Diwali FESTIVAL OF LIGHT Goddess Lakshmi ~ Samhain * Fire of Transformation ~ The Great Awakening of Oneness
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Soul Star Warriors of the Guardian Legion of Mother Gaia
Happy All Hallows Eve/ Samhain where the veil between the worlds is the thinnest!
Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun are being enveloped in wave after wave of Higher Dimensional Energies of Gamma Mother Plasma Light.
On this final day of intense October our local Soularis floods this realm with Adamantine Particle of Indestructible Diamond Light releasing 7 C Class Soular Flares, 5 M Class Flares and a massive X Class Soular Flare maxing at X 2.03 at 2:20 PM PST (21:20 UTC ).
As we move through the doorway of Eternity and Shift into the New Moon in the Deep Waters of Scorpio tomorrow and All Saints day we Honor all our Ancestors and Masters that came before us to turn the Wheel of Dharma and free humanity from Samara and all Maya of Suffering.
Stay centered and present living from your Heart, in this Now, as we anchor in the Highest Ascension Timeline for all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144, Mother Earth and all of Humanity.
Keep holding the Pure Timeline of Peace and Prosperity for all as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our New Golden Age of Eternal Life… A’Ho!
Message from Saint Germain
Beloved brothers and sisters, this is Saint Germain speaking and I bring you very good news. We are currently experiencing the climax, the resolution of the drama on Earth.
Many of you have already noticed the fall of the Cabal. We are living in the last days of Pompeii. They no longer have the power and they know it.
The official announcement of Nesara/Gesara is being prepared. And this means the end of the cabal governments.
All countries that have signed this law will have 120 days to hold new and clean elections. This truly expresses the will of the people.
And only people with a noble spirit, a vocation to serve others and an impeccable reputation will be able to apply for this position.

On the other hand, we are already in the process of distributing the wealth of this world among all its inhabitants. Don’t worry, no one will be left out of this distribution.
Every person, all over the world, will have their share. It is urgent that everyone change their chip and know deep down that there is more than enough for everyone.
The QFS, the new quantum financial system, is now operational and is no longer the exception, but the rule.
This means that it has already completely replaced the Fiat system. And that despite all the reshaping they are going through as they become banking service centers, banks will eventually disappear.
Don’t be scared by the last gasps of darkness. Be assured that, even though you try to act as if nothing has changed, nothing has.
It’s just a facade. Just another deception. Nothing follows its normal course. Everything is a theater. And the play is over.
The new Golden Age of Aquarius has arrived! It’s here!
From now on a new world and a new life open up before you.
And although Christmas didn’t happen in December, I wish everyone a happy holiday. It’s time to celebrate the victory of light.
I leave you with all my love for each of you.
Now you can open the champagne.
The party begins!

