Global Meditation ( Planetary Merkaba Healing ) needed on the 10:10
Ria Aurora Athena Ash
The planet and her inhabitants are about to receive extreme amount of intense and powerful .. Tachyon Light particles ( Light code’s ) divine quantum fields of imaginary mass, from the Tachyonic field … operating in a triple helix 🧬
out of our Galactic Centre ….
These waves of light codes will trickle down into the planets Quantum Merkaba , starting on the 10/10…. There will be huge shifts at the heart level as these incoming waves of light and frequency codes activate waves of awakening in the coming months.
Pushing the momentum for moving into position 4Ding around the winter solstice…. moving into 2020
So it is crucial all light workers and light warriors…. Join in unison for a meditation 💕
10:10 Meditation Planetary Merkaba healing ….
“ So breath and centre into your heart space , See all the other hearts on the planet , and see & hold the intention of all our own merkabas spinning with pure Ascension Light, filling with the Love/ light codes flowing through the 10-10 Gate…
Then beloveds , connecting heart to heart with Gaia, envision/feel the planetary merkaba, and all our merkabas are spinnign in perfect harmony/unison at a mass velocity with the planetary merkaba,
As if they are dancing in Oneness,
See all this radiating all the Divine LoveLight, these beautiful Ascension Codes of Love / Grace/ Unity and Upliftment throughout the planetary merkaba….
See & feel its light brimming, pure and all distortions & negative energy dissolving into that pure white golden light…..
Uses this technique in your meditations ….
Remember when this happens there could be in the collective …
a confusing feeling ‘ For example:
Heart palpitations’ “short of breath “one would say a slight panic attack … equilibrium a slight off…
Feeling off kilter …
Emotional triggering….
However remember it is the powerful codes coming in …
So embrace it , into your heart space and centre into your Meridian.. .
Clear your emotional fields to Embrace this light as it is activating the remaining DNA /RNA strands of full consciousness ….
As Vibrationally we will be moving into …. Three-quarter spirit …&. 1/4 matter …
Equates to Golden Consciousness
So Happy 10:10 gateway portal opening of the heart ❣
Ria Aurora Athena Ash’Tar’Ke’ree 💕🙏🏽❤️💕
10:10 Transmission
The New Divine Humanity
“Cosmic Being You ~ Radiating Now”
As a Cosmic Divine Being, your Light is radiating now throughout the Universe.
Doing so, you become more conscious of the awareness of you, that includes all desires, existences, within it, including the FORM you are currently inhabiting in this world and parallel world VERSIONS of you, NOW.
To do so ~ MORE Consciously, activates your awareness to this EXPANDED larger than life ~ COSMIC BEING YOU ~ (beyond this life version of you) that is the CAUSE of your existence, and all of your existences, this moment.
The Universe Radiating Light ~ COSMIC Being YOU is YOU, and you the one aspect in form YOU ~ are held within this.
Connecting to the Cosmic Being ~ Light is connecting to your Original Light. Your Divine Ascended Being is ALSO held within this, your Cosmic Being.
Letting go of all ideas of time, of concerns, of wants, needs, attachments and fears ~ and consciously BEING our Cosmic Being, we suddenly realize, that we have never been apart from any eternal aspect of ourselves.
Realizing we are NOT separate from any state of consciousness we become the actualization of ALL THAT WE ARE, eternally ~ through our COSMIC Being ~ which includes ~ abundance, love, health and the realization, there is no death and their never was.
Activating your Cosmic Being now, in the radiating Light of The Divine Council of Overseers….receive now.
L’Aura Pleiadian
Harmonic Convergence 2020
KIN 89 11Moon
Their invaluable legacy and indelible message of Peace transcends even today all cultural traditions and is the source of inspiration to humans of all nationalities, creeds and races…
This year the date has once again a very special significance as it coincides on the 260-day count with Kin 89 (Spectral Moon / 11 Moon) an the completion of 12 Tzolkins (12 Galactic Spins = 12 x 260-day cycles) since the departure of Jose Argüelles, another visionary author, artist and peace activist, the master-mind behind the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 who in January 2010 received the Roerich Medal of Peace for his work with the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement. Jose transcended one year later on 23 March 2011 in Australia (Dreamspell Kin 89, Maya RealTime 2 Imix’) from a peritonitis at age 72.
