Earth Transits the Galactic Center ~ Dragon Ley lines REVERSING Polarity * Holy Grail Emanation ~ Solar Kryst Sophia Glory
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Golden Ray Sovereign Angels of the New Eden
Today as the Earth transits the Galactic Center in Sagittarius and aligns with the singularity of the Milky Way we join Mother Earth in this moment of stillness just 3 days before our local Soularis also becomes still for the Solstice on Saturnday the 21st rising for 4 days on the Tropic of Capricorn as he begins his journey North again on the 25th of December for the Mass Awakening in Christ Consciousness.
Many of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving powerful Higher Heart and Crown Chakra activations as we step through the void of emptiness into form as the mirror of the Mind of Pure Awareness reveals all to expose the figures (pieces and players) on the board of this Game of Life.
In Self Realization we come into the knowledge that we are the actors, directors, screenwriters and audience (observer and witness) in this play of the illusion of the Dream of the Dragons. In our Great compression breakthrough we merge our inner conscious mind with our Higher Self and True Nature of Buddha Mind and Heart of the Cosmos and become the Wayshowers and Guides to the Kingdom of Heaven within.
We inspire others by being inspired and lead by example. In right thought and right action we walk the Middle Path with Heart in balance with the five elements and Gaia, as the Chi flows smoothly like water of the Divine Feminine and rises, without hindrance, like the fire of the Divine masculine as the two become One beyond the duality of the false simulation.
The Eagle flies with the Condor to honor all our Holy Grail Queens and Kings of the New Avalon of Eternal Freedom, Peace and Bliss for all our Good People of the New Earth…A’Ho!
Light Code – Uncutting The Veils. We are at this very moment going through partial disconnecting of the veils between our dimension and higher dimensions. We will feel uncertainty, unease and personal processes being accelerated. So this code comes from the Timeline Guardians. He will bring you more peace and discernment so that you look at everything around you with more observant and loving eyes. Have fun and smile, you are being released to higher flights of existence. Big kiss of light on you. Mion
You might be Re-Routed SOON iif you’re on the Land right now.
We’ve been in a Reverse Vector of sorts.
New MONAD family-related assignments
Dragon Ley lines REVERSING Polarity
Someone else might be on your LEY LINE already doing what’s needed.
Melissa Lyran
We are in a blackout void on the Schumann. CREATION ZONE. Dreamy sleepy quality. It feels like we jumped into the weekend energies. Time is not solid, it’s wavy and expanding all around us. Ground these high voltage energies. Neck pain reported. Magnesium. Hydration. Huge day incoming tomorrow. Orbs make a huge presentation. Plasma beings sing in the skies. Angelic assistance. Dream tonight and fly high. High-altitude cruising. You can not be everything to everyone but you can be something to someone. Show up as your best and leave the rest. RESISTANCE ONLY CREATES DISTANCE. flow flow flow.
18th December : Galactic Center Transit at 27 degrees Sagittarius
Today is the day when the Earth transits the Galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius.
Yes the energies are powerful.
Streams of Diamond Light Codes from the Galactic Center are illuminating the Earth and providing Light Code information for the next steps in our evolution.
From now until the Solstice on Saturday we can expect intensified Light and Radiance that will illuminate our Planet and reveal all that is low frequency and not in alignment with the Divine Light.
I worked with a wonderful group of Human Angelic Souls on the past week end to hold the Light and BE the Light of the World.
It was a deep and wonderful experience.
And so we continue to hold the Light for Planetary and Collective transformation.
I hope that you will all join us and just BE the LIght and Radiance even in the midst of a chaotic world and as we move into 2025.
Galactic Center Transit
Blue Rose Oracles
We are currently being offered a unique opportunity to dismantle and deconstruct old templates within the collective field by recognizing the vibrational resonance within ourselves that we carry from ancestral and incarnational patterns that support the structures that held these templates in past deadlines.
The new paradigm is being born through community-led conscious creation, which calls upon our ability to navigate from the higher heart and illuminate, amplify and encourage the emergence of beautiful templates that shine within each other.
