released multiple C Class Solar Flares today, 2 more M Class Flares and another massive X Class Flare maxing at X 2.56 at 6:53 UTC. This powerful Gamma Plasma Wave coming from sunspot AR3576 has moved over the western limb of the sun into what is called “the danger zone” where the Sun and Mother Earth are magnetically connected. This will flood the Earth with electromagnetic pulses of Higher Resonance that may trigger the Shift into the Higher Resonance of 5D and beyond.
The Cosmic Energies being sent to Gaia are to assist her and all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 to remove and release any remaining interference patterns imprinted over the Earth Grids and Dragon lines and activate our full Planetary Liberation and Freedom in the Light.
Stand Strong in Faith and Courage Angels and Buddhas of the New Earth, for together we will succeed in our Great Mission of Ascension Earth. We are at the precipice , in this Now, in our full Manifestation of the Great Spirits Kingdom of Heaven upon the Earth.
This is our entrance as Galactic Citizens of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33, of our Cosmic Fleet of the New Jerusalem, and into our 5D New Golden Age of Aquarius for all Sentient Beings of the Way. All Good people of the Tao we are United in our Higher Purpose as Wayshowers of the Love and Eternal Life of Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!
Walk-ins, Soul Braids or Exchanges Happening. Part of the Monad Soul family + Personal Higher Self Agreements. #frameworks
Personal Higher Self Agreements
All earth, every being is being recalibrated. Preparing for Mass Ascension ☀️🕊️✨🌈⚡
Flashes of light illuminate consciousness releasing programs in those whose eyes were once closed to see to reveal the truth in all things.Oh how humanity has risen &continues to rise,the Christed self emerges gracefully like a swan. Our crowned heads glisten golden under the☀️.
When you awaken to life, as truly witnessed by your HEART, everything is remembered and KNOWN to you as God, and you feel an unspeakable reverence for absolutely everyONE and everything from that moment onward- including all of you.
She Holds Us In Our Power, Our Fullness, Our Truth, Our Strength.
Mother Of Dragons Calling Our Giant Self Here
Ensuring Our Safety
Ensuring Our Honour
Mother Of Dragons Guarantee
X 2.56 class solar flare! Last one was last Friday. We’ll see many x class flares leading up to the total solar eclipse in April. The harmonics are converging and all is aligning back to the organic blueprints of creation. I mentioned cosmic waves for this month, transfiguration of the sun and the light body activations. It has not disappointed with the surge of light.
Wherever you are feeling discomfort, suppressed energy needs to be let go off and replaced with the opposite thought or feeling. You must fill your cup with light, your cup is your chakras. Without light it can’t spin like it should, it gets stuck or stagnant and that’s how disease begins. It’s lack of ease which is disharmony, light is harmonious.
You were made of light, the rest is a deception on your creation as your powerful light heals you, the planet and humanity too allowing truth to be seen. Allowing peace to be received. Allowing love to be felt.
The influx of light felt is very powerful and will be again through the weekend.
These streams of light are so connected to our inner truth in alignment with the soul
Anything that is not aligned in its truth with itself is unbearable and must be dissolved, transformed to return to its truth.
One’s truth may not be another’s truth, all truths are good, each his own way.
Except that everything must be aligned in Love, everything not in this essence must be cleared… this seems to have been repeated over and over, but it must be understood down to every cell of every living being on this Earth.
We are preparing with these influx of light to succeed our ascension into the physical body on this Earth very soon and all who are not ready to experience it will go on another plane to prepare for another thousand years for their ascension.
Flows of light plunges us deeper into being in its own truth and all this must be done in the greatest RESPECT for others, our brothers and sisters who are among us presently.
Timelines are lifting us higher and higher and we need to stay grounded or at least come back as soon as possible connected to self and Gaïa , getting out of the trap of the ego , the ancient that is trying to denature us from the galactic being that we are here on a mission on earth … for the purpose of ascending .
Stay grounded in knowing that the energy that flows in is here for us, to lift us up and it works in our DNA and cells, so it requires presence, water, rest, trust and faith…
Abundance will be on this new Earth accessible to each of us who participate as well as joy, compassion, sharing and unconditional Love.
*The Earth Alliance – More Powerful Light Headed For Earth! *
Great One,
As we head into another super galactic weekend, the Earth Alliance reports that a massive X2.5 super flare erupted this morning, leaving the starseeds of Earth reeling from the continuous barrage of light coming into the planet!
