You are currently viewing The Sound of All Creation (Magnetic Golden Seeds) THE DIVINE MOTHERING ERA ~ INNER CHANGES BECOME ACTIVATED
Holy Mother of the Dove




Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Celestial Gold Ray of Buddha Mind

As we navigate these final days of 2023 we call on our Higher Powers to bridge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Still Center. Through Zero Point we Return to Source and cultivate our Heavenly Chi to fulfill our missions of full Planetary Liberation.

Within the Tao all things flow in perfect harmony with Nature as we Live in Peace with all things and are connected to all beings through the Web of Life. 

In the Holy Breath we feel the Divine Cosmic Mother filling our Sacred Vessels with Her Eternal Life and Rise in the Glory of the Great Spirit to tread through the Unknown Waters of the New Earth. 

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are on the Precipice of our Quantum Leap into the Abyss of the Void and the Freedom from the Known and into the Infinite Light of Mother Father God. 

As we Shine our Bright Virtue into the Holographic Elysium Field of the Cosmos we elevate all Consciousness into the Pure Awareness of the Buddha and Activate the Christos Sophia within the Solar Crystalline 12 Strand DNA of our Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia.

The Prophecies of all Lineages have come to pass and Now we are in the Free Zone of Total Creative Potential to manifest the Heavenly Realm of our True Hearts Desires…A’Ho!



✨One main timeline fell out yesterday you might feel the reverberations. Root Restructure🐉 #timelinezero
Timeline Access Granted
Timeline Access Granted
UPDATE. 2023 is about to close. This year caused such a dive deep within. You were brave to go there—to accept the challenge of the next layer of the path. Clarity of mind & gut feelings about what’s right are returning to you. Have faith. Magic is back. Something is reopening for the best.

A Word from the Whales

28 December 2023
Inharmonic Matriarchies depart en masse.
Transitionary events are harmonized by Cosmic Consciousness.
The Restoration of the Harmonic Matriarchy is set into motion via the Cosmic Feminine.
Cosmic Sisterhoods begin processes of Harmonization.
With Great Love from the Cetacean Collective
All Content is ©️ and and may be freely shared in its original form 🤍
Inharmonic Matriarchies depart en masse
Inharmonic Matriarchies depart en masse



Angelic frequencies surging glitching technology! I mentioned a few days ago a coronal hole opened on the sun. That data was collected today. Keep yourself nourished over the next few days as your spine is your central column to your DNA. The planet is also making massive changes through tectonic activations. Quantum clearings and activations going from density to light to organic blueprints. Parallel realities are blending and timelines are splitting so centering in the now helps.

Massive upgrades coming over the next several days so make time to integrate and anchor! Ice on neck for headaches, the herb feverfew, arnica tablets, peppermint oil. Fruit and root veggies for hydration and grounding. Magnesium for heart palpations. Keep your immune system up. Harmonize as your angelic galactic gifts and abilities activate based on your frequency! Much love and ease

Calm your mind to ease your body now! Your oversoul is downloading through your crown to your higher self. Don’t let archon tactics of weather modification and chemtrails to lower your vibe as they are trying hard to lower the collective energy. Indigos as violet and blue ray/flame holders you can transmute fast to help others bridge the gap in consciousness. You awakened earlier to be the anchor of light from humanity that chooses to do the same.

All soul missions are about to increase! As we shift the frequency of the planet and humanity’s calmness will be needed as the planet will be making massive changes. The calmer, the easier the transition!

Bring peace to your mind past all obstacles and traps as it’s an illusion on your light. Stand in your heart with love amongst all pain as your heart is the most powerful gateway to connecting to your soul and the wisdom it contains. You are sacred and treat yourself just as so 💜


Holy Mother of the Dove
Holy Mother of the Dove
12/29/23: Today and the two days after are tradition-busters. They aren’t interested in regurgitating anything worn out, baseless, mindless, or mechanical. Even if there’s comfort or continuity in them, if old systems don’t also include spontaneity and creativity they generate little meaning or enthusiasm. Today is definitely not a fan of resolutions.
Anticipating is much more fun and productive than “resolving.” Blah on resolving. That sounds like work. Next year will require effort, but labors of love are much more likely to fill you up and fuel more fulfilling results. You’ll want to change your attitude, perspective, and vocabulary in 2024… because New You has new things to do.

