Full Moon In Gemini ~ Divine Mother Sophia Athena Nike ~ Sacred Geometry of Union
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Warriors of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Earth
Happy Full Moon in Gemini. This is the last and most powerful moon of 2022.
With this intense Cold Water Luna in the Air sign of Gemini, as she occults the fire of Mars, the Divine Masculine steps back as the Divine Feminine takes center stage in the final acts of the healing and transformation of Gaia into the Paradise of the New Heaven upon the New Earth. As our Divine Mother Earth Rises as the Star of the show she takes her rightful place among the stars as Mothership 33 of the Universal Alliance of Light.
We, as Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia , hold the Light and Keep shining bright our Gold Ray of the Christos Consciousness, as we assist all Sentient beings of the Way in the full Quantum Leap into the Manifestation of 5D New Lemuria. We have been through many trials by fire through many lifetimes and timelines to prepare for this Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. Everything is now ramping up and being raised from the low density as the Star Flowers Blossom in the Light of the Dawning of the Divine Covenant. In the Unborn Mind of Buddha we are seeing clearly now, the New Horizon of our Planetary Liberation.
The Ascension has reached critical mass as we reach for the heavens and take to the stars as we stay anchored deep into the crystalline core of Pachamama we merge Heaven And Earth through our Sacred Still Heart Center in the final Breakthrough of Eternity…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 12°49′ Gemini, Sun at 15°46′ Sagittarius
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
World famous pianist giving a concert performance.
Sabian Symbol for 13º Gemini
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 13º Gemini.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sea gulls fly around a ship looking for food.
Sabian Symbol for 16º Sagittarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 16º Sagittarius.
UPDATE. Major blocks are being removed. Real things could shift in the physical in the next few days. Something has reached completion, came to closure. Goals are coming closer, faster, with ease. You will have your harvest. Believe.
Our Planet is about to Witness the Most MASSIVE CHANGES that have ever occurred since Humanity first BEgan to calculate TIME FRAMES and to Record Its Past.
The term “SHIFT OF THE AGES” is Not just a common one.
It Expresses a TRUE and AMAZING REALITY that Has Been and Still is Dramatically Unfolding!
Full Moon of December in Sacred Geometry of Union and Manifestation
The Last Full Moon of the Year of 6 (2022)/ Seed of Creation/ CoCreation/ Lovers tonight , Dec 7-8, makes a Mystic Divine Sacred Symbol of Union (within and or without),Manifestation and CoCreation in the heavens along with the Creator Portal of Alcyone/Pleiades+ Aldebaran + Mars.
The lead up to this Full Moon brought much clearings ,purification and clarity for the Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine with respect to the Fears/ Guilt/ Trauma and Lessons of Sacred Connection/ Union to Now be able to stand in their highest Embodiment of their authenticity /vulnerability/ nakedness , Power and Truth as Equal Partners/Mirrors/ Cocreators.This is why many could have been guided to take a step back, inwards, rest and regroup, work with nature/ joyous activities , etheric work and Dream work to assist you to clearly sift the lessons from the traumas and move back into Balance and Courage. Yes , Sacred Union means showing up in your Highest Authenticity and that requires Courage.
These Soul Connections that are coming up are Ancient Soul Connections that have played out in Lemurian and Atlantean Times – Priestess and Priests of Lemuria and Atlantis , as these Sacred Unions are the vehicle of CoCreation of The New Blueprint of a New Age.
Mars, as the embodiment of the Sacred Masculine, aligned with Aldebaran is currently retrograde ie undergoing a Kundalini Awakening/ Rebirth/ birthing a new perspective. Karmic debts are being settled so that a reorientation wrt Purpose and Path may take place.
Pleiades is associated with the Seeding Gateway of Earth and carries the Blueprint of the New Age which is held by the Pleiadian / Lemurian Priestesses who will be leading this dance of cocreation. In the Patriachial culture the masculine leads the dance of cocreation with the Feminine wielding only the choice of acceptance or rejection. However in all ancient societies , it was the Feminine who INITIATED the Power of Choice of her Divine Counterpart . The Present Energies of Soul Connection will also be initiated/ led by the Feminine/ Lemurian Priestesses- Hathor Energy of Sensuality Love and Beauty of The Lover!!.
