Tonal Alchemy: Message from the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers * Solar Dragons of RA ~ The Phoenix has appeared! Soul Mission
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Infinite Diamond Suns of Prime Source Creator
The Trinity Gates of Freedom open fully today as we have two days to go until our most powerful 12:12 Stargate Portal and Gateway of the Divine Feminine this Friday the 13th.
We have massive waves of Adamantine Light pouring into this realm from the almighty I Am Infinite Presence with our local Soularis as the Projector of Life sending consistent Soular Flashes all day releasing 26 C Class Soular Flares and 4 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 6.46 at 6:48 UTC, creating the 64:64 Portal of the 10/10.
We also had more white spikes of Light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at 12 and 17 hz, fifth dimensional energetics fully anchored in and holding steady.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today in her Crown Chakra of the New Lemuria on her Pacific Ring of Fire with another 5.8 earthquake in the Aleutian Islands at 18:04 UTC.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are experiencing these energetic DNA recalibrations, activations and transfigurations as our Physical Vessels continue to be prepared for our Solar Diamond Rainbow Body Avatar Transformations of New Eden.
As the Eagle and the Condor fly together in Divine Union over our Sacred Lands of the New Earth we usher in together our 5D New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia.
Continue to shine your Light Bright and expand in the Holy Spirit of Infinite Source Creator…A’Ho!!
Womb Spiral / Earth Ripples. The Phoenix has appeared The top wave activation has taken place. Many Beings have now connected. The first mission is done. The skies are changing
Evolution is calling
Amber Blessing Rain (RainMa)
A Message from the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
“As you move through these changing times… be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at the beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to. You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it.
Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother’s grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle… and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you. Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up. A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings.”
We know deep secrets about OM. To say that we play as OM’s band of troubadours would be most apt. The secrets of love entrusted to the League of Light we dare not reveal directly, but we can do even more by helping you discover them for yourselves totally and completely by chanting the name of love in your ear.
We whisper what you cannot bear to say. We lead you to the edge of your comfort zone and beg you to come to the light that shines even on the darkest night in the song we sing to you. Our only prayer is for you to know love.
12/10/24: We can handle criticism, admit to our mistakes, claim our faults and failures. We can beat ourselves up, with righteous justification, because we aren’t as far or as proficient as we think we should be. It’s easy and expected. We were taught to self-criticize and we’re very good at it. But taking a compliment? Accepting our unique gifts? Loving our own light?
That’s not in the programming for most of us. Until today. Today is about courageous self-acceptance and self-expression. You can use your words for this, but attitude and presence pack a lot more power. Let self-mastery speak for you today and always. And, fear not, it will not go unnoticed.
12 .12. A sacred portal honouring the opening of the heart of mass conscious awareness, a doorway to the unveiling of unlimited love and compassion; a gateway to accepting a deeper reality and an acknowledgment of the limits of perception of the individual.
This is the symbolic gateway of the sacred rose, the symbol of divinity in feminine form and the message of oneness of all things, birthed through a cosmic mother.
12.12.1531 a young mexican named Juan Diego reported the celestial apparition of Mother Mary. The miracles performed were a message of unity and oneness, speaking of an unconditional love which spans all nations and of a divine channel offered as the pathway through her own immaculate heart, as the route to the Christ Light.
In this message, rose petals are graces offered to those who suffer, and a new moon is a symbol of cosmic birthing.
The message of Our Lady at Guadeloupe is translated as such :
“Listen, put it into your heart, that what frightened you, what afflicted you, is nothing, do not let it disturb your heart. Do not fear this sickness, nor any other sickness, nor any hurtful thing. Am I not here, I who have the honour to be your mother?
Are you not in my shadow and under my protection?
Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need something more?”
Dear friends, we have begun this week with a wonderful, yet intense, energy. The 12:12 light codes are already flowing around us and will continue throughout this week. This energy holds the potential to bring us closer to our intended unified Divine timeline.
