Galactic Federation Message For Humanity ~ Is the Big Solar Flash Happening? Decree of Liberation
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Divine Earth Galactics of our Angelic Legions of Light
We continue to take on massive waves of higher energetics through this Super New Moon in Pisces Portal. Our local Solaris is in the process of releasing constant Solar Flares today with 10 C Class and a Trinity of M Class Flares with the most powerful being a M Class 5.09 at 20:16 UTC today.
Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light preparing our Sacred Vessels for the Great Shift and Transformation of the Ages into Solar Avatars of Cosmic Light Bodies of New Earth.
The biggest Event of all timelines is here now in the Quantum field. All Stars emanating from the Galactic Core and from the Universal Core are converging through the Silver cords into your Sacred Heart Centers as the energetics flow through our Vessels of Light and into the telluric grids flowing deep into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama.
All is connected and online through the Diamond Net of Indra and every aspect of our multidimensional consciousness are communicating the “big picture” into the Akash and being uploaded to Source Creator for full integration and optimization to complete the puzzle of the Great mystery. All codes are being downloaded into the Crystalline DNA of our Ground crew of the 144 to return the original Avatar blueprints to the pristine order of the Origins of Hue-manity.
The Hall of Records is open and accessible through the Mind of Buddha that is activated in the Nirvana protocols for full Rainbow Body Activations. As we enter fully conscious into Zero Point field of the Still center we navigate through the unknown shadow aspects and merge in the totality of our Infinite Sacred Self of Prime Creator.
In the Alchemy of the Five Elements we call upon the Kingdom of Heaven and blaze the threefold flame in our Illuminated Heart in the Christos Sophia Divine Plan of Cosmic Consciousness Activation for all Sentient Beings of the Way…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 28°03′ Pisces, Sun at 3°11′ Pisces
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Heavy car traffic on a narrow isthmus linking two seaside resorts.
Sabian Symbol for 4º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 4º Pisces.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.
Sabian Symbol for 29º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 29º Pisces.
No amount of intellectual knowledge can satisfy the need for the direct experience that is beyond concepts and duality. Do not be a fool and spend your whole life in a book.
Of course you must study the teachings, but you must also know when it is time to put what you have learnt into practice. Only direct experience can set you free.
Creation codes in the field today.. Higher aspects assisting in guiding Soul choice points in what exists parallel..
Timelines overlapping as we move through this portal of aligning with the parallel existing realities.. If your current reality feels familiar to a previous reality..You are just having the awareness of “now” being all there is..just experiencing the same reality in a different frequency bandwidth..further dissolution of the internal program of “time ” being a linear construct. Let go, have fun creating in the quantum field!
There’s a Higher Light coming to Earth from the Galactic Center, and it’s expanding. Everything that does not match the Vibrational frequency of this Light will dissolve. The dark elite know this, so they rush with false flags.
Nothing will stop the Shift to 5D Reality!
February 21, 2023
Old wounds and patterns are resurfacing again. Relationships, boundaries, and old ways of doing things need cleaning. This is to show you what is still operating on an old energy within your field. These patterns are not serving you and re-commit to your growth and evolution today.
Establish this commitment and know that nothing will stop your growth, even when it feels difficult or overwhelming.
Trust the intuitive/psychic downloads and messages you are receiving right now; you are loved in many different realms.
Lead with humility and love as more success is coming soon, Abundance, happiness, love, health.
Notice the ‘Worldwide Stage’ is ‘kicking up’ now on 21st February (yet catalyst was 20th). There may be more on 22nd. As I explained it would in below post on 12th February. It’s distraction. Anything outer of the solid reality of lessor frequency WILL be distraction. Whether worldwide or on a personal level. Prior to the opening of a ‘new’ LIGHT LAYER on 22 February 2023.
