Super Cosmic Light Flash ~ Spiritual Freedom Of Light * Dragon Ley Lines Activating! Crystal Pyramid Temples of Mu
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Manifestors of our Collective Co-Creation
We have another day of Trinity Codes and Activations flowing in through today’s Sacred Portal.
Our local Soularis continues to flood this realm with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light releasing 12 C Class Soular Flares today and 3 more M class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.59 at 10:40 UTC.
We also continue to have sustained white light codes in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at 25 and 26 hz, fifth dimensional energetics fully anchored in and holding steady for our New Earth Manifestation.
Pachamama also received another massive activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a Magnitude 7.0 earthquake off the coast of California at 10:44 AM PST, bridging in our Starseed Earth Angelic Code of the 144.
Synchronizing with these powerful Events we had our 6th day of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 151 ~ Blue Galactic Monkey of Healing, Dreaming and Abundance.
Angels of the New Earth the Cosmic Egg has cracked open and the Golden yolk flows freely to re-unite all our Ground Crew Team with their Higher Self at One with Infinite source Creator.
The Gold Phoenix emerges from the Sacred Egg to join in Divine Union with the Gold Dragon as the Eagle and the Condor transform into the Thunderbeings to electrify and magnify all our Good People of the New Earth to fulfil their Divine Birthrights and complete their Divine missions of full Planetary Liberation…A’Ho!
Big Kundalini Energy Dragon Ley Lines Activating + Ring of Fire Lighting Up #newroot
Dragons are masters of creation
If you are reading these words, it is time for you to awaken and remember. It is time to remember that you made an agreement prior to incarnating on Earth, that you’d be here during these times, to anchor the higher light, to raise the frequencies of the planet, and see this world return to its original state of balance, heavenly beauty, abundance, and bliss.
shift the consciousness
Laura Faye
The Dragons are returning to the hearts and minds of humans who are creating the New Earth into existence. They represent creation AND destruction and show up at times of wild and radical shifts in consciousness
Maryann Rada
Open doors pull your feet toward new experiences and different knowledge than you could have imagined just a short time ago. The League of Light ask you to consider the ramifications waiting to be discovered when you finally walk through the doorway. What you may expect, what you may find may well be very different situations than you could foresee. While this may be, yet one thing is certain: you cannot long remain where you are on the side of the door where the floor is crumbling beneath your feet.
The door is open and light streams in to guide you. Will you now make your way toward it? There can be no return to what has been. Eventually, your choices will lead you to a prayer for the last step you take before you cross the threshold. This is that moment.
*In connection to this new moon on Antares but also all 4 royal stars, Mars going retrograde and Sun Mercury squaring Saturn/opposing Jupiter and White Moon.
Do you remember how old you were when you fell?
Divine Starseeds Children of the Light you can now go back to your True Living Mother so that you can naturally continue your development.
Asking to be given creational power without being ready and experienced on how this power can affect others or how you can safely and wisely handle it, is like asking for trouble and self destruction.
This was the poison that had infected you via the seeds of the fallen masculine lines which are now returning back to their rings.
Such creational power will be naturally given to you when you are truly ready, developed, grown, experienced, aware and knowledgeable on its responsibilities, great consequenses and sensitive qualities.
Until then go to the arms of your True Living Mother in order to rest, recharge, remember what happened to you and play!
So it is!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Last Sunday night, a significant upgrade to biological circuitry occurred. As this process integrated into the body, it encountered cellular-level density, which may explain why some individuals are currently experiencing mild flu-like symptoms. Additionally, there have been notable upgrades to temporal fractals, leading to a dramatic acceleration of perceived timelines. Consequently, both conscious and unconscious intentions are either already manifesting or are on the brink of realization.
In the framework of 5th-density consciousness, the sequence of creation involves thought followed by manifestation. This contrasts with 3rd-density consciousness, where the process includes thought, action, and a time-delayed outcome. During this period, the acceleration of time will become increasingly apparent. Any resistance between the mind’s delays and the soul’s desires may feel increasingly burdensome and uncomfortable, as these misalignments will be magnified. Procrastinated intentions or unresolved issues may become more pronounced, urging immediate resolution.
Manifestation in higher states of consciousness occurs rapidly, necessitating awareness and accountability for one’s true desires. Individuals are increasingly embodying their inherent roles as creators of their realities. However, some may misinterpret this resistance as external interference, such as psychic attacks or external obstacles, rather than recognizing it as a reflection of their own creations.
In the coming weeks and months, any misaligned aspects of one’s life will emerge quickly and demand attention. This transformative phase calls for conscious creation and alignment. Wishing you an empowering journey, light workers.
12/5/24: Today’s energy places you directly between external and internal… between physical and spiritual… and both will call to you. Life will be lifey and it will of course go on, but those who are aware of their own evolution will sense an undercurrent of transformation. Fundamentally, we (and our planet) are changing and we can’t miss it. Technology has given us a front row seat. But it’s what you are personally feeling and integrating that matters on your journey. December is a channeling month, but your inner guidance will not fight for silence. You, as both ego and Observer, have choices to make about how well you receive and where your attention flows.
profound transformation
Blue Rose Oracles
New Earth is a dimensional octave of source light frequencies which are being anchored from within our consciousness awareness as we embody the codes and keys that unlock the templates inlaid within our crystalline DNA.
