Alignment to the Diamond Light Codes

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. Sweet ones, we let you know in this beautiful month of June as you head into the Solstice on June 20th there is the deepest level of alignment and activation to the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness and the Diamond Light Codes that are to be experienced for every man woman and child on this sacred Earth through the group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.

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Time is Now Accelerating to a Standstill

Are you feeling it too? It’s like you have more and more to do, and increasingly less time to do it. It’s because of this Great Shift of Consciousness into the 5D. Time is speeding up, because life here in the 3D has been locked into an eddy current — a ‘time-warp’, behind the flow — but now that reality is unwinding. We’re rejoining the space-time continuum, where there is no time! How do you deal with that in a practical sense? What does it mean for your life and all that you’re doing, all that you’re trying to create?

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The Future of Healing

Every person upon the Earth has the ability to receive and accept healing vibrations whether it is from another human being, from an inner plane being or the universe of the Creator. To receive healing is a divine right for all souls on the Earth or the inner planes. It is also important to realise it is every person’s divine right and natural ability to express healing energies from their beings to themselves or others. This means that every person can be healed and can be the healer. When you realise your divine right and natural ability, you empower yourself. The universe of the Creator is always delivering healing frequencies to you and through you it is simply your choice as to whether you wish to receive it solely to support yourself or to share it with others in need.

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Starseed Ascension Shift

We are addressing different spectrums of the Starseed and Light Bearers shift awakening, to let you know you are all a part of this together, each affecting the whole matrix 444 and that is all beings on the planet in unison of creation of the human web of light. Some of the old souls, ultra sensitive empaths who have been on the path for a long time, may feel fatigued and burned out from the years and decades of transforming the energies, ascending and evolving.

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Escape From the Matrix

Learn the "Anti Thought-Form Hack Technique" and free the mind once and for all. How aware are you of these beings each stealing the limelight from awareness? We all desires stillness and control within our minds, and prefer our inner domains to be free from disruptive thoughts that cause us to react.

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May 2016 is initiating another quantum shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness for Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth. I know that those words will create some anxiety and even a little resistance in many people since it seems that every time we go through one of these major opportunities to move forward in the Light the events in our lives become more intense. In anticipation of that response, the Company of Heaven is reminding each and every one of us that we have been preparing for many lifetimes to not only withstand, but to God Victoriously accomplish this unparalleled Divine Plan for Planet Earth.

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