The Gold Diary ~ Infinite Temple of Divine Light * Journey Through The Stargate ~ Activation of the Ark of the Covenant ~ Values and Virtues
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Blessed Dragon Nation of our New Avalon Rising
All is coming into alignment and fruition for the most powerful 9:9 Portla tomorrow and the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on Wednesday September 17th.
The Divine Union of Virgo and Pisces will help complete the final phases of our Planetary Missions of Ascension and prepare all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 for our Quantum Leap of Faith into our 5D New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
With the Faith and Courage of our Lion Kingdom of God and the Wisdom of the Mind of Buddha together we Hold the Visions of our Pristine New Earth and with our Pure Intent and Divine Will we consciously co-create the Paradise Gaia has always evolved to be.
This will be another 9 days in a row of the Dragon Energies rising to assist Gaia and all of Humanity in the Freedom from all slavery systems of suffering and into the Sacred Lands of Peace and Prosperity for all Sentient Beings of the WayโฆAโHo!
Values and virtues are coming back to humanity. Your Star Family and Creator’s Rules of Life are coming back to Gaia. With all these new energies, you are working on and with reproducing your crystalline bodies, you are bringing back the concept of the grid of Creator/Source’s values and virtues. You are stepping into the energies that are supporting everything that creates compassion, care, forgiveness, love, friendship, and honesty. Everything that makes a human a human is brought back to you and is supported, This starts to resonate in your emotional body, in your mental body and in the system of your thought patterns. This is a transformation of your mental body, your thoughts, ways of thinking, and ways you choose.
9/8/24: Why is September so important this year? Because itโs an 8 month in an 8 year and it contains all that we are globally, all that we can be, and our individual impact on the world. Itโs the harvest and bounty we bring to the table. Itโs the sense of our own value and potential. Itโs accountability for what weโve done and responsibility for the consequences. Itโs about our fear of failureโฆ and our corresponding fear of success. Itโs excruciatingly personal on a massive scale. Each day brings us both the passive and the active, the problem and the solution, the high road and the low. And then it asks us to either choose or embrace both. Today mixes a lot of dreaming with a little bit of doing. Tomorrow can sculpt todayโs imaginings into form.
Facing the reality of who you truly are feels like standing before a mirror that reflects both light and shadow, revealing not just what you want to see, but all that you have hidden from yourself. There is an undeniable beauty in the lightโyour kindness, wisdom, and resilience, qualities you often cling to when you need to feel whole. But equally present are the shadows: the fears, insecurities, and unspoken desires that have quietly influenced your choices, shaping you in ways you sometimes refuse to acknowledge. It is in this interplay between your brightest and darkest aspects that you begin to understand the complexity of who you are. Your shadow is not an enemy to be vanquished, but a quiet, invisible, part of yourself yearning for understanding, for reconciliation with the light.
The journey inward feels like peeling back layers, unveiling truths that are both empowering and unsettling. For so long, you have worn the mask of what you thought you should be, avoiding the vulnerability that comes with embracing your imperfections. Yet, there is a freedom in this act of unveiling, a self who is fragile yet strong. In acknowledging your shadow, you see that it holds wisdom too, guiding you to the roots of your pain, your joy, and your deepest longings. This confrontation is not easy; it requires you to look into the abyss and trust that what you find there is not something to fear, but to embrace. Remember that we all hold both shadow and light within, and it is important to allow them to coexist, for in their dance lies the truth of who you are.
Art by Mariusz Lewandowski
The Gold Diary
On the ninth day of the ninth month we have the 99 portal. The portal is already open (it usually opens three day before and stays open for another three days after the actual date) 9 is the number of endings, completion. Out with the old, wipe the slate clean to start with the new. But such important transitions donโt happen that smoothly over night. The old and the new is overlapping because change happens all the time. Number 9 also represents the energy of creation. The 99 portal is an opportunity for you to tap into the energy of creation and allow it to guide you forward. Surrender to the process.
Tune into the energy of creation that will help you clear the old out of your system and open up to the powerful new high frequency golden light that will flow into the empty spaces within your system. Now is the time to step into your power and work on your mission. We are also supported by the energy of the sun coming into the planetary system right now. It can cause a lot of chaos and pressure but donโt worry, everything will work out just fine.
