Golden Light Codes ~ Celestial Navigation Towards Home * Light Freedom ~ You are Entering a Time of Liberation
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Holy Souls of our Lion Nation of the New Lemuria Risen
Our local Soularis continues to blaze this realm with multidimensional Flashes of Source light releasing another 7 C Class Soular Flares today and another Trinity of M Class Flares along with the sixth X Class Flares in the past 5 days maxing out at X 1.85 at 12:48 UTC.
We also had another day of whiteout waves of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 27 hz, 32 hz, two higher pulses at 40 hz and 2 big blasts of white light at 43 hz, creating a 77 Gateway. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional Heavenly Energetics fully anchored into the Core of Pachamama and rising.
As Gaia transforms into her 5D Crystalline Galactic Form we rise with her. As the Eagle flies with the Condor through all delusions and illusions to reveal our True Nature of Buddha Mind we release all that no longer serves self and the collective and call in our Highest Timeline of Peace, Joy, Freedom and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Simply Remember that “Nothing is as it seems, nor is it otherwise”. For this is a paradox of the matrix in which emptiness is form and form is emptiness, they are intrinsically linked, for one cannot exist without the other.
Our Ascension journey has switched to high gear pushing us through and over every threshold of limitation and separation to break through all obstacles and barriers of our Exodus into the Promised Land of Heaven on Earth.
Keep anchoring in the Sacred Light of Infinite Source Creator as we Ascend Higher into the Holiest of Holies of the Pure Land of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
January 4th : X Flares as the Sun continues to radiate Golden Light Codes
The Sun has been super active in the last few days, sending out huge X Class Flares and many M Class.
These Solar Flares are carrying Golden Light Codes/Fire Codes that are directing the new energies for 2025.
The Golden Light Angels and the Golden Star Lions are also helping us to integrate these powerful ongoing Solar energies.
I found that I am feeling strangely “empty” and “hollow” as the old falls away and the new is yet to manifest.
I am also feeling a bit nauseous as the light stimulates the Solar Plexus and the nervous system.
But it is all good! We are just preparing to rev up that Angelic Human Template and fully enter into our power as ascended beings with angelic capabilities of creation and manifestation.
Have a beautiful week end everyone!
Golden Light Codes
The matrix reached its expiration date in 2012. Since then, all of its structures have been on a gradual downward spiral. And now the collapse is accelerating. Nothing is going to stop this shift. Nothing is going to save the old ways of the system. You are in the times of transcendence. In religious terms, the Rapture. The Resurrection of the Divine human is taking place.
You are activating a timeline in which divine truth is to be heard world wide. Divine order restored. The starships of the Galactic Federation are to decloak. What is to take place is a reunion like no other. Divine love is to overwhelm the hearts of humanity. For what has been prophecised even in the celestial realms, is to become reality. You truly stand on the cusp of the new era of light.
The Resurrection and The Sacred Dance of The Twins
Christine Day
The Pleiadians: You are Entering a Time of Liberation
Beloved ones we greet you,
The shifts that have been created within your Earth as you moved into 2025 has created a Universal celebration, a ‘newly restored Earth’ moving forward.
Your entire planet has transformed its frequency to fully align to the sacred Godhead realms of our resident Universe.
Know that this fully moves your earth plane beyond, into the higher realm laws to enable you, its inhabitants to be released from the old karmic ties and restrictions of anchored illusions from the past.
You are entering a time of liberation as you align to the restoration of your higher consciousness functioning.
Be still and open into the experience of the vast natural reconnections to the higher realm essence of love, for this has always been part of your multidimensional makeup.
We witness you as you move forward with love and respect for your ongoing journey on this higher path of experience.
Recent observations indicate a series of fluctuations in energetic dynamics, characterized initially by a significant surge shortly after the New Year. This was followed by a temporary subsidence and a subsequent resurgence of heightened energy levels, albeit with slightly reduced intensity. Reports from the past 72 hours suggest that these shifts have been consistent and sustained, with limited reprieve for individuals sensitive to such changes.
The current phase of heightened ionized energy is anticipated to persist for an additional 48 hours. For those resuming full-time work schedules on Monday, it is advisable to prioritize self-regulation strategies over the weekend. Key recommendations include:
1. Maintaining Calmness: Engage in stress-reducing activities such as mindfulness practices, meditation, or light physical exercise.