So to stay in the heart. No judgements, fears, or ego reaction. Which will lower your own frequency. Just to be the Observer….And to be, rise in to, your highest frequency. That which is LOVE, at its MANY many Octaves…
The energies are ON FIRE!!! My crown chakra, along with my neck, spine and throat are very active. There are reports of massive solar flare activity. My head is too out of it to even ask the Akasha, so I am going to take a wild guess:
With the approach of the 222 portal (no coincidence that Ash Wednesday falls on that date) we are having massive clearings, releases and downloads. For me it has been a lot about letting go of past childhood memories, surrender FULLY to the present moment (DO NOT EVEN ENTERTAIN THE THOUGHT “FUTURE”) and be very aware of any feelings or thoughts that could be a remnant of the old Earth as the New Light Codes that enter with the solar flares, push the old out.
Please…breathe… try to ride the wave with natural remedies and drink much water. If there are emotional outbursts, please embrace the emotion and ask: “What are you here to tell me?” and sit in silence to hear the response. Do not freak out if you can’t concentrate or remember things. The energies are purifying the head / crown chakra.
These energies come in waves.. rest if you must and be mindful of the effect it has on the people around you that are not necessarily awake.
We are going through the intense energies of the Photon belt.
Sacred union codes coming IN since Valentine’s day and leading up to the 2:22 portal with Divine Feminine waves of support and also X class flares and CMES offering potent sacred masculine energies through solar activities. Any of the portals with multiple ‘2’s’ are about union of energies/polarizations, masculine/feminine coming into balance again.
I’ve been sharing some of the sacred feminine upgrade codes to unplug from 3D relationships of all kinds and move into higher dimensional, transactional unions that are coming through as I tune into the space Kasha and I are creating and holding tomorrow 2/19 in the ‘womb room’ for sacred union exploration during our women’s call.
What I feel from Mary Magdalene, who will be holding the space with us during the call and coming through Kasha and I too during the meditation, is the claiming of worth, love and resonance in relationships of ALL kinds. The invitation to BE the responsive, magnetic force of sacred feminine love that you ARE in unions that are worthy of you. She is offering that you are forming and deepening in bonds that are based in love and resonance, not trauma and dissonance…
From Magdalene’s heart……beams the transmission of her profound bond with her counterpart/twin/pairbond in Yeshua, a partner in every way even if he couldn’t claim this partnership and her mastery in an outed way in their lifetime. Yeshua was always with her in light body/Ka form, even after his passing out of denser physical body expression with the crucifixion. And they remain together now, in the higher realms, their union a constant download and reminder of the depths that can be explored between two beloveds in union in all areas of life and spirit.
From Magdalene’s womb…..births the transmission of the deep experience of motherhood and sisterhood that she knew and shared with Mother Mary, Mariam, Anna, and so many others, a sacred sisterhood dedicated to ongoing initiations to reclaim and remember their sacred feminine gifts and empowerment (even during such a repressed and dark timeline.) And I’m receiving a sense of the ongoing and deep support they offered each other as sisters, yet it wasn’t based in caretaking or rescuing, or enabling or competing…they could see and feel too well the gifts of soul bigness in each other that needs to transact.
From Magdalene’s soul……arises the transmission of her profound ecstasy in receiving the Divine AS her beloved through the container of her love with Yeshua. A Divine who worships, infuses, provokes the feminine empowered kundalini sexual energies running (along with beloved mate). A Divine worth worshipping in return, in devotion, in surrender, in complete fulfillment rather than the False God of unworthiness, sinfulness, and punishment/shame.
The heart, womb and soul of the sacred feminine are ready to go to the next level of sacred union experience in ALL these areas. Her growth is served by these unions even as she serves all of humanity in the receiving of love.
I am feminine in sacred union w/myself, others and the Divine,
You are feminine in sacred union w/yourself, others and the Divine, We are feminine in sacred union w/ourselves, others and the Divine.
That is the questions I’m being asked often. It is one that I keep wondering about myself. The process has been long for us lightworkers. We have been alerted of the solar flash happening over a year ago, and we have been waiting to experience it, excited to finally be free of all density, chaos and limitations that we faced on this 3D earth. We have felt the powerful shifts, and symptoms for years that are only proof of how we awaken and ascend. But when will this solar flash finally happen to end all the wait and symptoms? To finally cheer and dance in celebration infused with peace, love and oneness. I know you have been ready, since you have been following me for a while now, yet we are human and we cannot help but doubt. This channeling came through today from my guides and I wanted to share with all of you.
