You are currently viewing Mother’s Halo ~ Major Light Angelic DNA Activations! “Point of No Return” New Galactic Accelerated Timeline of Ascension
Power comes with responsibility

Mother’s Halo ~ Major Light Angelic DNA Activations! “Point of No Return” New Galactic Accelerated Timeline of Ascension

Mother’s Halo ~ Major Light Angelic DNA Activations! “Point of No Return” New Galactic Accelerated Timeline of Ascension


Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings StarLight Crystal Keepers of our New Lemurian Timeline 

We had another day of our local Solaris releasing consistent C Class Solar flares, totalling over 16 today, as Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to get inundated with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light.

Our Ascension Shift is accelerating as we call in our Higher Self to assist in transforming our physical vessels, our minds, hearts and spirits into the Celestial Avatars of the New Earth Rising.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being prepared for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Indestructible  Rainbow Light Bodies of Buddha Mind. All our Good People of Terra Nova Gaia shall inherit our Divine Dispensations and our Sacred Lands returned to us as Guardians and Caretakers of Mother Earth and her Nature Devas.

As a Collective of Light Warriors we create a Diamond Light Grid Surrounding our Divine Mother and protect her and all her children with our Divine Will and Pure Intent for the highest good of all. Nothing can penetrate this barrier of Higher Love and Light as we fill this realm with the Codes and Frequencies of our multidimensional sacred self to usher in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for our Rainbow Tribe of the New Jerusalem.

Today we make our Stand and Keep the light Shining Bright in the Gateway of our New Heaven on Earth, to guide the Way home to the Kingdom of Heaven within. Come here Now and Blaze your Sacred Heart Flame with the Light of Ten Thousand Suns… A’Ho!!






Rise of the Oceanic Kundalini currents Stanza of the Sea Priestesses
Meter & Tone corrections restore May Oceanic Consciousness Prevail
Sea Priestesses
Sea Priestesses

Major Light Activation Coming Online ✨️

Beautiful Winter Solstice Snow ❄️ Portals Opening Up !! Magical Rainbow Diamond Light 💎 Activation!
Massive Physical Body Upgrades to New Portals!! New Template’s 🌎 New Earth 🌎 Expansion!!! New Mother Gaia Earth Expansion 🌎 ❤️
Sooooo Many Blessings Love ❤️ & Expansion!!
Prayers , Healing, and Oneness To All Here in this Space!!
Major Light Activation Coming Online
Major Light Activation Coming Online



Angelic DNA activations! Breathe in this light with ease on your electromagnetic vortex of light. Allow your heart to be filled with the love you are created from as you are not separate from source and this harmony can be felt.

Take in light as you would drinking water if you were thirsty and certainly your cells need this water too, they are oscillating at a higher speed. Vivid dreams, lucid dreaming and fast downloads are occurring. Center in the now and through your heart with allowing a calm mind and a stellar alignment will occur for you ✨ Magnesium, fruit and slow breathwork will help!


Angelic DNA activations
Angelic DNA activations


Knowing the TRUTH and WISDOM. . .
the All-Encompassing DIVINE VIEW of things Allows US to LOOK at the MANIFESTATION of the Old Energy WITHOUT JUDGMENT and SEE the RELEVANCE of WHAT is HAPPENING!
But at the Same Time. . .
WE May FEEL Sad and Worried for those Who Are Going through a Difficult Period in their Lives – BEcause WE REALIZE that They Could Instead MOVE FORWARD EASILY!
WE PROPOSE to Show TOLERANCE Towards the Intolerant – and this Means LIVING IN PEACE WITH LIFE!
And by BEing at PEACE with LIFE. . .
WE Do Something WONDERFUL: by Remaining SILENT in the Face of the INTOLERABLE. . . WE thereby LIGHT a DIVINE LIGHT in a DARK ROOM and BE THERE IN PEACE!



The transition of planets and their inhabitants to higher planes of existence is a natural process of true evolution, and there is no need to fear any of it, for in reality you are returning home.

With this shift also come events, which would appear to most as catastrophic and heartbreaking collapses, however, again, this is natural, for only that which was not built and brought about with light love is to be dissolved.