2. Hydration: Ensure adequate fluid intake to support physiological processes and cellular adaptation.
3. Minimizing Triggers: Avoid environments or stimuli that may provoke undue stress or emotional reactivity.
4. Detoxification: Opt for balanced nutrition and practices that aid in the body’s natural detoxification processes.
Such preparatory measures may mitigate potential discomfort associated with ongoing physiological adjustments and emotional processing. These adaptive responses could be linked to biological or psychosomatic mechanisms activated during periods of perceived environmental or internal stressors.
Magical Pure Loving Dreams
Maryann Rada
It is the beginning of the end for the energy pattern that has held your world in the state of decay and corruption and bigotry and violence and… you know the list. You are here now on the planet by your own choice to participate in the restructuring of all that. It is in the world scheduled to be. You will find all around what you need to heal. You are being fed lies by the hands that would just as soon starve you altogether, and you are taught to love these beings as if they were unquestionable divinity. We bring the revelation, folks: You are the real divinity. You are the ones who see love, who dive into the fray and arise unbeaten, even though the bruises are there. You are the ones in the wings, waiting to enter the stage and announce yourselves in the spotlight.
excerpt from “Pleiadian Renegade: Thoughts of Higher Magnitude”
1/4/25: You could feel somewhat squished today. Actually, the entire year will bring the urge to purge, but January really wants more room and today is totally onboard. This, again, is caused by your own inner expansion. You simply don’t fit into old spaces. This entire month is like a volcano waiting for that one catalyst, one little nudge, that triggers everything. But that’s not ideal. Your Right Action then is to relieve the pressure a little at a time. You do not want to explode, or implode, your life right now. These things must be done delicately or there will be regrets. So simply acknowledge your growth and make adjustments as you can. (March will set you free.)
Dear friends, on top of the three recent strong X class solar flares (two yesterday and a new one today), we have a new celestial player moving into the intense energetic canvas of this new year. The red planet Mars enters the sign of Cancer on January 6, while in retrograde motion, creating a complex and introspective energetic landscape for the rest of this month. Mars retrograde is a period when the planet appears to be moving backwards in the sky, turning its energies inward and focusing on re-evaluation, revision, and re-direction.
As Mars navigates the emotional waters of Cancer, it brings a strong emphasis on emotional awareness, sensitivity, and vulnerability. This transit invites us to explore our emotional underworld, confronting and releasing old patterns, wounds, or fears that may be hidden beneath the surface.
During this time, you may experience a heightened sense of emotional sensitivity and vulnerability, making it essential to prioritize self-care and nurturing. You may feel a strong desire to revisit and re-evaluate past emotional wounds, family dynamics, or childhood experiences, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of your emotional world. This process of introspection and self-reflection also presents a unique opportunity to heal family dynamics and ancestral patterns embedded within our DNA. By confronting and releasing hidden wounds or unresolved issues related to your family or ancestral lineage, you’ll be able to break free from the cycles of unresolved suffering that have been passed down through generations, and instead, create a new legacy of love, compassion, and empowerment.
As you delve into your emotional depths, you may encounter feelings of restlessness, irritability, or frustration, particularly if your emotional needs are not being met. However, this transit also offers an opportunity to redefine and re-establish emotional boundaries, ensuring that you’re prioritizing your own emotional well-being.
By embracing the introspective energies of Mars retrograde in Cancer, you’ll be able to rebirth and renew your emotional body, emerging stronger, more resilient, and more attuned to your inner world. This transit is a powerful catalyst for emotional healing, growth, and transformation, allowing you to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.
The timing of this Mars retrograde in Cancer is particularly significant, as it coincides with the initial 11 days of the year, a period of potent energetic activation. The seeds planted during this time, from January 1 to January 11, are now beginning to sprout, and the introspective energies of Mars retrograde in Cancer are helping to nurture and cultivate this growth. As we navigate the new 9 frequencies of 2025, this transit offers a crucial opportunity to detox and align our emotional bodies with the emerging energies, ensuring a smoother transition and a deeper embodiment of our highest potential.
Furthermore, this Mars retrograde in Cancer sets the stage for the upcoming Chinese New Year of the Snake, which begins at the end of January. The Snake’s energies are known for their transformative and regenerative powers, and the introspective work done under this Mars retrograde will provide a solid foundation for the snake’s shedding and renewal process. As the Snake’s energies awaken, you’ll be invited to release old skin, habits, and patterns, and rebirth into a more authentic, wiser, empowered, and spiritually aligned version of yourself.