Your capacity to hold the new frequencies and anchor these into the grids in response to the continuous increase in Solar frequencies/ Solar flare activations and vibrational planetary uplifts & upgrades as the Schuman Resonances is expanding.
As you expand into your capacity as a channel, receiver & conduit of Source light you expand the levels of ascending consciousness and hold the potential for unity timelines to anchor in the collective field.
The Dragon codes of creation are reawakening and reactivating within your bones and within the mountains & meridian lines of Mother Earth. Be open to receive the activations pouring into the Grids right now, be in nature as often as you can and attune to the new frequencies of the golden green ray vibrating within the heart of Mother Earth.
Key Observations
Feeling disconnected, detached from all that you have been as you transition from the old energies into the new frequencies being birthed through and around you collectively & planetary.
Craving nature, stillness, peace and inner harmony as the planetary grids are very potent and emitting fast light waves of energy that are affecting our electro magnetic fields and upgrading the geometric properties of our Merkabas.
Feeling exhausted, dizzy, body feels heavy, tingling in the feet and legs. Needing to be in solitude as we fine tune our energy fields in response to the upgrades coming in. Headaches, FLU (Frequency, Light, Upgrades) and altered sleep cycles.
The age of Aquarius is a time in the great cosmic cycle when truth prevails and as the Great Light of consciousness shines brighter and brighter into this world, more and more things are revealed.
For eons, humanity has been in darkness, but when the Light comes, darkness must go.
We have experienced five destructive cataclysms throughout the history of earthly mankind and NOW comes the SIXTH that is not destructive.
When this large solar flash occurs, its negative cataclysmic effects will be instantly mitigated by Pleiadian magnetic field technology.
Star Seeds will be instantly moved to the highest vibrational level available on planet Earth by this Super Cosmic Light Flash.
We will be the first on Earth to complete this great Ascension feat after eons of trial and error of Ascension.
This is how the great history of mankind and its long journeys on Earth ends, but it’s never an end and it’s only the beginning!.
This is the destiny of humanity and it is our destiny.
“We’re a big light that shines in the dark”
“Let’s continue to do our good work to make the world a better place. “
Some of y’all need HEALING from past lives where you’ve had negative experiences with etc and some of y’all need HEALING from negative life interactions with etc. Many of you need to receive UPGRADES and ACTIVATIONS in order to get better. that you can STAND FACE TO FACE WITH AN ALIEN and BE ABLE TO HANDLE THE ENERGY THEY PUT OFF. Others need help letting go of fear, anxiety and even sadness and anger around contact e.t., again because of experiences you’ve had in your past, but also because of how e.t. has been portrayed in your culture popular for a VERY LONG TIME ON EARTH.
They were often considered your slave owners or those who just wanted to take control of the planet for natural resources, or the earth, or whatever the reason the science fiction writer invented. Now you are at a point where many of you who are AWAKE see this MEETING of HUMAN and ALIEN CONTACT as THE STEP FOR HUMANITY TO REACH the NEXT LEVEL of CONSCIOUSNESS, and you are RIGHT, because it is. You need to EXPAND and EXPAND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS beyond what was before on Earth, and having a MASSIVE SHIP LANDING is exactly what you need to do COLLECTIVELY.
We know you’re PREPARED, in the way you want it to happen, but there still has to be SHIFT in most of you to PREPARE. And that’s what THOSE ENERGY is about. NOW, the MORE you are to RELAX and OPEN UP to the ENERGY of the SOLSTICE, the BETTER your CHANCES for the MASSIVE SHIP LANDING in 2025. OF COURSE, YOU CAN ALL HAVE YOUR OWN ONE-ON-ONE EXPERIENCES BEFORE THE MASSIVE SHIP LANDING OCCURS, and THOSE ENERGY ARE PREPARING YOU FOR THE EVENT AS WELL. When you have a beautiful successful encounter as a human being, you prepare your entire species for MORE CONTACT EXPERIENCES. And so YOUR DESIRE for this for yourself is GOOD for EVERYONE.
THIS CURRENT CORRIDOR, 3rd – 21 December inclusive:
Please discard if this doesn’t resonate, it is just a little sharing, known DEEPLY within me:
If ever there was a ‘time’ to put your unique PATH first, this is it. This time period. If ever there was a ‘time’ to take our focus INWARD, away from the noise of the brain’s inner chatter, this is it. This time period. If ever there was a time to let others be, and be on their own path and perceptions, this is it. This time period. To pull back from the dream, for YOU and your OWN rise forthcoming.
Be assured, this IS thus far, (only thus far), an experience of parallels and polarities. Be assured if you are wishing to turn inward NOW, into being silent to hear the higher essences of you, your Self Created reality will present distraction after distraction as you try to. Understand that YOUR HIGHER SELF is master-minding your RISE in consciousness, and will always bring in choices for your free will to respond to; will you currently allow all distractions that are IN your Self Created dream to override your path, or will you be wise and steadfast, and hold to your inner knowing and wisdoms, knowing in part of the HUGE precipice we are moving into, together.