The next three days, December 10-11-12, vibrate strongly with the Trinity light codes. These packages of high-frequency information can help us find a more coherent connection between our body, mind, and soul, resulting in a more integrated way of living and experiencing our earthly journey.
As energy beings, we are sensitive to various cosmic energetic influences. The 12:12 light codes are numeric resonance frequencies interacting with our fields and consciousness to generate a coherent flow of information between our divine soul memory records, human mind, and physical vessel – our human Trinity nature.
As we increase internal coherence, or resonance, we become more able to shine our Light into this physical world and expand it to other multidimensional realities. This resonance also generates an increase in our overall frequency. Eventually, this higher state of awareness will allow us to see all things/realities through the eyes of Love.
This is an evolutionary process that we are all undergoing, individually and collectively. As we increase our frequency, all things that do not resonate with this new state of being will start falling apart and fade away from our lives. Letting go of outdated situations or relationships can be painful, but ultimately, you will be able to fly as high as you were intended to. This will be the main theme of 2025. I’ll be soon writing about these new 9 frequencies and their effects on our fields in a few days, stay tuned.
The barriers preventing us from being Love are dismantling little by little. Your energy is changing, your body is changing, and the Earth is changing. The 12:12 light codes will also trigger several positive aspects. Integrating these energies can expand your energy fields, allowing more unconditional love to flow through you. You may also gain deeper insights about the steps you need to take for next year’s timeline. You may feel as well the need to explore new facets of your spirituality.
These Trinity light codes are flowing throughout December. The Solstice around December 21 will feature similar light codes, offering an intense lesson on integrating all aspects of our multidimensional being – the light and the shadow, the physical and the spiritual, the feminine and the masculine.
As the intensity of the 12:12 light codes increases, remember to ground your energy daily, stay well hydrated, and rest as needed. You may feel out of sync, experiencing symptoms like dizziness, ear ringing, vivid dreams, and altered sleep patterns this week. Also, changes in body temperature, experiencing either colder or warmer areas, may be present as the reconnection takes place.
The process of integration is deep this month, but you will emerge transformed by the end of the year. May the 12:12 light codes guide you on your journey of transformation, illuminating the path to your highest potential. As you integrate these powerful energies, remember to be gentle with yourself, and trust that you are exactly where you need to be. May the love and light of the universe surround and support you, as you shine brighter and embody your true multidimensional self. Have a wonderful day.
In the last few months, from August to November, you have been through huge upgrades in your Light Body and the Human Angel Template in your DNA. You have activated your Holographic transmission abilities and your Time Traveller awareness. Now it is time to rest up a little and just BE the Light of the World.
This means YOU ARE the Love and Peace of the New Earth in embodied form.
At this time you will need to be fully present in the NOW and aligned with your “Vertical Axis”. This is the alignment between Earth and Heaven within your Human Angel Template that includes all twelve chakras.
On the Material level these are the chakras below the Heart Chakra and includes also the Earth Star Chakra and the New Earth Chakra. On the Higher level this includes the chakras above the Heart including the High Heart and the Soul Star Chakra and the Solar and Galactic chakras.
When this alignment is active, it is necessary to be grounded and focussed in the NOW so as to keep your balance at all times.
Grounding practices can include being in Nature or at the Ocean. Walking in a Forest or a meadow or simply gardening at home. Or spending time with friends and family. Or undertaking simple practices like space clearing and decluttering at home.
As you move through December and into 2025, there will be many challenges as the chaos on the lower levels that affect sthe lives of many people. This comes in the form of extreme weather, social conflict and even wars.
Beloved Ones, you are here as illumined souls to hold the Light for the Collective Consciousness so that it may manifest within Humanity.
You are Light embodied.
That Light that you hold within your Heart and Soul can radiate and illuminate and lighten all the dark and heavy spaces in the Global consciousness. It can show many the way home to Higher Consciousness.
WE ARE ONE in Divine Love and Grace
Dearest Ones, we would suggest that in your daily meditations that you include a GRATITUDE practice, not only for yourself but also for the Planet. Be aware of deep gratitude for your Planetary Home and send it gratitude for the way in which it supports your life : air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat and whatever else you wish to include.