We’re reviewing the vibrational resonance of separation, limitation, and restriction within past deadlines to complete and close these ancient paradigm structures that are held within the layers of ancient network architecture being freed by Gaia.
Collapse of timelines and shift into new octaves of rapid vibrational frequencies leads us back to the source plans and expansion code sequences held within our field, the delay of past identities, resistance programs and ancient dualistic lenses of perception and perspective is taking us out of linear structures and into holographic layers of flow and expression.
Merging in union in all layers of our consciousness and multidimensional consciousness. Reclaiming old fragmented reflections and integrating across all timelines to merge series into expanding waves that birth the new templates we are ready to enter into.
Deep diveQ
multidimensional consciousness
Maryann Rada
We have seen the movies and dramas the creative department has put in the mainstream screen for you to absorb, and we have to say, it’s really biased. You won’t see much of the universe is like what’s put before you as “alien life forms,” one or two styles of being with the aims and intents that bring out the most fear in the minds of the many.
How banal. In truth of fact, there are a lot of other things about the population of your galactic neighborhood that are fixed ideas in need of shuffling around, beginning with your concept of how we fit into the picture. You see, we are not here to make a big hit of a light show, but to simply arrive as family and help out when the time comes for a greater neighborliness.
excerpt from “Remembrance: Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact” by Maryann Rada
Preparing for the light to return. The warmth and radiance of the Sun. Meeting the Sun inside us. The inner Christ, reflected in this Pre weave for Solstice 2024.
All lightworkers have been called. To hold steady. That thread of light within. So we not lose hope but rather find more of it.
In silence. In solitude.
We open and we surrender..becoming empty. So we can hear the voices of our inner parts. Those that we kept hidden, surpressed and denied.
Holding our fears, our anger, our grief and our secret desires. Whispering for our attention. What part of you is calling you softly to be seen? To be love?
To be seen, held and loved is the greatest gift we can give another. That is the purest light in this world.
These coming days, the darkest days before the return of the light are here, to give yourself space to be seen, held and loved. In the light of your own heart.
18 December is 3-Ahau/Light, completes 20 days of Owl, it’s the 3rd day of 13 days of “Flint”, obsidian blade, cuts to the truth, heals, and chooses a better path.
Tomorrow is 4-Imix/Alligator, new phenomenon rises, begins 20 days of butterfly in the 7th Uinal, a time of high vibrations, truth and revelation, a time of flying with something new giving you inspiration.
We then on 24 December complete the NIGHT phase of the 9th Wave and shift into a DAY phase from 25 Dec for 18 days duration – starting with the east direction for 9 days and then the south direction for 9 days – new downloads bring new growth on the Universal level of consciousness on Earth, this can be felt as an expanding energy driven by pure love, pure love is arriving in a sense to rescue and heal the world.
It is time to awaken to a heightened state of awareness and embrace the transformative power of living and leading from the heart. In a world often consumed by chaos and distraction, it is easy to lose our footing. Yet, as Lightworkers, we are called to a higher purpose—to elevate our frequency, anchor ourselves in the divine energies of Light, and embody Love, Peace, and Joy. This is not just a personal mission; it is a collective call to heal the wounds of our nations, to infuse the world with hope and harmony.
By reconnecting with our instinctual mission, we step into alignment with our soul’s purpose, channeling divine energy to uplift those around us. In doing so, we not only serve others but find fulfillment, vitality, and resonance in this sacred energy. Together, let us rise, shine, and co-create a world rooted in Light and Love, transforming chaos into peace and despair into joy.
As planet earth aligns with the galactic center at 27° Sagittarius today, we are immersed in zero point energy. When Gaia aligns with the galactic vortex, your bioenergetics receives a surge of galactic crystalline code activations.
The dormant Light Body awakens with sentient consciousness. Your Soul’s crystal ascension codes awaken as the genetic structure evolves into quantum unfoldment. Your Soul Light awakens your dormant Light Body, activating a bigger container of Light, the sacred vessel and home for your Soul. It is a homecoming and an awakening!
