Something HUGE is Happening! New Neural Pathways Coming Online! * The Light at the End of the Tunnel ~ Universal DIVINE PLAN
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Lion Nation of Unstoppable Courage and Bravery
With Heart and Minds fully open and Awake we forge our Way through the Fires of Transfiguration and Bridge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Centers!
We had our second Earth facing X Class Soular Flare of this Lions Gate Portal Activation as we move into the Peak on the 8:8:8 Gateway of August 8th. This X Flare maxed at X 1.5 at 7:37 PM PST (2:37 UTC) also encoded with our 37 into the 73 code of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Along with this powerful x Class Soular Flare our Sun has been going ballistic all day releasing over 10 C Class Soular Flares, 9 major M Class Flares and this most recent X Class Flare inundating and flooding Gaia and all her Children of the Sun with Higher Dimensional Gamma Mother Plasma Rays of Adamantine Light.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Tonga at 13:07 UTC.
Synchronizing with these transformative Events we have another Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 22 White Solar Wind as Mother Earth and all her inhabitants are flowing in the Breath of the White Dragons of Source and the Solar Winds of change are blowing in.
Our Emerald Dragon Nation of the Gold Sun have also Returned to assist our Starseed Ground Crew Team of the 144 to make our Quantum Leap and Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment of Timelessness and Eternal Life. We have our individual missions but we all serve the Great Spirit in our Divine Missions of full, total and complete Planetary and Galactic Liberation!
Nothing or no one can stop us for we came in service for the highest good of all and Love always wins and Victory is always with the Light!
Continue to anchor in and rise and shine as we break on through to our 5D New Earth physical manifestation, in this Now…A’Ho!
A message I am receiving repeatedly is that we all need to go deeper into ourselves and listen, listen, listen and follow the guidance and deep knowing within.
Shut out the noise, the distractions, even other people’s views and whatever, go and follow the truth, the deep inner knowing with love.
I have learnt to do this, even if I had no idea where all of this would lead me, even in my darkest hours. Yet it has always brought me through, sustained me and kept me going. Afterwards, when one looks back, one is filled with grace and gratitude.
Your own inner Divinely eternally linked highest soul self always knows what is best for you. Not for everyone else, for you! For every soul is unique and has its own uniqueness to bring to the fore, yet in the end all is one.
So many allow themselves to swept away by mass hysteria, by opinions, sensationalism, by other people, etc. that they literally loose their heads, to fearbased and lower ego and all which goes with it, as has happened recently.
The higher soul self will always pull you upwards, in love, with love, and through love to see the higher picture, and gain the higher view, and always bring you back to the core heart and soul and the truth of who and what you are, and the higher truth will resonate, deeply within.
It brings, clarity, balance, harmony and inner peace, always.
When I get off kilter, I go deeper within, as within me Divinity is always present, as it is within you.
Many light workers are currently experiencing a subtle sense of detachment from reality. This phenomenon is consistent with a dimensional shift, transitioning from stagnant energy into a multifaceted new paradigm. Light workers are starting to function in higher densities simultaneously, which manifests as a feeling of detachment from conventional reality. It is important to understand that this experience is contextual, arising from a linear perspective.
You are quite litrally ascending with the equivalent of temporarily altitude sickness. Your mental, physical, emotional and light body need time to ajust. Its why extreme fatigue and tiredness are present. When you run the body and its components through an upgrade this fast, it lags behind in a continuous effort to catch up. Much love. AQ
7/29/24: “I hear you. What do you want me to do?” Those words are magnetic, magical, and compelling. They imply the perfect partnership between matter and spirit… intuition and action… the self communing with the Self. This balance is what you want to achieve. And you can begin today as Master Number 11/2 opens your spiritual senses and number 8, the alchemist, transforms thoughts and sensations into form.