We are creating the new relationships blueprint and the old will be replaced with the new ways of living, being, doing, relating. Little by little. Everything will fall into place. The best you can do is to bring your energy to the highest possible level to get the best out of the 99 portal. Raise your vibration and release the old. Follow the guidance of your soul and rise.
You are about to discover how the intensified COSMIC ENERGY directly impacts your ASCENSION.
These HIGHER FREQUENCY LIGHT CODES must be released throughout the Earth, bearing their unique imprint of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS.
This will enable you to launch yourself into the path of your DIVINE.
BROTHERS and SISTERS NOW that YOUR EARTH is peacefully changing DIMENSION and our DIVINE PLAN as an << Second BEING >> is being Completed, WAKE UP with your FREE WILL and connect with US TELEPATHICALLY, become CONSCIOUS UNIVERSAL CHANNELS with US.
THE ASCENSION of all that is happening in Celestial Heaven NOW and our reunion is the BIGGEST COSMIC EVENT in ages!
Stay CENTERED in your HEART, CONNECTED to your true ESSENCE. Because that’s where your POWER lies to ALIGN yourself with the UNIVERSAL TRUTH.
POWERFUL ENERGY FORCES are in ACTION on your PLANET, heralding the next cycle of transformation. it’s TIME to OPEN the DOOR to your HEART, to access the frequency of your HIGHER SELF. These SACRED HEART spaces embody the LOVE of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, an aspect of your MULTIDIMENSIONAL nature that is READY to flourish in YOU.
This FREQUENCY of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS will then unfold, blending naturally with every cell in your body for a COMPLETE physical and ENERGETIC REJUVENATION.
Enlightenment, the alignment of REJUVENATION with JOY and LOVE will arise from WITHIN.
Simultaneously, this process of transformation will pulsate across the Earthโs plane, realigning you with AUTHENTICITY, WISDOM and UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE.
This is YOUR TIME to remember your SACRED CONNECTIONS that have ALWAYS EXISTED in the GOD state of CONSCIOUSNESS that you TRULY are.
Conscious detachment will allow you to fully incorporate the FREQUENCY of DIVINITY into your CELLS. These COSMIC ENERGIES are designed to cover up everything that does not align with the TRUTH on your PLANET..
Let go, allow, breathe consciously, and open up to the LIGHT that FLOWS through YOU.
Together, WE will contribute to Gaia’s transformation as the Earth repositions itself into a NEW PARADIGM of CONSCIOUSNESS.
Journey Through The Stargate ~ Transforming from StarSeeds to StarBlossoms
Starseeds are souls that originated from Source, and who split off so they could become Emissaries to explore advanced star systems, the Earth plane, distant galaxies and other realms beyond the beyond. Starseeds have lived many lifetimes on other planetary systems of advanced civilizations before being born here on Earth. A clarion call went out that Mother Gaia was in great need of our assistance, so we volunteered to incarnate on Earth to help her with this grand shift of Ascension, and as well as develop ourselves for spiritual advancement. We have Journeyed Through the Stargate to get here and when we arrived, we came in with amnesia and had forgotten who we are and why weโre here. Through the Ascension Process, we are transforming from StarSeeds to StarBlossoms and remembering that we are Divine Beings experiencing a Human Life for growth.
Within the center of our being lives a Divine Spark of Love Source, and all the wisdom of our Soulโs experiences from all of our lifetimes is stored in our Akashic records. This Divine spark is sprouting into a new consciousness and we are now becoming Star Blossoms with access to our unique gifts and abilities. As we evolve, we are releasing layers of illusions that have clouded our Light, and as we continue blossoming, we are realizing that we are not separate from the Universe but are actually a vital part of it. Our Souls are experiencing a ReBirthing through the process of Ascension and we are stepping into the light of a new horizon, where we can live together as conscious co-creators in a beautiful infinite dance with creation. Everyday we have opportunities to thrive with unconditional Love and embrace our multidimensional nature as we continue to assist Mother Earth and connect with our Galactic Cosmic roots. We are the Embodiment of OneLove shining our Radiance out into the Multiverse as we Blossom open from our Hearts. And so it is!
We are now immersed into a profound phase of light sustenance, as my Guides refer to the process that comes after periods of integration. Learning how to manage, decode, and sustain the new earth’s Aquamarine energies that we are embodying, together with the soul and monadic transmissions descended from our main God Source, is vital to seed them for All, in our unique way.