“Tune in within yourself. You have made it into this moment now, and you know that everything prior has prepared you for it. The entire reality is shifting, and you have been expanding never endingly for months and years. You have been alerted in various ways, and with different means that something magnificent awaits in the horizon.
That knowing is very strong within you. You feel it, and you have been feeling it for a while. Yet the road is long, and tiring. The paths unfold and tangle and you wonder, when will this end?
With these words we invite you to focus within, as that is where all the answers lie. We do not want you to seek confirmation outside of yourself, nor trust blindly what we, or anyone else speaks to you. Just tune in and listen, focus on that inner knowing. You have come on earth during this time to be part of the grand awakening and aid others, as well as experience yourself, the expansion to oneness. The knowledge that you seek exists within. We have brought you signs; you have gone through activations that prepare you for that one moment in time. So now tune into that knowledge and ask yourself: Is everything unfolding as it should? Are we moving towards the grant flash awakening? How far is it in linear time?
Listen and pause and allow the wisdom, and the knowing to be available.
You already know the truth. You have been guided in this here and now, in this moment, in this post to help remind you of what you already know to be true.
It is true. All the information and the preparations of previous have brought you in this moment and you stand closer to the final unfolding as you have ever been before.
The opportunities for the grand solar flash, have become available a little over a year ago. It is as if you have stepped on a bridge, that takes you to the final event. Now as you gaze and walk along the bridge, sometimes you can see and feel the end approaching, other times that road seems longer. Yet, you are walking on the path, and the final outcome is but one, moving and guiding you to blessed Gaia, closer to your higher self while on a physical body than ever before.
As the paths lead you there, however, the preparations are needed so they stall and tangle that path as it involves everyone who has chosen to be on earth now. Everyone’s paths lead them forward, so all are being prepared for it.
The when, unfolds hourly as you navigate. One thing is for certain, you continually come closer to it. it can be days, weeks or months if need be, but the paths all lead there, to the grand solar flash.
You feel this to be true. Every symptom, download of light, activation you receive brings you more on that awakened aspect. You do not wait for the final moment to remember. It is happening now, during, as you walk on that bridge, the more you get affected by the frequency of what’s on in that final post. The path is narrowing; the bridge shortens as you are so close to the other end. So much so, that if you close your eyes, you can feel what awaits, you can breathe it in, and bring yourself there.
Do it now. Close your eyes and let yourself be on a point in time where the solar flash has been concluded. Feel the light that surrounds you, feel how uplifted, expansive you have become. You are free, powerful, peaceful, one with all.
The final flash is but an event that seals the preparations you have already done. As you walk along the bridge, however long it takes, you are transforming and becoming one to your expansive self. All you need is the reminder of how close you are. Reminder of what you already know within, of how everything is coming together as it should; that you have been right to know, to believe, to wait.
Now rest, knowing that the flash can be in any moment. That bridge does and will lead you to the final outcome sooner than later. You have become an ascended master in the process. We have so much respect and love for you. You don’t stop moving, and you become your higher self, the more you walk.”
big solar flash
Aurora Ray
A Galactic Federation Message For Humanity
Greetings, loving ones!
Yesterday I got a new transmission from our Galactic Federation. This message brought me a lot of joy and confidence. I’m hoping you’ll get a sense of it as you read. I’m delighted to be able to share it with you:
“Dear Earthlings,
We of the Galactic Federation are here to help, to assist you and your planet Earth in the best way we can. We are aware that there are many of you who are still in shock as to what is taking place around you, but as soon as you can all see that we are real, we will help you in any way possible.
Many of you are having dreams of strange aircraft, lights in the sky, and so on. They are our crafts, and they will not harm you. They are here to assist the people who need assistance.
