Fire and Water Dragons and the Phoenix ~ THE FINAL EVENT * GRAND SOLAR FLASH ~ The Matrix is Collapsing!
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Star Legions of Infinite Light and Eternal Life
On the sixth day today of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar in this intense Red Serpent Wavespell we have Galactic Signature Kin 111 ~ Blue Resonant Monkey bringing our Triple 1 portal of new beginnings, opportunities and manifestation.
Our local Soularis has flooded this realm with massive gamma plasma waves of Adamantine Light releasing 4 powerful M class Flares and 2 massive X Class Flares over the past 24 hours. Sunspot 3873 released 2 intense X 1.8 flares around 6:00 UTC along with a Halo CME. Calling in our 37 into the 73 Heaven on Earth Codes.
Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being enveloped in the Cosmic Rays of Infinite Source Creator and are being lifted to the Higher Realms of 5D and beyond. As we return to Source through the Zero Point Field we merge all aspects of our multidimensional self into our One True embodiment of Pure Crystalline Awareness of Buddha Mind.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to anchor the light and rise together into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
WE ARE INSIDE THE STORM AND OUR AWAKENING IN THIS DIMENSION is the domino effect for the awakening that has occurred in other dimensions.
THE FINAL /////// EVENT ///////
WE ARE ENGAGED IN EMANCIPATION OF YOUR WORLD. This is a co-creative effort with humanity, and beloved Gaia. It was never about fighting the darkness, for darkness is an aspect of creation. Our focus is on the infusion of light into your world. The Golden Age is here.
Pleiadian star seed
Divine Alchemist
The storm is upon us. The matrix is collapsing before our eyes.
Fasten your seat belt. A wild ride awaits us.
Many things are already happening; Things are intensifying rapidly at the same time and will become more intense as the days go by.
There is nothing to fear. The more we feed fear, the more we manifest darkness.
Remember, everything that is currently crumbling is giving birth to a new era.
Everything is well and proceeding according to the divine plan.
This is where we need to channel our energy right now: not clinging to the old and feeding outdated limiting beliefs that eventually dissolve, but contributing to the creation of the new.
26th October : Fire and Water and Dragons and the Phoenix
We began this year with the magnificent entry of the Dragons. During the course of the year we have been feeling their energy unfolding on the Earth again, especially through the energies of Fire and Water. As we move towards the 11/11 Scorpio Gate we feel them working together with the deep collective consciousness of Humanity to act as agents of renewal and change.
They wish their energy to be used wisely and not destructively. They wish to bring a new era of Peace and Joy.
They wish us to remember that Fire and Water are the primal forces of creation and that they can be used in benevolent and life giving ways.
Know that you can flow with fire and water to create in beautiful ways.
As one cycle ends, another begins. The Phoenix may burst into flames, but those flames are the creative energy of the new bringing warmth and love to the new creation.
And you shape the new creation with your creative consciousness. Once you step beyond fear you become the creative force of Love and the Creator of New Worlds of Love.
Fire and Water Dragons
Another X class solar flare early this morning. Your brain is a receiving gamma waves and the vagus nerve is the pathway between that and your heart and digestion. Stiff neck, dizziness, heart palpations and stomach issues are ascension symptoms. Slow breathwork, pressing on that point that showcases the vagus nerve and slowly bring you head up and down like saying yes. Pause, breathe and do again. Centering in the now also helps. I am centered in the now, I allow myself to feel calm. A rush of energy, needs calming to integrate easier.
Speak to your cells as they are the receivers to your biology and environment. Nature, sunlight, H20, magnesium, peppermint oil and ginger help. Magnetic poles are shifting and it creates an alignment to light from darkness. You are attuning from distortions on the planetary and solar logos which biorhythms are connected too. As the poles shift, this brings shifts on the planet and humanity through the Stargate portal of the sun. It’s why greys and Dracos distorted the poles, gravitational and electromagnetic fields.