Have a blessed day. Much love
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
Those of the Light are BEING ATTACKED + 3 X Class Solar Flares in 24 hours~ The Galactic Federation
Blessings to our dear Earth Family,
Once again the Infinite Creator has blessed you with intense rays of Love. Your Star has just erupted with tremendous force, unleashing a spectacular series of Flashes, that have resulted in three significant X-class solar flares, within the last 24 hours. This phenomenon, represents a substantial burst of energy that is anticipated to amplify the vibrational frequencies all around the Earth. Such intense solar activity can have profound effects on your planet, influencing everything from your technological systems to your personal emotional states.
All around Earth there are mysterious phenomena happening, from Drone and starship activity, to strange weather patterns, to all the Intense energies now flooding your planet. This myriad of activity is causing extreme reactions from the Collective Consciousness.
Many individuals may find it increasingly challenging to cope with the energetic shifts that are occurring. When you allow your vibrations to remain entrenched in negative frequencies, your physical body begins to experience a distortion from within. This distortion manifests as discomfort, unease, and even physical ailments, as harboring lower vibrational emotions can create a dissonance in your energetic field. This is causing many, who are vibrationally unstable, to attack those of the Light. At these times, you are also witnessing those that are within the lower 4th dimensional void, who also attack those who hold the Light. You would understand these beings as demons or jinn. They are also interfering with your vibrations. While you move through the 4th dimension, if you are in Lower vibrations they will become more active around you, causing more chaos in your Lives.
Your physical form also reacts to external vibrations in a manner that is strikingly similar to how it responds to the internal vibrations you cultivate. Therefore, if you find that outside influences are causing you discomfort or distress, it is essential to take proactive measures to remove yourself from those situations, or to clear your personal space.
It is incredibly beneficial to stand firm in your Light, asserting your boundaries and refusing to allow others to manipulate your frequencies. If you become aware that an interaction is veering into negative territory or is not of a positive nature, it is within your power to change the dynamic of the conversation or the situation entirely.
While others may not appreciate your steadfast commitment to maintaining a positive vibration, and may even react defensively or egotistically towards your efforts, it is crucial to remember that by standing firm in your Light, you can cause these negative vibrations to dissipate swiftly.
Many individuals who are still clinging to a sense of separation tend to judge those who are courageously expressing their Light. These individuals often choose to close their hearts to Love, leading them to attack and criticize those who do embody it. This unfortunate behavior is something that many of you encounter on a daily basis, and it serves as a poignant reminder that the great divide within human consciousness is only widening. A significant number of people refuse to confront their own truths and continue to follow false narratives and outdated beliefs that keep them disconnected from their inherent Divinity.
As you navigate these turbulent times, of uncertainty, change, and often conflict, it is absolutely vital to hold space for Love and Light, both within yourselves and in your interactions with others. This means cultivating a profound sense of compassion and understanding, allowing these qualities to permeate your thoughts, feelings, and actions. When you embrace Love, you are committing to an enduring practice of kindness, empathy, and respect.
As you journey through these challenging times, remember that the power of Love is already within you, it is your divine truth.
By embodying this Love within yourself and extending it to others, you contribute to a collective movement towards healing, connection, and unity. Embrace the opportunity to be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change, knowing that each effort, no matter how small, plays a significant role in transforming the world around you.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at
To Find The Light Path Attuned To Our Light Freedom. This Momentum Is Now Uprising As We Attune To The Greater Path Of Now.
For We Now Enter A Whole New Paradigm Of Light Synergy
Of Cellular Light Healings, Spontaneous Healings. The Greater Narrative Of Our Light World Is Providing Wonderful Insights For US.
Our Role Is To Trust This
Feel The Greater Presence Of This Momentum.
Now Navigating A Whole New Spectrum
Of Light Is The Pathway.
Simply Realise Our Planet Is Ready For Your
Together We Are Uniting And Joining
Simply Feel The Light Waves To Receive
Activate & Align In Light
Together We Are Uprising
With Love Global Family
Karen Lithika
Light Freedom
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
The upcoming Wolf Moon January 13th is supporting a collective clearing of what has been feeding off humanity. Whether it is with people, career, or life situations that is harvesting off your energy, it is clearing. A new level of protection surrounds us to ensure our safety. This is part of creating a new foundation for this New Earth timeline. It is time to grow stable healthy long term abundance, wellness, and success.
