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Solar Plexus Chakra

Galactic New Year

Mayan Galactic New Year ~ Blue Rhythmic Storm * Arc of Anu – New Circumference Codex in the Field





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Royal Lion Kingdom of our New Lemuria Nation

Happy Galactic and Planetary Mayan New Year of the Blue Rhythmic Storm and Lions Gate Portal opening!

Synchronizing with the beginning of the New Cycle and Dreamspell we also enter into the Lions Gate Portal today that peaks on August 8 for the 8:8:8 Leo the Heart of the Lion Gateway. We also celebrate the heliacal rising of our Spiritual Sun Sirius on this day.

We had massive energies flowing in through today’s portal. It has also been reported that we had our most powerful X Class Solar Flare of this Solar Cycle 25 released from the far side of our local Soularis 3 days ago, on the 23rd of July, measured at a massive x 14 Class Soular Flare. Although not earth facing, Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun are receiving intense Gamma Mother Plasma Liquid Light from the most High, Infinite Source Creator. We also are being flooded with Adamantine Light from today’s M Class Solar Flare maxing at M 4.21 at 2:37 UTC, encoded with our 37 into the 73 New Heaven upon the New Earth Codes.

This is it Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144, we have reached full acceleration of our Ascension and are at our “Peak” experience of Divine Intervention as the Buddha Awareness is transmitted Mind to Mind directly from Prime Creator to activate and initiate our final countdown to our Quantum Leap of Consciousness and Great Shift of the Ages into our New Golden Age of Enlightenment as homo-luminous – True Crystalline Light Bodies of Terra Nova Gaia…A’Ho!












✨Five NEW Hyper TONES in the Field. We’ve Reached a Higher Octave. Deeper into the Stars + Reconnecting ✨Galaxies
✨Arc of Anu – New Circumference Codex in the Field✨
When Duality is INSTALLED on a Planet it has to RUN Itself Out.
So MOST stories have a + and a – charge to create a Reality to RUN instead of understanding the Energetic prinicples of the UNIVERSE.
Blueprints are installed when a planet is either being BIRTHED or Re:Birthed.
The Fall of man / Eve eating the Apple are allegories, stories to GIVE puprose and meaning.
And an effective means of Control!!
Lots streaming in today.. 😉 ❤
Arc of Anu
Arc of Anu
Busy night in the ethers..Role reversals~Gatekeepers/ Initiators, it’s about to be your time 👑. Role call.. 😜😍
Shift incoming

Karmic/ Life Reviews for gate entrance wrapping up. We usher in a Galactic New Year..
Lions Gate Wide Open
Massive miracles & timeline shifts arriving as we move into the Lion’s Gate Portal. God is collapsing out all that is in the way of your highest timeline actualizing. Call in your power, trust, hold faith & receive. Never has it occurred like this before.
Heaven on Earth
Heaven on Earth
Doors are opening. The Universe is showing you your next steps. There is nothing to force. You are receiving signs & real opportunities just meant for you. The physical situations of your next chapter are starting to be revealed.❤️
Gaia's Earth New Krystalline Pastel Plasma Higher Harmonic Universe
Gaia’s Earth New Krystalline Pastel Plasma Higher Harmonic Universe

Divine energy works 🤍

A Cosmic Vortex between Earth and Sirius — the Lion’s Gate Portal — opens on July 26, when our Spiritual Sun, Sirius, soars into the morning sky before our physical Sun and marks the beginning of the New Spiral of the Galactic Sacred Year. The Lion Gate Portal will last until August 12, with the Portal’s Cusp on 8/8, when Earth aligns directly with the Galactic Center, our Sun in Leo aligns with our Syrian Spiritual Sun and Orion’s Belt.
This is the Largest Energy Portal of 2024 – Year 8 that carries the energetic vibration of Infinite, Personal Power, Renewal, Balance, and Abundance. Cosmic Alignment 888, the Lion Gate Portal Cusp is unlike any other! This Massive Supercharged Energy Vortex from Sirius, is Unlocking High Vibrational Frequencies of Abundance and Lemurian Codes of Awakening and Ascension, and Activating the Superior Timelines from Within.
As we enter the Galactic New Year, we’re seeing an increase in Crystalline Plasma Light incoming. A huge wave of Light is coming from the Galactic Center to Earth and amplified by Sirius, bringing many Upper Heart Activations and Cellular Updates for those on the Path of Ascension, to the 5D Chakra System, DNA Updates, Light Body Updates, Energy Updates Central Nervous System.
 Lion’s Gate Portal
Lion’s Gate Portal
7/26/24: This day belongs to Leo. It is powerful, flashy, confident, dramatic, and social. Leo does want you to dance today, because it’s a great day for networking and partying. You could witness some of that potent energy and passion that Leo loves (and uses) to stir up excitement and entertainment. But if there is trouble, by chance, tap into that Lion charm to finesse yourself out of it.
You could make new friends or reunite with old ones. Friends are friends with Leo… as long as they remember who’s in charge. This will be a big day as we continue to finish up July’s business. It could even be volatile for some. Expect drama but don’t create it. Today needs no encouragement for that.
Current discomforts are beginning to be felt by many in what are known as the Solar Plexus Chakra energetic centre and the Throat Chakra area.
This is a result of Those migrating out of the Sacral Chakra Reconciliation period and into the strengthening of the Divine Power of the Individual, which involves being subjugated to experience to evolve the limitations of self Empowerment. The Throat Chakra area will undergo energetic and physical upgrading in conjunction with the Coming into Power, to be able to vocalize a higher vibration free of the fear energetic spectrum of vibration. This new voice carries the Abstract quality of attraction and attention to the beholder, and is for Divine Evolution Purposes of the listeners. This fearless voice directly effects/affects the energy of reality, changing outcomes and timeline trajectories to higher and distortion free tributaries that connect to the whole.
The new found voices will advance the consciousness forward through the confirming effect of putting the voice to practice with an unhindered flow from the Seat of the Soul, the Heart Center Chakra. This is to gain more of the Individuals Divine Invincibility and assurity, as doubts in Oneself are eradicated.
Being informed of this process as it proceeds is being given the answers to the test.
Deep conscious breathing and practicing various vibration humming assists with this upgrade.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Solar Plexus Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra
We are here together in this immense portal leading to one of the most, if not the most significant Lions Gate of our time. First though the helpers…the Full Moon, (Sunday,) the Day out of Time, (yesterday,) the Galactic Planetary New Year, (today) and the brightest Star in the Sky Sirius rises. The Lions Gate Portal opens today and peaks on the 8-8.
The momentum of humanities quickening is unparalleled. One can feel the significance… the power…the sacredness…the insistence as waves and rays of New Life and Higher Love stream from Sirius, the brightest star in the skies enabling many to shift out of the lower timelines and the human condition.
In this moment your cellular body is being restructured, your consciousness being re-formed,…your reality as well. What is dormant no longer is. What was sleeping awakens. What was hidden becomes visible. Feel the pulse of this activity reconciling the separation from your True Self, attuning what is out of tune and assisting each in aligning misalignments
Our Presence in and through each and every moment now is required. Everything happens in Presence… everything. BEing with the energies, solar, planetary, cosmic, soulular and cellular.
Clearing, integrating, opening, neutralizing, imagining and magic happens in Presence. Higher Self and Soul speaks in Presence as does God, Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, the Sirians, the Lions, the Lyrans, nature, the animal kingdom and the body.
From the Sirians: “Utilize this momentum to go and build the true world you carry within you.”
Be Blessed Beloveds,
Galactic Planetary New Year
Galactic Planetary New Year




Were you born in the Nakshatra of Magha? The Leo Constellation? With your Rashi in Simha (Lion)? Then you are the most powerful BLUE RAY 1 BEING on earth in embodiment.