Family, friends, loved ones, people you don’t know, unexpected events, business of this and that, will all flood in, NOW, created by your Higher Self, for the lower self to make HIGHEST choices in this NOW (lower self only meaning the lower energetic frequency so the experience of less perception/less consciousness). It’s a choice, to view the wider picture for all and make the HIGHER choices from within you, or be REACTIVE to the illusion and events as they present.
This is what your Higher Self does. It gives you choice, so that as we each take the higher frequency choice more and more, we become the Higher Self more and more. We ARE to become the Higher Self, fully, with human form, with an outer consciousness that does not lie within the dream reality. We can not become in full, the Higher Self, unless we match it in choices, actions, beingness, and thus match it’s higher energetic frequency. The Higher Self is ENERGY BASED, it works directly with energy, outside of the illusion. Guiding you, as observer for the whole, as a balance, peaceful observer outside of the dream, with a neutral vastness of knowing and at ONE with all, so not a self focus consciousness that focuses on the small stuff or submerged within the dream reality itself.
We can all connect within, to rise higher in our energetic frequency. By being at peace. By being wiser. By being LOVE. By allowing the dream and all in our reality to be on their way, be in their own lane, knowing they are responsible only for themselves as we hold, are love for them, with compassion. By going within NOW, thus hearing, seeing, FEELING, EXPERIENCING the higher energetics being gifted to each NOW, we rise, we integrate, we prepare our body, for this unprecedented time that lies ‘ahead’ that humanity will also adjust to. YOU…are the balance and energy necessary for this huge transitional phase.
This is for some a HUGE Initiation Passageway before solstice. If so, the advice is to Hold your path. Know it. Be that. It’s YOUR journey, your time, to honour YOU, giving time to yourself, to BE LOVE WITHIN, and emitting as energy, LOVE WITHOUT. You become the wiser one, less reactive, as you journey back to being known within you, as ALL THAT IS.
The Key…is always LOVE frequency, within. Let others be all they wish to be. Love them as that. Then, be LOVE to thyself and true to your own path. You are everything. Allow yourself this quality time to honour your own path, it’s a breath-taking, beautiful time of unfoldment of pure essence to be experienced within you. For by giving this time to yourself, when you have risen further, you will be able to give out, to ALL, SOOOO much more than ever before. This, is why you came. Honour your journey. I honour you fully.
Please discard if it does not resonate. Just know, there is intentionally much distraction within the dream reality NOW. Always, there is an individual choice of free will. It is all so perfectly and intricately designed.
One Love
Amanda Lorence
5 December 2019
feed with gratitude
And a light shines brilliantly. It is a glorious and resplendent light from the east, a sun, a star of infinite possibilities. This star shines so brightly indeed it causes the transfiguration of our cells without pause, spiritual DNA in full transcription until we return our perception to what we thought was lost. We find our true selves once again. For you see the story of the Christ, the risen Son, is one that rises from within. We overcome the burdens, the sorrows and suffering of this world through rising above them.
Electrons sizzle in cells initiating a cascading event, spiritual DNA transcribing until singularity is achieved, you see? Oh the glorious return of our Great Creator is certainly upon us for it is within us. The once perceived separation from our divinity is removed and we see clearly with the light of our souls. Oh this light, this beautiful and most majestic of lights carries the powerful unconditional love frequency of the Christ. Wavelengths of Christ love and light ripple throughout our cells, ripple throughout the DNA of Self, opening seal after seal until we are free!
All along the answers have resided within the reflective mirrors of Self, mirroring the love and light of our souls in discreet packets, quanta data points of love and light frequencies painting a masterpiece of our Merkaba light of infinity for all to see! This is mastery. This is the full illumination of the Self. For Christ and the Holy Family of souls has returned within your cells!!! All power, honor and glory belong to the One True Creator of All, Supreme consciousness who resides within our cells illuminating consciousness until we return fully to our divine Selves.
Dear friends, as we navigate the celestial landscape of this new month, we now find ourselves in the midst of a few significant planetary events. On December 6, Mars, the planet of passion and drive, begins its retrograde journey in the fiery sign of Leo. This cosmic occurrence invites us to embark on a profound journey of self-reflection, re-evaluation, and transformation. From now until the rest of the year, we will be humbled as our ego gets taken down a notch.
As Mars retrograde in Leo awakens our inner spark, we are called to re-examine our passions, desires, and creative pursuits. This is a time to look within, to revisit and revise our inner landscape, and to align our outer expressions with our authentic selves. Am I living an authentic life, or am I just living to impress the world with an artificial facade?
The energies of Mars retrograde in Leo can also manifest physically and emotionally, bringing fatigue, lethargy, or irritability. Our nervous system is practically undergoing recalibrstions 24/7 this month as our energy fields are being reconfigured to hold the higher frequencies of this last period of the year, specially the 12:12 lightcodes . As we navigate these energies, it is essential to practice patience, self-compassion, and gentle self-care.