Your Right Action is to invoke Presence through tuning into your five senses, dropping into the present moment, and engaging with the living environment around you… which is alive, vibrant, colorful, delicious, sensual, mysterious, expectant, aware, and, above all, exquisitely yours. Start here. Parts of you have been sleeping. They need to wake up.
Τhe 888 portal is here.
This is the initiation into the level of Gods and Goddesses.
This August will be different as we are arriving at the top of the Mountain and we are entering the level of Gods and Goddesses the Dragons, in the physical.
This development will bring those aligned to it into a new state, a state of true Revelation and Remembrance.
There is a greater inner restoration of the Self that is arriving now from the inner worlds which is actually a statement coming from One’s Higher Being, those that will follow it, will reach a new clarity.
This takes place via the Emerald Sun that has already been witnessed by the Living Children.
The Children have been breaking the last loops, releasing distortion and limitation, rebalancing the inner Masculine and Feminine and restoring the Bridge of Life, they are getting ready!
There is a direct path that connects us to the Emerald Sun, this path is now open and its flow cannot be missed by those in resonance or stopped by those out of resonance.
It is already established and anchored.
Its flow of tiny Love Light particles that carry the true DNA code of etheric essence is continuous and it is opening more and more each day.
This is the DNA restoration taking place in real time.
One of the biggest gifts for those who will follow the Path of the Emerald Sun is the physical realisation that most of the things the human mind was occupied with, were not even real!
This gift is the utmost change for One’s Consciousness and the key to the next level as it includes the switching of the brain’s time/frequency/direction!
Remember that we are still in the flow of the return of the Masculine and the further upliftment of the Feminine.
The 5D Twin Flames are here!
They are the Ones who are lifting us upwards and we are the One’s that will turn the Wheels when the time comes!
We have left the old reality way back.
Time and direction in the body have been changing but now this will materialise and be expressed in a more profound way.
We are switching radio frequency and we are tuning into new stations, the stations of the NOW.
Everything and everyone will be meeting in the NOW!
The 888 portal opens the way for the 999 portal, the Galactic One!
The 888 is the biggest initiation that we have come to receive up until now.
Because of this, the month of August will be a very blessed and a very challenging one.
A great emotional roller coaster will open taking each and everyone through a ride of self knowing.
The things that will take place this August are going to be a big test of fundamental change in many people’s lives and there will be many overturns, change of plans and goals.
In many different cases and places the results of this development, will be aggression and fighting!
Lots of fighting!
Everything that is meant to go will go for good!
From now until next summer humanity will be changed forever.
2025 is a year of rebalance that humanity is to meet for its choices, karma and inability to align with the Truth back in 2020 when another seal opened.
This seal now is almost ready to reach the masses and many of its messages have already been witnessed!
There is one goal for the fallen ones and this is what they will follow
But with each Seal that opens, the Living Ones are being further uplifted to a higher state of Consciousness and Unity and out of the fallen game!
The Gods and Goddesses are vibrating in the frequency of High Aesthetics, Beauty and true Values and Virtues, there is KALLOS in everything they do and connect to!
And it is our right and responsibility to align to all of these higher qualities and bring them back to our inner and outer world!
Blessings of Emerald Greatness!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Dear friends, one of the main energetic influences that started just a few days ago with the beginning of the new galactic year and will be with us until the end of the year, is the powerful healing force of comet/asteroid Chiron during its retrograde period. This frequency will be in the background during all the upcoming celestial events during the rest of the year providing a strong healing force. Chiron is inviting us to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation.
Also known as the “wounded healer”, Chiron’s retrograde motion signals a time to revisit and recharge our emotional and spiritual well-being. This asteroid’s energy helps us confront and heal deep-seated wounds, traumas, and patterns that are holding us back. These wounds may be recent or originated in past human experiences or even during other galactic times.
During Chiron Retrograde, which means from now until we transition into the year 2025, we may be faced with several different aspects of the healing process, depending where you are on your earthly journey. The main themes will be: Emotional healing and release, self-care and self-compassion, inner child work and childhood trauma, old patterns and habits that keep you anchored, and spiritual growth and reconnection to Source energy.