Channeled Message Through Sirius A 🕊️💕🎲💫

We’re Vibrating The Firsts Sounds Of Creation.
Tia Ma Ata Sia Ta Na Ta
Ata Kia Na ‘Ata
Sa A’Taia Na
Tia Ka
The Firsts Sounds of Creation Through Sirius A we Spin and Spiral it All in the Right Direction.
The Right Direction Be the Original Human Crystal Blueprint for All.
That’s when the Fun & Joy Starts.
The First Tones of Creation of A Template of a Human of New Earth.
As we Spiralled All The Way Back to the Original, Learning and Re-remembring it’s All Been Designed to Unlock for Us For the Next Step To Occurr As we Align with Sirius A Sis Tar Template. We Choose to Activate the Templar of New Message for Humanity.🕊️🎲💫
The Diamond Vision & Eyesight Can Attune you To seeing the Diamond in Everyone. It can take Time.
It’s The Trinity. Of Reading Three At the Same Time to Become Fourth. And Five.
Solar Codes Of Splitting of The Highest Timelines of All
As the Universes Restructure and Destructure and As we Recreate Ourselves to Come back to Who we Truely Are.
Let’s start the Game! 🕊️🎲💕💫
The Green Man
The Green Man

ARTIST 🎨 Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

Love is the simplest, strongest vibration there is
It is God’s vibration
The sound of all creation
The colour of life
We are asked to be in Love
To find this vibration and make our home with it.
To grow and build in Love.
Let Love be the dominant vibration,
The colour of the world as we walk through it.
Love feels like Deep Tenderness,
Oceans of Unending Patience and Faith.
Powerful Clarity, Consistency and Simplicity.
Protection, Honour, Gratitude.
Nourishment, Honesty, Strenght.
It is the Food of all Life.
Love comes for us now,
To bring the truth of us back to life.
Magnetic Golden Seeds, we are.
Calling our Souls home
And our Souls travel on the way of Love.
Let yourself Eat Beloveds.
They have starved you long enough
When you are nourished,
You will rise from the table and save the world 🌹
The sound of all creation
The sound of all creation


The Earth has entered a new era of freedom and is entering a new Golden Age.
In this period of time, humanity will have to learn to experience and express to a greater extent the Mother of God..
With greater understanding of this aspect of divinity, the feminine qualities of God, including intuition, inspiration, creativity, and beauty, can flourish more fully in individuals and in society.
In previous years, religious attitudes toward worship tended to focus on worshiping God as the Father.
With the current change in the Aquarius Age Cosmic Cycle, people are beginning to draw closer to God as Father and Mother: Alpha and Omega.
God as Father anchors the Divine Spirit, while God as Mother anchors Matter, which is ultimately an expression of the female aspect.
The feminine aspect of God has different names in different cultures. Some of them include:
Aditi in the Vedas, Akasha in pagan belief systems, Isis in Egyptian mythology, Nerfa in Etruscan, Bitos in Gnosticism and Guanyin in East Asia.
Mother Mary incorporates the Divine Mother and the feminine aspect of God, and is known as the Immaculate Virgin because of the depth and purity of her devotion to the Mother.
Points of light…


