You are currently viewing Golden Rose Codes ~ UNDERSTANDING THE ENERGETICS OF THE ECLIPSES * A Wave of Karuna ~ Kingdom of the Creator
A wave of Karuna

Golden Rose Codes ~ UNDERSTANDING THE ENERGETICS OF THE ECLIPSES * A Wave of Karuna ~ Kingdom of the Creator

Golden Rose Codes ~ UNDERSTANDING THE ENERGETICS OF THE ECLIPSES * A Wave of Karuna ~ Kingdom of the Creator



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Good Samaritans of our Galactic Lineage of Light

As we journey into this week’s Full Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Virgo the Priestess this Thursday Evening into Friday morning our local Soularis has become very active again today over 18 Soular flares in the past 24 hours.

All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being Soular Flashed with Higher Dimensional 5D New Earth Energetics lifting and elevating our Good People through the Ascension Portal.

Gaia had another higher resonance spike in her heartbeat today appearing on the Schumann Charts at 13 hz the frequency of the Divine Mother Goddess Codes of Heaven on Earth.

Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.9 earthquake in Indonesia at 5:42 UTC.

As we Quantum Leap and jump into our Higher Realms of 5D and beyond we resolve and release all false projections and interference patterns of nefarious energies and fully anchor in our Highest Benevolent Timeline of Peace, Joy, Bliss, Prosperity and Abundance for all Sentient Beings of the Way, in this Now…A’Ho!













We have entered into the sacred space of the heart where there is a void of the ego and we find everything. For the All of creation resides with us. To enter into the All, the kingdom of our beloved Creator, we must live from the heart.

The heart is the symbol for the Creator’s love for us as it pumps oxygenated blood throughout our bodies bringing life’s essential nourishment to our cells. Similarly, the love frequency of the Creator anchored within our heart centers flows seamlessly throughout our energetic body and the All, for love has no beginning nor an end as it is infinite as are we, you see?

Oh we are living in the time of the great return to love! Our hearts blossom with a crystalline gold rose flowing seamlessly in radiant crystalline light playing a musical so very bright, harmonizing our hearts to the All of creation, you see?

The answers to all have always been held in simplicity. Simple concepts. Simple theorems. Simple truths. Oh how the ego desires to deceive! Rest assured we have handily defeated the ego’s wicked ways to separate us from our truth, our divinity, our love and the consciousness of our light.

Oh the constructs of the darkness, how they fall by the sword of love and light we wield, wavelengths of the fluidity of creation. For you see Supreme consciousness is a love song, a wavelength, a frequency we hold within our hearts. The keys to the kingdom quite simply exist in the frequency of love.

Oh how humanity is awakening to realize it has been love all along that holds the answers to all things! For the love note, holds the spectrum of all tones, all colors, all numbers, all atomic truths behold. For it is love, always love that has been the key. Ah now you see.

We sing happily the love from our hearts once again as we did from the very start when the kingdom of the Creator abounded upon the earth. We return now to this love in a glorious rebirth!

Oh how the golden rose codes return resplendently to humanity and to the earth lifting us to the vibration of our rebirth. We sing glory hallelujah the One has returned within our hearts, a new beginning, a new earth we are about to start!!!



