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The Grand Shift has occurred

Great Cosmic Rays are Returning ~ The Grand Shift has Occurred! * Crystal Body Activation ~ Divine Matrix Active. Veils Set Ablaze!

Great Cosmic Rays are Returning ~ The Grand Shift has Occurred! * Crystal Body Activation ~ Divine Matrix Active. Veils Set Ablaze!


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Celestial Emerald Order of our Divine Covenant of Light

After yesterday’s 10:10 Portal and massive GeoMagnetic Storms all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are fully embodying and integrating their Higher multidimensional Self fully into their 3d vessels for their Transformation into 5D Avatars of New Earth.

Many of our Good People all over this realm experienced the beautiful iridescent hues of our Aurora Nations in the Heavenly Skies above to transmit their Angelic Glow to our Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia.

Today is a very important day in the world of Astrology as Pluto, our Planet of transformation, rebirth, and power turns direct in the sign of Capricorn. This ruling planet of Scorpio will journey through the Sea Goat until he reaches his destination of Aquarius on November 19th and will stay there until March 8, 2043. This major transition will assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun to fully Shift into the 5D New Golden Age of Aqaurius.

We also celebrate the 9th and final Night of Navaratri in honor of Goddess Maa Siddhidatri, one of the most revered forms of Durga. She symbolizes the ultimate power and bestower of Siddhis (supernatural powers). Maa Siddhidatri governs the planet Ketu, which represents detachment, spirituality, and enlightenment. It is believed that she provides energy and direction to Ketu, guiding devotees towards spiritual wisdom and liberation.

In synchronicity on these auspicious Events we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 96 Yellow Overtone Warrior, the most Brilliant and radiant Warrior of the dreamspell.

As Spiritual Warriors of the New Eden it is time to rise and shine your Bright Virtue into the Quantum Field to make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous and shift this realm into the Paradise she was always destined to be…A’Ho!







Neha Mewari

Navratri 2024 Day 9: Maa Siddhidatri Puja Rituals, Mantras, and Chants

Discover the significance of Navratri Day 9 and the divine worship of Maa Siddhidatri. Explore rituals, mantras, and spiritual practices that mark this sacred day of devotion and empowerment.

Navratri 2024 Day 9: Significance

Maa Siddhidatri is the divine force who grants all types of Siddhis (spiritual powers) to her devotees. It is believed that even Lord Shiva received all his powers from her. Worshipping Maa Siddhidatri is said to bring prosperity, spiritual enlightenment, and the removal of obstacles. She is revered not only by humans but also by celestial beings such as Devas, Gandharvas, Asuras, Yakshas, and Siddhas.

On the ninth day of Navratri, devotees perform special rituals and offer prayers to Maa Siddhidatri, seeking her divine blessings. The puja is accompanied by reciting mantras and chants that invoke her presence. It is believed that worshipping her on this day can lead to the attainment of all desires and the removal of any hurdles in life.

Maa Siddhidatri governs the planet Ketu, which represents detachment, spirituality, and enlightenment. It is believed that she provides energy and direction to Ketu, guiding devotees towards spiritual wisdom and liberation.

Maa Siddhidatri is depicted as a serene goddess seated on a lotus, symbolizing purity and divinity. She is also seen riding a lion, representing courage and strength. The goddess has four arms, each holding significant items:

  • A Gada (mace) in one right hand
  • A Chakra (discus) in the other right hand
  • A lotus flower in one left hand
  • A Shankh (conch) in the other left hand

These attributes represent power, righteousness, and the purity of her divine presence

Maa Siddhidatri
Maa Siddhidatri

The Grand Shift has occurred.

The work done and the light held by all of humanity has catapulted our trajectory into realms not prophesied. We have surpassed expectations. Outpaced our competition. Left them for dust.
Like a shooting star, unable to be caught.
A flash of light. Blink and you’ll miss it.
Brand new unexplored frontiers await us all.
Get ready to experience the Divine’s love.
Magic is upon us.
What do you wish for?
It is granted.
The Arcturians 🙏
The Grand Shift has occurred
The Grand Shift has occurred


This is just the beginning. Divine matrix active. Veils set ablaze.
The energy, the design, the structure of the new reality is held within your DNA. Meditate and practice deep breathing often, this charges your cells and causes your chakras to spin faster, integrating more light, leading to the activations of your DNA. With your expansion in consciousness, through the light within you, merging with Mother Earth’s light, the new world shall emerge. As the process accelerates, you will find yourselves in the midst of greater storms.
Exercise your power to remain calm. Do all that is necessary to stay grounded and heart centered.

The once veiled Great Cosmic Rays are returning before our eyes and becoming a part of our reality.

These colorful rays used to be present throughout the Earth’s magnetosphere and were maintained by sacred flame keepers in concentrated energetic momentums in temples around the globe to retain the balance, connection and harmonization of the heavenly cosmic realms with the form manifestation realms.
The temple systems all of over the globe were great cosmic and telluric energy devices, marrying the divine streams of heavenly starfire with the form manifestation as union.
This cosmic weaving of light maintained higher realms of dimensional experience and sustained life in an uplifted peaceful and radiant orchestration of divine love as the force underlying and manifesting creation.
We have all come here at this time to ride the storms of change and these rainbow cosmic dancers in the sky- beyond what we have seen previously in aurora displays -are the sign of a covenant fulfilled. The Solar Ray promise of renewal and divine justice.
There is still much to unfold and the shaking of the darkness loose into the light is in full force, but we can rest in knowing that we achieved a rebirth that will continue to radiate throughout the cosmos and the the Earth for the coming years, decades and millenniums that was unprecedented in the histories of time cycling.
Well done soul family. Stay hopeful and strong as you have the potential to be uplifted rapidly into new realities if you can let go of struggle and suffering. Just breathe. It’s time to be free.
Cosmic Rays are returning
Cosmic Rays are returning


