2025 NEW TIMELINE ACTIVATION ~ The Old Paradigm is Ending * IN THE AGE OF AQUARIUS ~ Celebrate the GIFT of the NEW WORLD!
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Heavenly Christed Ones of our Earth Angel Legion of Light
Our local Soularis sent us major Waves of Indestructible Diamond Light today releasing 3 C Class Soular Flares and another Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful close to X Class Flare maxing at 9.05 at 11:12 UTC.
Gaia’s electromagnetic Quantum Field and all Her Children of the Sun are being flooded with Ultra Violet Rays of Source Light to assist in our Transfiguration and Ascension in the Light of Infinite Source Creator.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation to day with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in her Sacred Portal of Cuba at 6:00 UTC as the Holy Lands and Frequency of the New Atlantis and New Lemuria continue to rise together into our New Earth.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to hold the codes and anchor in the tones and resonance of Heaven on Earth into the Grids and Dragon lines of Mother Earth as we blaze her Crystalline Core with the Love Light vibrations of the Pure Land of Eternal Life.
With your Divine Will and Pure Intent hold your Visions of our Pristine Edenic Paradise, to complete our Holy Mission of full and total Planetary Liberation…A’Ho!
Solstice, Magna Mater frees Her Children from the chains and bonds of this world and the Logos of God heals them. Next, they will escape their personal hells. North/South node, to die with a smile and be reborn with a Living Breath!
TODAY’S ORACLE. The Solstice energies have called you inwards. To feel, to reassess, to reflect. You know more about what you want and need than a week ago. Stay with this resolve. Keep seeing & shedding the patterns. This healing time is serving you perfectly. Your path is clearing.
I have noticed throughout today that the VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS of INCOMING ENERGIES have altered today. Being FAR MORE COMPLEX vibrational patterns within the whole head/brain. In an amazing and beautiful way. Remember our brains have been recalibrating incrementally, and individually, one by one, since December 2012.
Yet just in the last hour, incoming energy has ramped up in actual STRENGTH.
The incoming energies of the last 3 days have held UNIQUE QUALITIES each day; with great vibrational beauty and depth. But today’s are very very different vibrational patterns within the brain, to what we have received so far. I am in utter awe and gratitude, of the energies we are receiving.
Remember all incoming energies (which are in every single moment) takes approx 3 days to integrate into the actual physical cells of the body.
BE-Loved ONE! Just returning from a secret cave of the Inca and honored to be invited to offer ceremony at the home of the Incan mystic MAMA Rupaq at 12,000 feet, the depth and power of the Ancient wisdom pouring forward …for US ALL… is humbling and awe-inspiring. This was the final preparation for the gathering of the Wisdom Councils that will rise in 2025. All to sustain and support the MASSIVE SHIFT IN CONSCIOUS AWARENESS that is anchoring from within the newly formed Whirlwind.
The December SA is reaching its full exhale!
YOU ARE standing at the precipice of the AWARENESS OF CHOICE!
A strongly power-full re-cognition anchored in collective ancient memory!
As you bring a hand to your heart and ignite a deep Avesa breath, REMEMBER…it all begins with TRUSTING YOUR-self!
The gift that is yours to receive through the in-body-ment of the Yoga of Self-Ascension. I LOVE YOU and Invite you to BE THERE FOR THE JOURNEY THAT BEGAN with Sri Ram Kaa in form and is culminating with his full Ascended Presence here for us ALL!
With a deep bow before your mastery
source: https://sriandkira.com
Maryann Rada
Just as the quarter moon comes into view and your patience for watching the slow destruction of a dying world wears thin, things around you will take a turn. You can feel the anticipation growing, and your own consideration for those who perpetuate the systemic deception plaguing the social evolutionary model to have reached the limits of what you can afford as tolerance. At this point, it is coming. Everything will begin to make more sense to those who seek the liberation of truth from the prison of lies.
Everything will begin to disintegrate for those who cling to the past as a comforting blanket, even more so for those who have invested in the continuation of the deceit. Be prepared to emerge into your true personas, the true you, at that time. We bring you this message but not to cause alarm. There is nothing you need to be worried about, nothing to do. Merely be clear, grounded, and helpful to those who most need your presence calming their nerves. Paradigm shift is upon you, not world’s end.
