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Flow of Creation ~ STARGATES OF LIGHT ~ Expand Your Vision * Divine Intervention ~ EMBRACE THE TEACHING OF THE PLEIADIANS

Flow of Creation ~ STARGATES OF LIGHT ~ Expand Your Vision * Divine Intervention ~ EMBRACE THE TEACHING OF THE PLEIADIANS



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sacred Star Blissed Warriors of the New Jerusalem

In our True Nature we realize the impermanence of the temporal world of the illusion and step into the Eternal Sacred Self of Pure Bliss Consciousness to free ourselves and all Sentient Beings from the false wheels of Samsara of Maya and Return to our Innocence as Children of the Great Spirit.

The meek are inheriting the Earth, in this Now, as Guardians and Caretakers of Gaia Galactics. The Spiral of Life flows through our Sacred Vessels and in the Holographic Nature of the Universe, as One is the Many and the many is the One, we merge all existence through all dimensions and timelines into this One True Ascension Timeline to complete our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation.

As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we fear no evil for we understand with our Awakened Mind of Buddha that evil exists only in the Mind of Man. It is our beliefs and perceptions in the illusion that makes it  seem “real” to our deceived senses and how we percieve the world.  No longer look outside yourself for Truth but seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven within. Let it all go, release all burdens and fly free as Etheric Angels of the New Eden.

Remember now, “nothing is as it seems , nor is it otherwise.” This is the riddle of the matrix that can only be solved by our True Self at one with the Great Mystery, Wakan Tanka.

From the very first Not a Thing is (Mu) and it is in the Original Mind of the First Sound and Light that we remember and become whole again to live our Divine Destiny in alignment with our True North and allow our Divine Dispensations to flow freely to all our Good People of the New Earth.

As we make our Way through the Portal of Eternity we step over the threshold and bridge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Centers… A’Ho!











If JOY ever lies outside – it lies in Gaia’s nature, her pristine beauty, her softness, her blossoms, in her iridescence!
beauty lies in God as the Beholder
A New Day Has dawned
A New Day Has dawned


Divine intervention was required to prevent the destruction of our DNA
Much is occurring behind the scenes
What needs looking after is being looked after
We have reached critical mass
Together we have cleared all lifetimes
There is no going back
It is Done
A New Day Has dawned
All that remains is for each to clear trauma wounds fear limiting beliefs programs distortion density still being held within the vessel
Once cleared all becomes crystal clear
Many in final stages of embodiment
Many Awakening
Many coming together to rebuild aNew on a solid foundation of pure unconditional love in service to the highest good of all
We are free to fully love and live again
All you are seeking is already within
Ascension is wired into your DNA…Tap In
Question everything we have been programmed to believe
Your heart knows the truth when you feel it Feel your way
Let go and glow
Divine intervention
Divine intervention

Grandma Chandra

Expand Your Vision

This is not about looking back. The key is to expand your vision. Not only your front vision but also your peripheral vision. A lot of things will be happening at the edge of your eyes. You will not see through the front vision, but you will notice vision from the side or very edge of your eyes. You will be able to recognize this vision and bring it into your consciousness.
This will give you a bigger spectrum of what you can see and notice including the fairy kingdoms, gnomes and the elemental kingdoms. These energies are becoming much more noticeable. They are taking more space in your energetic vision. They are becoming more present in your reality. I am very excited about this!
Different frequencies of the waves of light are all around you. You are becoming more aware of the different energetic wave characteristics. Start to apply this knowledge about the wave, light and the energetic structure of your world to your living. Start more and more living physically in 3D and at the same time living in a world with more frequencies, feeling, and touching. Use them for your light and for your manifestation.
God’s creation life prevails. This expansion of life, this understanding of the beauty of life is that you are going forward. Every time when your planet and solar system is moving into the new vibration, into the new field, into the new particle flow, that is what brings you the new feeling of the different worlds that is changing together with Gaia, including the solar system and the whole galaxy. Acknowledge that you are part of this flow of life and flow of creation.
Hugs and love to all of you,
Flow of Creation
Flow of Creation
9/28/24: September will soon release you but you can’t forget how it showed you your own power. Power that, whether you claim it or not, will speak for you for a long time. That will forevermore reveal itself in your choices and actions, your character and qualities, and your motives and mindset. That tells your story before you ever say a word. That declares your presence and draws to you those who resonate with you… and unnerves those who don’t.
But it’s not your power that today is concerned with. It‘s how that power is wielded. Self-mastery has been the true underlying goal of 2024 and that’s what today and all of October will focus on. Because self-mastery is the wizard with the wand… the alchemist… the presence through which Presence flows.
Presence flows
Presence flows

