You are currently viewing Fleets reposition. DNA unfrozen ~ Venus at Gate of Compassion * Shamanic Journey of Empowerment ~ Gene Key 1 – From Entropy to Syntropy
Light Shower

Fleets reposition. DNA unfrozen ~ Venus at Gate of Compassion * Shamanic Journey of Empowerment ~ Gene Key 1 – From Entropy to Syntropy

Fleets reposition. DNA Unfrozen ~ Venus at Gate of Compassion * Shamanic Journey of Empowerment ~ Gene Key 1: From Entropy to Syntropy



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Holy Wayshowers of our New Lemurian Kingdom on Earth

Great Spirit continues to flood this realm with the most high electrical currents of Adamantine Light. With our local Soularis as a Divine Projector of Light, pulsing and Quantum Flashing Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun through 8 C Class Soular Flares and 4 more M Class Flares today with the most powerful maxing at M 4.19 at 15:26 UTC. These projections of Quanta information are upgrading all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 as all that was frozen in time is thawing and flowing freely as the Freedom Codes are fully activating within to mirror externally.

Pachamama also received another major activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in Peru, South America, in the Andes mountains home of our Sacred Condors, at 19:39 UTC.

In these final days of the false 3d matrix continue to stay in your Sacred Heart Center, hold the clear tones in your Pure Awareness and with your Higher Divine Will keep your visions of our Pristine New Earth close into the Kingdom of Heaven within.

With the Intent for the Highest Good of all we raise the New Lemuria of the Divine Feminine to merge with the New Atlantis of the Divine Masculine and as the Eagle of the North flies with the Condor of the South in Hieros Gamos we usher in our New Golden Age of 5d Satya Yuga and transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!



Lightworker 4444

All eyes are open now to the celestial events because in truth these are found within the Self. Stars are aligning to the perfection of our divinity, the trinity in cells sing in harmony with the All of infinity.
We are A Tribe
We are A Tribe


The advancement of humanity and Earth into a higher dimensional reality cannot be stopped. Divine forces are involved and are continuously monitoring events taking place on Earth. You are receiving immense energetical support, and also being protected from those who want to stir the world towards further chaos. The expansion of consciousness you are going through now is to bring about unimaginable change, in a very short amount of time.
Epic 2025. Fleets reposition. DNA unfrozen. Divine reconnections.

On the wing of prayer, knowledge of OM comes. Light is its carriage, for weight is not the nature of truth. Knowledge is certainty beyond the edge of doubt, beyond the last reverberation of a question left unasked, unanswered. The appearance of knowledge renders all such things mute. In the silence of knowing, everything becomes still.

From the still center of knowledge is everything brought into being. Action without knowing is merely energy moving in search of its pattern.




From the still center of knowledge
From the still center of knowledge

We are entering the most intense portal since 1986 and 2012.

This is not by chance; it is in divine order and creates a bridge between what was and what will be. Welcome to the 20-day Ascension Portal opens today. This is the beginning of the end of the past and the beginning of our future. Love is the only way through without disruption or even destruction. Only Love is the way through.
We begin with the Mayan day of 4 IMIX, which is an angry churning sea. You find yourself all over the place and easily triggered and dysregulated in the most bizarre ways. Dreams are all over the place. You feel anxiety because the collective field is a noisy hurricane of influences. You hold your breath as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. If you are an Highly Sensitive Person, this is extremely hard, and peaceful isolation might be helpful. It is hard to stay clear and BE in PEACE. This is our final testing ground for staying in the HEART. It is not easy. We want to scream and cry and want to flee this earth. But we are here for a mission, and this mission is a critical point.
YOU ARE NEEDED. I want you to know that you are ASSISTING IN THIS ASCENSION, even if you feel you are not. BREATHE. GROUND, PRAY, VIOLET FLAME THE EARTH, BE KIND and SMILE at others, and ANCHOR so much LIGHT that you are.
✨  source: .
intense portal
intense portal


Gene Key 1 – From Entropy to Syntropy

November 5th – 10th 2024

Entropy – Freshness – Beauty

“To launch your life out of the cinders, to reach for the sky, to burn with love for the new. This is the 1st Gift of all – the very ground of human Genius.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 1 – From Entropy to Syntropy
Gene Key 1 – From Entropy to Syntropy
11/5/24: Because of the effort, perseverance, resilience, and sheer strength of character it’s taken to navigate this difficult year, you have upped your game in many respects. You know and understand yourself better, you’ve gained confidence, set boundaries, and learned to master your own energy without intruding on others’. This is not speculation or negotiable. It’s the truth.
No one has escaped the fire of karma this year and no one will come out of it untempered or unaffected. You may still be smoldering, but you’ve burned off some of the heavy weight of Old Earth. Today is about the responsibility of that freedom. Your Right Action is to walk in your power, own the consequences, and live in integrity with yourself. This must be your path into 2025 when we will all be held accountable for our choices.
Light Shower
Light Shower