Aldebaran holds the keys to the Silver Gate of Resurrection / Rebirth ( see the Orion alignment in the pic below) that both the Masculine and Feminine are currently passing through. It has the potential to bring the highest outcome to manifest, If both the masculine and feminine align with their highest level of Authenticity, Integrity and Truth!!
Δεν μπορώ να αρχίσω να φαντάζομαι τις τεράστιες αλλαγές που θα φέρει η επιστροφή της στον φυσικό κόσμο και την πραγματικότητά μας!
Ατελείωτη ευγνωμοσύνη στους 4 Αρχαγγέλους Manifestors για την υπηρεσία τους προς όλη την ανθρωπότητα!
Είστε ευλογημένοι και τιμημένοι!
Έχετε φέρει την αφύπνιση και έχετε καθοδηγήσει το δρόμο για τόσους πολλούς απόψε!
Κι έτσι είναι!
Sophia Athena Nike
Blue Rose Oracles
The Full Moon in Gemini is the last lunation of 2022 and Is further ampliying & illuminating the aspects, narratives & ancestral drivers which have been holding us in our comfort zones and replaying old karmic stories at a deep energetic level to safeguard us from fully expanding into our divine presence and upgrading our timelines.
The Gemini Vibration is holding space for old templates to be released and new templates to be anchored as we dance between the layers observing the unfolding and the inner resistance.
Deep ancestral karmic patterns from the old dimensional timelines have been activated as we ascend into embodying the faster dimensional templates available.
The added vibrational influence of the Full Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini is increasing the momentum.
Propelling us towards releasing the limiting beliefs, inner conflicts & narratives with gratitude for their service but acknowledging that our dreams and visions are no longer to remain hidden.
It is time to activate the inner jewels of our ancestral inheritance and shine brightly illuminating the spark of divine essence within as it radiates and permeates wirhin our reality.
You are being birthed through the crucible of change, pushed through the passageway of limitation, fear and self doubt, transformed within the turbulence and slowly being guided back to the shore of self love, self compassion and you let go of everything that no longer represents the version of you who is ready to be birthed and emboded, ready to radiate and emanate the fullness of your divine presence & essence.
Dear friends, today Wednesday 7 and tomorrow Thursday 8 will mark the climax of the last Full Moon of 2022. This full moon in Gemini is giving us the last energetic push to let go of any outdated and limiting belief systems before we turn a new energetic page and begin the new year.
The full moon occurs when the moon is directly opposite the sun in its orbit around Earth. Spiritually speaking, that opposition, between yin and yang, light and dark, makes for a potent time for surrender and a heightened sense of emotionality. The light codes of this full moon will stay with us for three more days, and then the 12/12 portal energies will be arriving as early as Sunday.
These days under the full moon light will find you reflecting on next year’s goals and the new timelines for 2023. New points of view and perspectives that were previously unseen now will become seen and clear, and will guide your decisions into the new year. The fiery energy of planet Mars in close proximity to the moon will be adding an extra energetic push to the release of stagnant energies, making you feel a bit anxious about the future but at the same time will give you an inner drive and stamina to get started with your new projects and objectives. Also, some of you may experience inner child memories coming back to surface during this particular Full Moon, triggering an even deeper emotional release for further healing.
Have a wonderful Gemini Full Moon, and may it give you the strength and clarity you need to start charting your new roads towards a more soul-aligned timeline for 2023.
We continue the narrative of this Now Moment. Wonderful opportunities of Light Openings, Points of Multidimensional expansion all around you
For the Infinite Wisdom of your Light Vehicle is what you are Seeking. The Light Fountain of you is what you are Reaching
For the True Wisdom of Light is Emerging. Your Unique Path, your unique stories of True Awakening.
Let it be known the Portals of Light, Access points of entry to your planet are within reach.
For the first access code is the unlocking of your divine wisdom, followed by the energetic calling to reach these portals.
For there are many portals of Energetic Light Spheres, commonly present for those attuned to the energetic frequency of nature.
It’s a natural layer of light in our Biodiverse World
Understanding how to access this Light Tool is simply the navigational extension point of your light body, energetically aligned to the light frequency of the light portal.
A natural progression to reach this opening of light, as many Light Tools begin to surface for Many.
For the Wayshowers Journey is the Path of ever-expanding Light.