Karl Sébastien


The world is on the threshold of an unprecedented transition.
On September 29, 2024 a second moon will appear in the night sky, an astonishing astronomical event that will serve as the last warning to humanity.
This unprecedented moon is not a mere physical phenomenon, but a sign of a profound and imminent shift that will redefine the collective consciousness.
For months, the Universe has been sending warning signs of this imminent transformation. Rare astronomical events, such as the mysterious appearance of additional suns, have attracted the public’s attention, preparing spirits for the arrival of this second moon.
This extraordinary cosmic event marks a turning point in human history, a moment when every soul is called upon to awaken and align with the energies of change.
The second moon is not an isolated phenomenon, but the culmination of a symphony of events orchestrated by the Universe.
Every celestial sign, every synchronicity, every subtle change in the air we breathe, pushes us to prepare for an important transition. We are on the verge of a tipping point, at the “11th hour” of a cosmic cycle that is closing to make way for a New Era of Consciousness.
For those who have been able to hear the whispers of the Universe, this transformation is no surprise. For years, the warning signs have multiplied, urging us to wake up, raise our vibration and align with the energies of change. But now the signs are no longer subtle. They sound like cosmic alarms, reminding us that time is running out.
Before this deadline, the Universe is offering us one last chance to prepare. Meditation, mindfulness, letting go of fears and limitations: all of these tools can help us Align with the Higher Frequencies ahead.
Because the choice is clear: we either embrace the emerging New World, or we remain rooted in the Old, doomed to see our reality crumble around us. The topic is not just individual, but collective.
Each Awakening Soul contributes to the elevation of Global Consciousness, paving the way for a harmonious transition to an Era of Love, Unity, and Mutual Understanding.
Together, we can create a reality that reflects our highest ideals, but that requires us to take responsibility. As the second moon prepares to illuminate our skies, the Universe is calling us to action. The time has come to let go of the past, embrace change, and resolutely embark on the path of Collective Evolution.
Because the future of humanity depends on our choices and our ability to respond to this so-called Cosmic.
Copyright ©
Digital Writer Creator
Karl Sébastien


As much as the Shift is moving us further into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, so much is and will surface, which now finally needs to be released, in old negative patterns we ever created with other souls through multiple lifetimes.
I am talking here in a group context, for many of us, were often involved in mystery schools, in certain groupings of soul who incarnated time and again to hold the light sready for humankind during times of intense darkness, as well into context of what happened to those groups, souls within, and often persecution as well.
Sometimes these traumas or whatever happened are so deeply buried, that no matter how much inner work we have done, they will now surface, as the truth surfaces and so much of the old dismantled. You have had soul contracts with all the souls you have met in this lifetime to meet again this time round, so that can finalky heal, in the deepest sense.
I had such an experience last night as the medical units of the Intergalactic Fleet and Ascended Masters erc. were working in a specific manner, on anarea I had asked for healing in particular. I was taken to multiple lifetimes, with the same roleplayers and then saw clearly what had happened in a particular lifetime, between the same group and souls. As this was finally forgiven and released, a lot of jigsaw puzzle pieces started falling into place, as well as a deeper understanding of the way opening now for the transcendence of all and into the New Golden Age. I had tears of awe and gratitude.
We will find this happening in the collective now, as we are confronted with old patterns which no longer serve us and which we finally collectively now let go of, as we then are ready to step into the new, as one.
Always through forgiveness and love
7th dimensional state
7th dimensional state