You are not losing anything that the soul needs for further expansion, you may only release what no longer serves your highest purpose, and what is not in alignment with the heart’s desires.

The return to your natural state of being, has been thousands of years in the making. And now you are ready to close the final chapter of your journey in the rigid physical planes, and emerge as a crystalline being in the spiritual realms of light.

All the Light to You!


Power comes with responsibility
Power comes with responsibility
When the Mother’s Halo came everything that was disordered found its place.
Upon hearing her sound,
Everything moving to false sounds,
found harmony to the truth of itself.
For she was the truth of her children
Her Tone was the one which birthed them
And now, she came like a clarion call.
Pulling the truth to the fore of them.
Everything lost, returned home.
Because In its essence, the halo of Mother brought home wherever it went.
Magnetically she swept accross the earth. Embracing all life into the magnetic weight of her truth.
The Halo’s light is the origin truth of Mother,
truth light particles in the field held in magnetic resonance.
Intelligent formulating harmonising light.
Within the condensing of her magnetic presense,
It was remembered that no one was forsaken.
Every one was going back to gold.
In her powerful embrace, it was remembered that there never had been nor ever would be an opposition to her.
Every sound was answered, every truth was received and every lie rebounded back to its sender.
Until the sender grew tired enough to be held 💛
Golden Dawn for all
 Mother's Halo
Mother’s Halo
Your Bodies are electrical by nature and designed as a self-generator of Quantum Energies.
Each Cell is made of pure Consciousness that is Always connected to the Divine Source of Energy.
It’s in busyness and distraction state that you lose this connection and forget your authentic Soul-Self.
Refocus onto your Receptor/Emitter known as your HEART – your compass!
Once you bring this connection back, you can tap into the Zero Point Energy Field and Perform Miracles in You selves and your Quantum Reality.
Once this happens, the matrix system and/or any other energies that DO NOT serve you, lose ALL POWER over YOU.
Breathe in DEEPLY the Higher Energies that are bathing the EARTH now.
You are LOVED
More shares 👉
Quantum Energies
Quantum Energies
1/7/24: You probably didn’t notice, but throughout 2023 you were held snuggly in a transformational cocoon so you could do your inner work. You’ll have a sense of that again today. You could mentally revisit specific situations or outcomes in order to work through or process any lingering loose ends.
This is a necessary time-out before you get any deeper into 2024. But, as with last year, whatever you need will drift into your thoughts. You don’t have to go looking for anything… simply receive these helpers when they come to you. Once they have your attention, and have delivered their messages, you can accept their gifts, thank them for the visit, and be free to move on.
transformational cocoon
transformational cocoon
We have all endured many challenges in 2023 only to bring us to a higher resonance of consciousness.
These challenges whether it felt dark or filled with light has been invigorating to behold.
Yet it has made us stronger, brought us to the realization that what we truly focus on we do create.
Those that have left this realm of form have chosen to reside on our 5th Dimensional Earth to help us bring more Light and Love to this planet. To accelerate the frequencies on Earth so she can continue shifting what no longer serves her Spirit.
We are all doing the same, continuing to shed the layers of programming we have all endured for many lifetimes on this planet.
At first it makes you feel very empty, we forget what we are doing, sometimes we even forget what we are saying as we continue letting go of past circumstances of trauma that has been sitting in the back of our subconscious minds.
Our Love is so powerful right now and it gets stronger in each moment as we continue to receive the divine light codes from the Cosmos of our Heavenly Universe.
If you are feeling stuck and unsure of where we are going to next, just sit with it. Because we are at a zero point in our consciousness as everything continues to reset on planet Earth.
All are worthy to receive all this loving energy, so if anyone out there feels as if they are not worthy guess what you are. It just takes shifting into this higher energy, to tune into the vibrant frequencies that continue embracing our Mother Earth to restore balance and live in Oneness.
There has never been a moment where we have not existed, we are eternal beings of Light, our Soul has traveled beyond space and time for we are eternal beings, co-creators of this Vibrant beautiful Universe we call home.
May this Sunday bring more Peace to our being, open our Hearts to feel the Love that blankets this planet, as well as the Love Mother Earth and God has for us all.
Sending Love to all you Beautiful Souls, hang in there the best is yet to come. ❤
higher resonance of consciousness
higher resonance of consciousness
JANUARY 7 2024