Dear friends, we are just a few days away from the beginning of a new energetic cycle: the 2024 year which holds the vibrations of the wonderful number 8. And although these 2024 frequencies are already flowing around us, the change in the air will be more palpable as we enter the new cycle.
As we near these last days of the year, we are undergoing an accumulated process of deep release. Layers of outdated and limiting information preventing us, mostly unconsciously, from moving forward into higher timelines are being transmuted. All the energetic shifts and healing processes that took place during 2023 are finally coming online as we cross the energetic threshold into 2024.
Most self-limiting belief systems are deeply buried within our energetic fields, and have been stored as energetic distortions within our DNA in different regions/tissues of our bodies. As we absorb, integrate, and consolidate the incoming light codes carrying higher frequencies and expanded information, we begin to release these energetic “locks” and therefore become more able to integrate our past and present into a more coherent and higher future timeline.
These final days of the year may bring new insights into your awareness. You may suddenly see or feel a situation from a completely new perspective, that famous “eureka” moment that changes your sense of reality and self-awareness. These light codes act as a mirror that shows us the issues we need to relax and let go. Our nervous system is working non-stop during this phase, as new energetic connections become activated. This process requires time and patience. You may feel a bit overwhelmed these last days, and a need to slow down and rest. Feelings of uncertainty, mild anxiety, and worry may come up to surface. Please engage yourself in relaxing activities as you move through this energetic period.
Also, Mercury retrograde is leaving its mark on this 2023 holiday season, but this little chaos is coming to an end on January 2 2024, when Mercury once again begins its direct movement. This means that by the first week of the new year, we will all enjoy a newfound sense of mental motivation, clearer visions, and better communication in general. We will start the new year with a positive energetic cosmic push that will catapult us toward our 2024 objectives and timeline.
May this last weekend of 2023 bring you a peaceful time to reflect on how far you have come in your journey, and how much your wisdom and spiritual connection have expanded into new dimensions. We are all bringing these gifts on-line as we take the initial steps into our new 2024 journeys. Walk confidently and courageously towards the enlightened path that awaits ahead. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2023 Ⓒ
The 4D chakra system allows us to access and navigate the unseen spiritual realms, as we expand outside the 3D matrix by exiting out the Crown chakra.
As we exit into The Void, we expand to the next level of awareness, and anchor at our feet to the Earth Star chakra, allowing us to access the Earth’s Akashic Records where we begin to understand and see the true history of this reality.
We also access our Soul Star chakra, which allows us to reMEMBER our past lives on this earth in order to heal our soul, by making soul retrieval possible.
Connecting also reveals our soul’s purpose in this reality.
In the past, when a soul dies a traumatic death, crossing over in pain or inbalance, an aspect of their consciousness becomes trapped in that reality, reliving over and over again the trauma.
Soul retrieval work brings that aspect of consciousness to the PRESENT, healing that aspect, and allowing the soul to quantum jump to the next higher level timeline.
This in turn aligns the Soul Star chakra to the Earth Star chakra, bring into alignment the “CLAIRES”, activating our human psychic abilities.
*CLAIRECOGNIZANCE- The ability for a person to acquire psychic knowledge without knowing how or why they knew it.
*CLAIRESENTIENCE- The ability to perceive emotional or psychic energy that is imperceptible to the five standard senses.
*CLAIRAUDIENCE- The ability to hear that which is not of this realm.
*CLAIRALIENCE- The ability to smell that which is not of this realm.
*CLAIREVOYANCE- The ability to see that which is not of this realm.
*CLAIREGUSTANCE- The ability to taste that which is not of this realm, without digesting it.
The Claires are tied to the 4D chakra system and as we clear ourselves, by doing inner work, or finding a sacred healer to assist in healing, we reach the next step in our physical evolution.
In the past the tools and processes to activate our dna and acquire these gifts, have been kept in “secret” organizations and schools to give only a small number of humans a HUGE advantage over the rest of the people who were kept in servitude.
This is why there is a great collective soul awakening progressing on this planet, for once a soul awakens and exits the 3D through the CROWN chakra, access is available to activate these human gifts which now is only accessible through The Heart Chakra Portal.
In this new reality of the Aquarian Age, access is denied to all Akashic records unless connected to the Heart Portal.
In the past, entities and spirits, ( no they are not the same thing) would attach to a soul not connected to the heart, and due to their knowledge of the astral realm, manipulate that human to do their bidding.
Dark Rituals and false ceremonies opened up portals to other lower dimensions and allowed for this to continue for eons of time, hence our descension into darkness, as dark ones continued to trespass into 3D.
Hence the huge number of darkness that currently populates this realm.
Since the 4D is not visible, the majority of humanity did not know the truth of what was happening, and as consciousness dropped, they forgot.
And here we are today.
Mother Earth has shifted into 5D, the frequency of PEACE.
She has collapsed the 3D and the 4D realms as souls have shifted to a new creation reality.
This is why everything is collapsing.
When SHE says it’s time to go…it’s time to go.
The bifurcation of timelines is separating those souls which are not finished experiencing separation from Source, and those that wish to experience unity with Source.
No judgement here Beloveds.
We have known massive earth changes are coming, as those that anchored the energetic convergence in 1987, quantum entangled all timelines for souls to chose their experience in the bifurcation.
Stay in your heart, be grateful you are alive, regardless of your situation.
We are hear to bear witness in neutrality, as the Piscean age ends and the Aquarian age begins.
*Whatever arises love it.“ (Thank you Matt Kahn, I love you)❤️
Due to quantum entanglement, everything is being experienced all at once, hence the chaos, but singularity is imminent, for this is needed for bifurcation to occur.
Dark souls will continue their path, Light souls will continue their path, as per STRING THEORY, once all consciousness is bifurcated and unified, the matrix will magnetize them to their world, and us to ours.
They will exit their way, we will exit ours.
And The new Creation will continue.
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.
We are creating something NEVER experienced before.
This is why all programming must be left behind, for when we awaken in the 5D matrix our thoughts will be new, nothing but love will come through.
Rejection is God’s protection.
Be grateful that people, places and things not aligned to you have fallen away, and respect their soul’s choice.
Love them from a distance.
Follow the Cosmic Law- Harm None, including yourself.
Until tomorrow, I send you all my love.
Be Blessed.❤️
In Light and Love and Joyful Service,
As we exit into The Void
As we exit into The Void
We are now being prepared to take quantum leaps in consciousness, and to fully start anchoring in the New Golden Age, inspired from deep within, and with loving intent, in the highest and most loving ways for the highest good of all.
As our consciousness rises with leaps and bounds, we will now be able to access higher levels of Universal knowledge and need to now apply what we access.
This now means not only laying down the foundation stones for the New Golden Age, but also to start applying this knowledge.
More than this breaking out of whatever we perceive as possible and step into the realms of impossibilities. When we do this, even greater portals will open as we access ever greater degrees of knowledge and apply this.
2024 is going to lift us beyond the possible, into the seeming impossible.
Judith Kusel
New Golden Age
New Golden Age