Dear friends, we are now fully immersed in the Eclipse Passageway energies, which started flowing in on September 17 with the lunar eclipse and will last until around October 2-4 when the ring of fire solar eclipse will take place during the upcoming new moon.
We are all undergoing deep transformations at many different levels right now. Our energy fields are being stirred, cleansed, modified, energized, and reorganized by the lightcodes we have been receiving throughout this eclipse passageway, and will continue affecting us until the end of the year.
All these inner and outer changes have one thing in common: bringing us closer to our true divine self. We are leaving behind outdated limiting belief systems and structures that have been acting as barriers to our full self-expression. We are moving towards a more authentic, loving, and compassionate way of being, individually and collectively. But to do so, we need to relearn to love ourselves unconditionally first, to love our divine core, to love our true colors.
Indeed, the individual evolutionary changes can take a while to manifest globally, however, every step each of us takes in the direction of our own personal evolutionary journey is what really counts and what will eventually manifest the global changes.
It’s time to embrace your uniqueness, to own your “weirdness”. To let the world see who you really are. To reveal your multifaceted, multidimensional nature. And not to dim your light according to who is in your presence.
Please remember you are not for everyone… and that is okay. Don’t spend precious time and gifts trying to convince others of your value when they won’t ever resonate with you. Don’t try to convince them to walk alongside you. This could create friction and will likely inflict unnecessary wounds that will take precious time to heal. Politely wave them on and continue on your way. Keep facing your true north, and keep shining your true light brightly for those who are able to rejoice in it.
Take it easy these days if your body asks for some rest. Those of you who are energy sensitives can definitely feel the physical and emotional inner changes taking place almost on a daily basis. As I mentioned, our bodies are leaving behind old energetic structures from the very deep layers of our being.
The nervous system is the most sensitive area of our body at the moment. The nervous system is releasing lots of painful karmic memories which may generate all sorts of physical symptoms. Mild dizziness, eye and ear issues, fatigue, joint pains, and a need to just be by yourself. Remember to practice grounding, heart reconnection, and to stay hydrated to assist the flow of information (old and new) within your body.
Last but not least, the comet Tsuchinan-Atlas is also paying a near-Earth visit these days. The comet will be at its brightest as it approaches perihelion, its closest approach to our Sun in its 80,000 year orbit.
Comets are traditionally viewed as harbingers of new beginnings, prompting introspection and shifts in personal or collective consciousness. As it approaches perihelion on September 27–30, its brightness is illuminating a more heightened awareness and new opportunities for growth.
Fasten your seat belts friends, and allow those amazing true colors of your divine essence shine brightly from your heart. Have a wonderful and hopeful day. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Crystalline Light Body Activations
Crystalline Light Body Activations

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Crystalline Light Body Activations : The Crystalline Light Body in the human is based in the metaphysical Structure. It is the higher potential energy-based existence beyond the physical self and human body. It is the full embodiment of a heightened source consciousness, the spiritual awakening into an interconnected state of being .
It is Associated with energy centers (chakras) it is responsible for creating balance, alignment , self healing, and full transformation. The light body’s function is activated during conscious ascension in human form . It is the embodiment of spiritual evolution , mastery and higher self-actualisation .
The human energy field is made up of several layers. The etheric body , mental body, astral body, and emotional body. the metaphysical aspects of the crystalline light body. Beyond these earth densities and in higher ascension awareness the crystalline frequencies activate in the physical form .
Building The Crystalline Light Body at the current collective ascension stage the ascending can hold up to 80 per cent of light in their cells, yet still inhabit a physical body . The planet’s level of ascension has greatly increased and Earths harmonics are now rapidly changing and evolving .
Over the next 20 years and more , as this crystalline Ascension matrix is established within the Earth, Ascending souls will start to notice many more physical changes in their human body that attuned them to the Earth’s planetary ascension energies.
When the crystalline light body is in the process of activation, as many ascending are now experiencing, the physical body will Eventually not need as much food. Fuel source is Light , metabolised in the physical as a source of body fuel. The ascending have the abilities to tune in to and absorb the light and healing of the Great Central Sun.
As the Ascending move further into these ascended and elevated earth energies, the physical body will expand into higher frequencies . Physically many will change shape over time . The metaphysical human being over time will eventually develop longer heads similar to the Atlanteans and ancient Egyptians , this is for the enlarged and expanded brain structure connecting to the energy of the expansion in the crown chakra.
Evolution in the physical human will eventually result in the template being taller and thinner. Operating consciously in the etheric realms , their frequencies will operate at much higher dimensional levels .
The crystalline light body will be activated and completely managed by the 12 fifth-dimensional chakras. walking the earth as masters, the ascending in future timelines will have full access to source light energy maintaining the self in best health and optimum condition.
Once the crystalline light body is activated, sincere practices in unconditional love are necessary to maintain the elevation in the light body to the conscious state . The crystalline body is the result of maintaining a constant frequency of unconditional love. Having healed every wound, purified every thought, and released every judgment, the Light body will ignite and activate .
“The return of Christ consciousness: The greatest man in history had no servants yet they called him Master had no degree yet they called him Teacher had no medicines yet they called him Healer. He had no army yet kings feared him, he won no military battles yet he conquered the world. He did not live in a castle yet they called him Lord he ruled no nations yet they called him King.
He committed no crime yet they crucified him. He was buried in a tomb yet he lives on today. His kingdom is not of this world yet it resides in the hearts of those that believe. He spoke of love and forgiveness, and his words have transformed millions. He offers no material wealth yet we consider him the treasurer of our lives.
He promises no earthly power, yet in his name the powerless have found strength. Though he left no written words, his message has filled countless pages. In times of weakness we find his strength, in his suffering we found our salvation. He continues to invite us into a story of redemption, love, and eternal life. Yeshua, the representation of the Christ within, the incarnated version of Source love and pure divinity. “Author Unknown “
The Christ consciousness is a higher self state of being and vibration that allows the ascending to achieve and attain enlightenment..Yeshua the Christ and the Buddha ascended in this higher human form on earth , when the density in planet earth was far lower in collective conscious vibrations than the energies of today, this however did not prevent them from achieving this highest state of potential expressing it self in the human being and form . This is the authentic Expression of the Metaphysical self .
In their perfection of the human, they became the reflection and example of God Creator love source and were examples for humanity to reach this higher frequency and potential in the self . The teachings of both These masters are true examples for humanity in illuminating the path for self and others to follow. Neither of them were looking for followers , they were seeking leaders to reflect and express this higher self reality into the world .
Ascension is the attainment and attunement of full cosmic consciousness. The activation of the crystalline body represents the highest level of the human body and function .This activation’s purpose is to hold higher frequencies .
Mastery of the physical form and understanding of the light body teachings are a big part for ascending humanity. The Human being is far more than a physical being. The Metaphysical self is made up of manifestations of a vast universe beyond human perceptions and limited understanding.
In Loving and Devoted Ascension service
by Ascension LightWorkers ©️