Message from Andromeda from the Galactic Federation to Sunbolt! / Ngari
In this message we explain the most important signs, what you should pay attention to regarding solar flash!It is important for you to understand that these are unprecedented times, with many special requests in progress.
You must understand the things that are beginning now and calm your mind so that you can enter the fifth dimension.
We at the Federation have already told you everything about our spheres, especially about the sphere that will surprise you with all its details!
The sphere we are describing to you is the sphere that will break first.
It will come close to Earth and act as a shield to protect Earth and its inhabitants when the Sun releases its maximum solar flare. The sphere, which is five times larger than Earth, will be placed in front of planet Earth to prevent it from being hit in its entirety with catastrophic consequences.
All this is done in collaboration with Nibiru, which is part of the Andromeda Galactic Federation. Because of this protection the earth will be darkened (it will be a great forced darkness) and therefore there will be darkness for 3 days.
We repeat that there is no reason to fear, as the great sphere of the Andromeda Galactic Federation will act as a protective shield.
That’s why we ask you to stay safe at home and don’t go out during these dark days!
Because many people who don’t know what’s going on will fall into panic, trauma and madness.
This is one of the reasons why in these 72 hours and 3 days the photonic energies that the Earth will receive along with you is the necessary energy that will change your consciousness and also start the process in your carbon body with a silicon structure.
This change is the obstacle that you must face calmly and peacefully.
The photonic energy will create an electrical discharge within you that will flow throughout your body (depending on the sensitivity of each individual). “Therefore, it would be necessary to remove any metal objects that you frequently use, as they act as conductors of this electrical current and amplify it, causing more discomfort.”
We advise not to eat too much in these and the next few days, but rather to drink pure water and avoid red meat.
The effect of this photonic energy that you will receive is powerful. During these times you will enter the 5th dimension, but you will not experience this moment alone.
During the transition from one great age to another, cosmic law allows beings from the angelic world and the spiritual hierarchy to cross the veil and come into contact with the awakened members of the human race.
These benevolent beings attempt to get your attention by amplifying the light in your Solar Power Center and ultimately in your Sacred Heart.
“First warning will be given.”
The beings of light and angels will be with you, very close to you, until you enter the 5th dimension.
At this point you become aware that you are entering the new Age of Aquarius, the new dimension.
Only when you realize that there is no more darkness outside your homes and everything is calm will you be able to leave the house, not before and be sure that everything is calm and peaceful!
You are 8 billion people on planet Earth and not all of you are the same, and not all of you have followed the right advice, and not all of you are committed to awakening, and not all of you will be awakened in your hearts and Consciousness belongs.
However, we in the Federation must take responsibility for the criminals on Earth and for those who do not understand what happened.
Dear ones, you must imagine and have compassion for the millions of people who did not listen and follow the right path and who will find themselves in a situation they do not understand and will panic, but in the hospital spheres we already have personnel for this type of patient, we are organized!
For those in the houses:
When the great sphere of the Federation moves away from the sun, you will see a very strong and intense light emanating from the sun, then you can leave.
When you go outside everything will change, you will see the sky differently, the sky will be full of spaceships and motherships.
There will be Sirians, Arcturians, Pleiadians and those from the Galactic Federation of Andromeda, the largest ships in this galaxy.
There will be millions of small space shuttles greeting you as you leave your home. You will be transported to motherships that will take you to your intended sphere, as we have described in our previous messages.
This is the divine plan of the Andromeda Galactic Federation in collaboration with the Galactic Federation of Light, Lightworkers and all other ethnicities.
Don’t forget our explanations about this spiritual event and don’t be bombarded with other messages.
You would be confused and would not know how to follow the right path and would have problems with yourself.
This is our final message from the Galactic Federation of Andromeda. Try to remain calm and aware and vibrate high until the last moment as you enter the 5th dimension, this is very important for you and for us who receive your vibrational thoughts from your hearts.
A big hug from all the members of the Galactic Federation of Andromeda!!!
Gesara of Universal Prosperity
Maria Cecilia Ngari

1:11 Portal & New Moon 


Nov 1st New Moon Scorpio- The Phoenix Rebirths itself from the Ashes of its Old Life


Graduation OK from the world of fear and anxiety! Let’s get back to the original light way of life
- Fear and anxiety are illusions created by darkness!!
- The division was always done intentionally for someone’s benefit
- In the 5th dimension, what I did will come back to me immediately!!!
- It’s okay to “relax” now
Fear and anxiety are illusions created by darkness!!
Although the dimension’s rise is progressing now, Twitter is still overflowing with fear-filled posts.
It seems that people who have recently learned the truth are making a lot of noise.
Today’s article is for “those who know the truth, and who have completed integration and are heading towards ascension”!!
For example, trends such as chemtrails, artificial earthquakes, insect eaters and so on are emerging.
Of course, it is absolutely necessary to “accept” the truth in order to ascend.
Therefore, the premise is “Don’t hide the truth → Don’t pretend you don’t see it”.
However, knowing the truth and being in the stage of “I can’t do this, I can’t do this…” “I have to stop even if it interferes with the environment!!!”
For example, when it comes to food, there is a lot of information that “Milk is dangerous!!”
This type of information is true, but in reality it is received as if it were “fear mongering.”
You can’t eat what you like… that’s really stressful and lowers your vibration.
However, the human body is not that soft, is it???
By now, additives have been used for decades, but the Japanese have never been eradicated.
The human body has a detox function, so a little is fine.
(But I’m not saying you can eat a lot of additives!!)
So, for example, even if you reduce the number of additives, it is better to do it with a sense of humor, thinking: “If you do this, it will be healthier!”
In short, ascension is recognizing in the soul that “anxiety and fear are illusions created by darkness” and breaking through them.