Sunspot AR3576 erupted today (0653 UT), producing an intense X2.5-class solar flare. Just like the X flare from several days ago, a massive halo of plasma expanded out in every direction, and a large chunk of these particles is headed for Earth now!
Big sunspot AR3576 is moving over the sun’s western limb, and one might think this means our planet is safely outside the line of fire. In fact, the opposite is true. AR3576 is rotating into a zone where the sun and Earth are magnetically connected, making the situation uniquely dangerous. Sunspots located near the sun’s western limb are magnetically connected to Earth. The sun’s magnetic field spirals around like a lawn sprinkler—a shape known as the “Parker spiral.” Lines of magnetic force coming out of the western limb curve around and touch our planet. In space weather lingo, this magnetic connection is known as the danger zone!
We discuss important space weather events from a spiritual perspective because we know our ascension is directly connected to the light coming from the cosmos!
3D humanity has little or no awareness of space weather events or how cosmic light affects human evolution; daily life goes on, and they simply do not notice any of this. The reason for this is that this light is super high-vibrational, and only beings that resonate with its frequency are affected by it! A 3D being would have to elevate their consciousness and awareness at least up to the 4th dimensional level to notice this light and for it to affect them.
Higher knowledge and inside intel show that the intensity and frequency of this light activity have dramatically increased recently, and that this light is not just coming to Earth by accident or chance. Furthermore, this light influx is more related to the 26,000-year ascension cycle and is being sent to Earth for a purpose by intelligent beings. The guardian races overseeing humanity’s current ascension window say they are blasting this realm with light for the purpose of moving this entire realm up into the next harmonic universe, which contains the 5th dimension. The bottom line here is, humanity’s ascension is well overdue since 2012, and things have recently been super escalated by the guardian host races to ensure humanity’s ascension is a success!
The aware starseed is feeling the incredible ascension symptoms and noticing the increased amounts of light and barrage of strong X flares coming in, constantly now. Everyone has noticed the shifts in their bodies, their emotions, their mental capacity, and in their soul! Entire realities have shifted for many, and life is being transformed in profound ways by this powerful light! As timelines merge higher and higher towards our grand goal, every starseed on Earth is working hard to integrate this powerful cosmic light into the cells of their body.
It’s important to be super grounded as this cosmic energy bombards the cells and DNA of the human body. Consuming light, raw energy foods, drinking plenty of pure water, grounding yourself in nature, meditating, and keeping crystals nearby will help channel this energy through your body and into the Earth.
The aware starseed who watches space weather events has also noticed an increasing and concerning phenomenon as these new flares are triggering rare proton radiation storms almost every day now. The frequency and levels of these radiation storms are something new, and the starseed understands how this affects human DNA and consciousness.
These proton radiation storms are being played down by mainstream space weather and news media as no big deal on the surface, however, there are increasing reports that much larger amounts of these exotic particles have been making their way into Earth’s atmosphere recently. The flare from this morning hit Earth with a major pulse of these energetic protons, which will take several hours to reach Earth, but solar proton levels are predicted to jump way up later this weekend!
The magnetic danger zone between Earth and sunspot AR3576 allowed this pulse to reach us despite the fact that the sunspot is not facing our planet. Notably, the pulse was relatively rich in “hard protons” with energies > 50 MeV. It is likely that another X-flare will blast out of AR3576 this weekend, which could trigger a full-fledged radiation storm. Possible effects include high-latitude radio blackouts, fogged cameras on Earth-orbiting satellites, and elevated levels of radiation on commercial air flights. Increased amounts of protons will reach the surface, and while this is generally something to be alarmed about, it is a concern to take notice of!
Let’s move ever higher this weekend, and how about we go ahead and wake up the entire world! It’s time to get on with this!
Let us know what ascension symptoms you are experiencing at this
2/16/24: Today is smarty smart, savvy, self-aware, and self-confident and you are channeling all of it. That is a key point to remember this year… that you are the alchemist and the magician and everything flows through you. You have these high-powered energies to work with as you choose your next steps.
That’s why you went through so much inner growth last year… so that you could see that you are well able to handle whatever comes your way this year. Opportunities for advancement and progress will start to show up more and more now… and you stand at the gateway to not only receive them, but to spin them into gold.
As WE Are Currently Experiencing a Major SHIFT. . . it is CHANGING Everything Right NOW!
SHIFTING and CHANGES will BE the NEW NORMAL as WE Move Closer to the GRAND EVENT of our Ascension!