The Galactic Alignment of Earth, the Sun, and the Milky Way’s Center at 27° Sagittarius activates the Galactic Zero Point Field, leading us into the transformative year-end Gateway of the Zero Point Reset.
As the Sun crosses the Center of our Galaxy from Dec 18th until Dec 20th, we are receiving high levels of transmission of intergalactic plasma waves and crystalline source solar coding, transmitted by our Sun directly from Sirius, Alcyone, and the Galactic Core. This triggers galactic upgrades within human DNA and powerful galactic activations in our system, spiraling humanity to a much higher frequency.
The alignment of the Sun with the Zero Point Galactic Field is bringing supercharged energy that is opening the subconscious and assisting in dissolving and letting go of old cycles and patterns. It is asking us to consciously disengage from the old, collapsing systems and structures as we move through the Zero Point Reset. We are entering the new accelerated timeline of ascension at the New Year portal, which is all about bringing our higher timelines forth from within into physical reality.
Now we are called to act upon the impulse of our divinity within each moment beyond all limitations we have ever experienced.
For those who have prepared to receive the Holy Grail Emanation, a gifting of our divine legacy is upon us. So many eons spiraling within the duality program that ruptures the core frequencies of creation into separation, pain and suffering.
No more illusion programs drilled into the mind perpetrating our unworthiness to reach towards our Solar Birthright as creator beings of the highest.
The first wave of upliftment into a new platform of stabilized islands of creational light is instreaming with the Solstice Stargate to usher in the new waves for 2025.
The Mother/Father PIllars are grounding into manifest reality.
A restoration of the Solar-Kryst-Sophia Glory- available for the chalice that has prepared to receive this fountain of living water.
The sacred union of the two core forces of creations- the masculine and feminine- forged once again into one unified force.
From this architecture of light we become the Divine Creator empowered and enlivened.
12/18/24: Each of us will at some point deny, diminish, disregard, and even demonize our natural gifts… the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual. Why? Because if Old Earth rejects them, it rejects us… and that hits at a primal level of survival. New Earth sees us differently. Values, principles, and purposes are changing and it’s becoming easier to claim all of who we are.
You might be too sensitive, caring, empathetic, compassionate, expressive, weird, or woo-woo for Old Earth, but you can light up New Earth with all your power intact. So today is for treasure hunting, taking ownership, and transcending.
“The flow/stream of the Feminine Principle which includes Her Logos, Throne, Rights, Powers, Essences, Qualities, Gates and Jurisdictions is being removed from the hands of the men who had taken power over it and were using it in their own ways and understanding and it is being returned to the women, the Goddesses.
This is the greatest recalibration/correction between the feminine and the masculine that is taking place upon Divine Will.
The Goddesses are Here!
The Feminine Thrones are Here!
Let everything and everyone reposition according to Natural Law.
This is Her Divine Will!
Her Love is Here!
Her Heartz are Here!
She is breaking down all the resistant walls of the Heart, opening all its closed doors and embracing and blessing all inner aspects that might still be in fear or lost!
Her Love will be healing and rejuvenating all rooms of the Heart, bringing illumination to all inner worlds!
So it is!”
Thank you dear Masculines that you are supporting and facilitating the Goddesses to return and take their rightful positions in the scheme of all things!
The fact that the feminine positions were taken from the women had created great distortion, illness and darkness in the world!
This correction will be very healing, comforting, reassuring and elevating for all Living Beings!
Blessings of Her Heartz!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Many do not realize we are in fact in a dream reality.
The ascension or becoming an eternal light being is ascending dream reality into the awake source. An awakened source that can transcend both dream and awake light structures.
The planet ascension into love based reailty is ascending dream reailty structures still in a dream reailty but an evolved dream source template, one without polarity.
Last night marks the beginning of the cleanse from the first dream to the last. As this cleanse takes place many densities will be leaving forever. In a way they will be purified. As it continues everything will continue to lift up into higher states of love and bliss.