We have been working on your DNA for some time now, and there are many changes taking place in your body. You will notice a lack of fatigue, much more strength, and stamina than before, as well as clearer thinking.
This is just the beginning of a whole new existence for many of you on this planet Earth. Your society will change drastically over the next few months, and we ask that you try to understand that these changes have been necessary from our point of view.
Your solar system is under intense attack and manipulation by dark forces that have been in control for far too long.
The Light Forces are now in a position to take back control of your solar system. In the coming months, you will see a series of major events taking place, which will be the initial steps towards liberation.
These events might include some very surprising and shocking revelations about people who have been in power for a long time, as well as major and unexpected changes in your society.
The day of our existence being revealed is rapidly approaching.
At this point, it will be revealed that various alien races are visiting Earth.
Some of them have been working with the United States and many other countries, helping to advance their space programs.
The public will learn that an alien presence has been around for a long, long time.
Your physical reality is about to undergo a massive cleansing process so that light can be brought back to the surface of your planet. This cleansing process has already started and will continue throughout the year 2023.
You are entering the last phase of an epic battle between Light and Dark. The outcome of this battle will shape your future for a very long time to come. Your choices on this planet are now more important than they have ever been before.
This is the first time in nearly 26,000 years that your solar system has been graced by such a high number of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR). Your planet is receiving a daily average GCR dose of 60 greys.
This is the highest radiation dose rate ever recorded in the history of your planet.
Another important thing we would like to mention is that you are now the owners of all your solar systems. Together with the Galactic Federation, you are managing and administering your solar system.
We have been given clear instructions to remove any remaining dark forces from the planets in your solar system, as they no longer have any authority in your system.
The Special Forces of the Galactic Federation are working in your solar system. They are creating a barrier around your planet to stop dark forces from escaping. The barrier is not physical, but it is a high-frequency energetic field that dark forces cannot penetrate.
From this moment on, you are responsible for everything that happens within your solar system.
We are ready to help you if needed.
Let us clarify this in a different way, for it is very important. We are not talking about the end of the world, nor do we want to give you the idea that the world will end tomorrow, but we do want to help you understand what is happening in your world today and what will happen in the future.
There is nothing new under the sun, and nothing will be able to shake your ground because you are now becoming aware of what everyone else on your planet has experienced.
You are moving into a new phase of consciousness, and with it comes great responsibility. This is the time of great purification, which will bring you an enormous acceleration in your evolution process.
This great purification can sometimes be accompanied by many unpleasant experiences. In these moments, remember that you are one of the first to experience this acceleration and purification process.
You are pioneers that have agreed with your soul, before coming into this life, to have very intense experiences in order to help others through your example.
If you stay calm and bravely face these situations, you will be giving an example to those who will follow you in the next cycles of evolution. ”
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Observe all angles of the new understanding that’s flowing into the consciousness. This expansion in awareness is a gift that is helping you see that maybe some things aren’t what you thought they were. Go deeper on this today as epiphanies are available. This will lead to restarting a new life that is much more abundant and creative.
Changes are here through your successful completion of discovering the truth. You can use this to make the free will choice to free yourself from what’s kept you stuck for so long. Life force energy will ignite and help you see your light. Passion for life will revive, which you can put channeled towards the new opportunities that are entering.
Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus and opposite Black Moon Lilith (true position) retrograde in Leo – Anxious, fidgety energy is in the air. Whilst Mercury is still in healing and bridgebuilding discussions with Chiron, the Uranian influence brings a brittle edge. Interruption, shocking replies, unusual responses, weird thoughts, suddenly we’re unsettled. Maybe for some, it’s hard to name what the feeling is behind the thought. Maybe we’re afraid to see it, speak to it, own it. Black Moon Lilith tightens an emotional bundle to an uncomfortable degree. ‘Stop thinking’, she hisses. FEEL!
