The Active Side of Infinity ~ Dreamspace ~ WE ARE IN CHANGE TOGETHER AS ONE HUMANITY!!! Rainbow Light Body
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Lion Kingdom of our Lyran Nation of Krystalline Earth
Our local Solaris continues to send consistent reinforcements today, releasing 9 more C Class Solar Flares and another Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.45 at 7:06 UTC.
We are now on day 3 in a row of Higher Resonance in the Heartbeat of Mother Gaia with spikes of white light appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 20 hz, 40 hz and a big blast of white light at 50 hz. Fifth Dimension Earth fully coming through our Ascension Vortex.
We have our one way Golden ticket to Paradise. All aboard the Peace train to Freedom. Once we arrive at our final destination of New Eden we never return to the three hells of old earth. The lower densities are the foundations of our Crystal Palace of Bliss, Joy, Abundance and Prosperity.
There will be no interruptions or layovers on our journey to Heaven on Earth, direct flights only.
Keep holding your visions of our Pure Lands of Eternal Bliss Consciousness. Nothing could or will stop us on our Ascension journey of transformation. In the Light.
Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 it is time to free yourself from all negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. We are flooding this realm with the Clear Light of love and bliss of the Universal One as we remove and dissolve all interference patterns held over our precious and beloved 5D New Pristine Earth.
Everything is Sound, vibration, resonance and frequency. As we raise the vibration we lift all Consciousness to the Higher Realms of Heaven on Earth.
There is merely a hair’s width distance to our realization of our True Nature of Buddha Mind. The Veil of illusion of separation over thine eyes is paper thin and held in place by false beliefs and limited perceptions. As we open our hearts and minds to Dharma all is revealed. In this revelation. The eyes of our Spirit are opened and we come to know all things
When we know our True Self we know everything for we are one with all. In this knowing is our safe haven that protects us from all harm as we now live in Divine Harmony with Nature, with the Universe, with God, the Kingdom of Heaven within.
LIGHT up your heart as we light up the grids with our Holy Fire of the Flames of Divinity never to fall for the lies and deceptions again.
Be in the Peace, the Love and the Light of Infinite Source Creator… Aho!!
TODAY’S ORACLE. Expansion is on the horizon. There is so much that you can release if it’s no longer aligned. So much that you can dream into & walk towards. You are free to explore, to leave your comfort zone, one more time. The energy is fertile & upgrading your life in major ways. Take the leap. Explore this new path. It is such a powerful time to let go of what’s limiting you. The Universe is with you. Cycles are closing big time. Breakthroughs are coming your way. Jump to your next timeline.
5/24/24: Why are we talking foundations and versions this month? Why accountability, responsibility, perspective and meaning and self-awareness? Because 2024 is rife with consequences and treasures and payoffs and paybacks; it’s teeming with potential and opportunity; and it will give back in kind whatever you give it. And because the more immersed you are, the more present and balanced and stable you are, the more you will gain in every aspect of your life. Today is about the Personal Power we each carry inside us. Power that creates, manifests, and magnetizes for us. This year has our numbers and every number has its “+” and its “-“ and where we are on that scale matters. And that’s why.
WE ARE RADICALLY SHIFTING INTO THE HIGHER COLLECTIVE PURPOSE OF THE AQUARIAN AGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT IS CHANGING.FROM CHANNELING INFORMATION THROUGH THE MIND TO ANCHORING SOURCE ENERGY THROUGH THE HEART. Star seeds, you are being re-assigned to a new part of your purpose. Redirections are now taking place in many .Expect major shifts into higher timelines.
Your imagination is the biggest part of manifesting your desires here on earth. Take some time each day to envision the way you want things to be and look like . feel the feelings in this vision because this is the transmitter in self that connects to the law of attraction , keep expanding your imagination and putting in visual detail in what your soul is leading and guiding you towards , part of the work in your higherself Is to alchemise and manifest your ascending vibrational alignment into materialistic manifestation ,
What your mind projects in clarity is what your higherself transmits , it is your loving servant , the ego in self is the unfaithful servant , This is why merging into higher-self is greatly important in your ascension . The higher self is the all knowing , the divine intellect , the closest connection to superior light source energy . Once you work on intentionally surrendering all to higherself , trusting always to guide you wisely as your higherself is your truest and most loyal and loving aspect of your creation .