The division was always done intentionally for someone’s benefit
The word “integration” is used for dimensional ascension, but in short it means “purify yourself.”
Until now, filling with false knowledge = trash in the madness of school, I mass produced 《Emotional》 even though the words are bad.
If your interior is full of junk, it will be difficult to notice even if a foreign object is placed there.
Then it becomes “easy to deceive”!!
In the DS fiat money economy, it was based on “how to cheat weak people’s money”.
In other words, in order to make a lot of money, he mass produced stubborn people in school.
But for the darkness, the greatest fear is that they will unite or someone will see the truth.
That’s why, in order not to unite, I established a “division work” done by myself and always distrusted each other.
Those who could see the truth were labeled “conspiracy theorists” and sealed away in a way that ostracized them.
And so that my vibration would not increase, I constantly broadcast low-frequency programs that incited anxiety and fear on TV.
The biggest example of divisional work is the “war business,” where people make money from the war business simply by showing fake videos they produced on TV, and then use that opportunity to make even more money through human trafficking.
In peace education at school, I printed that “war = something that uses weapons” so that they would not realize that the vaccine war, planned for a long time, was a war.

Additionally, I earned money in the form of donations by taking advantage of people’s desire to help.
The culmination was “Corona Grant”, “Vaccine Grant” and “Ukraine Fundraising”!!
Underlying all of this is the fiat currency economy, and now this fortress is crumbling!!
You can see how anxiety and fear are a matrix made “for someone else’s benefit”!!
Even if you are stuck in fear and anxiety, it will never end there.
So if you are happy with that, you have the option to “Graduate”!!

In the 5th dimension, what I did will come back to me immediately!!!
Recently, I feel that the number of workers has suddenly decreased.
Operatives, those who are paid to work for the Dismemberment.
Agents and others who were always divisive always threw stones from a safe place.
It was a very distorted composition in which people who worked hard and took action were stoned, and those who didn’t work hard and took action got rich by throwing stones from a safe place!!

First of all, pulling people’s feet without making any effort or action is an energy vampire and goes directly against the laws of the universe.
From a broader perspective, DS was the ultimate energy vampire, exploiting fraudulent taxes.
Due to the rise of Earth, those who could only steal and destroy for decades and hundreds of years after the laws of the universe began to function normally disappeared.
This is because the laws of the universe have recovered from what I have done and I can no longer exist due to excessive karma.
This must be the reason for the rapid decrease in the number of workers!!
On the other hand, people who live with “love” according to the laws of the universe will be increasingly rewarded!!

That’s why I now really get back what I give.
It’s okay to “relax” now
It is necessary to teach New Earth that it is okay to feel safe.

But anxiety doesn’t affect people who are stuck in fear, right?
Of course, even if I were to communicate it in words, it would be difficult for people who are still stuck in fear and anxiety to understand.
That’s why our role is to live happily with peace of mind and love, and spread this high vibration!!
It means “if you can’t communicate with words, show it with actions”!!
This is like “tuning fork propagation”.

Those who have stepped forward first onto the path of dimensional ascension will show that they live happily with high vibrations, and those who see it will say, “I’m tired of being stuck in fear and anxiety. So are we…!!” That’s it.
So if we are stuck here in anxiety and fear, we will not be able to fulfill this mission.
If you remove the garbage thrown out by madness, such as anxiety and fear, and clean it up, you may notice some discomfort.
In other words, you are less likely to be deceived if you integrate and live happily and lightly!!
This month is also a big milestone in astrology.
From here on it will be a stage where you really live with your soul!!

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective


Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Indecision and confusion may be happening because the mind and emotions are releasing stagnation. We are entering a season of the resurrection of the Divine Feminine Christ that is providing a massive awakening into new energy and insights. Step by step you are climbing the ascension ladder into this new way. Let go of fear and recognize your value and worth, knowing you are safe and protected. Together in collaboration with God you can co-create your beautiful new fresh start.
God bless you Love Carolyn
Ra James
Happy Samhain/ Halloween.