Energies are crazyyy at the moment! Yay!
I have a flow of deep joy emerging from within me!
We have been waiting for this physical awakening for so long, finally, its first part is actual here.
If you are feeling stuck at the moment maybe you missed on the importance of the energies that the December Solstice brought forth which were the energies of the biggest Exorcism humanity
has ever seen!
The Exorcism is continuing and it will be received in the physical layers during the next several weeks, even by those unaware of it!
It is important that you follow your inner signs and guidance on this and consciously embrace the process because if ready and liberated, you might soon be called to support the people close to you, your town, your city, even your country as they will be going through the same process!
So please have your ears, eyes and all senses open so that you act upon your own liberation and rebalancing in the best and highest way possible!
If you think that you don’t need to do this, well….think again!
Power comes with responsibility.
This is the same message that was given back in March 2023 only now comes in different words, including the liberation of the feet which is currently intensifying!
Blessings of Steadiness!
El Moryana Anadimiana
OL A Christos
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior




Asara Adams

💜🌟💜 Energy Update by Adama of Telos

“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, every moment of your life experience is a reflection of your inner thoughts, feelings and most importantly – beliefs you have.
As you are moving through your ascension, the concept you have of yourself is constantly broadcasting into your reality what you believe to be true.
Every night, before you go to sleep, you are projecting this concept of yourself into the next day.
If you would like to change your experience, it is important to change what you belief about yourself.
Here is a process to shift your reality:
Before you go to sleep, begin to contemplate a new version of yourself.
In your imagination, begin to see yourself experiencing your desired reality, as a new version of yourself.
What would the best version of you feel, look and act like?
How would this new version of yourself experience the world?
How would you interact with others?
Then, as you drift into sleep, you are beginning to reset your reality towards your desired reality, by a degree or so.
The next day, your world might still look the same way.
But, you will feel slightly different.
Some experiences might still be the same.
Some will be new and different.
Try to maintain the new feeling you had when you woke up.
The next night, repeat the process of imagining a new version of yourself.
Again, the next day, you will feel slightly different and more experiences will lean towards your desired reality.
Sometimes, the changes will be subtle, sometimes, the changes will be bigger.
Keep maintaining the new feelings.
It might be that you feel more peaceful, calmer and more in harmony.
Perhaps, your physical body feels slightly better.
Become aware of these changes and continue to apply this process every night.
This is a powerful process to shift your reality towards the higher dimensions.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama! 🙂
Channelled through Asara Adams
Love from the heart of Telos
Love from the heart of Telos


We ask you to connect more deeply Now, as the Cellular Expansion continues.
As you travel within your consciousness, beyond the construct, beyond the perimeter of your mind.
We Inform You Of Deep Cellular Light Expression
For The Activated Souls Of Light Now Expand And Callibrate A Higher Level Of Attunement
For Deeper Crystalline Layers of YOU Are Activating, connecting you to the Essence of your True Self.
This Is Important Awareness To Read And Receive 🙏
For The True Light Of Your World Is Now Surfacing For All Beings
Like butterflies appearing before you, like a new energetic signature of Light. Your Soul Team will assist you in clearing, activating.
To see your unique Spectrum of Light 🙏
Day by day, as the Sun rises, see the opportunity to learn more about you ❤
Thanking you for Being You, in this moment of Planetary Cosmic Awakening.
❤Be Love❤Be Light💥
Together In Light 🌏🌿
New Earth Alliance
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika

Divine Energy Works

As we entered the New Year of 2024, we have passed another Energetic Threshold, the “Point of No Return,” and entered the New Galactic Accelerated Timeline of Ascension, collectively anchoring the energetics of the New Earth into physical reality. This is no longer just about the reconnection to our soul and inner alignment.
The ascending collective will be experiencing the clearing and fallout of everything that is in the way of making conscious choices and taking inspired action in physical reality at an escalated rate, both on personal and collective levels, with increased opportunities for the full embodiment of 5D consciousness and a multi-dimensional perspective through physical reality, anchoring the energetics of the New Earth, which will drastically change the energetic field of the planet.
In our physical reality, we will be seeing and experiencing intense and rapid changes, sudden shifts, and growth in all areas of our lives. We will be put to the test to break through personal limitations and comfort zones. During this Accelerated Ascension Timeline, we will also be receiving accelerated energetic upgrades, downloads, and revelations. This new accelerated timeline holds an exciting and incredible potential for accelerated ascension for us.
The divine alchemist Mercury has Stationed Direct on Jan 1st and once again has delivered to us its eye-opening energy, the powerful medicine, lifting the veil, and delivering revelations and divine truth during its retrograde journey; we are now integrating this into our consciousness. It is going to take Mercury a few weeks to regulate its orbit and fully regain its consciousness, as the post-retrograde shadow ends on Jan 20th. This is such a powerful day, as on this day Pluto will shift from Capricorn into Aquarius.
We are fast approaching the magical alignment of the 111 Ascension Gateway and the 1st New Moon of 2024 on Jan 11th, which is bringing the energies of powerful new beginnings, new opportunities, unexpected events, clarity, and powerful revelations, as well as inspiration to take guided action towards the new vision. What an amazing energy to open 2024 and the new timeline of ascension!
Point of No Return
Point of No Return
On Sunday, January 7th, the Moon, ruler of how we feel, will shift from the shadows of Scorpio into the new horizons of Sagittarius. Luna, while still in mysterious Scorpio, will make her last planetary connection to Pluto, planet of death and rebirth, at 3:22pm EST. This gives us the opportunity for transformation regarding old emotional patterns on a subconscious level.
Then, at 4:08pm EST she will move into truth seeking Sagittarius and begin to form a challenging square connection to Saturn, ruler of karmic lessons, in confused Pisces. As we look to expand our perceptions into a higher understanding of our own emotional state, we may be met with some resistance from the “Great Teacher” Saturn. We are to take some time in sorting out our perspectives and belief systems regarding situations and circumstances we are experiencing. Saturn asks us to take some responsibility for our own healing journey. If we do, the rewards will likely be worth it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, will shift from the shadows of Scorpio into the new horizons of Sagittarius
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, will shift from the shadows of Scorpio into the new horizons of Sagittarius
Pluto in Capricorn trine Sedna retrograde in Taurus – There are powerful movements today, the stirring of old bones, old souls who once walked upon the Earth. Think for a moment, about the history beneath your feet, not just a few centimetres down, but a foot down, three feet, more…peeling back the layers, peeling back the years. The last generation, the old soldiers from World War 1, the villagers who heard tales from Shakespeare’s lips, the Romans and the Celts, or the long lines of First Nations Peoples, keepers of the land, protectors of the planet and its timeless stories. And somewhere even deeper, lie the monsters of our past, the giants who once roamed, dinosaurs holding on to so many secrets of a world we can no longer imagine, aeons ago.
And now you are here, living through these enormous times of change, part of the great history of tomorrow. What a time to be alive. What a gift. And this aspect also tells us, we have everything we need, everything we could possibly ever need is right here with us. Take a moment to be present today, really present in the here and now. Know what is of value and what must be released. Let the truth sustain you. Send up a silent prayer to those who walked before. The power of gratitude can define a generation, redraw borders, knock down walls. The power of gratitude blasts through internal blocks, demolishes fear and transcends troubles. Listen, the old ones are singing, awakening DNA, an alchemical chain reaction to catalyse change.
Degrees and Time
Pluto 29°Cp34′, Sedna 29°Ta34′ R – 20:15 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Details from Venus Genitrix by Arnold Böcklin
Details from Venus Genitrix
Details from Venus Genitrix