Venus at Gate of Compassion; Tough Love and Fierce Compassion

Nov 5th Venus / Inanna ascends to the Gate of Compassion at Heart Chakra on her Shamanic Journey of Empowerment , Rebirth and Renewal. In this particular cycle She is the embodiment of the Leo Metagoddess Sovereign Queen of The Creative Fires- Sekhmet / Durga / Kali. Hence Venus/Inanna/ , representative of the Divine Feminine, at Heart Chakra Now represents Tough Love and Fierce Compassion.
We are presently in the Samhain Gateway in the northern hemisphere ( Lunar Samhain/1nov- Solar Samhain 7 th Nov ) which is the domain of the Crone, The Underworld, Cauldron of Death and Rebirth, The Dark Goddess.
In the ancient Sumerian mythology of Inanna, it is here that She reclaims her Golden Breastplate – i.e. reclaims gifts of the Heart Chakra of BEing Heart Aligned. While Heart qualities encompass Grace , Gratitude, Generosity, Forgiveness, Non Judgement….BEing Heart Aligned also means to Embody your Heart Truth !!! And to embody the Truth of your Heart and your authentic essence, Boundaries are required .
This means the ability to say No/ Yes from a Place of Love as opposed to Fear ( fear of conflict, disappointing others etc ). Only when the Heart is secure in SELF acceptance / love/ kindness /forgiveness /acceptance /compassion can the same love , kindness , acceptance, forgiveness and compassion flow to others. One can Not dishonor oneself in order to honor others. Healthy relationship with others can not be sustained without a healthy loving relationship to Self First .
And it is this aspect of Tough Love and Fierce Compassion that the Divine Feminine will be operating from for the Next One Month. She Will demand her Rights unapologetically, She Will Stand her Ground Fearlessly, She Will cut through the Bs with her laser sharp Intuition and She Will Demand Accountability vociferously.
And She does this from a Place of Love and Self Empowerment.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Venus at Gate of Compassion
Venus at Gate of Compassion


The LightWorkers, Blue Ray’s empathic Sensitives, Grid Workers, & Angelics ~ You are being called on this day.

***New Earth Volunteers transformers & Frequency Holders
You hold the Divine light and Source that moves through you as you are anchors of the Frequency.
The Blue Ray transformer and Lightworkers are beings who have arrived on Earth to help transform darkness into light.
Choosing to transform fear-based thought, emotion, or behavior into light, which ultimately benefits both yourself and others.
Many of the New Earth volunteers Souls are here not only to uplift the consciousness of themselves, you are frequency vehicles for the world that is part of your spirit nature.
I am sharing as many of you maybe experiencing similar experiences. I was called to stay a long time in prayer and meditation. As i prayed for my close, friends relatives, i was called to pray for all the clients i have been working with and the higher selves embodiment, clearer connections and alignment to clear higher guidance. As many of the recent sacred appointments sessions this is what we have been working on in their energetic field.
I started to feel that i was going deeper into trance, a powerful essence of light was coming through and i was asked to pray for one of the presidential candidates. This presidential candidate would bring needed big change to the world and the prayers of change were also being heard. It was a fulfilling of destiny.
This source light ran through my being and as i held the sacred space for quite some time afterwards. It was a space of the great void of peace and harmony as i could feel my higher self.
I realize that even through i may not be political and have been in prayers for the highest good of our country. There are some souls that have different roles to fulfill here and this being needed prayers and support.
I have been feeling dizzy with the energies, kind of out it, and also transmuting all lower density around me that started last night. I’ve experience the veil feels thinner as well. Beings were coming in and out the veil last night as i could see them.
Thank you for coming here and your service
Please share how your feeling?
New Earth Volunteers transformers & Frequency Holders
New Earth Volunteers transformers & Frequency Holders



Dear friends, we are slowly but surely venturing into the stronger energies of the November 11— the 11:11 energy gateway. These 11:11 light codes will start flowing officially on the evening of Sunday, November 10, and will remain around us for three days afterward. That said, the current period between November 1 and November 11 is already fully embedded with this particular energy.
Today, November 5, marks exactly the midpoint, a date when these light codes are asking us to find unity and integration of both our light and shadow aspects within.
This time period between 11:1 and 11:11 is an opportunity for humanity to enter a more enlightened new timeline. I say opportunity because the energetic flow is malleable, and our human personalities still can exert free will. It’s up to us to consciously choose a higher timeline more aligned with our true essence. The potentials for higher timelines are supported by these universal energies.
The 11:11 light codes are infused with the energy of awakening, an energetic momentum that helps people remember their connection to Source/God/Divinity. This process is accelerating now, partly because of humanity’s evolutionary development over the last few decades, but also due to the acceleration of incoming solar winds and cosmic light codes.
The numbers 11:11 have long been associated with the idea of synchronicity, showing up on a clock or even within the mind’s eye as a kind of wake-up call. It is your inner essence reminding you that you are connected with the Divine. When you see 11:11 flash on a clock as you go about your day, it is like spirit wants to bring your attention to the divine aspects of your earthly life. You are, after all, a spark of the Divine.
As you consciously connect with that idea, your entire being is energized, you have greater potential for progress in your life’s journey, and therefore you can move forward into a greater sense of harmony and joy. You begin to move from duality into integration.
Those of you who are energy-sensitive may start feeling some physical adjustments as well. The digestive system may be undergoing a deeper cleansing: bloating, slow digestion, skin issues, and a lack/increase of appetite. As always, rest if needed and stay well hydrated.
Stay tuned for more updates as we approach this wonderful gateway. May the incoming light codes illuminate our path, guiding us toward profound growth, inner unity, and radiant joy. Embrace this transformative journey, knowing you are supported by the universe and connected to the divine within. Shine brightly.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

No one can take your own inner peace, balance, love away from you and disturb your equilibrium, unless you allow it happen.
Mastery means that Divinity, Infinity, balance, harmony is within.
Not outside.
From place of stillness, the true soul rises through and in the power of the one true heart, the sacred heart, which knows only Love.
Go deeper within.
It is here in your sacred heart that the New Golden Age takes wings and unity and oneness is birthed.