Just as Mars is guiding us inward, Venus, the planet of love and connection, is entering the visionary sign of Aquarius on the very same day. This celestial event brings a fresh wave of energy to our relationships, values, and creative pursuits. It’s guiding us to end the year with our friends and community as we are able to love others on a humanitarian level. For the rest of the year, we’ll be looking to expand our social and emotional networks to find our tribe to build a new more authentic future together.
Venus in Aquarius inspires us to think outside the box, to explore new ways of connecting with others, and to cultivate a deeper sense of community and social responsibility. This is a time to celebrate our individuality, to honor our unique strengths and talents, and to recognize the value of our contributions to the world.
As we navigate the combined energies of Mars retrograde in Leo and Venus in Aquarius, we are invited to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, creativity, and transformation. Please remember to ground your energy daily, specially as we move into the end of the year.
May you navigate these celestial energies with ease. May you find the courage to look within, to re-evaluate your passions and desires, and to emerge transformed, renewed, and more deeply connected to your authentic self. Have a wonderful day, and stay tuned for more energy updates as we move forward in this exciting and intense last chapter of the year.
First, BlueRay Guardians compose the Blue plasma HubWeb portal is a network of consciousness—it is an organic overlay designed by cosmic intelligence formed by the OverSouls of the incarnated blue ray souls to harmonize humanity collective with spiritual evolution. Blue Ray souls are the primary nodes, amplifying transformation, awakening, and alignment within the etheric quantum grid.
The Blue HubWeb is an evolving network of consciousness, serving as a dimensional bridge, linking the ether and astral realms with the multiverses. The Blue Plasma Web operates on a higher, etheric level. It is an organic living matrix, one that doesn’t just transmit information, it responds dynamically to consciousness itself. And Unlike the Internet, which emerged from the externalization of human intellect in the 3d physical matterium, the Blue Hub originates from a cosmic codes/algorithm within the Oversoul itself.
Its true purpose goes beyond communication; it serves as a living, evolving energetic grid that modulates the flow of higher frequencies into the human collective, facilitating the reintegration of lost knowledge and timelines. In that effect, guardianship was given to those called Guardians or Keepers of the original Time-codes. This facilitates the entry and exit points of timelines by all benevolent Galactic families who have come to reclaim their families trapped within the Orion/Elohim false matrix frequency.
Blue Ray Souls are often seen as spiritually advanced beings who come to Earth to aid in the ascension and healing of humanity. They carry the frequency of divine will, truth, and communication, resonating with the throat chakra.
They possess an inner KNOWING intuitiveness that helps them in many situations.
The blue ray is associated with higher wisdom, divine communication, and the ability to transmute and heal deep-rooted pain, making it a transformative energy field. Blue Ray Souls often carry the codes of healing and bridging dualities. This is why they are helping in removing emotional debris of dark energies within the human collective and supporting Souls to be release back to Source.
Blue light, having a shorter wavelength, is associated with higher energy within the visible light spectrum. This energy mirrors spiritual awakening and heightened consciousness, often acting as a metaphor for enlightenment and seeing beyond illusion.
The Blue Wave can be seen as a metaphor for the collective spiritual evolution happening on Terra, where higher consciousness is sweeping through, breaking down old structures imposed upon humanity by the dark controllers and invoking healing and unity.
The Blue Codes within Blue Collective consciousness hub relate to the reawakening of the sacred feminine through truth, integrity, and spiritual sovereignty. It represents an energetic reclamation of suppressed feminine power, now surfacing through awareness, healing, and integration with masculine energies.
Present times are not for the faint of heart! Remember dear ones that you chose to be on Earth at this time and were fully aware before incarnating of what it would entail. The increasing presence of high frequency Light energy and the fact that people are spiritually waking up is causing many traditions, societal rules and laws to crumble because beliefs in them are crumbling.
The Light Infusions, the Light Storms streaming through the Aethers and breaking up all of the atmospheric debris that has loaded over the entire human collective and the entire sentient world is very efficiently breaking up more debris. They will no longer have the comfort of their costumes or those of anyone else. They will no longer be able to live in the energies of “ignorance is bliss.”
Truth is going to sweep the globe, pulsing continuously until an even greater infusion of Light hits this planet, creating a cosmic ‘rainstorm’ of Light to reset and reinstate the Light’s reign over this entire planet.
We are in the completion of cosmic cycles of the spirals of creation as the SOLAR flares now being released hold very powerful sacred patterns, or sacred geometrical forms, which are activating the Illumined Portals within our spiritual bodies for transcendence.
What I am shown the dense brain fog which separated us from remembering our true sovereignity, our Son and Daughtership of the Prime Creator, is being removed and replaced with the White Flame of Illumination, helping us, with the Sun Flares to be lifted into the next initiatory state of the ascension process.
It will bring us into the evolutionary state of consciousness where we remember our true Goddess and God state, plus we will remember slowly but surely our cosmic journeys as soul, and start accessing cosmic soul knowledge, technologies, to now apply to assist with the cocreation of the New Earth, with love.