You are then a SIRIAN BEING! Sirius is the Higher Presence of Gaia Earth. And, on this magnificent day, the 26th of July, a number 8, Sirius opens its Pathway to its prodigy – earth and all of humanity. This occurs when the Sun enters the Constellation of Leo.

Before we read more about the Gateway between two worlds, let’s explore what is the Nakshatra of Magha or Leo.

THE EMPEROR NAKSHATRA of all nakshatras Symbolized by the Throne

This Constellation signifies all the qualities of the BLUE Ray 1: royalty, nobility, strength, power, fearlessness, courage, bravery, leadership, authority, dignity, integrity, warriorship, victory, light, purity, magnificence, honour. It’s ruler is the South Node or the tail of the dragon – Ketu and therefore such beings are covertly ruled by the Fires of spirituality, spirit realms, occult, isolation, detachment, going-within, meditation, liberation, freedom, connection and alignment with God. Such Beings have a Direct Dial with God and the Light Hierarchy.

They are also highly sex-driven or sexually alive (coz of their active Kundalini) until they master their highly sexual energies to ascend thru self-mastery. These beings are acutely righteous, justice-driven, charitable, compassionate, and kind, despite being assertive, even aggressive to a point – with focus upon delivering Truth and Justice. They anger fast at the face of inequalities and unjust actions by uncaring and destructive entities. They work for downtrodden and the underdogs. They, being governed by Ketu, are disposed fully toward the Occult Sciences and make powerful spiritual leaders such as : Paramhansa Yogi, Maharishi Yogi, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Mother Teresa, Sri Aurobindo, Michael Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, etc etc

Beings born in the Nakshatra of the Lion are Divinely Protected because they contract important roles for the progression of humanity, whether it be in politics entertainment or spiritual industries. As long as they continue to Honour their Covenant with God!

Furthermore, this Royal Constellation of the Throne is ruled by the LightLine Lineage from where they descend and are its soul and monad family members. This takes you back to the Monad Ray and Soul Ray of the being. For which you need to know your Ray Equipment Chart. For which, furthermore, you need to evolve into its Knowing.

These Beings are of the Lion or Leo Light Lineage through and through. Their Moon would be in the Leo Constellation and their Rashi (Ascendent sign) too would be of the Lion (Simha). Now, Lion Lineage takes you straight into Sirius – the Lion Beings and the Feline Cat Beings. Their stone too is the Cat’s Eye and the Tiger’s Eye. They are the true Blue breed of the Ray 1 with the invincible Lion Protection and the Lion qualities. An outstanding example of this is the Elohim of the Blue Ray 1 – mighty Hercules, and the archangel of this Ray – Michael, with of course the Akash Hierarch of the Ray 1 – namely Lord Zeus. All unparalled Warriors of Power Protection and Strength.

It is said: the eyes are the windows to the Soul? These Being’s outstanding feature is their piercing, expressive, powerful eyes. Unmistakable and unforgettable a feature! Their recall value indeed!

Lets honour the Lions Beings today, who are opening this Grand Mega VIOLET BLUE RAY PATHWAY between earth and sirius.

Royal Gateway Opening from 26th July to 12th August with this year’s quadruple 8888:8888 PORTAL OPENING on the 8th of August in the link below. In this Gateway we also have a very potent Amavasya and New Moon on 4th of August, for which a separate article shall be scribed. Till then do study the following link so you can Commemorate this auspicious Gateway Opening and Planetary New Year with full comprehension of its importance and offer Gratitude.

For all who are in possession of the 5th Tablet: THE BLUE RAY INCANTATIONS do recite its Decrees, Mantras, and the 33rd Degree Techniques, as you shall read about its importance in the Link number1 mentioned above.

A separate article shall be scribed on the latest Intel from Cobra regarding your Planetary Progress Report and the Cosmic Developments or Movement toward the upcoming Tilt.

Remember, as per the last post announcement, the Ascended Masters are working on human bodies to remove the Lurker Imprisonment Energies from within so, your body symptoms must be on a roller coaster ride to wilderness. Therefore, do share how you’re feeling and what you’re experiencing in the comments section below. Its good to be interactive so no one is alone. United we stand and divided one can fall. When you know others are feeling it too, it gives strength to endure the roller coaster ride.

Lets enjoy this long Gateway to Sirius, our Great Central Sun and its Blue Lodge of God’s Zero-Point Frequency. And be selfish to pull in, draw within, all its powers, glory, magnificence to the max. Be Joy! Be risky, not frisky 🙂 See you all soon. Namaste!




Dear friends, the initial energy waves of the Lion’s Gate energy portal are already flowing in, today July 26 marks its official opening. This year’s 8:8:8 portal opening has been accompanied by some solar winds and a moderate geomagnetic storm in our planetary atmosphere, allowing the initial Lion’s gate lightcodes to stream stronger than usual. There has been a massive farsided solar event a couple of days ago, it was estimated to be approximately an X14 class flare, clearly the strongest solar flare of the current solar Cycle 25.
Today, we are also moving into the new Galactic Year according to some ancient cultures. This date was honored by the Ancient Mayans and the Ancient Egyptians as the moment when planet Earth begins a new cycle in its ongoing evolution. In Egypt, this was known as the “Heliacal Rising of Sirius”, a time when annually and with exact precision the Nile River flooded each year. This event marks the beginning of a new chapter in the evolutionary story of us as an enlightened human cosmic linage. Although I must say that some ancestral classic Mayan descendants in Central America claim that this date is not the original new galactic year. However, this time window between July 26 and August 12 has always had a special energetic imprint throughout history.
The triple presence of the frequencies of number 8 makes this year’s portal more significant, and intense, compared to other years. You can envision the configuration of this year’s portal as a triangle with its apex directed upwards, and a number 8 on each of its points. This configuration is connected with the divine masculine energy, representing action, creation, and forward movement. This unique energetic configuration will not be happening again until the year 2033. Interesting, the name Jesus (ΙΗΣΟΥΣ = Ιησούς = Iesous) has the numerical value 888 in Greek. This number stands not only for a new beginning and eternity, but also for the victory of Light over darkness.
The 8:8:8 lightcodes will be awakening and healing our ancestral divine masculine aspects during these weeks. As we move deeper into the Lion’s Gate portal towards August, you may start noticing your creativity and inner drive being enhanced, including downloading tons of inspirations/insights and confidently exploring and expressing your ideas in the outer world. This inner energetic pulse will be guiding you towards a more authentic way of living, dissolving inner barriers that are preventing you from co-creating a more empowered timeline for your earthly journey.
Any inner blockages will have to be faced under these intense energies, but fear not, this process will allow you to find hidden stagnant energies that need to be healed and released. These issues may be recent, or from our childhood, or even ancient patterns from soul experiences in other planets. As you connect your awareness and consciousness with the 8:8:8 energies during this period, deep insights will come to surface.
Those of you who are energy sensitive may also be experiencing some physical symptoms already, as signs of inner recalibrations for an improved resonance between your nervous system fields and the 888 lightcodes. Mild dizziness, headaches, change in appetite, hypersensitivity to light, and other issues may be present during these initial waves. Remember to ground your energy daily and stay well hydrated. I’ll be posting more updates as these amazing energies unfold.
Have a wonderful weekend, and an empowering and enlightening Lion’s Gate. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
888 Lions Gate
888 Lions Gate