The dream state templates are evolving as they are purifying. It means we will come into a wholeness as a collective over time.
Many will come into a new way of being, they will have to deal with the conflict within. Memories fragments will all still have to be dealit with, from the council of dreams, and the collective akashix. meaning for the collective the inner work is still required to embody the higher consciousness and be delivered from the weights of time represented in dream consciousness. This will present the opportunity for the collective to see themselves more in this now moment to overcome injustice in how they treat themselves and others. Or in other words, facing self.
There will be many where suffering ends and many where it continues, depending on the depth of the karmic indulgence that one must work in within to Settle within their own dream akashic records.
The holy flush aim is to discontinue hate anger division separation so these key dream templates are being purified first from the first dream until the last, bringing the collective into a more peaceful awarness.
Things will become more clear over the eternities which will open up gifts physic abilities and awareness to elevate life into a more nurtured peace.
From an individual stand point, the ministries of light will continue to work with you to assist you to find peace, your divine path and enlightenment.
The goal is to have a collective consciousness in enlightenment consciousness as the shift nears completion. When the collective ackwnloedges as a majority in awarness we are all ONE, this will occur.
There is still work to do, and those that want to transcend dream reailty completely and become an eternal light being have a much more involved path ahead.
All is transcending, the dream purge from the first and the last has begun.
Dear friends, we are just a few days away from the Winter/Summer Capricorn Solstice, and the energies are ramping up. The recent solar activity that resulted in yesterday’s G1 geomagnetic storm, in synergy with the full moon energies, has stirred our energy fields and made them more permeable to the incoming Sosltice frequencies. The Solstice light codes are already being absorbed by our body fields and mostly by our nervous system. Energetically speaking, our brain hemispheres are undergoing a few recalibrations so that their interconnectivity is increasing and assisting the creation of new pathways. Some mild headaches, brain fog, and sleepiness might occur during this period. Stay well hydrated.
The main goal of these Solstice light codes is the creation of a new inner balance. However, as we move through this process of internal realignment we are also purging blockages and outdated energetic anchors that are preventing us from achieving a higher vibrational state.
This December Trinity alignment of our soul, mind, and body fields is a constant process and requires a lot of energy. Day after day, we are being transmuted by the cosmic energies, and this process needs patience and understanding. As the new lightcodes enter and interact with your nervous system, they then spread down the spine and into the rest of your body systems and organs. Whenever this new high frequency information encounters stagnant energy areas within the body, an energetic friction is created. This may cause physical symptoms of all sorts, depending on where in the body the blockage is located. That said, these symptoms could also connect with the stagnant emotions stored in such organ/system. Therefore, it is important to listen to your body and intuition during these 10 days so these emotional issues can be addressed. Stay focused on your heart center and feel the sacred Light pulsating within you.
As we approach the Solstice climax on Saturday, you may notice a few emotional/physical issues coming up to the surface that will need to be addressed. This is an important part of the transmutation process in order to achieve a new lighter inner and peaceful state of being. On the other hand, if you have already released all that was needed to clear during this phase of your earthly journey, then the Solstice energy will find you in a more peaceful and stable place. The dynamics of this process are unique to each of us.
The Trinity codes embedded within the Solstice and around Christmas time/Christ consciousness reawakening, will be working intensively and deep within us as we encounter the new 2025 frequencies.
Our energy fields are getting ready for the shift that will take place as we move into the new year. The 2025 frequencies are slowly but steadily starting to enter into our consciousness and energy spheres. New timelines are being woven, and this week and the next will be pivotal for consolidating our future steps. Of course, the future is not written in stone, but it is our present conscious choices that will delineate the future timelines. Go within, meditate, and try to flow, without resisting the changes the universe is triggering in your life.
Remember, the Universe is on your side and wants you to shine your Light brightly. Much love, and have a wonderful day. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue navigating the last days of this special year
Knowledge from within is expanding into your auric field. This consciousness is clearing away limitation so you are free to access your life force energy and drive. Your inner Masculine and Feminine are communing and creating what’s fated. This is the next level of ascension that you are on. Keep going until you blossom the fruits of your creations.