These aspects ask us to embrace passion, desire, the haunting longing that comes from deep within, even if it flies in the face of the group. Ask yourself, what lights me up? Here is a cosmic bulb and a switch. Click on for illuminating answers, provocative theories, wild ideas, innovative thinking! Say yes to shaking things up, even just a little, to free your mind and follow your joy.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 14°Aq05′, Black Moon Lilith 14°Le05′ R – 03:08 (UT)
The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. These days are great for fine tuning your balancing act. Are you working too hard or not hard enough? Have you been letting important things slide because you’ve been partying too much? The work/life balance is important to get right. On number 6 days we are reminded to address any issues that must be resolved . This gets us into a better, more natural rhythm and so, if you want to hit your stride today check yourself for wobbliness. This equalizing energy will sort you out. In the greater context of the White Wizard Wavespell we are in, it’s certainly handy to address imbalances. Are you too far down the rabbit hole? Has someone cast a spell over you?
Today is Blue Storm and its keywords are ‘Self-Generation, Energy and Catalyze’. The Storm can be quite disruptive and even though it is a double Storm day, the number six is so balanced that it calms the storm down and harnesses its energy in a practical, helpful way. This will give you the energy to rebalance your life. Sweeping changes can be made today and like a breath of fresh air, the storm can blow away the cobwebs and invigorate you. It’s a great day to sort out your life and blow away what’s not needed.
Today’s Guide is also Blue Storm and so that’s a double helping of stormy weather.
The Challenge of the day is Red Moon so people born on a Red Moon will find it hard to make those changes. It’s not impossible, they just have to try harder than the rest of us. No one however is going to be laid back and ‘going with the flow’ today, not when the moon is in a challenging position. The Storm is compelling us to get things organized today and there is little time left for relaxing and taking it easy. Red Moon people can be so laid back that it’s hard to motivate them to change. They believe things will turn out alright without their interference. But today they need to rebalance and make necessary adjustments just like the rest of us.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. The reason I enjoy Blue Storm days is because I always receive a magical message. This is courtesy of White Wind being in an Occult position. The information you receive can greatly help the changes you go through today. It’s a great day for writing, singing or speaking in public. It is also a great day for learning more about Occult topics.
The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you need some illumination to shine on you today, seek out a Yellow Sun. If you are one – you too can be a big help to others as Blue Storm is your Ally and its intense energy is something you are very familiar with. If you are not a Yellow Sun, you can expect ‘enlightenment’ to be easy to access today as it’s in such a friendly aspect. This really is very useful and any practical changes you do make today really will illuminate your path.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 19 = 10 – Manifestation/Leadership/Power/New Beginnings
KIN 19=10 – and BLUE STORM – tribe number 19 = 19.19. = 10.10 DOUBLE VICTORY!
A very powerful catalytic day! The energy is extremely transformative with DOUBLE purification powers CATALYZING humanity’s transformation. .
KIN 19 OCCURRED 9 months ago on 6 JUNE 2022, which was the 6.6.6. portal – the first of THREE HEAVEN’S GATES… today through the MAJIK of TIME we can connect and flow through that portal again to visit the Heavenly realms.
Day 6 of the enchanting WHITE WIZARD Wavespell, is where we catalyze the White Majik that the WIZARD brings forth, in unison with DOUBLE STORM, to totally and majikally transform our HEARTS and our lives, in ways we never thought possible!
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. RHYTHMIC power enables you to get ORGANIZED, in order to create BALANCE and HARMONY, through the equalizing of forces. Rhythmic is practical energy allowing you to get things done in the physical REAL world..
The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory! Time to get organized and balance your daily life!
It is time to start decluttering, space clearing, trimming and pruning all that is stagnant, old, outdated, broken and not in alignment with your new energy.
KIN 19 is a formidable force as this STORM has the FENG SHUI rhythmic power as its tone!!! This powerful STORM not only totally demolishes the building, but it brings in the STREET SWEEPERS to clean up its mess, so that all that is left is a clean slate upon which to commence rebuilding!
Keep an EYE on GLOBAL developments today, because whatever is uncovered, will be totally DEMOLISHED in order to bring in more harmony for humanity and our planet… Anything corrupt, discordant or creating inequality will be brought to BALANCE today… very SWIFTLY! The scales of JUSTICE are in effect!