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The planet is in the process of recalibrating it self . Both physically and with the life in the oceans and the consciousness actions of the humans . And this affects all of us . This planet is transforming into a multidimensional reality .
July 25th, is known as the “Day Out of Time,” it signifies the completion of a cosmic cycle in the Mayan calendars, urging the ascending to pause, release old energies, and offer self , forgiveness and respite , It is a time for deeper reflection and letting go .
As the Lionsgate way portal activates, a surge of cosmic energy floods into our planet introducing higher frequencies to Earth. This energetic shift activates profound resets in our existence, propelling us in a quantum leap forward .
During this planetary phase , clarity may sharpen, and deeper insights may arise solutions emerge effortlessly. timelines can rapidly shift and transform, allowing self to detach from anything misaligned and to welcome in soul-nurturing connections and experiences with greater ease.
Setting higher conscious intentions during this powerful time and trusting the Universe will lead to the amplification of manifestations, guiding the ascending self towards alignment with the highest potential . The Lions gate opening is activating light codes of ascension into those ascending and into our ascending world, catalysing a shift in the human mind-consciousness.
The ascending are experiencing a sudden acceleration of the consciousness awakening . As well as a giant leap in the collective consciousness. The ascending reality on ascending earth is now changing rapidly .The ascending collective are moving through a heightened transition of the evolution of global awareness and increased consciousness.
The ascending are all leveling up. This is a powerful time where many will transcend the limitations set upon by the outer world , as well as by the self. mid August amplifies clarity bringing in clearer instructions , transcending past linear thinking ,as this distorts universal truth in all things , Truth brings self to the next level in all stages on the conscious journey .
Suppressed passions and spiritual abilities possibly buried deeply in the recesses of the subconscious mind now reawaken and come to light during this powerful Lionsgate way .
During the Lion’s Portal Gateway, many individuals ascending to the 5th dimension will experience activations, such as increased intuition, cosmic knowings and teachings , heightened psychic abilities, and profound changes within . Significant shifts in new Earth energy are intensifying indicating bigger changes ahead as we progress deeper in 2024.
Expect downloads, upgrades, inner temperature changes, and potential reality changes during this portal activation. Increased alignment with prosperity, enhanced self-respect, and acceptance of ascension symptoms are all part of the DNA changes occurring in the blueprint system.
Guidance from others may be sought from you during this gateway activation , as unexpected travel, new friendships, soul recognitions, and the formation of stronger bonds with soul family and tribes become prevalent. Expanding in higher consciousness and deliberate creation within the new Earth energy solidifies the sovereign self.
In this Lion’s Gate portal , unexpected shifts may occur, revealing clearer paths and directions on the path. Not everyone can accompany self on this transformational journey and some may need to part ways. Starseeds are at different levels and stages of ascension, from higher self unity and elation to experiencing the dark night of the soul, navigating between worlds , seeking more expansion .
Regardless of where we are in the ascension path there is always more to explore, experience, learn, and become. Expanding in the process of conscious evolution, recognition, and self-actualisation, shifting into the highest potential in vibrational alignment with the shifting energies of the new earth .
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service
By : Ascension LightWorkers ©️


Expanding Exponentially In The Light Of Now
Ancient Earth Mission, Future Mission Now Joining
Cosmic Upgrades Expanding
As We Weave And Play In Light
Wonderful Light Synchronisations
Together We Join In Light 🙏
Sending Much Love ❤
Global Blessings 💥💫
Karen Lithika

This is the launch of your rebirth season. Creation energies are guiding you to plant new seeds and nourish their growth. Retreat, slow down, and take time out to care for this sacred foundation. Don’t let chaos or distractions get in the way of this valuable opportunity. Instead use it as fuel to heal, adapt, and change so that you can best embrace all that’s being offered to you. It’s time to follow the different and new that’s being shown to you. Stay focused, balanced, and keep moving forward.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


Ra James

Happy Galactic New Year! Today is the heliacal rising of Sirius. We have energies streaming in now from the Central Sun, our Sun, Sirius, Orion, and Mintaka. Expect a huge influx of Galactic Energies over the next couple of weeks. The Galactic New Year kicks off the opening of the Lions Gate Portal. Our Planet is coming into a powerful alignment with the Galactic Centre of our Universe. This is a highly charged area, and also the spiritual heart.
This is the time to be opening your heart fully. There is no better time to synch up with the Spiritual heart of the Universe. These energies are flowing in from the Galactic Center and bringing some powerful light codes with them. Right now our Planet is aligning with the Central Sun, Sun, Sirius, and Orion’s Belt. We will continue to receive these high frequency energies until August 12th. Earth, Sirius, and our Galactic Center will fully align for the 8:8 Portal.
Right now, while we are in Leo Season and the link between worlds is at its strongest. Things will be getting extra Galactic on this Planet. These are energies to accelerate your own spiritual awakening. Expect an increase in downloads, your intuition, and dreams. These energies are helping to open you up to higher dimensions and new ways of seeing things. Pay attention to the messages and guidance that you’re getting through. This is an amazing space to work on your energy and set your intentions for the year ahead. We have shifted into a whole New Year. Welcome to the start of a new 13 Moon Cycle.
It’s a great time to manifest your dream life. Your being guided to create a life you love that aligns with your soul. These are powerful energies for healing and manifesting. Expect major new beginning vibes…
Galactic New Year
Galactic New Year
On Friday, July 26th, there are a lot of astrological energies unfolding. First, we have Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, turning to retrograde motion at 23 degrees Aries. We have been feeling the magnification of the Wounded Healer’s influence for the last couple of weeks now, as he leads us through the portal into our karmic wounds and traumas from the past that are in need of healing. These issues may involve self-confidence, courage, leadership, assertiveness, independence and self-identity. He will be retrograde until late December 2024, guiding us on a path of inner mending and recovery, although the most intense time has been during these last few days as he makes his shift.
Second, we have Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, in expressive Leo in a difficult inconjunct to Saturn, Teacher of Karmic Lessons, in confused Pisces. Here we have to make some adjustments regarding how we value ourselves. Issues of insecurity, restricting ourselves, bowing down to authority figures, and overwhelming fears may be coming to the surface. It is time to love yourself and to listen to your own inner authority. And finally, we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, who just entered analytical Virgo and is slowing down, preparing for his retrograde motion in a challenging inconjunct to potent Pluto, ruler of the unconscious, in objective Aquarius.
Our thoughts, perceptions and communications with others could be colored with power and control issues. If we can shift from the lower to the higher energies, this aspect provides us with the ability to use powerful discernment and heightened mental understanding of the subtle nuances of what is going on beneath the surface of our, and others, psyche. We can read between the lines, so to speak, and root out the truth of the subversive and the hidden. Today is a dynamic day filled with the potential for much transformation and regeneration, if we are aware and allow it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, turning to retrograde motion at 23 degrees Aries
Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, turning to retrograde motion at 23 degrees Aries



