The Earth is going through Massive Shifts Right Now! Creating a New Reality * The Dragon in your Genome ~ Lions Rest into Virgo Season
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Rainbow Dragon Tribe of the New Avalon Liberation
We are now on the ninth day in a row of 5D sustained resonance appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 16 hz and 37 hz, encoded with our 37 into the 73 vibration of our Heaven on Earth codes.
We have another day of massive energies flowing in with our local Soularis releasing constant solar flares currently at 12 C Class Soular Flares and 9 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 5.18 at 20:12 UTC synchronizing with the alpha and omega of the Mayan Calendar of the Sacred year of 2012.
Great Spirit is speaking to us daily with symbols, synchronicities, omens and number symbolism. All is coming into alignment for our Great Shift of the Ages into our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of New Earth.
Many of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 have experienced a major timeline shift today into a heightened state of awareness of the Clear Light of Bliss in their Sacred Heart Centers.
Today is the Galactic Signature of the White Gold Eagle on the Mayan Calendar with Kin 47 Blue Galactic Hand as the Blue Ray Star Nation of the Eagle and the Condor spread their Etheric Wings and take flight over the Holy Lands of the New Eden Paradisiacal Manifestation…A’Ho!
Very good things are coming out of multidimensionality into your reality and will start being seen in the physical world. They will be comfortable, clean and very beautiful. People will start seeing them around new events, new energies, new people, new ideas and all that will come to the surface as a very beautiful new lifestyle. This carries highly attractive potential that most people will want. They will start joining, exploring and asking questions. It is a new part of the process that is bringing joy and enlightenment by creating a new reality.
TODAY’S ORACLE. This was a dense, sometimes heavy, but freeing energetic month & last few days. Integrating, processing, what has changed, what is now different. Your inner shift can’t be undone now. You know you are about to receive something else — yet this is uncomfortable because it’s not tangible yet, and you have never touched that fresh ground of now in the past. Never been there before.
Somewhere you have never been that cleansed, healed of old wounds, clear. There are those key things that would stop you or scare you in the recent past — but that don’t scare you anymore. You are not willing to lose your power in the same places as you used to. Your deep dive into « seeing » was your key, your opening to « more ». Your breakthroughs are so close now. You can feel them walking closer.
The Earth has gone through and is going through massive shifts right now!
This is the moment the ancient prophecies were talking about! This time of frequency shift on earth!
It is real, it is happening as we speak . Our bodies are being upgraded to lighter bodies. We are going from carbon based to more crystalline lighter bodies, which means we will be able to transport and do all kinds of things very soon.
This shift is happening in waves. And the reasoning for this is so that things go more smoothly. There may be people in your lives that are not feeling this whatsoever and that’s OK. That is their journey.
But if you are feeling this shift and you’re feeling your body changing, don’t resist, allow and know good things are ahead.
Let the densities go in your life and in your body. Sit with everything and also simultaneously create the world that you want on the days that you feel really well and creative.
This is real, and this is happening as we speak!!! We are being catapulted into another dimension and density.
Earth is already at a higher density meaning the 3-D is over for earth. It is the fifth dimension and above now where we are being called to operate in.
So if the old ways are frustrating, you just know it’s supposed to frustrate you, because that’s not the dimension we are operating in any longer.
The experience of being in love is the prelude to our future awareness. It doesn’t generally remain, because we haven’t awakened enough for that frequency to stabilise. We carry too much wounding. As we transmute our wounds and experience our higher consciousness, these kinds of relationships become possible, even probable.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
the Sun has moved into Virgo. And not a moment too soon!
It has been such an intense time with the Lions Gate and then the Full Moon.
It just seemed as though everything was happening at once and everything needed to happen at once!
I am just exhausted and happy to lean into VIrgo season with its quieter and more grounded energy.
For now it is a time to rest and recalibrate and take stock of the opportunities that are offered as we move into a higher level of consciousness. We need to choose what to take and what to leave.
The key is what does your soul desire?
What will bring you Joy and Love?
What will align with your soul mission in this new phase.
And this requires quiet time to feel into what is the next phase of the journey?
So…time for the Lion to rest in the presence of the Lady (the Divine Feminine).
8/23/24: As the Lion steps aside today for Virgo to take charge, and Mercury begins to station direct, you should sense a shift in the wind. Some of us will launch today, but most will wait for September’s impact. Some will jump voluntarily and others will be prompted by events and situations. Regardless, expect movement in some form that will continue to increase through the end of October as karma plays itself out.