We ask you to feel beyond the vibrational ripples of your world.
To reach the holographic light streams, of Infitinite light particles, systematically and vibrationally created to form your world.
Chemical Light Codes, energetically magnetised together, forming unique Signatures of Light.
To find the highest light source within, to use this as a point of integrating and reaching true alignment. The true form and essence of who you are 🙏
Amongst the Emotional Tapestry of your world, we ask you to continue and stay aligned to the Highest Light Stream.
For the Light Tapestry of your Construct is an ever-expanding stream of Light.
Know you are a wonderful Shining Light 💥
As your world continues to awaken, adapt and shine the evolutionary process of change and awakening ❤🌏
Love for your day Global Light Family ❤
Together We Ride The Light Waves of Creation 💫🙏
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Divine Feminine is detoxing the jezebel entity for full power restoration and balance. This includes deception through envy and narcissistic abuse from men and women. Your light is getting so much brighter than the deceit, providing a new layer of protection. It is easier to move on and stay and peace and in the light regardless of external circumstances. Avoid falling for the tests of temptation. Remain in the light by focusing on love while all the past experiences disappear.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ
Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ
Mars has moved into fiery ambitious Leo until January 2025, encouraging us to take a bold leap of faith into all that we wish to manifest for ourselves that requires a badge of courage. Still within the Mars-Pluto Opposition energy, the cosmos invites us to take every single breakdown or collapse as an omen to rebuild even better than we ever have before. It’s not about what we are willing to fight against and go to war over. It’s about what we’re willing to fight and hold the line FOR.
Folks who are experiencing this energy to the highest side, will feel the rush of determination of goal setting, with a fire under their feet to get moving and shaking on their life’s goals and dreams. There may be a proverbial debris field, brough on by deaths in many forms, but this is exactly what we need to give way to something better.
Our Scorpio Sun season emphasizes the steam vents and heat that this Mars-Pluto Opposition brings, mainly because Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto. Triangulating this deeply abiding passion into productive change is our intent of purpose. Why do we do it? What do we do it for? What is our expected or designed idea of an outcome? Do we believe in the justifiable cause that pilots our choices? Or are we simply surrendering to the status quo and peer pressure to do it?
Not all hero’s wear capes.
Equilibrium, balance, and grounding will keep us safely centered. These are the moments that flesh us naked unto the brilliant light we are, without cloaking, camouflage, or layers of walls built by fear.
As a beloved mentioned to me recently, this is a war of attrition.
The key here is remembering we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. And we are not alone in our battles. We far outnumber evil, so it’s time to stand together and remember who and what we are. Change comes because we don’t give in, surrender, or give up.
war of attrition
war of attrition
On Tuesday, November 5th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in serious Capricorn, and making an inconjunct aspect to Mars, ruler of physical energy, in fiery Leo. An inconjunct connection happens between two planets that are in incompatible elements. Capricorn is Earth which is grounded, stable, secure and controlled. Leo is Fire and is passionate, brash, courageous and active. So, which one of these energies is going to win out?
Somehow we have to make adjustments so that these two energies play nice with each other. Or, we choose one or the other to focus on and it becomes the dominant one. Which energy are you feeling more of today? The intuitive, emotional Moon, standing stable and secure? Or, the aggressive, warrior planet Mars, feeling passionate and brash?
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in serious Capricorn
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in serious Capricorn


Lunar Aspects. Pallas in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter in Gemini and trine Chiron retrograde in Aries – There are mirages on the horizon, images wavering. We won’t know the truth until time has passed. Tick tock. Waiting. Waiting without end. Wanting to run away, run for the hills. Now tucked up by the shore, the swoosh of waves carrying you off to paradise. Or in bed, dreaming of cotton candy, shadow puppets and a slow turning merry-go-round.
Pallas is here to help, problem solving, debating, questioning. Let’s cut through the fluff, she suggests, wise eyes watchful and kind. The only snag is a tendency to over-intellectualise whilst under Jupiter’s gaze. Sometimes you just have to put what you have learned into practice, test drive ideas, learn from doing. There is room for course correction later down the line if required. Give it a trial run and see how it goes. Maybe the solution is to hold a vision of what you want in your mind. Trust that the situation you are trying to heal is fixed, even if you don’t know how it might happen. Leave the details to the Gods.
Degrees and Times
Moon 27°Sg25′, Neptune 27°Pi25′ R – 10:23 (UT)
Jupiter 20°Ge06′ R, Pallas 20°Sg06′ – 13:29 (UT))
Moon 00°Cp00′ – 15:17 (UT)
Chiron 20°Ar14′ R, Pallas 20°Sg14′ – 20:58 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Pallas Athena by Franz von Stuck, 1898
Pallas Athena
Pallas Athena