As you transition into higher self you will experience uncomfortableness as the lower aspects in the conscious mind start to dissolve , during this process you release dense lead type particles from your memory cells and deep from the cellular structure . There are complex levels in all structures and systems in the blueprint which consists of physical , emotional body , heart space it is your entire metaphysical self .
The energy you are releasing every time you have an awakening , processing , integrating the stored energy particles dissolve and the lead particles are the stored toxins releasing from your system , in the body the things you heal in self start to collapse , each thought , memory , action and experience in self is stored in Meridian points , energy portals through out our physical systems
Because of this reaction in the physical you will feel fatigued , adrenal recalibration takes place during this stage , headaches and migraines mean that calcified areas in the pineal gland are dissolving and stripping away , you will feel all the toxin release take place in many areas of your body and sometimes all at once .
You are filtering out the heavy toxic particles that have been stored in self over many life times including this one , Your legs , ankles and feet are the energetic release points , this is why your legs may feel very sore and weighted down on particular days , your glucose levels are fluctuating , your metabolism is not the same as it once was and is also going through it’s own changes and modifications .
There is extensive metaphysical work being done in your blueprint / systems as you make the transition from limited self into limitless self ,
As you Ascend you reach a point that with or without ascension symptoms you are no longer allowing the effects to keep you down , your mind set evolves beyond feeling Victimised by them . The reason you can feel negative vibrations within you during this purging , clearing is because of its embodiment , as the particles start to dissolve they release, emit and distribute Negativity through out your body because of this you will feel sensitive to absorbing these frequencies .
This will occur several times throughout the ascension journey . All darkness and negativity must ultimately and completely leave the system , this is always a gradual process with multi metaphysical levels and layers involved .
Your seeded system is a highly sophisticated engineering of metaphysics it is beyond the proven science in our world . Ascended souls are from advanced quantum realm star systems , their complex blueprint contains many differences . This is because of the gifts and abilities they embody they were born in Conscious knowing and their abilities here on this planet were never of a 3D nature .
You came to this planet with a spiritual purpose .You are the truth seekers that can transmute darkness into light.You are here to show others that you are your own greatest healer. You are the strong willed Starseeds who refuse to follow the crowd. You are an example , a leader and a forerunner of the New Earth.
Last week I wrote a post about what the Pleaidians had said regarding where we are at this time between the end and the beginning and also experiencing the phenomenon of Spontaneous Combustion etc.. I continued writing from there into a Newsletter sent out today. I share that here.
What I have been shown is during these next three years many more are going to come to know not only their Vast Galactic Self as one with their Human Self though also come to know ‘others’ (and other aspects of ourSelf,) living in this Universe as we would meeting someone on the other side of this planet. It is time and a next step able to occur simply by being in rapport with Who You Really Are.
I have also seen a strong palpable union with Earth, Pleaides, Sirius and Arcturus truly coming together as family and as Unified Master Light Lifters as we work together to Lift the Light and feel the final ‘snap’ out of the Matrix we have known once and for all. Done is Done.
On a planetary level we are in for further unique changes. As shared by Kristin Fontana: “On Saturday, June 25, expansive Jupiter enters Gemini where it will be traveling for the next twelve months. It may have you feeling restless and curious to explore a unique diversity of life’s terrain. It may also be a time where you feel ready to express yourself in a bigger way, which means you will be putting more energy and focus into those pursuits. “
Regardless of any of our pursuits, the baseline of any choice point need be of the Heart and the question to ask… will this move my Soul forward? Also, will this move me further away from the ache and pull of the world and bring me closer to my Sovereign Nature as my Unity Consciousness is strengthened?
Though what’s next may be a question on many minds, trust in the knowing we are being primed from within and without…above and below…to insert ourselves with our full heart into a new adventure of Life and that is All We Need to Know at this Time. The particulars shall reveal themselves like a private party when each is ready. (Be sure you bring your essence of Divinity into this Physical Reality daily and move your life through it.)