For The Light Of Now Is Expanding
We Offer Insights To Provide The Advanced Souls Of Your World The Advanced Knowledge They Are Seeking
For The Cosmic Alliance Of Your World Is A Unison Of Light Agreements From Many Worlds Of Light
As The Dwellers Of The Surface, Our Role Is The Ambassadors of Gaia, For We Assist And Aim To Be In Alliance With All Beings Who Inhabit Gaia.
With Saying This, Know Ancient Relationships On Your Planet Are Complex, For Many Groups Live In Your World, Whether It Be In The Ocean Or Deep In The Crevices Of Earth.
Each Colony Or Group Has Their Own Ancient Relationship, Their Own Long Standing Presence In Your World.
For The Arcturians Are Ancient Beings Of Light Associated With The Ancient Birthing Of Your World. Let It Be Know There Are Many Arcturian Groups With Specific Light Roles To Assist The Evolution Of Your Planet.
Our Alliance Is Largely Foccused On The Crystalline Grid Of Light, The Human Light Transition.
We Come Through Today To Provides Insights For Your Next Calendar Year In The Human Framework Of Your Reality.
For The Energetic Evolution Of Your World Is Causing Great Changes To The Physical Template Of Your World At All Levels Of Creation.
Know This Is Only One Aspect Of Your Reality.
For The Congretation Of The Advanced Humans In Higher Dimensional Planes Of Light Is Now Occurring.
This Can Be Explained By The Evolution Of Your Light Form Now Advancing, Anchoring In Your World And In The Higher Realms. This Is Advancing The Crystalline Grid Of Human Consciousness And Thus Unification Of Light.
For The Evolution Of Your Species Is Occurring, We See The Great Crystalline Advancement In The Human Grid Of Light. This is A Crystalline Grid Layer Alligned To The Crystalline Grid Of Gaia. For The Term You Discuss And We Potray, Unity Consciousness.
We See The Great Crystalline Advancement Of Light Evolving For The Human Species.
It Is A Matrix Of Light Complexes Of The Human Collective Consciousness.
The Year 2024 Is The Continuation Of The Uprising Of Light
We See Great Unification In The Higher Realms Of Your Collective Species Merging And Growing.
Know This Is Greatly Assisting The Crystalline Grid Of Gaia And All Beings 💫
Continue The Expansion Of Light
We Congratulate You For The Light Alliance Of Your Species
Together We Continue Advancing The Light Alliance In Your New Calendar Year
Together We Join In Light ❤
With Love To The Wayshowers 🌿
Global Light Alliance 🙏
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika

Some painful experiences are detoxing so you can have the happy family and lifestyle you’re manifesting. Triggers of how people have hurt you, and created trust issues, are surfacing to heal now for your future.