May this be a good opportunity to meditate on our role as stewards of Peace on Earth during these decisive times WE are living…
“As Earth Wizards, we have to have the moral imagination and moral strength. We have to have this moral force and moral strength to change. If no one else will, we will. We have to understand that we are not helpless. We can be a million John Lennons and a million Nicholas Roerichs and a million Gandhis and do it, because if we don’t, we won’t have a world for our children. This is the fundamental meaning of the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and Peace Plan. We are going to a Culture of Peace.
The natural order is in harmony with itself. When we go to the natural time, we are going to the Natural Order. Since the Natural Order is harmony, Natural Time is ART. When we live naturally, harmonically in the natural time, we become living art. This is a process, but it is one that once we are in the right time, can happen very quickly. We can create positively much more quickly than we can destroy negatively, because it is all a condition of mind. When we enter into the natural order of time, according to the Thirteen Moon Calendar – which is the practical application of the Law of Time – we will see that this calendar normalizes art as everyday life. We won’t have to have specialized art galleries, museums, or anything like that, because everyday life will become art. We don’t need to have big show-off artists, or virtuosos, which of course are good: sometimes they demonstrate a model to us; but this is not the model to aspire to. […] Everyone is an artist, everyone is a mathematician, and there is no distinction between those, when we are living art as everyday life. When we have the normalization of art as everyday life, we begin to establish the natural community in which the government is telepathy.”
Jose Arguelles/Valum Votan
The 13-Moon Calendar establishes a new harmonic standard for timekeeping that promotes greater access to our inherent creativity and capacity to live in right relationship with each other and the planet. The conditions for change are ripe, now more than ever. We do not have the luxury to ignore this clarion call. Our lives and the lives of generations yet to come depend upon our willingness to do what must be done. Harmony, balance, and synchronicity is what we have to gain. Adopting a new calendar means a new society and a new way of doing things.
Tomorrow October 10, 2019 marks precisely 3 years from the publication of an open petition for Calendar Referendum 2020 and Declaration of Universal World Peace. To sign and support this petition and to ensure that a critical mass of humanity adopt and implement the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar of Peace as a new Harmonic Standard by 2020, please go to:…
To learn more about the 13-Month, 28-Day Calendar please go to:
Thank You for your SUPPORT and for your TIME!
#NaturalTime #TimeIsART #Peace #Harmony #Equality #Balance #Synchronicity
#13Month28DayCalendar #UntriedSolution #Entropy or #Evolution? #ChoicePoint
In Lak’ech
To Be part of the re-activation of the Planet Art Network please go to:
To learn more about Jose Argüelles Valum Votan
Christina Papageorgiou
A very, very powerful cleansing day……
DOUBLE RED MOON POWER = Purification in order to FLOW
Allow the Goddess to show you the way home.
I dissolve in order to purify
Releasing flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION
I AM guided by my own power DOUBLED!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
9 OCTOBER, 2019
9 – Endings/Closure/Destiny/Service
13 – The GODDESS CODE!! Cosmos/Mystery
4 – 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
KIN 89 = 17/8 Infinity/Abundance
17 – Immortality/Legacy
A day of further cleansing and purifIcation in order to build a new solid foundation of PEACE, and ABUNDANCE!