Kin 121 ~ Red Self Existing Dragon

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. The 4th day of a wavespell is about taking a closer look at things, paying attention to the details. So, read the small print, get your magnifying glass out and don’t let anything slip pass your notice. Number 4 days can also make us feel insular and not sociable. Hence the name ‘Self-Existing’. If you are a number 4, when your number comes around you may feel extra insular and may retreat into your shell. Be careful not to over analyze yourself.
Today is Red Dragon and it represents ‘Nurturing, Birth and Being’. Dragon days are about taking care of yourself, retreating into a cave to recharge your energy. Be kind to each other and allow yourself to be mothered, offer nurturing too. As it is a ‘Self-Existing’ day, this suggests that we need to take a closer look at what it is that needs care. Is there something you’ve neglected lately? A health issue perhaps? It is very handy that on Dragon days we take care of ourselves because we are just about to take another ride down a column. Yesterday on Yellow Sun, we finished one of these columns and today it’s here we go again! We journey for 13 days at a time when we consciously go through one wavespell at a time but also it is good to remember that – we visit each glyph as we tumble down the 13 columns as well. Dragon is the Birth and the Yellow Sun is when we reach Enlightenment.
The Guide today is Red Earth and its keywords are ‘Evolve, Navigation and Synchronicity’. This guide really suits the aspects of the day because naturally – birth is evolution- and when emerging from the cave of nurturing then new life begins.
The Challenge today is the Blue Monkey. Poor monkey gets no nurturing today, things just don’t go his way. Monkey dares not enter the cave. This is because monkeys are bad at taking care of themselves. Don’t despair if you are a Monkey, this just means you have to make more effort, the nurturing is available but you must ask for it. If you know a Monkey, try to encourage them to be still and cease the monkey mindedness.
The Occult power is the Yellow Sun which shines brightly today, illuminating and enlightening all things magical. This is a great boost for the day and expect to have light bulb moments which reveal magical insights. This is another connection between the Dragon and the Sun. They occupy the start and finish line but also are each other’s Occult power.
The Ally is the White Mirror, the truth seeker of the Tzolkin. If you need any assistance today consult a Mirror; they will be very friendly and helpful and good at showing you the details. Also, we are in the White Mirror wavespell and so this means the wavespell energy is very helpful to us today.
Kin 121
Kin 121