This is leading you to having a higher dimensional unity and love based relationships, marriage, and children, as you are here to create the New Earth Family Tree and Home. The harmony, frequencies, and tones you’ve been vibrating on are changing into higher octaves. Rest while these changes are physically manifesting through the flesh body. It will balance out to the zero point soon. Trust your intuition and truth that’s showing you your light and what good healthy proactive choices are for you and your family moving forward.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



Where were you in 2011-2013? What was the energy of your life during that period?
Can you recall significant life themes closing out or equally dramatically calling you into seismic change across all areas of life?
In 2024, while we are moving forward in timelines & anchoring the higher god world grid’s consciousness through the golden gates of creations, we still are astrological, having a revisit from 2011-2013. This is not a new nuance; evolution is always cyclical by nature – it is what we do on a micro to macro level within our own self-awareness that assists us in growing in ways that potentially we would have perceived as an inpass or impossible – become possible through applied action.
Neptune, the planet of mystery, illusion & at times, delusion, will reach 29 degrees in pieces in 2024. The significance of this alignment is reflective of the ending of a story or narrative that was being played out in 2011. Additionally, in 2024, we will have Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions, which is meaningful because these two planets only hang out together sometimes cosmically -yet the last time they did was in January 2011.
Jupiter is moving into Gemini (gotta love the twins), a significant seachange for Jupiter as Jupiter is a planet of expansion; the last time it was in Gemini was 2012 through 2013.
So, we are all invited to revisit this timeline & period of our lives to do a life review. What life choices can you make in 2024 that you still hold out on due to limiting beliefs, either known or hidden from view. (Aka, that’s the sweet spot to look at your shadow)
Where can you on life review honestly own fully about yourself, what you do now, what you didn’t do then & what else could you invite in that you have grown since 2011-2013 but still resist.
You are cradled as the Christ child of creation by the Holy Mother, Father God; what will you choose differently in 2024 for yourself as you nourish & nurture your entire consciousness from the path already walked?
On Friday, December 29th, Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, will shift into enthusiastic, fire sign Sagittarius the Archer at 3:24pm EST where she will be until January 23rd, 2024. Venus rules the realm of relationships, social connections, resources, finances, values and self-worth. Sagittarius is all about liberation, freedom, expansion, higher learning, honesty and future adventures. The Divine Feminine is restless. She wants to break free from confining situations and explore new horizons!
She is on a quest to seek her truth! The Divine Feminine is passionate about following her dreams and aspirations……searching for answers that will answer the questions held within her heart and soul. She is optimistic, ready for change, and more willing to take a leap of faith! Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, will shift into enthusiastic, fire sign Sagittarius the Archer
Venus, ruler of the Feminine Archetype, will shift into enthusiastic, fire sign Sagittarius the Archer
Venus in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn. Venus enters Sagittarius – Both Venus and Pluto are on the final, critical degrees of their respective signs. This infuses the connection between them with a sense of urgency. Right now, there is intense attraction at work and what seems like a golden opportunity to deepen partnerships or add potency to our financial picture. However, it’s important that we’re mindful of Mercury’s retrograde and the Alice-in-Wonderland strangeness that overlays everything due to Neptune’s continuing squares to Mercury and Mars. Maybe it’s less about what we must do to change things in the outer world and more about discovering inner treasure. There is a wealth of resources available to you to manage life’s uncertainties and challenges. Look within. Love has the power to transform your fear.
With Venus then entering fiery, adventurous Sagittarius, she reminds us that experiences are more precious than material possessions. Feed the heart with creative ideas and a vision to uplift and inspire. For some this may be a holiday, but armchair travelling too is ideal, as is an afternoon lost in a long book. Broaden your horizons when it comes to the idea of what makes you happy.
Degrees and Times
Venus 29°Sc16′, Pluto 29°Cp16′ – 06:00 (UT)
Venus 00°Sg00′ – 20:23 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Portrait of a woman as Diana – Painter unknown (Late 17th/early 18th century)
Portrait of a woman as Diana
Portrait of a woman as Diana