Kin 116 ~ Yellow Crystal Warrior


New! on Patreon
New Moon in Scorpio Healing Ceremony and
Guided Meditation with my Sacred Condor 
Welcome to this powerful New Moon in Scorpio Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation. As we enter the deeply transformative energies of Scorpio, this New Moon invites us to explore our inner depths, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the rebirth of our truest selves. In this sacred journey, we’ll work with Scorpio’s energy to foster healing, empower personal intentions, and clear emotional blocks that hinder our growth.
Scorpio’s New Moon is a time to set intentions focused on transformation, empowerment, and emotional healing. Allow yourself to go inward, tap into your inner strength, and connect with the mystery and magic of renewal. This meditation will guide you in letting go of old patterns, grounding in self-mastery, and aligning with your higher purpose.
Join us as we harness the New Moon’s potent energy for deep healing, self-discovery, and the awakening of our inner power. Perfect for anyone seeking growth, release, and transformation.
CLICK HERE to for the Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation
Paul White Gold Eagle
All Hallows’ Eve / Samhain Prayer:
On this sacred night, as the veil thins between worlds,
I honor the ancestors who walked before me,
Guiding spirits of wisdom, protectors of my path.
Bless this night of shadows and light,
As we stand on the edge of two realms,
Connecting to the mysteries of life and death,
To honor, to remember, and to release.
Spirits of my lineage, come close and be near,
Share your guidance, your love, and your grace.
Ancient ones, I open my heart to your wisdom,
May your light illuminate my journey forward.
Mother Earth, cradle of life and rebirth,
May I walk with respect for your cycles and seasons.
Let this time of transition bring clarity and peace,
And may I move forward with courage and strength.
So mote it be.
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scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of
fair use.
RUMORS: 11/01/2024
CRUCIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Tier 4 B Internet Group is officially live.
This is the beginning of a new era! The revolutionary ideas and concept of NESARA are taking the final form of execution and implementation.
It is a great honor to announce the launch of Tier 4 B Internet Group. With the activation of Quantum Financial System QFS, the need for specialized platform, administration and services was greatly needed. The utilization and unification under Tier 4 B is making all systems seamless.
If you want to secure your future and be among the smartest individuals, you should definitely join this group and stay informed about the updates.
Let’s make our lives worthy and protect our financial freedom together.
The MedBed is now finally part of the everyday reality of the American citizen. It will become so important that every home will have at least one.
A device that will be as important and personal as our phones, computers, TVs or other things we can’t live without. The only difference is that MEDBED IS HELPING US ALL!
Learn why this new technology is booming and what FST is in the article here.
ODIN PROJECT: A Biblical Event in the Making
In a world teetering on the brink of massive transformation, the dark contours of PROJECT ODIN are beginning to take shape. A profound and carefully orchestrated shift is imminent, and as humanity stands on the precipice, the Mossad-controlled media, the hidden hand behind much of global perception, will be destroyed. What comes next is a communications blackout—one that will catalyze the activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) on a global scale.
This moment is not just a technological shift; it is a spiritual and cultural renaissance that promises to dismantle the old order and usher in a new era powered by a Quantum System. This is THE ODIN PROJECT.
The storm has begun: a military coup to regain control
For years, we’ve been warned about the deep state, the shadowy figures pulling the strings behind governments and economies. They thought they could manipulate us forever. They thought they could keep us blind. Well, they thought wrong. The military coup has already begun, and patriots are taking control. This is not some distant conspiracy. It’s happening right before your eyes.
Starlink is locked and loaded, ready to send the Emergency Broadcast Signal (EBS) to every cell phone on this planet. The minute the signal goes down, it’s game over for the deep state. GAME OVER.
Inside the Phoenix Project:
Starlink’s NESARA/GESARA QFS Alliance Ready to Clear Trump’s Division X, Unit 77, and Liberty Channels – Global Patriots Prepare for the Most Powerful White Hat Operation in History During the 10 Days of Darkness!
On October 28, 2024, new and monumental shifts in this hidden war occurred, pushing us ever closer to the 10 Days of Darkness and beyond. The actors involved in these movements are now focusing on precise timelines and strategies to finally trigger the culmination of years of preparation under Trump’s command, with Musk’s technical and surveillance networks acting as a backbone to ensure that no corner of the world remains hidden.
MedBeds are here!
Quantum Healing Centers Across the Country Treat the Lucky Few with Age Reversal, Quantum Healing, Age Regression and Brainwave Training!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024: Reports are emerging of private sessions held at secret Quantum Healing Centers across the country, where those lucky enough to experience the MedBeds are having their illnesses disappear in minutes. Chronic illnesses, lifelong disabilities, terminal conditions—all eradicated, as if the body were rebooted by an invisible hand.