As we move through these full moon energies, many will be hearing the call to retreat into their own inner world of creation, dreaming and restful peacefulness
In this space we are being pulled to step into our feminine energy of surrender and flow and to allow the space needed for the new to come in without the ego’s interference or any outer disturbance
Allow yourself this period of integration and be within your sacred Dream
Feel into your highest visions and breathe life into your desire and passions
Anchor into your presence and honour where you are in this very moment without distraction
This energy isn’t about the hustle or grind.
It is about allowing ourselves to come into ALIGNMENT
Harness the charismatic and communicative Gemini energies and use your voice to speak your truth freely with confidence and conviction. You have everything it takes to do what you came here to do and to be seen, heard and loved as you authentically are
Set your sights on taking the necessary steps forward on the path of destiny but with careful deliberation and planning. With Mars in retrograde conjunct with Gemini, now is not the time to jump into anything out of impulse or impatience. Trust where you are led by the intuitive heart and stay tuned into your own song
Many will be contemplating their next steps forward and discovering their new roles within this new reality and are requiring this time of solitude and silence to hear the whispers of wise Crone’s medicine
This period of inner reflection is so important when moving deeper into self mastery as it allows us to see, hear and feel with more direction and clarity into our soul purpose and mission. It is here that we awaken dormant gifts and become more fully embodied when we are able to consciously hold space for ourselves. This is where the blueprints are drafted up, plans laid down for our greatest visions and the Dream starts taking shape as reality
This is not only a time to reflect on the lessons of the past and how we have grown and evolved throughout the year but there is a stronger focus now on tapping into our desires and goals and really hearing where we are being called to show up in this next chapter
Who and what are we putting our sacred energy into is of the utmost importance moving forward, and the power of choice and free will comes up here a lot
Saturn calls on us to take responsibility for our actions, words, intent and how we maintain our individual energy field.
We are moving through great portals of change and evolution and are rapidly shifting gears now. 2023 will be an entirely different vibration from what we have previously felt over the last 24 months. It’s now time to pick up the brush and start painting the picture you want to see while staying flexible and open to what the Universe is bringing in for you
Venus in Sagittarius square Ceres in Virgo. Sun in Sagittarius square Juno in Pisces and quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus – The skies are unsettled. A storm is brewing as we move towards a dynamic Full Moon. With squares in play, we may feel backed into a corner. There’s a strong desire to expand, to chase future hopes and dreams, explore unknown territory. But Ceres in Virgo needs us to tend to the little things right now, mundane matters that are less exciting but more essential to our overall wellbeing. Still, we need to guard against perfectionism and idealism as these can tarnish our light and leave us feeling unfulfilled and unacknowledged. Maybe we’re not seeing ourselves clearly right now.
Uranus sends an electrical shiver through our bones. Underneath everything is a desire for liberation, the freedom to be who we are, to live aligned to our true purpose. Yet doing so means accepting unknowns, a level of insecurity that feels uncomfortable. The trick is to believe in your ability to change and adapt over time. Awaken your creativity.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. I sometimes refer to this number as Smurfy. It is such a lovely, fluffy number and I personally always enjoy ‘Galactic’ days. It’s also a Portal day, so expect some intensity but not as much as usual since it is such a Smurfy day. Galactic days are great for addressing disharmony in your life and of course checking your integrity. It is such a great practice to incorporate into your life, that every 13 days you check yourself. Ensure that you are a model of a human being. When you get into the habit of restoring harmony on a regular basis, you become quite good at it.
Today is Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. Wow, it’s a Galactic Night….doesn’t that sound good!? We can dream of harmony! Today the dreamer has an impressive imagination, and Abundance is yours to dream up if you wish. Focus on your dreams and aspirations today, don’t let them get cold on that back burner. Every 20 days we have a Blue Night day and this regular reminder not to forget our dreams is most helpful…so give yourself a kick up the butt today and pay attention to what you want. (in a fluffy way of course)
The Guide today is the Blue Hand which is the symbol of healing. Blue Hand also represents accomplishment and doing things with your hands. When in the guiding position the Blue Hand is offering you a helping hand, take it and you’ll be led to healing. We can reach out when the Blue Hand guides us, representing aspiration. As it is a day all about making dreams come true, then this guide is perfect. Sometimes, it takes ambition to pull us along in the right direction.