“Know We Hear You, Loud and Clear”
source: https://ninespath.com
Know We Hear You, Loud and Clear
Pars Kutay
The Old Paradigm is Ending. . . But it is Also Opening the Door to NEW Possibilities for a Brighter Future!
The Old Paradigm was Made Up of the Old Beliefs and Control Structures that Have Long Been a Part of Humanities Reality.
These Beliefs and Societal Structures Might Have Provided a False Sense of Security. . . but They Have also Restricted Our Spiritual Growth.
Letting Go is Often One of Life’s Hardest Lessons. It Takes Strength and a Willingness to Part with Attachments.
Every Ending Serves a Purpose. . . Clearing the Way for NEW BEginnings.
The Earth and Humanity are Embarking on a NEW CHAPTER in our Reality. We Must NOW Decide the Direction We Want to Take as a Collective.
As Humanity Enters a NEW ERA. . . We as Individuals are Also Concluding an Old Way of Existence.
The Ending of the Old Paradigm is Unveiling a NEW. . . More Aligned Version of Our SELVES. Embrace this Transformation and Explore How it can Influence Our Lives.
This NEW IDENTITY May Bring a Sense of Courage and Curiosity that Encourages us to Step Out of Our Old Comfort Zone. . . and into a NEW WAY of BEing.
When We BEgin to Feel Uncomfortable with Our Current Situation. . . this is a Sign We May BE Experiencing a SHIFT in Our Consciousness.
This Discomfort is a Signal that Change is Needed. By Facing it Head-On. . . We can Open Our SELVES Up to NEW Experiences and Possibilities.
Acknowledging this Ending is the First Step Toward Elevating Our Consciousness and Embracing What Lies Ahead.
Recognize that Personal Transformation is Rarely a Straightforward Process. There will BE Ups and Downs. . . Moments of Clarity Intertwined with Confusion.
Embrace this Natural Ebb and Flow. . . Knowing that Each Twist and Turn is Part of Our Unique Journey. Celebrate Small Victories: Each Step Forward is Progress.
Each Lesson Learned Helps Build Resilience. . . a Vital Trait When Navigating NEW Experiences. Reflecting on Our Journey can Help Solidify this Perspective.
All Life Experiences can Serve as Stepping Stones for Personal Growth.
When Faced with Challenges. . . Rather than Viewing Them as Roadblocks. . . Understand How they Contribute to Our Journey.
Remember to Honor Our Journey. This Enables us to Recognize How Far We have Come and Gives us Motivation for What Lies Ahead.
Think about Specific Goals We Want to Pursue. Setting these Intentions will Help Guide Our Path When Uncertainty Strikes.
Our Intentions Act as Our Compass. . . Keeping us Grounded and Focused Even During Turbulent Times.
Navigating the Ending of an Old Paradigm and the Start of a NEW CHAPTER can Seem Intimidating. . . Yet It can BE an Adventure.
As We Navigate this Transformative Time. . . Remember that Each Ending Leads to a NEW BEGINNING.
Offering a Chance to Discover More about Our SELVES and Our Spiritual Journey.
We Embrace this NEW Version of us. . . and Let Our Inner LIGHT Lead us Towards a NEW Way of BEing!
3D MATRIX World – 5D New Earth – 3D is FEAR and ILLUSION based 5D is TRUTH and LOVE based -3D is Separation – 5D is Unity consciousness . 3D is War – 5D is Peace- 3D is a Prison – 5D is Freedom , 3D is Hell on EARTH – 5D is Heaven On Earth . 3D is in a perpetual Karmic loop – 5D is soul salvation and liberation , 5D is the completion of all Akashic KARMIC debt .
Often it’s the deepest pain which empowers The ascending to grow the most into the highest self version , at times It is going to feel like your movie screen is about to be switched. The drama and dysfunction currently unfolding on the Earth script is occurring precisely because the divergence is now taking place . Many advanced souls are preparing for higher points of contacts and higher species communication .
The Ascending starseeds that experience contact first on this planet will be prior notified of this upcoming major event .The world as everyone knows it will completely change there after .This Planetary change and event is imminent .
For the ascending ones leaving the 3rd Density programs , these will continue on in the background of the mind for a time but in a totally different way .The themes currently playing themselves out will gradually fade from the cellular memory , ascending self will be left with a vague and lingering sense that some kind of ethereal narrative was just witnessed and experienced .
