ENERGY GATEWAY—TRINITY CODES (K7 index Geomagnetic Storm) This is OUR Moment to SHINE! Cellular Regenesis
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Feline Nation of the New Lemuria
As we greet this new and final mystical month of the year, December, our Earth Mother is flooded with powerful geomagnetic storms.
In the North the skies are filled with Green Light of the Aurora symbolizing it is go time for our Earth Angelic Alliance of the 144 to flip the switch to our Freedom timeline of Peace, Prosperity and abundance for all Sentient Beings of the Way. This higher influx of Galactic Rays are lighting up our Heart Chakras and our Auras are aglow mirroring the luminescence of our Divine Cosmic Goddess Mother.
Our local Solaris continues to send Gaia and all her Children of the Stars Gamma Plasma with multiple C Class Solar FLares today and two more M Class Flares, the most powerful maxing at 1.11 at 4:39 UTC.
We also had another spike in the heartbeat of Pachamama on the Schumann Charts at an amplitude of 18 hz.
Our Rainbow Tribes of New Earth assemble in the Great Hall of Records as the Akash is being revealed and our Divine Missions of Planetary Liberation come into fruition.
Nothing is holding us back from our Divine Dispensations, IT is time, this is it, This is Eternity and Now We Rise into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
So many star children departed this realm over the Pleiades Gateway… these children are opening portals to the Original God World, clearing Eons of trauma from the grids and ushering unprecedented levels of Light onto the Earth… these souls are Saints in my eyes!
It arrived early. This is very intense energy. Tomorrow you might feel tired, floaty, disassociated, headache. Be in water, move the body to allow it to disapait through you. Ground it into Gaia. Push it to your root.
Create a cord coming out of your root and funnel it into the earth. Brain activity will be over active tonight. Your crown will feel like it’s exploding. AQ
December energy 💙 Angelic frequencies will bring revealing shocking truths! As it does it can bring intense energy, so anchor in light and not anger or judgement. Acceptance of self will help anchor light for the collective! Galactic alignments will bring incredibly advanced spiritual and psychic gifts online and will activate vortexes. Allow rest to integrate and download with ease! You will be very pleased that you did.
Cellular regenesis will be occuring and will bring healing at a faster pace. Time is not linear and there will be moments where time will feel slowed down or sped up. Stay centered, avoid drama and anchor your beautiful pillar of light. You are making a huge difference for yourself, humanity and this planet. Don’t let archon technology or old programs limit your experience. Expand, unify within and harmonize!
Angelic frequencies
Ra James
We are in a K7 index Geomagnetic Storm. Let’s just say you’re probably feeling these energies on every level. You may be feeling a whole array of ascension symptoms coming up. You may be feeling aches and pain in the body, pressure in your head, ringing or buzzing in your ears, tired or exhausted, sleep issues, crazy or more vivid dreams, nausea, old grief, or layers of healing coming up. These Geomagnetic Storms are playing an important role in raising up the Planetary energies and in our ascension right now.
The winds from this storm are hitting our magnetosphere. This disrupts the magnetic field that surrounds us. This raises up our Schumann Resonance. That means it increases your heart rate and causes major heart chakra opening/ and activations. These energies amplify how you feel and what’s going on for you. They can make your emotions feel even more intense. They push negative energies up to the surface within the body for clearing. Anything unhealed is coming to the surface so you can deal with it. Many are purging out a lot from the chakras. Expect major ascension upgrade over the next few days. We are receiving a huge influx of light and DNA activations right now…
Cosmic Earth Consciousness Embodiment Update – Activation of Anicent Divine Energies Tapping into New Galactic Super Consciousness Multiple Dimensions!
New Galactic Quantum Human Template’s!
7D – 22D Realities/ Realms/ Parallel Universe’s/ Heaven Realms Opening Up for All to See/ Feel HD Vivid Vision/ New Galactic Quantum Earth Systems Activation’s
Awesome Quantum Jump!
Soooooo Powerful the Purification of Old Programming/ Deprogramming Old Matrices!
Massive Avatar Soul — Soul Groups Template Wipe !!
Anyone Reading those Post We Love You Galactic Blessings Healing / Prayers!