We are Walking in an Unprecedented Time..This Epoch, This Era…this Global making waves in, Our Universe. Every Soul That Ever Was Here, are Back to be a apart of, or witness this event. For planets do not ethereally Jump.. as we are. Humans are Coveted, and Controlled only from this point, our mental maturity is expanding.
Precursors..Seeds, to our Pre-Adamite world who had crystalline Knowledge…used it wrongly… during Saturn’s pull away from orbit placement at the ending of Younger Drias. This further sent us back to survival state instead of spiritual transcendence, to earn and learn our place instead of receiving Help, that stunted our mental growth…Humans are created with an unmatched range of emotion and capability to hold it in frequency form. Soon everyone’s 5 outer Chakras WILL be Activated! It was never Junk was Dormant..Furthering our Abilities👈 and Spiritual Attributes🙏…Everyone in their Own Right, and Time as they are meant.
A lot Are Here Just to witness, some are here to help and there will always be that Small group to Hinder… We all choose. Earth/Terra/Gaia…is ready. She has already shifted into the Fourth D. Some will Fight the sleep, others will embrace,..🙏🌐🕊✨And the Breaking Down of Nefarious Leadership is unfolding in front of your eyes.✨ Take Pride in Any Growth You have
Accomplished…You are more loved then you can ever imagine..🙏🕊✨
From K’s Heart💖
This Epoch
This Epoch


10/11/24: Some days will show us what we need to see. And if our eyes are closed, we will be told. And if our ears will not hear, we will feel… and there’s nothing we can do about that. Today is a divine show and tell. Each of us has a specific insight, a special nudge, a grand inspiration to glean from today’s high frequency…
but we‘ve been conditioned to look for the catch, the flaw, the negative downside instead of seeing the light behind the veil. Open all your senses today. Yes, you could get zapped a bit, but maybe that’s just the energetic impulse you’ve been needing. If you’ve been working on upping your power and handling life in better balance, you’ll appreciate what today offers. If not, don’t assume you know what’s going on and don’t underestimate what shows up.
high frequency
high frequency

When the Planetary Evacuation takes place, even those knowing about it shall be shocked 😲

The extreme intensity in degrees and frequency of the Solar Flare activity is revealing the closeness to the Tilt, or culmination of the Great Shift, is nigh! This Solar Activity is fine tuning the human form and human consciousness to accept the Beam Resonance for those ready. The Light Beings. It’s also working to awaken the masses so Fear is transmuted by the Photon Plasma External Light of the Violet Fire.
This is the stage of the Violet Ray 💜 Trasmutation and Resurrection of Consciousness! The Blue Ray 💙 One Beings have the essential Violet Ray in their Ray Equipment Monadic Blueprint. They are the front line fearless warriors, embodied pillars of the Violet Blue Ray of Octagonal Benevolence, confronting the non-benevolent evil 😈 entities and either obliterating or transmogrifying them. They are the receptors of the initial burst of all Solar and Cosmic activities, the step-down transformers for the rest of humanity. They are the Pulse of the Source upon 🌎 earth. Quietly assisting and holding the Frequency of God and supporting the 144,000 Light Holders and Anchors maintain their vibration at the level needed for the Shift and Evacuation before the Tilt.
Beaming is already in action upon sites of major catastrophes. When someone goes missing in such events, and is never found, know they have been evacuated and are safe.
Get ready for the Time, the Kaal, when this event, on a mass scale, will and shall eventuate! Allow these hyper Solar Flares of the X Class to penetrate and evacuate the Karmic dross. Emptiness is what is needed from all to match the Technology of Vibration of the Beam!
Evacuation of the planet by Commander Ashtar
Planetary Evacuation
Planetary Evacuation


ELECTRIC CURRENTS are FLOWING THROUGH the GROUND! Electrical currents are flowing through rocks and soil in response to this current geomagnetic storm. We have had significantly high magnetic storms since October 7, with very little break until the moment I posted this on October 11, and they are still ongoing. We have had at least 3X-class solar flares in the last five days and another epic hurricane. Mother Earth is feeling this time as well.
I’ve been watching solar activity for decades, and even I am blown away and have little to compare this week to. At the risk of sounding like a skipping record, humanity is on a whole new playing field now. No matter what level of awakening you are in, I see everyone feeling this time. Remember, everyone wakes up exactly when their soul blueprint has encoded them to do so. You cannot push your cosmic time clock. I know a lot of you have tried.
I am at a loss to share about this time, so I will do it the only way I know how: feeling through the frequencies in sacred sites. On 10.10.24, in the middle of all this solar activity, I was called to go up north to high country with a couple of dear friends visiting here. We visited a sacred site called Lomaki Box Canyon Pueblo in Wupatki National Monument. Lomaki means “Beautiful House” in the Hopi language, which is beautiful but also very sacred. This triple complex is connected to the stars and has a deep ancestral and cosmic presence.
But today, the energy was so strong that it made us physically dizzy and a bit nauseous. I know this site really well. It is always deep, powerful, and filled with spirit, but it was beyond anything I have felt here. I literally had to sit down on the earth and ground myself, or the powerful earth energy would take that choice away from me. We felt we had been deeply cleared out and filled back up during our time there.
I’ve only experienced this energy level a few times in my years working with sacred sites. (The Isis Temple in Aswan, Egypt, Roslyn Chapel in Scotland, and Panther Meadows in Mount Shasta.) This kind of energy will literally shake you to the core in ways you can’t possibly understand at the moment you are receiving them. It stretches us, wakes us up, clears us out, and opens us up to new frequencies we will need to learn about and integrate. This is the kind of strong energy can literally and tangibly “””shake””” us awake. Just ask our last group to Egypt about our experience in the Isis Temple! Whew! You can’t make this stuff up. We are beginning to anchor the visions we have been holding in our hearts, and new foundations are beginning to appear in the physical world. This is so amazing! This time is shaking reality up in a big way.
We had some faint aurora borealis in a lovely pink-purple hue when I returned home in the evening. Nature’s absolute power and beauty continually blow me away.
We could be experiencing many symptoms during this time.Simple things you can do to balance yourself are … Stay hydrated, get out in nature, breathe deeply, nap, and eat grounding foods; those are things that grow under the Earth. Spend your sacred God-given energy on LOVE, not fear. Expect the unexpected, learn to flow with the strong currents, and quit beating yourself up for not being perfect. All these will make life easier as we shift into even higher frequencies that I can see are going to come quickly.
YOU, dear one, are so urgently needed now. Yes, YOU! Now more than ever, the most important thing we can do is not get distracted by all the nonsense in the world … anything less than love, and stay focused on our divine purpose here on earth.
Aurora borealis photograph by Charles Rusher – Sedona Arizona
Aurora borealis - Sedona Arizona
Aurora borealis – Sedona Arizona