The Universe Is Culling and Cleaning Out all Outdated mindsets in universal year 9 2025 , collective Relationships that are dysfunctional and karmic based as well as karmic based soul contracts are finally completing for many . The relationships, connections where you have possibly given away inner power and now there is nothing left to hold on to .
This is because the universe wants to now Vibrationally align you with others that match your new and higher frequencies and vibrational systems , Ascending self can no longer be a metaphysical match to what it once was in the version created on earth in order to survive , this past person no longer exists as an upgraded conscious version takes over .
There are few that talk about the grief stages that come after ending toxic relationships. Intellectually speaking you may know it’s for the best but you have also suffered a deep loss throughout life that many don’t and can’t fully understand. If you feel like you are still in grief states of being this is fully understandable as the internal pain body transforms into higher realms of healing , in its own natural time and rhythm .
A new planetary solar cycle begins in 2025 , high frequency light is now pouring in , this is the rebirth energy , a new cycle, a prominent turning point .This is Collective and global. ascension is the levelling up of elevating consciousness into higher dimensions and timelines . It is now a completely different way of living in new earth . One in natural harmony in oneness consciousness . In planetary unity consciousness .
Many ascending are now being guided to go deeper within to further reflect, observe, experience, to listen to the guidance and wisdom of inner silence , the place where answers are discovered , travelling deeper into the soul , and higher into the consciousness , There can be no hiding from the darkness but when you dive into its depths and shadows you start to realise that there is nothing you need to be afraid of , you are fully protected and no longer vibrate in lower frequencies where darkness dwells .
The self’s inner darkness is the biggest part of false indoctrination . Every incarnation strengthens the Akashic experience in planetary earth duality. Eons of conditioning will be wiped from the exisiting paradigm and original template , this is not an over night process . This can infact take many life times , depending on the individual’s soul development and conscious evolution
When you fully accept and open up to this truth it then activates in a specific way that others can not do from the outside. On this journey it is always about the internal work . As everything will always comes back to the self Everything. One must take full accountability and responsibility to heal and to ascend , you are then able to follow the guidance of your soul and begin to work at releasing the internal fear programme that was created by the conditioned ego, there will be a great deal of inner work involved to release its influence.
Starseeds can now begin to live life here on ascending planet in far more authentic and genuine ways ,in the way you are made and created to, you are here to live in the way the soul / higher self yearns to express its embodiment.
In the coming days, weeks and 2 months some may notice that people walking the path with them may start to fall away from life. Situations will arise that may put you in completely new trajectories and paths . The ascending are the deliberate co- creators of their chosen destiny.
The Universe completely has your back and your next move as you will be taken where you belong to commune with true self aspects , to align and connect with soul tribe family.
The ascending will be given exactly what is needed , vibrationally speaking. The self’s inner light and connection to Source will be immensely amplified, nourished and strengthened. There is a greater and higher potential for the ascending , moving into the next 6 months , this is because of the incredible advancements in ascension conscious evolution.
It is the time in our world for human beings to remember our Divine origin to reclaim the self’s true Cosmic nature . The higher planetary ascension team know how hard the ascending have worked and what they have been through recently , supporting love creation as many are now making their needs a priority , in ways not experienced before.
It can feel difficult at times as this is courageous work , knowing authentic ascension is not for the faint of heart or for those refusing to change what they need to and do the inner work required .
The ascending will start to feel more vibrant very soon and more excited for new earth life as they vibrationally prepare for ascension expansion in 2025. Now vibrationally aligning with their desires, manifestations and blessings.
2025 it’s numerical essence of 9 is all about completions and vibrational Alignments , navigating new earth’s higher conscious frequencies , it will highlight the people we surround the self with , the places we go and where we place our inner focus, this all determines the quality of new earth living .
Once the self attains Higher evolved consciousness it will not allow the same old behaviours and involvements it once did as higher self takes over more control of the thinking mind including , choices and decisions moving forward .
Expect higher self guidance to now increase into conscious awareness . Only the ego can ever lead the self astray , higher self is far too intelligent to make poor decisions as it is in constant work for self’s highest good only . This can make you feel wobbly at times however it is a gradual acceptance in a higher awareness state of self .
Starseeds these Strange times many have been experiencing recently are leading you to extraordinary higher ascension within .
Embracing and accepting the end of what was in 2024 . 2025 leads the ascending into their highest expression of Truth in self . This profound knowing will play a big and significant part on the ascension journey moving forward. This will project on to the soul’s planetary purpose.
