I AM Freedom in Action Now and Foreverby Saint Germain thruSource: The Hearts Center Community Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates |
Many of you still at times dwell in a conceptual world, not grounded in reality. Therefore this day I ground within you the light of freedom through the vessel of the chalice of your being. And this goes deep into the earth so that even the elements, the minerals may feel, through you, how this light of freedom can stretch throughout this Every time you pray and meditate, every time you give of self, there is the sacred process manifest whereby a portion of you does ascend in that moment, a portion of you becomes more connected with Source, with God. And through the continuous practice of the alchemy of this loving adoration of your God Presence, it is then completed and God proclaims: “This is my beloved son/daughter, in whom I am well pleased.”1 When you hear the ringing of these words deep within your soul as an affirmation of your becoming who you are fully, then, dearest ones, be intrepid, move forward, ever forward, and blaze the light of that freedom flame throughout your sphere of influence, throughout the Earth. Some of you have indeed had this proclamation from on high delivered unto you by God, an angel, the Holy Spirit or a great master of light, as a representative of God, and you know whereof I speak. For in that moment, it was as if the thunder and the lightning of heaven became a part of you and you were renewed in your true Selfhood. This is the glory of God that you should seek to have manifesting through you every day, every moment, to feel the impulses of Spirit recreating you again and again in that cosmic light-field of eternal freedom. Dearest ones, when you can, in truth, feel the vibrancy, the cosmic elasticity of this energy of freedom, you will never again walk shamed or blamed as a human, for you are divine. Hold your head high and erect. Be who you are—no longer as a prodigal son or daughter, as a fully realized God-conscious being, blazing the light of the Sun through your pores, your cells, your eyes and all the orifices that you use for perception so that consciousness may proceed forth. |
O dearest ones, as an ascended being you will have new, higher senses manifesting, whereby your perception will be rarified and accelerated to cosmic realities that, even now, would be difficult to explain or for you to fully understand. Yet when you meditate and the Holy Spirit comes upon you and within you and you begin to see beyond the veil and feel beyond the veil, I assure you that you are touching the hem of heaven’s garments even Now I realign each of you, with your permission, into a new, divine crystalline matrix of freedom’s light. And by the grace of the Holy Spirit, I facilitate a new infusion of this freedom flame deep within your soul. God has validated you as a son or daughter long, long ago—eons ago, when Elohim created you in the image and likeness of the Father-Mother God, undefiled, perfect, inviolate in light. Reconsider this as who you are. Know it with surety and then make it a daily reality through loving with greater love, caring with greater care, being with greater beingness all that you are already as God’s virtuous one, God’s blessed son or daughter. Yes, I come to San Diego on a holy mission to raise all higher to aspire to their Godhood. And I will not leave you alone or bereft of this spiritual fire if you will pray daily for my Presence, my love to enfold you and for the angels of the violet fire to blaze their light through you and the planet and all life. Do you know, dearest ones, that we enjoy the alchemy of helping you to self-realize your divine nature? This is our greatest joy—to respond to those who respond to us, to work with those who know of and are responsive to the vibrations of heaven’s graces and desire these more than the things of this world. When you can perceive of God as a part of self, you are already engaged in the alchemical experiment of your oneness. Keep on keeping on; give fully of yourself to God. For when you do, the miracle of unity alights magnificently as a glory around you, and the blessings of many spiritual graces are provided as God’s gift of Presence to you. Receive the Holy Spirit as cloven tongues of sacred fire now and live in your eternal freedom forever. I thank you. 1. Matthew 3:17, 17:5; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22; 2 Peter 1:17. Copyright © 2018 The Hearts Center®. All rights reserved. We encourage you to share these messages with heartfriends throughout the world. With the approval of the messenger and/or the master, some of the spoken words may have been changed, or new words added, to provide greater clarity in the written word. Short excerpts may be quoted, giving credit to the author. Contact us at www.heartscenter.org. Send correspondence and contributions to PO Box 277, Livingston, Montana 59047 USA. |