SOURCE LIGHT Encoded Writing by Akasha Ra Azurite & Galactic Commander Divine Husband!
12/1/23: You now enter December whole and complete. Believing anything less is simply an echo of Old You. You’ve spent all this year learning about yourself, experiencing yourself, fulfilling yourself. Now you will create from your essence… from the truth that you have become. And you will feel it when you’re not.
December’s motto is “I Choose” and you will be guided by those words every single day. “I choose happiness.” “I choose worry.” “I choose conflict.” “I choose peace.” That’s exactly how it works. You choose to meet every moment as you do. That is the power that sets the course of humanity and that’s the power that will fund New You in the future. Choose your first steps into this month wisely. December is the mirror that will reflect your progress.
The Old Energies of chaos are continuing to collapse as the New Energy continues to come in.
Everything is being exposed if one is willing to see through the facade of the low dense matrix world we have been living in.
These last couple months have been intense and now we are coming into the last month of the year.
The Darkness will continue to rise as more Light continues coming in.
Many of us are feeling this within us and some days it can feel very exhausting because the more we upgrade the more our senses expand.
In being empathic means we feel more than what we truly want too, the key is to find common balance with all that is occurring. To continue expanding our Light and Love.
To be honest I am having my moments too where I need to rest more because this body is constantly integrating what is coming into us, as well as what is going on outside of us.
A New World is emerging by our example to bring more Love to this planet and as the powers that were continue to amp of the chaos the less attached to their tactics we become.
This leaves them depleted, wandering around in circles trying to figure out how they can keep amping up the fear so they can survive and keep us under their control. They can’t even keep up with the lies they tell humanity; this is exposing them that much more.
Each year we continue to expand, heal and work with Spirit the more the darkness rises. I know it has been a long haul through all this, but we are strong enough to get through anything at this point.
Even when I am tired, I am in Joy, when the World feels crazy I am still in a space of Love and everything for me is a blessing because it brings us ever closer together.
In Unity We Thrive, in Separation we fall back into that Rabbit hole we have all been digging ourselves out of.
Rejoice in the Love of Spirit, Trust in the Divine Plan that has been Set forth by Source God. All that seems evil will begin to fade and all that will remain is the Love that we Are.
I love you all to infinity and beyond.
Always be grateful and in a space of joy as we overcome the obstacles that we are sometimes faced with.
I pray that all life comes to a place of balance, and their hearts open to the Love that has always been within.
May Peace rein upon the Hearts of all and the whole World come together in Unity.
It’s a Beautiful Day and all is always Well.
The Old Energies of chaos are continuing to collapse
Dear friends, as we leave behind the intense energies of November, we are now entering into a new energetic terrain: the final energies of 2023 and the incoming energies of 2024. Welcome to the powerful energies of transitional December.
December is always a month filled with mixed emotions, and energetically speaking the reason for this is found in the very energetic foundations of this period. There are several energetic landmarks that fill this new month with inner shifts, hopes and dreams, and new timelines.
As we move into the first days of December, we are being surrounded by the initial waves of the trinity light codes, which are energetic waves of information that remind us of our true spiritual nature: the union of the spirit, mind, and body. These codes reach their climax in December 12, the 12:12 gateway. These codes are meant to awaken deep aspects of ourselves and reconnect us to our divine nature as souls having an earthly experience.
Later on, the Winter/Summer Solstice energies around December 21, 12:21, another pivotal energetic gateway, will continue pushing us into new timelines more aligned with our soul’s journey. The Christian holidays on December 25 will also be affecting the collective planetary grid, hopefully as people center themselves in feelings of peace and in their connection with the Divine.
On top of all this, we are all receiving the incoming energies of the year 2024, which will bring more empowering and abundance light codes as it will be an 8 year, energetically speaking.
Fasten your seat belts as we begin surfing these amazing energies on December 1st. I’ll be posting frequent updates as the energies roll on. (Friday December 1st is in itself an energetic gateway as well). May you have a prosperous new month and transition into next year. Much love!
Dear family of love and light, the Divinely orchestrated planet wide clearing has entered the third day. The Divine says right now, the focus is mainly on light workers although a small number of humans have started this clearing process.