Dear friends, as we now navigate the post-Solstice energies, we enter the transitional zone in which the last waves of the 2024 frequencies begin to merge with the incoming 2025 waves. This transitional timespace window may create a sense of uncertainty and inner tension until we find ourselves fully immersed in the new year frequencies.
As we embark on this profound journey into 2025, a significant numerological shift unfolds, marking the culmination of a vital chapter in our lives. This 9 Universal Year, derived from the calculation 2+0+2+5=9, signals the completion of a cycle, transformation, and the release of what no longer serves us.
The 9 energy beckons us to finally let go of the old, making way for the fresh beginnings that await us later in 2026. As we navigate this transformative landscape, we are invited to integrate the lessons learned, tie loose ends, and bid farewell to what no longer resonates with our soul’s path.
The number 9 holds profound significance across various ancient philosophies and spiritual traditions, symbolizing enlightenment, spiritual growth, and completion. As we align with the incoming 9 frequencies, we are reminded of the importance of selflessness, compassion, and universal love. This new year, we are guided to focus on wrapping up existing projects, relationships, and personal growth arcs, rather than rushing into new endeavors.
As we journey through the 9 Universal Year, certain relationships, situations, or habits may naturally fade away from our reality. Embracing this release allows space for new experiences, opportunities, and soul-aligned connections to emerge. During 2025, prioritize detoxing your life, gently letting go of what no longer serves your highest good. Focus on simplifying, eliminating distractions, and cultivating space for meaningful connections and pursuits that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.
May we navigate this transformative new year with grace, wisdom, and an open heart. May the 9 resonance guide us toward the realization of our highest divine potential, as we embody the qualities of compassion, selflessness, and universal love.
The karma that created cycles of loss are clearing. As a Soul Collective we are rising up out of that timeline of jezebel attacks. If the fears and worries are surfacing today, it is to clear as, “Karmic debts are over.” The new relationships are all aligning with Unity consciousness for the highest good of all. A massive clearing for the Starseed Lightworker Race is restoring us to our Divine Blueprints of wellness. Create boundaries and self regulate as this completes. The 111 Portal in January is when we are in alignment with the unity consciousness of peace.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Ascension LightWorker Collective
Ra James
Today Venus is sextile Chiron. This means lots of love and relationship healing is in the air. It may be stirring up anything you have going on in this area. It’s all about the shadow work you’re doing and uncovering and embracing certain aspects of your self. Venus is love, abundance, and magnetism. She rules over romance, partnership, and harmony. Chiron, on the other hand, is the doorway into some of your deepest pain and your healing power held within. Chiron is both how you hurt and how you heal.
Venus in a sextile aspect with Chiron brings a harmonious blend of love and healing.
The goal is to clear any karma away from your love life. This means you may be working at clearing old patterns, or working on releasing and letting go of certain behaviors. Right now you may find you’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. It’s a great time to be more open in expressing your feelings or emotions. Expect a lot of layers of healing to be coming up. You can look at this as another wave as Chiron is still Retrograde until Dec 29th. Chiron is always revealing more of your inner wounds to you. This alignment may be highlighting emotional wounds around your love life.
You may notice over the course of your lifetime you have been attracting partners who trigger these wounds. You have been doing a lot of work to heal through your relationships. The Universe has been trying to help you to shift out of certain patterns. Chiron can make you both attracted to people who can help you heal and simultaneously create challenges in relationships that force you to confront your vulnerabilities. It’s all about what you need to heal and let go of…
On Monday, December 23rd, beautiful Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine Archetype, in rebellious Aquarius is in a positive sextile to Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Shaman, in bold Aries. Today our “divine feminine” within, rebels against our “inner wounds” regarding lack of courage, confidence or independence.
There is an opportunity now to be unconventional, innovative and freedom-seeking! We are looking ahead to the future……OUR future.
And, there is no room for the old stories we have been carrying.
Sun in Capricorn square North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra – We’re now at a critical juncture between eclipses, between past and future, the known and unknown. To push past this point, the first instruction is ‘know thyself’. We need to check in with whether we are living in alignment with our core identity or whether we’re playing a part in the hope of achieving success, acceptance, recognition, approval. Where do you choose ease instead of challenge? Where do you repeat the same patterns because change is hard? Where do you stay stuck because some part of you doesn’t believe that you are capable or worthy of more? Consider, what makes you light up from the inside out and how can you live more of this? Address fears to banish limitations.