On Wednesday, December 18th, the Sun, ruler of self-expression, in far reaching Sagittarius is in a difficult square connection to Neptune, ruler of mysticism, in soulful Pisces. This may activate the energies of illusion, confusion and delusion, especially in regards to how we see ourselves. We may be wearing rose-colored glasses regarding certain situations at the moment, or be unsure about the big picture or vision that we hold for the future.
Even though this is a challenging aspect, there can be some positive energies that we experience as well. This can magnify our imagination, creativity, intuitive abilities and connection to the spiritual realms. Living in a fantasy world does not have to be a negative……it can actually help to inspire us to envision our hopes, dreams and wishes. This can be a magical energy, if you trust, have faith and believe!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Sun, ruler of self-expression, in far reaching Sagittarius is in a difficult square connection to Neptune
Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces – A ripple becomes a tidal wave. We could feel like we’re drowning under a weight of despair, disappointment, disillusion. It’s difficult to recognise ourselves amidst all the illusions, wishes and fantasies that distort and distract. Imagination works overtime. We feel lost, invisible, fading out of sight. The inner victim cries, ‘why me?
Curb escapism. Let go of idealism and work with what is possible. Write down your dreams and consider the symbols that rise from the depths of your unconscious. They are archetypal teachers here to help you find your way. Relax. Create art or meditate to bring yourself back to centre. Pray and wait quietly for an answer. Consider the spiritual implications of where you are right now in your life. There is always a bigger picture. The more you practice self-compassion, the easier it is to see through the fog.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number for eight and its key words are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model.’ The eighth day of a wavespell is all about restoring harmony in your life and understanding the value of this balance. If you have fallen out with someone, make it up to them today. You will feel warm and fuzzy inside if you make amends! It is also a great day for making and enjoying music, so get into your groove.
Today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Targeting, Flowering and Awareness.’ Yellow Seed days are all about planting ideas, sharing wisdom and raising awareness. As it is a ‘Galactic’ day, this awareness should be about the importance of harmony. Try to get along with everyone that you encounter today.
The Guide today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty and Art’. When following the guiding star remember to appreciate beauty. Wear something pretty, admire artwork, cheer up your space and remember that you too can shine like a star.
The Challenge today is the White Wizard, the charmer of the Tzolkin. No one is spellbound today by the Wizard and he isn’t happy when his charms and spells are weak. If you are a Wizard, today will be annoying to a certain degree…but don’t fret, you too can find some harmony today.
The Occult power is the Red Earth (also the wavespell we are in) which represents ‘Evolution’. When in this position the Red Earth offers evolution in magical understanding. In fact, magic plays a great deal of importance in the pursuit of evolution. Look back at your life and think about the occasions where you evolved by what seemed to be pure luck. Isn’t luck just another word for magic?
The Ally is the Blue Eagle which symbolizes ‘Vision and Creativity’. If you need an Ally today consult an Eagle if you know one. If you don’t know one, use some Eagle medicine and fly high to get a better perspective of your situation. If restoring harmony proves tricky maybe having a ‘vision’ is what you need.
Tip of the day:
Did you know whenever it is your number, that day will click with you….luckily every 13 days your number comes around. Regardless of what day it falls on, you become in synch with the energy. Thanks for reading!
MANTRA I harmonize in order to target Modeling awareness I seal the input of flowering With the Galactic tone of integrity I AM guided by the power of elegance
18/12/2024 = 9/3/8 = 9/11= 9/2 = 11=2
9.11 – ILLUMINATION code 11.11 2.2
18- Social upheaval/endings 9- Completion/Endings/Destiny/Humanity/Grace/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination 2- Twins/Duality/Cooperation/Allies/Partners
We are walking through TRIPLE doorways together into the NEW harmonious world. Today we are SEEDING our new world as the DREAM of HARMONY takes root!