This is a time for all of you seeders of love, light, harmony, and healing to expand your hearts and share your unique essence, for all of you are key to helping our planet continue with the process of masculine and female template restoration.
Since this year began, we have been constantly immersed in energies that foment the integration, the union, and the dance between both polarities, for we are now ready as well as our planet to move into the more harmonic timeline. During August we were assisted to restore the masculine, and we head now into a new Aquamarine passage whose energies are helping us achieve the same procedure with the female.
The aquamarine transmissions that have been present as well during the recent Emerald retrieval, are now being expanded, bringing purity, cleansing, and renewal, emphasizing the female essence and its benevolent embrace to All.
Aquamarine frequencies represent the essence that we are now welcoming as we are moving throughย devoted Virgo, a sign that is precisely about purity, service to All, and amplification of Light, restoring our body channels and fascia system of all the distortions and blockages that impede the New Light in.
Call upon the Aquamarine frequencies to help you restore the female within. Visualize an aquamarine ring, a plasmatic one, entering through your first chakra, anchoring it on your second one, healing all female distortions, and cleansing all energetic cords, miasma, and wounds.
Breathe the healing Aquamarine in, and breathe all lower energies out. Let it heal and harmonize your emotional female energy, for there is no possible creation, love, and light expansion without restoring the female.
You may need to use the violet seventh ray if you have sexual traumas, or many other related wounds, to transmute all the cellular damage in your present self, and in parallel ones, for we heal simultaneously from the present moment.
It is time now for renewal and rebirth, reconnecting to the female within, envisioning from the depths of our being the new horizons we are meant to transit next, and the guidance that will too help us assist in this new trajectory.
Many of you are female healers, whose mission is to bring back the lost female essence on the planet. During this time you may be challenged by outer forces, circumstances outside of yourself, for in our dual universe there are many choices.
Your mission as a female seeder and emissary is to remain always within divine love, neutrality, and compassionate witnessing, for this is how you mainly achieve your mission by being a love conduit, for only Love can defy darkness, and fear, as after all the unlove we witness, is another form of fear.
Virgo represents the purity and love of the Divine feminine, devoted to All, through sacred service. Virgo will help us achieve a better understanding of our sexual/creatix force, the one who creates worlds from within, and the one that has suffered from many manipulations, repression, and mistreatment.
With Virgo, it will be a time to work on our mission of service, but also on our personal one to continue healing our sexuality, second chakra, and emotional body, retrieving the divine feminine within us, and continue purifying our bodies, especially our fascia, nervous, and digestive systems all ruled by Virgo, so we can channel the light we are descending properly.
During this time we are being assisted to learn how to hold this new illumined frequency, for our physical bodies may still be releasing, healing from old wounds, or passing through many different processes that we often undergo in our ascension journey.
The female essence acts as the Universal Mother, always embracing what is opposite to transform it into love.
The Universal Mother frequency is one of Love, it is not associated with gender, for it is a frequency we emanate from within.
This is our Power, and one of the many reasons why we came here, to transform all the darkness we confront daily, through the power of love, as fighting only creates more resistance, separation, and illusion.
To all of you Universal Mothers, thank you for being a compassionate loving beacon during this transitional time for All.
Within Infinite Love and bright blessings,
Natalia Alba
Love Seeders
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
This is a week of rejoicing as you are returning back to the original Divine Blueprint that God has made you from. The spark of light of your existence is what is returning you back home to the sequence of love and understanding that you are pure God Source energy.
The density and duality that created the illusions of separation from yourself are falling away quickly. God is in charge and has taken over. God is removing us from everything that ever was so we can birth as the Stars we are.
This week you are returning back you yourself. Youโve been Chosen for this timeline of the New Earth. The fractal assignment of the old earth timeline has ended. Now we are reawakening to the truth of Creation, and that we are Creator Beings in the physical.
This new reality is upon us. A remembrance is awakening so you can see the light and pure Source energy within you. Itโs always who youโve been. This is the return Home to this foundation of unconditional love and oneness with yourself and God.
From this foundation is your fresh start. Let go of all the duality, pain, and loss, and let this truth of love grow from the inside out.
On Sunday, September 8th Mercury, the ruler of the mental realm, spends his last few hours in confident Leo before moving into practical Virgo. While still in Leo today he will make difficult inconjunct connections to Neptune, ruler of illusion, and Pluto, ruler of evolution. We must shift our perspective and merge the ego mind with the spiritual mind to see that the present moment is part of a greater picture.