Heart-Brain Complex Stabalization

Beloved Ones,
Many of us are now transitioning into a New Era, marked by Pluto moving, gradually, into Aquarius. A new timeline in which physical emancipation as my Guides named the process of physical ascension, will be key during the next four years, for we are finally prepared to embody the illumined crystalline frequencies that will initiate our physical transition into a new dimensional space.
A shift that is a result of all the years we have been releasing, healing, clearing, and remembering who we are, for after all, it is all a process of descension of our soul memories and authentic Divine lineage.
As our trajectory to a New Era continues, healing our wounds and painful emotions is vital so our frequency can coexist with the new harmonic one we are stepping into. Healing our limbic system complex is the second step my Guides shared today , as after the proper healing of our left and right brain, stabilizing it and reconnecting it to an authentic Source is essential.
Our emotional body is of utmost importance during this time of great transfiguration, especially for all who are working with soul retrieval, forgiveness, and emotional body healing, as it is what will allow us to be emotionally free of all past burdens and trauma, and be able to embrace a higher level of consciousness.
Our limbic system complex (thalamus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and amygdala) is the one in charge of processing and balancing our emotions, memory (long-term), behavior, and it is also responsible for our sexual desire and the stimulation of it. This is intrinsically linked to our second chakra and emotional body; hence, we need to address all of them while we release, and simultaneously allow, a new Light in.
This part of our brain is the upper part of our anatomy connected to the soul dimensions, where we are heading. It is the one that processes emotions, spiritual guidance, and our sensory perception, it is again part of our heart-brain complex and all of it determines what we receive and how we decode it.
Any blockages in these areas will impede the clarity we need for our personal path and universal mission. Guides invite us to unplug – as much as we can – from the 3D matrix, for it has non-benevolent technology as you all know, to control our brain complex. When someone controls our consciousness we fall into the lowest timelines of this planet, losing our connection to God’s Source and with All Creation.
The happiest people are the ones who control their attention and emotions. Our attention is situated on the prefrontal cortex of the brain. When we have full sovereignty of our attention, intention, and energy, we are free. When our brain is controlled we are connected to lower sources that repress our power and DNA’s true potential.
Guides invite us to start disconnecting as much as we can from phones and technology, finding some time every day to practice meditation in the way it works for us, for it helps us to control where we put our focus, as now our attention is being controlled to only focus on the online world, and when we focus outside, we disconnect from our inner world.
The more they control the power of concentration, the more disconnected we are from our soul and God’s Source.
The greatest tool to keep us disconnected is already happening, for many are losing the power of concentration and conscious intention, and then their limbic systems disconnect from emotion, intuition, and empathy, acting as robots following instructions.
Dominate your attention and where you put it and you will control your body, life, and where you are connected to.
Guides invite us to focus on stillness, living in the Now moment, reconnecting to our Higher hearts, and finding psychological tools, if necessary, to distill addiction to technologies and impersonal online interactions, turning into nature to retrieve connection and organic purification from all the non-benevolent waves we are exposed to.
If you need to be exposed to any of these technologies, vaccines, etc. due to your jobs or other reasons, remember that your Consciousness is the true shifter of all, as Guides always share.
Connect to your silver cord or hara line, and therefore soul, monad, and God Self, and then align to your Divine Consciousness, commanding to your DNA that anything that you put into your body that is not aligned to your current frequency and wish to ascend, and that for some reason you need to eat, or participate in, such as vaccines, etc, to treat your body with complete respect, clearing all AI inserts, programs, toxins, debris, and DNA template reversals.
Command to your God Self, as you are doing that which you do not resonate with, decreeing your intention to serve only God’s Source and His-Her Will.
Thank your God Self, Guides team, and all the benevolent beings you work with. Feel the love, the protection, and the connection to who you truly are, releasing all fear to what you do not resonate with, as if you fear, at that moment you allow it to control you.
You can include in your decree anything you are interacting with that can manipulate your consciousness in any way or form. Guides invite us to do this before going to bed when we are about to enter into a state in which we are between two worlds, so our conscious mind is serene and integrates better with our command.
Guides also offer us four universal crystals for all who are guided to include as part of their personal protective shield: organite, vivianite, blue tourmaline, and peridot. All of them are wonderful protectors, especially against environmental non-benevolent influences, as well as heart enhancers, as it is vivianite and peridot, keeping you connected to the loving Intelligence of your Heart and Divine love.
Stepping into a new timeline involves the complete disconnection from our previous one, not just from a soul level, but from a physical one, including all that distort our frequency.
2025 will be finally the beginning of a New Era, and the End of the Old Times, for we are crossing the veils of illusion, recognizing our Divine seed, and planting it for future generations.
May you only choose to be aligned to your Sovereing Unified Self, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Heart-Brain Complex Stabalization
Heart-Brain Complex Stabalization