For The Light Body Is Now Activating 💥
The Light Synthesis Of Every Being Is Uprising In Light.
We Ask You To Visualise Each Being Like A Star Gate Of Light.
To Contemplate The Activation Point Of This Now Moment 🙏
The Synthesis Of NOW is A Real Light Projectory Moving Simulatenously NOW.
For All Beings Are Activating In Light 🌿
The Quantum Awakening Of Your Light Role Is Now Expanding 🙏
SEE and FEEL The Great Shift In Your World
For The Uprising Of Light Is The Dominant Light Cycle Filtrating Through Your Light Realm.
The Path Of Light For The Awakened Soul Is A Natural Light Progression.
Simply BE In The Light of Now 🌿
UpRising In Light 💥
Sending Waves of Cosmic Love
New Earth Light Alliance
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Did you know that Women are the Original Shamans?

Shamanism originally was the domain of women that embodied the role of the Divine Mother. Female Shamans served with healing, birthing children, food, community, presiding over rites of passage, teaching, ministering, communing with Mother Earth, and prophecy.

We are witnessing a resurgence of women’s role in Shamanism once again for Divine Feminine Christ Leadership in the Age of Aquarius.

Females have natural intuitive access to different states of consciousness.

In early shamanic practices, it was believed that the ability to menstruate gave Female Shamans the portal gateway into the Quantum Field.

Regardless, the role of Feminine Energy in Shamanism is historically well-documented that Females are the original Shamans.

Female Shamans have a high emotional intelligence, focus on balancing, alchemizing, and healing.

Their natural connection with Mother Earth and her medicine reinforces the Female Shaman’s abilities to heal through the Divine Feminine frequencies, energies, and tools available.

Additional Female Shamans can more easily access the gifts of prophecy, intuition, vision dreaming, and quests.

Shamanism in our blood. It’s connected to our past lives. It’s waking up from within for this next wave of Female Shamanic Healers, Wayshowers, Teachers, and Leaders.

🪶 Do you feel the Shaman in you is revealing herself?