Kin 70 ~ White Overtone Dog

The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiate and Command’. The 5th day of a wavespell shifts the energy into a more intense pace. It is a ‘get it done’ kind of day. If you use this energy rather than be overpowered by it, you can achieve an amazing amount. Think big and tap into this energy resource. Remember, that we are in the White Worldbridger wavespell and the agenda is all about ‘opportunities’. The intense energy that the number 5 supplies can really give our mission a boost.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. This is a special day because of the combination of number and day. This is because Dogs put 100 percent into everything they do and the number five provides powerful energy. Whatever you do today, put all you’ve got into it. It is also a powerful day to be loving as well, not just to your significant other but to all people you encounter. It’s a great day for ‘random acts of kindness’. Any love you do give out, will empower you and so everybody wins! If you are a Dog you’ll enjoy having this much power today as it adds to your tenacity.
Today’s Guide is White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. If you allow honesty to guide your actions today, then the truth will empower you. So, with a big heart and with truthful intentions may your day lead you to a good place. Always when the Mirror guides us we are being led towards self-reflection. So, being honest with yourself and reviewing your strengths and weaknesses, is the only way to proceed in the right direction.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. People born on Yellow Sun days like to shine brightly but on their challenge days the clouds get in the way. Sunny people can overshadow others with their brightness sometimes and this can create issues. However, you can’t help having a sunny disposition, you are only ever trying to brighten things up…on days like today, you may find your efforts go unappreciated.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey and Monkey is the symbol of magic …and so he is in his most powerful position today. The Monkey and how he behaves, really depends on where he is situated. He is not so much fun when in the challenge aspect or when he is combined with the number 2 or 13. When he guides, he can lead us into mayhem depending on what day he is guiding. But when in this Occult position he is way less naughty. Expect a lot of monkey magic today as he loves to play with the puppy dog.
The Ally is the Red Moon, the chilled-out energy of the Tzolkin. Find one if you need a friend today. If you are a Red Moon, be aware that people may need your support. When this chilled out energy is in this friendly position, we all are being gently reminded to take it easy. The Moon kindly requests that we don’t worry.
Kin 70
Kin 70