The Divine says that our Universal Father is leading the effort, and Mother Goddess and the Divine feminine are also participating in the healing and clearing work for light workers particularly. The Divine says that light workers, generally speaking, have gone through a thorough clearing. Some have done the clearing phase and the Divine have deployed them to their next mission. However, there are a large number of light workers who are still in this deep clearing phase. The Divine says that this clearing process also has steps. Once the initial clearing is done, for some light workers who have disconnected with their higher self, and will go through the restoration process so that their connection with their higher self, and with their Divine parents will be restored. For some, this is the stage that they are in. They are in the process of restoration so that their Divine connection will be restored.
The Divine says because of a huge number of light workers who have fought fiercely in recent years. During these battles, for some light workers, in order for their higher self to be safely reserved, their connection with their higher self has been disconnected. The Divine says since the battles are over, these critical light workers are in the process of recovery. Some are in need of serious healing, and the Divine has been working hard to do the healing. For the ones who have done the healing, the Divine says that now is the time to reconnect them to their higher self so that these warriors will be ready for their next mission.
The Divine says that these warriors are the heroes. They have done an amazing job in the light work. The Divine knows them by their names. Their contribution to the Divine plan is astonishing. And their names will be in the history books. They are indeed the history makers.
The Divine says after the clearing of light workers, the Divine will move onto humans. The Divine says that clearing humans will be much simpler and easier and it takes less time. However, because of the sheer number of humans who are in need of clearing, the Divine says that the workload is great and overwhelmingly heavy. The Divine will do whatever it can to make this clearing process efficient and quick so that the Divine plan can move onto the next phase. And the process of second coming can continue.
Meanwhile, the Divine asks light workers to stay in the heart and allow the clearing to happen. know that the energies that are being cleared are old energies and are not allowed to be on Gaia’s new earth. Therefore, this clearing process is necessary and it has to be done.
Thank you for your dedication and great work. Divine love for you always.
Linda Li, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
It is best to balance hard work and responsibilities with some joy and play this weekend. This balance is needed as we move through the cycles of life into a new beginning. Know that you are been liberated with these final endings, and set free.
An increase is happening that is downloading fresh new ideas and knowledge for the new cycle. Regain your focus from trivial matters that are distractions. Stay grounded and choose love to help solidify the new.
We are now in the month of December with a Universal Energy of Karmic Number 19. In numerology this karmic number is about learning to stand on your own two feet with confidence and courage, while at the same time, learning to ask for assistance and help from others when you need it. It is about initiation and new beginnings (1) along with completions and endings (9).
The Nineteenth Major Arcana in the Tarot is The Sun. In the Sirian Star Seed Tarot it is called Solar Deity.
The Sun is about shining our Light and success in career, or on your Path. However, this image is more powerful as it seems to picture an alchemical transformation that is occurring. And, we are ready to spread our wings and ascend to new heights! There are creative inspirational energies all around us. Now is the time to “tap in” and fuel your passions! However, also have trust and faith in the Universe that all is unfolding in Divine Timing!
On Friday, December 1st, Mercury, the Messenger and ruler of the mental realm, is shifting into serious Capricorn the Goat at 9:31am EST. He will be here until December 23rd and then again from January 13th – February 4th, 2024 because of a retrograde motion that will begin later this month. Mercury is about our thoughts, ideas, perceptions and communications. Capricorn is focused, practical, organized and responsible. We will be more disciplined, determined and productive while he is in this sign.
We are making a plan and following the steps needed to reach our goals. We will be patient in making sure all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed. It is important to have stability and security and, especially since Mercury will turn Retrograde soon, we want to make sure that all of our bases are covered. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, the Messenger and ruler of the mental realm, is shifting into serious Capricorn the Goat
Mercury enters Capricorn – It’s time for serious consideration of important matters, especially as Mercury will backstep over these degrees later this month due to a retrograde. Practicalities come first and there’s a need to approach life methodically. Take time to work out a plan or ponder the implications of decisions before moving ahead. Think before you commit. Crystallise your intentions to give projects a firm foundation. Write down your goals. Let go of rigid thinking. Practice mindfulness.