golden rose codes
golden rose codes


image by: DeepDiverQ



Divine energy works


As Cosmic Multidimensional Events, Eclipses are the Most Powerful Transits of the year, opening a Quantum Gateway to the Higher Dimensions.
Eclipses have a Divine Purpose to create the Catalytic Energetic Container for Accelerated Cosmic Recalibration and Destined Transformation, often expediting inevitable, Fated events.
Eclipses mark Major Quantum Reset Points, embedded into the Cosmic Architecture of the Ascension, bringing unexpected events and opportunities, accelerating decisions, and acting as Catalysts for Change, clearing and merging timelines.
They highlight everything that is Out of Alignment and needs change, exposing the Truth. They bring shock and revelations.
The energies of the Eclipses are activated about a month before and a month after the Eclipses, and are most potent during the Eclipse Corridor—an intensified energetic Passageway where Transformation happens in Quantum Leaps.
This corridor bends time, dissolves illusions, and brings accelerated karmic resolutions. It is a space of instantaneous Downloads, Activations, and DNA Recalibrations, preparing us to embody higher vibrational frequencies.
Although Eclipses can bring chaotic energy and unexpected surprises, they activate Major opportunities to Heal and clear old low-density energies, wiping the energetic slate clean.
Any changes in the physical realm that occur during or following the Eclipses have the purpose of Accelerating the Shift and Transformation by assisting in completing an old cycle and entering a new one.
This Eclipse Season is a synchronized energetic Bridge between dissolution and ignition, shifting us out of hyper-masculinized, control-driven paradigms and into Feminine, attuned, Intuitive Flow-Based Creation.
It is a time to release survival-based programming, stabilize the nervous system, and anchor into Trust—because reality itself is being rewritten.
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th is a Quantum Intersection—a timeline fracture point where the old dissolves, and reality restructures itself.
Virgo rules the Nervous System, the energetic grid of the physical body, and the precision of divine order.
This means that this Eclipse is dissolving distortions at the deepest cellular and structural levels, resetting the energetic foundation from which we operate.
The Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th is a Quantum Ignition Point, initiating new timelines, Leadership Frequencies, and accelerated Soul-Aligned Action.
Aries governs the raw, unfiltered life force that forges New Paths. This Eclipse is erasing hesitation, dissolving outdated conditioning, and activating the Codes of divine courage, sovereignty, quantum momentum, and a new Frequency of Self-Mastery.
This is a time to honor the destined closures—cycles, relationships, and energetic imprints that no longer hold resonance in the Upgraded Field. Pay close attention to the Intuitive Downloads and Nervous System Recalibrations flowing through; they are guiding us toward deeper Embodiment and Multidimensional Activation.
Trust the Divine Intelligence of these transitions, even if they feel unfamiliar or disorienting.
Our Energy Body is restructuring itself, dissolving survival-based conditioning and making space for the Activation of our Crystalline Soul Codes.




3/12/25: Today embodies 3 of March’s principal qualities: communication, education, and illumination. You will benefit from all of them if you remain present and receptive. Be vigilant of information on all levels, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Be open-minded about learning more about yourself and your relationships, desires, and expectations. Watch for illumination of what has been previously unknown, hidden, misunderstood, or forgotten. In other words, today is an information extravaganza. Most people will miss or dismiss or misinterpret most of its gifts. But you aren’t most people.


Gene Key 36 – How Can We Transform Emotional Turbulence into Compassion?

March 12th – 18th 2025

Turbulence – Humanity – Compassion

“The 36th Gift doesn’t freeze. It doesn’t close down. It stays open. Wow. Do you know what that entails? Someone or something completely threatens to overwhelm us, and we stay open. Our heart may recoil for a few moments, but we breathe deeply into our chest, anchor ourself in the belly, and look the experience right in the eye.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –



Gene Key 36 – How Can We Transform Emotional Turbulence into Compassion
Gene Key 36 – How Can We Transform Emotional Turbulence into Compassion