Chiron stations retrograde in Aries. Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini – After travelling in forward motion for the past seven months, The Wounded Healer turns on his heels and begins to retreat. It’s time now to reflect upon any pain that has arisen during this period. Consider, where did you realise you were vulnerable? Where did you lack initiative? Where were you afraid to go it alone? Who or what hurt you? Whether it is personal experiences or the weight of the world, we need to cleanse the wounds and accept the scars so that they do not fester and infect future plans. Be aware of your triggers.
The solar connection to Mars alongside Chiron’s station is just the boost we need. Challenge accepted, says Mars! This is a cosmic invitation to get your inner warrior onside. If life has felt lack-lustre, get in touch with your passions and reconnect with your goals. Creative energies are at your disposal. Switch on a ‘can do’ mindset to illuminate the way. Forge new connections. Show confidence. Doors open when you step up. Be strong – you’ve got this.
Degrees and Times
Sun 03°Le36′, Mars 03°Ge36′ – 03:32 (BST)
Chiron 23°Ar32′ R
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Spanish Dancer in a Red Dress by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Spanish Dancer in a Red Dress
Spanish Dancer in a Red Dress

Kin 19 ~ Blue Rhythmic Storm

The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. These days are great for fine tuning your balancing act. Are you working too hard or not hard enough? Have you been letting important things slide because you’ve been partying too much? The work/life balance is important to get right. On number 6 days we are reminded to address any issues that must be resolved . This gets us into a better, more natural rhythm and so, if you want to hit your stride today check yourself for wobbliness. This equalizing energy will sort you out. In the greater context of the White Wizard Wavespell we are in, it’s certainly handy to address imbalances. Are you too far down the rabbit hole? Has someone cast a spell over you?
Today is Blue Storm and its keywords are ‘Self-Generation, Energy and Catalyze’. The Storm can be quite disruptive and even though it is a double Storm day, the number six is so balanced that it calms the storm down and harnesses its energy in a practical, helpful way. This will give you the energy to rebalance your life. Sweeping changes can be made today and like a breath of fresh air, the storm can blow away the cobwebs and invigorate you. It’s a great day to sort out your life and blow away what’s not needed.
Today’s Guide is also Blue Storm and so that’s a double helping of stormy weather.
The Challenge of the day is Red Moon so people born on a Red Moon will find it hard to make those changes. It’s not impossible, they just have to try harder than the rest of us. No one however is going to be laid back and ‘going with the flow’ today, not when the moon is in a challenging position. The Storm is compelling us to get things organized today and there is little time left for relaxing and taking it easy. Red Moon people can be so laid back that it’s hard to motivate them to change. They believe things will turn out alright without their interference. But today they need to rebalance and make necessary adjustments just like the rest of us.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. The reason I enjoy Blue Storm days is because I always receive a magical message. This is courtesy of White Wind being in an Occult position. The information you receive can greatly help the changes you go through today. It’s a great day for writing, singing or speaking in public. It is also a great day for learning more about Occult topics.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you need some illumination to shine on you today, seek out a Yellow Sun. If you are one – you too can be a big help to others as Blue Storm is your Ally and its intense energy is something you are very familiar with. If you are not a Yellow Sun, you can expect ‘enlightenment’ to be easy to access today as it’s in such a friendly aspect. This really is very useful and any practical changes you do make today really will illuminate your path.
Kin 19
Kin 19