Day 8 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we are integrating our capacity to LISTEN to the SIGNS, and bring our MINDS to focus on Harmonic, congruent and creative thoughts, strongly in alignment with Mother Gaia, her nature and her cycles, as we welcome a NEW HARMONIC CYCLE of PEACE.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. The principles of honesty, integrity, congruency and transparency are becoming ingrained in the foundations of our new world.
We are modeling what it is to be a cocreator of this New World.
Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
It is time to WALK our TALK!
we need to reflect on the messages from spirit, and ensure that we are aligned, in order to co create more Harmony in our world. Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today we are modelling GALACTIC CULTURE and what it is to live in Harmony with all sentient beings throughout the Omni Universe!
Today’s question is “How can I model a higher octave of harmonic mind, that SEEDs my beautiful new LIFE and the NEW TIME?
“Am I choosing a HARMONIC reality, seeded on beauty, elegance and PEACE reflecting TIME= ART?
Divine blessings for the beautiful new doors OPENING wide TODAY, leading to our elegant NEW World!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW GALACTIC SEED – KAN. Today is a day to roll up your sleeves, put on your gardening gloves and green thumbs, and plant those new SEEDS! Today is indeed a great day for GARDENING on any plane! Whether that be physically in our own gardens, or the collective gardens of our Planet – the GARDEN of EDEN.
We are aiming to SEED our HIGHEST POTENTIAL today, through focusing on initiating our new ideas and projects. As it is a GALACTIC day, we are focused on our MINDS, raising our beliefs of what we “thought” was possible for us, allowing for greater potentials to be seeded.
Yesterday we were ENVISIONING our DREAMS, and today we are cultivating those ideas, plans and harmonic patterns to majikally manifest the new path we are navigating upon. It is time to GET REAL and create it!
KAN also encourages us to fully BLOOM today, to share our packets of LIGHT with others so that our SPARK can ignite their soul’s potential. It is a beautiful day to FLOWER and plant new ideas in the MINDS of the receptive, in order to target greater planetary awareness of our evolutionary path.
The GALACTIC SEED is a great catalyst for targeting Planetary AWARENESS. Awakening the masses to the TRUTH of their existence and their greater destiny.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW GALACTIC STAR– LAMAT The star glyph of LAMAT is a PORTAL which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.
LAMAT is infusing us with higher frequencies and illuminating our MINDS to raise the bar. With more LIGHT in our MINDS, our future is indeed looking brighter each day.
LAMAT carries the codes for PEACE, HARMONY and celebrating our LIFE as ART. Yesterday we were envisioning the DREAM, today we are painting it on our blank canvas! We now have a new canvas on which to paint the next her-story of our planet.
Today we have a perfect SYNERGY of the energies of LAMAT and KAN, intertwined in this beautiful Cosmic dance providing powerfully focused energies. We can use this potent energy to fertilize our new harmonic systems – developing new ways of living and being in our common-unities in harmony with Gaia and each other.
The Yellow kin are the RIPENERS providing the impetus for us to fully flower and SHINE as the beautiful Star Bliss Supernova Suns that we came here to BE!
LAMAT is reminding us to EXPRESS TIME as ART through being creative with our kin – to dance, sing, paint, draw and have a BEAUTY filled day, integrating pure HARMONY through our creative MINDS.
Take this opportunity today to START AFRESH and see our world born anew. Energize and focus on this daily, to magnetize the elegance in our reality.
SUPPORT: BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE– MEN provides the GREATER VISION today, reminding you to KEEP YOUR SIGHTS HIGH! Believe that YOU CAN achieve more! Greater beauty and harmony lies beyond the Horizon. The old world is GONE, what was disharmonious is now replaced with beauty and elegance. Believe in BETTER!
BLUE EAGLE as the keeper of PLANETARY MIND – (the collective conscious and unconscious memory programs of all humanity) – enables us to reformat our collective minds – erasing the old paradigm as the operating system..