Evaluate what you have achieved so far. Look for where improvements can be made without downplaying what you have learned and experienced. Practice mental self-discipline. Concentrate on one task at a time. Be realistic but don’t allow yourself to become pessimistic. Worrying won’t solve the problem. Direct your thoughts constructively. If there are tough decisions to make, trust your inner authority.
The number 3 is called Electric and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. The Yellow Sun wavespell is a 13-day journey of discovery and a time when long awaited answers finally come. The 3rd step of any wavespell is about activating the process. It really adds electrical energy to whatever day it is combined with. Day one is about setting the goal and purpose, day 2 we remove the things in our way, and on day 3, we push the button and take off. Once you get used to living the Tzolkin one wavespell at a time, you observe how the energy of the numbers creates a ‘flow’. If you look at the graphic for today, you’ll see how the wavespell is depicted. The shape is representative of the energy and how it moves … It is a wave-spell.
Today is White Wind, which represents ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit.’ These days are always great for writing letters or poetry, for speaking in public, for having that conversation you have been putting off….for saying sorry too. One of the keywords associated with White Wind is ‘spirit’ and so don’t forget it is a great day to send or receive a message from the Universe. As it is an ‘Electric’ day expect your voice to be amplified! You can activate communication today and so your message has a lot of power. Be careful what you say.
Today’s Guide is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. Think about what you need to let go of because to cross over the bridge to a new level you first must be lighter, stronger. Also, your words have power today and this can facilitate crossing over to a new place. The Worldbridger is a diplomat always, and insists you are fair in your communications and see both sides of the argument.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Human and so if you were born on a Yellow Human day, you will find this today not easy. Challenges are meant to make us stronger and Yellow Humans always have trouble communicating, so on challenging days, it’s a great opportunity to remind yourself that you need to try harder even if it’s really difficult. Your voice is a muscle that needs exercising. It’s good for you to have a verbal workout!
The Occult power is the Blue Storm which is all about making big changes and when it is in this magical position expect these changes to be powerful. The Blue Storm can be a bit naughty and cause mayhem, a bit like his Blue Brother the Monkey. But also like the monkey and any other potential ‘naughty’ energy, is always very well behaved when in the magical Occult position. They seem to suit this role very well. I like White Wind days because of this aspect.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘evolution’. If you need assistance, people born on Red Earth can offer support. If you are a Red Earth, be prepared to help others evolve today. You’ll enjoy the energy boost too.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 42 = 6 Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony
A powerful DOORWAY to SPIRIT is OPEN today, for very clear DIVINE GUIDANCE, to implement the DIVINE PLAN for humanity.
December is the 12th and final month of the GREGORIAN CALENDAR. The number 12 is composed of the digits 1 and 2, thus the energies of these two numbers are merged within the 12 – leadership, originality, partnership and cooperation.. The 12 adds up to 3 – which is the frequency of JOY, HAPPINESS, creativity and represents the HOLY SPIRIT and DIVINITY – the TRIAD.
The 12 is a very prevalent number throughout our world – representing the 12 zodiac signs, the 12 apostles, and the 12:60 Artificial time matrix. Although DECEMBER is the 12th month of the Year – the word derives from the Greek – DECA meaning TEN.. so in effect DECEMBER was the NAME of the 10th month until the JULIAN/GREGORIAN lunacy began meddling with our Calendar.
DECEMBER embodies the frequencies of the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 10… READY, SET, GO – let’s start MANIFESTING! DECEMBER reduces to a 10/1 Universal month, when we add the 3 to the year of 2023 = 7, 3+7=10 BOOM! PERFECTION
10 is the MANIFESTATION code and reduces to q 1 – giving us the opportunity to use our MANIFESTING powers to start AFRESH and manifest a NEW LIFE for ourselves filled with BLISSings..
GET READY to witness your CHRIST-MASS wishes coming true… this is one VERY SPECIAL month indeed..
Day 3 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL of ILLUMINATING our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH, to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty.
Today we ACTIVATE our capacity to SHINE, by communicating the Spirit messages that are felt through our connections with others. This is the phase where disparate elements are brought together, unified in their QUEST to serve the world!