Dear friends, October 11 2024, marks a pivotal moment in our collective evolution. Pluto, the planet of transformation, end its retrograde motion and now stations direct in Capricorn, unleashing a potent wave of energy that will reshape our lives.
For six months, Pluto’s retrograde journey has invited us to confront our deepest fears, desires, and motivations. We’ve been called to examine our shadow, to acknowledge the parts of ourselves we’ve kept hidden. This introspective odyssey has prepared us for the profound transformation that’s now unfolding post eclipse season.
As Pluto moves forward in Capricorn, we’re entering a period of intense structural transformation. The very foundations of our lives will be reshaped, rebuilt, and renewed. Expect a seismic shift in your relationship with authority and power, your career path and life’s purpose, your sense of responsibility and integrity, and your connection to tradition and heritage/ancestry.
Pluto in Capricorn direct is an invitation to rebirth, to revitalize our lives, and to reclaim our inner power. It’s a call to examine the structures that govern our lives, challenge corrupt systems and outdated norms, embody integrity, ethics, and compassion, and rebuild our lives on a foundation of truth.
As Pluto’s energy awakens, remember that transformation is not destruction; it’s rebirth. It’s an opportunity to shed the old, to awaken to our true potential, and to embody our highest selves.
As Pluto’s transformative energy unfolds in Capricorn, remember that you hold the power to reshape your reality. Embrace this momentous shift with courage and faith, knowing that every breakdown paves the way for a majestic breakthrough. Next month, on November 19, Pluto will station direct in Aquarius for many years.
The cosmos is conspiring in your favor, guiding you toward a brighter, more radiant version of yourself. Trust the process, trust yourself, and trust the universe. For in this grand symphony of transformation, your unique melody is about to become the most breathtaking harmony. The future beckons, and the best is yet to come.
Dear friends, the solar winds have been blowing non-stop since yesterday. We have been under a very strong geomagnetic storm for several hours and our energy fields are feeling the effects.
These intense waves of solar plasma and protons are interacting deeply with our energetic structures at the subatomic level within our cells and DNA. It is possible to experience fatigue, loud ear ringing, jaw and mouth issues, lack of appetite (or cravings), and mild headaches at this time. Skin and allergic reactions may also come to surface.
You can envision the current geomagnetic storm as a huge cosmic broom that is removing the energetic debris from all the work we have been doing during the eclipse season and the recent 10:10 portal. This type of energetic clearing can stir old memories and basically bring to surface a lot of emotional unfinished issues. Specially during the sleep, our nervous system may evidence this process with vivid and strange dreams.
With the energetic assistance of planet Pluto today moving out of its retrograde period, it is time to finally close a few doors and embrace endings that will forever shift our lives.
As the G4 solar storm subsides, its lingering energies continue to reverberate within us. The heightened solar activity has stirred our cells, awakening dormant potential and catalyzing transformation. Our bodies, attuned to the cosmic rhythms, have absorbed the storm’s frequencies, potentially triggering shifts in our emotional, mental, and physical landscapes.
Some may experience heightened sensitivity, intuition, and creativity, while others may face challenges in sleep patterns, energy levels, and emotional regulation. Embrace these changes as opportunities for growth, knowing that the storm’s energies have awakened your inner resilience and capacity for evolution.
As you integrate the solar storm’s imprint, remember that your body is a dynamic, interconnected system, capable of adapting and thriving in harmony with the celestial forces that shape our reality. Stay well hydrated, and engage in calming activities while you keep your energy grounded.
Have a wonderful transformational process, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Every moment brings the releasing of the old, to make way for the and higher way of life.
It means letting go of the familiar, our comfort zones, that which we so often take for granted, and opening ourselves for new possibilities.
I have found that when all was stripped away from me, my psychic abilities as well as that of my soul, came to fore so powerfully, that I could always navigate the way through, even if on faith and trust alone.
My doctor friend just told me that according to Chinese astrology 2025, is the year of the serpent, and is going to challenge us to the core. Yet the serpent, also holds wisdom, and the kundalini energy, the new surge of life. 2026 Then anchors in the cosmic consciousness of the horse. So as much as chaos is imminent, through it all a deeper soul awakening, and rising consciousness.
It is in nature, in stillness, in the open heart and the growing communities of light, that we are assisted through this all, and the cosmic backup teams who are with us day and night.
cosmic consciousness
cosmic consciousness



Wonderful Energies At Play 💥
Much Love💜
For Our Light Roles Are Integrating With The Cosmic Alliance Of Light.
The Uprising Of The Great Sun 🙏
The cosmic planets assisting Gaia and all beings. The vocabulary of this light, is now turning on within us, enabling us to reach a higher point of attunement and understanding within the cosmic inference of now.
It is this cellular recognition that is leading us to have a wider viewpoint, a greater knowing of the cosmic awareness that is encoded within the night sky, this information is now becoming accessible in our light field, which in turn is opening the realities to the fundamental awakening of the cosmic communities that live on earth in the physical and dimensional planes of light 🙏💫
Together We Ride The Great Waves Of Ascension 🙏
Much Love 💜
Karen Lithika
Image: Travis Carroll (Victoria, Australia)


Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Divine order is at play bringing great changes for us all. Nothing can hold you back in isolation any longer. It’s important to relax and go with the flow of your freedom. What needs to fall apart is because you are being rescued and carried into a brand new reality. This may include limiting beliefs that are holding you back from receiving all that’s yours to have. Focusing on gratitude will help ease the move towards your results. Release control and allow the healing to complete so you can embody the Oneness Field of Creation.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Maha Mata Durge Ma Sherawali - the Lioness Goddess
Maha Mata Durge Ma Sherawali – the Lioness Goddess
Pluto stations direct on Oct 11.
Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, emerges from the underworld in Capricorn. This is the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn in our lifetimes!
As Pluto wraps up his final stint in Capricorn, we may be transported back to 2008 in some way. We may find themes from this time officially coming to a close, or we may finally feel at peace with whatever transpired. We have all likely changed a lot since then, and Pluto stationing direct is a good time to celebrate the journey we have traveled.
Pluto will re-enter Aquarius on November 20, where it will remain until 2043. ⭐️
Pluto Direct
Pluto Direct

Pluto Stationary, turning Direct.