MARCH 10 2025


As the last structures of the dark mother are currently falling away, everyone is in the process of realising and releasing her behaviours, habits, beliefs, views, choices and programming.
She was the role model that the child was unconsciously copying and reproducing.
Now the time has arrived for the feminine to allow the emergence of the Living Mother’s role model and rediscover her true and healthy needs, desires, roles and positions
as a daughter, woman, partner, mother, grandmother etc., and her emergence will also allow the masculine to rediscover his true and healthy needs, desires, roles and position, as a son, man, father, grandfather etc.
This is a deep process of restoring a healthy relationship to the self, others and the whole!
The planets are showing the way to all!
Following are some of the important dates and astrological developments for which we have been preparing for a long time via the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis following the guidance of Divine Mother Sophia Athena Nike!
All these years amazing astrological connections to the cosmic clock and the overall ascension process have been revealed to me via the Acropolis Portal that one day I will be happy to share and work on with experienced astrologers!
– Venus retrograde March 1st – April 12th 2025
The preparation for the initiation of the ‘Anastasis of the Kore’,
the resurrection of the daughter within all!
– Eclipse on the 14th of March opposition to Saturn.
Τotal payback!
or else ‘bye bye’ karma!
– Equinox March 20th – 23 2025
The Sun for the third time at the clock since Jupiter changed time back to the organic flow back on December Solstice 2022.
Saturn’s rings will disappear!
Free at last, the road opens.
– March 30th 2025
Neptune at the clock, 0⁰ Aries!
Upgrade of Neptune! The 5D flows open!
The dissolution of time as we knew it,
acceleration in order to reach the Cosmic Time,
the ticket to Posidonia!
– April 20th 2025
Orthodox and Catholic Easter!
The Anastasis of the Kore!
The resurrection of the daughter!
After the return of Magna Mater and the True kIng,
the time of the resurrection of the Holy Daughter has arrived!
This has never happened before in this way!
– May 16th 2025
Demetra/Ceres at the clock! 0⁰ Aries!
The Mother has done it!
Her Logos will be fully birthed in this realm and aligned at the clock,
opening Saturn’s way for the opening of the Quantum Clock to the Cosmic time!
– On May 25th 2025
at 06:36 in the morning Greece timezone,
Saturn enters 0⁰ Aries
and the Quantum Clock opens to the Cosmic flow of time.
At this exact moment the ascendant will be
at 10⁰44 degrees of Gemini, the sign of the Twins,
right on the Aldebaran Star
and the descendant at 10⁰44 degrees of Sagittarius,
the sign of God, right on the Antares Star,
activating the Royal axis and cross.
The number 144 is the sign
that the 144000 Diamonds’ mission is in alignment
to the Divine Will for the opening of the Quantum Clock
and the Royal Stars,
the sign that this is the will and guidance of our Godly Genealogies.
It is them,
the Ancestor Gods and Goddesses
who are calling their Living Children in order to get together
and perform the opening of the Quantum Clock
to the Cosmic Time
via the ancient portal of Delos,
the birthplace of both our Sun Apollo and Moon Artemis
as well as all the earthly calendars
and also in order to receive
the ‘CELESTIAL BLESSING’ along with
their new New Thrones, Dominions, Mission, Powers, Principalities, Rights etc.
This is the great change of Guard which is to take place on Earth
and it is directly connected to the Quantum jump!
– On the 26th of May the Moon will meet with Uranus for the first time after the opening of the Quantum clock
and the ‘Celestial Blessing’ by the Divine Mother/Father,
will fully be anchored.
– On the 27th of May the first new Moon after the opening of the Quantum Clock will take place!
The Trinity of Sun, Moon and Mercury
will between the arms of Uranus and Jupiter!
The new beginning will be like no other!
This will be a ride like NO OTHER!
Our timing is perfect as we have arrived at our destination long before we expected to!
We did it!
We are Victorious! 🌿
Blessings of Victorious Love!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior

Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000

Follow me there

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image by: DeepDiverQ


That which was covertly concealed is now disclosed from without.
That which is Sacred Truth is all the while sustained from within.
As we continue to integrate triggers and pre-cognise subconscious patterns through our Source Coded Self, personal time factor shifts dismantle hijacked time looping overwrites with ease and grace.
As a result, matrix meddling and mind maze mechanisms are rendered null and void.
Unless of course your personality self and false ego, are tempted into exercising minute free will choices.
These futile attempts at lording it over material nature, perpetuates the samsara (wheel of karmic looping) within the cause and effect of its movement and feeds puppet master antics.
True ego knows that it is part and parcel of Source, and goes about in the world in accordance with Source, which stops the wheel in its tracks.
Relational dynamics are exponentially shifting beyond current probable measurables Now.
A wave of Karuna ~ Compassionate Action is washing over our bodies, minds and the worlds within Worlds.
Our inner landscape is infusing our outer world, no longer dictating the need for followers.
Equinox is supporting us as authentic Game Changers by shifting gears to that which exists beyond Game Making.
Our journey into uncharted sonic waters will prove to be the real game changer as our ignited trifold flames of Love Power and
Wisdom light the way.
Creatrix Codes abound.
The faux overwrites overlaying the Divine Architecture of Gaia Galactica are dissolving through our Collective Unified Heart Field with uniformed velocity.
Artificial time is dissolving, and even organic time is rearranging its self through the descension of Solar Plasmic and photonic liquifid metamorphic codes, infusing with the ascending stars in our bones.
As the Children of the One Heart race re~mem~ber, the Star Law / Lore of One is upheld
One Heart ~ One World
As future past time travellers unravel the mysteries of Self Actualisation here on the Earth, Source Self Realisation is assured.
Don’t panic … Remain Organic!
Organic architecture and technology does not utilize mimicry of portals or wormholes, but rather it accesses The Field of Consciousness in order to potentialise probabilities ~ outcomes that are preordained via our sacred geometrically arranged holograms and innate systems.
This is why it is imperative that we are able to relinquish all notions of copy cat behaviour, in order to authenticate our true authenticity, beyond doubt.
The Rumi poem The Field does not deny that there is wrongdoing in the world, but instead invites us to remember The Field within.
It is said that to do the internal work, to lay down our attachment to views,ideas, language, even the phrase each other, and find “a place” where our soul can arise.
As the recent off the scale Schumann Resonance chart denotes, we have indeed warp phase locked through and into an organic State of Mind, thusly quantifying our scalar function, as vector states or simply put, as our pure states of consciousness.
We are innately wired for sound and light, finding ourselves now in The Field of where the two coalesce as one.
Phase locking refers to the tendency of a neuron to fire action potentials at particular phases of an ongoing periodic sound waveforms of reality.
This is catapulting us along the spiral arm of evolutionary cosmic consciousness cycles.
We have broken through the sound barrier so to speak, and our protons that are designed to insulate our system, so as not to fry out our wiring, are adjusting our spin accordingly within current time factor shifts, beyond the beyond.
Integration of our psychoemotional triggering is code breaking the circuitry of 4D looping mechanisms, causing such malware ironically, to mal function.
In simple terms, the current artificial time mechanics matrix model has collapsed in on itself.
Probability amplitude ~
In quantum mechanics, a probability amplitude is a complex number used for describing the behaviour of systems. This too is being organically overridden.
Until Now, we were programable, in particular by getting away from the present moment.
O’ Masters of No Time!
Go Back Go forward & bring it into Now, whilst simultaneously bearing witness to the world around you collapsing and restoring itself from the inside out.
Between Solstice and Equinox cycles, much that has been locked in the dark recesses of our psyche is brought to the light to be freed up and integrated, unified and restored.
The biblical meaning of the word “restoration” is to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition. The main point is that someone or something is improved beyond measure.
This is no longer a test run or a rerun.
We are well and truly on the Home Run.
Raeline Sqs Brady
A wave of Karuna
A wave of Karuna

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

You are manifesting your Heaven on Earth timeline through your healing journey. The powerful Eclipse energies are spotlighting what changes are needed to continue forward into this paradigm. The next step is to heal from what is surfacing to make room for something new. Rest and refuel are suggested today to best support your energy.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