6 CAUAC – KIN 19
26 JULY 2024
I organize in order to catalyze
Balancing energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the Rhythmic tone of equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
26/7/2024 = 8/7/8 = 8/15= 8/6=14=5
26- Empowerment through compassion/discretion
8- Infinite Abundant SOURCE flow
14- Media/Promotion/Recognition/Publicity
5- Freedom/Change/Transformation/Movement/Change
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 19 = 10 =1 – Manifestation/Leadership/Power/New Beginnings
19 = 1-9 ALPHA to OMEGA
KIN 19=10 = 1 – and BLUE STORM – tribe number 19 = 19.19. = 10.10 DOUBLE VICTORY! 1.1. NEW BEGINNINGS
A very powerful catalytic day! 🌀🌀🌀 The energy is extremely transformative with DOUBLE purification powers🌧️🌧️ CATALYZING humanity’s transformation, as we lead into a brand new GALACTIC YEAR.
Why does the 13 moon Calendar commence on July 26th every year? This date was originally correlated to the conjunction of the SUN with SIRIUS rising. The 13-moon DREAMSPELL calendar is not just a solar-lunar orbital measure, but is coded to GALACTIC timing cycles, most notably the Sirius cycle.
Through ALIGNMENT with the 13-moon DREAMSPELL calendar, human consciousness can enter into GALACTIC CONSCIOUSNESS 🍥🎆
And so it begins!! A brand new GALACTIC YEAR! HAPPY NEW GALACTIC YEAR 🥳🪅🎉
The RHYTHMIC STORM has ARRIVED to restore BALANCE and ORDER in our world! The WINDS OF CHANGE are BLOWING A GALE!! .🌬️🌪️🌪️
KIN 19 OCCURRED 27 moons ago on 6 JUNE 2022, which was the 6.6.6. portal – the first of THREE HEAVEN’S GATES… today through the MAJIK of TIME we can connect and flow through that portal again to visit the Heavenly realms.
Today we have an 8.7. 8. ABUNDANCE code bringing forth great supporting energy and BLESSINGS from SOURCE.
Day 6 of the enchanting WHITE WIZARD Wavespell, is where we catalyze the White Majik 💫 that the WIZARD brings forth, in unison with DOUBLE STORM, to totally and majikally transform our HEARTS❤ and our lives, in ways we never thought possible!
We have just completed the year of the WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD☀️🧙🪄 – but fear not beloveds the MAJIK 💫💫💫is still here!!!. IX- is remaining at our side throughout this entire Galactic Year and we also have the overlay of the 13 YEAR WIZARD cycle too – giving us DOUBLE ABRACADABRA POWER!!! 🪄💫🪄💫The majikal journey continues!!
RHYTHMIC 🚴– Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. RHYTHMIC power enables you to get ORGANIZED, in order to create BALANCE and HARMONY, through the equalizing of forces. Rhythmic is practical energy allowing you to get things done in the physical REAL world..
The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory! Time to get organized and balance your daily life!
It is time to start decluttering, space clearing, trimming and pruning all that is stagnant, old, outdated, broken and not in alignment with your new energy.
KIN 19 is a formidable force💥 as this STORM has the FENG SHUI ☯️ rhythmic power as its tone!!! This powerful STORM not only totally demolishes the building, but it brings in the STREET SWEEPERS to clean up its mess, so that all that is left is a clean slate upon which to commence rebuilding!
This STORM will restore ORDER and swiftly facilitate the transition to NEW SYSTEMS and the new paradigm. A smooth passage from the OLD to the NEW!
Keep an EYE on GLOBAL developments, because whatever is uncovered, will be totally DECONSTRUCTED in order to bring in more harmony for humanity and our planet… Anything corrupt, discordant or creating inequality will be brought to BALANCE today… very SWIFTLY! The scales of JUSTICE are in effect!
STORM WARNING 🌪🌩🌨– TODAY we have a DOUBLE BLUE STORM 🌪🌪– For those who have not completed their PURGING – DOUBLE STORM comes today to sweep up the remnants and finish the job! We are about to go through the TURBO WASH cycle!🌀🌀🌀
This STORM is guided by a higher ✨DIVINE POWER🕊✨ with the intention of raising our frequency to the ❤Sophia/Christos☀ Higher Consciousness.. This is a HOMECOMING being offered to the Rainbow Warriors/Wayshowers who have purged their density and are READY to walk through the fresh new 8.7.8. GOLDEN DOORS✨🚪🚪✨ to a better reality.
Today’s questions are
✨☀🕊“How can I catalyze the POWER of the RHYTHMIC STORM🌩🌪 to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY, MAJIKALLY transforming ORDER in my life and our world?”
✨☀🕊Am I catalyzing these Divine Sophia/Christos codes to raise my vibration to an ASCENDED 5D frequency?
✨☀🕊Am I ready to ACCEPT and receive abundant SOURCE BLESSINGS?
✨☀🕊 Am I willing to BE THE CHANGE that I am seeking in our world?
May you seek safe shelter in your CENTRE until tomorrow, when the Sun rises on a new dawn! ⛅🌤☀
May your entire GALACTIC YEAR – be filled with RAINBOWS! 🌈🌎🌈🌏🌈🌍
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – Kin 66
9 MOONS ago – last GALACTIC SPIN I had a DREAM!
I awoke from a DREAM..😴💤🛌.
The STORM brought a deluge of FLOODING RAINS… The waters were very deep..
and then I awoke…
when I turned on my phone..a message came up on my Youtube said..
“Top Psychic PREDICTION:
A STORM⛈️ is COMING for Humanity!
Woot! Woot!🥳🎉🪅 This felt quite ominous – like FORCED CHANGE.. and it feels like it is coming SOON!
And 9 MOONS AGO on KIN 119 here in MELBOURNE (my home town) we experience a GREAT STORM with HAIL and flooding RAIN! We had prior WARNING as an emergency SMS text warning from insurance companies!!
And SO – KIN 119 delivered a great deluge – washing away much dross – this is the symbolic (and literal/physical) effect of the arrival of the RHYTHMIC STORM!🌪️⛈️🌧️
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM 🌪🌩🌦CAUAC brings great transformation, change, disruption and self regeneration. All this upheaval in order to restore HARMONY and BALANCE – a FRESH clean start and RESET for humanity.
BLUE STORM is the initiation by FIRE,🔥 the LIGHTNING 🌩 STORM 🌪🌨.
The arrival of the THUNDERBEINGS🌩 who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the STORM, the thundercloud full of PURIFYING rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body.
In these last years of the 26,000 year Mayan grand cycle, BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the HEART of All That Is.
The YEAR of the LUNAR STORM in 2020-21 truly UPROOTED us all and caused very turbulent events. Now 4 years on we are still reeling from that time. It is time to tie up loose ENDS and TIDY UP!! The DEBRIS has already been uprooted through these HURRICANES, TSUNAMIS and winds of change.
It is NOW TIME for the long awaited PEACE and HARMONY to take hold – so that we can GET ON WITH the BUSINESS of SERVICE to humanity and rebuilding our world.
🌀🌪🌩🌦🌤🌀🌪🌩🌦🌤 🌀🌪🌩🌦🌤🌀🌪🌩🌦🌤
✨✨WHITE WIZARDS🧙 do not FEAR the STORM🌩🌪 – indeed when they are in divine alignment with the elements🔥💧🏔🌫 and the natural world they KNOW that ✨THEY ARE THE STORM.🌪🌩🌨
Once they become ONE with the STORM🌩🌩🌩 they can harness this tremendous energy, catalyzing it for CREATION and growth.✨..
Nikola Tesla was a GENIUS at this – harnessing tremendous electrical currents🌩 for his experiments and inventions – even conducting them through his own body!🌩🌩
When Jesus was asleep in his boat and a great STORM🌊🌊🌊 arose at sea, his Apostles became very fearful that their boat would capsize and they would drown. So they awakened him and asked him to intervene. He calmly used his Divine Majikal powers to placate and BALANCE the forces through catalyzing the STORM energies. Jesus demonstrated that we do indeed have great powers over the elements of nature, when we focus our intent, and remain CALM and CENTRED in our being.
Indeed this parable is a brilliant analogy of what this RHYTHMIC STORM year requires of us all. In these tumultuous times, it is vital that as wayshowers, we follow the example of Jesus and remain CALM and BALANCED in our center. Then we can utilize our majikal wizardry powers to placate any chaotic or discordant energies, creating HARMONY from the chaos. Be at-ONE with the elements beloveds. AT-ONE-MENT with ALL THAT IS!
In order to do this we must first hold LOVE❤ and PEACE 🕊in our HEARTS, and then radiate this outwardly, to balance any opposing forces, simply washing them away with the power of our LOVE. 🌀💗
The ✨8.7. 8 portal code✨ today is linking us to SOURCE blessings, offering a tremendous OPPORTUNITY to catalyze these DIVINE ASCENSION forces streaming forth today.. We can CHOOSE to sit in stillness, meditate and anchor this CHRISTED LIGHT, or otherwise we will be rocked to our core through this triggering LIGHT.
Sweet SURRENDER is the best path to embrace. 💞🏳️💞
BLUE STORM provides the water🌊🌊🌊 that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything, as the STORM waters wash over you – inside and out!
SURRENDER everything. For in the FINAL surrender you claim your true power. You give up what you seem to BE, in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever. Allow Blue storm’s energies to PURIFY and cleanse you in preparation for your rebirth..
NOTE: If you are done with purging and are on the road to Self-Mastery then today’s challenge is how well you can stay CENTRED and BALANCED – NO MATTER WHAT!! Calmly seeking refuge in the EYE of the STORM! 🌪
As the STORM energy is doubled and on the PHYSICAL plane, we may see many storms – particularly SOLAR storms and C.M.E.s, unleashed by Gaia for purification and balance. We also may see other “STORMS” evident around us, or on the Global stage. Lots of mud slinging is also likely!
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SUN ☀ AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds🌤 and begins streaming the radiant light codes that will fully anchor throughout the following day of YELLOW RESONANT SUN! Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment!