BREAKING NEWS!!! Melania’s secret sign:
your outfit at the Madison Square Garden rally confirms the ZEBRA condition, white hats in place, Trump’s military-backed operation and the imminent arrival of GESARA!
Melania Trump’s zebra-print outfit at the Madison Square Garden rally on October 27 sent shockwaves through the patriot community—a clear and undeniable call to arms. Don’t be fooled; this wasn’t just a simple fashion choice. It was a calculated signal, one that resonated deeply with those who know the elite’s insidious game plan.
What is the significance of Mr. Trump becoming president regardless of the US presidential election?
Basically, in line with Plan Q, the 2020 US presidential election will be proven fraudulent and invalidated (excluding Biden). And there are expectations of a storyline where Trump returns as president in the spotlight.
I think the plan is still on the same path. However, this time I dared to talk about the flow from a paradoxical perspective.
The bottom line is that even if President Trump is elected after the 2024 election, in a situation where GESARA has not yet been released, some elements of GASARA will still be realized.
What is the significance of early voting in the US presidential election?
The process of invalidating the 2020 election results
There are notable differences between the 2024 US presidential election, currently underway, and the 2020 US presidential election. This is “promoting early voting.”
By examining the incident, we were able to find “two stories” of “invalidation of the 2020 presidential election results.”
The story after the 2024 US presidential election is realized and confirmed! ?
The process of invalidating the 2020 election results
Following on from the previous article (What is the significance of early voting in the US presidential election? The process of invalidating the 2020 election results – PART 1), “History PART 2” is posted below.
People who understand Plan Q (people who are awake) probably have high expectations for Part 1 of the Story, but
For people who don’t know about Plan Q (people who aren’t awake), I feel like this part 2 of the story will be easier to accept the revolution without backlash.
A massive redistribution of wealth is coming , while debt forgiveness has already begun and is directly linked to the Global Currency Reset and Revaluation (GCR-RV). Soon, every person on this planet will be debt-free, with enough wealth to live freely.
MarkZ – [via PDK]
Question: In your educated opinion, Mark, will we be going RV this year?
Yes, I strongly believe we will see VR this year.
…My contacts who have been trained in foreign currency exchange (specifically the currencies we own) also work in wealth management. They all know there will be a sudden rush of wealth. They are prepared and ready and just as frustrated and angry as you and I are.
Texas has applied to join BRICS+.
The United States is said to join the BRICS+ nations publicly by 2026. Texas is setting up the Quantum Financial System for the new US Republic!
At a Senate hearing, former top insiders from OpenAI, Google, and Meta warned of the risks of AGI. They resigned in protest, believing that AGI, possibly just 1 to 3 years away, could pose catastrophic threats, even human extinction.
White Hat DUMBs:
The Hope of an Earth Alliance There are rumors that a resistance called the Earth Alliance is fighting against the Cabal of other DUMBs, working with benevolent extraterrestrials to dismantle the Cabal’s control over humanity. Supposedly, advanced technologies and strategies are being developed underground to bring down these dark forces once and for all.
Final Notice:
Are You Ready to Discover the Depths? DUMBs represent the ultimate occult nightmare. With bases like Fort Detrick implicated in bioweapons and Site R, the secret Cold War stronghold, connected to a web of deception, the truth buried beneath us is darker than we dare imagine.
Trust the Plan.
With the Black Swan Events underway, the Quantum Financial System was active. The Devolution Plan and Martial Law were already in place for a Continuity of Government. The White Hat Army, JAG, GITMO, and World Court Tribunal prison wars were in effect.
The entire Royal Fleet was seized in November 2019 under Trump’s Executive Order 13818. Fake Biden kept renewing these Executive Orders. The United Kingdom dissolves. Scotland, Ireland and Wales leave England and join Spain. The Fleet will be moved to East Base and West Base in Australia to be under the United States Kingdom. …I am Sovereign on Telegram
Judgment Day in 1 to 3 years?
Senate hearing warns of AI advances pushing humanity towards extinction
At a Senate hearing, former top insiders from OpenAI, Google, and Meta warned of the risks of AGI. They resigned in protest, believing that AGI, possibly just 1 to 3 years away, could pose catastrophic threats, even human extinction.
God bless you,
Benjamin Fulford Report: The revolution is happening and it is being televised – October 28, 2024
We are all witnessing a revolution unfolding in real time on our various screens and in real life. This is no ordinary revolution; it is the fall of ancient Babylon. The human race is being freed after coming within a hair’s breadth of becoming permanently enslaved in a giant animal farm run by a Satan-worshipping Babylonian cult. Their Talmud shows clearly how they see other human beings. It says they can murder, rape, cheat and enslave people who are not members of their tribe because the Goyim are sub-human animals.