We are installing a NEW OPERATING SYSTEM – of Harmonic Mind – in alignment with the rhythms and cycles of our Mother Earth and Cosmos. Connecting to a greater force – the UNITY consciousness that connects and animates all creation.
BLUE EAGLE gives you the power to ENVISION the completion and accomplishment of your DREAMS, energizing and anchoring them into this realm. You can perceive each step in your path, as it leads to the whole – allowing you to imprint the total blueprint, into your SEEDS of creation.
BLUE EAGLE gifts you, with the POWER to SEE and recognize the full potential of your ideas, knowing which one is the most fertile needing to be planted first.
The GALACTIC EAGLE will ensure that you are fully focused on the Highest Good for all. GALACTIC CULTURE will prevail from this moment forth, driving our new VISION for humanity.
In the year 2000 I had the honour of travelling to CANBERRA – our nation’s capital with two very gifted GALACTIC sisters – both EARTH GRID workers.. Spirit enticed us there on the premise of attending a conference – but unbeknown to us we found ourselves spontaneously drawn to another MISSION.
Synchronistically a group of healers were participating in a GLOBAL DRUMMING ceremony in the woods near Parliament House at 12 noon that day (clearing the land and ley lines). Spirit urged us to do some “site-seeing” and we found ourselves in the upper levels of the building at exactly 12 noon feeling the rhythm and pulse of the drumbeat.
Ravens started to gather around us and we tuned in and saw many mandalas and templates spinning in the aethers. We worked together to overlay these 5D templates over the Parliament buildings. These were the blueprints for the NEW political, financial, education, justice and social systems.. It was such a JOY to witness, and we were very excited that this would come to pass in the YEAR 2012… Well 24 years have now passed and it has taken a little longer than we realized, but MAJIK is now HAPPENING..
On 11 FEBRUARY 2022 – 22222 – GALACTIC SEED day – at 9am in the grounds of PARLIAMENT HOUSE CANBERRA – AUSTRALIA, a group of passionate educators gathered to discuss a NEW EDUCATION SYSTEM. Their purpose was to educate the children at the FREEDOM camp. They chose NOT to teach the current outmoded curriculum, but rather new dynamic wisdom teachings based on the NEW TIME..
I was soooo excited to hear this announcement as it reminded me of the templating that occured in 2000 and NOW IT HAPPENED on the same ground, at our nation’s capital..
And today in DEC 2024 – on Galactic Seed – Kin 163 – I have discovered a WORLD (Home) Schooling NETWORK movement, established to educate our children about the world and provide INCOME for the parents who are CHOOSING to educate their children at home.
This is the FUTURE of schooling for the new generations.
It all starts with ENVISIONING the blueprint into the aethers for the ideas to be sown and take root. It may be immediate or it may take YEARS, DECADES or even LIFETIMES to eventuate.. but it all starts with YOU having an IDEA and SEEDING IT into the QUANTUM FIELD.
The DIVINE PLAN is wondrous to witness as it unfolds in the most MAJIKAL ways.
What is also very exciting, is that as people meet, gather, talk and network in their new TRIBES and common-unities, they communicate these new ideas they have, and the new systems will take root through these like minded beautiful souls..
THIS IS HOW WE CREATE THE NEW CULTURE – it evolves organically from the ground up – rather than being IMPOSED by a “patriarchal authority”
This modelling is occurring globally as people AWAKEN and lean towards the LIGHT, modelling the NEW WAY of LIVING in HARMONY with each other and GAIA. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RHYTHMIC EARTH – CABAN is today’s SUPERPOWER guiding our Planet to RESET and synchronize with the natural harmonic cycles of the Cosmos. This blessing ensures we can harvest the full benefits throughout this next cycle we are entering. Riding on these evolutionary waves to carry us forth into the next greater cycle of our evolutionary journey, through the expression of higher and more compassionate consciousness.
NOTE: Earth is receiving a pummeling through this higher frequency and continuous Solar Flare/CME activity.. GAIA is rapidly ascending now through this potent 12.12. SOLSTICE window, taking us all along for the superduper ride!