We suggest also a daily prayer of BLESSING or a Blessing practice in which you bless all living beings on Earth with Love and Compassion.
You can make this a brief prayer/blessing that you do at least 3 times a day, sending Love, Light and Blessings.
Beloveds, this is such a powerful practice!
And now, we ask that you let this Love, Light and Compassion move into the Collective Consciousness of the Planet, together with Forgiveness and Releasing. As you heal yourselves by becoming aware of trauma and mistaken beliefs, and then forgiving yourself and releasing negative energies, so this can also be achieved in the Collective. As you heal and transform, you empower the deep Collective to heal and transform.
You are One.
As you Heal you Empower Healing within the Collective.
Of letting go of all our self-perceived limitations, concepts, ideas, what we are capable of, all limiting beliefs, all ego.
More than this to allow ourselves to be led through this expansion, even as we lead and blaze new trails, for others to follow and do so from the depths of our hearts and souls, with so much love.
Always in the highest, best and most loving ways, for the highest good of all.
So many conscious breakthroughs are happening. It may be easier to control your thoughts, and be more of the author of your own life. Take notes with whatever is flowing through you. The information is guiding you to your destiny where you are in charge. Pull back your energy from others and fill your own cup today to help process through all the information. Seek acceptance and appreciation for how much you have healed, and what you are ready for next.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
fill your own cup today
Ra James
Today our Sun is trine Chiron.
This is digging up old wounds. It’s all about dropping the old baggage that is no longer serving you. It’s all about feeling what you need to heal. Pay attention to things you’re picking up on, and your inner knowing right now. It’s all about processing things on a deeper subconscious and energetic level right now. This means you may be having old memories, or emotions surfacing. It’s all about letting go of limiting beliefs and patterns that have been holding you back right now. You’re breaking a lot of generational patterns right now.
Today, you’ll feel a surge of energy that empowers you to chase your dreams with more confidence. It’s a lot of clearing energies, and clearing out the old to prepare for the New Year. Venus trines the Venus-ruled South Node. Venus rules your love life, and The South Node contains your past life experiences and karmic patterns. This alignment encourages you to take a deeper look at your karmic bonds, and past connections. This aspect encourages growth in understanding your past life connections and karmic patterns. It’s all about healing deeper relationship patterns. When Venus transits the South Node, it may be a time when a relationship ends, or maybe just your expectations around certain relationships.
It’s all about clearing karma from your love life. A trine to the South Node also means a sextile to the Aries North Node. This is clearing the energy of the past, to open up to your future energy. Stay open to relationships, and teachers that can bring you closer to your destiny. It’s all about healing and opening up to soul level connections right now. Our Moon also trines Mercury, who is still Retrograde. This makes it a great time for open communication and sharing your feelings, if you need to…
On Tuesday, December 10th, the Sun, ruler of our confidence, in expansive Sagittarius, is in a positive trine connection to Chiron, ruler of our past wounds and traumas, in courageous Aries. We have the universal support now to work through old challenges and patterns that have kept us stuck and in the energy of low self-esteem, lack of self-assurance, or an identity crisis.
The Sun in Sagittarius is beckoning us towards new horizons and greener pastures. Chiron in Aries says, “You can do it! You can heal yourself!” So, point that arrow of positive intentions towards the sky, because there are no limits to what you can accomplish once you shift your perspective, and have faith, trust and belief in the Grand Plan!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of our confidence, in expansive Sagittarius, is in a positive trine connection to Chiron
Sun in Sagittarius trine Chiron retrograde in Aries. Venus in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries – Attend to your aches and pains whether they be emotional, psychological, physical or spiritual. Try alternative remedies or practises. Ask for advice from a teacher or expert. Be open to new methods of healing and proactive about finding solutions to chronic problems. What you learn about self-healing can be a gift of wisdom to another. Honour your scars, they show you survived.