We must also make an adjustment to willingly understand that everything we are experiencing is part of a death and rebirth cycle that leads us through a process of transformation and regeneration in our lives. When Mercury, the Messenger, returns to his home sign of Virgo, he only has 4 more degrees until he is out of the post shadow of his retrograde cycle. This brings renewed clarity to some of the miscommunication with others, technological mishaps, and overwhelm that we may have experienced over the past 3-4 weeks.
Mercury will remain in Virgo until September 26th and during this time we are paying attention to the details, adapting our routines, focusing on health and self-care, using discernment in our communications and actions, and remaining adaptable ,but productive, as we move forward on our path.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, the ruler of the mental realm, spends his last few hours in confident Leo
Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn retrograde in Pisces โ Take responsibility for where you are now without judging yourself too harshly. If there have been errors along the way, praise your efforts and then apply course correction. Know that youโre capable of resolving whatever challenges lie ahead. Each โfailureโ is an opportunity for learning. Sometimes weโre so concerned about what other people think, we bend ourselves out of shape, hide our light, hold back. Give yourself permission to follow your heart. Let go of โshouldโ. You are allowed to dream.
If black clouds loom on the horizon, know that you have what it takes to weather the storm. Sometimes we must stand strong in the face of adversity. Resistance makes everything twice as hard. The storm will pass. Bend like the trees. Just because you donโt know how to resolve a problem today doesnโt mean you wonโt know how to resolve it tomorrow โ or the next day, or the next. Keep working on yourself. Hone your skills. Soon the sun will peek out from behind the clouds.
The number 11 is called โSpectralโ and its keywords are โDissolve, Liberate and Releaseโ. The 11th day is all about letting go. Of course, what you let go of depends on the day as well. If you are born on a number 11 day, you will enjoy this energy. We always enjoy our own number when it comes around, as we seem to sync with its frequency. Number 11 people are freedom fighters and because today does not follow the wavespell agenda, we are all free to do what we want. Everyone can enjoy this but number 11 folk particularly, seem to get a kick out of this. It’s the kind of day when revolutions are more likely to occur.
Today is Blue Night, which represents โDreams, Intuition and Abundance.โ When you combine the number and day the result is โliberate your dreams!โ Or another way of looking at it is that your dreams can liberate you. If you let go of your dreams that doesnโt mean you are giving up on them – on the contrary, holding on to dreams too tightly can create imbalances in your life. Do you have just one dream that you hold on to so dearly that no other dream gets a chance? Have you been on a path so rigid and so focused that you have lost the original purpose? Release it all, let go of all aspirations and feel liberated. Even if it is just for one day, free yourself and accept what you already have. โAbundanceโ is a key word for today suggesting that we should appreciate the dreams that have already come true!
Todayโs Guide is Blue Night, so itโs a double helping of โDreams and Abundanceโ.
The Challenge of the day is Red Skywalker and so if you are Red Skywalker, your sense of adventure may not help you out today. Sometimes, you need a break from all the โdoingโ and just dream instead. Of course, this is the Skywalker wavespell and so today we are liberated from the agenda of the current wavespell which shall be a welcome relief to Blue Nights, who have had a challenging time lately.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which is all about โReflecting Truthโ. Be honest with yourself about your dreams and the likelihood of them coming true. If you have been wasting energy barking up the wrong tree, today is a good day for a reality check. Whenever Mirror is in the magical position expect the truth to provide unexpected magical outcomes.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior and so if you need help โreleasing and letting goโ today, a Yellow Warrior could really help you out as they love missions and being called to aid. If you are one, expect your services to be in demand.
KIN 63 = 9 Destiny/Compassion/Humanity/Closure – 3.6.9. TESLA code
Today we are AWAKENING to new levels of DIVINE HEAVENLY ABUNDANCE and we have an 8.8. ABUNDANCE GATE with DOUBLE AKBAL/GENIE code!! A huge flush of SOURCE support and ABUNDANCE flowing forth fuelling our MISSION to build a new foundation for PROSPERITY.
A GREAT day to RELEASE all that has bound you, in order to be FREE to step into your Divine Destiny.
Day 11 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and EXPANSION. Today is the day to RELEASE and LIBERATE yourself from all the pent up energies that have been coming to the surface to be FREED. This FREES up SPACE inside us for the EXPANSIVE exploration into the DREAMTIME DIMENSIONS, in order to LIBERATE our DREAMS. How WONDERFUL!!