NOTE! The ELECTRIC WIND coupled with the YELLOW SUN make for a potent ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FORCE – driven to accelerate your ASCENSION through DEVOTION to SPIRIT and the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH… This is ROCKET FUELLED ACCELERATION TODAY!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. It’s focus is being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or spark for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of Service to all. EXPAND your focus from bonding with one to the joy of bonding with all. The ELECTRIC tone coupled with the White Wind is a very potent force to receive CLEAR guidance for your Divine Service Mission. Tune in for the powerful messages from Spirit today.
Today we are questioning how we can activate our electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to uplift and energize others through Divine Service.
Today’s question is “Am I willing to SURRENDER my life’s purpose to Spirit, connecting with others to creatively express the Will of the DIVINE?”
Divine blessings for the FULL expression of your electrical POWER through ACTIVE DIVINE SERVICE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – Kin 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE ELECTRIC WIND IK today provides the wind beneath our wings. Follow the signs and really LISTEN to the voice of SPIRIT! Be still and present in the timelessness of the eternal NOW MOMENT.
What are you hearing, feeling, sensing, knowing?
How does this information from Spirit align with your desires, dreams and intentions?
Are you in full alignment with and ready to cocreate with Spirit?
How do we integrate that into our reality?
We need to have an OPEN mind to receive the messages that assist us with our creative vision and our creative ideas. We need to allow thoughts to FLOW through us and not identify with them. We are the vessels for this consciousness to flow through.
Use discernment to know which ideas are the best to implement. Channelling ideas and messages, writing, painting, drawing, speaking, singing. The solutions come forth through allowance.. Switch off and tune in today, to the whisperings of the Spirit messengers.
Can you HEAR them?
The whole month of DECEMBER we have a DIVINE 3 HOLY SPIRIT code – bringing forth much support and FLOW from source , giving us an INFINITE FLOW of SOURCE energy.
Our IN breath is of Cosmic knowledge, and the OUT breath is through creative expression, returning the energy again to our Creator. . At times we feel things coming in, but we cannot express them outwardly. Then one day, out of the aethers, we discover we can articulate this wisdom in perfect resolution.
By ALLOWING the IN BREATH and OUT Breath of OUR CREATOR to FLOW through our empty vessel, we can realize soul expansion, and allow our Creator to expand through our self actualization. This is our sole/soul PURPOSE to realize ourselves as GOD/SOURCE.
When you have forged a STRONG connection to Spirit, the messages come through LOUD and CLEAR. DIVINE SOURCE is always needing more foot soldiers on Earth, to fulfill the Will of GOD and the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH.
Once this partnership is operative, other people rely on you to give them clarity and direction. Currently many souls are lost, confused and are feeling the hopelessness of the false narrative. It is our role as the Rainbow Warriors to give them HOPE and inspired messages that
The very BEST ADVICE we can give anyone is to GO WITHIN, and forge their own STRONG connection to Spirit, so that they become independent and sovereign beings, able to find their own solutions.
In turn this builds their faith and TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN, and then GOD’S ARMY grows to be a formidable force for PEACE and benevolent change. Aho!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI It is our networks that will today ignite the messages to be shared. We are activated by connecting with others and allowing the electricity of sharing stories through music, dance, writing, however spirit chooses to breathe through us. Receiving messengers from all reams and sharing our wisdom with our kin. This is the foundation of the new common-unities, all contributing our unique skills, knowledge and talent for the benefit of the whole.
We need to SURRENDER to the voice of the Divine, through the DEATH of Egoic control of our lives, ruled by FEAR.
Through fully SURRENDERING your life and purpose to SPIRIT, your Mission is elevated to a higher level touching more people and creating more MIRACLES for all concerned.
Trusting that Spirit has our back and our best interests covered. Being spontaneous and flowing each day with the messages and guidance received. The signs, impulses and promptings that direct our unique Mission.
We serve the LIGHT today by being the conduits for Spirit’s messages. Reaching out to bond with others, and creatting the matrices of LIGHT, that Spirit channels through us, as the bridge from the Spirit realm into the physical.
SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC EARTH CABAN Signs and synchronicities FLOW through the energy of CABAN. We need to open our minds, our ears and our eyes to recognize these SIGNS flowing from Spirit, and then integrate them into our actions.