Kin 79 ~ Blue Magnetic Storm

‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Attract, Unify and Purpose’. The first day of the wavespell sets the agenda for the 13-day journey. So think about your goals, identify your purpose and consciously enter this wavespell, as it’s the best way to get the most out of it. Unity is also a keyword associated with this tone and this symbolizes that all the days in the wavespell are united under one banner. Although the days in between have their own agenda the overlying theme is set today.
Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Energy and Self-Generation’. This is a real humdinger of a wavespell and for those who don’t like change, they dread it when it comes around. Personally I like it and if embraced with courage, this wavespell has the potential to change your life. That’s if you ride the Storm’s crazy energy. Otherwise, you can be swept away by it. The Blue Storm wavespell can be like a fairground ride during an earthquake but hey, some people actually enjoy the thrill! Changes are never without some disruption. I say to folk who are afraid of change, to remember that when improvements in your life come along, do you resist them? Because if you are afraid of change, does that mean you are also afraid of improvements in your life?
The Guide is Blue Storm as well and therefore the storm is guided by itself.
The Challenge is the Red Moon which represents the ‘Go with the Flow’ energy. However – there is no relaxing during these 13 days and if you are a Red Moon maybe you should find a storm shelter. No chillin’ out for you and it’s time to face facts…life is full of changes! If you are not a Red Moon, you won’t find this wavespell as hard but still it’s difficult for anyone to relax when the Storm is brewing.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator of the Tzolkin and when in this magical position, expect magical messages to find you. This will help immensely with dealing with the stormy weather! If you are a White Wind you’ll enjoy this hectic day and the remainder of the wavespell. You are the wind! The Storm and the Wind go together so well.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun and so, if you need a friend and you are lucky enough to know a Yellow Sun, ask them for help. If you are a Yellow Sun, be prepared to receive calls from friends who may be pulling out their hair! If you don’t know one, ask yourself what would a Sunny person do on a day like today? Well, they would be the sunshine that comes out after the rain has passed creating a beautiful rainbow!
Kin 79
Kin 79