What needs to be made very clear though is that these people are not Jewish. Most Jews grew up never even knowing the Talmud existed. Now, thanks to the internet, they do. What Jews are still only now just figuring out though, is they have been Babylonian slaves for millennia. If you read the real Babylonian history, for example, you will find that circumcision was ritual castration used to identify slave races. The ritually castrated real Jews -who follow the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you- were used as a Trojan horse to infiltrate societies. Once the helpful Jews ingratiated themselves, then the Babylonians would slowly take over society by taking over their elites. Over the millennia this has led to an immune reaction by the infiltrated societies. That is why the Babylonians have been booted out over a hundred times from various societies over the years. Because of their Babylonian enslavement, the Jews also repeatedly faced collective punishment. As a result, a sort of Stockholm Syndrome emerged over the years where they clung to their enslavers for protection.
Many Christian groups have been infiltrated in a similar manner. That is why you see Christian Zionists supporting genocide in Gaza.
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What is happening now is a mass rejection of Babylonian rule by the United States of America, the most powerful country the Babylonians ever conquered.
A great example of this came last week when 30,000 people came to a Kamala Harris rally in Houston that was billed as a Beyoncé concert. Everyone, including the media, believed the singer would perform after the announcement was made earlier in the week, but all she did was walk out and make a barely audible speech for a few minutes.
Of course, Beyoncé is one of the celebrities whose name keeps popping up in the P. Diddy trial. That is why many speculate she is supporting Kamala because she knows that if the Demonrats do not stay in power she will face justice for crimes against children.
In any case, when they did the bait and switch to Kamala, the crowd began heckling the Babylonian puppet candidate to the extent the rally descended into chaos. The Secret Service was barely able to prevent her from being lynched on the spot. The videos below show paid Kamala supporters being overwhelmed by the crowd as they desperately chant her name in unison.
This was not an isolated event. Wherever she goes she is heckled. What we are witnessing is the failure of Babylonian techniques of using blackmailed and bribed celebrities and influencers to manipulate society.
At this point, a majority of Americans are aware of the real and criminal nature of their government as seen in the illustration below.
This is why a revolution is underway.
There are also many visible signs the military and intelligence agency white hats are siding with the people by taking down the Babylonian Khazarian Mafia.
The death of Fethullah Gulen last week was one such sign.
Gulen was, according to Mossad sources, the heir to Sabbatai Zevi. Zevi founded the Sabbatean Frankist heresy. According to this heresy, it is up to the Jews to carry out the end-times prophecies of the bible. To do this, his cult infiltrated governments around the world. Members of this cult pretended to be Muslims, Jews, Christians, etc., but they really worshipped Satan.
Their goal was to divide humanity into two great groups -Gog and Magog- and get them to kill each other. Their aim was to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest. According to the Chabad heirs to this cult, after the mass murder, each Babylonian would have 2800 slaves.
In a sign of how influential this group was, one of their members, the Nazi Rudolf Hess (who was born in the Ottoman Empire) dictated Mein Kampf to Adolf Hitler, according to the former head of MI6 and other sources.
Hitler’s job was to chase the Jews out of Europe and into Israel in order to carry out their planned Gog/Magog war by pitting the Christians against the Muslims.
Now that the KM is facing mass arrests and war crimes tribunals, they are still desperately trying to start World War III.
The “Israeli” attack against Iran last week was a sign of this. They hoped to set off a chain reaction by provoking Iran into retaliating by destroying Israel with nuclear weapons.
However, the Israelis and MI6 conducted frantic back-channel negotiations with the Iranians following this attack The Rothschild family promised the Iranians
up to $2 trillion in compensation if they refrained from retaliating against Israel for the attack. MI6 told the Iranians the attack was a false flag. The attack was carried out by paid KM mercenaries working in Iraq and not from Israel, they said.
As evidence Israel is under new management, they had a masked avatar of Satanyahu stand silently as demonstrators interrupted his speech at the event in Jerusalem to honor the victims of the self-inflicted October 7, 2023 attack.
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The Iranians got the message. The KM are not going to be allowed to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card.
Instead, the KM leadership is being systematically rounded up. For example, last week a Dutch court ordered Bill Gates, NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla and many others to face charges of deliberately misleading people about the safety of the COVID-19 shots, despite knowing “that these injections were not safe and effective.”
Since conservative estimates say the vaccines killed more than 15 million people, these are bigger crimes than the holocaust.
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The fact that it is a Dutch court making these rulings is important because Holland is part of the West and home to the International Court of Justice. It means they have serious backing and Bill Gates etc, will have nowhere to escape.
The KM are freaking out big time because they know a Donald Trump presidency will mean their doom. In the video below the latest actor pretending to be President Joe Biden, to paraphrase, says “If we don’t lock up Trump he is going to kill us.”