Exact on October 11, 2024, at 8:34 pm EDT, Capricorn 29°38’.
Pluto is one of the Generational Planets, along with Uranus and Neptune. Each of these three planets describe a specific type of planetary change. Pluto represents change through annihilation and is associated with atomic bombs, carpet bombings, volcanic eruptions, and massive destruction from accidents, war, or weather events. In Roman mythology, Pluto is The Lord of the Underworld, overseer of the land of the dead where souls wander eternally as shades. It is not a pleasant place.
In Egyptian myth, Pluto is Osiris, Lord of Regeneration. The myth of Osiris refers to the cyclic nature of birth and death. Although it is hard to see when we are experiencing the pain of loss, birth inevitably follows death, just as all births eventually lead to death. The ancient Egyptians found solace in this truth, one which the western world has largely forgotten.
Stations are always powerful; the essence of the planet involved is intensified. This station of Pluto is expanded by the concurrent station of Jupiter in Gemini (turned retrograde on October 9). The life destroying and transforming energy of Pluto is being magnified by Jupiter.
Pluto will leave Capricorn on November 19 and enter the air sign Aquarius where it will remain for 20 years. Pluto’s transit of Capricorn (begun in 2009) has expressed through a shattering of the established structures of societies worldwide. This present visit is Pluto in Capricorn’s last hurrah; a final explosion shattering what remains of established structures. Pluto has been transiting back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius for the last 1 ½ years so we have an idea of what is to come. We are entering a New Age and it will completely transform our world.
October 10, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
Art: Reconstruction by Parablev
Pluto Stationary, turning Direct
Pluto Stationary, turning Direct


Ruby Page

Astro Alert – ⭐️

Pluto Moves Direct!
Pluto heads direct and out of its Retrograde cycle on October 11th! It’s the last time anyone alive now will have to deal with Pluto in Capricorn, much less in Retrograde. (Pluto is very slow-moving, and because it spends a fair portion of its time in Retrograde motion, it weaves in and out of a sign before staying in it consistently.)
Pluto is finally headed in the right direction and out of its Retrograde phase and will finally move forward again. Then, on November 19th, Pluto will shift back into the sign of Aquarius. We will finally be out from underneath Pluto in Capricorn energy, which frankly has been rough for most of us!
Once Pluto is in Aquarius on November 19th, it will be time to move forward literally into the future. It’s a time of change, fast-paced change, and when groups, friendships, causes, and all things humanitarian come into focus.
As Pluto finishes its transit through Capricorn over the next month, it’s a good time to reflect on the energies and situations that have arisen for us personally. Here are some themes to focus on authority figures, structure, power struggles, reputation, transformation, and evolution. This energy often brings major changes to careers and long-term goals.
Wherever Pluto influences our lives, it encourages us to delve deeper. Pluto does not tolerate superficiality! Pluto’s movements require us to align with our fundamental purpose and a deeper sense of personal power. Through Pluto’s transits, we uncover new levels of intimacy, not just with others but also with ourselves.
What lessons have you learned during Pluto’s journey in Capricorn and Retrograde? How can you apply the insights you’ve gained to move forward as Pluto transitions into Aquarius?
Starting November 19th, Pluto shifts back into Aquarius until March 8, 2043, bringing themes of innovation, growth, and new ways of sharing and connecting with others, especially those with whom we share common interests, causes, or goals. It’s going to be literally a whole new world. Something to finally be excited about!
Stay Safe & Well
~Ruby Page⭐️
Pluto Moves Direct
Pluto Moves Direct
On Friday, October 11th, Pluto, the Great Transformer, turns back to Direct Motion in the last degree of Capricorn at 8:34pm Eastern Time. We have been feeling this for the last couple of weeks as he stationed and essentially came to a standstill. Pluto rules death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration, elimination and transition, power and control, and renewal and evolution. He rules the collective shadow, the unconscious mind, repressed feelings, and radical changes.
There has been a lot going on in the collective, on Earth Mother Gaia, as well as individually, regarding our soul growth process. May we all take back our power from old patterns, lower emotions, faulty belief systems, challenging situations, and invalidating relationships. May we all transmute and release what no longer serves our best and highest interest, and rise into our new, self-assured and confident empowered Self!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Pluto, the Great Transformer, turns back to Direct Motion in the last degree of Capricorn
Pluto, the Great Transformer, turns back to Direct Motion in the last degree of Capricorn
Mercury in Libra quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Venus in Scorpio sextile Vesta in Virgo – Mercury in Libra wants us to think nice things, say polite words, smooth ruffled feathers and keep an even, diplomatic tone. But the connection to Uranus is like the fritz of a crossed wire. Every time we regain our balance, anxious ideas about the future or interruptions take us by surprise, jangling nerves and scattering thoughts. Uranus in Taurus insists that we must change our ways, explore different avenues, break new ground but it seems uncomfortable, even unfair.
Venus and Vesta offer shielding and grounding, a safe place to soothe nerves and direct mental energy. When we focus on what we love, complications and challenges are easier to navigate. Approach these tumultuous times with a sacred promise to honour your values and serve from the heart. Share your passion for life. Invest in yourself by devoting time to your healing process.
The more you tune in to your deepest needs, the louder the soul sings.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 26°Li37′, Uranus 26°Ta37′ R – 18:10 (BST)
Venus 22°Sc39′, Vesta 22°Vi39′ – 18:46 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – Then to her tower she climb’d, and took the shield by Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale
Then to her tower she climb'd, and took the shield
Then to her tower she climb’d, and took the shield