Today, specifically, could be action-packed. It has enough force all by itself to blow through any protective barriers you have in place, including those you erected years ago. Virgo will use today’s energy to come in hard. It’s ready to clean up whatever Leo left hanging. We’re not out of August yet and there are secrets to discover… and buttons to push.
I don’t remember a time when I felt more of a fascination with the changing landscape of our worlds internal. Being in relative stillness for the past week or so all I cared to do was be in nature and continue to treasure awareness and follow the energy that is shifting everything from my eyes to the manner in which I feel Love…feel Compassion and feel Unity… and in the least expecting ways.
More shall follow as the weeks unfold, though for now it’s all going into my Journal of the New. For now, guidance directs (for us all,)…. focus your energy on the unfolding and deep caring for the Holiness of your New Life Stream.
Liberate and Love your Highest Divine Human potential, Liberate and Unify with your Soul, Merge with your High Heart, your Higher Self and your I Am Presence daily. Choose well, and choose well over and over again.
Brief Decree: I Now call forth the Soul gifts and Soul training that I have received throughout all of my lifetimes. I am ready to embody them all now without hesitation and without fear.
And repeat these words….I no longer qualify myself for anything less than the Full Resolution of the Essence of my Being.
Dear friends, we are soon leaving behind the intense energies of this year’s 888 portal, and we are now moving into a new energetic landscape. The third and last wave of the 888 lightcodes will be resonating on Monday August 26, giving closure to this profound energetic month.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may already be experiencing some deep inner shifts taking place, specially during the last few days post full moon. Our nervous system has been working non-stop assimilating, recalibrating, and clearing emotional barriers that have been preventing us from confidently moving forward with our earthly journey. Childhood memories, ancestral patterns, and transgenerational issues are being brought up to surface for final closures and integration. Keep an open mind and heart if these issues come into your awareness at this time. These are signs that deeper work is needed in those areas for healing and release.
During this final phase of this 888 portal, our bodies may feel tired and weary. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, blurry vision, constant ear ringing, muscle tension, and heart and digestive issues may be present at this time. As our being releases low frequencies from deep within the DNA memory storage energetic scaffold and soul structures, the physical body also triggers its own detoxification processes. Please rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated. Mild physical exercise may also assist the movement of fluids and energy. An overall sense of uncertainty may also be present as we shift into the new higher frequencies. A new world is unfolding below our feet, and this process requires time and patience.
We are moving into a different energetic second half of the year, post 888 portal, in which our energetic sensitivity will be higher compared to the initial months. Our planet is also changing, increasing its frequency day by day at much faster rates now after crossing Lion’s Gate. This may create a bit more instability in our fields, therefore it is important to ground our energy more frequently as we move towards the end of the year.
Eclipse season is just around the corner as well, bringing with it more opportunities for growth and evolution. These energies will keep pushing us to reflect on the past so we can rebirth a new future. We are in a constant process of alchemical transformation, like a river flowing to the ocean, encouraging us to embrace the journey, allowing ourselves to be transformed by our life’s experiences, and ultimately merging with our highest divine potential.
May you have a wonderful and peaceful weekend. Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
The METEORIC RISE of the Unified field as the Divine Feminine & Benevolent Masculine is here!
Hold on and enjoy the ride!
The wisdom of the upper chakras are in harmony with cosmic presence. The invitation for YOU to fly…farther!
August continues to be an assuredly robust month. The physical energy that carries the potency of the double infinite is peaking.
This is the impenetrable shield of Divine armor that is radiating as a bridge between the seed of creation from the physical form into your conscious awareness.
You are ready to COMMAND your Self-Ascended Presence.
With both Manifest & Divine energy unified above the crown,
the fully ignited Lotus chakra is cradled by the double infinite.
Your Eternal vision & wisdom are balancing each other. They are waiting for your second & third chakras to stabilize into the energies of LOVE and JOY!
This is important as ALL of the physical anchors to support greater creation and the Self-In-Power-ment to DO IT!
Relax as you feel into the abdomen and offer it support.
Be sure to notice how your head is trying to command.
August has been inviting YOU to gently & lovingly ease into active mastery re-cognition. To KNOW that as you trust your-self more, and release self-imposed limits on your intuitive nature, the solutions are ALL-READY surrounding you.