5 OC – KIN 70
29 DECEMBER 2023
I EMPOWER in order to LOVE
Commanding loyalty
I seal the process of HEART
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I AM guided by the power of endlessness.
29/12/2023 = 11/3/7 = 11/10 = 111 = 2/1=3
111 – triple new beginnings GATE
1/2/3 = ready set go!
29- Spiritual strength & tests
11- Gate/Portal/polarity/illumination
2 – Twins/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation/Duality
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader/Perfection
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 70 = 7 – 7 💫 SPIRITUAL MAJIK CODE 0- SOURCE, origin
What a DIVINE GIFT 🎁– that this RADIANT LOVE code – KIN 70 is setting the tone as we head into a WONDERFUL NEW ERA.
Of course IT’S ALL ABOUT THE LOVE! ❤❤❤
KIN 70 is such a special code I had to alert you to this day of DOUBLE the LOVE 💕
Today is the day to SURRENDER TO LOVE –😍
💗Unconditional love,
💟Divine Love,
❤Source LOVE,
Today is a day of great majik and ENDLESS , ETERNAL, UNLIMITED LOVE! ❤💓💟
Day 5 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we SURRENDER to the power of LOVE❤ and RADIATE that endless love out to the Cosmos!💞
OVERTONE🎆 – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true SOURCE of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER Wavespell is the one that empowers. When we SURRENDER to the power of DIVINE unconditional love, we become RADIANT and can build bridges and connections with others to totally transform our lives.
❤ SURRENDER to the POWER of LOVE! 💗💗💗
We have a very beautiful and PURE majikal code activated today, connecting us all through the power of DIVINE LOVE! 💖💞
❤Today’s question is “HOW can I surrender and OPEN my pure HEART to endless love,🌫💞🌫 RADIATE-ing this out unconditionally to all EXISTENCE!”
Divine blessings for the infinite flow of unconditional LOVE through the Solar Beacons of LIGHT! 🌞❤🌞❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE OVERTONE DOG ☀ ❤🐕 OC lovingly snuggles into your body RADIATING the pure unconditional love 💖 and loyalty that our animal companions naturally exhibit. Their connection to SOURCE through their heart portal is so strong and so pure, that they have an endless supply to bestow upon others. No limits! Their pure presence provides comfort and healing to all those humans lucky enough to be in their presence.
DOG spelt backwards equals GOD!🐩☀ The WHITE DOG embodies the unconditional LOVE of SOURCE our CREATOR. When we operate from a place of LOVE💓 we activate our GOD CELLS and can do MIRACLES.
The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS, they urge us to PURIFY our HEARTS, returning to our INNOCENCE, so we can embody DIVINE TRUTH and the messengers from Spirit. When we are in our HEART SPACE we are closest to GOD and our truth.
OC reminds us today of the pure unconditional love we need to connect to and then reflect to others without judgement. This is our natural state of be-ing and one to which we need to return. A field of total ONENESS and connection through our HEARTS,💞 each heart connected though our planetary heart,💖 the cosmic heart💖 and the heart of GOD/GODDESS! 💖
🐾🐾🐾 Look out for SIGNS through the appearance of WHITE DOGS🐩 today – indicating you are on the path of LOVE 💖💖💖
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE OVERTONE MIRROR ☀ 🔎– ETZNAB reveals the energies REFLECTED back to us through our environment and the people in our presence. How are they behaving and responding towards you?
❓❓ Is your world reflecting the TRUE DIVINE LOVE of SOURCE?. 💖🌞
Anything that is not founded on LOVE💖 will be revealed through the TRUTH that ETZNAB exposes. 💥
The WHITE kin are the TRUTH BEARERS and through their pure HEARTS, reveal what is not in alignment with Spirit.. Today we have TRIPLE the TRUTH coming forth through OC, ETZNAB and CIMI, building the link for the TRUTH to flow.
ETZNAB will shatter all ILLUSIONS and reveal the deceptions, betrayal and conditional love that you have tolerated in your life – all of which is TOXIC to a pure loving STAR 🌟BLISS 🐬SUN☀🌹. NO MORE TOLERANCE or accepting “less than” absolutely PURE unconditional LOVE.💖💖💖
Our HEART knows what is REAL and what is PRETENCE, so tune and follow the TRUE pathways that lead to DIVINE LOVE. ✨💞✨
Today our heart💖 is empowered by the REFLECTIONS we meet with LOVE, creating the Hall of Mirrors REFLECTING love ENDLESSLY, creating such radiance and brilliance.
ETZNAB reveals that LOVE is endless, and that we should not depend upon another being to give us love. Our infinite SOURCE of LOVE flows endlessly from our divine connection to SOURCE. ❤🎆🌞
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE MOON☀ 👸 MULUC the Goddess, is steering the boat for KIN 70, ensuring we are in the most loving STREAM of FLOW.
Today we have a 111 triple GATEWAY beckoning us to walk through for a FRESH START… ready set GO GO GO.. Allow MULUC to empower your rediscovery of your true RADIANCE through your loving HEART.
This supporting energy today, is bringing forth the beautiful Divine Feminine qualities of nurturance and compassion through our Holy DIVINE MOTHER. Unconditional LOVE flows endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the GODDESS, our Mother aspect of SOURCE.