4 IMIX – KIN 121
B-EARTH-ing a New form 🐣🌎.
I DEFINE in order to NURTURE
Measuring Being
I seal the input of BIRTH
With the Self-existing tone of Form
I AM guided by the power of Navigation
5/11/2024 = 5/2/8 =5/10=5/1=6
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness.Harmony/Love/Fertility/Happiness
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
10 – Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 121 = 4 Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
An UBER POWERFUL day of New Beginnings, transformation and birthing new structures, as we begin our passage back to SOURCE! – HUNAB KU ☀ 🎉🎊🎇🎊🎉🎇
Today is the first day we enter the ✨CENTRAL COLUMN of the Tzolkin✨, and we are “threading the EYE👁 of the needle” so to speak.
We are entering the 7th vertical column in the TZOLKIN CALENDAR. This harmonic run of 20 days is at the very HEART💖 of the Tzolkin Matrix: ✨The CENTRAL AXIS of the 13:20 Harmonic Module.✨ This passage that goes from KIN 121 (4 -IMIX/Dragon) to KIN 140 (10 – AHAU/Sun), is also known as “The Mystic Column” as it represents the “mirrorless” 🪞 dimension” of Time.
KIN 121 4-IMIX Dragon (the 4th day of the 13-DAY cycle of the White🪞 Mirror) holds this entrance to the “Cosmic Birth Canal”, or the “Kuxan Suum”. ✨🍥🐉🐣🍥✨
In “The Mayan Factor”, José Arguelles describes this passage as ”the Path to Heaven that leads to the Umbilical Cord of the Universe, holding the invisible galactic life strands or fibers that connect the individual and the planet through the Sun with the galactic core, or Hunab Ku.”
Absolute TINGLES ✨✨✨
And here we arrive on this PIVOTAL ASCENSION day -for the CREATION of NEW EARTH on the US 🇺🇲 Presidential Election Day.. ✨🪞💫✨🪞💫
A day when we enter the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION✨🪞💫 and where WE THE PEOPLE have the POWER🔥 to IMAGINE a new, better, more compassionate world💞🌍💞🌎💞🌏.. on a 6 HEAVENLY🕊️ day activating CHRIST☀️ CONSCIOUSNESS with the 5 CODE winds of CHANGE and transformation, blowing heavily to breathe NEW LIFE🐣 into our new FORMS. 📦
What a potent code for ALCHEMY⚛️ and MIRACLES to manifest from the aethers!
What are WE the people as a collective going to project into this MIRRORLESS REALM to MANIFEST into our NEW REALITY????
What an EXCITING opportunity KIN 121 – offers us today to CREATE MIRACLES!!
Gotta LOVE the MAJIK of the DREAMPELL!!😍😍😍
In 10 days time at the completion of the WHITE MIRROR 🪞 wavespell we arrive at HUNAB KU/🦋 GALACTIC CENTRE and we are at zero point/Source on 14-15 NOVEMBER 2024 through KIN 130-131… Very, very, very potent ORIGIN energies.. this is the DIVINE UMBILICAL CORD.🕊️✨💫
Generally this passage through the MYSTIC COLUMN denotes a calmness and a time of BALANCE during these next 20 days, a time of DEEP INNER REFLECTION,,,, the calm before the STORM starts all over again!.
However this year will instigate a time of DEEP REFLECTION for our whole global family… A very potent B-EARTH-ing period indeed!
Day 4 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification.
Today we are ✨DEFINING order and TRUTH✨, as our response to the evolving patterns and cycles REFLECTED in our everyday life, in order to build a new foundation for our world.🌏🌎🌍
SELF-EXISTING📦 – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – forms. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of Natural harmony, TRUTH and DIVINE nurturance, giving form to your new life and our new world. 🌈🌎🌐
The 4 frequency is quadrupled today through KIN 121=4 the SELF-existing TONE = 4 and the year of 2024 – which is actually a 4.4 code! This gives us a quadruple gateway to NEW EARTH. A brilliant code for BIRTHING our NEW WORLD. 🐣
Through connecting with the innocence of your PURE DIVINE👶 child you can connect with the MAJIKAL 💫spontaneous POWER of CREATION. Responding to your spontaneous Heart’s desires which lead you to THE BEST FUTURE that you are currently B-EARTHing.🐣🌏
The HIGHER your VIBE – the more power you possess to CREATE.
So precious hearts a DEEPLY MAJIKAL day of REFLECTION and synchronicity, pointing the way in order to B-EARTH a lovely new world filled with love and nurturance. ❤❤❤
What a SUPREMELY DIVINE GIFT humanity is afforded today!
The POWER to CREATE our NEW WORLD!💞 🌍🌎🌏💞
Woweee – it doesn’t get any better than KIN 121 to achieve this..
Today’s question is ” In which direction are the signs guiding me, to redefine and B-EARTH my new LIFE and our New Utopian World?”.
Divine blessings for the formation of a wonderful new world filled with joy and bliss.❤❤❤
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SELF-EXISTING DRAGON📦🐉 – IMIX Today we REFLECT on the passing of the old cycle, as we prepare to B-EARTH the new.
KIN 121 marks the entrance of the ✨COSMIC BIRTH CANAL✨.🍥🐣
4 IMIX is the COSMIC MIDWIFE🍥🤱 birthing this COSMIC 🍥💫 creation.
IMIX guards the VORTEX🌪️ of CREATION 🍥🍥🍥– The womb from which all LIFE is birthed.🐣🐣🐣
This opening is a DIVINE GIFT🎁 – enabling access to DIVINE CREATION for your greater MISSION especially with a 6 HEAVEN day code!!
We can use our MINDS to imagine the FORMS we wish to create in our world. It all starts with our IMAGINATION – first we THINK IT, then we CREATE IT into being.
🎵“Come with me
and you’ll be
in a world
Take a look and you’ll see
Into your imagination
We’ll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world of my CREATION
What we’ll see will defy
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it
There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there, you’ll be free
If you truly wish to be
If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There’s nothing to it
🎵There is no life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there, you’ll be free
If you truly wish to be🎶
Pure Imagination lyrics Willy Wonka movie
Songwriters: Anthony Newley / Leslie Bricusse
And so KIN 121 affords us a BRILLIANT opportunity TODAY to VIEW PARADISE🏝️ in order to CREATE IT! JUST DO IT!✅✅✅
The DRAGON tribe also guards the TREASURES💎 for humanity. Untold riches and precious gifts are contained within their cave. We have just commenced the FINAL QUARTER of the YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON🌳🐉 when our DRAGON creations are RIPE for the picking!
Our DRAGON KIN🐉🐉 are fully present and keen to GIFT humanity with these COSMIC treasures they have been guarding for upteen years/eons!
To unlock these Divine treasures we just need to OPEN our HEARTS❤ and dedicate our lives to making people HAPPY😍 – including our cell-ves.
Happiness, JOY and GRATITUDE accelerate your CREATION power!
IMIX represents our MOTHERS🤱 and the feminine ancestral bloodlines. So wonderful that the DIVINE FEMININE is steering the reins today on this very important and pivotal day!
Today we BLESS🙏 and honour🌹 all those beings who have birthed us in the cycles past. As we REFLECT on all that is revealed in our daily lives through the MIRROR, we begin to define what we need to build upon, in order for our own lives to be a match for this new 5D reality.