The Sabian symbol of the Sun is ‘A Human Soul, In Its Eagerness For New Experiences, Seeks Embodiment.’ Let new and unseen aspects of self step forward. Embody all that you are. Be excited for all that is to come.
Degrees and Times
Sun 02°Cp05′, North Node 02°Ar05′ R, South Node 02°Li05′ R – 10:39 (BST)
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number thirteen and its keywords are ‘Transcend, Endure and Presence’. The last day of a wavespell is all about contemplating the 13-day journey which in this case, began on Red Earth. 13 is a powerful number with a powerful message. We must endure to transcend or in other words; progress must be earned the hard way because it is not given easily. Think about what you have learnt lately and absorb that information as tomorrow a new journey begins. Presence is another key characteristic of the number 13 and this symbolizes that when we live in the moment, when we are fully present we can transcend time.
Today is the Red Moon which represents ‘Purification, Universal Water and Flow’. The Moon affects the ocean’s tides and also our minds. It teaches us the lesson of letting go. Some things are just greater than ourselves and we need to recognize that and concede. This is not about giving up but rather trusting that things are going your way. And that’s without your meddling or input to throw things off course. The Moon offers a chance to purify ourselves and it’s always a good idea to drink plenty of water, have a sauna or a swim, on these days. Connecting with the water element, and flowing with its energy is beneficial today.
The Guide today is the Red Skywalker which represents ‘Space, Wakefulness and Explore’. Whenever Skywalker leads, we are encouraged to get out of our comfort zones and go exploring. As today the Skywalker leads the Moon, this suggests we explore how much we are able to ‘go with the flow’. Skywalker is adventurous and very brave, if you follow that example, that will do you good.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm who does not easily relinquish control. When challenged, people born on Blue Storm can be disruptive. It is not in their nature to just go with it. They are very capable folk and always want to make changes, if you tell them today they can’t do that, just watch them squirm and resist! If you are a Blue Storm, it doesn’t hurt for you to chillax now and then so just give it already.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which symbolizes ‘Channeling’, as the human is the vessel, divinely designed to be a receptacle to receive wisdom from the source. When in the magical position, Yellow Human channels insights regarding Occult understanding. Use your intuition today to understand how magic is working in your life. You may learn how to channel at will more readily too, if you practice trusting your gut instincts regularly. The Yellow Human teaches us that we make better choices when we feel our way.
The Ally is the White Dog who when in this position of Ally is a friendly dog, man’s best friend! If you need help and support today, a White Dog is your best bet. If you don’t have one in your life, you can be like a Dog today and remember to have fun and play. Also, put everything you got into whatever you are doing.
MANTRA I endure in order to PURIFY Transcending FLOW I seal the process of Universal Water With the Cosmic tone of presence I AM guided by the power of SPACE
23/12/2024 = 5/3/8 = 5/11=5/2=7
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection/Support 5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Movement/Transformation 7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Initiation
KIN 169 = 16 = 7 – Mystic/Spiritual/Majik/Initiation
Today is a very powerful MAJIKAL GODDESS day, as the Moon represents the GODDESS as does the 13th Cosmic tone of Creation . So the GODDESS code of KIN 169 is DOUBLED today!!!!.
RED MOON – MULUC through the GODDESS is claiming her independence, her sovereignty and her DIVINE POWER.
A very divinely feminine day!
Indeed the GODDESS HAS RISEN TODAY, and you will sense her pure PRESENCE assisting you in transcending the old patriarchal paradigm. The old TRANCE – is ENDING and LOVE is rising to take its place!
The GODDESS is calling you to actively LISTEN. Can you feel her presence riding on the waves of pure Cosmic consciousness? GO GODDESS!!
And so we arrive at Day 13 the final day in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia as she has led the way through this POTENT SOLSTICE passage.. PACHAMAMA is definitely in charge and headlining the show..
We commenced this RED EARTH wavespell on day 1 seeking to attract all that we required to CONNECT with Mother Gaia through listening to her SIGNS and synchronicities.
On day 13 we evolve to realize that through our feminine Goddess consciousness, we become ONE with GAIA’S rhythyms and cycles. Our feminine intuitive senses are in sync. with GAIA’S HEARTBEAT. As we merge with our Planetary body through love, honour and respect we become ONE with the greater COSMOS and ALL THAT IS.