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Echoing this, a Kamala Harris actor with an obvious silicon mask tells the Vanderbilt kid Anderson Cooper that Trump is a “fascist.”
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At another venue, she said, “Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the death of six million Jews.”
Here you can watch MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski go absolutely unhinged in one of the most insane rants you’ll ever see. She hits damn near every buzzword/talking point:
-Veterans hoax
-Use Military on political opponents
-“He is killing us” (women)
-You “idiots” are not allowed to question the MSM and their Hitler allegations
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“These are the deranged ramblings of a terrified propagandist, who knows her side is about to lose, and her complicity in treason will eventually come forth. This is insane rhetoric, based exclusively on lies. She is the daughter of KM Zionist Zbigniew Brzezinski. Do we need to say anything more?”, a Pentagon source comments.
“They are talking about themselves. They will be hunted down for sure and face military tribunals,” the source promises.
Of course, the KM are hoping in vain they will be able to use the military to hunt down their opponents instead. As Robert F Kennedy Jr. points out, it was the Obiden regime that -for the first time in US history- authorized the American military to shoot and kill American citizens on US soil.
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The problem is the US military under Commander in Chief Donald Trump are instead going to turn their guns on the KM network inside the US, Pentagon sources say.
Of course, Donald Trump is by no means perfect. The comments on Zero Hedge below a link to a three-hour talk he had with Joe Rogan show that many people are aware of this.
The majority of the comments noted neither the vaccine mass murder nor the genocide in Gaza came up during that talk. One commentator said it was a “word Caesar salad,” meaning it was a better-dressed version of Kamala’s incoherent blabbing.
Nonetheless, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò explains in an open letter why people must vote for Trump:
Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions, has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens…In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State…Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dens of indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards. In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients. Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences. They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters. And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs. Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet. Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo-humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.
However, Archbishop Vigano may be a bit naïve in thinking that Trump alone will be able to deal with the oligarchs at the top rank of the KM.
BlackRock’s Larry Fink even says the US election “doesn’t really matter” for markets. “I’m tired of hearing this is the biggest election in your lifetime,” Fink told a conference, “The reality is over time, it doesn’t matter,” he added.
He said that BlackRock works with both administrations and is “having conversations” with both Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Fink and his buddies appear to think they are invincible because they control weather warfare technology. As evidence of this, after being hit with heavy floods, snow and other weather warfare, Saudi Arabia canceled its’ plans to join BRICS. Now they are hosting BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and other top financial leaders this week in Riyadh.
They are all coming to the countries’ Future Investment Initiative – often dubbed Davos in the desert. There they are going to divvy up deals worth more than $28 billion over the coming week but don’t call it extortion.
Of course, hitting Saudi Arabia up for a few billion dollars is not going to help these people because they need trillions of dollars, not billions.
In a sign of just how desperate they are, they are pretending to use interest generated from stolen Russian assets to get “$50 billion for Ukraine.” Of course, Ukraine is just a money laundering front for the KM. People are now aware that Ukranian dictator Vladimir Zelensky is just a KM money launderer, which explains why nobody wants his book.
With the Ukraine money running out, now it turns out the World Bank has “misplaced” $41 billion set aside for “climate change.”
In a sign the KM is planning to use weather warfare to extort big-time money from the rest of the world, their “World Bank” is saying they will need $5 trillion a year for “climate change.”
Of course the Chinese, -who de facto control the US dollar and the international financial system- are not about to hand over any more money to these KM grifters, Asian secret society sources say. They have their own climate weapons and other secret weapons so they cannot be intimidated into supporting the KM and their puppet governments.
That is why the owners of Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street contacted the Planetary Liberation Alliance last week to sue for peace. A representative of the Western G7 group also independently contacted the white hat alliance with an offer of peace.
Both groups were told the Pentagon white hats, the British Commonwealth, the Russians and the Asian secret societies all supported the creation of a meritocratically staffed future planning agency to take over the functional parts of the old IMF/BIS/World Bank, etc. Bretton Woods institutions.