Our Earth has Already RAISED UP in Her own Frequencies and is Steady within 4th Density!
Our Mother Earth’s Active Frequency SHIFTS. . . our Solar Logos. . . and All the Intense Cosmic Frequencies WE Are Receiving through the PHOTON BELT and through Other Cosmic Events!
Along with the 5th. . . 6th and 7th Dimensional Frequencies coming in from our Star Families. . . Everything is in Motion for the GRAND EVENT!
Our SOLAR LOGOS in these Moments have been very Active. . . Pushing several M Class Flares. One of them was even a Large M9 which was directed towards Earth which caused a Geomagnetic Storm to Erupt!
That Storm is also Pushing HIGH Frequency Rays which are hitting the Earth’s Poles and BEing Absorbed within Her CORE!
She is Then using these INTENSE Frequencies to Help Amp Her own Vibrations into the 6th Dimensional Level!
These Intense ENERGIES are to Help push the AWAKENING in this Final Phase of our Ascension. She is Boosting Her ENERGIES to Help Awaken Her Children. . . and this is What WE Are Experiencing!
She is Actively BOOSTING 6th Dimensional Vibrations. . . and this is to help Change Everything. She is SHIFTING us into a NEW BEginning!
The SHIFT We are Experiencing is Moving us up into a HIGHER OCTAVE than BEfore!
What this Means is it is Allowing for More Expansion to take place. This Expansion is what is Bringing the CHANGE!
Our Beloved Mother Earth Has Been Very BUSY in this Last Week!
After the Activity that was reported in our last update. . . The Amplitude has BEgun a NEW PHASE of INTENSE Movement!
From 5:00pm UTC on the 9th of February. . . a series of Peaks BEgan around Power 40 hertz. . . right at a 5th Dimensional Level!
These Movements increased in INTENSITY from Midnight until 4:00 UTC the Morning of the 10th. The HIGHER Peaks were shortly after 1:00am UTC. . . which reached Power 60 Hertz. . .
At 2:00 am UTC. . . the Level then Raised to Power 65 hertz. . . which is well above 6th Dimensional Frequencies. . . and then fell back to Power 60 hertz around 4:00am UTC The Morning of the 10th!
She stayed at that level for most of the Day. . . Until Later in the Evening. The Power then dropped back down to 40 hertz at 6:00am. . . and then Down to 23 hertz by 7:30am UTC!
Then right after this AMP UP in Frequencies. . . The Graph had over a 30 hr BLACKOUT Indicating that the graph was unable to track the Frequencies during that Time!
Soon after the BLACKOUT. . . The Energies On February 13th. . . Showed the Peak was Power 17 at 4:00pm UTC and reached Power 36 by 5:00pm UTC!
Everything Amped Up again. . .
On The 14th of February. . . From 4:00am UTC the Remaining Frequencies were immediately set in Motion in all four Measurements.
The First Significant Peak was Power 48 around 6:00am UTC. . . Power 52 at 8:00am UTC, then another 6th Dimensional BOOST of Power 65 shortly after 9:00am UTC!
And the last Movement of the day BEfore Yesterday. . . which reached Power 55 Hertz just BEfore 2:00pm UTC!
At The Time of this Update. . . for yesterday February 15th. . . The Power has Moved Back down to a Power 19 hertz. . . which is Back within 4th Dimensional Level!
This MASSIVE Jump in Vibrations is to Help push Humanity into a Fast Track. . . to move things along at a Quicker Pace. WE Are WELL within the FINAL PHASE of our Ascension!
This FINAL PHASE is Expected to Last in our Time Perspective into our Year of 2030!
However. . . The Infinite Creative SOURCE will Act when the Moment is Right. . . which could BE way BEfore then!
This is why NO Time is given of an EVENT. . . it is ALL UP TO The DIVINE WILL!
As of this Moment. . . Humanity. . . Must Rise into the HIGHER Vibrations to reach the levels Needed to make that MASSIVE JUMP!
Those who are Already Awakened will continue to Lift HIGHER and BEgin to Achieve The Abilities of LIGHT. . . Meaning. . . WE Are Expanding!
WE will BEgin to FEEL as though WE Are Living within 2 Different Realities. . . WE will Feel and Witness. . . the Collapse of ALL things of the 3rd Dimensional Vibration!
WE will BEgin to Witness the Enhancements of One’s own Awareness. . . which can Bring Forth our Psychic and Healing Abilities!