Today as we close this 13 day journey with CABAN, we have evolved to just hold the pure presence of RED EARTH, becoming more fluid and hyper sensitive to the cosmic cycles of our planet. Becoming ONE with our Earth Mother, blending into her consciousness as she absorbs us into her being, as we all ASCEND together as ONE SOPHIA/CHRISTED body!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old patterns, releasing the limited conditioning, where the world and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be still and connect to the essence of our greatest Majik, the frequency of pure internal presence through the intuitive Cosmic Goddess!
Today’s question is “How can I allow the heart of the GODDESS to FLOW through my being, as I expand into COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, through my pure presence?”
And so we bid adieu to CABAN – the beautiful flowing and synchronistic RED EARTH, who guided our evolutionary journey over the last 13 days through this wondrous SOLSTICE portal.
CABAN provided the powerful GPS needed to show us where our collective Destiny is leading us – guiding our collective destiny through these EXCITING times!! We are discovering new territory, that is empowering our PLANETARY RAINBOW WARRIORS in our collective MISSION.
Of course all roads lead us back home to LOVE for why else do we incarnate in a body, but to experience LOVE in all its forms?.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell – on CHRIST-MASS EVE – packed with the beautiful AWAKENING of our precious HEARTS.
OC – the loyal WHITE DOG is our trusted guide. And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues as we FLOW through these revolutionary times!!! …….
Divine blessings for allowing the GODDESS POWER to flow through your transcendent beingness!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED COSMIC MOON– MULUC Represents the GODDESS energies. MULUC heightens our intuition and sensitivity today enabling us to create the connections needed to bring in more FLOW.. The COSMIC GODDESS is giving us the POWER to express more LOVE, COMPASSION and sensitivity.
Today we have amplification of this FLOW, through the psychic intuitive powers of the GODDESS energies through the COSMIC tone of creation – very EXPANSIVE. Tune in to your INNER COSMOS and FEEL what your INNER GODDESS is communicating through your senses.
MULUC focuses on purification and gently releasing old energies. As it is a SPIRITUAL plane day, MULUC assists in purifying our LIGHTBODIES by clearing away any density – BRILLIANT help on this super SOLSTICE portal. MULUC is purifying our thoughts, beliefs and programs and those of our Collective, in order to align with the Harmonic matrix and synchronic flow. Upgrading our Crystalline bodies and aligning us with the GODDESS energies unleashed in all their Divine presence today.
Open to the flow of Universal Waters to access pure Cosmic consciousness. The energies are pushing us all to “GO WITH THE NEW 5D FLOW” becoming softer and more fluid, allowing these Cosmic currents to flow through our vessels.
Purify and release, allow the GODDESS to enter your being and connect you to your feminine gifts once again. The primordial creation force is that of the GODDESS – the divine feminine in all her Cosmic glory!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER – BEN Today is a divine day to explore other dimensions that bring you greater wisdom, love and joy. BEN the Skywalker is the 13th tribe opening us to the mysteries of the Cosmos. So we have a triple 13 Cosmic Code today! Indeed a very MYSTICAL day!
The COSMIC SKYWALKER represents the INFINITE UNIVERSE – total endlessness through all realms – with NO beginning and NO END.. just pure ENERGY.
FULL EXPANSION SPACE CADETS!! Today we EXPAND, EXPLORE and connect very easily with altered realities! This is our birthright as the BEAUTIFUL SHINING STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS … the more expanded you go, the more deeply you can EARTH.
Today we expand, expand, expand through divine presence. Expanding and exploring new SPACES and Places, through various realms and dimensions.
We connect to the evolving synchronicities through flowing with the fluidity of our Planet through our awakening consciousness. We are exploring SPIRITUAL TRANSCENDENCE today. The Ayahuasca experience MINUS the plant!! A totally WILD RIDE!
As we EXPAND we realize great BLISS as we float endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS. It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully awakened STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS bringing Heaven to Earth.
Go forth and WALK THE SKIES on all levels today, deep into the earth realms and even high out in the stars and multi-Universe. All this can be experienced through your own bodies and consciousness without leaving home! No rocket required!!
SUPPORT: WHITE COSMIC DOG – OC What is the GODDESS without LOVE? These two go together like two peas in a pod. OC is a loyal companion, embodying the divine feminine qualities of pure, unadulterated, unconditional love.