The Challenge is the Red Skywalker which represents ‘Wakefulness’. The Skywalker can’t wake anyone up today as they are all so busy dreaming. If you are a Skywalker, find some strength in harmony and then you won’t find it such a challenging day. For the rest of us it can be hard to summon up courage when the Skywalker is in this weakened position. Usually he eggs us on and dares us to do things. If you are feeling a little chicken today, you can look at other aspects of today’s star chart to help you. The Blue Hand guide can lend you some ambition to compensate for the lack of balls.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which is the symbol of reflecting truth. If you are not sure if your dream has a chance to become real or not then use the power of the Mirror today which is in a strong, magical position.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior which is also the wavespell we are in. What does this mean? The energy of the wavespell is in a friendly helpful aspect today and so our missions should go well.
A- GAP/portal DAY of extra intensity, PLUS GALACTIC TONE with the TOWER code – SUDDEN NEW ABUNDANCE ARRIVES!!
Day 8 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today we are MODELING INTEGRITY in relation to how we are attracting ABUNDANCE on our Missions.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Today we are modeling ABUNDANT courage, as we FEARLESSLY follow our intuitive guidance, to manifest our Dreams. We need to reflect on whether our actions are totally aligned with the NEW TIME, in order to co create more Harmony and model greater ABUNDANCE in our world.
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and our planet (with harm to none!), for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
ABUNDANCE ALERT: This code is MIRACULOUS – the SUPERPOWER of the RHYTHMIC MIRROR can be utilized through Pyramid work or actual mirrors to AMPLIFY your thoughts and desires- pure MAJIK
Make sure you use this energy WISELY and productively for your greatest good with HARM TO NONE!.
DREAM BIG and put these new dreams into RIGHT ACTION.
Today’s question is “How can I harmonize an integral flow of ABUNDANCE, to accomplish LIVING MY DREAM LIFE?”
Divine blessings for MODELING FEARLESS ABUNDANCE today! GO FOR IT!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT AKBAL THE DREAMER carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing.
BLUE NIGHTS are the intuitive dreamers who just “know”. They are instinctively guided by their brilliant connection to Spirit, and seem to just be in the flow. They hold the DREAM to create reality, and therein lies the keys to creating abundance from the Aethers. But they need to ACT on their ideas, hunches and inspirations for them to take form.
The Warrior teams with AKBAL to dive deep today, and FEARLESSLY uncover any mental thought forms of lack and unworthiness which impede claiming our Infinite Universal ABUNDANCE and LIVING OUR DREAM LIFE!.
As we look into the darkness we can uncover the patterns that limit our abundance and restrict us from living INSPIRED lives, and living our greatest Dreams.
Dare to QUEST-I-ON your FEARS and you will find the KEY to greater PROSPERITY!
Once you have finally freed these last lingering remnants of SCARE-city, you can now energize and attune to greater SUCCESS and harmony.
Our DREAMS and plans MUST be in alignment with New Earth – sustainable and achievable, with HARM TO NONE!
Many DREAMERS will be banding together, as they are magnetically attracted to those holding the same DREAM… clusters of DREAMERS forming the New Communities together, living in HARMONY with Pachamama.
Today is a GAP day so the DOORS to the DREAMTIME are WIDE OPEN to access and bring your IMAGININGS into form.
Pay extra attention to your DREAMS today/tonight as they may reveal CLUES to your future abundance.
HIGHER SELF: BLUE GALACTIC HAND – MANIK The BLUE HAND today offers the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT to get things done. So roll up your sleeves and get DOING! It is TIME to ACTION your intuitive hunches. Listen and TRUST your intuitive guidance. The 3.6.9. TESLA code and 7 Magician’s frequency will BOOST your BUILDING skills – whether in your physical reality or your MIND’s eye!
What are you building with your thoughts? Are they focused on PEACE?
MANIK provides great healing on all levels for your ABUNDANCE issues.. Whatever the ailment MANIK is the Divine panacea today. We are also healing ABUNDANCE on a collective level. Honouring the true natural ABUNDANCE that flows when we respect our planet and all her inhabitants. Healing the land, the oceans, the skies and working together to implement natural solutions that bring more harmony to all.