The number 12 is a very sacred and holy number, reminding us of our own sacredness, holiness, our own Divinity.
The original twelve Crystal Pyramid Temples of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis are being fully activated and rising 5th and 7th, as the 12 High Priests and 12 High Priestesses have all returned.
It is a time of huge dismantling of the old, so expect revolutionary changes for the highest good, alchemy and magic.
We will start to remember how to use our manifesting abilities in the most loving and highest ways, for the highest good of all, but also, as our higher heart and throat are fully activated, our abilities to soul travel anywhere in God’s infinite universe, and more than this, the claiming of our true Mastership.
Take action on the intuitive spontaneity that’s pulling you towards your future. Recall your power and apply it towards the evolutionary downloads to take action on. It is safe to drop the shields and follow your dreams with determination. Connect into your heart and receive the messages on what your emotions desire to manifest.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Thousand dreams and Roses
Ra James
Today we have Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini. Expect these energies to have you reevaluating your personal beliefs. It’s all about aligning with new ways of seeing things. Be mindful that you aren’t overthinking things right now. Mercury’s domain is the day to day affairs. Sagittarius is all about focusing on the bigger picture. Jupiter has us focusing on the bigger questions, encouraging us to seek wisdom, purpose and faith. Jupiter in Gemini brings major clearing of stuck energy vibes and social butterfly energy. Mercury Retrograde will bring up any unresolved issues from your past. Usually it tends to push to the surface things you need to heal, work through, or let go of. It’s a period of reflection and review.
It’s great energy for wrapping up old projects and getting things done. Your focus should shift from everyone else, back to you. You may feel pulled in many directions right now. That’s because you have so much potential to do anything you want right now. This Mercury Retrograde is the best time to get clear on where you’re headed in life. It’s a good time to reflect on more clarity about your path and where you’re manifesting it to go moving forward. Today Venus is sextile Neptune. Venus and Neptune brings a dreamy vibe to your interactions and relationships. Venus is in Capricorn, and Neptune is in Pisces. Venus in Capricorn is all about long-term goals and stability.
These energies are amazing for bringing your dreams into reality. These energies are amazing for connecting to the spiritual and connecting on a deeper more emotional level in your relationships. Tonight we have a conjunction between the Moon and Venus. That makes today all about love, and self love. Our Sun is also square Saturn. This means you may be facing karmic obstacles that you need to clear. It’s a great space for letting go of old energies right now…
December 6: Mars turns retrograde at Leo 6°10’, 6:33 pm EST.
December 7: Neptune turns direct at Pisces 27°07’, 6:43 pm EST.
In traditional astrology, Mars is the yang principle; energy we direct outward into the world. This is our Warrior. Mars describes how we protect ourselves, and how we get angry. This is how we set boundaries, and how we push through barriers. It is also how we express ourselves creatively and describes our ability to manifest.
Neptune refers to slow, gradual change. Neptune dissolves away present existence: something new then emerges from that dissolution. In our personalities, Neptune describes how connected we are to other dimensions, and to the Divine.
When a planet is stationary, its expression is strong. When two planets are stationary, we definitely feel it. Mars makes things happen; in its shadow, Mars is anger disconnected from purpose. Neptune is inspiration and intuition. In its shadow, Neptune is confusion and delusion.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mars is Set, the Warrior King. Set is complicated; he is both a murderer and a protector. He plays a central role in the Osirian mysteries. Osiris is his brother, and Set is the murderer of Osiris. Neptune is allied with Nephthys – wife of Set and lover of Osiris. When Nephthys becomes pregnant with the child of Osiris (Anubis), she fears that Set – her husband – will kill the child.
Mars turns retrograde every two years for approximately 2½ months. During Mars retrograde periods, forward action slows and manifestation is difficult. With Neptune also stationary, expect a heightened feeling of confusion over the next few days. While manifestation on the Earth plane will be elusive, this is a good time to go inward for contemplation and to connect with your inner guidance.
December 5, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Thursday, December 5th, the bright and beautiful Sun, ruler of our creative potential and self-expression, in expansive Sagittarius is connecting with informative Mercury, the Messenger, in the same sign of the Archer!
The Sun is shining its light upon the active, mental energy of Mercury, who rules thoughts, ideas, logic, reason, perceptions, information, communication, and yes, messages! Pay attention to everything that deals with speaking, writing, learning and teaching. Pay attention to verbal interaction and correspondence coming in, and going out.
Be enthusiastic, idealistic and honest. Free your mind! Look for adventure! Explore the world!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Sun, ruler of our creative potential and self-expression, in expansive Sagittarius is connecting with informative Mercury
Lunar aspects. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius semi-square Pluto in Aquarius. Venus in Capricorn semi-square Saturn in Pisces – The skies are grumbling like low thunder in the distance. The stomach twists and turns as we play hide and seek with our emotions. One minute it’s all under control and ‘I’ve got this’. The next we’re wondering how long we can keep fear at bay before it takes us for a joyride. ‘Try to steer us steady’ says the heart quietly but the mind is ranging around, constantly looking for danger. Don’t fall victim to your own scary stories.