On Wednesday, March 12th, the Moon, ruler of our ancestral inheritance, has now shifted into Virgo the Priestess. This is the sign of the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on Thursday/Friday. Today Luna will connect with Pluto, planet of transformation and regeneration, Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, and Mercury, planet that rules perceptions and perspectives. Energetic adjustments are starting to be initiated in these areas of our lives as we approach the Eclipse. The Moon is about feelings and emotions, but Virgo is about logic and analysis.
It is a day to provide nourishment to your emotional and mental bodies. It is a day to be receptive to new information and messages coming in from others, and from within yourself. It is a time to be more aware of your unconscious responses that are tied to past cycles involving power, love and communication. Sit with your reflections, pay attention to your instincts, bring healing to your subconscious patterns. The Priestess is about Purity, Productivity and Perfection. She will get the job done!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Virgo the Priestess
Virgo the Priestess
Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces – The Sun illuminates where commitment is required. Accept responsibility with grace. Maturity is letting go of denial. The quicker we accept reality, the easier it becomes to find imaginative solutions to problems. Define your mission and purpose. When we let go of resistance and self-doubt, we can devote ourselves to the task at hand. Reframe how you see yourself. Know that you can achieve your objectives. Give yourself permission to shine.
For some, this transit may manifest as a feeling that nothing is growing, and all paths are blocked. Asteroid Flora opposite the Sun and Saturn is like a frozen bud, a dormant seed, a tasteless fruit. But all is not lost. Time will reach out her tender fingers and coax the seed to life, the bud to unfurl and the fruit to sweeten. Maybe all you need is a little sunshine, real or imagined, to lighten the load upon your back. Stop waiting for proof that you will accomplish your dreams. Choose to believe the deal is already done. Trees that are slow to grow bear the sweetest fruit.
Degrees and Times
Sun, Saturn 22°Pi05′ – 10:28 (UT)
Flora 22 °41′ R
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – Frosty Morning by J.M.W. Turner
Frosty Morning
Frosty Morning

Kin 248 ~ Yellow Magnetic Star

‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Attract, Unify and Purpose.’ The first day of the wavespell sets the agenda for the 13-day journey. Set your goals, identify the purpose and consciously enter this wavespell in order to get the most out of it. There are 20 wavespells that repeat on a cycle which makes up the 260 day Tzolkin. The order they appear in is important and this is the last one. Because it is the last one, we must consider not just the 13-day journey but the whole 260 day journey that we are completing. Just as with a wavespell, you get more out of it when you think of it as a whole and not just day by day…the same goes for the Tzolkin. The wavespells and the order they appear is very significant.
‘Yellow Star`’ is the glyph that represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are great for beautifying your world, appreciating art and appreciating the beauty in all those who you encounter. First impressions are not always accurate so before you judge someone try to see their inner beauty. Today is about viewing the world through the eyes of a child, full of wonderment and dazzled by shiny things and pretty lights. It is also a great day for shining like a star…so dazzle if you feel compelled to! Today, you may find you are attracted to all things beautiful, enjoy it …as it is something we do not do often enough.
The Guide for the day is Yellow Star , so it’s a double helping of beauty today.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror, which represents truth, so look out for lies or misleading information. If you are a White Mirror your issues may surface today, try to think of art and indulge in a little elegance to help you through the day. When the truth is challenging, don’t believe everything you hear.
The Occult power today is the Red Skywalker which represents ‘Exploring, Wakefulness and Space.’ The open-minded Skywalker is so much fun when in this magical position. Explore beauty and art today and you shall be well rewarded for your efforts. The more open your mind is, the more beauty you shall experience. Be a little daring and wear things you normally wouldn’t or go places you’ve never been to before.
The Ally of the day is Blue Monkey and so if you need advice, support of just a friendly face, find a Blue Monkey….if you are one, you will be a great help to everyone today with a magical spark in your eye, Yellow Star days are really good for you as you have a deep appreciation for beauty and art.
Kin 248
Kin 248


1 LAMAT – KIN 248
12 MARCH 2025

Attracting a BEAUTIFUL LIFE!🌹🌟✨


I UNIFY in order to BEAUTIFY🌹
Attracting ART🎨
I seal the store of Elegance
With the Magnetic tone of Purpose
I AM guided by the power of my OWN POWER DOUBLED!

12/3/2025 = 3/3/9=3/12=3/3=6

✨3.3. Holy portal✨

✨3.6.9. Universal MAJIK✨ – Tesla code


12-Acquiring Spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 248 = 14 = 5 Change/Freedom/Liberation

A simply GORGEOUS🤩 transformational day of ABUNDANT beauty and creativity!!✨✨✨


We have now completed our journey with the Majestic BLUE🦅 EAGLE who forcibly OPENED our EYES👁 to what is happening on a personal and GLOBAL SCALE!! 🌏 Pulling us ALL out of our individual humdrum lives. Bringing the focus to our collective family, looking at the Higher perspective for the world we wish to CREATE.