The COSMIC DOG embodies the fullest extent of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE available throughout the COSMOS… What a BONUS to have this energy available to access, through this beautiful Cosmic experience today. Ecstatic BLISS! as we merge into ONENESS through Cosmic transcendence, anchoring many dimensions in the pure perfection of Divine Love throughout our timeless receptivity.
OC reminds us to see and feel everything through our HEARTS and the eyes of LOVE. We are purifying our thoughts, to only hold loving thoughts for the good of all as we EXPAND, endlessly floating on these fluid channels of COSMIC BLISS.
It is very fitting that WHITE DOG is supporting THE GODDESS today, walking side by side, as tomorrow he takes his starring role bringing forth the LOVE CODES for the next 13 day cycle of the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL.
Get READY to CRACK OPEN those HEART WALLS to let more DIVINE LOVE flow in!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW MAGNETIC HUMAN – EB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices using our intelligence to choose a better world. Choosing to THINK differently, uniquely and progressively, with a new focus on anchoring Cosmic Consciousness through UNION and Service to GOD/GODDESS/SOURCE, Humanity and our Planet.
Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms, we can reclaim our Collective POWER by listening to our Earth and her waters, and going with the flow of our own PURE instinct. Elevating our Collective MIND so that we can manifest the Collective dream of Abundance in the New time. Unifying our free will with the will of SPIRIT and the GODDESS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE COSMIC STORM– CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform your LIGHT-BODY elevating you to Cosmic consciousness. Yeee-ha!
The COSMIC STORM is a force not to be reckoned with!!! It is best to wholly submit to the POWER of this STORM and allow the Universal cleansing Waters to FLOW through you, willingly releasing all that has blocked you from embodying COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
The COSMIC STORM is transforming you to higher states of consciousness, through this rapid evolutionary ASCENSION cycle.
CAUAC is the catalyst to transform the old, and co-create the expansion of the ever-expanding Harmonic Matrix of the Divine and elegant design of PURE consciousness.
Allow the Universal waters of the GODDESS and MULUC to harmonize with BLUE STORM and powerfully transport you to a state of total transcendence through PURE HEAVENLY BLISS.
So beloveds, a divine GODDESS day of transcendent being, expanding our cosmic antennae into the higher realms of the STARS and other dimensions of the Earth as we prepare for tomorrow’s wondrous arrival of the WHITE DOG barking at our door!!
May you enjoy just BE-ING today!
Today’s question is “How can I allow the heart of the GODDESS to FLOW through my being, as I expand into COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, through my pure presence?”
And so we bid adieu to CABAN – the beautiful flowing and synchronistic RED EARTH, who guided our evolutionary journey over the last 13 days through this wondrous SOLSTICE portal.
CABAN provided the powerful GPS needed to show us where our collective Destiny is leading us – guiding our collective destiny through these EXCITING times!! We are discovering new territory, that is empowering our PLANETARY RAINBOW WARRIORS in our collective MISSION.
Of course all roads lead us back home to LOVE for why else do we incarnate in a body, but to experience LOVE in all its forms?.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell – on CHRIST-MASS EVE – packed with the beautiful AWAKENING of our precious HEARTS.
OC – the loyal WHITE DOG is our trusted guide. And so our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues as we FLOW through these revolutionary times!!! …….
Divine blessings for allowing the GODDESS POWER to flow through your transcendent beingness!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation: Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within & Ascending to 5D New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Violet flames burn and cleanse my memories of pain.
Flame violet burn and cleanse my karmas.
Violet flame burns and purifies unqualified feelings in me.
Violet Flame burns and purifies entities, thought forms, astral larvae and ovoids that pre-inhabit my spiritual field.
Violet flame burns and purifies psychic cords and ties that bind me to another space-time that is no longer a part of my divine plan.
Violet flame, release me from pains that imprison me in parallel realities.
Violet flame, release me from the illusions that imprison me in parallel realities.
Violet flame, free me of all the guilt that has accompanied me for many existences.
I AM the violet flame in action
I am the righteousness of divine setting me free.
I am the healing violet flame.
I am a violet fire being
I am the purity god desires
I am magical presence and my mission is ascension.
Master Saint Germain and Master Portia, the new era is approaching. Keep us safe.
I am magical presence, my mission is ascension.
It is done. It is sealed. It is decreed by the power of the powerful magical presence I Am. ️
Violet Flame Activation
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