7 JANUARY 2024
I UNIFY in order to CATALYZE
Attracting energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED
7/1/2024 = 7/1/8 = 7/9=16=7
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
16- Tower struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 79 = 16 = 7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude
A TRIPLE BLUE MAGNETIC STORM day!! Looks like we are off to an ELECTRIFYING 💣💥💥 start to this 13 day STORM Wavespell!!
ANOTHER very, very powerful day – TRIPLE 🌪🌪🌪STORM energy – looks like a TURBO 🌀GALE 🌬🌪🍃is on its way!
Today we commence a new 13 day cycle. It is day ONE in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL🌩🌪 of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we are focused on magnetizing and attracting tremendous energy to catalyze TRANSFORMATION on a personal, collective and global level. Fasten your seat belts and we are off on a wild ride indeed! 🎢
The WORLDBRIDGER enabled us to SURRENDER, release and LET GO of the old Matrix, witnessing the DEATH of the old cycle and old Earth, we are now FREE and have created SPACE for the NEW to enter our lives and change our reality.🌈
During this next phase many souls will have the RUG pulled from under their feet! Their old foundations will crumble and they will be forced to seek new ground! Perhaps literally for some!
Many RUDE AWAKENINGS will occur as humanity is forced to FACE the TRUTH that will be revealed for all to SEE.. Cognitive dissonance and denial will be matched with more persistence from Spirit for us to embrace this change and AWAKEN 💥 from the hypnotic spell that kept us in our collective slumber.
27 months ago (3 Galactic spins) this STORM WAVESPELL aligned with a LUNAR ECLIPSE🌙🌘 and 18 MONTHS ago we had many STORMS brewing GLOBALLY, as well as the ICELAND VOLCANO🌋 ERUPTING at Grindavik, after a series of over 3,000 earthquakes in one week AWAKENED the volcano once more. 🌋🔥.
BOOM💥 CRASH 💥 OPERA!💥 GAIA is VENTING and clearing all the pent up ANGER, FRUSTRATION and STAGNATION – shifting the energy to CATALYZE for this accelerated MOVE forwards into the new time.
💥Get ready folks we are about to commence the TURBO SPIN CYCLE!! 🌀🌀🌀
BRACE yourself for more WEATHER anomalies – hail, rain, thunder, floods, landslides, hurricanes, Solar/Magnetic storms – whatever it takes to RELEASE any stagnant energy and WAKE UP HUMANITY – Pachamumma will use the necessary tools!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY.
The MAGNETIC tone today will assist us in attracting all that we require to catalyze our ASCENSION transformation, in order to step up into our greater Divine purpose.. As this STORM will bring great social upheaval, the Wayshowers will need to be VERY focused and work together, in steering this collective vessel to safer waters.
We have a very majikal 7.7.7. CODE today – activating DIVINE MIRACLES.. NOW is the TIME to MANIFEST the NEW PARADIGM through this revolutionary BLUE STORM CYCLE.
A HUGE LINE UP of BIG cards🃏 on the table today folks! Woweee very exciting! 💥💥💥💥
💥Hold on to your RED SHOES 👠👠Dorothy!!! THE STORM🌪☔ is here and we are no longer in Kansas!
Today’s question is “How can I generate and catalyze these transformative energies, in order for my life to FLOW smoothly in the direction of my greater purpose?”
So BELOVED STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUNS☀ as a great man once said – it is TIME to go forth and “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE MAGNETIC STORM 🌀🌀🌪🌪 CAUAC Is the change-agent who stirs up the MUD💩 in order to clear the pond. BLUE STORM🌪🌩🌪 is continuing the PURIFICATION and cleansing process, through upheaval and purging the dross. For the masses that have not awakened they will be challenged in order to evolve.
CAUAC will forcibly clear any STAGNATION and push anything in its path with tremendous force – even for the unwilling.
You cannot negotiate with a Tornado! 🌪
You prepare and batten down the hatches or run for the hills!!! (or is that hide in the cellar?) Seriously folks the matrix has programmed humans to FEAR change, and thus we drag our feet and resist at all costs (better the devil you know!). However there comes a time when SPIRIT says “Enough is enough! Now is THE TIME.” So as they say in the movies – you either go willingly or they will bring out the handcuffs.
✨We all need to FEARLESSLY embrace the NEW CHANGE as a grand new adventure🌈, , leading us to new untold pleasures and excitement, especially as PLUTO enters AQUARIUS – the URANIAN revolutionary sign – on 20th JANUARY 2024 – the day AFTER the conclusion of this BLUE STORM CYCLE. This STORM will BLAST OPEN the doors to the new GOLDEN ERA..
The pioneering spirit is one we all need to embrace during this evolutionary Ascension phase we are currently traversing, as we BOLDLY GO where no-one has been before!.✨
BLUE STORM is the most POWER filled and energized of the 20 tribes/solar seals in the Dreamspell, affording a great well of incredibly potent energy to be catalyzed and transformed for renewed purpose.
All this extra energy that has been freed up through letting go can now be “funnelled” into new projects🌱 and ideas designed to afford great planetary change and transform the lives of Earth’s citizens –💥✨💥
We have a 16.16 TWIN TOWERS code – so ANYTHING can and will happen – expect the unexpected! What a rocket fuelled ignition for this BLUE TORNADO cycle!! 🚀🚀