BLUE EAGLE has revealed many clues as to WHERE we are headed and holds the GRAND VISION for HU-MAN-ity to MANIFEST it into our New Reality… and now the MAGNETIC STAR is about to take CENTER STAGE! ✨✨✨

Today we commence our new journey for the next 13 days with the elegant YELLOW STAR🌟 as our guide. This is the FINAL WAVESPELL in the Sacred
Tzolkin Calendar and on 24 MARCH 2025, we reach our final destination, the ultimate stage of enlightenment – YELLOW COSMIC SUN🌞🌞 – tribe 260!!
This is the FINAL day of our EPIC journey through this CURRENT evolutionary spin of the Tzolkin!🍥🎆

We now have 13 days remaining to get to the TOP 🧗 of this peak🏔️ and achieve ultimate re-union with our cell-ves and our SOURCE🌞 through our mighty I AM🌞 PRESENCE! ☀✨


MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetizing all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in PURPOSE, all will effortlessly come together.

The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.

Today we are seeking to attract ART🎨, discovering more BEAUTY🌹 in our lives. We are seeking to UNIFY with all our Planetary kin through HARMONY… The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as ONE as we collectively manifest our new 5D Earth together!! 👫🌏👬🌍👭🌎

MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY! This will also be the THEME for this wavespell – UNIFICATION in experiencing the New Time as ART 🎨🖼 through the power of pure Divine HARMONY and GRACE.
Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY in this world, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix, in order to experience my life as a living work of ART?🎨💃🎶🎻🌹


And SO IT IS beloveds – a very beautiful and fortuitous journey ahead through this wonderful YELLOW 🌟 STAR wavespell –


Divine blessings for attracting all that you require to SHINE BRIGHTLY. 🌟✨
Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now. 🌹🌹🌹

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: YELLOW MAGNETIC STAR 🌟 🌟 LAMAT is the VENUS✨ STAR of beauty, elegance, grace, peace and HARMONY. LAMAT holds the coding for the ✨NEW HARMONIC TIME✨ and the 13:20 Synchronic timing which bring us back into the FLOW of the Cosmic cycles.🍥🍥🍥

The old paradigm was built on a false artificial time Matrix of 12:60 frequency. This took humanity out of alignment with the flow and rhythms of the NATURAL world… which created the great “disconnect” from our SOURCE.😢 Consequently we became enslaved, and brainwashed to believe that “Time is Money”, falling into the TRAP of “working 9-5” in the rat race! 🎡🐀

LAMAT🌟 the beautiful shining STAR✨ is here to show us a BETTER way of living…

LAMAT is a portal opening the doors for HU-MAN-ity to walk through to another realm. To access this realm all you need to do is CHOOSE to align with the ✨Harmonic Matrix of Natural Time🌿⏳ – the 13:20 frequency of the DREAMSPELL which aligns you with Nature/Gaia and the Cosmos.

Within this alignment you are then FREED from TIME⏰ – as the new equation becomes TIME=ART.🎨🌹..

At this phenomenal stage in our evolutionary her-story we are currently experiencing unprecedented 💥 EVENTS. The PURPOSE of which is to AWAKEN us and FREE us from the old patriarchal control Matrix.

We have been forcibly extricated from our old lives, habits and routines. Removed from jobs, schools, hobbies, addictive behaviours and patterns and the old way of living and thinking. The economic, social, political and financial systems have all been impacted and are up for a grand “rethink”, as we as a Global family decide what stays and what goes – in order to shape our new and better Global framework.

Now humanity has been re-UNITED with their loving families, extricated from their old lives – through all this social upheaval of the last few years. During the ‘TIME-OUT” ⏳ phase, people had new opportunities to be STILL, and ponder the meaning of their lives, and that of our Global family.