Kin 96 ~ Yellow Overtone Warrior

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number 5 and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of a wavespell is always powerful and its effect on the day is formidable! Whatever day it combines with the number five adds significant intensity and strength. Much can be accomplished on ‘Overtone’ days. The first day of this wavespell was Yellow Human and so we are adhering to the agenda set that day. The fifth day really pushes that agenda along.
Today is Yellow Warrior and its keywords are ‘Intelligence, Questioning and Fearlessness’. It’s a crazy intense combination today as the Yellow Overtone Warrior is one of the most powerful Warriors in the whole Tzolkin. This is perfect if you have a quest to go on or a mission to undertake. Warrior invites you to be fearless and the number 5 gives you power. I highly recommend taking on a quest as with all this energy around, choosing not to do anything will result in restlessness and frustration and there is a likelihood of this energy turning into arguments. Don’t go on the warpath but instead harness this energy and do something useful with it.
Today’s Guide is the Yellow Seed which represents sowing awareness. To be led by Yellow seed and its desire for wisdom, can only mean that any mission taken on today should be about discovering important information. We are in the Yellow Human wavespell which is about fine tuning our intuition. On this fifth day we can be empowered by this process and wisdom can be gained. Yesterday too was a fact finding day and so this wavespell is turning out to be quite informative.
The Challenge is the White Worldbridger suggesting that crossing bridges today won’t be easy. If you are a Worldbridger, all you can do today is be fearless and you’ll get by unscathed by the battles that are going on. For the rest of us, when the Worldbridger is in a weakened position we may experience a lack of diplomacy.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Instinct and Survival’. When in this Occult position the Serpent offers the chance to magically transmute any poison you may be holding on to. This powerful trans-formative process is very healing. Imagine any snake bites you’ve had in the past, any painful emotional injuries… imagine the venom leaving your body and dissipating.
The Ally today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you need assistance with your mission, today seek out a Blue Night, they can dream up some good ideas for you. If you are a Blue Night expect your services to be in demand. If you don’t know a Blue Night, all you have to do is dream big like they would do.
It’s also a Portal Day. This amplifies the energy tenfold!It’s also a Portal Day.
Kin 96
Kin 96