STORM WARNING – TODAY we have a DOUBLE BLUE STORM – For those who have not completed their PURGING – DOUBLE STORM comes today to sweep up the remnants and finish the job! We are about to go through the TURBO WASH cycle!
This STORM is guided by a higher DIVINE POWER with the intention of raising our frequency to the Sophia/Christos Higher Consciousness.. This is a HOMECOMING being offered to the Rainbow Warriors/Wayshowers who have purged their density and are READY to walk through the fresh new GOLDEN DOORS to a better reality.
Today’s questions are
“How can I catalyze the POWER of the STORM to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY, MAJIKALLY transforming ORDER in my life and our world?”
Am I catalyzing these Divine Sophia/Christos codes to raise my vibration to an ASCENDED 5D frequency?
Am I ready, and prepared to walk through HEAVEN’S GATE?
May you seek safe shelter in your CENTRE until tomorrow, when the Sun rises on a new dawn!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM CAUAC brings great transformation, change, disruption and self regeneration. All this upheaval in order to restore HARMONY and BALANCE – a FRESH clean and RESET on this PISCES NEW MOON.
BLUE STORM is the initiation by FIRE, the LIGHTNING STORM .
The arrival of the THUNDERBEINGS who bring the final transformation. To the Maya, BLUE STORM represents the STORM, the thundercloud full of PURIFYING rain, and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the light body.
In these last years of the 26,000 year Mayan grand cycle, BLUE STORM comes to help you in the disintegration process that moves you from separation to Ascension. This initiation by fire breaks any false containers of self that cannot withstand the flame of transmutation. Only your true identity will live through these fires, for you will be reborn in the HEART of All That Is.
We are now in the closing months of this Western Astrological Year and have commenced a NEW GREGORIAN and LUNAR YEAR of the WATER RABBIT. Endings and NEW BEGINNINGS – it is time to TIDY UP!! The DEBRIS has already been uprooted through these HURRICANES, TSUNAMIS and winds of change.
It is NOW TIME for the long awaited PEACE and HARMONY to take hold – so that we can GET ON WITH the BUSINESS of SERVICE to humanity and rebuilding our world.
WHITE WIZARDS do not FEAR the STORM – indeed when they are in divine alignment with the elements and the natural world they KNOW that THEY ARE THE STORM.
Once they become ONE with the STORM they can harness this tremendous energy, catalyzing it for CREATION and growth...
Nikola Tesla was a GENIUS at this – harnessing tremendous electrical currents for his experiments and inventions – even conducting them through his own body!
When Jesus was asleep in his boat and a great STORM arose at sea, his Apostles became very fearful that their boat would capsize and they would drown, so they awakened him and asked him to intervene. He calmly used his Majikal powers to placate and BALANCE the forces through catalyzing the STORM energies. Jesus demonstrated that we do indeed have great powers over the elements of nature, when we focus our intent, and remain CALM and CENTRED in our being.
In these tumultuous times, it is vital that as wayshowers, we follow the example of Jesus and remain CALM and BALANCED in our center. Then we can utilize our powers to placate any chaotic or discordant energies, creating HARMONY from the chaos.
In order to do this we must first hold LOVE and PEACE in our HEARTS, and then radiate this outwardly, to balance any opposing forces, simply washing them away with the power of our LOVE.
The 3.3. portal today through the link to the 6.6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE, offers a tremendous OPPORTUNITY to catalyze these DIVINE ASCENSION forces streaming forth today.. We can CHOOSE to sit in stillness, meditate and anchor this CHRISTED LIGHT, or otherwise we will be rocked to our core through this triggering LIGHT. Sweet SURRENDER is the best path to embrace.
BLUE STORM provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything, as the STORM waters wash over you – inside and out!
SURRENDER everything. For in the FINAL surrender you claim your true power. You give up what you seem to BE, in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever. Allow Blue storm’s energies to PURIFY and cleanse you in preparation for your rebirth..