Women are the Original Shamans
Women are the Original Shamans


Sean Caulfield

The Solar Eclipse on Wednesday 2nd Oct is bringing a time of profound change and new beginnings…taking time through a powerful event horizon portal of transcendence, we are past the point of return, the old self sabotaging insensitive non sacred way of living will no longer support us, we are in the new large 12.8 year Trecena cycle since 21 Aug 2024(see previous writing), this is indicative of a completion and a new beginning of a new understanding of sacred direction for the Soul, that as we will support the heart centred mind to give itself inner happiness and peace…..
…the SOURCE Fire of Time of Creation is gradually evolving it’s consciousness through an event horizon, so as to free the soul of all its vices, and the 9th Wave is our guide, because it transcends the duality of separation, this is what the Universal timing codes hidden in the Mayan calendar show us, and they show us that Creation is evolving itself to a Divine schedule, to ultimately transcend the last shadows of itself…
…the Divine Timing frequencies of Cosmic EVOLUTION have accelerated our consciousness to Light Speed, bringing the time we are in to a place of no time, where time cannot grip into us and control our mind like before, hence the nucleus of time is at a still point of inner stability, enabling the inner core LIGHT of time to transmute and transcend all outer limitations and hatch itself in truth to itself, and heal the soul with the harmonics of the highest Cosmic SOURCE vibration of pure infinite Love….
….it is like a condensing effect that Creation is sacredly taking itself through and Divinely vaporising the imbalance caused by past limits to ascend its consciousness as ONE HEART unto itself on an individual and collective level…
…this is the ASCENSION process Earth is in now, it is vertical, gradually aligning heart(south/Condor) and mind(north/Eagle) as one resonance of sacred communication of Universal Source memory…
…like the prophecy says the Phoenix will rise from the ashes(memory), we are here now in 2024/25, rising and vibrating on a higher more condensed and flawless pure light frequency…
…to be in resonance we must trust ourselves to let go, jump, have faith in our Creator…..and surrender all our shadows of self doubt into the FIRE OF DIVINE TIME, and be internally centred in the hearts sacred certainty of inner PEACE…
…weather we are conscious or not Earth Mother is activating our consciousness to awaken itself to the truth, to see all that is hidden in plain sight and to course correct the destiny of the soul, yet because we have free will and choice it is only all potential…
…it is time to choose to dream wisely, transcend what we have conditioned ourselves by and reclaim the lost and scattered aspects of our soul….
…all the chaos and resistance we see in the world is exactly this, it is the awakened human spirit gathering it’s courage to stand up against the forces of control that have been conditioning it with arrows of intention that continually manipulate and suppress us from being free….
…all humanity wants is it’s freedom, freedom is its gold…
I am conscious and free…
…I transcend the duality of separation to create Universal Peace within me…
…I am a Portal of Cosmic truth…
…it is all the within game that only we no ourselves in relation to, only you know what is blocking you from being free…
…we know if our conscience is not clear we are blocking our path from being in resonance with the hearts truth, we are holding flaws in our mind if we are not living true to our heart, if our mind is flawed our soul can’t heal itself properly, and our ASCENSION is challenged, if we are living in a constant state of challenge and denial we are not free…
…I choose to dream wisely and transform all my challenges into the gift of a clear conscience…
..things feel floaty and smooth, we are travelling faster than the mind can think, the acceleration of Universal time has activated the mind to live in the heart, the heart is our guide pulling our mind and soul to live true to its Creator…
In gratitude and acknowledgment I offer corn and tobacco to Creation…A’ho…
………… I complete this channel of Light communication…….on the 9th Wave timing frequency we shift into the 138th NIGHT on 26 Sept 2024, 11-Earth…11 creates clarity(flowering), Earth is movement, intellectual impulses, wisdom, shifts to bring change through the heart of Earth’s natural rhythms…
…in the new 18 day cycle the Sun sets in the west, shifting consciousness into the NIGHT of the 9th Wave, in this highest most condensed frequency time goes within to rest and heal the soul….see the 9th Wave calculator –
…each 18 days can be seen to align to a large scale of time, hence since the beginning of this large Trecena we are in the 3rd 18 days from today, which aligns to 3-Akabal/Night, looks within to activate its growth, recreates unity through dampened worldly ambitions…the balance of light and dark transcends the immature incomplete imprints of duality…
beauty lies in God as the Beholder
beauty lies in God as the Beholder
The energies over the weekend are ‘priming’ next week’s Solar Eclipse in Libra (Oct 2) as both the Sun and Mercury join the Moon’s south node in Libra and as Mars in Cancer forms a trine to Saturn in Pisces.
Facing and transforming old patterns in our relationships will be a strong theme over the coming months following the eclipse and right now we may find ourselves in situations where habitual thought patterns and communication dynamics present themselves in our interactions.
By being conscious of our behaviors and the emotional undertones that ‘drive’ these unconscious responses, we are not only giving ourselves a ‘head start’ in this process but we are also providing ourselves with an opportunity to experience the ‘karmic’ emotional momentum behind these responses…
And while we may be tempted into self-criticism or even self-pity as we realize that we have had a hand in creating certain experiences that we have not enjoyed, taking ‘responsibility’ for our self-protective ‘programming’ is the first step toward re-wiring our behaviors toward healthier responses and, thereby, more pleasant experiences!
But, will we go THERE? If we do, growth awaits.
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
Venus in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Jupiter in Gemini – I should be happy with my lot. I should be happy with you. I should be happy with this salary. I should be happy…
Venus sinks deeper and deeper into Scorpio’s inky waters, searching for gold, for love, for anything and everything to chase away fear. And we too might find ourselves doing the same, scrabbling to find answers, descending into a dark place because somehow whatever we have, whatever we share, it isn’t enough. The urge towards excess looms large with this aspect and under this influence it’s easy to fritter away money, easy to fall into toxic comparison, easy to underestimate the value of what is already in our hands.
Take a breath. Look at your surroundings. You have been blessed with air to breathe, the seat you sit upon, the device that allows you to read these words. Thank your hands for their ability to touch, your mouth for its ability to taste and kiss, your heart for its ability to hold love as vast as the universe. Expand your heart. Love and faith are the buoys that keeps you afloat.
Degrees and Times
Venus 06°Sc07′, Jupiter 21°Ge07′ – 04:25 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Water. The Bather by Frantisek Kupka
Water. The Bather
Water. The Bather