How to Work with Chiron Retrograde Energy? As we move deeper into the second half of the year and we navigate many of the big energetic transitions awaiting for us (eclipse corridor for example), remember to keep in mind these tips that will help you understand your own process of healing: Take time for introspection and journaling, practice self-care and prioritize your well-being, seek support from loved ones, therapists, or healers, engage in activities promoting relaxation and stress relief, and connect with nature and its healing power.
Chiron retrograde is a chance to finally confront and heal issues that have left deep energetic imprints within our energy fields, and to develop a stronger sense of self and purpose during this life. As we move through this healing journey, we will be able to cultivate resilience and inner strength, and to fully embrace and express our uniqueness and individuality.
With the 8:8:8 Lion’s Gate lightcodes already flowing in, we have a wonderful window of opportunity until the middle of August to heal issues and fears related to scarcity, victimhood, and lack of self-confidence. Chiron’s energy will be supporting these process of release and transmutation. But the journey that Chiron is inviting us to take is profound, it is not a “quick fix” to just keep going, it is a journey of transcendence, of using our past to forever change ourselves and reach higher levels of understanding and inner freedom.
I will be posting monthly reminders and tips to help us keep this incredible healing force present in our awareness as we move forward. May this period of Chiron retrograde be filled with deep insights, amazing revelations, and most of all, a profound love for your Self and your journey here. Have a wonderful week, much love
You are returning back to the truth that you are eternally loved.
Today you may feel Spirit clearing, activating, and expanding your Heart Chakra as it cleansing the painful trauma that has been stagnating in your emotions.
Your Light Body is expanding rapidly now taking you back to love, wholeness, and unity within self.
Once complete, innocence, purity, and joy will shine through you as the Light of the World that you are here to be.
This is a gently daily healing where you are being risen to soar at new heights.
Receive and allow this freedom so you can explore and enjoy all the exciting events that are flowing into your life.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
heart chakra
Ra James
Today our Moon is Conjunct Uranus. This alignment is encouraging us to evolve in a major way. It’s all about opening up to new ways of being and seeing things. Expect major realizations. It’s all about breaking out of old patterns, behaviors, and ways of doing things. Uranus conjunctions are usually dramatic. They tend to bring us sudden unforeseen changes. Fate may easily and suddenly disrupt your plans. This afternoon the Moon is sextile Neptune Retrograde.
This is bringing a vibe all about emotional growth. Taurus is a super grounding sign. And Neptune in Pisces brings a dreamy vibe. It’s a great time to be channeling creative ideas or to be connecting with your favorite people. The Taurus Moon will go void for 29 minutes before entering Gemini. That means you may be feeling an urge to rest before new energy comes in or emerges. Void Moons are like a Cosmic time out. They’re great for self-care and finishing up old projects. This week will be amazing for seeing the Milky Way. The night sky is darker because of the New Moon making it a great time to stargaze.
This week brings a ton of Galactic Energies and some powerful alignments between the Moon and the Pleiades. Monday our Crescent Moon is very close to the Pleiades. Aldebaran, the eye of the bull, and the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, will be nearby. Tuesday our Crescent Moon is in an even tighter conjunction with the Pleiades, Jupiter, Mars and Aldebaran. Wednesday our Crescent Moon, Jupiter, Mars And The Pleiades form a fascinating conjunction. This week will bring the Northern Lights into view in many areas. Tuesday and Wednesday aurora borealis should be visible in the U.S. Earth directed solar storms created a cannibal CME. Mid-week brings us the peak of the Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower.
Expect lots of shooting stars this week. This Meteor Shower will peak Tuesday and Wednesday. It’s one of the longest running meteor showers. These meteors are also some of the slowest moving. Expect high energies this week as we move through the Lions Gate Portal…
On Monday, July 29th, the Moon, ruler of how we feel, starts out in focused Taurus the Bull, making connections to unpredictable Uranus and spiritual Neptune. Then, at 5:28pm EDT Luna will shift into busy Gemini the Twins and form aspects to transformational Pluto and logical Mercury.