The CHANGES will Start within us and will Quickly MANIFEST into our Reality!
The CHANGES to Expect Are. . . the Raising of our Awareness of our Personal Expansion. WE Are Expanding to Receive More LIGHT within!
What this does. . . is Allow the Blocks and Negative Vibrations that WE Hold within our Bodies. . . to Rise to the Surface. . . to BE Cleared!
This Worries many BEcause the Stuff a Person Pushes Down. . . is What they DO NOT Want to Deal with. When this takes place. . . FORGIVENESS is Key!
FORGIVENESS of One’s Self. . . and FORGIVENESS for ALL Others. WE Must LET it All GO!
Master Sananda said it BEST when he was in his Human Form. “Forgive them. . . for they Know NOT what they do”!
Those Who Are Still in 3rd Dimensional Mindset Do NOT KNOW their TRUTH. . . They Do NOT KNOW that When they Harm Others they Harm Themselves!
What a powerful upswell into new energy, a new era, new vibrations! This ‘8’ Year of the Wood Dragon is already proving to lift us into a higher spiritual level, breaking through another density threshold. Last week I suddenly had to lie down, my body and mind turning off, feeling intense pressure pushing me down into the bed. After an hour of deep trance state with my Spirit Team, I awakened refreshed, lighter, free from that heavy density layer. It was an extraordinary breakthrough moment!
Since then, my Soul’s life force has increased in an infusion of energy pulsing and vibrating in my body, in new visions, in a stronger inner drive. This wellspring of inner Soul essence desires to express in the world. It is a compelling wave moving in me and through me. I see it, sense it, feel it, invigorated by it. This ‘8’ Year is uplifting us into higher, more expanded ways of Being.
The first sacred gateway of 2024 is next week’s 222 immersion in the feminine energies of Divine Mother, the High Priestess, the Goddess essence. As we adjust to the ‘8’ energies of Dragon spirit, what a perfect time to connect, honor and integrate the swell of feminine energy in the field. The divine goddess is transforming the global operating system by dissolving hierarchical Patriarchy into a more equitable circle of collaboration, community and expansion.
The triple dose of 222 Goddess infusion provides the opportunity to activate the sacred union template, the cosmic Vesica Pisces (two interlocking rings) – to come alive in your heart center and light body. This is the new template of divine love, of yin/yang balance, of ONEness vibrating within your being in the New Earth.
The Goddess returns in all her glory! As we gather together on February 22nd in the 222 Gateway, we welcome the Goddess blessings and benevolence as we activate the sacred heart template of universal love, balance and harmony. Let’s join AA Metatron in this auspicious 222 gateway and alchemize a world of peace.
Dear friends, the fourth strongest solar flare of the current solar cycle, an impulsive X2.5, was detected a few hours ago today Friday February 16. Solar flares are triggered when magnetic energy builds up in the solar atmosphere and is released in an intense burst of electromagnetic radiation. They are categorized by size into lettered groups, with X-class being the most powerful.
Those of you who are energy sensitives probably felt this intense energy burst building up yesterday or will be experiencing it today and/or during the weekend.
Our Sun is back into action, and this week has been a real challenge for many energy sensitives worldwide. These solar flares and winds packed with protons and other subatomic particles arriving into our atmosphere are stirring our energy fields and removing old stagnant low frequency energies, which usually are felt emotionally as fears/insecurities and anxiety, and physically as pains and other disturbances in our body organs (see my previous post for a detailed symptoms list). At the same time, on a more positive side, as we clear these old energetic structures we become lighter and are able to gain new perspectives on our life. We may also experience moments of bliss and reconnection.
X solar flares tend to disrupt our circadian rhythm and affect our sleep patterns. Our nervous system is more susceptible during the night time, and emotions can be heightened specially at night. This may result in altered sleep patterns, extremely vivid dreams, and anxiety bouts during the night. It is important to understand the emotions being cleared during these days, as they hold key pieces of information about aspects of your life that need healing or attention. These fears are usually related to situations in which we feel powerless and unable to control an outcome. You may want to write down in a journal your thoughts and insights as we pass through this intense solar period.
Remember please that it takes our bodies a minimum of three days to adjust to these solar waves. Please listen to your body, stay hydrated, and rest as needed.