CABAN will reveal the RIGHT TIME, RIGHT PLACE and RIGHT PERSON. When you follow the SIGNS – MAJIK happens, and the most beautiful outcomes and gifts arise from your daily interactions. Be spontaneous and BE PREPARED to FOLLOW the SIGNS!
Observe nature, the birds, the flowers, the insects and all creation for your messages.
What beautiful spirit animal messengers will visit you today?
In which DIRECTION are these signs taking you?
Set your course and allow CABAN and IK to provide the navigation tools to lead the way to your HIGHEST DIVINE form of creative expression.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM CAUAC has the Spectral tone today. This STORM is very LIBERATING, having the POWER to dissolve and release any impediments to becoming a clear conduit for Spirit’s communication to flow through your vessel.
The SPECTRAL STORM SUPERPOWER is a clarion call for the RAINBOW WARRIORS to LIBERATE themselves and our PLANET through UNIFICATION.. Banding together with your TRIBE to spread the word of GOD and do GOD’S work together.
BLUE STORM assists WHITE WIND today, in bringing through this breath of LIBERATING FRESH AIR Finally clearing and purging the toxic mind and limiting emotions, making the space for new higher wisdom to come through. The purification that releases masses of energy, that is generated by releasing all concepts of HOW anything ought to be, and purely allowing energy itself to transform and LIBERATE in the FLOW of our connection to ALL THAT IS.
The FREEDOM that is generated through chaos dissolves resistance to change. SURRENDER to the winds of change as CAUAC blesses us with the power of regeneration.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC HUMAN EB represents the battle of the EGOIC mind versus the BUDDHic mind. In order to have an open and accepting mind we need to let go of judgements, criticism and FEAR. We cannot hear the voice of Spirit if our mind is cluttered with FEAR and busyness, which clouds our thoughts and pollutes our actions.
In order to hear the VOICE of Spirit we must align with and hold LOVE in our HEARTS and MINDS.
The most powerful WARRIOR is the fearless one, who holds LOVE in his HEART and knows that even death can not separate him from his CREATOR/SOURCE.
The DEATH of egoic control of your thoughts, through conscious SURRENDER will accelerate your union with Divine Mind. It takes vigilance and constant intention and awareness to elevate your thoughts and E-motions, to a higher state of being. YELLOW HUMAN’s gift today is to raise our consciousness through mindfulness, leading to our own self Mastery.
The ELECTRIC HUMAN today is a precursor to our culmination in this 13 day illumination cycle, as we conclude with the COSMIC HU-MAN. Our journey is to EVOLVE into a DIVINE HU-MAN – GOD man. The QUICKEST way to achieve this is to align with DIVINE WILL through SERVICE, as a conduit for Spirit to work MIRACLES on the Earth plane.
Surrender your little human to the Will of the DIVINE and elevate your consciousness to that of a DIVINE HU-MAN. In this state you can leave a powerful LEGACY on our planet, and influence the lives of a greater number of people.
All great rewards for a LIFE well LIVED, in SERVICE to the DIVINE – the POWER that UNITES US ALL as ONE – global HU-MAN family!
Today’s question is “Am I willing to SURRENDER my life’s purpose to Spirit, connecting with others to creatively express the Will of the DIVINE?”
Divine blessings for the FULL expression of your electrical POWER through ACTIVE DIVINE SERVICE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – Kin 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
I Command My Full Authority To Be present Within My Energy Matrix
I Ask My Highest Aspects of My Highest Selves to Deliver Me Divine Truth Giving and Receiving In All Things, Bypassing My Ego, My Ego Minds and My Altar Ego’s.
I Ask My Quantum Master Self, Me As An Ascended Master to Step Into My Energy Matrix and Open Up My Divine I Am Avatar Blueprints Actualising and Working From A Zero Point of Oneness.
I Command Clearance Patterns to Filter Through and Around My Body with the Perfected Frequencies of Living Light, Instantly Removing all Cords, Attachments, and Any Nodes of Information and Anything Else that Does Not Serve My Highest Good.
I Claim My I Am Presence and Go Forth With Clarity, Transparency, Ease and Grace.
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