The moments that solidify the NEW WORLD SHIFT as the unified Masculine & Feminine begin their dance!
REMEMBER! YOU ARE the commander carrying forward
Smile and Release any remaining self-sabotage energy of Fear, Doubt and Hesitancy! Celebrate the new world.
The Rising Divine Feminine is standing in equality with the Benevolent Masculine!
As the mysteries reveal and the September equinox beckons, say YES TO YOU! Personally MEET THE ELDERS, Activate your inner Alchemy & RISE into the depth of your Divine mastery Presence. YOU ARE ABLE to spin the wheels of eternal time and REMEMBER your DIVINE MASTERY PRESENCE into Form.
I LOVE YOU! With ALL of my support for your journey,
*Ascension Update*8/23* 9-DAYS of LIGHT ~ The Galactic Federation
This is the Ascension Update for August 23rd, 2024.
Blessings to all.
In our Previous Update, we spoke of the Energetic Purification Process, which had just begun. You are now 9 days with continuous bursts coming from the core of Mother earth.
Starting on your Calendar day, August 15th at 71 hertz, the 16th with 75 hertz, the 17th with 60 hertz, the 18th with 75 hertz, the 19th with 47 hertz, the 20th with 59 hertz, The 21st reaching 86 hertz, The 22nd reaching 89 hertz, and today for the 23rd, so far with a Blackout, indicating another High Frequency Day.
Your Dear Mother Earth, has embarked on an extraordinary journey of transformation. One that resonates deep within the core of Human existence. For the last 9 days, the beating heart of your planet has pulsed with intense and high frequencies, heralding a shift in human consciousness towards unity and oneness.
Deep within the Earth’s core lies a symphony of vibrations, often imperceptible to your human senses. Yet, during these 9 days, the frequencies emanating from Earth’s inner sanctum have reached unprecedented levels. This celestial heartbeat, pulsating with cosmic energy, reverberates through your being, calling Humanity to awaken to a new reality.
As these high frequencies cascade across the planet, they carry with them the promise of your ascension into the 5th dimension. This realm of existence, beyond the constraints of the Material reality, invites you to transcend your limitations and embrace a new way of being. It is a higher way of being, where unity and interconnectedness reign supreme. The Earth is beckoning humanity to remember their inherent divinity.
The effects of Earth’s high frequencies are being felt physically, causing what you have come to know as ascension symptoms, like Fatigue, joint pain, and digestive issues. It is important to stay grounded in your Heart center. Also, staying hydrated and eating high vibrational fresh foods, can assist in this transformation process.
This Transformation isn’t just physical, but deeply spiritual. These energies Bring forth inner transformation, nudging you towards a higher state of consciousness. In the glow of these celestial energies, the veils of separation dissolve, and you come to realize your interconnectedness with all of creation. This is a profound shift that resonates with the collective soul of humanity, guiding you towards a new Earth where love and compassion are the guiding forces.
As you navigate these intense frequencies, you are invited to embark on a journey of the Inner-discovery of your Oneness with the all, It is a time to shed your old paradigms and embrace the truth of your interconnectedness with one another. This is the Journey towards Unity. It starts within each of you.
We understand that in these Moments, it is hard to conceive of A place where Humanity is at Peace. But Together, Humans will co-create a world where compassion, empathy, and understanding abound. A world where unity and oneness are not just ideals but lived realities.
In the wake of Earth’s transformation, a new era is dawning. An era where the barriers that divide you will crumble, and the light of unity shines bright. It is a time of great promise and infinite possibilities, where the seeds of a harmonious future are sown. Embrace this cosmic symphony of Frequencies,, allowing its melodies to guide you towards a brighter tomorrow.
As Earth’s 9-day high Light Song Continues, you are presented with a unique opportunity to transcend your limitations and embrace a new way of being. By aligning with the rhythms of the cosmos, you can unlock the potential for a collective awakening towards unity and oneness.
Heed the call of Earth’s beating heart and embrace the transformative power of her frequencies as Humanity embarks on this journey of evolution together.
Take each step with intention, knowing that each beat of Earth’s heart brings you closer to a Reality where love, compassion, and unity are the guiding principles. The time is now to embrace the change, to honor your interconnectedness, and to begin in co-creating a reality where harmony and balance reign supreme.