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity. Today the elves are handing you a majikal BRAND NEW KEY to unlock the golden gates and walk through, slamming the door behind you. kin 63=9 code of Endings and Closure enables you to finally SHUT the door on the old world of lack, struggle and poverty and ACTIVATE your TESLA POWERS!
TODAY you have the ability to DISSOLVE, RELEASE and clear any old debris in the way of your happiness and prosperity. Say GOODBYE to anything that previously stood in the way of weaving your MAJIK through your Divine Mission.
Today’s question is “What FEARS and blocks do I need to DISSOLVE and RELEASE, in order to LIBERATE my inherent ABUNDANCE!
It is TIME to finally release and LET GO of all blocks to ABUNDANCE!
Let us ALL enjoy our DREAMING TIME and MANIFEST our collective DREAM, of infinite ABUNDANCE for all beings!
AND SO IT IS x A godzillion!
Meet you in the DREAMTIME, in the land over the rainbow – beautiful DREAMERS..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Last Galactic spin – 9 moons ago – KIN 63 aligned occured on 22 Dec 2023 which was the
We can access this potent energy today giving us another high powered energy infusion!
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SPECTRAL NIGHT AKBAL rules the realms of DREAMS, Abundance and intuition.
Today we have DOUBLE BLUE NIGHT MAJIK GENIE energies on an 8.8. ABUNDANCE GATE – with a TOWER code! BOOM sudden windfalls flowing into our bank accounts!!
This super charged energy on the back of the SOLSTICE portal makes for a very powerful opportunity to LIBERATE our ABUNDANCE both individually and collectively. This is achieved in the form of moving the energy outwardly in order to EXPRESS it and release the stagnation in order to BUILD something NEW!
AKBAL is a portal into the subconscious realms and those of the unconscious. BEN the explorer is our expert guide delving into the abyss of AKBAL, the mystery within us all. Here we can uncover all our FEARS, insecurities and self worth, self confidence and self love issues.
Our beautiful PLANET Gaia provides for all our needs, as a loving Mother does for her children. All the natural resources are here for our benefit. Just as the birds and wild animals are provided for, so too are we (once we get out of our way) and become RECEPTIVE to this constant flow of abundance. Especially fortuitous on this PROSPEROUS 8.8. portal – blessing us with an INFINITE FLOW of ABUNDANCE from HEAVEN!
TODAY IS THE DAY to finally DISSOLVE any and ALL resistance to allowing this unlimited ABUNDANCE to support and nourish you, FREEING you to follow your DIVINE MISSION. HALLELUJAH
AKBAL – Holds the KEY to the DREAMTIME. That majikal realm where we first alchemize our DREAMS.
The BLUE NIGHT is the star-glyph for the country of AUSTRALIA on the PLANET HOLON map (each country has a tribe archetype). Our Australian indigenous people hold THE DREAMING CODE for our NEW WORLD. That is why the battle for sovereignty in AUSTRALIA has been so fierce and pivotal for our GLOBAL ASCENSION.
Our GATEKEEPERS to the NEW WAY DREAMING are incredible spiritual souls, who have continuously existed on our planet for over 65,000 years (predating the Egyptian era, Atlantis and even Lemuria!) It seems that they have been here since the dawn of time! Our original people have held this VISION of a wondrous NEW UTOPIAN PLANET since time immemorial. An honourable achievement!
They are master storytellers who relate their incredible CREATION stories through ART – painting, singing and dancing. They communicate with the starbeings, and they have been the GUARDIANS of our land, and custodians of our PLANET. They hold the golden KEYS to unlock and release the DREAMING codes, the collective vision of our brand new world of unlimited abundance for all beings.
We are indebted to them for their Divine Service to humanity and Gaia’s evolution. Divine gratitude to our ancient holy, wise DREAMKEEPERS.
Today is the day to RELEASE this NEW WAY DREAMING to liberate our Collective DREAM of a beautiful new ABUNDANT planet.
It is TIME to BREAK the stranglehold and run FREE with the wind in our hair, and STARS in our eyes.
This RED SKYWALKER wavespell in conjunction with the SPECTRAL LIBERATION energies are SUPERBOOSTING today’s code – so we are TRULY FREE to experience more glorious EXPANSION now!