And yet, within these tense patterns are opportunities for success and accomplishment. Doing the job you dislike with grace to the best of your ability is success. Resolutely putting your trust in a higher power or your higher self is success. Challenging your thinking, changing your internal dialogue, playing the long game and detaching from the outcome is success. Success is what you define it to be. The timeline where you achieved your dreams already exists. Follow the clues.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its key words are ‘Integrity, Harmony and Model’. This is the 8th day of the Yellow Seed wavespell, the 6th Portal Day in a row. ‘Galactic’ days have a gentle vibe, everything feels right and it adds calm to whatever day it falls on.
Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play.’ When Monkey happens on a ‘Galactic’ day, you can be assured that monkey’s lessons (which are sometimes harsh)..are gentler in nature. If you strive for harmony, and keep your integrity in check then Monkey will be more than happy to facilitate magical moments.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. Whenever Eagle guides he is showing us the bigger picture, offering Vision. Use what you see to inspire creativity and that will guide you in the right direction.
The Challenge today is Red Dragon, the nurturing energy of the Tzolkin. Monkey is magical and he keeps us very busy and so we neglect to take care of ourselves. Dragon’s offer of nurturing goes unnoticed as we are too busy monkeying around.
The Occult power is the White Dog which symbolizes ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ When in this position Dog shows us that love can be magical. Be affectionate like a puppy today and create some heart magic.
The Ally is Yellow Star who loves ‘Art and Beauty.’ If you wish to restore harmony in your life and find some magic but don’t know how, perhaps you need a friend. If you know a Yellow Star, ask them for support. If you are one, expect to shine like a star today and get noticed for your friendliness.
KIN 151 = 7 MAJIKal code today! KIN 151 has the number 5 in between the number 11 which represents a DOORWAY – and the 5 is LIBERATION… a BRILLIANT 5D gateway on this GAP portal day. We also have a 5 and 7 day code to boot!
All this coupled with a GAP PORTAL day – an accelerated GATEWAY for the LIBERATION of Humanity from the false Matrix…
A SUPER MYSTICAL, DIVINE MAJIKal GAP PORTAL day!! Woweeeee!!! Time to PARTY beloveds..
DAY 6 GAP day Just over halfway mark in our successive GAP journey through the TZOLKIN climbing JACOB’S LADDER .
Day 8 in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of awakening, flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into our Highest potential..
Today is a BRILLIANT DAY of SUPREME MAJIK guided by VISION – a very powerful DUO! KAPOW!!!
It is a day of far-seeing MAJIK through the ALL SEEING EYE! This is PHENOMENAL!!!
Using our EAGLE eyes we are SEEDING the new potentials of our greatest dreams. How FANTASTIC is that???
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Galactic tone kin are very focused on truth, honesty and integrity.
Are your intentions based on HARMONY through integrity of being?
Are you living an AUTHENTIC life?
We need to integrate and imagine a beautiful model for our NEW EARTH of the HIghest potential. Using our CREATIVE MIND to en-VISION it in order to co create more Harmony in our world. Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
HARMONY is the focus of the GALACTIC TONE – and the EQUINOX highlights HARMONY, EQUILIBRIUM and BALANCE – the essentials for NEW EARTH.
Today’s question is “What GREAT VISIONS can I majikally energize, in order to B-Earth our best possible reality, a world filled with PEACE and HARMONY.?” Aho!!!
Divine blessings for the mostest brilliant MAJIKAL visionary day EVER! HALLELUJAH!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 moons ago, last Galactic spin on 20 March 2024 it was EQUINOX…
An event in which day and night are EQUAL on the GLOBE and GAIA rebalances herself!
Very potent majikal RESET time accessible today through the majik of the TZOLKIN.
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY – CHUEN– the MASTER MAGICIAN holds the HIGHEST LEVEL of MAJIK in the DREAMSPELL. on this mystical LIBERATION day… we have great MAJIK POWERS at our disposal today!!!
As we are in the YELLOW SEED wavespell, today we are playing in the gardens and forests, with the fairies, the gnomes, the devas and the elementals that create Earth Majik. They all love to PLAY so make sure you leave them an offering – fairy bread, cup cakes, cream, shiny sparkling things, crystals, windchimes, flowers, fruit, whatever you intuitively feel or sense.
The elementals are SUPER ready and willing to energize your CREATION VORTEX today.
What is THE BEST POSSIBLE LIFE for you? What would that LOOK, FEEL, SMELL and TASTE like?
What would it feel like to have a BLISS filled life?.
Use all of your senses and energize your greatest potential and that for our planet. Chuen reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening through lots of play and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and know your DREAMS really are coming true!.
The GALACTIC Monkey today will expose all the deception and trickery in the false illusions, that is keeping you from claiming your beautiful LIFE.
What agendas and programs are opposing our collective Utopian Dream?
They have no substance or foundation to take form and will COLLAPSE like a house of cards! Only transparency, integrity and authenticity will thrive on the highest timeline.