Beloveds, many have spoken of the intense challenges of this time on Earth and not feeling at home in their bodies or even here on Earth. The truth is we haven’t been at home in body or on Earth due to the fact we have been away from Home, (meaning our natural frequency and natural state of BEing,) on assignment for a very long time on quite the unruly planet…to remake it in the image and likeness of a Sacred Inter-Active Peace Planet.
Our Soul has taken us on quite a kamakaze ride through our lives many times. Now the Soul is settling down and preparing to take its active rightful place within our physicality, however it is up to each one to give space and Presence to the Soul and help It by no longer bending or accepting or entertaining or concerning about anything We Are Not in Alignment With 100%. And that includes the past.
That will halt a big part of the dual existence we have lived here on Earth. And, listen to the Light. That may sound odd to say however the language of the Light that streams through the Suns, is capable of interpreting In Presence with one’s Higher Self.
Light is Wisdom and Truth, thus if the Sun of Gaia and the Galactic Sun are consistently streaming potent upleveling Wisdom and Truth through Light Code, our Higher Self can decode it if we are connected.
Also, with the Suns often flaring language, it is amplifying the Power of tens of thousands of crystals and numerous Pyramids coming back on line and the beauty of bodies of water showing us a beautiful visual of Diamond Sunlight on Water.
Carlos Castenada wrote in 1998….we are moving into the Active Side of Infinity. What a great statement. The active side of Infinity is here and now in 2024 and we are in it!
In that we shall and are experiencing unique initiations of Faith, Trust and Love of Self essential for making coherent and opening the space within our bodies, hearts and mind for our awareness to identify the daily Divine Guidance flowing to us from our Higher Self and Soul (and Suns & Source,) guiding us to experience the Mastery WE came to experience.
As well, to dream new realities into Being through our connection to our Galactic/Angelic/ Wise Higher Self, Soul and I Am Presence baptizing our Awareness in the Holy Waters of our true Divine Essence to recognize, embrace, bless and hold dear. Every aspect of our Self is feeling the ‘Holy Fire burn of the shift.’ Love All of You. You are One Special, Sacred Vast Being.
Dear friends, even though yesterday’s full moon lightcodes have been the main focus of our energetic attention, our Sun produced more than 25 solar flares yesterday. Most of them have been low intensity C-class flares and a few were moderate M-class flares. That said, 25 flares is a big number for just one day. This is not surprising as we are indeed within the climax period of the current solar cycle.
However, this sustained frequent “low-fire” solar activity can add up and generate a few symptoms, specially when paired with the recent full moon energies. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing some head pressure, ear ringing, fatigue, dry mouth, and general crown chakra adjustments: vivid dreams, visual disturbances, changes in body temperature, and a feeling as if “walking on clouds”, feeling detached from 3D life. Emotionally speaking, the full moon may also have brought up to surface old conflicts and traumas for release and healing. Please rest as much as needed. Stay well hydrated, and take it easy this weekend.
We will have to wait and see how the Sun behaves in the next 48 hours. Perhaps this sustained low-moderate activity may be the prelude to a stronger and more impulsive period. This constant but moderate low solar activity may actually create more fatigue and lack of energy within our bodies compared to the impulsive intense X flares. This constant activity may feel like running half a marathon to some. Adjust your diet as well if your body asks for more, or less, food intake.
As we move into the last days of May, the new energies of June, including the main June 6:6 portal and June 20 Solstice energies, will be also becoming important players within the new energetic landscape and will be bringing a bit more stability. Meanwhile, have a wonderful and relaxing weekend, take care of your self, and stay tuned for more energy updates.
During my early meditation Mary Magdalene appeared to me with the presence of the Divine Feminine palpably present as well. What I received then goes beyond words, nor expression.
Afterwards I was contemplating the profundity of this very moment, the infinite present, with the dissolving of the veils of amnesia, our deepest remembering is returned for now we can access the higher dimensions, as the angelics and the Ascended Masters are here walking alongside us in ways we best feel deeply in our heart and soul.