The RHYTHMIC SUN – represents the SOLAR STORMS ☀🌩 seeking to raise our consciousness on EARTH.. This supportive energy is bringing forth the CHRISTOS☀ energies through the SUN/SON of GOD☀☀☀.. A beautiful divine gift to humanity.
The RHYTHMIC SUN will illuminate all the shadows, in order to organize to release this density in your cell-ves. The power of the SUN is the greatest disinfectant that nature provides – cleaning all toxins and pathogens.
The purpose of this STORM is to ✨prepare us for enLIGHTenment✨ – once the dross is washed away our bodies are CLEAN and PURE enabling the embodiment of more LIGHT.✨✨✨
What a brilliant support for us during this RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR!! The RHYTHMIC SUN is enabling us to keep RISING HIGHER and elevating our consciousness despite the CHAOS that surrounds us.
You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation, has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. Expect many RAINBOWS to appear today! 🌈🌈
Our WORLD is rapidly transforming at an accelerated pace, with the aim of reorganizing all global systems for greater FREEDOM, EQUALITY, FAIRNESS and Planetary ABUNDANCE! The basic requirements for an evolved race of EN-LIGHT💡ON-ed Solar HU-MANS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC WIND ✨ 🌬🍃 IK teams with the White Wizard today to bring forth the refining energies of Spirit.. honing our vessels and allowing us to be strong clear channels.
A beautiful synergy today as the DIVINE WIND and STORMS ensure that SWIFT CHANGE HAPPENS!!
The WHITE WIND provides the messages of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND, and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed. Follow the guidance of Spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies for self regeneration!
The GALACTIC WIND as the SUPERPOWER this year, is focused on sweeping clean any incongruities that exist within your being. You must now be aligned with the new 5D principles of modelling TRUTH, integrity, equality, fairness and honesty in a transparent and authentic manner.
We are now part of a GLOBAL FAMILY and so our values, beliefs and actions must NOW reflect this TRUTH.
On a GLOBAL level the GALACTIC WIND will clearly REVEAL any constructed LIES, deceit and dark control AGENDAS.
✨DIVINE TRUTH and JUSTICE is the ORDER of the day! ✨
The hidden agenda of today’s SUPERPOWER is ✨THY WILL BE DONE!✨
✨GOD/SPIRIT IS IN CHARGE✨ and the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and humanity is well on course – to arrive in PERFECT DIVINE TIME.
Stay tuned as the WINDS of CHANGE sweep out the debris – a beautiful SPRING CLEAN of our REALITY is taking place – right before our EYES!
NOTE: Continue to read the SIGNS of DIVINE PROVIDENCE and DIVINE INTERVENTION as GOD IS IN CONTROL (despite appearances of CHAOS) – and there will be more and more evidence of SPIRIT taking the reins this year in a more obvious presence.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC MOON 👸MULUC gifts you with heightened GODDESS powers today – with more sensitivity and intuitive senses tuned into Spirit’s channel, accentuated with our MOON is sensitive and ultra psychic PISCES.
The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking AWARENESS of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit, is also a challenge of MULUC, so get ready to PURGE these shadow aspects.
RED MOON also brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION🌨 🚿power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM🌪 to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins or density that you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel, and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT,✨☀✨ becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU☀ until your cup runneth over!
MULUC is gifting humanity with the SOPHIA wisdom of the Divine feminine Consciousness today, in partnership with the masculine CHRISTOS energies.. a perfect synergy delivering us back to wholeness in our ASCENDED being.
Today’s questions are
✨☀🕊“How can I catalyze the POWER of the RHYTHMIC STORM🌩🌪 to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY, MAJIKALLY transforming ORDER in my life and our world?”
✨☀🕊Am I catalyzing these Divine Sophia/Christos codes to raise my vibration to an ASCENDED 5D frequency?
✨☀🕊Am I ready to ACCEPT and receive abundant SOURCE BLESSINGS?
✨☀🕊 Am I willing to BE THE CHANGE that I am seeking in our world?
May you seek safe shelter in your CENTRE until tomorrow, when the Sun rises on a new dawn! ⛅🌤☀
May your entire GALACTIC YEAR – be filled with RAINBOWS! 🌈🌎🌈🌏🌈🌍
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – Kin 66
26 JULY 2024 – 24 JULY, 2025
The STORM🌪 has arrived!!!!………..hold onto your red slippers👠👠 Dorothy because we are not in Kansas anymore…. we are about to be transported to a whole new realm over the rainbow! 🌈
We have just completed the Year of the WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD🧙‍♂️🔮on 24th July 2024, which is the 5THt year in the 13 Year White Wizard Cycle💫 we are traversing to re-establish the White Majik💫 enchanted Dream-spell upon the Earth plane..From DARKNESS to LIGHT! A New era of great Majik💫 and enchantment through greater connection to SOURCE and each other through our pure precious HEARTS.💞
The OVERTONE WIZARD 🧙‍♂️💫was about RADIANT EMPOWERMENT and connecting with our innate divine powers through receptivity. … Now the BLUE STORM🌀⚡ Year is bringing tremendous transformation seeking to AWAKEN our entire global family to the true Majik of our existence as Spiritual beings having a human adventure on the Earth plane..
The last BLUE STORM year was in 2020-21 – That STORM was a LUNAR STORM🌗🌪️⛈️ of intense CHALLENGES and tests. The LUNAR🌗 tone #2 – highlighted polarity conflict -fuelling much opposition and antagonism. The LUNAR STORM🌗🌪️⛈️ was truly chaotic, turbulent and we navigated our path through the PANDEMIC – a time of unprecedented change and transformation on our planet in every aspect of our lives!!.
The LUNAR STORM🌗🌪️⛈️ violently pulled the rug out from under our feet. Although incredibly tumultuous, the LUNAR STORM🌗🌪️⛈️ accomplished its feat of redirecting humanity onto a new and more beneficial timeline to create a better reality.
Thankfully after all the turmoil of the past few years – this STORM has arrived with a different agenda! The RHYTHMIC STORM🧹🌀🌈 is more ORGANIZED than the LUNAR STORM🌗🌪️⛈️.
This year the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM🧹🌀🌈 aims to bring CHANGE and transformation through a more ORDERLY manner bringing greater BALANCE into our lives.
Instead of solely DEMOLISHING, the RHYTHMIC STORM will establish NEW SYSTEMS to replace the old crumbling paradigm. The RHYTHMIC STORM is beckoning us to PUT OUR HOUSE IN ORDER! 🧹🏠 This can be done either willingly or through adverse conditions – the CHOICE is OURS.
The RHYTHMIC tone operates in the PHYSICAL realm – affecting our bodies, our homes, our lives and our planet. Every 4 years we have a BLUE STORM year – and during this current 13 year WIZARD cycle – all the BLUE STORM YEARS are in the PHYSICAL realm. Plenty of impetus to do the work in our PHYSICAL reality!
The next BLUE STORM Year will come in the YEARS – 2028-9 when our world will look VERY DIFFERENT to the world we see today. That STORM will be a PLANETARY STORM 🌎🌪️⛈️ – amplifying our MANIFESTATION powers and our ability to obtain PERFECTION in our creations.. A very exciting year indeed beloveds!
And so we can see that each GALACTIC DREAMSPELL YEAR has a VERY different purpose, but all work together harmonically in a synchronic sequence to achieve the outcome in guiding humanity to create the world we are all collectively DREAMING into reality! Aho!
NOTE: The sequence of GALACTIC YEARS is as follows – 4 Solar Seals -rotating through the 13 tones of creation – giving us a total of 52 unique years to experience in our lifetime.
🧙🔮🌪️⛈️🌱 🌿🌝💃🧙🔮🌪️⛈️🌱 🌿🌝💃
BLUE STORM is TRIBE number 19 – the final solar seal preceding AHAU🌞 – the YELLOW SUN of enlightenment..AHAU is the supporting energy by the side of BLUE STORM bringing forth the SUNSHINE and RAINBOWS all souls are seeking. The STORM seeks to cleanse, purify and transform us in order for us to STEP up as SOVEREIGN DIVINE BEINGS.
The BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – is a DOUBLE STORM as it is guided by itself as the Higher power to KIN 19. Although not as chaotic as the LUNAR tone – this RHYTHMIC STORM is indeed more potent and insistent on affecting global transformation..via a DOUBLE STREET SWEEPER!!🌀🌀🧹🧹 By hook or by crook the RHYTHMIC STORM will have its way!!
CAUAC – The BLUE STORM is the most POWER💥 filled and energised of the 20 tribes/solar seals in the Dreamspell, affording a great well of powerful energy to be catalyzed and transformed for renewed purpose.
The “THUNDER BEINGS”⚡⚡⚡ wield the POWER of Mjölnir –🔨 the hammer of Thor, the Norse god associated with thunder.🌩 Mjölnir is depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome and powerful weapons in existence, capable of levelling mountains. As such we have Divine POWERS to overcome the forces of EVIL and darkness as the LIGHTENING ⚡illuminates the skies and electrically charges the AIR, clearing the pollution and giving us life-enhancing FRESH AIR to breathe into our being, revitalising our LIGHT body.
Cauac🌪 is the change agent and the catalyst that heralds the NEW… To birth the NEW one must make space in the void and generate great electro-magnetic ⚡⚡⚡ forces to SPARK the NEW LIFE💥 being brought forth with this powerful energy..
