The Cosmic Cube Matrix of God's 144,000
The Cosmic Cube Matrix of God's 144,000 The Cosmic Cube holds the schematic and blueprint to God's Laws by building the architecture of the City Four Square or Krystal Cathedral. This…
The Cosmic Cube Matrix of God's 144,000 The Cosmic Cube holds the schematic and blueprint to God's Laws by building the architecture of the City Four Square or Krystal Cathedral. This…
Multi-Dimensional Earth and Bringing in The New Earth By: Teri Wade ~~~~~~~ As of 2012 when we entered the deepest part of the Photon Belt Earth became a multi-dimensional plane we…
"Cosmic Being You ~ Radiating Now" ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ from L'Aura Pleiadian As a Cosmic Divine Being, your Light is radiating now throughout the Universe. As you consciously acknowledge this awareness, you…
THE INFLUX OF DIVINE PHOTONS AND THE ACCELERATION OF TIME By Crystal & Indigo Guide to the Galaxy ATHENS OCTOBER 29 2019 CONSCIOUS ADJUSTMENT. By now, the influx of divine photons…
💜 *** THE EVENT-2020 MAJOR CELESTIAL ALIGNMENT *** 💜 Pleiadian light forces transmission 10282019 channeled by michael love * for immediate planetary broadcast to the starseeds of earth *…
Your Galactic Family - The Long Journey to Find your SELF through Suzanne Lie The Journey of remembering your Higher Dimensional SELF is one that will be occurring more and…
Archangel Gabriel ~ It’s Safe to Let Your Light Shine! by Shanta Gabriel, October 20, 2019, This is the shortest of the Gabriel Messages, and yet one of…
The ancient cultures had a mutual respect for nature and each other, working together as communities. The young were taught by the elders, the elderly looked after by the younger.
Cobra Update: MAKE THIS VIRAL! THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019 It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands!…
Birthing entire realities is a massive process. They take dedication, focus, patience and commitment to follow-through.... This is a part of how NEW EARTH REALITIES come to "be", as your PHYSICAL LIGHTBODY literally births these "new" (multi-dimensional) ideas, which in essence are already realities that exist. The passageway is your traveling to get there, all that you do to anchor the LIGHT CODES, activate them and then apply them to how you "do" your days/life.... this DIVINE GUIDING LIGHT AND CHILD are born out of your old you's death/dissolution processes that limited you/held you in the limiting realities of before....