In the symphony of frequencies echoing through the cosmos, you will find your true essence, A beacon of light and love in a universe brimming with infinite possibilities. It is the moment to rise to the occasion and embrace the beauty of this cosmic dance, knowing that in unity, you are bound by the Light of The Infinite Creator.
Journey forward with open hearts and minds, guided by the celestial energies that are guiding you towards a new Earth, where love reigns supreme, and Oneness, is your ultimate destination.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
This has been the Ascension Update for August 23rd, 2024
Transmission Received and Researched By Chellea Wilder at
The Angelic Kingdoms of Light are asking US to Perceive their current active Mission Assisting Humanity On Planet Earth
For Our Role Is To Assist The Uprising Of Light, on Many Quantum Levels
As the Higher Light Workers, attuned to the Cosmic Forces of Light. We are asked Now to assist expanded Light Initiation within the Hu-man Template.
We Are Required To Assist The Heart Expansion Point of The Hu-man Surface Dwellers, to Awaken from the Matrix of Unevolved Light.
For The Need Is Now On A Politicial And Spiritual Stage
We Are Needed To Project and Facilitate The Light Skills We Have Attained.
I Am Shown Great Legions Of Angelic Light Forces Assisting Humanity In These Times. Our Role Is To Assist The Light Sourcing From Within The Human Collective.
For The Time Is Now To Anchor And Expand Our Light
For Rapid Ossicilations Of Light Is Occurring, As Many Leave The Earth Plane
I Am Now Guided To Assist The Great Angelic Legions Assisting The Human Collective On Planet Earth.
Endings are happening this weekend to free you and carry you forward into love, joy, success, and Holy Grail Union.
You are part of God’s Royal Bloodline and have a powerful leadership role that is fulfilling as we continue our Collective evolution.
Through Virgo Season you are being called to bravely charge through any fears of independence and vulnerabilities.
God’s Chosen are being protected from the enemy. This is the opposite of a paradigm of attacks. However with the timeline shift comes a flip out of being last to being put first.
Trust that you are being seen, accepted, and protected for who you really are as God’s Chosen.
Heading into the weekend, Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini as retrograde Mercury in Leo forms a sextile to Mars as well as a trine to Chiron in Aries.
A strong urge to communicate our message is tempered by practical considerations and a need to ‘check in’ with ourselves to make sure that what we say is both honest and impactful without being overly aggressive.
Self-consciousness may tempt us to ‘edit’ our choice of words or actions but it mostly serves to keep us humble and capable of hearing what we need to hear as well…
At the end of the day, it is the ‘essence’ of our communication that matters more than our choice of words and the more that we focus on this point, the more easily the appropriate wording will flow behind that intention!
Any perceived imperfections can be adjusted later so it’s best to take the pressure off of ourselves and to just trust how it comes through us…
On Friday, August 23rd, Chiron the Centaur is highlighted. First, Mercury, ruler of our thoughts and perceptions, is in a positive trine to the Healer and Shaman. This supports our personal inner journey of self-reflection to bring healing to certain mind-sets and belief systems that are no longer valid. It also supports communications with others. This happens early in the day.
However, as the day wears on we have Venus, ruler of partnerships, finances and values, in perfectionistic Virgo creating a difficult inconjunct aspect to Chiron, ruler of past wounds and traumas. We may start to ruminate on situations and circumstances that we do not see as ideal. We start to pick them apart and dissect them to understand the how’s and the why’s. But, we may never find the complete answer. This energy is about healing and reintegration in the best way that we can in the moment. And, that is enough for now.
Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini. Mercury retrograde trine Chiron in Aries – The cosmic lovers are at odds. In turn, our own relationships could blow hot and cold. Maybe we’re out of sorts, irritable, drawn to a goal but unsure of whether to invest in it; attracted to someone or something yet unsure if that way is the right way. We pick and prod at each other, at our ideas and nothing feels good enough. With both Venus and Mars in Mercury ruled signs, the problem may be rooted in over-thinking it. Thankfully, Mercury’s connection to healer Chiron alerts us to other options.
Let’s build bridges instead of tearing each other down. Let’s listen to wild ideas without censorship to glean information and inspiration. Let’s take a trip the other way around the block to see life from a different perspective. Let’s talk about the difficult stuff. Let’s address the painful things. Let’s communicate in whatever way we can to keep the dialogue open. Speak about remedies. Think about fixes. Name your medicine. What you speak, you create – abracadabra!