CAUAC will forcibly clear any STAGNATION and push anything in its path with tremendous force…hurricanes🌪 have the power to lift automobiles,🚘 uproot trees🌲 and buildings🏢 and carry them many kilometres through the air landing on new terrain….so get ready for a wild ride!!
You can navigate these forces CONSCIOUSLY and funnel them with your intent, otherwise you will be buffeted in the chaotic path of disarray!🌀🌀🌀
NOTE: As this is a RHYTHMIC tone year we can expect an increase of actual physical STORMS⛈ on our planet as Gaia’s body🌏 is reshaped and transformed too. At the commencement of the last STORM YEAR we saw Hurricane 🌪Douglas creating great destruction in Hawaii🌴🐬… very symbolic as the winds of change and cleansing rains 🌧 were bearing down on our ancient Lemurian land – restoring our pristine paradise.
Let us pray that our broThors and SiStars are SAFE and PROTECTED through the great STORMS to come this year!
✨✨✨This Year of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM will be a huge catalyst for the mass awakening of humanity – continuing the patterns commenced in previous STORM and SEED years. 💥💥💥
2024 is an 8 universal year representing the inbreath and out breath of GOD/GODDESS CREATOR – It represents the FLOW of energy from SOURCE. This frequency will ignite much support from DIVINE SOURCE and abundance and prosperity – resources to meet our needs.
2025 is a 9 universal year – 3×3=9 and as such the 9 represents a very HOLY and DIVINE year. The 9 represents HUMANITY and GRACE, it also heralds a time of ENDINGS and COMPLETION. As such we shall witness many endings of the old ways, old systems collapsing and new one’s benefiting humanity being built in their place. A wondrous time of finishing the old cycle in time for the YELLOW RESONANT SEED year – in 2025-6 when we can SEED all our new creations to grow and sprout in future years! 2026 is a #1 Universal year – so the final 6 months of the RESONANT SEED year will be a very FERTILE time of rapid growth and new beginnings!
THE BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM ☯️ 🌪🌧️🧹🌀🌈 KIN 19 is the SIXTH day in the WHITE WIZARD WAVESPELL – so our faithful WHITE WIZARD – IX will still have a very prominent influence in guiding these STORM transformational actions! As well as being in the SIXTH year of a 13 year WIZARD cycle we have the wavespell energy too. This gives us a DOUBLE layer of shamanic wizardry energies this YEAR to continue weaving our MAJIK DREAMSPELL!
The number 6 represents HEAVEN energies and CHRIST consciousness, beautiful happy and optimistic energies steering the RHYTHMIC STORM. We also have the WHITE GALACTIC WIND – as the hidden occult SUPER POWER behind KIN 19. This is PHENOMENAL as it indicates that GOD/GODDESS/SPIRIT is ensuring that this STORM operates according to DIVINE WILL – bringing DIVINE INTERVENTION – ensuring that the DIVINE PLAN is established from now on!
WHITE WIND and the WHITE WIZARD are the refiners bringing the TRUTH to LIGHT and providing a strong VOICE of SPIRIT to be heard during this amazing year.
RED MOON – the GODDESS is in the challenge and gift position of KIN 119. Our challenge will be to STAY in our HEARTS, and operate with COMPASSION and EMPATHY towards our fellow humans. If our body, mind and thoughts are TOXIC the RED RHYTHMIC MOON will duly cleanse, purify and flush out all density so that the VOICE of SPIRIT can be heard CLEARLY. ,
We all need to FEARLESSLY accept CHANGE as a grand new adventure🌈 leading us to new untold pleasures and excitement. The pioneering spirit is one we all need to embrace during this evolutionary Ascension phase we are currently traversing.
BLUE STORM also brings forth electrical ⚡and CREATIVE energies which can be harnessed to IGNITE our ideas…indeed this YEAR is one which Nikola Tesla would cherish. Nikola chose to be birthed during one of the most INTENSE and active electrical storms🌩 his parents had ever witnessed…he had an extraordinary fascination and obsession with lightning and electrical forces which “sparked” his inventions and creative genius. So use this great catalytic POWER 🎆wisely.
All the potent energy that has been freed up through the POWER of BLUE STORM and can now be “funnelled” into new projects🌱 and ideas designed to afford great planetary change and transform the lives of Earth’s citizens.
Full SPECIFIC details on KIN 19 check my daily post for 26 JULY 2024
The symbol of the BLUE STORM comes from the original Mayan glyph of “Ka’wak” which signifies Storm, Divine Ray, Thunder and Rains. This glyph is part of the Maya Myth of Creation which is represented by 3 Turtles carrying the sign of Kawak on their shells.
Exactly, before life emerged on Earth, our planet was under heavy rains 🌧which formed the oceans. Thus, the Storm🌩 represents the necessary Transformation that occurs before the New Creation.🌤🌈 It symbolises the Change of Paradigm towards the Evolution of Consciousness. The rains wash away the old perceptions.
The Divine Ray represents the NEW REVELATION! Precisely, in the Dreamspell transcreation of the Maya Tzolkin, the Storm is the catalyser of the transformation and also the energetic power 🎆which manifests the Self-Generation in order to attain the new beginning. 🌅
The BLUE STORM invites us to LET GO of the old paradigms and explore the new ones in order to fulfil our transformational purpose on Earth and attain higher consciousness.
BLUE STORM – CAUAC – pronounced “ka’wak”
🌩COLOURS: Blue and Royal Purple – transformation
🌩 SYMBOLS: Thundercloud, Lightning, White Owl
🌩 CRYSTALS: Labradorite, Sugilite, Chaorite, purple Fluorite, Tanzanite
🌩 NUMBER: Tribe number 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1 The END and a new beginning.
🌩THEMES: Purification,Cleansing, Transformation, the final SURRENDER, AWAKENing, reunion, Activation of the Light Body, the THUNDERBEINGS, Initiation by FIRE, Ecstasy of FREEDOM, Self-Generation
🌩 SHADOW ASPECTS: Denial, Fear of the Unknown, Resistance to CHANGE, Addictions and old routines, Despair, Futility and separation from Source, Judging your transformation process, Reluctance to take risks or SURRENDER to the New.
🌩 AFFIRMATION: I AM PURIFYING and TRANSFORMING myself, igniting my LIGHT BODY and healing all separation. “
The BLUE STORM seeks to catalyze change through the purification of our physical vessel and our physical reality, so that we can return cleansed and pure reuniting with our Divine innocence as the Majikal Child of the Cosmos🍥 – transcending transformation through the power of our pure MAJIKal presence. 💫🎆
Use these self-generation powers wisely to reinvent yourself (and our world) as a better, brighter and SHINIER NEW version of HU!
Aho beloveds – to your successful transformation!
RHYTHMIC 🚴– Tone 6 operates in the PHYSICAL realm.
ACTION – balances POWER – organizes ESSENCE – equality. RHYTHMIC power enables you to get ORGANIZED, in order to create BALANCE and HARMONY, through the equalizing of forces. Rhythmic is practical energy allowing you to get things done in the physical REAL world.
It is TIME to get organized and balance your daily life!
The RHYTHMIC tone #6 is a true blessing as it has a DOUBLE ACTION TURBO WASH cycle!🌀🌀 It clears, balances and then organizes to rebuild, replenish and replace with something BETTER and BRIGHTER!
It is time to start decluttering, space clearing, trimming and pruning all that is stagnant, old, outdated, broken and not in alignment with your new energy.
KIN 19 is a formidable force💥 as this STORM has the FENG SHUI RHYTHMIC power as its tone!!! This powerful STORM not only totally demolishes the building, but it brings in the STREET SWEEPERS to clean up its mess, so that all that is left is a clean slate upon which to commence rebuilding!
Keep an EYE on GLOBAL developments which will rapidly appear now! Whatever is uncovered, will be totally DEMOLISHED in order to bring in more harmony for humanity and our planet… Anything corrupt, discordant or creating inequality will be brought to BALANCEnow… very SWIFTLY! The scales of JUSTICE are in effect!
You never realize how STRONG you are until you have been tested and come through the fires of transformation. When chaos arises or disaster strikes we can either crumble, or RISE to meet the challenge, discovering untold strength, courage and fortitude that we never realized was within us.
❓Do I TRUST that CHAOS and upheaval eventually leads to PEACE?
❓How can I embrace and welcome CHANGE?.
❓Can I maintain my balance amidst the chaos?
❓How can I use my Majik to organize for more harmony and PEACE in my life?
❓Am I willing to grow and transform to be born anew?
We have another SUPER catalytic year of tremendous Global transformation ahead of us, with the purpose of organizing our lives and our planet through greater balancing of energy to bring forth PEACE, HARMONY and EQUALITY for ALL.
I organize in order to catalyze
Balancing energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the Rhythmic tone of equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
“I call out to you, my LIGHT-BODY 🎆self, to embrace the Lightning strike🌩 of the THUNDERBEINGS.
Through my pilgrimage into the unknown, through the purple flames of transmutation, I return to a home I never knew.”
SOURCE: Summarized teachings from The MAYAN ORACLE – by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner – DIVINE GRATITUDE: 🙏❤🙏❤
✨So beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS, as a great man once said – it is TIME to go forth and “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi ✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina Papageorgiou White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Paul White Gold Eagle