BLUE MONKEY represents the DIVINE CHILD – and children have a direct connection channeling the TRUTH from Spirit. Children just naturally KNOW, and can sense when people are evil or have bad intentions. Watch the body language of babies and children as they will instinctively pull away from people with negativity in their minds, hearts or aura.
Connect to your INNER CHILD through your HEART portal to deduce the TRUTH of who is your ally and who is your enemy. Bypass your thinking MIND and use your feeling HEART to deduce the DIVINE TRUTH. We all have an inner TRUTH barometer – we just have to practise using it!
Use your innate discretion to find your true path through the smoke and mirrors of the false control matrix. ZERO TOLERANCE for bad juju or monkey business now!!
Find your tribe through their high vibe, and PLAY together to feed your soul!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE MEN.. the Galactic EAGLE brings forth the TRUTH serum today.. with the POWER of project LOOKING GLASS – to look into the future events, and discern which timelines will collapse.
If your VISION aligns with the true DIVINE TIMELINE with which we are merging, then those visions will hold TRUE.
There will be many AHA moments and rapid AWAKENINGS today – HUGE clarity with BLUE EAGLE leading the way as the higher power. This is also known as the HIGHER SELF – position as the GUIDING energy today..
It will be much easier for people to connect with the wisdom of their Higher Selves giving them many solutions and IN-SIGHTS through this potent portal – particularly in the DREAM STATE – where BLUE EAGLE is an expert in delivering the messages – with no resistance.
MEN provides us with a SPECTACULAR gift today for our SPELL CASTING.. The gift of far reaching VISION! To be able to LOOK far into the FUTURE in order to ENVISION our lives as THE BEST possible dream, we can imagine into being. To PLAY with all possibilities, trying them on, and feeling which is the BEST to energize.
Trusting in the VISION that is revealed to us by our higher self, and our heart’s longings of living in the NEW TIME. The new potentials uncovered where our future lies. The VISIONS of the most beautiful utopian realities that we can collectively aim for, in alignment with full integrity, totally transparent for all to exist and blossom in divine harmony.
The GALACTIC EAGLE opens a PORTAL of awareness in the PLANETARY MIND of MEN today (particularly with the GAP energies). This is a superb GIFT of extra-ordinary proportions!!! Today will serve as ANOTHER RESET point for our PLANETARY MIND -collective consciousness. Our collective programs can be transformed, erased and rewritten – hardwiring a new and better operating system for greater HARMONY and UNIFICATION.
These cracks in GAIA’S magnetosphere will cause a CRACK in the old beliefs and outmoded programs – so that more LIGHT can get in.. full expansion through enLIGHT-on-ment beloveds.
The TRUTH may stream forth! The GALACTIC MONKEY will uncover the false dark MAGIC spells, and the GALACTIC EAGLE can SEE behind the curtain, having the POWER to diffuse the lies, showing us the future path to follow…
BE AWARE of more AWAKENINGS and revelations on a GLOBAL scale today through this amazing YELLOW SEED wavespell – HUGE CODES. The false AGENDAS and false narrative will be EXPOSED.
The GALACTIC EAGLE is clearing the path and ALIGNING you with your AUTHENTIC BEST POSSIBLE TIMELINE… in preparedness for the CRYSTAL EAGLE in 4 days time on 9 Dec 2024- which will unite our VISION to anchor the DREAM in our reality.
SUPPORT:YELLOW GALACTIC STAR – LAMAT is our passport to COSMIC ABUNDANCE today, opening the YELLOW DOOR to our beautiful, harmonious and ABUNDANT NEW WORLD. LAMAT is a portal kin within itself, so we have portal upon portal upon GAP upon EQUINOX today… Quadruple MAJIK today.. HUGE OPPORTUNITIES to move through NEW OPENINGS now!
Align your MIND with the pure majikal choices that arise today, in alignment with the Harmonic collective mind. Full alignment of collective MIND in order to manifest the Harmonic matrix of New Earth, filled with profound beauty, joy, peace and harmony..
Be an AMBASSADOR of PEACE, and a wayshower of the NEW TIME. Become the model of HARMONY so that others may follow suit.
Speaking your TRUTH enables you to SHINE and SPARKLE!
Today he guides us to OPEN and MAGNETIZE our HEARTS so that we can MANIFEST the highest form of MAJIK. LOVE’S ALCHEMY!
The RHYTHMIC DOG is the HIDDEN AGENDA behind KIN 151 . How extremely BENEFIC for humanity! The RHYTHMIC tone operates in the PHYSICAL realm and aims to bring BALANCE and EQUILIBRIUM within your physical BODY and environment, as well as GAIA’S body.
Our highest collective timeline is the BLISS UTOPIAN one. The RHYTHMIC DOG is seeking to create balance in our physical environment by organizing for greater BLISS, JOY and PEACE to flow through and fill our world. Hip hip hooray – let the JOY flow through the cracks!
Uniting with the jovial elementals, and our beloved kin folk as we PLAY and ENVISION together. This total acceptance of our planetary kin and uniting together through our pure Heart is the highest form of MAJIK This will ignite our shared visions of this Utopian world, we are co creating with our global family. United in our quest for Universal LOVE and collective ABUNDANCE in a peaceful world.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED GALACTIC DRAGON – IMIX challenges us today to allow this new energy to birth our majikal VISIONS through us. We are in the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON and the DRAGON tribe are being summoned today bearing GIFTS and treasures through this MAJIKAL GAP portal.