Degrees and Times
Mercury 23°Le11′ R, Chiron 23°Ar11′ R – 13:20 (BST)
The number 8 is called Galactic and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Modeling and Integrity’. The number 8 symbolizes eternity, a continuous loop with no beginning and no end representing the never-ending cycle of time. ‘Harmony’ is achieved when we accept these natural cycles and release the notion that we do not have enough time. We have all the time in the world! As always – it’s a great day for making music, restoring harmony and of course, checking that your integrity is in place.
The Blue Hand represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Inner knowing’. Find something useful to do today and accomplish something to be proud of. Put your hands to good use or offer some healing. We can achieve much more when we are healed that is why the word ‘accomplishment’ is a key characteristic of Blue Hand. If you have been burning out do not be afraid to ask for a helping hand. As it is a fluffy number 8 today, this makes for a lovely combo of day and number. Perfect for getting a message or holding someone’s hand. Give someone deserving a pat on the back or applaud your loved ones for their achievements. People born on Blue Hand can be quite ambitious, sometimes too ambitious but on Galactic days their ambition isn’t as intense.
Today’s Guide is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion’. This magical guide can lead us to magical healing but be aware monkeys are always out to trick us, in order to teach us valuable lessons. Don’t put your hands where they shouldn’t go or Monkey will catch you out! Reach out and take Monkey’s hand and he will gently lead you to play.
The Challenge of the day is Red Earth which symbolizes ‘Evolution’. Folk born on Red Earth will find their issues of healing will surface. This doesn’t mean you cannot benefit from today, it’s just you may have to own up that you need some healing. Progress may be tricky for everybody as the Red Earth is in a weakened position.
The Occult power is the White Wizard, the ‘Enchanter’ of the Tzolkin. This suggests that healing can be accomplished if we allow ourselves to be enchanted or put under a spell. Sometimes it takes supernatural forces to facilitate healing.
The Ally is the Yellow Human and people born on Yellow Human days can make great use of their psychic abilities which helps them to support others. If you know one, then consider yourself lucky. If you need help today but do not know a Yellow Human, use your intuition and be your own support.
KIN 47 = 11 Portal/Gate/Polarity 11 = 2 Partnership/Cooperation/Twins
Beautiful HEAVENLY energies today giving us a helping HAND! DIVINE SUPPORT has arrived!
Day 8 is where we integrate the LIGHT through trusting our ACCOMPLISHMENT, and allowing this to happen through the play of consciousness, modeling integrity in our actions.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model, for others following in our footsteps, who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
The litmus test in becoming a Master, is to be totally TRANSPARENT in your actions and motivations. Integrity and authenticity are the keystones to evolving as an en-LIGHT-ON-ed being.
Today’s questions are “How can I integrate more HEALING wisdom and LIGHT through divine Majik and PLAY in my day, to bring greater HARMONY to my world.”
“AM I READY to step into greater integrity, and ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS?”.
Divine blessings for a Majikally profound day of HEALING, ACCOMPLISHMENT and CELEBRATION .
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
18 moons ago KIN 47 occured on the EQUINOX portal and today we reconnect to those beautiful balancing energies. The BLUE GALACTIC HAND enables us to bridge this portal through authentic HEALING, ACCOMPLISHING the transition to NEW EARTH! Aho!
The GALACTIC HAND ensures we ACCOMPLISH this MISSION through connecting to our AUTHENTIC DIVINE selves.
A very POWERFUL MAJIK PORTAL DAY (Monkey, Wizard and Manik) with a 3 divine HOLY TRINITY code LOTS of MAJIK streaming forth for constructing our MAJIKAL NEW EARTH.
A DIVINE opportunistic day to walk through the doorway towards the LIGHT! When new doors open – do not hesitate – WALK through them!
27 MOONS ago, KIN 47 occured on 4TH OF JULY, 2022 – USA INDEPENDENCE DAY which had a 4/4 NEW EARTH code.
July 4th is celebrated as the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation, the day America was officially LIBERATED from colonial rule of the British Empire.
A profoundly important anniversary on this MAJIKAL NEW EARTH portal day.
Today the GALACTIC HAND revisits this LIBERATION portal and ensures we access this energy to set HUMANITY FREE!!!