Today is a very special day – RED SPECTRAL MOON – KIN 89, as it marks the final passing and Ascension of Jose’ Arguelles. SPECTRAL day’s mark RELEASE and LIBERATION, and indeed he was totally FREED and released from his human vessel on that destined day – on 23 March 2011. It is divinely perfect that on this day of our PLANETARY LIBERATION 🎉 from the control of the CABAL forces, we align with the celebration of Jose’s Ascension. Jose was born on 24th January, 1939 on BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY -KIN 11 day. So his purpose was to DISSOLVE, release and LIBERATE us on a PLANETARY level from illusions. Jose’ campaigned tirelessly for PLANETARY LIBERATION and release from the GREGORIAN calendar and the Artificial matrix we were all trapped in. So today we witness Jose’s MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
KIN 89 reduces to the number 17 which is the code of immortality and leaving a LEGACY, and fittingly Jose did just that. He orchestrated the FIRST GLOBAL synchronized meditations and activations for Planetary PEACE and Harmony through his organization of the GLOBAL HARMONIC CONVERGENCE in 1987 which paved the way for our LIBERATION today! He left an incredible LEGACY on this PLANET – the DREAMSPELL CALENDAR and the RINRI PROJECT (the circumpolar rainbow bridge} which is a GALACTIC CODEX navigating our Ascension journey through the LIGHT encodements contained therein. An incredible MASTER who was subjected to disdain and ridicule (as most change agents are) and for the most part did not receive the honourable recognition he deserved as the true TIMELORD and GENIUS that he is!
Please take a moment to touch your HEART and give gratitude and love to this remarkable Divine soul. We are truly blessed that he walked this Earth to guide us in this R-evolutionary time.
DECODING THE CODES! Just to illustrate the pure brilliance of the DREAMSPELL and divine harmonic synchronicity woven throughout time. I am going to extrapolate!
Jose was born on 24 January 1939 choosing to incarnate as a revolutionary Aquarian! 24/1/1939 = 6/1/22 The number 22 is a MASTER number (like 11, 33, 44, 55 etc) and is called THE ARCHITECT OF PEACE. People who have this number in their birthdate or name hold this quality of being a PLANETARY DIPLOMAT. The number 22 is a MASTER number (like 11, 33, 44, 55 etc) and is called THE ARCHITECT OF PEACE. People who have this number in their birthdate or name hold this quality of being a PLANETARY DIPLOMAT. Thus Jose’ chose to incarnate in 1939 as it was a 22 code year – giving him the energy of THE MASTER BUILDER and ARCHITECT OF PEACE! His LIFE PATH number is 11 meaning he is a PORTAL – and created duality battles by challenging the status quo and our existing reality. 11 is a very powerful MASTER number, one which JOSE perfected in his blueprint. He also died in the year 2011 – holding the frequency of 11 again, and signifying RELEASE as he chose to walk through the PORTAL that day!
He was born on BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY DAY. – which is KIN number 11. The SPECTRAL tone is the 11th tone! BLUE MONKEY is the 11th tribe! So he carried the 11 code x 3 = 33 which is the frequency of Ascended Masters. 3+3= 6 Christ consciousness code. So his codes reveal a very powerful Master Magician who came to Earth to fulfill a huge Planetary Mission and in so doing he left a remarkable legacy for all those to follow.
P.S. Jose’ died at the age of 72 years – 7+2 = 9 Endings! Spookily his twin flame Lloydine Arguelles also died at the age of 72 when she Ascended in 2014. There is incredible majik in their combined codes but that is for another post!
Day 11 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. This is the day we CELEBRATE our PLANETARY LIBERATION, from the past. All the energies collectively were built up and released in a wondrous EXPLOSION of LIGHT, self-generated by the STARSEEDS, anchoring, grounding and radiating this LIGHT in the HU-MAN global grid. Today we can release the necessity to generate any more energy for transformation.
We can simply LET GO, and choose to GO WITH THE FLOW.
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED MOON – MULUC. Following on from yesterday’s Yellow Planetary Star, where Gaia was the RISING STAR,🌟 today La Luna 🌙 continues to be in the SPOTLIGHT giving us a DOUBLE dose of RED MOON energy! MULUC represents THE GODDESS, and now she claiming herPOWER and has now unleashed a DOUBLE dose of her energies, revealing to us that THE GODDESS, means business!
The GODDESS brings forth greater intuition, psychic power, sensitivity and gentle feminine flow through the action of Universal waters. Bathe in her gentle waters today and dissolve any remnants of the old energies, allow your feelings to flow and be purified with the currents of change and transformation. Allow these Waves of Change to LIBERATE and free you from the chains that bound you. THANK GODDESS, WE ARE FREE!!!