LAMAT is challenging us all during this cycle to rethink our “priorities” – what is most important to bring us – and our families, more happiness and joy in our lives. We need to be more CREATIVE and reconsider HOW we can experience more JOY, BLISS and satisfaction – so that our life becomes a living work of ART.🎨🖼.. something beautiful🌹 to LOOK at, and even more joyful to CREATE!🎨 🌟

YOU are the ARTIST🎨 and so it is time to CREATE – paint🖌 a new picture🖼 for your life!

Today we have TRIPLE YELLOW STAR 🌟🌟🌟energies – so it really is the day to SPARKLE ✨✴ ✨ empowering us to step up as sovereign STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!

The YELLOW STAR resonates with the VENUSIAN 💖 energies of BEAUTY🌹, love, harmony, peace and ABUNDANCE. This cycle is
beckoning us to walk through the GOLDEN DOORS and truly CLAIM our rightful INHERITANCE of prosperity, joy and harmony.

This 13 day YELLOW 🌟 STAR cycle is highlighted through the qualities of the PEACEMAKER🕊️ and diplomat striving for Universal PEACE and HARMONY… All perfectly synchronizing with this final wavespell of LAMAT – the beautiful YELLOW STAR🌟✨🌟 What a GIFT!!! ✨🌟✨

LAMAT ignites your CREATIVITY today and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. ☀💛 The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art and craft,🎨 singing, 🎶dancing 💃and creating beautiful music!.🎻🎶

LAMAT provides perfect energies for healing any disharmonious relationships, particularly relating to twin flames and soul families. All this beautiful energy will lead you to HARMONY within yourself, and your outer reflection, assisting greatly in facilitating healing and reminding you of the natural beauty in our world.

The star glyph of LAMAT✨ is an actual PORTAL which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.

✨This LAMAT PORTAL is OPEN for this whole 13 day cycle,✨ flooding our Planet with BRILLIANT Ascension codes and frequencies. So prepare to be FLOODED with greater LIGHT and JOY✨✴✨✴✨✴

Take the time today and during this 13 day cycle to LOOK into the opening of the LAMAT star glyph✨ whilst meditating in order to enter this mystery. If you wish to tune in and access the energies of LAMAT, visualize sparks of gold against the blue of twilight skies bringing forth the cascading wisdom of the stars!

VISUALIZE and give DIVINE GRATITUDE for the GOLDEN STARRY✨ LIGHT carrying forth the infinite LIGHT codes from throughout the galaxy.✴🌠


SUPPORT: BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY🐒 – CHUEN brings forth the presence of pure MAJIK 💫today… The MAJIK of feeling the BEAUTY🌹 of being connected as part of the Harmonic symphony🎻🎶 that is currently being orchestrated on our beautiful planet.

As we receive the majikal vision of what is possible for us and our planet, we can magnetically attract this beautiful life. . Holding presence as our pure innocent Divine child, uniting with our kin in playful joy and creativity, trusting in the majik of our Divine SOURCE to lead the way home again.

Our innocent growing mind will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine spirit to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!

BLUE MONKEY has the totem of the dolphin🐬 leaping out of the deep blue sea – this represents us leaving the depths of FEAR and
anchoring the ecstatic BLISS of 5D energy.. the pure exuberance of your Divine child.

Tune into your Divine innocence today to tap into the spontaneity and joy that flows from this re-union with your SOURCE🎆 – the ultimate origin of ecstatic BLISS! 💞


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER☁🍥🚶– BEN beckons us to AWAKEN, EXPLORE and EXPAND beyond all perceived limits. BEN is guiding us to bravely step out of our comfort zone and boldly go into new territory, revealing untold beauty and adventure.

The SUPERPOWER of the 🍥🚶COSMIC SKYWALKER🚶🍥 is to become the Divine conduit between Heaven and Earth – anchoring this endless BLISS flowing throughout the COSMOS.

BEN shows us that the SKY IS THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. So AIM high! MOVE the bar up HIGHER and soar to new heights of creativity and expression.


