Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Gold Ray of Buddha Mind
As we navigate these final days of 2023 we call on our Higher Powers to bridge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Still Center. Through Zero Point we Return to Source and cultivate our Heavenly Chi to fulfill our missions of full Planetary Liberation.
Within the Tao all things flow in perfect harmony with Nature as we Live in Peace with all things and are connected to all beings through the Web of Life.
In the Holy Breath we feel the Divine Cosmic Mother filling our Sacred Vessels with Her Eternal Life and Rise in the Glory of the Great Spirit to tread through the Unknown Waters of the New Earth.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are on the Precipice of our Quantum Leap into the Abyss of the Void and the Freedom from the Known and into the Infinite Light of Mother Father God.
As we Shine our Bright Virtue into the Holographic Elysium Field of the Cosmos we elevate all Consciousness into the Pure Awareness of the Buddha and Activate the Christos Sophia within the Solar Crystalline 12 Strand DNA of our Ground Crew Team of Terra Nova Gaia.
The Prophecies of all Lineages have come to pass and Now we are in the Free Zone of Total Creative Potential to manifest the Heavenly Realm of our True Hearts Desires…A’Ho!

A Word from the Whales

Angelic frequencies surging glitching technology! I mentioned a few days ago a coronal hole opened on the sun. That data was collected today. Keep yourself nourished over the next few days as your spine is your central column to your DNA. The planet is also making massive changes through tectonic activations. Quantum clearings and activations going from density to light to organic blueprints. Parallel realities are blending and timelines are splitting so centering in the now helps.
Massive upgrades coming over the next several days so make time to integrate and anchor! Ice on neck for headaches, the herb feverfew, arnica tablets, peppermint oil. Fruit and root veggies for hydration and grounding. Magnesium for heart palpations. Keep your immune system up. Harmonize as your angelic galactic gifts and abilities activate based on your frequency! Much love and ease
Calm your mind to ease your body now! Your oversoul is downloading through your crown to your higher self. Don’t let archon tactics of weather modification and chemtrails to lower your vibe as they are trying hard to lower the collective energy. Indigos as violet and blue ray/flame holders you can transmute fast to help others bridge the gap in consciousness. You awakened earlier to be the anchor of light from humanity that chooses to do the same.
All soul missions are about to increase! As we shift the frequency of the planet and humanity’s calmness will be needed as the planet will be making massive changes. The calmer, the easier the transition!
Bring peace to your mind past all obstacles and traps as it’s an illusion on your light. Stand in your heart with love amongst all pain as your heart is the most powerful gateway to connecting to your soul and the wisdom it contains. You are sacred and treat yourself just as so 💜
Channeled Message Through Sirius A 

Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

The Earth has entered a new era of freedom and is entering a new Golden Age.In this period of time, humanity will have to learn to experience and express to a greater extent the Mother of God..With greater understanding of this aspect of divinity, the feminine qualities of God, including intuition, inspiration, creativity, and beauty, can flourish more fully in individuals and in society.In previous years, religious attitudes toward worship tended to focus on worshiping God as the Father.With the current change in the Aquarius Age Cosmic Cycle, people are beginning to draw closer to God as Father and Mother: Alpha and Omega.God as Father anchors the Divine Spirit, while God as Mother anchors Matter, which is ultimately an expression of the female aspect.The feminine aspect of God has different names in different cultures. Some of them include:Aditi in the Vedas, Akasha in pagan belief systems, Isis in Egyptian mythology, Nerfa in Etruscan, Bitos in Gnosticism and Guanyin in East Asia.Mother Mary incorporates the Divine Mother and the feminine aspect of God, and is known as the Immaculate Virgin because of the depth and purity of her devotion to the Mother.Points of light…


Some painful experiences are detoxing so you can have the happy family and lifestyle you’re manifesting. Triggers of how people have hurt you, and created trust issues, are surfacing to heal now for your future.
This is leading you to having a higher dimensional unity and love based relationships, marriage, and children, as you are here to create the New Earth Family Tree and Home. The harmony, frequencies, and tones you’ve been vibrating on are changing into higher octaves. Rest while these changes are physically manifesting through the flesh body. It will balance out to the zero point soon. Trust your intuition and truth that’s showing you your light and what good healthy proactive choices are for you and your family moving forward.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Kin 70 ~ White Overtone Dog

🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report, Ceremony, Meditation and Astrology Reading
for the week of December 24th – 30th 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 24th – 30th 2023, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Tuesdays Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th of December and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.
May the Holy Days, your final days of December and 2023 be most beautiful and blessed and may 2024 be full of Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste
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