SUPPORT: WHITE DOG – OC brings forth the energies of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, the favourite current-sea of the GODDESS! OC releases a huge planetary wave of LOVE, for us all to ride home on, accessed through our pure, cleansed Hearts. Today we can SURRENDER to the power of love, be that self-love, from our beloveds (or betrothed), our planet, and our CREATOR! TAP into the Universal power of endless LOVE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW HUMAN – EB enables us to look back from where we have come with greater wisdom, honouring our path and our experiences as part of our soul’s journey. Now older and much wiser, we are FREED from the karma and lessons, we can fearlessly choose to align with unconditional love and the emotional wisdom of our prophetic ancestors.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE STORM – CAUAC provides more catalyzing transformational energies as today’s gift coupled with BLUE STORM Wavespell energies, giving us a DOUBLE dose of the STORM. So together with DOUBLE RED MOON, we have QUADRUPLE cleansing energies – DOUBLE, BUBBLE, RELEASE the RUBBLE!!!🌩🌨 Purifying our vessel through our thoughts and emotions in order to LIBERATE ourselves and become purer conduits for the GODDESS to FLOW through us!
We are now FREE to be the change agents we came here to be and assist others in their AWAKENING process catalyzing greater Planetary transformation. AND SO MOTE IT BE! X3
Today’s question is “What do I need to DISSOLVE, in order to feel totally LIBERATED and FLOW with the LOVE of THE GODDESS?”
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions. The SPECTRAL action together with the 4 and 8 codes will dissolve all impediments to you finally claiming your true POWER and abundance. Wiping the slate clean you can now build a new foundation of solid abundance! . Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW WORLD filled with joy and unlimited prosperity. What are you waiting for? HOP TO IT! 🐇
Releasing flow
I seal the process of Universal water
With the Spectral tone of Liberation
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
Divine blessings for your final LIBERATION and finding your Goddess flow! 🌫
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: Moon Castle – Ignis Fatuus II
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number 11 and it’s key words are ‘Liberation, Release and Dissolve.’ The 11th day is always in opposition to the wavespell energy. So, as we are in the Blue Storm wavespell and Red Moon is the challenge of Blue a sense we are liberated from that wavespell energy for one day. The number 11 releases and frees us and liberation feels pretty good.
Today’s guide is Red Moon too and so a double dose of chilling out is the order of the day.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm as I mentioned and so today is opposing or very different, a break if you like from the stormy weather for today but its not over yet! No big changes are expected today but a relief from the upheaval of late.
The Occult is the Yellow Human which happens to be the next wavespell too and so everything seems very connected. The Human is the vessel, divinely designed to channel wisdom. They are the psychics of the Tzolkin and when in this magical position, the wisdom they channel can be quite magical. We all can do this today, especially if we succeed in releasing and relaxing…that opens up the third eye nicely.
The Ally is the White Dog and everyone knows how good dogs are at living in the moment and relaxing too. Find a Dog to chill out with today…they are buddies with the Red Moon clan for a reason, their laid back attitude is very similar to Moon’s energy. Go to a beach if you can, take the dog and watch the waves hit the shore. If you can’t physically do that, imagine it…this really sums up the energy of ‘Spectral Moon’.
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
By Jose and Lloydine Argüelles
October 9th, 2019 is a very special day in the history of world peace. It corresponds to the birthday of two artists who consecrated their lives and work for world peace: the musician John Lennon (1940) and the painter Nicholas Roerich (1874). Roerich would be today 145 years old and Lennon will be turning 79…
This year the date has once again a very special significance as it coincides on the 260-day count with Kin 89 (Spectral Moon / 11 Moon) marking 12 Tzolkins (12 Galactic Spins = 12 x 260-day cycles) since the Ascension of visionary author of Mayanism Jose Argüelles / Valum Votan, who in January 2010 received the Roerich Medal of Peace for his work with the 13 Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.
He transcended one year later on 23 March 2011 in Australia (Dreamspell Kin 89, Maya RealTime 2 Imix’) from a peritonitis at age 72.
* Learn more about Jose Argüelles Valum Votan
Kin 89 also contains deep prophetic meanings:
* It is coded 9.11 (Seal 9, Tone 11) which refers to the 9-11 date of the Twin Towers attack.