This weekend may bring more solar surprises, stay tuned for more updates as the energies evolve. We are slowly but surely moving towards the first eclipse season of this year. The March-April 2024 eclipse season will feature a penumbral lunar eclipse on March 24-25, and a total solar eclipse on April 8. You may see this week (and month!) as an energetic preparation for the changes to come. Breath deeply, allow the process of change to take place within you, and trust all is happening in Divine timing. Take care of yourselves, and have a wonderful weekend.
Connecting in partnership with God and Spirit will lead you to financial prosperity. You can follow their Way for you by letting them lead, and you be an active contributor. They are helping you grow in unpredictable ways. Their strategy is leading you out of disappointments and regrets into wealth and stable long term security. You’re being freed to make these changes and follow this new Way of being of service and success. Release the ego and let the light of the Spirit in. She is helping you shine bright and share this light with the World.
On Friday, February 16th, it is a busy day astrologically. Beautiful Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, is shifting into progressive Aquarius at 11:05am EST. In this sign she will be more independent, rebellious, individualistic, objective, opinionated and freedom oriented. She will stay in this sign of the Water Bearer, joining the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto, until March 11th. Throughout the day she will be approaching a conjunction to Pluto, the Great Transformer and planet of death and rebirth energies, which is exact at 3:44am EST Saturday.
The Divine Feminine is taking back her power now! There may be, in fact, power and control issues that guide her to rise up and move back into her inner strength, confidence, energy and potential! She is transmuting disempowering circumstances and events of the past, and past lives……perhaps even for all women from past times on this planet! Venus will use her magnetism, attraction energy and social connections to influence situations towards her favor.
Today we also have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in intuitive and unconventional Aquarius challenging Uranus, the Great Awakener and planet of liberation. Communications are more likely to be truthful, honest and to the point. Great psychic insights and revelations are possible. We are planning for the future now and will move through any difficulties to move towards our hopes, dreams and vision of what we desire to manifest, both personally and globally.
This is a day filled with many electrifying energies! Connect with the Higher Realms and connect with your Higher Self for guidance!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Beautiful Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, is shifting into progressive Aquarius
First Quarter Moon in Taurus. Venus enters Aquarius – As we come to the first turn in the lunar cycle, we feel a deep need for security, simplicity, certainty. Yet, we also have an equally compelling tug towards novel experiences, new friends, the idea of experimentation with the unknown path. The heart flutters with excitement at the thought, meanwhile the inner child sits in the corner, clutching favourite toys to their chest.
Maybe there is a way to satisfy both sides, a slow and gradual emergence into new lands, day excursions, an open top bus, a visit to a new art gallery, bar or café. Make a date with yourself to calm the inner child’s fears and tease out their curiosity.
For some, these aspects may manifest as a strong urge to free oneself from feeling stuck. The Sabian symbol of the Quarter Moon is ‘A Woman, Past Her “Change Of Life”, Experiences A New Love.’ Invest in your future. It’s never too late to start afresh. Trust that nature knows when it is your time to blossom.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. OK, let’s be honest, number two days can be a pain in the backside. There’s no relaxing today, you must deal with challenges and then those challenges must be polarized to stabilize them. Problems must be faced and just like members at an AA meeting, you must admit that you have problems before you can tackle them. Today, look at what needs fixing and deal with those issues without further procrastination.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Self-Generation and Energy’. Stormy days bring about big changes. When you combine this energy with the number two the result is KAPOW! What a crazy day. To summarize; identify your challenges and then with the mighty power of the storm blow your troubles away. This suggests that even very large problems can be dealt with today if you have the nerve! As always on Stormy days you either get blown away or you harness all that energy and put it to good use.
The Guide today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion.’ I can hear your groans… when you all realize that today is guided by a monkey, and a ‘Challenging’ day on a Stormy day to boot. But don’t panic! Monkey is a very useful guide showing us that magic can help remove obstacles. In fact, Hanuman the Monkey god, is a symbol for removing obstacles and so this is a great help for facing challenges and polarizing them.
The Challenge today is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. There is no chance of relaxing today and chillin out. If you are a Red Moon, you will find this day tougher than everyone else. Don’t worry …it will all blow over by tomorrow.
The Occult Power is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. I always say when Wind is in the magical position expect magical messages. It’s happened to me countless times. This really helps today and so if you need to understand how to solve a certain problem, expect the answer to land in your lap, voila! Just like magic. The White Wind also symbolizes Breath and Spirit. Today is ideal for doing breath work and connecting with spirit.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you are a Yellow Sun, you will find the Storm a breeze and may even be amused by the shenanigans going on around you. I implore you to help out all of those poor buggers being blown around today. Any help will be greatly appreciated, so shine some light on a friend in need today. If you don’t have a Yellow Sun handy, be like one and shine brightly.