5 CIB – KIN 96
11 OCTOBER 2024
The most RADIANT🌈 WARRIOR 🌈 of them all!!
Commanding Fearlessness
I seal the output of Intelligence
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I AM guided by the power of Flowering
11/10/2024 = 11/1/8 =11/18=2/9=11=2
✨2.2. DUALITY✨
11- PortalGate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Duality/Cooperation/Partnership
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval/endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 96 = 15/6 code =6 Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
🌟GAP DAY 🍥– Galactic Activation Portal!! 🌟
Another INTENSELY POTENT DAY of Divine POWER✨ to fuel our GLOBAL QUEST for PEACE🕊🕊🕊
Day 5 in the YELLOW HUMAN WAVESPELL of wisdom, influence, intelligence, free will and Abundance..TODAY is a day of EMPOWERMENT,👑 where we use our intelligence and FREE WILL to QUESTION everything in our world in order to make better choices, leading to better outcomes for all.
OVERTONE 🔅✳🔅– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, 🔘 core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER RADIATES from their soul essence, through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power. 🎆
The OVERTONE WARRIOR is a SPIRITUAL WARRIOR✨🕊🎆 and draws on the POWER of SPIRIT🕊 through serving in GOD’S ARMY – they are PEACEFUL, but STRONG and COURAGEOUS, in their admirable resolve and principles. Using the POWER of LOVE, compassion and the SWORD of TRUTH 🗡as their “weapon” in seeking HARMONY and EQUALITY for all!
Today’s questions are
✨✨✨“What SURVIVAL issues do I need to finally surrender and LET GO, in order to COMMAND back my POWER and seed my new beginning, blossoming 🌸🌺🌼 into my fullest potential?” 💐🌹
✨✨✨ “How can we collectively as a RAINBOW TRIBE become more EMPOWERED and RADIATE our LIGHT, categorically REJECTING the old Matrix, and seeding the better world we want to live in?” 🌈🌏🌐
P.S. To all those FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹 who have been battling with darkness, today is THE DAY to RECLAIM YOUR POWER, connect with SOURCE🔘 and RADIATE🌞 that BRILLIANT LUMINESCENCE✨, expanding so strongly that all darkness MELTS🌡 and dissolves in your Divine omnipresence!!!!!! 😎🌞😎
I recommend doing a ritual today to officially SURRENDER, let go and release any deep base chakra survival wounding – money, health, shelter, support, FEAR of the dark, FEAR of DEATH, abandonment, sexual manipulation, violence, abuse, power issues etc….
RED SERPENT is the SUPERPOWER today, giving you back your full vitality and life force, through surrendering to the World-Bridger – DEATH of the old cycle. The WARRIOR fearlessly supports you in COMMANDING back ALL your power from ALL sources, timelines and dimensions, in order to SEED your new life and fully BLOOM 🌹once again – a FRESH START as a fully sovereign Divinely Christed spiritual being.
✨✨✨The OLD GAME IS OVER 💥 – it is TIME to write a new script…take COMMAND of your life TODAY!!✨
NOTE: As the RED SERPENT🐍 governs FIRE🔥 and kundalini energy – you may choose to use FIRE – fire burning/walking/ light a candle etc or use Yoga – chakra balancing/healing etc…. whatever method you CHOOSE – make sure you COMMAND your intention with supercharged focus on your outcome.
DIVINE GRATITUDE: To all the global RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹 for fearlessly walking their true path, and holding the DREAM of our euphoric planetary unification as ONE RAINBOW TRIBE… 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤
What a phenomenal day! 🤗🤗🤗
Divine blessings for COMMANDING back your FULL DIVINE RADIANT POWER💛💛💛
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW OVERTONE WARRIOR🌈🏹– CIB- is the fearless warrior who leads us on a courageous QUEST-I -ON. And today the COLLECTIVE voice of the fearless RAINBOW WARRIORS will BE HEARD, as they claim their SOVEREIGNTY and step up into their greater DIVINE MISSIONS.
People are AWAKENING to the false narrative and QUESTIONING what is being presented in the media. The LIGHT is growing stronger each and every day, and the pressure is rising. WE ARE BREAKING THROUGH the matrix.. The cracks are very evident as the whole system comes tumbling down through PEOPLE POWER!! 💥💥💥
🏹We become fearless advocates for justice, liberty and a higher truth. The FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS have transcended the battle and are leading the way to the NEW WORLD – VICTORIOUS. No more ILLUSIONS for these AWAKENED ONES. WE are COMMANDING our Divine Power NOW! 👑💥💥💥
🏹We ask continuous and bold, highly intelligent questions, then COMMAND answers and solutions.
🏹We are on a Divine Mission and are UNSTOPPABLE!! No false “authority” can stand in our way!
The RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 of the New Earth will not stop QUESTIONING, as they fearlessly confront HEAD on all obstructions to attaining Nirvana. If it is not for the betterment of ONE and ALL, then it must crumble and yield to a new way of being.
The YELLOW WARRIOR applies focused intention, on discovering the best choices and the best road to travel, reaching to the desired destination, the promised land.
The OVERTONE WARRIORS🌈🏹👑🎆 are the true LEADERS of the New Earth. They LEAD through COMMANDING RADIANCE, and thus people are naturally drawn to follow their lead, and co create their inspired VISION.
Today the RAINBOW WARRIOR 🌈🏹 is COMMANDING back his Divine POWER! 💥
We have an 11/11 ILLUMINATION gateway today on a GAP day.. HUGE doorways opening now for the FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS!
🎼We’re not gonna sit in silence
We’re not gonna live with fear
Oh, whoa🎶
🎼This time, we know we all can stand together
With the power to be powerful
Believing we can make it better🎶
YOUR THE VOICE – John Farnham
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are being called to ACTION as the NEW LEADERS of this Golden Era we are co creating. As we close the old cycle, and the old paradigm collapses, NOW IS THE TIME, for the LIGHTWORKERS/WAYSHOWERS/STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 to come forth and heed their highest DIVINE CALLING as the NEW SOVEREIGN LEADERS 👑 they signed up to be.
🌟🌟🌟If you have not embarked on the new chapter of your DIVINE MISSION – tune in and ASK that the TRUE path be shown to you.. New Missions, New Assignments and New projects are being DIVINELY ALLOCATED NOW! ✨🕊🌟
Get ready to CLAIM IT and STEP UP for DIVINE SERVICE. ✨🕊🌟
✨✨✨“A real LEADER 👑 is someone who uses nothing but WHO they are, to UNITE many, to achieve GOOD” Riccardo Bosi
Riccardo outlines the 5 Pillars of a TRUE LEADER as follows;
✨The slab or foundation must be built on TRUST.
✨Pillar 1 – Character – having the courage to LEAD and make tough decisions.
✨Pillar 2 – Capability – know your Job and your people – have the skill and will to do the job
✨Pillar 3 – Invention – be unique and original in your ideas and leadership
✨Pillar 4 – Empowering others – allow others to SHINE🌞 and GROW🌳
✨Pillar 5 – YOU – be as RADIANT and magnetic as you naturally are – so that others will naturally want to be in your team/tribe.
Aho RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 – NOW is the TIME to LEAD your tribe to greatness.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW OVERTONE SEED 🌾– KAN assists us in seeding, growing and blossoming into our new potential.What a FABULOUS higher guide we have today leading the WARRIORS to STAND up and RISE to our best and highest possible evolutionary path for humanity! And demanding NOTHING LESS as good enough!!
The OVERTONE SEED is amplifying this GRAND AWAKENING 💥– commanding the people of the EARTH – to WAKE UP and claim their natural Sovereign power!👑 It is TIME TO GROW! 🌳
KAN encourages us to fully FLOWER today. 🌸 KAN🌱 and CIB🏹 hold the most FOCUSED energies of all the Dreamspell kin. Once these kin set their intent on something they are immovable! Together they are like STEEL! Unbending and unyielding striving to seed the New TIME and Culture.
This pairing is another GIFT from the GODS🎁 to achieve our Planetary Mission. Together this POWERFUL duo fearlessly chooses to create a NEW PARADIGM, a new way of BE-ING.
KAN holds the seed packet to manifest the greatest and HIGHEST POTENTIAL – the Nirvana that the Rainbow Warriors🌈🌈 are seeking. This is what we came to EARTH to achieve! Our DIVINE QUEST!
As the Knights Templar and Arthurian Knights searched far and wide on their QUEST-I-on, in search of the Holy Grail, the Rainbow Warriors 🌈🏹 are on their own relentless QUEST, for that inner grail – the Divine union with GOD/GODDESS/SOURCE through their golden chalice.
✨✨✨This is the highest potential🤩 of the Yellow HU-MAN in this 13 day wavespell quest! ✨✨✨
SUPPORT: BLUE OVERTONE NIGHT 🌃– AKBAL holds the keys to the Inner Kingdom of GOD! AKBAL reveals any unconscious FEARS that we hold deep in the dark abyss. AKBAL teams with CIB so that we can FEARLESSLY face any resistance to this new way of being. Cutting away and transcending our limitations, and restrictive patterns inhibiting our ability to grow, shine and radiate. Another gift amplifying our ability to shed the past on this powerful GAP day of EMPOWERMENT. .
Through facing and overcoming our FEARS we become EMPOWERED and can then take up our leadership positions, influencing others to follow in our footsteps, or walk beside us, in our collective journey to the promised land.
AKBAL also holds the codes for the collective unconscious – particularly the widespread FEAR – FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL – of this FALSE ARTIFICIAL MATRIX. As the supporting energy AKBAL enables the WARRIOR to cut through the barrier of FEAR and FREE the prisoners from this false illusion! HALLELUJAH ✨✨✨
AKBAL is your inner genie, holding the golden KEY🔑 to infinite ABUNDANCE💰💰💰 by clearing the blocks and opening the portal for new energies and possibilities. AKBAL also holds the dreaming code for the collective, that the WARRIOR will fearlessly defend, until it is made manifest in all its RAINBOW splendour.🌈
That is our unified QUEST as the shining ones 🎆– the RADIANT CHRISTED, STAR🌟BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 leading the way to the NEW PARADIGM. 🌈🌏🌐
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SOLAR SERPENT ☀🐍– CHICCHAN gives us the power to FEARLESSLY face our FEARS and release our SURVIVAL wounds in order to grow. We can instinctively know which are the best choices to make in order to be more EMPOWERed.
The SOLAR SERPENT enables the Warrior to reclaim his POWER through his Dantien – store of chi in his solar plexus chakra (and ULURU – GAIA’s power chakra) , and by aligning with DIVINE WILL he can PULSE forth the rays through his HEART.
The SOLAR SERPENT is fuelling the WARRIOR’S confidence, wisdom and POWER to overthrow the survival paradigm in order to follow our PASSION and all thrive together on our abundant Planet. Feeling SAFE, secure and well supported in our empowered communities.
The SOLAR SERPENT pulses healing life force throughout our bodies and IGNITES our DNA – upgrading us to Solar HU-MANS. THE SERPENT provides the much needed vitality and life force that the WARRIOR channels into his QUEST of stamina and endurance, to come home VICTORIOUS!🏆🏆🏆
A BRILLIANT OCCULT SUPERPOWER driving this monumental movement!!!
Watch for more potent CME’s and DNA UPGRADES – huge SHIFTS are happening now..
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER 👑 🌉– CIMI’s challenge today is to LET GO and SURRENDER all that does not “feel right” anymore. In your intelligent questioning, tune in to your instincts and intuition to facilitate this process.
CIMI is sealing the store of DEATH – the closing of the old cycle – as the WARRIOR makes it crystal clear that we will NO LONGER tolerate abuse and control from the Patriarchal system. CIMI will enable us to forge STRONG CONNECTIONS to each other, banding together with our fellow WARRIORS to MARCH as ONE FORCE – UNITED IN OUR QUEST for a better world!
OVERTONE CIMI – signals the DEATH of the old world, old paradigm and the false PROGRAMMING that has entrapped humanity and kept us enslaved to a defective system of governance. CIMI working with the WARRIOR of TRUTH, will CLEAN THE SLATE – allowing the PAST to be completed and have no hold on the present or future path. Many things will come to an abrupt END in this evolutionary energy.
Allow CIMI to build the bridge🌈 from the old world to the new, revealing the true path to travel in order to reach the promised land – GOD’S KINGDOM.
Today’s questions are
✨✨✨“What SURVIVAL issues do I need to finally surrender and LET GO, in order to COMMAND back my POWER and seed my new beginning, blossoming 🌸🌺🌼 into my fullest potential?” 💐🌹
✨✨✨ “How can we collectively as a RAINBOW TRIBE become more EMPOWERED and RADIATE our LIGHT, categorically REJECTING the old Matrix, and seeding the better world we want to live in?” 🌈🌏🌐
P.S. To all those FEARLESS RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹 who have been battling with darkness, today is THE DAY to RECLAIM YOUR POWER, connect with SOURCE🔘 and RADIATE🌞 that BRILLIANT LUMINESCENCE✨, expanding so strongly that all darkness MELTS🌡 and dissolves in your Divine omnipresence!!!!!! 😎🌞😎
I recommend doing a ritual today to officially SURRENDER, let go and release any deep base chakra survival wounding – money, health, shelter, support, FEAR of the dark, FEAR of DEATH, abandonment, sexual manipulation, violence, abuse, power issues etc….
RED SERPENT is the SUPERPOWER today, giving you back your full vitality and life force, through surrendering to the World-Bridger – DEATH of the old cycle. The WARRIOR fearlessly supports you in COMMANDING back ALL your power from ALL sources, timelines and dimensions, in order to SEED your new life and fully BLOOM 🌹once again – a FRESH START as a fully sovereign Divinely Christed spiritual being.
✨✨✨The OLD GAME IS OVER 💥 – it is TIME to write a new script…take COMMAND of your life TODAY!!✨
NOTE: As the RED SERPENT🐍 governs FIRE🔥 and kundalini energy – you may choose to use FIRE – fire burning/walking/ light a candle etc or use Yoga – chakra balancing/healing etc…. whatever method you CHOOSE – make sure you COMMAND your intention with supercharged focus on your outcome.
DIVINE GRATITUDE: To all the global RAINBOW WARRIORS 🌈🏹 for fearlessly walking their true path, and holding the DREAM of our euphoric planetary unification as ONE RAINBOW TRIBE… 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤
What a phenomenal day! 🤗🤗🤗
Divine blessings for COMMANDING back your FULL DIVINE RADIANT POWER💛💛💛
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