We have TRAINED and prepared for this moment for EONS… so it is TIME to take the SPOTLIGHT 🔦 on center stage – as we become the divine conduits, anchoring the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.💒

BEN is holding our hands🙌 and guiding us to these new realms we are co-creating.. EXPAND your purpose and REACH for the STARS. ✨✨✨

✨It is TIME to rise up and FLY as we manifest together the highest potential for BEAUTIFUL 🌹LIFE here on our divine planet, manifesting BLISS on EARTH! 🐬🌴🌺☀


CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE MAGNETIC MIRROR 🛡– ETZNAB is SHATTERING the old illusory false time Matrix today.. Using the sword of TRUTH🗡 to cut away ALL that is extraneous to the endless order of a new PARADISE🌴🌴🌴.. Reflecting the divine patterns of pure unadulterated truth.

We are at a crossroads and given the CHOICE today, whether to stay in the endless chaos and confusion of a manufactured reality, or to consciously CHOOSE to BREAK FREE and BREAK out of the BOX!!💥💥💥

ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY 🌹in ALL things and to attract the most PURE and POSITIVE high vibrational frequencies – elevating our LIGHT quotient in our bodies in order to evolve. Surrendering to being a pure REFLECTION of ALL THAT IS, we wish to attract and magnetize in our lives.

Today we revel in the pure REFLECTION🪞 of what such a world of BEAUTY🌹 would LOOK and FEEL like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace. That world is HERE NOW – the foundation has been laid… now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming into our everyday lives.

Our collective consciousness is SHINING✨ today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE✨ and SHINE🌟 through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into. Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR WISDOM.

Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS! ✨💃💃✨🌠

✨Use the portal of LAMAT to call forth (with sincere intention) your Higher Universal Self to merge and unite in your Galactic Mission to humanity.✨

Turn up the volume on your LUMINOSITY🌟💃 ✨✨✨

Today’s question is “How can I focus on the infinite BEAUTY in this world, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix, in order to experience my life as a living work of ART?🎨💃🎶🎻🌹

And SO IT IS beloveds – a very beautiful and fortuitous journey ahead through this wonderful YELLOW 🌟 STAR wavespell –

Divine blessings for attracting all that you require to SHINE BRIGHTLY. 🌟✨
Aho…dear ones! Beauty and Grace awaits you now. 🌹🌹🌹

Namaste’ 🙏💟🙏💟🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





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Astral Projection Guided Meditation | Deep Journey Beyond the Physical ✨

with the Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥



Embark on a profound journey beyond the physical realm with this Astral Projection Guided Meditation. Designed to help you achieve an out-of-body experience, this session will guide you through deep relaxation, vibrational alignment, and conscious detachment from the physical body.

🌌 What You’ll Experience:
🔮 Deep relaxation and full-body awareness
🌠 Connection to higher realms and cosmic wisdom
🌀 Safe and controlled astral travel techniques
💫 Expanded consciousness and spiritual awakening

Allow yourself to float beyond the limits of time and space, exploring the astral plane with ease and clarity. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced traveler, this meditation will support your journey into the unseen dimensions.


CLICK HERE for the Astral Projection Guided Meditation


PaulWhite Gold Eagle

Divine Decree of the Golden Rose Codes

By the power of the Eternal Light, the sacred breath of Source, and the infinite wisdom of the Divine Sophia,
I call forth the Golden Rose Codes—the sacred frequencies of divine love, unity, and sovereign creation.

In the name of the Christed Light and the Holy Order of the Rose,
I decree that my heart be illuminated with the radiant flame of truth.
Let the petals of divine remembrance unfold within me,
restoring my being to its original blueprint of purity, harmony, and divine perfection.

I command the dissolution of all veils of illusion, separation, and distortion.
By the authority of my sovereign soul, I reclaim the sacred keys of creation,
the codes of wisdom, beauty, and eternal life.

May the golden light of the Rose awaken within every cell,
activating the divine song of love, the sacred geometry of ascension,
and the luminous pathways of the New Earth.

I stand as a pillar of light, an embodiment of the Sacred Feminine and Divine Masculine in balance,
a vessel for the flowering of divine truth upon this Earth.

So it is. So it is. So it is.
It is done.


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