👸👸👸GODDESS provides all the love, nurturance and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our hearts and allow the FLOW! 🌫❤🌫
Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls you have constructed, in order for LOVE to flow endlessly once more! ❤🌫 Enjoy the beautiful LOVING flow of pure consciousness through your VESSEL, radiating it out exponentially for all to bathe in this endless sea of BLISS. ❤🎆🌞
LADY NADA, the Ascended Master of the ROSE🌹 (twin flame of Lord Sananda) today presents you with the most exquisitely perfumed pink rose bud. 💗🌹💗 She places it in your precious HEART 💗 and through the power of DIVINE WHITE MAJIK, energizes it. ✨🌟✨🌟✨
As it begins to spin,🍥 a beautiful golden mean spiral begins to outwardly RADIATE your pure heart ❤🌹essence. The petals 🌸OPEN progressively until the bud has EXPANDED🌼 to become a ROSE🌹 in full bloom commanding RADIANCE! 💞
This RADIANCE is pulsed through your HEART, ❤ filling your entire aura with rose gold LIGHT and sending out golden mean spirals to connect and build bridges🌈 to the precious hearts💞 of all souls in your presence.
RADIATE this ROSE🌹 GOLD☀ DIVINE LIGHT✨ and LOVE ❤ frequency to enfold our entire PLANET🌏 and the family of HU-MAN-KIND.👫👬👭
Blessed be, precious hearts we are ONE! 💟💗💟
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR MONKEY ☀🐒💫 – CHUEN brings forth powerful ✨ MAJIK✨ today, for the most powerful force on this planet is the POWER of LOVE.❤💥💗💥💞
The totem for CHUEN is the DOLPHIN🐬 which holds the codes for 5D states of JOY, HAPPINESS and BLISS. This MONKEY is a SOLAR Monkey🌞🐒 – He has the POWER to PULSE forth his intention to fill the world with LOVE,🌏💖 realizing the absolute euphoria from PLAYING in this BLISS stream with his friends. 💞💓💞💓
CHUEN represents the Divine Child, and as a SOLAR MONKEY, he reminds us that we are all CHILDREN of the SUN🌞, – the prodigy of GODS, and CREATORS in our own right. Our Inner Divine Child thrives on his connection to SOURCE and the FLOW of LOVE and nurturance from our Creator.
BLUE MONKEY🐒 encourages you to return to your purity and innocence, to reclaim your forgotten majik and reclaim your power. Allow CHUEN to energize your true Heart’s desires, allowing all your dreams to come true!
ESPAVO BELOVEDS – Thankyou for taking your POWER!
OVERTONE AHAU holds the POWER of infinite SUNS 🌞🌞🌞🌞 and the nameless LIGHT 🌫🎆🌫 reflected through the Higher Guide of ETZNAB -endless LIGHT.
AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY🕊 through ENLIGHTENMENT. 🌞
Reclaiming our power and RADIANCE by
🌞connecting our CROWN👑 and HEART ❤ chakras to the HEAVEN’S within.
🌞Feeling the nurturance of our SOURCE life force, flowing through our Soul-ar Umbilical Cords powering up our HU-MAN vessel.
🌞ILLUMINATING our solar intelligence, and receiving LIGHT from the Harmonic grid of consciousness, through all the suns into SOURCE itself, which ultimately resides in our own precious Hearts!
🌞Connecting deeply into the Heart of Our Earth Mother, and expanding far out through the Suns into the Stars, in order to return home to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART! 💗
🌞🌞🌞Dear precious hearts, it is time to REALIZE yourself as a RADIANT SOURCE fractal of PULSATING DIVINE SOUL-AR LOVE ❤🌞🎆💫
❤Today’s question is “HOW can I surrender and OPEN my pure HEART to endless love,🌫💞🌫 RADIATE-ing this out unconditionally to all EXISTENCE!”
Divine blessings for the infinite flow of unconditional LOVE through the Solar Beacons of LIGHT! 🌞❤🌞❤
Namaste’ 🙏💟🙏💟🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report, Ceremony, Meditation and Astrology Reading

for the week of December 24th – 30th 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 24th – 30th 2023, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Tuesdays Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th of December and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.

May the Holy Days, your final days of December and 2023 be most beautiful and blessed and may 2024 be full of Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste







Prayer For a Forcefield of Protection ~ ❤

Light is the most powerful emanation of all Creation. It is important to invoke the full Power of God’s First Ray for Protection and Divine Will.
In the name of my beloved I AM Presence, from the very Heart of God, I invoke an invincible shaft of God’s First Ray of Protection to be placed over me. Let it surround every cell, atom and electron of my Being, encapsulating me in an invincible forcefield of God’s Holy Will. Let this shaft of Sapphire Blue Light expand into my various bodies and all my chakras.
Cut me FREE from anything that is less than the highest Light within me. Let the Blue Flame of Divine Love guard my forcefield of Protection, daily and hourly. I know that “I AM” absolutely protected at all times and in all places. I express my deep gratitude for all assistance given unto me always.
Amen ❤
Prayer For a Forcefield of Protection
Prayer For a Forcefield of Protection

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