I did not ask for it, but I was told that I would be merging with my Ascended Master and was guided that it would be happening, as agreed to before incarnating. It cannot be lightly done, for it means that transfiguration intensifies on many levels and in such a manner that you still need to be able to hold onto physical form and not disintegrate.
I was reading a few weeks ago, that we can ask to merge with our Ascended Master, if he or she agrees to it. This simply was a confirmation of my own guidance and since then I have experienced things which I cannot voice because it is of such high energy that human language cannot convey.
Many of us are going through such profound inner shifts and releasing so much on all levels now, that we will only realize the extend of this in 2026. Indeed I have been told that we are being prepared for 2025, which where something will occur in a cosmic moment, which will bring a total paradigm shift on all levels.
See this as preparation time, where all we are becomes liquidized as I am being shown and experienced it this morning, the Living waters of life.
The earth waters are merging with the waters in space and at universal levels and we are in the state of the breaking waters before the true birth.
This weekend is about healing and getting grounded and stable in preparation for the changes and action toward the success entering. Prosperity is coming in quickly as part of your gifts of having inner union. You’ve done your part to get to this point. Now is the time to receive love, support, and blessings from God.
Be very aware of the ego creeping back in telling you you aren’t worthy. Now through the Gemini New Moon on the 66 PORTAL, the mind will be clearing of these beliefs and thinking patterns. Ensure you replenish yourself daily, and focus on your Feminine energies to heal and override the low self esteem and negative beliefs about yourself, as this healing of the mind completes.
On Friday and Saturday, the sextile between Jupiter in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces continues (May 18-28). Also, Venus has moved on from it’s full moon conjunction with Jupiter at 29° Taurus and has since entered Gemini and is now forming a trine to Pluto in Aquarius which serves as a ‘primer’ for when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25 and then forms a week-long trine to Pluto in Aquarius as well (May 29-Jun 6).
A collective shift is certainly underway as we exit May and enter June and, over the weekend, we are ‘feeling’ this shift as it reflects in our personal lives as we are getting in touch with where we need to transform our thinking to better align with our true intentions.
How has stagnant thinking led to any perceptions of stagnation experiences in our lives and from where do you muster the power to change it?..
The urge toward more ‘freedom’ that is permeating now and which is associated with the recent full moon can only be satisfied by starting with what BUILDS our experiences in the first place…our minds!
Just by daring to PLAY with alternative ways of interpreting things which are different from our ‘tried and true’ methods can be all that it takes to stir this flow with some transformative momentum as we move through the rest of this year and beyond…
On Friday, May 24th, the Moon, ruler of cycles, remains in fiery Sagittarius all day, closing out the Full Moon’s energies. Today she will start by challenging Mercury, ruler of our mind, and Saturn, planet of restrictions, until mid-afternoon Eastern Time.
This may bring up difficulties regarding our thoughts, perceptions and communications. But, after that, the energies will ease up a bit with positive connections to Mars, planet of action, and Chiron, healer of karmic wounds, giving us the opportunity to move through the burdensome situations and into new, more optimistic, horizons.
Very late in the day Luna will make a wonky connection with Uranus, planet of rebellion, creating restlessness, anxiety or insomnia, depending on whether it is day or night for you. There is still time to honor the auspicious energies of yesterday’s Full Moon!
Mars, the warrior and planet of forward movement, is the key. Take some sort of action towards the direction of your freedom and liberation, whatever that might mean to you!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of cycles, remains in fiery Sagittarius all day, closing out the Full Moon’s energies
Venus conjunct Sedna in Gemini. Jupiter in Taurus semi-square North Node in Aries. Mars in Aries semi-sextile Saturn in Pisces – Strange times; a come down after a great party; a heart drop, dipping into old unease. The morning after the night before hits hard sometimes so give yourself some grace to get moving again; some time to gather your motivation; some space to allow emotions to settle. Slow down and remember your reason and purpose, remember the path you set out, the synchronicities that led the way, the encouragement from loved ones. Remember your recovery after heartbreak or disappointments, your magical ability to return stronger and wiser. You deserve to be happy. You deserve all the abundance that life can bring. Not receiving for whatever reason is not a judgement on your character. Maybe the universe has another plan, something better lined up, a time scheduled, or perhaps it’s just waiting for you to be ready to say YES to life.