CABAN is our planetary GPS system, (we have DOUBLE CABAN energies today with the wavespell) meaning it will be easier to align with the many SIGNS, and synchronicities that point you in the right direction.
The RHYTHMIC TONE will guide you to organize your physical body and environment to find greater BALANCE and HARMONY. To find your center. Finding greater balance through LISTENING to the EARTH.
Your heart and that of Mother Gaia will have greater connectivity today, bringing forth the POWER TO SEED the highest potential to majikally manifest your new life path.
This is the RIGHT TIME!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE GALACTIC WIZARD – IX provides today’s gift, and that is to OPEN OUR HEARTS as we revere all LIFE through creation. We become more receptive to the higher frequencies, flooding our planet and flowing through our expanded consciousness, feeling the ONENESS and connectedness of ALL beings.
As we realize this universal TRUTH we begin modeling a timeless and receptive MIND that can reflect endlessly the truth of what is real and what is unreal. Modeling the compassionate Mind of the true Masters that we are becoming.
What qualities are you choosing to focus on? What best comprises your state of mind and favoured reality?
Our challenge today, is to anchor these majikal energies that will SEED our Highest Potential Divine Destiny, in order to create more balance and equality for all beings and our Planet. Aho Planetary kin!
Today’s question is “How can I model a higher octave of harmonic mind, that SEEDs my beautiful new LIFE and the NEW TIME?
“Am I choosing a HARMONIC reality, seeded on beauty, elegance and PEACE reflecting TIME= ART?
Divine blessings for the beautiful new doors OPENING wide TODAY, leading to our elegant NEW World!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🌞 Solstice Guided Meditation: Align with the Light & Embrace Renewal 🌙
Celebrate the sacred energy of the Solstice with this peaceful and transformative guided meditation. Whether you’re honoring the Winter Solstice (the return of the light) or the Summer Solstice (the peak of illumination), this meditation will help you connect deeply with nature’s cycles, release the old, and embrace the new.
✨ In this meditation, you will:
🌟 Ground yourself with the Earth’s energy
🌟 Reflect on the light and shadow within you
🌟 Release what no longer serves you
🌟 Set intentions for renewal, growth, and alignment
🌟 Align with the Solstice energy of transformation and balance
This practice is perfect for all levels and can be done at sunrise, sunset, or anytime you wish to connect with the magic of the Solstice. 🕯️💫
🌿 What You’ll Need:
A quiet space free from distractions
A candle or symbol of light (optional)
An open heart ready to connect with the cycles of nature
Embrace the shifting seasons and allow this meditation to bring clarity, harmony, and renewal into your life. 🌎✨
“I AM” the Resurrection and Life, calling the Prime Life from the Great Central Sun, expanding from the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings, towards the Beloved and Powerful Presences “I AM” of every stream of life, and projecting into this world, within the Heart of Light, Love, Peace and Purity that gave existence to this plan.
“I AM” the feeling of the Power of Resurrection and Ascension that lifts my current of life out of the clutches of destructive forces, allowing me to walk the Path of Enlightenment.
“I AM” the Resurrection and Life of the Flames of Divine Love from the Hearts of the Ascended Masters, from my Holy Crystico Being, and from my Beloved Electronic Presence, engaging in a triple activity of Love, the physical structure of my body and the external activities of my stream of life, to achieve the Ascension in the Light.
“I AM” the Sacred Fire of Master Love Ascended from the Indestructible PURITY, POWER and VICTORY over human creation, giving me the energy and strength needed to rise on the path of Resurrection.
“I AM” the Flame of RESURRECTION and the Flame of ASCENSION radiating from the Burning Force of Love of the Cosmic Christ, to whom we call to envelop us with His Mighty Energy to Elevate, Transmute, Purify and Perfect that which has been covered by His Luminous Presence, until that the Fullness of Eternal Perfection be manifested to take its place in the Universe and eternally expand its happiness throughout all life.
10 of cups
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