SUPPORT: YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN 🌞– AHAU What a fabulous support for the MAGNETIC STORM during this entire wavespell. The MAGNETIC AHAU 🌞 EN-LIGHT💡ONS us, and encourages us to SHINE BRIGHTLY like the SUN.🌞
Today we are attracting SOLAR ☀energy from the SUN🌞 and our great Central Sun🌞 and magnetizing these codes through our own precious hearts. This enables us to generate all the energy and POWER we need to fuel our purpose with renewed passion and vigour.🔥💃 It is time to catalyze the POWER from the CME’S and SOLAR FLARES to charge our BATTERIES and fuel our MISSION. They will be EXTRA SOUPED up during this 13 day cycle!
MAGNETIC AHAU will enable us to ATTRACT our kin folk – those who are AWAKENED and fully illumined, resonating as our tribe. Together we can focus on THE LIGHT!💡 Joining together to fulfill our unified purpose and become the LIGHTHOUSES 💡🚨 guiding the ships through the darkness. .
The SOLAR codes are supporting this STORM in creating the IGNITION🎇 of our Holy Flame 🔥 to step up into our DIVINE purpose. AHAU will ILLUMINATE and reveal all the darkest of SHADOWS to be cleansed, purified and brought into the LIGHT. This is the DIVINE DECREE for our Planet as NO DARKNESS can REMAIN LURKING any longer.
✨GAIA 🌏 is evolving from being the “dumpster” planet in the Galaxy, to becoming the SHINING STAR 🌟– CENTER STAGE.. As our Planetary battle is in the SPOTLIGHT and has drawn huge attention from voyeurs throughout the Cosmos – our VICTORY is ASSURED. 🌠 There is nowhere to HIDE from the inevitable!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE COSMIC WIND🌬🍥🍃 – IK Within the STORM 🌪you can hear the whisperings of the purifying White Wind.
❓❓Is it a gentle breeze 🍃tickling your ear,……. or a howling gale🌪 trying to get your attention?
This WIND is of COSMIC 🍥 proportions – so the full force of GOD’S WILL ✨ and mighty POWER💥 is the hidden SUPERPOWER today, and during this whole 13 day STORM cycle. YAAAAY!!!
The DIVINE whisperings will become a LOUDSPEAKER📣 – yelling at you – in your dreamstate – WAKE UP, WAKE UP – and take ACTION, to avoid the negative repercussions of THE STORM! It is time to catalyze this power for your e-vo-lution. 🍥
Allow yourself to be fully present and LISTEN👂 for the messages or sounds, to channel through and guide you, to your hearts remembrance of your Divine Mission here on Earth. Tune in to the gifts and insight to see what needs to CHANGE in your life, and you will arrive at a renewed sense of your Grander purpose for this next 13 day cycle.
Remember to ACT on your inspired guidance!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED MAGNETIC MOON 🌛👸 MULUC adds further purification and cleansing energy through the power of Universal Water. The GODDESS beckons us to Collectively transform to a more compassionate World where we LOVE❤ and NURTURE 💑 each other as EQUALS – recognizing the Divinity within each person.. Embracing them as family. 👪 Our beloved brethren, all desiring to be the fullest expression of LOVE that they can be in a HU-MAN vessel.
The GODDESS will heighten your sensitivity today, increasing your intuitive knowing, on what needs to CHANGE and transform, in order for your life to FLOW〰〰 more smoothly and effortlessly.
✨ The LIGHTER we are, the more we can FLOW! ✨✨
✨✨ The more we FLOW, the further we can GO! ✨✨
Pure brilliance is known to FLOW towards us with this powerful code today.
CHANGE IS UPON us beloveds, the more our vessels are purified, the more pure energy we can draw into our being to be catalyzed. Going with this positive flow can negate the CHAOS 🌪🌩 and disruptive energies, so we can ride the waves of harmonious and celebrated change! 🎉🎊🎈🎆
Today’s question is “How can I generate and catalyze these transformative energies, in order for my life to FLOW smoothly in the direction of my greater purpose?”
So BELOVED STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUNS☀ as a great man once said – it is TIME to go forth and “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for

January 7th through January 13th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from January 7th through January 13th 2024, speaks of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL on Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Thursdays New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th of January for the 111 Portal and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste



💙🌟 Fatima Mello


💙 🌟 Beloved and powerful presence of the “I AM”, Almighty God, we now invoke your heart to send to our side Archangel Michael and his legions of light.’
💙 Come now and here, Archangel Michael, I command you in the name of the living Christ, guard and protect these souls of light, all souls of light of this city and this nation of God. Activate, awaken and release them to defend freedom, light, life and personal path of Christ Consciousness on earth.
💙Therefore, we ask you to stay before and behind us, to the right, to the left and below, above and in the center of our form wherever we are and wherever we go.
💙 We ask, then, that this prayer be applied to our beloved light bearers across this planet, that they may be protected until victory.
💙🌟We thank you!
SO it is!
🌟 💖 If this Decree has helped you, don’t forget to save to do during the week.
Send to your loved ones and don’t forget to like so I know if this content is useful to you!
🌟💖 Gratitude 🙏🏻💖

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