The challenges are unexpected emotional outbursts and becoming overwhelmed by too much going on in our minds. The benefits are the opportunity to feel at One with the Greater Plan and feeling empowered because of it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, starts out in focused Taurus the Bull
Lunar Aspects – The Moon is still in pleasure-seeking Taurus. A nuzzle to Venus however is met with a rebuke so maybe we have to find our happy in other places. Sometimes life is like that. Sometimes who or what we desire doesn’t come our way. And sometimes what we’re attracted to is not what we need. Tune in. Dial down the response to rejection. Know your inherent value has nothing to do with what the world out there tells you.
Maybe it is time however, to try a different road to satisfaction, explore new ideas or free up resources. It may make us feel more secure to have a nest-egg but sometimes we have to bite into our stores to feed long term projects. Invest in your dream. Enjoy your own company. As the Moon enters Gemini, seek out like-minded souls to share your joys and woes. Raise your voice for change. Unite thought and feeling into one harmonious narrative.
The number 9 is called ‘Solar’ and its keywords are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. The number nine in many ancient cultures is considered sacred and in the Tzolkin, the 9th day is always powerful – shifting the energy of the wavespell into the highest gear. Fasten your seat belts for this number of intention means that whatever you want – you can get. That’s if you work with this powerful energy. Every 13 days we get the chance to use our willpower and this is great practice. Remember that we are still in the White Wizard wavespell and since day one, we have had this agenda of enchantment. How can you excerpt your willpower today with regards to what intention you set out on the first day? The number nine is important with regards to the success of this 13-day mission because no other number has such powerful intention. Today you must summon up the will to succeed!
Today is White Wind, which represents ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit.’ This means that messages today have a great deal of power. Be careful what you say, be sincere and don’t be misconstrued. Deliberate what you need to say as words can change lives. Write that letter, sing your song, have that conversation you have been putting off, ask for a raise or contact someone you have been out of touch with.
Today’s Guide is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. May your words today be guided by the intention to speak the truth. Sometimes it’s hard to be honest but clarity is vital and the only way we can make progress on our path is by knowing the facts. Let the search for truth guide your actions today.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Human. Challenges are sometimes perceived in a negative light. The challenge of any day is simply a reminder that the challenging energy needs attention. For Yellow Humans, it will be tough to communicate but good for you too. For the rest of us what does it mean when we are faced with the Human as a challenge? It’s a wakeup call to remind us to use our intuition, even if it is difficult. It can be most helpful to ‘feel’ what is the right thing to say, rather than rely on that logical brain we depend on so much.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm, this suggests that magical changes can occur today empowering your communications. The Blue Storm is full of energy supplying a much-needed boost. I really like Storm when in this position, it’s the best thing about windy days. Changes tend to be magical in nature and using magic to create change can really yield incredible results. Stir some energy in your life and see what you can achieve.
The Ally is the Red Earth, the symbol of ‘Evolution.’ People born on Red Earth can be of great help and support today. If you need someone to talk to, they are your best bet. With such a helpful Ally, this also means navigating our way through the day is easier.
KIN 22 = 4 KIN 22 is the ARCHITECT of PEACE and Master Builder frequency of our New Earth. Amplifing our DIVINE INTENTION for PEACE to REIGN on EARTH.
As we enter the second day of the second column in the Tzolkin Calendar, the 11/2 frequencies of Harmony through cooperation and PEACE are AMPLIFIED today… A very POWERFUL NEW EARTH foundation day of DIVINE ALCHEMY
Day 9 of White Wizard Wavespell continues our themes of majik, enchantment and endlessness today, powerfully aligned with Spirit..