Kin 83 ~ Blue Overtone Night

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of any wavespell is always intense but in a good way. There’s a lot of energy involved and it can wear you out by the end of the day. If you want to make the most of it, raise your aim and don’t underestimate your own power. This special number gives a great boost to whatever day it combines with. It is also the same color as the first day and this links the energies. We are riding the Storm currently and on this 5th day, we see the Storm intensify. It’s quite the ride.
Today is Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams, Abundance and Intuition’. The Blue Night has a huge imagination but he must wake up to make any dreams come true. On an empowering day like this, your dreams have a greater chance of being realized. So, be inspired by your dreams and wake up to the possibilities! Believe in abundance and it will come to you.
The Guide for today is the Blue Monkey! The Monkey is magical and if you believe in magic, this will help your dreams come true but first the Monkey asks you to consider which dreams are illusions and which dreams have a realistic chance to come true. This is most helpful. Choose wisely and be a clever monkey.
The Challenge today is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin and its keywords are ‘Explore, Space and WAKEFULNESS’. The Skywalker challenges the Blue Night to ‘wake up’ but the Blue Night wants to carry on dreaming and is reluctant to leave the comforts of his bed. The Skywalker wants to go on an adventure today but is frustrated by Blue Night’s energy. Ironically though they need each other. Skywalker wouldn’t know where to go for an adventure, if Blue Night didn’t have the big imagination…someone has to dream it up.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. When in this magical position the Mirror shows that understanding the truth about magic is what it takes to make dreams come true. Also, just like the Monkey guide is telling us to be careful of illusion, the Mirror too is concerned today that you see the truth about which dream is realistic and which one is just fantasy.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior who loves nothing more than to go on a quest, and Blue Night is lucky to have such a good Ally. The Warrior can lead the way, so the dreamer doesn’t get lost! If you need help with your dreams today, find a Warrior to point you in the right direction. If you don’t know one, be like a Warrior and excerpt your willpower. That will get you results.
Kin 83
Kin 83