* Kin 89 is also coded 19.11 (Wavespell of Seal 19, Tone 11) which refers to the 19.11 Code of the 19:19 Crystal Matrix that contains an Outer Matrix of 19×19 and an Inner Matrix of 11×11.
* Kin 89 opens the Dreamspell Harmonic 23 which refers to Telektonon Unit 23 of the Lovers Reunion (Heaven on Earth). This Unit marks the exit of the Warrior Cube, the Triumph over the corruption of Babylon.
* Kin 89 contains Number 89, which exactly is the 11th Fibonacci number expressed as Fib(11)=89.
* 1/89 is a repeating decimal fraction with 44 characters:
* Exactly, number 44 (22+22 or 11×4) is coded by Kin 44 which marked the last 7th anniversary since Valum’s Ascension (23 March 2018).
* The first 6 digits of the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5) are contained within the first 6 digits of the decimal equivalent of 1/89 which appears as 0.011235 (the first 6 of the 44 total digits).
* Precisely, the second and third pairs of digits within the decimal equivalent of 1/89 are Number 11 (Valum’s Kin 11) and Number 23 (Lovers Reunion = Triumph of Warrior Test).
Today’s Kin 89 is synchronising with the Ancient Maya sign of 4 Akbal, equivalent to Dreamspell Kin 43 (21+22).
Therefore, today’s Unified Time is Kin 89 + 43 = Kin 132 which corresponds to the last Kin or Omega Kin of the Dreamspell Harmonic 33 (Valum 11 + Bolon Ik 22 = 33).
Ah Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya Eh Ma Ho!
In Lak’ech

9 October 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog:
KIN 89: Red Spectral Moon
I dissolve in order to purify
Releasing flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
Harmonic 23: Magnetic Process
Formulate Free Will of Purpose
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 89. Column 5 of the Electric Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Blue Storm: Day 11.
– Espectral Chamber (Tone 11): Liberate Service.
– White Northern Castle of Crossing: Court of Death.
– Galactic Season of the Eagle: Blue Sky. Power of Vision.
* Kin Synthesis: 11 Moon
Solar Seal 9 = Moon
– Action: Purify
– Essence: Flow
– Power: Universal Water
Galactic Tone 11 = Spectral
– Function: Liberation
– Creative Power: Dissolve
– Action: Release
* Oracle:
– Guide: 11 Moon (Kin 89)
– Analog: 11 Dog (Kin 50)
– Antipode: 11 Storm (Kin 219)
– Occult: 3 Human (Kin 172)
* Root Race:
– Red Family of the Red Root Race.
– The Initiators. Keynote: Birth.
– Red Members: Dragon, Serpent, Moon, Skywalker, Earth
* Earth Family:
– Gateway Family: Open the Portals.
– Members: Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm, Yellow Seed.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Red Blood Clan.
– Position: Root. Action: Transmit.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 4 Ak’bal = 4 Night, Kin 43
– Ak’bal = Celestial Serpent, Dawn, Darkness, Between Day and Night.
– Trecena of Ajaw = Sun Wavespell
* Discover more:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #1320Matrix #1320Frequency #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #13Moons #PlanetArtNetwork #ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin89 #SpectralMoon #11Moon #4Akbal #FibonacciSequence
Have a guess what? My 15th Andara arrived today. It’s a ‘Power of Kings’ Andara and have a guess what? There is a Pregnant Mother inside it. Amazing!! I absolutely love it! The ‘Power of Kings’ Andara is so popular. The lady that sells them here in Australia sells so many of them. So many more than any other Andaras. It looks like I waited for the perfect one for me with a Pregnant Goddess inside the ‘Power of Kings’. I feel like I have a new Andara arrive nearly every second day lately ☺
Have a guess what? Have a guess what? There is also a foetus in my new ‘Power of Kings’ Andara. This is so exciting. I don’t know why. It just is!! I’m about to burst!!!!
I can even see an unborn baby inside the pregnant mothers belly. It’s so beautiful. This is amazing and then when I turn my Andara around, I see a big Foetus. Amazing!!
‘A Pregnant Goddess Inside The Power of Kings’ could be a Code!!!! Exciting!!! Exciting!!!!!!
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