Today the WIZARD is giving us a SUPERBOOST in accessing the breath of Spirit, through these HEAVENLY codes, to pulse forth these Divine intentions through our precious HEART… absolute PURITY in our connection to Spirit.
The SOLAR tone of CREATION – tone 9 = 3 x 3 – 3 is a very HOLY number and the Holy Trinity TRIPLED gives us the number of humanity and COMPLETION.. A date with DESTINY and a day of COMPLETION of the old ways in time to align with SPIRIT and your DIVINE MISSION.
SOLAR – Tone 9 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention
The 9th day of the WHITE WIZARD Wizard Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to MANIFESTATION.. We have DOUBLE MANIFESTATION energies today as we have the WIZARD’s Majik, plus the SOLAR tone of pulsing our intention into being to MANIFEST our realizations.
The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our WILL affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to MANIFEST and pulsing that intention from our pure HEART, assists us in making our dreams come true.
You are the humanitarian whose dreams unfold the larger pattern of our new world.
What enchanting dream are you pulsing forth into reality?
Today’s question is “Am I pulsing forth the TRUE Divine Will of Spirit, that is endlessly communicating through my being, to MANIFEST PEACE in our world?”
May the Winds of Heaven fill your sails and guide your boat safely, to the tranquil shores of our New paradise.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger Kin 66
9 moons ago – it was REMEMBRANCE DAY! on 11 November 2023 – an 11.11 portal which activated a DOUBLE 22.22 doorway on KIN 22.. These PEACE building energies are flowing through the portal today.
NOTE: REMEMBRANCE DAY! is the day the AUSTRALIAN and NEW ZEALAND nations come to a STANDSTILL at 11am on 11 November each year, to REMEMBER our fallen heroes – the ANZACS – those brave and courageous soldiers who perished in world wars in the fight for our FREEDOM.
On this very special day – last year we had a a TRIPLE ILLUMINATION code on an extra-ordinary SUPERNATURAL divine portal day.. The codes had the POWER of a DIVINE PLUTONIUM BOMB to effect a HUGE GLOBAL AWAKENING and PLANETARY timeline shift! BOOM BOOM!
Today we have an 8 day code bringing forth tremendous SOURCE energies flowing through the 29/11 DOORWAY.. INFINITE creation energies to BLESS our DIVINE PATH.
HAPPY GALACTIC B-EARTHDAY to Lloydine Arguelles – Bolon Ik: The Archetypal Mother of the Dreamspell Codex. The Galactic Feminine High Priestess of the New Time. Lloydine co created the Dreamspell with her divine partner Jose’ Arguelles – Valum Votan..
Lloydine holds the 22 Architect of PEACE and 4 – Angelic frequency. Her OCCULT frequency was the Overtone STORM which is today’s superpower.. So BOLON IK’s presence is very strongly guiding these DIVINE WINDS on this precious holy day..
Lloydine’s Galactic Mission was to bring forth this powerful Dreamspell codex, that is our Planetary blueprint to navigate our way to MANIFESTING New Earth – a planet of PEACE, BEAUTY and HARMONY.. Lloydine is a beautiful Goddess who incarnated on Earth to pulse forth the Divine codes as a pure Angelic Messenger.. a blessing to us all…
Divine Gratitude for your Legacy Majikal High Priestess
How DIVINE that Ascended Master Lloydine is overseeing the energies of this beautiful day celebrating PEACE and ILLUMINATION.
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SOLAR WIND IK unites with RED EARTH today to provide the wind beneath our wings. Indeed the SOLAR WIND may be quite LITERAL activating CME’S and SOLAR WINDS to accelerate our ASCENSION path today.
Follow the signs and really LISTEN to the voice of SPIRIT! Be still and present in the timelessness of the eternal NOW MOMENT that the receptivity of the WHITE WIZARD is providing. .
What are you hearing, feeling, sensing, knowing?
How does this information from Spirit align with your dreams, desires and intentions?
Are you in FULL alignment with, and ready to co-create with Spirit?
How do we integrate that into our reality?