Instead of rejecting those parts of yourself that hurt, welcome them in, show them that they are loved. Be at peace with letting others see your faults and weaknesses, you are human. Acknowledge that you are fallible, that mistakes happen, and each ‘failure’ is a chance to learn. You shine when you are living your truth, warts and all. The more you love what makes you different, the clearer your karmic path becomes.
Degrees and Times
Venus 03°Aq31′, North Node 03°Ar31′ R – 07:30 (UT)
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its key words are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. This is the last day of the Yellow Seed wavespell and the last day of the Blue Western Castle of Burning. A castle is a four wavespell period, and the Tzolkin divides into five castles. The Blue Western Castle of Burning is right in the middle of the Tzolkin and contains the Red Serpent and Yellow Seed wavespells which each have a ten-day, portal day fun ride. So, we not only transcend today everything we have learned in the last wavespell but the whole 52-day castle.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning, Intelligence and Fearlessness’. The last day of a wavespell, is the destiny the first day set out to reach. We began with Yellow Seed which has an agenda of ‘sowing awareness’ and ‘flowering’. It is the harvest wavespell where we reap what we sow. On this last day, the Yellow Warrior which is fearless, invites us to be warriors too. ‘Intelligence’ is a key word because Warriors are concerned with psychological warfare and it is the battle of consciousness, he/she is fighting. Join the army of ‘Intelligence’ and may all the wisdom you have accumulated be your weapons.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes ‘Enlightenment’. What better guide could the Warrior ask for than the Yellow Sun who illuminates the way. Today we ‘Endure to Question’ but the Yellow Sun makes this enduring day much easier.
The Challenge today is the White Worldbridger who is always giving us opportunities to cross bridges. And indeed, today we must cross a bridge to intelligence but the Worldbridger makes the crossing tricky. As usual… you must pay the troll under the bridge or make some kind of sacrifice.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent and when in this magical position the serpent can hypnotize and mesmerize. This can facilitate transmuting of poisons, and so let go of any poison you have been holding on to and spit that venom out.
The Ally is the Blue Night the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you need a friend today your best bet is a Blue Night. Their great imagination will inspire you and inject some much-needed fun into today’s serious side.
The last day of the wavespell is always the same colour as the first day and this 13th day ‘wraps up’ the wavespell. The days within the wavespell provide a journey between the first and last day. The first day may set the agenda for the wavespell but the last day, is in a sense, the conclusion that the journey through the wavespell brings you to.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/ Unique
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
12- Spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Illumination/Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 156 = 12 = 3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
A transformational DIVINE day, manifesting transcendence.
CONGRATULATIONS STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS , today marks the final EXIT of our momentous GAP journey through the core of the TZOLKIN.- – –
We are finally FREE from the added GAP intensities, so we should start to feel LIGHTER …. and less encumbered, having climbed to the TOP of JACOB’S LADDER!
Ha ha ha…..Except for the looming PORTALS on 12.12 and 21.12 SOLSTICE – always a continuous influx of higher energies bombarding our planet! Oh man – surfing those Solar waves!
We have arrived on Day 13 at the final day in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of AWAKENING flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into our Highest potential.
Today is the day the little Yellow Seed fearlessly BLOOMS
Opening its multilayered petals and BLOSSOMING into its Highest potential. Revealing all its LIGHT through sheer luminescent PRESENCE as the enLIGHTened COSMIC Rainbow Warrior!
Our blossoming will be very GRAND!!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old Warrior battles, as the old paradigm and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them through pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Today we can be STILL and connect to the essence of our greatest LIGHT, the frequency of pure internal presence!
Today’s question is “How can I TRANSCEND the battles of the past, and fearlessly illuminate my true FULLY AWAKENED LIGHT, through pure presence?”
Finally….LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT, and returning to the ONE (magnetic tone – 1) once again!
And so we bid adieu to KAN the bountiful YELLOW SEED, who enabled us to overcome all obstacles in the darkness, and GROW tall and strong.SEEDING the AWAKENING masses to RISE up, now MUCH wiser, embodying more LIGHT.