5 AKBAL – KIN 83
I EMPOWER in order to DREAM
Commanding Intuition
I seal the input of Abundance
With the Overtone tone of Radiance
I AM guided by the power of Majik!
28/9/2024 = 10/9/8 = 1/17=1/8=9
✨1-9 ALPHA to OMEGA✨
28- Planning for future success
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 83 = 11 = 2 11- Portal/Gate/Polarity
2 – Partnership/Cooperation
Huge PORTALS opening to the DREAMTIME today! 🚪🚪🚪
New beginnings and opportunities in your LIFE PATH.. how exciting!
A very majikal, mystical day for uncovering what has been deeply hidden, in order to step through the doorway and AWAKEN the DREAM of COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE.💰🌻🍇🌈
Day 5 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. This is the day we transform and COMMAND our natural collective abundance as we….
OVERTONE 🎆 Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance.
5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones COMMAND the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power. The OVERTONE POWER🦁👑 is fully charged and – energizing our solar plexus chakra, for us to take COMMAND of our birthright.
The 5th day of the BLUE STORM Wavespell is the one that empowers.👑 When we give ourselves permission to receive and feel worthy and abundant, we transform!
❓❓❓Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to transform, in order to feel empowered? Command your RADIANCE and empower your greatest DREAMS – radiantly spreading your golden LIGHT! ✨🌞
EXPLORE the multitude of opportunities that arise, leading you down new pathways of discovery, in the realization of your DREAMS!
Today’s question is “What DREAMS can I EMPOWER 👑 today, opening the floodgates to unlimited ABUNDANCE?”💰🌻🍀
Divine blessings for all your GREAT DREAMS, to come true!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
🎼The future’s in the air.
I can feel it everywhere,✨
Blowing with the wind of change. 🎶
🎼Take me to the MAJIK of the moment,
on a glory NIGHT,
Where the children of tomorrow,
DREAM away,
In the wind of change.🎶
SCORPIONS, Wind of Change. 🌬🍃
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE NIGHT☀👑 🌃💰 AKBAL is the Keeper of the New Way Dreaming. The custodian who holds the keys to unlock the doors to collective ABUNDANCE. AKBAL encodes the power of DREAMING, that comes from trusting our intuition, to lead us to the natural flow of abundance.
DIVINE GRATITUDE 🙏❤🙏❤🙏to Beloved Blue Rhythmic Monkey -SISTAR Vasumi Zjikaa – who brilliantly narrates this dream
“Today is the 5th day of the cycle of CHANGE…🌀🌀🌀 The power of change is born from our DREAMS… The dreaming that is aligned with the dreaming or spell of our planet, anchored in the crystal core of our Mother Earth…
This dreaming or contract being ‘ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS’🎆💰🐬🌴❤🎆
Every in-tuition and potent prophetic dream is born of this Dream-Spell that we all carry, however conscious or unconscious we are of it, however deeply we hold our heads in the sand of the collective amnesia, that has been overlaid upon us for the last few thousand years at least…
Today as Overtone Night, guided by the Blue Monkey, we EMPOWER the DREAMING, 👑☀😴💤 by trusting in the ABUNDANCE of MAJIK 💫that is occuring, bringing powerful change in its wake. Because we KNOW it is ENCODED to happen, it is written as part of the DREAM-spell.
And until that time, we are all compelled to keep on with our missions and fearlessly participate, following our in-tuition and living our dreams powerfully, radiantly and remembering to TAKE COMMAND 👑☀ both IN and of the DREAM” ❤🌴🐬💰🌃💞
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE MONKEY 👑🐒– CHUEN the OVERTONE Monkey is the higher POWER today – bringing forth RADIANT MAJIK💫 to COMMAND our desires into being. 💫💫
CHUEN provides the MAJIK💫 to make our DREAMS come TRUE! ✨
In order to become EMPOWERED ☀👑 we must return to the PURITY and innocence of our DIVINE CHILD👶 which the BLUE STORM is enabling. Purifying our essence to reclaim our Divinity and soul essence as the RADIANT 🌞 beings that we are in our core.
We are connecting with our DIVINE CHILD👶 and remembering our childhood DREAMS 👶💤– those desires that were seeded within our DNA to create the DIVINE PLAN through our incarnation. Those DREAMS that you longed to create, through the inner knowingness, this is why you came to EARTH!
❤🎵🎶Use your intuition today, to tune in to WHAT it is that makes your HEART❤ SING,💓 🎶🎵🎶
All the inner DREAMS, desires and grandiose ideas that fuel your passion. Reconnect with your codings and COMMAND them into existence with your Majik wand!💫
✨✨✨KIN 83 very powerfully ACTiVATES the DIVINE PLAN🕊👑 of ABUNDANCE for ALL beings on Planet Earth. 💰🌻🍇🌈🌹🌍🌎🌏
This WILL be realized through the Divine income plan for MAN-KIND and redistribution of WEALTH to WE THE PEOPLE!!! Hold this intention today, energize it with your MAJIK and COMMAND it into being NOW!!💫💰💫
SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE WARRIOR☀👑 🌈🏹 CIB gives us the courage today to face our FEARS of lack and unworthiness, for realizing our ultimate DREAM, and receiving the ABUNDANCE and rewards that we so richly deserve.
BLUE NIGHT is a portal to your subconscious and the collective unconscious, so dive deep today and face what arises. BLUE STORM is bringing up these FEARS for purification and transformation to facilitate your E-volution.
✨CIB gives us the POWER 👑☀ to believe in our DREAMS and GO FOR IT!✨
YELLOW WARRIOR also gives us the power to FEARLESSLY QUESTION what is inadequate, and does not support the collective welfare, and plan for Planetary Abundance.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 will fearlessly defend the collective DREAM,😴💤 until it is made manifest on the Earth plane, and their collective Rainbow Mission is achieved. 🌈🌍🌈🌎🌈🌏
It is absolutely PERFECTO that the OVERTONE WARRIOR is the supporting energy today, as this is WHY the RAINBOW WARRIORS incarnated on EARTH…
You may find yourself CHALLENGING what is, in order to bring forth the new better ABUNDANCE FLOW for all of humanity.
OVERTONE WARRIORS ☀👑🏹 possess incredible FEARLESS energy, as Divine Crusaders, catalyzing the power of the DREAMING of a transformed reality here on Earth, where ABUNDANCE for all beings shall be! Should we choose fearlessly to take command!
🏹🏹NOTE: KIN 96 – The OVERTONE WARRIOR👑🗡🏹🎆 is the Solar seal in 13 days TIME, on 11 OCTOBER 2024.
MARK this powerful day on your calendar 🗒📆– because JUSTICE is coming, the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is ours!💥✨
KIN 96 occurred 45 moons ago on 20 March, 2021 – which was the day of the global UPRISING for FREEDOM💥 and SOVEREIGNTY 👑a gainst the oppressive patriarchal control. This is also a G.A.P. portal 💥 day which will FUEL the POWER of this monumental day!
Ultimately the RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 are UNITING in their UNIVERSAL QUEST to bring equality, liberty and ABUNDANCE to our Global family.
The momentum is building dear beloveds. Hallelujah!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR MIRROR ☀🔎 ETZNAB allows us to realize the TRUTH of what is, and what presents today. Seeing with extra CLARITY beyond the smoke and mirrors that the MONKEY projects!
Today’s 83=11 KIN code amplifies the energies of WHITE MIRROR – guided by the higher power of the BLUE MONKEY (tribe #11) the master of ILLUSION – you will need to keep your EYES open and use your discretion to uncover the TRUTH.
❓❓What illusions and falsities have clouded our minds, and obstructed our path to receiving endless abundance?.
The STORM will clear the FEARS, insecurities and scare -city beliefs revealed by the MIRROR!
The SOLAR MIRROR will reveal that the SUN☀ is the true SOURCE of ABUNDANCE and all LIFE.. pulsing forth the great LIGHT that is needed for our Soul-ar evolution and growth.
The SOLAR MIRROR☀🔎 will pulse forth RADIANT LIGHT codes, ILLUMINATING the density. This highlights what needs to be magnified and energized, in order to realize our intention, for commanding our DREAMS into be-ing.
The WHITE MIRROR reveals that endless DIVINE COSMIC ABUNDANCE is available for all of us, EQUALLY on this PLANET of plenty.
Connecting to the possibility of our UNLIMITED POTENTIAL to create, and receive this INFINITE ABUNDANCE from the multiverse! Expanding our creation throughout the realms of the Cosmos,🍥🍥🍥 and being the bridge to anchor the pillars of Heaven on Earth, – commanding the BLISS 💞 codes in our everyday existence.
EXPLORE the multitude of opportunities that arise, leading you down new pathways of discovery, in the realization of your DREAMS!
Today’s question is “What DREAMS can I EMPOWER 👑 today, opening the floodgates to unlimited ABUNDANCE?”💰🌻🍀
Divine blessings for all your GREAT DREAMS, to come true!
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon: Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥



🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to for the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation



This invocation is at the request of the Light Beings of the Violet Cosmic Lightning at these crucial moments that is crossing the Earth 🌏.
Now; Breathe in, inhale, exhale x 3 times and say:
I, invoke God Father/Mother and the Light Beings of the Violet Flame such as the Beloved Saint Germain, Archangel Zadkiel and the Angels who work with this Cosmic Lightning; while I align myself with My Powerful in beloved Presence ”I Am” and always have been.
Here and now,
I request a complete activation of the 12 DNA Filaments 🧬 and a Violet Lightning Cleansing, of all my limiting beliefs and patterns that I can maintain at a cellular level, so that I can experience myself as a Master Being of Love and Light.
Now, I call upon the Heavenly Divinity and My Presence I Am, to Assist in Downloading All the Light Key Codes I Need Now, to Enter the Consciousness of Universal and Unconditional Love and Oneness.
I find myself Now;
This Crystal Grid from within and around this Earthly Plane, CONNECTED TO MOTHER-EARTH and to a minimum of a million Light Workers/Warriors, along this Grid of Light; that we contribute to this Earth’s Ascension,
I am now wrapped in the Golden Flame 🔥 of ONENESS Consciousness, by merging completely with my Loving Presence I Am.
I feel right now, this Collective Christ Consciousness, opening my heart 💖 to all life, Recognizing myself as ONE with all life and ONE with God Father/Mother.
I imagine a world enlightened by the Paradigm of the New Reality in this New Earth.
Imagine a World with Consciousness of ONENESS of all life on this Earth’s Plane.
Imagine a World of Abundance, Harmony and Love for All Life on this Earth’s Plane.
So It Is, So It Will Be, This Fact.
We are asked to perform this Powerful Invocation 3 times a day.
Embrace of Light and Blessings!
💥💖✴️♒️I am Maria Lustig144 ♒️✴️💖💥
Guardian of the Flame of Light on Earth.
Instagram: newearth7. Solcytolite💥

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