SPIRIT is ready, willing and ABLE to transport you to a new HEAVENLY reality today! Just ASK and ALLOW.
We need to have an OPEN mind to receive the messages that assist us with our creative vision and our creative ideas. We need to allow thoughts to FLOW through us and not identify with them. We are the vessels for this consciousness to flow through.
Are you a clear conduit for the flow of Spirit’s messages?
Use discernment to know which ideas are the best to implement. Channelling ideas and messages, writing, painting, drawing, speaking, singing. The solutions come forth through allowance.. Switch off and tune in today, to the whisperings of the Angelic Spirit messengers. Can you HEAR them?
“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesize, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” ACTS 2:17 The Bible
Today is a very HOLY day in which the WILL of SPIRIT overrides the WILL of MAN...
DIVINE INTENTION shall be REALIZED through the DIVINE COMMUNICATION that is FLOWING through us today!
DIVINE WILL is PULSING throughout the COSMOS.. ..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: wHITE SOLAR MIRROR ETZNAB encourages you today to gain a new perspective of your life. The themes are very expansive, emphasizing timelessness (WHITE WIZARD Wavespell) and endlessness from the WHITE MIRROR.
The MIRROR opens a doorway or portal – so the gate is WIDE OPEN for us to walk through into a higher dimension of our current reality! Woot woot! ETZNAB is blasting open this 29/11 divine portal and SMASHING the old reality.. Lots of INSTANT AWAKENINGS today!!
ETZNAB is also the Mayan pyramid that AMPLIFIES all our messages and manifestation POWER today.. These energies harmonize brilliantly with the WHITE WIND giving us incredible clarity to TUNE IN to the voice and signs from SPIRIT..
We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to SEE and KNOW the TRUTH. The WIZARD provides the sword of truth which cuts through all illusions, revealing deceptions and falsities, making it crystal clear which options are the most viable, pointing to the solution needed.
Our minds can receive endless visions and truths today, as we align and marvel at the Divine order, in the reflections of truth that we receive. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
The MIRROR of ILLUSION is no more… all travellers are standing on the shore with EYES WIDE OPEN NOW!
The MIRROR as today’s higher power to the WHITE WIND, holds potent POWER to BREAK through the shackles using the WIZARD’S MAJIK to cast a new DREAM-spell. The MIRROR SHATTERS all illusions today through the WORD of Spirit. All EARS can now hear the TRUTH very CLEARLY today and the falsity will be EXPOSED.
Pray that all stooges of the EVIL empire – politicians, police, media, big pharma, and oppressors AWAKEN to a higher consciousness and turn away from the evil agenda.
VISUALIZE the return of PEACE and LIBERATION for each nation and our whole world UNITED as ONE.
Please hold the VISION that we ARE FREE NOW, and a WAVE of LIBERTY and LOVE washes over our planet finally LIBERATING all of HUMANITY… it is done.
Today’s SOLAR MIRROR is putting the SPOTLIGHT on REMEMBRANCE day – showing humanity that WAR is an ILLUSION and not the PATH that we need to take from this point on.. PEACE shall REIGN on PLANET EARTH as we realize the futility of WAR, conflict, division and separation.
SUPPORT: RED SOLAR EARTH CABAN DIVINE SIGNS and synchronicities are flowing through the energy of CABAN today. Mother Earth is totally aligned with Divine intention. HOW PERFECTO that Pachamumma is setting our course through her GPS system today… steering a NEW COURSE of higher consciousness.
GAIA is constantly pulsing forth the breath of Spirit in every one of her kingdoms… through the land to the sea, encompassing all elements as Spirit whispers everywhere. We just need to be STILL and receptive to witness the MAJIK that surrounds us.
The SOLAR EARTH connects to the wisdom of the LAND, our ancestors and the wise indigenous custodians, who knew how to read the SIGNS through – the stars, the elements, the plants, the animals. They understood the cycles and prophesied what was to come.