Now that we have CRACKED OPEN our SEED pods, and rediscovered our greatest potential stored within us, we are READY to set forth on our new adventure!
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell founded on RIGHT TIMING, packed with synchronicity and FLOW. We are guided by CABAN – RED EARTH our trusty companion.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for our Cosmic transcendence into our highest embodiment of LIGHT.
We are NOW stepping away from the battles and into the LIGHT of SOURCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 moons ago – Last Galactic Spin on Kin 156 it was the
27 moons ago – 3 Galactic Spins KIN 156 – occured on OCTOBER 21ST,, 2022 which marks the ancient future return, of the prophetic Mayan master synchronic architect, and KING – Pacal Votan in 4772.. and what a timely synchronic alignment as PACAL returns on COSMIC WARRIOR day! A day that exemplifies this remarkable COSMIC ASTRONAUT, who fearlessly transcends TIME.. and surfs the COSMIC waves through his timeless presence as the enLIGHTend Master that he is.
Call on MAYAN KING PACAL VOTAN today to give you FEARLESS COURAGE through this potent ASCENSION portal, to valiantly move forward on your DIVINE QUEST.
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR – CIB imbues in us the much needed COURAGE and tremendous will power, to FEARLESSLY choose to step into our FULL GLORIOUS RADIANCE.
Especially when we INVOKE KING PACAL to assist us!
Questioning the old FEAR PARADIGM and rejecting it unequivocally! Refusing to wage WAR, or fight those old battles, downing our weapons and suits of protective armour, as we reveal our true essence down to our pure nakedness, fully transparent and ready to be SEEN in all our luminous glory.
We use our higher Solar intelligence to gain revelations and bring fearless illumination into our lives and those we influence. Consciously choosing to fearlessly create the most ENLIGHTENED culture that we can imagine! That is our collective mission and no-thing can get in our way of realizing that Divine plan.
The WARRIOR energy has served us well to get us to this point in our Ascension journey, but now we have TRANSCENDED this role and it is time for an upgrade!
We have CLEARED and healed those old Warrior wounds, both personally and collectively. Now the RAINBOW WARRIORS can put down their weapons and take their rightful positions as Sovereign leaders and PEACE Ambassadors of NEW EARTH!
Today’s 111 coding is ACTIVATING the LEADER blueprint of the RAINBOW WARRIOR’S through Divine providence – it is TIME to claim your throne!
Very timely as we commence the BEAUTIFUL and grounded RED MAGNETIC EARTH wavespell tomorrow.
Today the FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS have graduated from the battle fields and can claim their honoured places as the BRAVE and wise SPIRITUAL WARRIORS seeking PEACE and HARMONY.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC SUN – AHAU.. What a DYNAMIC DUO we have today, with AHAU the enLIGHTened ONE as the higher guide. AHAU prompts us to STEP UP and become independent Sovereign beings, who are complete and WHOLE-some. Fearlessly focused on Quest-I-oning the SOURCE of presence, as we claim our full sovereign essence as SOUL-AR citizens.
This enables us to perfect the ILLUMINATION of our own PURE essence as part of the larger divine plan for New Earth. A New Time where ALL are authentically shining their LIGHT, their sovereignty with nothing hidden. No parts of ourselves unacknowledged, the whole of us SHINING in the pure LIGHT of our capacity to fully SHINE as the enLIGHTONed COSMIC WARRIORS that we have become.
It is time for us to claim our MASTERY, and live our DAILY LIVES through the lens of Spirit and the Enlightened Masters that we are!.
Today is a BRILLIANT day for all the newly awakened SEEDS to GROW to the MAX – reaching for the LIGHT and seeking the Highest Path of TRUTH and illumination.
After yesterday’s ILLUMINATING triple portal through the EYES of the CRYSTAL EAGLE, we are truly equipped to become the VISIONARY LEADERS that we came to EARTH to be! Aho!
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC NIGHT– AKBAL holds the keys to the Inner Kingdom of GOD! BLUE COSMIC NIGHT contains the gold vault of COSMIC ABUNDANCE.