A turbulent day revealing any distortions to TRUTH… lots of “mud slinging” as the pond is being stirred up to be cleaned! A catalytic day for powerful transformation.
KIN 119 the BLUE LUNAR STORM was the code for the DREAMSPELL YEAR in 2020 and what a catalytic year that was! Global transformation beyond anyone’s imagination!!!
This gives you an idea of the energy today, and also the energy of this entire 13 day wavespell to create TRUE transformation… Throw in the 16 TOWER code and PLUTO in AQUARIUS to the mix and BOOM
And VERY QUICKLY indeed! We have accelerated CHANGE happening at SONIC speeds these days… Anything can and will happen..
Fasten seatbelts beloveds and get ready for a WILD RIDE!!!
Welcome to Day 2 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification.
Today we anchor our capacity to REFLECT the TRUTH as revealed by the MIRROR. Trusting in the transformation of the chaos, that the STORM is catalyzing in our physical world. This enables us to stabilize the polarity conflicts.
LUNAR– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into new horizons and recognizing our true authentic DIAMOND’s POLISHING time!
“How can you use the POWER of the STORM to MAJIKALLY transform your physical reality?”
NOTE: If CHALLENGES present today, FLIP the energy, funneling the POWER generated through the chaos into CREATION and ALCHEMY!
Divine blessings for our collective journey through the Hall of Mirrors, may we arrive at our desired destination with ease and grace – buffeted from the ravages of the STORM.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Generally on STORM days, we witness GAIA releasing pent up energies through physical storms – electrical, hurricanes, hail/snow, floods/tsunamis and all types of extreme weather conditions. Particularly when in the PHYSICAL plane as the LUNAR tone of creation is!
Whether “natural” or artificially induced (H.A.A.R.P – GEOENGINEERING) these extreme STORMS are reflecting the nature of our reality – one filled with confusion, discordance and huge upheaval. When our collective consciousness is calm and stabilized then GAIA’S weather patterns will reflect this HARMONY back to us through idyllic and balanced conditions.
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR STORM – CAUAC brings transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire, the lightning storm. The arrival of the THUNDER BEINGS who bring the final transformation.
BLUE STORM is presenting today with WHITE MIRROR to cut to the TRUTH and sever any discordant reflections, that are distorting your energetic field. Today’s LUNAR STORM reveals what has been blocking our HARMONY and peaceful relations.
The MIRROR Wavespell magnifies the STORM energies so we have TREMENDOUS catalytic powers focused on our SELF and our reflection in the physical plane!
It is time to be born anew – after our rebirth through the Phoenix rising in the culmination of the Serpent’s cycle. We have completed our shedding and now we begin the POLISHING!
New beginnings, and a NEW YOU!
BLUE STORM will assist us in honing our image, confidence, self-esteem and projection of our true AUTHENTIC SELF.
Are you projecting the image of the PERSON you want to be? That you are PROUD of being? If not, allow the BLUE STORM to wash away the remnants of the undesirable aspects of your false self.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. (The TOWER card in the tarot – and today we have a 16 TOWER code – YIKES!!)
BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the LIGHT BODY. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of SELF that cannot withstand the flames of transmutation. Only your TRUE IDENTITY will survive through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you seem to be, in order to become fully what you ARE. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
Allow BLUE STORM’s energies to purify and cleanse you in preparation for your DIAMOND SELF to be brilliantly buffed and polished. .
The LUNAR STORM energies BREAK the WINDOWS in the HALL OF MIRRORS – shattering all illusions and revealing the green pastures that had been hidden from view.
The STORM partners synergistically with ETZNAB to reveal the TRUTH of what IS – the reality beyond the ILLUSION..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE LUNAR MONKEY CHUEN is the beautiful Divine child who uses MAJIK and PLAY through laughter and merriment to transform the world. As the higher guide CHUEN assists in unveiling the deception through the smokescreen and Hall of Mirrors, as the Magician can decode all illusions. This Majik can be transformed from dark to Light by connecting with the purity and innocence of your Divine Child.