NOTE: If you are done with purging and are on the road to Self-Mastery then today’s challenge is how well you can stay CENTRED and BALANCED – NO MATTER WHAT!! Calmly seeking refuge in the EYE of the STORM!
As the STORM energy is doubled and on the PHYSICAL plane, we may see many storms – particularly SOLAR storms and C.M.E.s, unleashed by Gaia for purification and balance. We also may see other “STORMS” evident around us, or on the Global stage. Lots of mud slinging is also likely!
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SUN AHAU peeks through the STORM clouds and begins streaming the radiant light codes that will fully anchor throughout the following day of YELLOW RESONANT SUN! Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment!
The RHYTHMIC SUN – represents the SOLAR STORMS seeking to raise our consciousness on EARTH.. This supportive energy is bringing forth the CHRISTOS energies through the SUN of GOD.. A beautiful divine gift to humanity.
The RHYTHMIC SUN will illuminate all the shadows, in order to organize to release this density in your cell-ves. The power of the SUN is the greatest disinfectant that nature provides – cleaning all toxins and pathogens.
The purpose of this STORM is to prepare us for enLIGHTenment – once the dross is washed away our bodies are CLEAN and PURE enabling the embodiment of more LIGHT.
You are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation, has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself. Expect many RAINBOWS to appear today!
Our WORLD is rapidly transforming at an accelerated pace, with the aim of reorganizing all global systems for greater FREEDOM, EQUALITY, FAIRNESS and Planetary ABUNDANCE! The basic requirements for an evolved race of EN-LIGHTON-ed Solar HU-MANS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC WIND IK teams with the White Wizard today to bring forth the refining energies of Spirit.. honing our vessels and allowing us to be strong clear channels.
The WHITE WIND provides the messages of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND, and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction, for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed. Follow the guidance of Spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies for self regeneration!
The GALACTIC WIND as the SUPERPOWER today, is focused on sweeping clean any incongruities that exist within your being. You must now be aligned with the new 5D principles of modelling TRUTH, integrity, equality, fairness and honesty in a transparent and authentic manner.
We are now part of a GLOBAL FAMILY and so our values, beliefs and actions must NOW reflect this TRUTH.
On a GLOBAL level the GALACTIC WIND will clearly REVEAL any constructed LIES, deceit and dark control AGENDAS.
DIVINE TRUTH and JUSTICE is the ORDER of the day!
The hidden agenda of today’s SUPERPOWER is THY WILL BE DONE!
GOD/SPIRIT IS IN CHARGE and the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH and humanity is well on course – to arrive in PERFECT DIVINE TIME.
Stay tuned as the WINDS of CHANGE sweep out the debris – a beautiful SPRING CLEAN of our REALITY is taking place – right before our EYES!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC MOON MULUC gifts you with heightened GODDESS powers today – with more sensitivity and intuitive senses tuned into Spirit’s channel, accentuated with our SUN and MOON now in sensitive, psychic PISCES.
The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking AWARENESS of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit, is also a challenge of MULUC, so get ready to PURGE these shadow aspects.
RED MOON also brings forth another layer of PURIFICATIONpower, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins or density that you have been holding in your body, mind or life.
To reap the gifts today, MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel, and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely flow through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU until your cup runneth over!
MULUC is gifting humanity with the SOPHIA wisdom of the Divine feminine Consciousness today, in partnership with the masculine CHRISTOS energies.. a perfect synergy delivering us back to wholeness in our ASCENDED being.
Today’s questions are
“How can I catalyze the POWER of the STORM to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY, MAJIKALLY transforming ORDER in my life and our world?”
Am I catalyzing these Divine Sophia/Christos codes to raise my vibration to an ASCENDED 5D frequency?
Am I ready, and prepared to walk through HEAVEN’S GATE?
May you seek safe shelter in your CENTRE until tomorrow, when the Sun rises on a new dawn!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger
NOTE: Some excerpts taken from The Mayan Oracle by Ariel Spilsbury DIVINE GRATITUDE
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