✨Crystal Body Activation Decree

▫️Take three deep breaths, calm your thoughts and let’s begin
▫️ “I, in this sacred moment, connect with my Higher Self, my guardians Christ, Spiritual Guides, Masters, Mentors and my Galactic Family.
▫️ I decree that all and every energetic, emotional, mental or spiritual imbalance is now transmuted and released, taking with it any negativity, fear or interference that does not resonate with the light and love of the Divine Source.
▫️I invoke the powerful healing energy of the Cosmic Christ, which penetrates every cell, every atom and every fiber of my being. I activate, in this moment, my Crystal Body, allowing it to shine with purity and transparency, reflecting the divine harmony and perfect balance.
▫️I ask that the healing energies expand and strengthen on all levels of my being, activating the crystalline frequencies that bring clarity, wisdom, unconditional love, and spiritual expansion.
▫️I surrender myself to the flow of Source energy, allowing the healing and activation of my Crystal Body to manifest fully now, in accordance with the Divine will.
▫️ I am grateful for the presence and the protection of all Light Beings that are with me right now. And so it is, and so it will be, with gratitude and love.
▫️ I am light. I am love. I am crystal body in full activation “
▫️This decree is powerful to align with the crystalline energy, promoting a purification and vibrational elevation. Feel the energy flowing through your body, visualize yourself surrounded by crystal light, and allow yourself to integrate these frequencies.
Crystal Body Activation
Crystal Body Activation

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