The DIVINE CHILD is your inner pure self – that aspect of Divinity that can never be diminished. The innocence and purity that every Divine soul embodies. Connect with this Divine Child that reveals your TRUE SELF – the beautiful aspect of your authentic self – free from masks, cloaks, distortions, personalities and layers of imposed illusions..
Look in the MIRROR and reconnect with your TRUE LOVING SELF to find your CENTER and place of BALANCE through the chaos of the STORM.
The cheeky monkey has a riddle for you today!
He asks “What type of cheese looks in the MIRROR and LOVES itself?”
Answer – Hello me! (Halloumi)…..
It is time to LIGHTEN UP to lessen the severity of this LUNAR STORM… Laughter diffuses all seriousness!
Today we can use the MAJIK that CHUEN offers us to work with the Elementals and the DRAGONS to transform our physical reality. It is a great day to PLAY with the turbulent and powerful STORM energies, using them to catalyze great change, rather than being tossed around in the chaos.
Today is a great day for WEATHER MAJIK – playing with the Elementals to affect the Sun, Wind, Rain, temperature, or even some psychic cloud busting as per Weather 101 class!
A FANTASTIC day to SING A RAINBOW into existence!
LIGHTEN up and PLAY today. Do not take yourself too seriously!. Join with your friends, jump in the PUDDLES and PLAY in adventure land – Look for the BLUE SKIES – SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW..
SUPPORT: YELLOW LUNAR SUN – AHAU peeks through the dark clouds today, commencing the radiant light codes that will fully anchor tomorrow, throughout the following VERY POWER PACKED day of the YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN! Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment!
The LUNAR SUN casts the darkest shadows, illuminating what needs to be stabilized, in order to hold more LIGHT and SHINE BRIGHTLY.
Once the SUN has unveiled the density, the STORM can wash away all debris, cleaning the slate for a new foundation to be built. The STORM thus catalyzes change, leading us to our en-LIGHT-on-ment.
The STORM allows for our physical independence to stabilize us in the midst of change. Our LIGHT shines brighter after each and every STORM in our lives.
What does not KILL us, serves to make us STRONGER
LOOK IN THE MIRROR – you are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself.
Look through the ILLUSIONS to really SEE your true Divine Soul essence!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND– IK provides the energies of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed.
The CRYSTAL WIND – brings us crystal CLEAR cognitive abilities to receive and channel the VOICE of GOD/Spirit.
Spirit is the SUPERPOWER behind this Lunar Storm, having the hidden agenda of transmitting the Divine plan, into every mind that is OPEN and receptive to hearing and knowing the higher DIVINE TRUTH.
As we partner with Spirit to do the work of the Divine on Earth, we can navigate a clear path through the Storm, arriving safely at our utopian destination.
Today we cooperate with our kin, through open and fun communication, making LIGHT of all that is in a state of change around us, as we anchor to let spirit communicate through us, as a pure channel. Follow the guidance of spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR MOON– MULUC The MOON reflects the SUN-LIGHT. The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit, is also a challenge of MULUC.
The Lunar Goddess asks us to surrender the battles, through the power of forgiveness and compassion. Become softer and more receptive to the needs of both yourself and your loved ones, to stabilize any polarity clashes. The GODDESS soothes all hearts through the power of LOVE.
RED MOON also brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life revealed by the MIRROR.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely FLOW through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
Allow MULUC to help you find your FLOW so that you can meander through the great Hall of Mirrors, effortlessly flowing in the right direction
May the STORM, WIND, SUN, MOON RAINBOWSand universal WATERcome out to PLAY and cleanse our bodies catalyzing tremendous transformation in our physical realities.
“How can you use the POWER of the STORM to MAJIKALLY transform your physical reality?”
NOTE: If CHALLENGES present today, FLIP the energy, funneling the POWER generated through the chaos into CREATION and ALCHEMY!
Divine blessings for our collective journey through the Hall of Mirrors, may we arrive at our desired destination with ease and grace – buffeted from the ravages of the STORM.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading 🕉 for the week of
🕉 February 11th through 17th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from February 11th through Feb 17th 2024, reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a very special Prayer of the Holy Grail.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
By God’s desire from on high, Accepted now as I draw nigh, Like falling snow with starfire glow, Thy blessed Purity does bestow Its gift of Love to me.
I AM pure, pure, pure By God’s own word.
I AM pure, pure, pure, O fiery sword.
I AM pure, pure, pure, Truth is adored.
Descend and make me Whole, Blessed Eucharist, fill my soul. I AM thy Law, I AM thy Light,
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