Apply yourself consistently to your goals. Don’t let feelings of lack or limitation pour cold water on your passion. Build your discipline muscle. Work hard – but know when to rest. Manage your energy levels with compassion. Assert yourself with quiet authority. Let your inner wisdom keeper guide your actions. Coach yourself to success. Trust that your ship will come in.
Degrees and Times
Venus, Sedna 00°Ge21′ – 04:21 (BST)
Jupiter 29°Ta36′, North Node 14°Ar36′ R – 08:52 (BST)
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. We are now on the 8th day of the Red Moon wavespell. The Warrior naturally likes to go on missions but during this laid back wavespell, his sword stays firmly in its sheath. Today he is on a mission to find harmony which is a noble quest indeed. This is a Model of a number and it tones down the energy of any day that it combines with. This fluffy effect is soothing and gentle. Number eight days are great for listening to music, so if you take on a quest today – make sure you’ve a decent soundtrack to accompany you.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Even if you are not a Warrior, you can be one for a day. Take on a mission or quest but do not go on a warpath. Seek out harmony and enjoy the spoils of your victory. The Yellow Warrior wields amazing willpower and can summon up anything he/she needs. Be fearless today in getting what you need or want but don’t be pushy about… remember that a fluffy attitude wins the day.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which is the symbol of Enlightenment and when in the guiding position our paths are illuminated. This makes it much easier to see where you are going and therefore finding harmony shall be quite easy. Hail to ye o sun!
The Challenge today is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. Normally Worldbridger finds Warrior days too intense but as it is a fluffy Galactic day, this tones down the intensity and so Worldbridgers too can find harmony today. Phew.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which is the symbol of ‘Life-Force, Instinct and Survival’. The Serpent is very powerful when in this position and anyone can tap into this power. One of the Serpent’s greatest strengths is its ability to shed its own skin and emerge totally renewed. This symbolizes new opportunities for a fresh start. Is your life a bit stale? If you are ready for a change be prepared to let go of your old life, to make way for a new one. If you want to shed your old skin – today provides a magical chance to do just that.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you want to take someone along on your mission to find harmony, your best bet is to find a Blue Night. Their ability to use their imagination makes them very useful today. If you don’t know one, you can help yourself today by allowing your imagination to go a bit wild.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
Today we are FEARLESSLY seeking ENLIGHTENMENT during this HOLY WESAK festival.
And so today the FINAL BATTLE is nearing VICTORY – as the LIGHT WORKERS are seeking to hold more LIGHT in their QUEST of ASCENSION.
The MIGHTY RAINBOW WARRIORS are READY to MOVE ON from the BATTLEFIELD and start REBUILDING their lives… it is NOW TIME to commence
a new QUEST
Today is a very POTENT and INTENSE day for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to claim sovereignty. It is TIME to take the reins and fearlessly run with it!
WE the WAYSHOWERS are creating our FUTURE!
Day 8 in the RED MOON WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels in order to find our greatest FLOW..
Today we are QUEST-I-ONing everything, all the way back to SOURCE in order to claim our AUTHORITY and FLOW, with pure illuminated consciousness.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Today we are modeling FEARLESSNESS and intelligence as the Rainbow Warriors of the New World.
Are our intentions based on HARMONY through integrity of being?
We need to reflect on the messages from spirit, and ensure that we are aligned, in order for us to evolve and become EN-LIGHT-ened. Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
We are holding those who claim to RULE over us FULLY ACCOUNTABLE – JUSTICE IS HERE!
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
So precious hearts, another VERY POWERFUL day to FEARLESSLY face what needs to be QUEST-I-ON-ed, in order to find your natural FLOW and manifest your DREAMS.
Surrender the battles and resistance as you float merrily down yonder stream!