We all desire and need a beautiful SAFE world, filled with unconditional LOVE, nurturance and compassion. A world where we can be fully supported in creating our DREAMS, and creatively expressing our soul’s PASSION.
As we close this old cycle (with Pluto exiting Capricorn on 19 November 2024 – hooray!) it is UBER IMPORTANT that we REFLECT on what it is we wish to CREATE in this new cycle, birthing now.
Through redefining ourselves, and how we operate, we collectively are redefining and constructing the B-EARTH of a better world for us all .🌈🌎
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED SELF-EXISTING EARTH📦 🌏-CABAN’s coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. And so 4 CABAN is our planetary NAVIGATOR – our G.P.S – setting the course for the NEW WORLD!
CABAN is the higher guide leading us into this COSMIC BIRTH CANAL to CREATE the NEW EARTH – the world of our DREAMS.. The coding today ensures we have the BUILDING BLOCKS to do just that!
Pachamama🌏 is TALKING today, and she has a lot to say, as we need to prioritize the needs and protection of our pristine environment. Redefining what is most important for Gaia’s best interests and the preservation of our human species. Valuing and respecting the wisdom of our ancestors who understood the interrelationship between man and the Earth, in the web of interconnected life.
Our new cities and communities MUST be built on a foundation of LOVE❤ and absolute RESPECT for each other, the land, and our Earth Mother.🌏 This is our focus, to create a new world through LOVE, NURTURANCE and COMPASSION.
Respecting and honouring all souls and kingdoms inhabiting the space, in harmony with each other. Seeking to live in UNITY and FLOW through BALANCE.. balancing the needs of one and ALL.
Finding permanent solutions and creating BRILLIANT NEW systems and DESIGNS that cause ZERO HARM on our Planet. A total RETHINK of how we LIVE our lives in a sustainable and life-enhancing manner. 👫👬👭💕
Today we hold the pure presence of life itself as we reflect, honouring GAIA’s wisdom. Your environment is a REFLECTION or your inner world, so TUNE IN and absorb what PACHAMAMA is showing you. By observing our physical reality with heightened awareness, we elevate our consciousness. In turn we become more balanced and feel the equality of all HU-MANS as Earth’s children. 🌎
IMIX 🐉and CABAN 🌎 are the RED sistars👭 working in unison to help us B-EARTH NOVA TARA GAIA 🐣🌈🌎🌐 through love and nurturance of each other, and living a life of TRUTH. Our outer world is a REFLECTION of ourselves so this is the world we need to FORM!
SUPPORT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING MIRROR📦 🔎– ETZNAB.. We have TRIPLE MIRROR energy today as the wavespell🪞 and supporting🪞 energy as we enter the 7th MYSTIC COLUMN – the realm of the “mirrorless🪞 dimension” the space between the veils!
This provides a potent SPACE for inner REFLECTION, as a very powerful LENS from which to analyze our world.
❓❓❓What is the MIRROR🪞 REFLECTING back to you today?
ETZNAB works to DEFINE the greater picture 🖼 today, revealing the greener pastures that lie ahead, beyond the window panes of your perception. You are often limited in your imagination by your PAST experience, which forms the basis to create your reality.
🐣🐣🐣 In order to B-EARTH a new life, and a NEW WORLD, we must take the sword 🗡of TRUTH and extricate ourselves from those old patterns, and the old paradigm in order to welcome the NEW!
Allow WHITE MIRROR🪞 to open up your HORIZON revealing the vast endlessness of creation that exists. You now have the power to REDEFINE and REDESIGN your reality.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN –🌏☀ AHAU continues to ILLUMINATE what is REFLECTED to us today, shining a bright LIGHT on all that is.
The PLANETARY SUN – brings the lens to the Global picture of manifesting greater conscious awareness through en-LIGHT💡ON-ment.
What a BRILLIANT HIDDEN AGENDA and SUPERPOWER today – the Planetary Sun is seeking to MANIFEST our global collective to the level of CHRIST☀️ CONSCIOUSNESS… Absolutely BRILLIANT ✅✅✅
Our illuminated MINDS have the capacity to FORM greater ideas, in response to the clarity that AHAU provides. Manifesting creative independence, through trusting the MAJIK💫 that shines from our own creations, REFLECTING the LIGHT of Ahau’s brilliance.🌞
It is TIME to CLAIM our Divine Sovereignty👑👑👑 and IN-DEEP-END-DANCE.💃💃💃
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING MONKEY📦 🐒– CHUEN challenges us today to TRUST the knowledge that comes from our most innocent nature, reflected in the complex simplicity of nature itself. Redefining our lives through a sequence of FLOW that creates joy and fun. Effortless flow and joy, begotten from being fully present in the NOW and not being overwhelmed by the future “burdens”. Doing what comes “naturally”.
It is TIME to PLAY more – redefine your day through more JOY and spontaneity.
You have the POWER to CREATE anything your desire through your IMAGINATION – this is the INNATE MAJIK you possess as a spark of DIVINE CREATOR.. IMAGINATION and pure JOY unlock the keys to our CREATION POWER.. What seems impossible IS POSSIBLE when you use your MAJIK.
NOTE: I highly recommend immersing yourself in the wonderful world of WILLY WONKA🪄🎩 – to truly experience the joy and inspiration of what is possible to CREATE through PURE IMAGINATION..
The WONKA movie itself is a BRILLIANT example of the CREATION📦 of what was originally an IDEA💡 in the mind of ROALD DAHL.. This IDEA took FORM in this fantastic new version through the creativity of the film makers and script writers, set designers, costume designers, choreographers, songwriters, dancers and actors.. A truly phenomenal compilation of combined GENIUS of a dedicated team to create this marvellous INSPIRATIONAL legacy.
PURE MAJIK!! JOY begotten from the pure act of having FUN.
Through connecting with the innocence of your PURE DIVINE👶 child you can connect with the MAJIKAL 💫spontaneous POWER of CREATION. Responding to your spontaneous Heart’s desires which lead you to THE BEST FUTURE that you are currently B-EARTHing.🐣🌏
The HIGHER your VIBE – the more power you possess to CREATE.
So precious hearts a DEEPLY MAJIKAL day of REFLECTION and synchronicity, pointing the way in order to B-EARTH a lovely new world filled with love and nurturance. ❤❤❤
What a SUPREMELY DIVINE GIFT humanity is afforded today!
The POWER to CREATE our NEW WORLD!💞 🌍🌎🌏💞
Woweee – it doesn’t get any better than KIN 121 to achieve this..
Today’s question is ” In which direction are the signs guiding me, to redefine and B-EARTH my new LIFE and our New Utopian World?”.
Divine blessings for the formation of a wonderful new world filled with joy and bliss.❤❤❤
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