TODAY is the day to CELEBRATE our GLOBAL INDEPENDENCE, from the tyranny of the false control MATRIX – we are finally FREE…
What a DAY!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE GALACTIC HAND MANIK – Today we have SUPER HEALING power with MANIK , BLUE MONKEY and WHITE WIZARD providing a trinity of majikal healing power!
This TRIPLE lineup can accomplish MIRACLES!!!
We can direct this potent MAJIK through our MIND, to harmonize our energies and HEAL our body, mind and soul. MANIK ensures we can accomplish our plans and desires. Majik and accomplishment make for a wondrous alchemical union.
We have incredibly potent SOLAR FLARE activity streaming forth from our SUN in this revolutionary ASCENSION phase.
EARTH’S Magnetosphere is weakened and CRACKS appear allowing in the greatest PLASMA filaments through SOLAR FLARES, CME’S and radiation. This PLASMA is what we SEE at the North and South Poles of EARTH’S axis – appearing as dancing AURORAS – the AURORA BOREALIS and AURORA AUSTRALIS respectively..
We are witnessing phenomenal AURORA displays in TASMANIA and southern areas of AUSTRALIA – never before seen.. NORTH AMERICA is also witnessing the AURORA BOREALIS creeping further and further SOUTH – giving more people on the planet the incredible experience of witnessing these SPECTACULAR light shows with their own eyes! Soon this shall envelop the EARTH with all citizens witnessing these dancing RAINBOW PLASMA waves!
This PLASMA energy is quite MIRACULOUS in its ability to HEAL the human body and fortify the LIGHT BODY.
The LAKOTA people instinctively knew this truth, and would make an annual pilgrimage from their home lands, through CANADA to witness the AURORA BOREALIS. They accepted responsibility for their sick, old and vulnerable members of their tribe, guiding and transporting them on this HEALING JOURNEY.. where miraculous HEALINGS occured. Sadly the LAKOTA people were deposed from their traditional tribal lands through being confined to reservations that the “WHITE MAN” contained them within.. Their FREEDOM gone, they could no longer continue this practice.
HOWEVER – WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY.. The LAKOTA could not PHYSICALLY visit, the auroras – so instead they used their MINDS through VISUALIZATION of the AURORAS and a technique called ; “FEATHERING” using actual feathers to mimic and capture the electrical impulses and charge from this PLASMA phenomenon!
This ANCIENT HEALING wisdom is being rediscovered NOW as we FEEL and EXPERIENCE the EUPHORIC BLISS conveyed through witnessing and experiencing these wondrous energies.. Today humanity and our entire PLANET will be superboosted with these PLASMA HEALING frequencies… so be WILLING, READY and ALLOWING to RECEIVE a tremendous upgrade to your physical body, mind and SPIRIT. Yahoooo!!!
This is also a wonderful day to use your majik to GET THINGS DONE, to volunteer, to assist others and offer a helping hand.
This will be the new order of co-operative assistance in our unified common-unities, to assist others unconditionally with no expectation of REWARD. Being a good citizen and good neighbour will become the new normal, so start NOW and be a good role model for others – particularly your children. It is TIME we accepted responsibility for the welfare and wellbeing of our whole GLOBAL tribe!!
Utilize this wonderful opportunity to accomplish GREAT THINGS by retrieving your TO DO list, or your BUCKET LIST, and start prioritizing your tasks to ensure you fully maximize the incredible gifts that MANIK bestows upon you today. What was seemingly impossible in the past, will now be possible.
You have the power of miracle HEALING and accomplishment at your disposal today!.
A brilliant day for REIKI, massage or any form of HEALING modality.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY CHUEN TRIPLE MAJIK TODAY with the 7 MAJIK code for the Universal month of AUGUST, and WHITE WIZARD aligning with the Monkey’s Majik!!! CHUEN loves to PLAY, and brings forth great MAJIK and merriment. Monkey days are usually lighter and brighter so get out and PLAY today.
CHUEN will revel in the celebrations today! The MONKEY LOVES a party, and LOVES being the center of attention… Lots of celebration and BIG BANGS happening today!
Truth and Divine knowledge is revealed more readily today, as we are guided to be as a child, innocently and magically trusting that we already ‘know’ the answers to our questions. Trusting the awareness that shows up in our every moment, helps to heal the old ‘give your power away to the expert’ matrix paradigm. We have all the INNER-standing to solve our problems and be our own physicians.