Today’s question is “How can I use my intelligence to SURRENDER, and harmonize anything impeding my FLOW of FEARLESS joy, PEACE and ABUNDANCE?”
“Am I ready to embody and model the NEW LIGHT?”
Divine blessings for Harmonizing all DARKNESS and modeling FEARLESS, PURE, EN-LIGHTON-ed consciousness.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR – CIB – is the FEARLESS WARRIOR who leads us on a courageous QUEST-I -ON. As the FINAL battle between DARKNESS and LIGHT nears the grand FINALE, the Rainbow Warrior needs to QUESTION the TRUE path in order to fulfill his destiny.
Collectively we all have to use discernment to QUESTION our allegiances and uncover the path of greatest HARMONY for all man-kind.
The GALACTIC WARRIOR is the archetype of Sir Galahad.
He was a knight of King Arthur’s Round Table in Camelot, and one of the three achievers of the Holy Grail in Arthurian legend. Sir GALAHAD is renowned for his gallantry and purity, as the most virtuous of all knights. His HEART was so pure, he was able to claim the HOLY GRAIL through the attainment of Christ Consciousness, and dedication to his QUEST.
How absolutely PERFECTO on this WESAK FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS – the CHRISTOS energy is within easy reach today!
SIR GALAHAD was so PURE he possessed divine gifts and unparalleled heroism, Galahad was capable of performing miracles such as banishing demons and healing the sick!!! Hallelujah – a true WHITE KNIGHT.
Galahad is associated with a white shield with a vermilion cross, the very same emblem given to the Knights Templar.
It is told that once SIR GALAHAD discovered the HOLY GRAIL, he ASCENDED to HEAVEN escorted by ANGELS. And so this is the ultimate QUEST of the NOBLE GALACTIC WARRIOR – to achieve enLIGHT-ON-ment by discovering his TRUE PURE AUTHENTIC SELF!
And so today the Rainbow Warriors are modelling themselves on this galiant knight, purifying their minds, intentions and dedication to Divine Service.
The biggest battle is the battle with our cell-ves, where we fearlessly listen to our MINDS, in order to integrate what it is to “GO WITH THE FLOW” of greatest evolution. Using our Divine intelligence to QUESTION any FEAR of following our path!
What rocks or impediments are in your stream that you courageously need to FLOW around and continue on your journey?
Piercing through any thoughtforms that would keep you in the “dark”. Integrating purification in our illumined minds to access pure consciousness through QUEST-I-ONing beyond the BOX of our inherited conditioning, and beyond the control paradigm. Questioning of SOURCE itself and coming home to our own independent illumined and fearless MIND.
Today we are super focused on our QUEST, our Divine Missions, questioning the very nature of our constructed reality, in order to stay focused on the manifestation of our dream and Higher purpose.
The YELLOW WARRIOR applies focused intention on discovering the BEST choices and the BEST road to travel, reaching the desired destination of collective and personal ABUNDANCE and EQUALITY for ALL! .
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC SUN – AHAU is the higher guiding force today, focused on en-LIGHT-on-ment... raising the old combative mentality, to one of pure ILLUMINATION..
The GALACTIC SUN guides us to focus on our evolution as collective souls, all with the same prime directive from Creator – to GROW and evolve through embodying more LIGHT, empathy, and compassion, leading to greater HARMONY for us all.
AHAU represents the masculine illuminating brain, integrating the AWAKENING, and comprehending the potential for SHINING the LIGHT on the Collective QUEST of the Rainbow Warriors.
AHAU challenges us to RAISE our thoughts and claim our SOVEREIGNTY, aligning with the Higher Mind, the DIVINE MIND, so that we can create PEACE and stillness. This allows the higher divine guidance to FLOW through our MINDS, unimpeded, leading us to greater Abundance and JOY.
OPEN and elevate your MIND to become more EN-LIGHTON-ed like the BUDDHA – and become the SUN, brightening the day of those around you. Focusing on the highest potentials of humanities AWAKENING . Modeling our sovereign nature as we harmonize our soul-ar connections.
SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT – AKBAL reveals any unconscious FEARS of the DARK that we hold, and teams with CIB so that we can FEARLESSLY face any resistance to this new way of being. Cutting away and transcending any limitations and restrictive patterns inhibiting our ability to grow, SHINE and RADIATE.
Through facing and overcoming our FEARS we become EMPOWERED. We can then take up our leadership positions, influencing others to follow in our footsteps. We can thus UNITE in our collective journey to the promised land.
AKBAL holds the dreaming code for the collective, that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend, until it is made manifest in all its RAINBOW splendor. That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones – the RADIANT SOPHIA/CHRISTED, STARBLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS leading the way to the NEW KING/QUEEN-DOM of HEAVEN.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RHYTHMIC SERPENT – CHICCAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS, in order to to find our FLOW. Our primal reptilian mind reveals what needs purifying, in order to model higher states of FEARLESSNESS through pure consciousness. Facing any FEARS of lack, poverty, hunger and scar-city.
The RHYTHMIC SERPENT enables us to organize our physical environment to reflect more balance and harmony so that we can rest assured and have PEACE of MIND. Trusting instinctively that GOD/GODDESS/Spirit WILL PROVIDE for all our needs and ALLOW -and-SEE what Spirit has in store for us.
RED SERPENT provides the much needed vitality and lifeforce, that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS! HALLELUJAH!!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER – Yesterday’s Blue Resonant Eagle gave us intuitive insight as we attuned to the BIG PICTURE of our Divine Mission… Today the fearless Rainbow Warriors – SURRENDER the OLD battle with great INTEGRITY, as the wayshowers pass the baton to the next wave of Rainbows….
The battle is WON and now is the time for PEACE and CELEBRATION as the LIGHT nears its FINAL VICTORY!
CIMI’s challenge today is to LET GO and SURRENDER all DARKNESS, releasing all cords and attachments so that we are FREE to evolve into higher states of FEARLESS living. Allowing our MINDS to be FREE from the old world that we no longer relate to.
Getting REAL and focusing on what our SOUL wants to create, so that we can live in greater HARMONY with our kin. Fully Focused on our Divine Mission of creating a beautiful ABUNDANT world filled with AWAKENED MINDS and EN-LIGHT-ened beings.
Allow CIMI to build the bridge from the old world to the new, revealing the TRUE path, to effortlessly FLOW down the path of least resistance!
So precious hearts, another VERY POWERFUL day to FEARLESSLY face what needs to be QUEST-I-ON-ed, in order to find your natural FLOW and manifest your DREAMS.
Surrender the battles and resistance as you float merrily down yonder stream!
Today’s question is “How can I use my intelligence to SURRENDER, and harmonize anything impeding my FLOW of FEARLESS joy, PEACE and ABUNDANCE?”
“Am I ready to embody and model the NEW LIGHT?”
Divine blessings for Harmonizing all DARKNESS and modeling FEARLESS, PURE, EN-LIGHTON-ed consciousness.
We call forth the pure organic Primary Christed timelines of Ascension to override and overwrite all lower timelines and distortions, and provide the pure and true organic experience for all willing hearts.
We call forth the positive Photonic Light and Source-encoded plasma to infuse the cosmic stargates, Solaris, Gaia, kingdoms, elementals and beloved Humanity, across all timelines, parallel realities seen and unseen, to puritize and Divinitize all creations to the highest level allowed by Cosmic Law.
I open myself as a conduit of Source, the One pure and true Infinite Creator, to flow the Diamond-Solar Light of revelation, unconditional Love and purification, through all of these realms, in the highest interests of all concerned.
Higher realms of highest service to the organic Ascension, unify with us for amplification and acceleration of the migration of realities and open the crystalline bridges to experience the New Earth, Now.
Sacred Gateways of the pure and true organic Ascension within Gaia, HUmanity, kingdoms and elementals, ancient structures and future New Earth realities, open and flow the Diamond-Solar plasma of Cosmic Christ consciousness through all of these realms and grant peace, love and Ascension to all willing hearts.
I ordain this under all graces and forces of pure Source consciousness.
So it is.
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