The Divine masculine Christ are being called to go higher into a sovereign position as this protector and guide of their true Divine Feminine Christ Counterpart. This Wolf Moon is opening the opportunity for the Masculine to align with their mission of marriage, and creating the New Earth Family Tree in Holy Matrimony. Blocks are clearing to for the Masculine to rise into their God given duty of protector and provider of their Feminine and Family.
On Saturday, January 4th, the Sun, ruler of vital energy, in ambitious Capricorn is creating a positive sextile to Saturn, ruler of physical form, in fluid Pisces. There is an opportunity to shine your light on your goals and begin the process of manifestation. Take an action, do the work, have patience and trust the process.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of vital energy, in ambitious Capricorn is creating a positive sextile to Saturn
Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – Take a moment to look back over the course of your life to see how far you have come. Acknowledge your accomplishments and all the trials and tests it took to achieve them. What limited you in the past no longer needs to hold you back. You are capable. You’ve GOT this! Say it out loud if you doubt it, even for a minute.
There is an opportunity now to build on your experience, to reach even greater heights. With strong self-discipline and a willingness to commit, you can manifest your vision. Give yourself the structure and support you need. Take yourself seriously and be accountable. Dignity and integrity flow from self-respect. The key to successful self-expression is consistency. Let go of worries about getting older. Wisdom and maturity are luminous gifts. Time is a great teacher.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its key words are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize.’ It’s day 12 of the White Dog wavespell. On ‘Crystal’ days it’s good to remember how we need each other and through community, teamwork and collaboration we achieve more. Today, get together with other like-minded folk and see what you can accomplish.
Today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Being and Birth’. This combination of number and day creates the perfect opportunity for starting something new with a group of people. A community project, or an assignment at work, a commune, whatever you want to do…think about how others can get involved.
The Guide today is the Red Skywalker which symbolizes ‘Space, Wakefulness and Explore.’ When Skywalker guides, he is appealing to your adventurous side. Surrender to your curiosity and see where that takes you. With just a little courage you can expand your horizons.
The Challenge today is the Blue Monkey. Monkey has been enjoying this wavespell as he is the Occult power of Dog but today Monkey is in a challenge position and in need of nurturing, however he is finding that hard to get. Take good care of yourself if you are a Monkey.
The Ally today is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’. If you need honest feedback today consult a Mirror, they are very handy to have around.
Tip of the day: If you are a Dragon or have a child that is a Dragon (or if its strongly in your chart) please remember that it is vital that you have a cave to withdraw in to. Dragons need a safe, private space to nurture themselves. Parents, if you have a Dragon child, building a fort with blankets and furniture is something your little Dragon will love. It’s very reassuring. For grownups, even your car can be your cave…go park somewhere quiet and indulge in peace and privacy or hide in your garden shed if you have one. If your partner is a cave dwelling Dragon, please don’t take it personally when they need to withdraw. Thanks for reading!
MANTRA I DEDICATE in order to NURTURE Universalizing being I seal the input of birth With the crystal tone of cooperation I AM guided by the power of space
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 181 = 10 = 1 – New Beginnings/Leadership
10.10 1.1
A very powerful feminine nurturing day of rebirth and connection to our kin.
Today we return to the Red Dragon tribe which is tribe number 1 and so we commence at the top of a new column – number 10 in the Tzolkin Calendar – which represents Manifestation, Perfection and New beginnings. This harmonizes with NEW CREATION from the VOID, the b-Earthing energies.
We have a 19=10=1 Universal month coding for the entire month of JANUARY which AMPLIFIES all this NEW CREATION energy – ripe for MANIFESTING our DREAMS!
Day 12 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we are connecting and cooperating with our common-unities, in a beautiful nurturing and loving manner. Reprogramming our MINDS to become COMPASSIONATE with the new LIGHT of unconditional LOVE.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks in order to LIBERATE more LOVE and LIGHT. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something new to emerge.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Today we are joining and merging with other MINDS through the power of LOVE and nurturance.
We are reprogramming GAIA’s crystalling grid to a much higher octave of PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of our minds today through the power of co-operation with others.
A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other, through our precious HEARTS, and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED CRYSTAL DRAGON – IMIX represents our Divine Mother and our Birth Mother. The lineage of great Mothers and creatrix Goddesses. The beautiful nurturing energies that envelop us with unconditional love, so that we too can nurture others, giving and receiving love to our beloved common-unities.