The COSMIC VAULT is being blasted wide OPEN today.
We endure the journey and deep dive into the unconscious to search all the corners of what is hidden, in order to reveal all that has been denied. Revealing and uncovering every hidden aspect of self, arising to be healed and brought into pure presence. . a TRUE GIFT which is highlighting our emotions and hidden wounding.
AKBAL holds the dreaming code for the collective, that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend, until it is made manifest in all of its RAINBOW splendour. That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones – the RADIANT CHRISTED, STAR-BLISS– SUPERNOVA SUNS leading the way to the NEW PARADIGM and collective abundance for all beings..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED MAGNETIC SERPENT – CHICCAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS, in order to GROW and hold more LIGHT. Pure spiritual life force is magnetised within us, as we honour all that we are, and the channels are freed up and open within us.
Life force is attracted to the FLOWERING of consciousness as we receive the fullness of LIGHT. The bounty of bringing our intelligence to focus fully on our highest potential, and abiding there in full presence.
Magnetising our Divine purpose as Cosmic Warriors with a Divine Mission, as we fearlessly project our energy into the SOURCE of consciousness.
RED SERPENT provides the much needed vitality and lifeforce that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI’s challenge today is to SURRENDER in order to TRANSCEND all sense of separation from SOURCE.
As we surrender wholly into the heart of ALL THAT IS, understanding the connectedness of all life. Surrendering through our precious hearts in order to be fully present as a doorway between worlds, connected to all planetary kin.
And so we witness the DEATH of the old cycle and the old weary battling Warrior, ready to ARISE renewed and restored through these revolutionary times.. Ready to be BORN ANEW. . What a beautiful outcome!
The SPIRITUAL WARRIORS are focused on our Divine Mission, of creating a beautiful PEACE filled world, filled with divine joy and EQUALITY for all!
Detach from the old crumbling paradigm and fearlessly FOCUS on WHERE you are headed – the most exquisitely beautiful destination.
Allow CIMI to build the bridge from the old world to the new, revealing the true path to travel, in order to reach the promised land – GOD’S KINGDOM. The peaceful RAINBOW WARRIORS have returned HOME!
A NEW PARADIGM has commenced – embrace it!
So beloveds, a very powerful Divine day to fearlessly step up and radiate even greater LIGHT through your pure presence. Go forth and RADIATE.
Today’s question is “How can I TRANSCEND the battles of the past, and fearlessly illuminate my true FULLY AWAKENED LIGHT, through pure presence?”
Finally….LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT, and returning to the ONE (magnetic tone – 1) once again!
And so we bid adieu to KAN the bountiful YELLOW SEED, who enabled us to overcome all obstacles in the darkness, and GROW tall and strong.SEEDING the AWAKENING masses to RISE up, now MUCH wiser, embodying more LIGHT.
Now that we have CRACKED OPEN our SEED pods, and rediscovered our greatest potential stored within us, we are READY to set forth on our new adventure!
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell founded on RIGHT TIMING, packed with synchronicity and FLOW. We are guided by CABAN – RED EARTH our trusty companion.
And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for our Cosmic transcendence into our highest embodiment of LIGHT.
We are NOW stepping away from the battles and into the LIGHT of SOURCE!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 8th through 14th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the 12:12 Sacred Portal and the New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Decree of Activation of Overcoming and Transcendence
️”I am the divine presence that dwells within me.
I activate now all of the strength, courage and wisdom that comes from my Higher Essence.
I recognize that all challenges are opportunities for growth and I face them with love, confidence and determination.
Nothing can limit my Being, for I Am infinite, full and connected to the Divine Source.
I release fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs, replacing them with faith, clarity and personal power.
I decree that the Universe’s energy flows freely through me, dissolving barriers and opening perfect pathways for my evolution.
I accept and manifest my strength, and with each step, I overcome with grace everything that challenges me.
That’s how it’s done! “
Overcoming and Transcendence
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