It all works in tandem, everything is energy. It’s why a connection to light is important! It’s why you are important, you were made of light! Allow your biology to attune like a violin. The unified fields of consciousness are LIGHT and SOUND 🔔💎☀️
10/26/24: You need strength today. It’s in you. You need confidence. It’s in you. You need courage, centeredness, competence, self-control. All in you. Today is the compilation of a tough year’s labor. You’ve done the work, made the grade, filled your quota of hard knocks. You’ve come out on top with more depth, wisdom, resilience, understanding, integrity, and empowerment than you have ever had.
These are all your tools for future use. You’ve spent a lifetime preparing for them and you will never lose them. Take inventory today and gather them, claim them, and get comfy with them. November will come calling with opportunities and will expect you to answer with all you have and all you are.
Divine Energy Works
The Ascension process is not a straightforward, linear Journey; it is a deeply Multidimensional experience. Rather than a continuous upward climb, it is much more intricate – it is more like a Spiral, than a straight path.
We move through cycles of Growth, where we rise higher and higher, but we also revisit deeper aspects of ourselves when needed. This cyclical movement is what allows us to not only reach new levels of Consciousness but to anchor that Awareness into our physical bodies and daily lives.
Along our Soul Journey, we encounter multiple descents and ascents, each phase serving a specific purpose in our evolution. Every time we descend, we have the opportunity to integrate more deeply, heal on profound levels, and reconnect with parts of ourselves that need attention and love.
Each time we ascend, we reach a higher level of Consciousness, bringing greater clarity, wisdom, and Awareness into our lives.
Each Ascent brings with it new gifts, expanded perspectives, and a deeper connection to the Divine.
But it’s the Descents that offer us the opportunity for True Transformation, as they ask us to ground our Spiritual Awareness into the fabric of our human experience.
This is the essence of the Ascension Journey – a dynamic and Multidimensional Dance of waking up, waking down, and ultimately waking out of old paradigms.
As we continue this process, we anchor more Light into our being and into the world, creating a ripple effect that raises the Collective Consciousness.
Dear friends, just a couple of days after the major X3.33 flare, earlier today our sun has generated another big long-lasting X1.8 flare. Most likely, a component of the observed coronal mass ejection will be directed to Earth, we will have to wait and see how this event affects our geomagnetic field in the days to come. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing some mild headaches, ear ringing, fatigue, and other type of energetic disturbances as a result of this long duration X flare.
The intensity of the current solar cycle 25 will continue as we navigate the last months of this year and the first half of 2025. We are are individually and collectively moving through a long lasting energy corridor of deep and intense inner and outer transformations. The electric energies of the sun are pushing deeply into unhealed experiences stored in our memory grids that need to be addressed as we continue our cosmic journey into higher frequencies.
The Scorpio energies of the upcoming new moon and the powerful 11/11 gateway will be felt stronger than usual this year. The fire of this dragon’s year keeps transmuting and dissolving the old to make room for new and more enlightened ways of being. In this process, the unhealed ego traumas of accumulated experiences need to be address and most likely are now coming up to our present awareness. This requires a lot of patience and self-love and compassion. Otherwise, this deep release of painful wounds will be manifested outwardly as conflict and more suffering.
Like a phoenix being reborn from its own ashes, we are leaving behind layers and layers of accumulated low frequencies from our energy fields, assisted always by the cosmic energies that are guiding and supporting this evolutionary human journey.
This celestial fire and terrestrial water alchemical process that is taking place within us is meant to bring us into a new state of unity and inner coherence. The old ways of dualistic experience and disconnection from our Divinity are being challenged now, but a new unified and enlightened way of being is being created day by day. All in Divine timing. Have a wonderful weekend and stay tuned for more updates as the energies roll in.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Asara Adams
Message from The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light
“We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, as you are on your path of awakening, know that who you really are is pure, innocent, holy and at peace.
This is how God/Source created you.
The awareness and deep inner knowing of this truth will allow you to to recognize this purity, innocence, holiness and peace in yourself and your brothers and sisters in your world.
As you might perceive yourself and others acting less than pure, innocent, holy and peaceful, it is important to pause for a moment and to realize that this expression is not who you or others truly are.
You can choose to shift your perception back into the way God/Source created you and those in your world.