Tribe number 1 also represents the Sophia Dragon tribe. The feminine wisdom keepers, holding the mysteries of the COSMOS, the purest Universal wisdom – that of Source. The Sophia Dragons are a lineage of the purest light, that reflects the one sovereign divine light that we all are, as the one body of Sophia Christos. We already are the heaven of our innate divinity, within the earth of our shared humanity.
Combined with the Crystal tone today, we have incredible CLARITY and access to the information superhighway, for downloading and access to greater wisdom through KIN 181 – which is a doorway to eternity. 11 is a gateway and 8 represents infinite Source Flow. KIN 181 unlocks the key to infinite FLOW – absolutely PERFECTO!.
Today is a beautiful day of connectivity, where we are EXPLORING our responsive mind, that seeks to care and nurture the awakening of the collective MIND. As more souls awaken and need support on their journey, they reach out and connect with others further along the path. In this way we are weaving a beautiful web of connectivity, loving and embracing each other.
IMIX also allows us to BIRTH the NEW TIME. An era of radiance and PEACE, birthed through the power of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, anchored by the beloved Planetary Kin who are bringing forth this New World through the void of creation.
NOTE: We are currently in the last month of the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON .. and we commence the Year of the YIN WOOD SNAKE on January 29th, 2025. This will be the year to shed your old skin and be born anew – a deeply TRANSFORMATIVE YEAR in all respects. . A year of INTROSPECTION, wisdom and personal development – through metamorphosis!
And so as we count down these closing days in the lunar year – the FEARLESS DRAGON will surely go out with a BANG! (pun intended!) It is interesting to note that the last day of the DRAGON year – 28 Jan 2025 completes through KIN 205 – the RED PLANETARY SERPENT! How perfecto – the DRAGON is passing the baton to RED SERPENT who is taking charge for the continuation of 2025!
And so our mighty DRAGON will surely make its mark during this passage and particularly TODAY! Make sure you call on your personal dragon allies and utilize their tremendous CREATION powers to fuel your DREAMS!
DRAGONS are very strong protectors and brilliant at clearing negative energy and entities – they can use their FIRE breath to purify and dissolve them, and even EAT them as a last resort for the tenacious ones!!
DRAGONS guard the treasures of the universe within the void of CREATION -their cave – the DRAGON’S lair. We have a BRILLIANT 10.10 MANIFESTATION GATE today – so make sure you call forth your rightful share of the bounty!
Get ready and call in your DRAGON team so that you can DO GREAT THINGS together! Aho beloveds – great support is available now!
Gregg Braden the brilliant ex Nasa scientist and physicist, turned author of Consciousness literature, is a Red Crystal Dragon. He has an incredible MIND able to access very specific and detailed data from many realms, exploring the cosmos with his Red Skywalker, Higher Self abilities. His Divine Mission is to illuminate our MINDS to Higher consciousness and Ascension, in order to b-Earth our New Earth. Using his ability to birth and initiate new projects, he has capitalized on this, by producing prolific books.
Crystal Dragons – excel in the publishing arena and communications – speaking, writing, presenting and any field where they can cooperate and co create with others. We are all indeed blessed with the wisdom flowing forth from the CRYSTAL DRAGON tribe.
Today is my Gregorian birthday – and I am absolutely ecstatic to embody KIN 181 for the entire year!!! I am saying ADIOS to the YELLOW SPECTRAL (DOUBLE) WARRIOR – who led me fearlessly into many battles with the darkness… and now I can put down my sword and armour and replace it with a PEN and paper. As KIN 181 is the BEST PUBLISHING GURU of all 260 kin in the DREAMSPELL!!!
THIS IS THE YEAR – I can FINALLY produce all the books, manuals, e-courses, webinars and content that I have been BLOCKED from releasing into the public arena for 3 decades!!!!!. HALLELUJAH!! BRING IT ON!
Stay tuned for more news during the roll out!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED CRYSTAL SKYWALKER – BEN the Skywalker is the 13th tribe opening us to the mysteries of the Cosmos. Today we EXPAND, EXPLORE and connect very easily with altered realities through our EXPANDED and collective MIND!
BEN asks us to OPEN our MINDS, and create more SPACE for loving thoughts. Transmitting LOVE through the interdimensional doorways and super highway, through the telepathic grid. Sending forth waves of love and compassion through these networks.