As we reclaim our own inner KNOWing, we become more ILLUMINATED as SOVEREIGN beings, INDEPENDANT, self sufficient and not reliant on others for our health, happiness and growth.
Innocent children bring forth much Divine wisdom, seemingly miraculously. “How could a child so young possibly know that?” you may postulate. “Out of the mouths of babes, flows great wisdom”. Of course this is so, due to their pure and uncorrupted connection to SOURCE and the endless channel of Divine wisdom.
It is time to establish and TRUST your own connection to SOURCE and claim your Sovereignty.
Be like a child and know that in fact you are a Divine child, and a child of GOD who just KNOWS!
The GALACTIC MONKEY is also the one who holds the PIN to burst your bubble of illusion.. He brings clarity through the SMOKE and MIRRORS and Majik tricks.
This MONKEY is very principled, and aligns with the highest ideals, enmeshed in the very fabric of his being. It will never do, to stray off the DIVINE PATH and use your Majikal powers for evil or nefarious means.
The GALACTIC MONKEY is the whistleblower and good samaritan, who through his pure HEART, aims to FREE others from enslavement and drudgery, enabling them to PLAY once more.
BLUE MONKEY is the HIGHER GUIDE today and also the dreamspell solar seal on the PLANETARY HOLON for the USA… This is a brilliant synchronicity aligning with the GALACTIC SPIN 27 moons ago, on the 4th of JULY celebration.. The day AMERICA claimed its integrity and authenticity, by breaking away from the POWER and CONTROL of an oppressive ruler – the BRITISH EMPIRE . Perhaps this year we shall witness the final COLLAPSE of this old paradigm.
This is the whole ethos of the BLUE MONKEY – to use your MAJIK to BREAK FREE from the illusory world!
The GALACTIC MONKEY as the higher guide today, encourages ACTIVISM and rebellion in the name of TRUTH. This monkey DEMANDS AWARENESS and that people AWAKEN to the underlying TRUTH.
CHUEN incites MANIK to put up his HAND and volunteer in the fight for TRUTH, JUSTICE, EQUALITY and FAIRNESS.. all the humanitarian causes.. Together this code makes for a very powerful PEACE ACTIVIST and change agent.
Watch the MAJIK unfold, BIG THINGS are afoot today!
NOTE: The GALACTIC MONKEY is the kin of Aussie TRUTHER and Wikileaks founder – Ju-li-an…Ass-an-ge….whose MISSION is to EXPOSE the TRUTH.
Using his Magician’s powers to uncover the TRUTH, he created WIKILEAKS to publish this valuable information in the public domain. He demanded INTEGRITY and HONOUR from those he exposed, as the charlatans who created the SMOKESCREEN keeping humanity lost in the MATRIX of ILLUSION..
Keep an EYE on the news as more vital revelations may be EXPOSED and released today.
SUPPORT: YELLOW GALACTIC HUMAN – EB This is the frequency that integrates vital life force, through modelling our choices on fearless questioning, asking questions that keep allowing more and more vital life force to show up in our day. Not arriving at answers that limit, simply continually asking the right questions of ourselves and our Divine guidance.
We are tuning in, listening and heeding the answers that Spirit consciousness provides. We become receptive to more and more vital life force FLOWING through us, as we are aligning with DIVINE WILL, thus accessing DIVINE WISDOM and GREAT HEALING powers.
We have the power today to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical human vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN. Our ANGELIC GOLDEN SOPHIA- CHRISTED LIGHTbodies can be accessed through today’s healing codes.
EB also provides the power of INFLUENCE, so we will be influenced by others, or alternatively we will influence others, through modeling our actions and wisdom, to take the healing journey to wellness and accomplishment too.
We can also influence others to take the path of righteousness by aligning with DIVINE WILL and activating the DIVINE PLAN. When we partner with GOD/GODDESS/SOURCE we discover that Spirit is offering us assistance and a healing hand.
OCCULT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIZARD IX assists in anchoring pure consciousness into our bodies today through his timeless RECEPTIVE MIND. This gifts our minds with pure awareness.
IX is adept at BALANCING the energy forces to bring greater healing in our bodies and MINDS, leading to HARMONY. This WIZARD is Rhythmic which operates in the physical realm relating to our bodies, our homes and our physical environment as well as our PLANET. .