RUMORS: 11/06/2024


Trump’s comeback plan: presidential victory beyond the election

The 2020 US election, a travesty of democracy, was never intended to be a legitimate outcome. Plan Q makes this clear: Trump’s return is written in the stars, with or without the traditional electoral process.
Early voting in the 2024 election is a deliberate step toward invalidating the sham of 2020, setting the stage for the return of a legitimate government under Trump. While some elements of GESARA have yet to be announced, the wheels of justice are already in motion, pulling us ever closer to the dawn of a new republic.
Melania Trump’s Silent Signal: The Zebra Code
Those who saw Melania Trump’s zebra-print outfit at the Madison Square Garden rally on October 27 knew it wasn’t just a fashion statement. Patriots recognized the deeper meaning — it was a coded message to signal the next phase of the plan.
The “Zebra Condition” is an undeniable statement that Trump’s military apparatus is primed, loaded, and ready to go, ready to support the imminent arrival of GESARA. The symbolism of the outfit has reverberated through the patriot community as a rallying cry, galvanizing support for the ongoing liberation efforts.



The Army Strikes Back: A Blow for the Ages
For too long, the deep state thought it could operate with impunity, pushing its agenda from the shadows while the people suffered in silence. But that era of unchecked control is ending, and the military is rising up to take back the reins.
This is a massive operation to dismantle the twisted structures that have enslaved entire nations. Musk’s powerful satellite network, Starlink, is poised to blast the EBS signal across the planet, signaling the final showdown. Once this switch is thrown, the deep state will have nowhere to hide. Patriots are mobilized, and the game is over for the cabal that believed itself untouchable.



The gloves are off, and there is no more time to tiptoe around the truth. 
The Tier 4B Internet Group is officially live, and it’s not just a new platform — it’s the gateway to a seismic shift that will shake the world to its very foundations.
The launch of this group is a signal, a clear call to all who dare to see beyond the smokescreens and lies that have shrouded the elites’ power games for decades. With the Quantum Financial System (QFS) now in full swing, the battle to reclaim financial freedom and sovereignty has never been more urgent or intense.



This is not a time to sit idly by, nor is it a time to question the urgency. 
With the QFS at stake, Tier 4 B Internet Group is the shield for those who refuse to be dragged down by a corrupt financial system. It is a movement for those who see the cracks forming in the current global economic structure.
As the masses sleepwalk into servitude, the QFS is paving the way for an awakening—a return to a system that truly serves the people. For those who want a front-row seat to this world-changing revolution, joining Tier 4B is non-negotiable.



The Rise of MedBed Technology: Liberation Through Quantum Healing
For too long, the elite-controlled medical-industrial complex has kept humanity chained, selling treatments that address symptoms but never the root causes. But MedBed technology is turning that model on its head.
Now, Americans are beginning to experience firsthand the transformative power of quantum healing, age regression, and mind optimization. MedBeds are poised to become as ubiquitous as smartphones and televisions, reshaping the very nature of healthcare.
Imagine a world where chronic diseases are eliminated in minutes, where disabilities are reversed, and where terminal illnesses are mere blips on the radar. That’s the reality the MedBed movement is delivering, despite elites’ attempts to suppress it.



PROJECT ODIN: The Silent Assault on the Elite’s Propaganda Machine
While the mainstream media peddles narratives controlled by Mossad and other shadowy forces, Project ODIN is quietly preparing the ultimate game changer. With the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) primed and ready, a communications blackout looms, preparing to strike at the heart of this propaganda machine.
When the lights go out, it’s not just about technology — it’s a spiritual rebirth, a cultural reset that aims to wrest control from the puppet masters. The deep state puppeteers, who have manipulated global perceptions for generations, are about to face a reckoning they never saw coming.
Dear Chosen Ones, We have waited an unbearably long time to receive news of when we will finally see the conclusion of our journey. Each person in these rooms has their own untold story of anxieties and emotions for this blessing to come quickly. But in our waiting, each of us has discovered new strength deep within us to carry on, and we are more inspired than ever to live our new and exciting lives in service to humanity.
With faith, hope, and courage, our waiting has cultivated a sense of peace in our hearts, for in the face of adversity and uncertainty, we have learned to trust in a Higher Power that the goodness of our Blessing will be delivered in its own special way, in the right way, at the right time, and now, our dear friend Wolverine has confirmed to us that the moment we have been waiting for is coming. God bless each and every one of you.