This agency would work for the people and the planet in complete transparency. Although an agreement in principle has been reached, the remaining pockets of KM control have to be cleaned up first, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
The biggest clean-up, of course, is of the international pedophile and child murder network. As former Club of Rome and UN high-level executive Calin Georgescu points out, this network causes over 8 million children to vanish every year.
Here is the latest evidence this is true:
A contract specialist from the General Services Administration (GSA) spoke with investigative reporter James O’Keefe about the federal government awarding a massive contract to an industrial-sized staffing agency to transport unaccompanied migrant kids across the country.
“My line in the sand moment was when I found out that GSA had awarded a contract to a company to transport unaccompanied minors,” GSA Senior Contract Specialist Clarissa Rippee told O’Keefe in a sitdown interview shared on X.
Rippee explained GSA, on behalf of the federal government, awarded MVM, a private security contractor with ties to the CIA, NSA, FBI, and Homeland Security, with a massive $347 million contract for the transportation services of unaccompanied minors across the United States.
Here is anecdotal evidence from one of my sources:
“I have friends in Los Angeles who are firefighters (one is an ex-chief of LA County) and they said that the places where they go pick up children who committed suicide are not within the very poor and less privileged areas of Los Angeles (of which are many) but in the Beverly Hills/Bel Air and all the surrounding affluent areas which are basically all the hills & valleys around the Getty Museum (heavily inhabited by Lubavitch-Chabad & hardcore Zionists Jews that have immigrated from all over the world). They said it is an extremely disturbing but sadly a common thing to go pick up very young children who hang themselves in their mansions bedrooms rooms or on outside garden trees…or they just purposefully overdose…AND they as firefighters are not allowed to neither write nor talk about it publicly…”
The massive explosion recently seen centered around the Getty Museum was a white hat operation to take out the child trafficking network in LA, white hat military sources say.
This was accompanied by the P. Diddy trial to make average Americans aware of the existence of these tunnels and the abuse that took place there.
Now here is the latest sign the pedophile networks are being taken down:
Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries and two others were arrested Tuesday as part of a criminal investigation into the alleged sex trafficking of more than a dozen victims, according to the FBI and federal prosecutors.
CIA sources warn that the KM are dangerous cornered rats and there is a high probability they will stage some final, horrific atrocities in the US and elsewhere before they are taken down. However, THEY WILL BE TAKEN DOWN.
There is also some kind of takedown going on in Mexico.
Emilio Axcarraga Jean, the President of the Grupo Televisa media conglomerate just announced his resignation.
This family controlled a catalogue of exclusive sexual services for high-level politicians at an international level, Mexican government sources say.
Televisa was able to expand internationally thanks to these sexual services, they say. “I personally met one of the drivers of that service. Every politician who came to Mexico was given a folder and, as if it were a menu, they offered him the service of his favorite artist. In fact, Fidel Castro exclusively asked for the guy with the guitar (Juan Gabriel) and in Russia, Veronica Castro was the key… obviously she gave satisfaction to the high command of the party.”
By the way, there seems to be some sort of ongoing attempt to take down the regime set up by Castro in Cuba. Nationwide power outages and massive anti-government riots are taking place there now.
Hopefully, soon Canadians will take similar action against Castro’s son Justin Castrudeau.
In any case, getting back to Mexico, our sources say the funder of Televisa, Azcarraga, together with Jose Maria de los Reyes and Fidel Velazquez was part of the Triumvirate that controlled Mexico for a long time. They were known as the Black Circle which controlled Mexican Freemasonry.
Now things are in a state of flux. According to the source, Mexico’s new President Claudia Sheinbaum recently performed traditional ceremonies with “Lunar witches” or worshipers of Coyolxauqui the Azetc goddess of vanity and abortions. This ceremony predicts a lot of death. Already there were 1,034 murders in the first 13 days of her six-year term.
There is also Freemasonry in Brazil. Mossad sources say many KM Zionists have fled to Southern Brazil thinking it is safe. They sent us this video of the new Freemason Headquarters in Curitiba, Brazil. Curitiba is close to the Atlantic Ocean and to Paraguay, the Hitler and Bush crime family hideout. There are deep underground tunnels connecting the two for sure.
Video Player
Of course, soon nowhere on this planet will be safe for these criminals.
Finally this week we note the ruling coalition has lost its majority in Japan. Richard Koshimizu of the Japan Independence Party says this is because the election was not rigged. However, in a sign the country has a long way to go, neither the ruling party nor the opposition parties mentioned real issues like the recent murder of 500,000 Japanese via vaccines. Japanese right-wingers say the Japanese are waiting for the power struggle in the US to end before making their move against the vaccine murderers. Moreover, they say such a move may involve replacing the current imperial family.
Source: benjaminfulford.net