Bringing more BALANCE and greater HARMONY to our surroundings allows us to RELAX and create a haven for healing and rejuvenation.
6 IX is a BRILLIANT WHIZZ kid at organization – think Majik fairy Godmother – assisting us in getting through our TO DO LIST with super majikal POWERS! What a WONDERFUL SUPERPOWER to effect
MIRACULOUS HEALING MIRACLES today on a GLOBAL LEVEL – what hand will this Magician play?
WHITE WIZARD flamboyantly materializes before you in a vortex of violet and electric blue energy. He presents with his magnificent sceptre to provide the tools to really benefit from this quadruple MAJIKAL HEALING portal energy today, in gaining VICTORY over your health challenges and ACCOMPLISHING MIRACLES!
Pure alchemy is available to you today, as the aethers will shapeshift to create your projected thought forms into matter!
What are you desiring, as you have the superpower of enchantment at your disposal today.
Are you OPEN to experiencing all the majik that the Universe has to offer you, knowing and believing that MIRACLES and spontaneous healing can occur?
Step into your true Creator form today and experience the miracle of being a Divine Alchemist. Nikola Tesla would be proud of you!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED GALACTIC EARTH CABAN Today we can integrate our sense of connectedness, through listening and responding to the synchronicities that show up. Navigating an awareness of the cycles that have evolved through the ancestral lines that may have limited us in the past. Through our awareness and our ability to respond, these cycles can now evolve in order for us to evolve as Divine HU-man beings.
GALACTIC CABAN – is today’s GIFT – showing us that TODAY IS THE RIGHT TIME for our EARTH to EVOLVE to a higher level… It is HER TIME! Watch for the SIGNS and SYNCHRONICITY confirming this!
Absolutely PERFECTO as GAIA makes her QUANTUM JUMP to the NEW TIME through this Ascension phasel!
Mother GAIA is also challenging us to ensure all our actions and plans are congruent with protecting and honouring our Pachamama – her body, our environment and our human families.. all harmonizing in perfect synergy to provide life-enhancing models for our future evolution.
CABAN is reminding us to listen to our body’s intelligence today. Ask Spirit to work through your body showing you the SIGNS needed that lead to greater healing.
Above all remember that Mother Nature is our most potent healing force on this planet, so remember to incorporate your daily dose of sunshine, trees, bird’s singing, waves tumbling, river’s flowing, and the beautiful scent of flowers blossoming.
Celebrate our connectedness to this Natural wonder that surrounds us. Remember to walk barefoot on the EARTH grounding for a minimum of 20 minutes a day to fully utilize the MAJIKAL MAGNETIC healing force of Mother GAIA.
Mother, I feel you under my feet
Mother, I hear your heart beat.
Pacha -Mama’s KISS HEALS the BEST!
Today’s questions are “How can I integrate more HEALING wisdom and LIGHT through divine Majik and PLAY in my day, to bring greater HARMONY to my world.”
“AM I READY to step into greater integrity, and ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS?”.
Divine blessings for a Majikally profound day of HEALING, ACCOMPLISHMENT and CELEBRATION .
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
As we enter the sacred time of Virgo Season, we open our hearts and minds to the healing energies that flow through this Earthly sign. We call upon the essence of Virgo, the vessel of purity, wisdom, and service, to guide us as we navigate the path of the New Earth.
O Great Spirit, cleanse our hearts and minds of all that is no longer needed. Help us to discern with clarity and precision, releasing the old patterns and beliefs that hinder our growth. May we find the strength to let go of what no longer serves us, creating space for new, life-affirming energies to enter.
Mother Earth, we honor your sacred cycles and rhythms. As we step into this time of harvest and reflection, we ask for your blessings on our journey toward the New Earth. Teach us to care for your body as we care for our own, recognizing the deep connection between our well-being and the health of our planet.
Divine Presence, fill us with the spirit of service and humility, that we may act with compassion and love towards all beings. Let our actions be guided by the desire to uplift, heal, and nurture. Help us to bring balance and harmony to every aspect of our lives, aligning with the higher purpose of our souls.
As we move through Virgo Season, may we embody the qualities of discernment, precision, and devotion. Let us work diligently towards the manifestation of the New Earth, where peace, love, and unity reign. We trust in the divine plan and surrender to the flow of the universe, knowing that we are supported and guided every step of the way.
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