Prayer for the Galactic New Year of the Blue Rhythmic Storm on the Mayan Calendar, the Lions Gate Portal opening and the Rising of our Spiritual Sun Sirius

Divine Source, Creator of All That Is, we gather in gratitude and reverence on this sacred day, marking the Galactic New Year of the Blue Rhythmic Storm. We honor the powerful energies of transformation, balance, and renewal that this auspicious time brings.

Blue Rhythmic Storm, we welcome your cleansing power. May you wash away old patterns and stagnant energies, making way for growth and harmony. Help us to find our center amidst the swirling currents of change, grounding ourselves in the rhythm of the Universe.

As the Lions Gate Portal opens, we embrace the flood of divine light and cosmic energy streaming from the heart of the galaxy. May this portal amplify our intentions, elevate our consciousness, and connect us more deeply to our higher selves. We ask for clarity, courage, and strength to step into our true purpose.

Sirius, our Spiritual Sun, as you rise and shine your brilliant light upon us, awaken our spiritual awareness and illuminate our path. Infuse us with your wisdom and unconditional love. May we align with your vibrations, enhancing our intuition, creativity, and inner peace.

Ancestors, Guardians, and Spirit Guides, we call upon your guidance and support. Walk with us as we navigate this powerful period of transformation. Help us to integrate these energies with grace and ease, becoming vessels of love and light.

We set our intentions for this new cycle with an open heart and a clear mind. May we embody balance, resilience, and compassion in all that we do. Let us be instruments of positive change, both within ourselves and in the world around us.

Thank you, Divine Universe, for this sacred alignment of celestial events. We are grateful for the opportunity to grow, evolve, and shine ever brighter.

So it is, and so it shall be.


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