Meanwhile, the 4B level of the global currency reset has been activated in a new gold and asset-backed global financial system designed to define the bad guys
Tue. Nov 5, 2024 Bruce:
We have contacted you to inform you that the Social Security increases will occur no later than November.
R&R will likely start in November, but we specified that NESARA starts, so it is tied.
The contact in Iraq said we would have money from the fifth day until Saturday.
We will receive 800 numbers on the fourth day, November 6th, and will begin exchanges on the fifth day, November 7th.
Trump’s victory causes a storm in Gesara 
📢Japan 😎 US presidential candidate Donald Trump vows to uncover the reality of the deep state 🚀NHK reports that only Fox Nice declared Trump’s victory ❗Trump as always Swearing❗Those who are complicit in election fraud are subject to the death penalty😄November 6, 2024 (11/06)



Donald Trump’s victory speech 📢 
This will truly be America’s golden age 🔔 Coming to Japan and the world ❣️ President Trump says he will end wars in his victory speech 🔔 November 6, 2024 (6/11)
Trump declares victory 
🔔 47th President of the United States 😄 The Golden Age of Gesara 🌈 It all begins 😄 A storm is coming 🚀 Victory in the Senate 😄 High chances of victory in the House of Representatives 😄 Q-Plan moves to the next phase from here 🚀🌈 November 6, 2024 (11/06)



Donald J. Trump officially wins the presidential election 🔔 Becomes the 47th President of the United States 🔔 November 6, 2024 (11/06)
LATEST NEWS  Donald Trump has been officially elected President of the United States🔔🌈November 6, 2024 (11/06)
Putin Russia “Moscow police are carrying out operations to arrest illegal immigrants and deport them.”
Garbage Truck for Kamala and Biden 🚀🔔 President Trump 📢 “How about my garbage truck? This truck was built in honor of Kamala and Joe Biden 😂🌈 October 2024, month 31 [2024/10/31].”
The US presidential election on November 5 will not happen 
😄 will be null 🚀 Donald Trump will be the winner 🔔 because the Democratic Party’s fraud will be exposed before the election starts 😄➡ Kamala Is Over 😄 President Trump 📢 We won’t have them for long 😎 Kamala broke the law and doesn’t deserve to be president 🚀 The ultimatum has arrived 😄 October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]
The key to Gesara🔔
President Putin orders military to begin nuclear weapons training🚀↓Translation (It seems that preparations have been made for a false flag global nuclear war😄)After all, President Putin holds the key to Ebisu🌈🙏President Putin📣 Russia has “after 10 We are experiencing the fastest economic growth of the year 🌈 Gesara BRICS country 😄 October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]
Kamala is done 
😄 President Trump 📢 We won’t have them for long 😎 Kamala broke the law and is unfit to be president 🚀 The ultimatum has been given 😄 October 30, 2024 [2024/10/30]







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of November 3rd through 9th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥





Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 3rd through 9th 2024 . She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Prayer for the I Am Presence and New Earth Manifestation.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





Prayers for the highest positive outcome on this day one of the most important in Kali Yuga last circle of darkness.

Let´s unite in our christed heart and stand tall as pillars of light, as holy grails for God´s omnipotent omnipresent light to illuminate and consume all darkness, all lower dimensional energies that have no place on the new heaven on earth. May divine order, harmony, peace and god´s plan for the new heaven unfurl according to plan. May justice be fulfilled in honor of all that is sacred, in honor of our beloved Mother Earth and all children of God.
Let´s unite to the power of the 144000 we are a force to reckon with, we are here to ensure god´s plan and the promise to be fulfilled. There is no escape, no where to hide for those that are governed by power and greed. All weapons of destruction shall melt in the hands of those innocent men and women who have been sent to meaningless wars as bait by those who sits in their bunker imprisonment of greed. The people shall rise and take back their power and all lies and deceipt shall come to the light of a billlion suns.
There is no stopping. Justice shall be fulfilled. Let´s unite as sovereign beings of light with the christ authority we were given by the grace of god to fulfill the divine plan of the mighty source of the I Am That I Am. Today shine like never before as a pillar of the whitest purest platinum light and shine god´s love into all darkness, all malign intentions, all egoic agendas that are in violation of the law of One and free will. We call upon the cosmic councils and our galactic sisters and brothers, our angelic families of light to join us in this container of multiplied exponential light surrounding the planet, our beloved mother, sending the light across the gridlines…
clearing all gatewates of communication of the cosmic flow of energies that ensures divine balance and harmony to the tetonic plates and meridians of Mother. It is bestowed upon as emisaries of light to fulfill this task by the will of god. May divine order be restored. May the old timeline of exploitation, greed and deception be put to rest. And the new heaven shall rise as we unite as one people, one tribe, one universal force of love to restore divine order heaven restored.
So it shall be as per divine decree by mother/father/God/Goddess/Source I Am That I Am. So it shall be.
It is done it is done it is done.
And it is sealed.
Please hold the vision of this prayer going for the next 48 hrs.
Please share this prayer far and wide in your networks and social media accounts. Thank You.
Amma Grace
power of the 14400
power of the 14400

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