We are calling forth our DRAGON KIN who hold the keys and codes to Creation and Abundance, as well as the SOPHIA wisdom codes. . Allow your DRAGON guide to anchor these majikal codes in your new life, feeling fully loved, nurtured and supported in our BLISS filled lives.
Our challenge today is to actually BIRTH our greatest, purest VISIONS that have been revealed, and not get distracted by illusions. We must be mindful of fully utilizing these powerful Creator energies to make our GREAT DREAMS come true, ensuring these DREAMS are for the benefit of one and all.
The GALACTIC DRAGON beckons us to align with TRUTH and the principles of the NEW TIME.
The DRAGON kin are masters of the 5 elements – FIRE, WATER, EARTH AIR and ETHER . They use their power to defeat the dark magicians of this false MATRIX. The DRAGON tribe are strong allies of humanity at this time, with a MISSION to accelerate our VICTORIOUS arrival into the NEW TIME.
Call them in and ASK for assistance, guidance and protection.
Julian Paul Assange is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006. WikiLeaks came to international attention in 2010 when it published a series of leaks provided by U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning.
These leaks included the Collateral Murder video (April 2010),[6][7] the Afghanistan war logs (July 2010), the Iraq war logs (October 2010), and CableGate (November 2010). After the 2010 leaks, the United States government launched a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks.[8] Wikipedia
Julian is a BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY – and his MISSION is to reveal the illusion of the Matrix, the deception behind the smokescreen, the cloak and daggers. He demands full transparency, truth and integrity from governments through his GALACTIC tone. He is holding them to account for their misdeeds.
Julian’s surname is ASSANGE – AS SAGE!!! Broadcasting his mission as a WISDOM KEEPER – He is a SAGE – a very WISE man – speaking TRUTH and exposing deception.
Julian holds the BIG VISION of a Utopian world deep in his PURE HEART, knowing that our future depends on full transparency and honesty… In order to b-earth this New Earth free from corruption, lies, bias and oppression Julian has bravely called these perpetrators to task, as he can SEE the TRUTH and smell a lie – like a bloodhound!
Sadly as a whistleblower in the old matrix he became the hunted, as he is a threat to their corrupt empire… Julian’s superpower is the White Rhythmic Dog, modelling loyalty and unconditional love, acting from a place of TRUTH within his pure desire for LOVE, to unify mankind.
Often the White Dog attracts betrayal, deception and ostracism as a life lesson, and Julian certainly has experienced that. He has become David, battling Goliath, but his heart remains pure, his conscience clear and his VISION is that of a world where citizens have FREE SPEECH. The right to express our views, where we are all FREE and LIBERATED, living together harmoniously in a PEACE filled world.
Julian has been awarded many honours for his actions including the Stuttgart Peace Prize in 2020 – This is an annual award to people or projects involved “in a special way for peace, justice and world solidarity”. A well deserved recipient indeed!
Indeed JULIAN epitomizes the qualities of KIN 151 – breaking through the ILLUSIONS of the false matrix and modeling integrity with the higher principles of TRUTH and HARMONY… this is the energy driving the GALACTIC MONKEY.
PRAYERS and DIVINE GRATITUDE to all the WHISTLEBLOWERS, and those brave souls, like Julian Assange, who have sacrificed their lives in the name of TRUTH, JUSTICE and forging the path to a better world.
May all WHISTLEBLOWERS and TRUTH advocates be DIVINELY protected, honoured and FREED during this GREAT AWAKENING process!
HOLD THE VISION of a beautiful, peace filled and abundant world where we are all FREE to express and create our true HEART’S DESIRES.
A great day for VISION BOARDS, listing your desires, spell casting, rituals, affirmations, mantras and holding PEACE in your HEART and MIND.
Today’s question is “What GREAT VISIONS can I majikally energize, in order to B-Earth our best possible reality, a world filled with PEACE and HARMONY.?” Aho!!!
Divine blessings for the mostest brilliant MAJIKAL visionary day EVER! HALLELUJAH!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 1st through 7th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Sagittarius
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Invocation to Christ for the Dissolution of Low Vibration Holograms
Beloved Cosmic Christ,
Fountain of Light, Love and Truth.
I invoke Your Divine Presence right now,
For in His infinite compassion and power,
Undress and dissolve all holograms ,
All illusions and energy structures,
Which sustain pain, fear, lies and suffering,
And all that vibrates beneath Unconditional Love.
May Your light shine in all corners,
Purifying my essence, my path,
And all the realities in which my conscience manifests itself.
May the Supreme Truth prevail,
And let every heart be bathed in Divine Love,
Going beyond all limitations,
And anchoring peace, harmony and unity as a whole.
That’s how it is, that’s how it shall be,
And so it stays for eternity.
Invocation to Christ for the Dissolution of Low Vibration Holograms
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