We are also EXPLORING what creates a more caring and nurturing common-unity and unified world through the power of LOVE. Redefining our collective experience of loving, cooperative communities for the highest good of our planet.
The CRYSTAL SKYWALKER is the Angelic Messenger who is seeking to BIRTH HEAVEN on EARTH.
As we EXPAND our MINDS we realize great BLISS as we float endlessly in a sea of infinite potential, and ALL THAT IS. It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully awakened and HEART EXPANDED StarBlIss Supernova Suns.
SUPPORT: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR– ETZNAB reflects the COMPASSIONATE mind, which is the state to which we need to evolve our MINDS. Reflecting the TRUTH of what is not kind, loving and compassionate in our relationships and connections with others. The sword of truth strips away all lower thoughts that do not reflect this higher level of loving MIND.
As each of us uplevels our MINDS, we heal and evolve the collective MIND. We catalyze the 100th Monkey effect, exponentially raising the level of consciousness through the telepathic crystalline grid reflected endlessly through the Hall of Mirrors.
Like a series of grandfather clocks or metronomes, all synchronizing their pendulums together, through harmonic resonance. Our Collective MIND too is now synchronizing to the new Harmonic Matrix of the NEW TIME. ONE UNIFIED HARMONIC, LOVING MIND!
The CRYSTAL MIRROR gives us CRYSTAL CLEAR CLARITY to see beyond the false mind control programs of the Artificial time Matrix. When we realize that LOVE is the true path, we have the POWER to navigate through the hall of Mirrors to the NEW TIME.
NOTE: The CRYSTAL MIRROR is also a CRYSTAL PYRAMID – which is a SUPER MAGNIFIER and transmitter for information encoded within. Use this POWER wisely today to amplify your CREATIONS through your INTENTION and VISUALIZATION.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW LUNAR SUN – AHAU ILLUMINATES our MINDS today. The LUNAR SUN reveals polarities and resistance to the LIGHT, and AWAKENING our minds to more universal LOVE. Shining the torch on the darker recesses of our mind, that harbor fear, abandonment or separation from our Mother/Father God/SOURCE.
The LUNAR SUN is shining the LIGHT on the path of HIGHER LOVE, and evolution though embracing the BUDDHIC MIND. The compassionate one, who embraces all beings in his heart as ONE SOUL, ONE FLAME, ONE HEART.
As we unite our collective MINDS through the power of LOVE , we evolve our communities and our entire planet, fearlessly shining our LIGHT as SOLAR SOVEREIGN beings. IGNITING our LIGHT to amp up this harmonic matrix of the new LOVE, with pure hearts and LIGHT fully switched ON and illuminated.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY – CHUEN challenges us today to TRUST our intuition, and trust in the Majik powers of our Divine inner child. Connecting to our INNOCENCE through the purity of LOVE. Playing with sending and receiving thoughts and ideas telepathically through the crystalline grid of collective mind.
We are challenged to SEE and sense the world through the eyes, heart and unpolluted mind of a pure Divine child full of wonder. Joining in cooperative unions with our kin, through love, joy and acceptance in a playful innocent manner. Effortless flow and joy, begotten from being fully present in the NOW, and not being overwhelmed by the future “burdens”.
Living in the NOW moment – the eternal present, connecting to infinite SOURCE.
This is the SECRET to true MANIFESTATION… connecting to the desires of your divine child to unleash your MAJIKAL CREATION power!
We are responding to our spontaneous Heart’s desires to love and nurture each other, and live together harmoniously, in common-unity.
Trust in the MAJIK of the larger Divine pattern, to provide what you need to B-EARTH our New reality and our beautiful loving new world.
The essence of KIN 181 is to reveal and teach us – what is not born of LOVE, and that the way forward is to unite as communities – through unconditional love, compassion and acceptance of each other, as EQUALS – all divine children sharing this Earthly experience..
As a great Master once said “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” John 13:34
So precious loving hearts, a beautiful day for birthing new loving communities, and connecting with our kin, through the Majik of Universal NURTURANCE.
Today’s question is “How can I LOVINGLY connect with and nurture others, through a Higher more compassionate MIND, to b-Earth a new and better world?”
“What does my HEART and MIND desire to CREATE?”
Divine blessings for A BEAUTIFUL day of LOVE and connection through exuberant PLAY,
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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