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL WARRIOR CIB provides the necessary means to QUESTION, using our intelligence to uncover what dams and walls have been blocking our Planetary flow. CIB will give us the courage to explore the abyss, and the fearlessness to finally LIBERATE ourselves and our planet from the chains, allowing the GLOBAL prosperity to FLOW.
The fearless Rainbow Warriors heeded the clarion call and incarnated on the Earth plane to specifically bring forth this new Golden Age of Abundance and Peace as their collective Divine Missions..
Today the Warriors collectively unite their energies to witness this DREAM come true, manifesting into our New Reality. Day by day the DREAM is held and nurtured until it is fully realized in wondrous DIVINE GLORY!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE ELECTRIC MIRROR ETZNAB reveals the endlessness of the ABUNDANCE available for all beings. You finally can see clearly as ALL TRUTH is revealed.
The Artificial Patriarchal Matrix fed us a false narrative of Scare-city and limitation.. limited resources, money, food, shelter, and water to satisfy our world population.. We have been told the world is OVERPOPULATED and cannot support this number of people. EUGENICS and GENOCIDE is needed to cull the numbers to ensure the SURVIVAL of the fittest, or rather the “privileged few- the ELITE!”
All this narrative is a well orchestrated and fabricated LIE.
When energy and resources are SHARED and allowed to freely flow, whilst RESPECTING and honouring our Earth Mother – the natural Harmonic order of the Universe majikally provides infinite solutions. Pachamama knows how to PROVIDE for all her children. We live in an ABUNDANT world!
All those ILLUSIONS and limitations to our natural inheritance, can be overcome by revealing the NEW doors that are opening now. The ELECTRIC MIRROR is revealing that the path to true Abundance, is to energize the Collective Dream of Abundance for ALL, through Divine Service.
Bonding with our KIN in order to serve the needs of the many. As we each share our resources, skills and talents, we discover that there is an endless flow of energy available, to provide for everyone on our Planet. That is by DIVINE DESIGN!
WARNING! The ELECTRIC tone is VOLATILE and highly combustible.. couple this emotional tone with the RAINBOW WARRIORS and a 16 TOWER code, and we have a formula for mass rebellion, protest, arguments and REVOLUTION.
This energy will fuel those passionate RAINBOW WARRIORS into fearlessly asserting their QUEST to manifest this NEW WAY DREAMING today… Much conflict, opposition and QUEST-I-ON-ing of the fat controllers will arise!
The ELECTRIC MIRROR also MAGNIFIES twin flame, partnerships and romantic relationships. This bodes well for romantic coupling and liaisons. However the ELECTRIC TONE may reveal disharmonious relationships.. so OPEN your EYES to SEE the TRUTH that is revealed.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL SKYWALKER BEN We have DOUBLE SKYWALKER energy today, with the Wavespell energy EXPANDING the powers of BEN through our GIFT and lesson today. BEN is BLASTING open our concept of REALITY and guiding us to think and act – OUTSIDE THE BOX.
BEN – our valiant Angelic Messenger/Shaman and guide, walks before us into the abyss in order to face our FEARS. He challenges us to think differently, exploring new SPACES, places and perspectives, to create new opportunities.
SPECTRAL BEN can CREATE SPACE for the NEW opportunities for prosperity to FLOW IN.
BEN is challenging us today to BELIEVE IN BETTER and BELIEVE in BLISS – in order to LIBERATE our greatest DREAMS.
BEN’S purpose is to anchor and unite the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH which is the ultimate DREAM for HU-MAN-ity. This is a beautiful combo. enabling us to LIBERATE HEAVENLY BLISS!! Let’s EXPAND the PLEASURE ZONE!!!!!!
BEN shows us TODAY that our path is now totally EXPANSIVE and unlimited.
Allow the gift of BEN to FREE your soul from all containers, allowing your GALACTIC WINGS to take flight and manifest BLISS ON EARTH! .
Today’s question is “What FEARS and blocks do I need to DISSOLVE and RELEASE, in order to LIBERATE my inherent ABUNDANCE!
It is TIME to finally release and LET GO of all blocks to ABUNDANCE!
Let us ALL enjoy our DREAMING TIME and MANIFEST our collective DREAM, of infinite ABUNDANCE for all beings!
AND SO IT IS x A godzillion!
Meet you in the DREAMTIME, in the land over the rainbow – beautiful DREAMERS..
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 8th – September 14th. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Ascension Column of Creation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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