What would our ancestors think of where we have arrived today?
What wisdom did they impart, to provide a future road map to get us back on track and find our FLOW. Living in HARMONY with the land and respecting Great Spirit, ensured their tribes lived fulfilling and prosperous lives.
We need to OPEN our minds, our ears and our EYES, to recognize these signs flowing from spirit, and then integrate this wisdom into our actions. Observe nature, the birds, the flowers, the insects and all of CREATION for your messages.
What beautiful Spirit animal messengers will visit you today?
In which direction are these SIGNS taking you?
Set your course and allow CABAN and IK to provide the navigation tools.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE OVERTONE STORM CAUAC. Today’s STORM is DIVINE in its nature as it is the OVERTONE STORM which catalyzes radiance. This STORM superpower DOUBLES the STORM energies today, working in synergy with the RHYTHMIC STORM to affect ORDERLY change and create more BALANCE in our world.
What a PERFECTO superpower driving this divine gateway – planetary TRANSFORMATION at its SUPREME best! Empowering all the EARTH WIZARDS to reclaim their POWER and RADIATE!
KIN 239 the OVERTONE STORM- is a GAP – portal kin, further amplifying the portal energies today.
KIN 239 is also the UNIFIED/5D KIN of the birthdate of Lloydine Arguelles revealing her higher GALACTIC purpose on EARTH – to COMMAND our planetary transformation through RADIATING our UNITED DIVINE POWER.. a truly phenomenal mission!!!
KIN 239 was the code on March 8, 2020 – when we had an 11/22/33 Master code operative, as well as a double 22 PEACE code… These encodings on that day are reactivated today through the MAJIK of TIME, as the hidden power of the day. SHAZAAM! DOUBLE WHAMMY MASTER CODES today – full spectrum!! Divine synchronicity!!
This wondrous SOLAR WIND day has many layers of DIVINE transformational POWER!!!
The SUPERPOWER of this spiritual Wind is that it seeks to EMPOWER us, as it COMMANDS that our RADIANCE be brought forth.
A DIVINE COMMAND from our Creator who is sending forth his purging WAVE to manifest the RADIANCE we are all COMMANDING into being..
Today we can COMMAND that DIVINE WILL be done, here on EARTH as it is in HEAVEN!
Our words carry EXTRA weight today as we COMMAND it into being, through PULSING out our intention for a PEACE filled world.
BLUE OVERTONE STORM is assisting the WHITE WIND, in bringing through a breath of FRESH purified AIR!! Ahhhhh. It is TIME to take OFF ALL MASKS and BREATHE FREELY AGAIN …
May this SUPERWIND bring forth the transformation humanity seeks for our FINAL LIBERATION.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SOLAR HUMAN EB presents the battle of the EGOIC mind versus the BUDDHIC mind. Divine Mind versus human mind! A battle of the wills!!
In order to have an open and accepting mind we need to let go of judgements, criticism and FEAR. We cannot hear the voice of Spirit if our mind is cluttered with FEAR and busyness, which clouds our thoughts and pollutes our actions. The death of egoic control of our thoughts through SURRENDER, will accelerate our union with Divine Mind.
YELLOW HUMAN’s gift is to raise our consciousness through mindfulness, leading to our own self Mastery. No longer being a helpless victim of our monkey mind. Pledge your allegiance to Spirit today and OPEN your EARS to the whisperings of the Great White Wind.
Our CHALLENGE today is to surrender our small hu-man will, and align with the Higher Divine Will, for the benefit of our Planet and all HU-MAN- KIND.
We must UNITE together and pulse forth the highest intentions, for our BEST UTOPIAN DREAMS to be MAJIKALLY realized.
Today’s question is “Am I pulsing forth the TRUE Divine Will of Spirit, that is endlessly communicating through my being, to MANIFEST PEACE in our world?”
May the Winds of Heaven fill your sails and guide your boat safely, to the tranquil shores of our New paradise.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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