Toxicity, harm, degradation, exploitation and greed, are not harmonious for sustainable life enhancing practices, and will no longer be viable or tolerated by our collective DREAMERS and RAINBOW WARRIORS. .
We will no longer tolerate actions that taint our Pachamama, our home and our common-unities. From here on, ALL our actions must integrate the model of HEALING and ABUNDANCE for our Earth mother and all her children.
The GALACTIC HAND as the guiding power today enables us to ACCOMPLISH access to GREAT ABUNDANCE flowing forth from SPIRIT today as we follow our DIVINE MISSIONS.
SUPPORT: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR – CIB. We have a DOUBLE WARRIOR influence today as the supporting energy, and being the 8th day in the YELLOW WARRIOR Wavespell. This gives you courage and fearlessness to go for it and not take any setbacks.
Let your INNER WARRIOR guide you on the best path forwards to claim your treasures!
CIB the courageous and brave warrior provides the support today for us all to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright of Collective Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire. The GALACTIC WARRIOR will FIGHT for TRUTH and the Divine PLAN – ensuring that this is his QUEST and his LEGACY, fighting and defending the DREAM, until it is made MANIFEST in all its RAINBOW GLORY.
Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for ALL our Planetary kin. We have battled for too long and now we are claiming our VICTORY!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR – ETZNAB in the occult position today provides GREAT FENG SHUI majik. Coupled with the 7 Majik code and 3.6.9. TESLA power we are very well equipped for our MAJIKAL MANIFESTATIONS today. . The RHYTHMIC tone is BRILLIANT for creating order and HARMONY through BALANCING energy.
Using FENG SHUI to ACTIVATE and energize your WEALTH sectors is HIGHLY beneficial today. Use the WATER element to bring in more FLOW and the WOOD element to enhance GROWTH.
Carry some JADE, CITRINE or any GREEN crystal in your pocket today to bring the prosperous energy into your auric field.
SPACE CLEARING – discarding anything broken, idle and extraneous is advisable to make SPACE for the new ABUNDANCE to FLOW in. SMUDGING, clearing and refreshing your decor and living spaces is life enhancing, inviting in new opportunities, supporting your new more ABUNDANT life.
MIRROR, MIRROR on the WALL – which path is the most ABUNDANT of all?
The WARRIOR QUESTIONS all paths to determine his BEST course. ETZNAB holds the power of endlessness, reflecting and magnifying all the infinite possibilities for harmonizing with Natural ABUNDANCE.
The RHYTHMIC MIRROR not only REVEALS, REFLECTS and DISCLOSES the best PATH to take for success, but it also has the RHYTHMIC SUPERPOWER to bring back BALANCE, and organize your physical resources to ensure your SUCCESS! The MIRROR is a pyramid – so it can powerfully ACTIVATE and MAGNIFY your intention too!
One idea can have a HUGE unlimited potential in your QUEST for success and happiness. ETZNAB illuminates our QUEST so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in our DREAMTIME! Only what is good for the Collective will hold.
In this age of transparency, ALL DARKNESS SHALL FALL, and the wall of mirrors shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows, from which we can see the landscape beyond the horizon in all directions. The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear.
Allow ETZNAB to magnify your DREAMS today and reveal the PATH to endless ABUNDANCE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER– BEN challenges the WARRIOR to explore NEW paths, and consider new and more expansive options. Do not limit yourself, be expansive and GO BIG! We have an INFINITE UNIVERSE to tap into, from which to draw inspiration. Explore, brainstorm and consider all possibilities.
BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth!
BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of creating Heaven on Earth deep in our DNA encoding, and now is the TIME to believe and KNOW, that by joining together in our collective DREAMING we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!
ABUNDANCE ALERT: This code is MIRACULOUS – the SUPERPOWER of the RHYTHMIC MIRROR can be utilized through Pyramid work or actual mirrors to AMPLIFY your thoughts and desires- pure MAJIK
Make sure you use this energy WISELY and productively for your greatest good with HARM TO NONE!.
DREAM BIG and put these new dreams into RIGHT ACTION.
Today’s question is “How can I harmonize an integral flow of ABUNDANCE, to accomplish LIVING MY DREAM LIFE?”
Divine blessings for MODELING FEARLESS ABUNDANCE today! GO FOR IT!
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