It might help to visualize a Golden Light within you…
Focus on this pure Golden Light and begin to feel the deep peace within you expanding…
Then, imagine this pure Golden Light to expand within those in your world…
Hold this focus as long as possible and give it a moment, to reflect itself in your experience.
Deep inner peace is the key to your awakening from the dream of Illusion and the lower dimensions.
The longer you can focus and experience this deep inner peace the faster you are able to awaken.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you… always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste.”
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light!
Channelled through Asara Adams
We are in the midst of a huge transitionary period as we transfigure into the New Lightbodies and into the New Earth.
So much of the old stuff is surfacing, the old patterns, old stuff. A lot of the old family stuff, and humanities’ deepest shadows are going to emerge for it needs to!
I woke up this morning and during my morning meditations, where I always cleanse and clear my chakras and whole energy systems and all my bodies and fields, I was most surprised at a huge release of old family stuff, not only with my parents and siblings, but it went right into the programming of all the generations before. This I have done so after my clearing and releasing, plus forgiveness in the past.
I was shown, that as the old DNA is cleared with the new DNA now being fully activated, the old programming within the DNA, the old gene stuff etc. and all else, is being cleared too. It is literally a total dissolving of the old.
And it is immensely freeing! I had to go very deep with this, into old family contracts, oaths, promises, and all the old rattling skeletons which we all have, from both sides of the family, father and mother’s side.
As I was doing this, I was shown how families are interlinked. Not only your own ancestral lines, but also families with families which stretches to the very origin of it all! This is immense!
So do not be surprised when this extends into the greater human family: that of your own country, and that of whole continents and what has sunk under the sea, and is now busy emerging again!
This is a total clearing of all the old, accumulated baggage, all which was hidden under carpets and deeply buried, even in the subconscious and the conscious.
Allow all of this to surface. And then ask that you will be totally freed, but you need to also free yourself, as in truth, you cannot piggyback anyone into the new Earth. You can show the way, but the fact is, that even if you speak, if they choose to be still playing out the old roles, and are still in the lower vibrations, they cannot HEAR you! And often cannot see you either, as your light becomes too blinding!
It is now a matter of fully concentrating on the journey ahead, staying firmly on the path of transfiguration, and inner love and joy, as you walk your talk, live your truth and further ascend.
In their own way, and in their own time they will follow. Whatever they choose, let them do so with love.
Especially with what is now lying ahead. We need to truly keep ourselves on ever moving upwards and staying on course, serving with love and joy!
On Saturday and Sunday, October 26th and 27th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in the regenerative sign of Scorpio is creating a challenging inconjunct to both Chiron, ruler of past life soul wounds and pain, and Jupiter, ruler of personal belief systems and higher perspectives. We are making adjustments in our thoughts and perceptions now. Scorpio rules death and rebirth, so there is a transformation, transmutation and rebirth occurring on the mental body level.
We are energetically purging, releasing and letting go of thought processes and assumptions that are no longer valid. This may be difficult and require some effort, or this transition may be guided by Spirit through your meditation, self-reflection or dream time. Either way, changes are taking place, bringing us higher awareness and knowledge on a deeper spiritual level.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in the regenerative sign of Scorpio
Lunar aspects. Pluto in Capricorn trine Vesta in Virgo – The Moon bounces through Leo, bright, excited, playful. But somewhere along the line the day tips into brittle anxiety, a prickle of nerves and jumping at every noise. Maybe at times we see the humour in being so jumpy but maybe we’re tired of being on edge, tired of trying to navigate money matters and other insecurities. Perhaps all we need is a new approach or a different way of seeing things.
Come closer says the Moon. Here we are, zooming in, patterns appearing that we could never see before. Tiny features emerge from a muddled mess of lines, resolve into dainty lace and natural structures. Pluto’s connection to Vesta is the ease we never knew we needed, an exquisite focus on the smallest of details – the shape of a bird’s feather, the curve of a wing, the exact shade of a petal. Sometimes it’s all too easy for the shadow to shut down any attempt at improvement because we hold our standards too high. However, it’s also true that sometimes the smallest course correction can result in the greatest transformation. Trust that microscopic shifts are happening even if it feels like everything is at a standstill.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Channel, Attune and Inspire’. The 7th day is the mid-way point of any wavespell journey. Right now, we are currently traveling through the Red Serpent wavespell with its 10 Portal days in a row! Day 7 is always the day we fine tune our intuition and channel wisdom and this helps us to move forward consciously. This is very important to adhere to right now – as we’re going through this intense 13-day rollercoaster ride, we need all the help we can get. Our best tool at hand is our own psychic abilities.
Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion’. Today we are channeling the Monkey. What fun! Enjoy becoming a monkey today and play, for magic will surely come your way, all you need to do is open up to the experience. Allow your inner voice to lead you to Monkey magic and learn what monkey knows -that magic is fun! Yesterday the Monkey was in the magical Occult position and we had fun with him then and now today he is the center of attention. This always occurs because the Dog which is the tenth glyph and the Monkey which is the 11th glyph are each others’ Occult power. They are the only two in the Tzolkin who are right beside each other and also have this connection.
The Guide today is Blue Night and its key words are ‘Dreams and Abundance’. Be guided by your dreams and aspirations today and with a bit of Monkey magic who knows what will happen. ‘Abundance’ is likely too, so be prepared to be pleasantly surprised. Whenever the Blue Night leads the way, we can feel a little dreamy and our imaginations can go a bit wild. Today you can focus on the dreams you have currently that you wish to come true but also you can dream up new ideas too.
The Challenge is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. Monkey doesn’t stop often enough to take care of himself and Dragon can be too serious and needs to learn to have more fun. This is why their energies are opposing. If you are a Dragon, don’t write the day off, you too can find some magic.
The Occult power is the White Dog which represents Love, Loyalty and Heart. When the doggy is in the magic position expect magical moments with your loved ones. Use your intuition and it may guide you to find love. Whatever you do today, put all of your heart into it and see magical results.
The Ally is the Yellow Star which symbolizes Beauty, Art and Elegance. Yellow Stars are great to have around today with their enthusiasm for beauty they naturally get along with Monkey because there is beauty in magic. If you are a Yellow Star, you will be very sparkly today and this will make you very popular.
An absolutely INCREDIBLE DIVINELY ORDAINED day of Supernatural SOURCE codes today. A potent recipe to create Spiritual Alchemy – and manifest New Earth built on a foundation of pure BLISS!
Hold onto your Majik wands beautiful Star Bliss Supernova Suns – today is a HUMONGOUS majikal code all being UNLOCKED on our 6th GAP day in this Serpent Wavespell – We are right in the MIDDLE of our GAP immersion.
Today is the PEAK GAP DAY in the cycle of 10 – the APEX or pinnacle for the energy that has been building up. And WHAT A DAY IT IS!!!!! – UBER SPIRITUAL GIFTS being granted!
How you access this POWER will depend on your INTENT!
Day 7 in the RED SERPENT WAVESPELL of survival, instinct, kundalini rising, life force, PASSION and rapid transformation through shedding our old skin.
Today we are focused on channeling what we ATTUNE to – using our majik wands to cast our Dreamspells to manifest ABUNDANCE, in order to THRIVE rather than just SURVIVE!
We are RAISING the bar to live AS IN HEAVEN!!
We are learning to TRUST that we can MANIFEST great personal and collective ABUNDANCE NOW!
HIGH MAJIK and PLAY – THE BEST: combination = FUN, FUN, FUN!!
RESONANT Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channels, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully IGNITES the potential for great ALCHEMY today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces available to us all. Preferably WHITE MAJIK.
Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment.
Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which DOUBLES the MAJIK of the MONKEY!!
What are you ATTUNED to today?
What form of ABUNDANCE will you manifest through your exuberant PLAY!
Today’s question is “What MAJIK am I attuning to, in order to transcend SCARE-CITY and manifest great DIVINE ABUNDANCE and HARMONY?”
Divine blessings for LOTS of majikal play and Divine alchemy today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
KIN 111 – links to potent portal days –
36 months ago KIN 111 preceded the SOLSTICE GATEWAY on 20 DEC 2021 bringing forth great LIGHT during the CHRIST-MASS period.
45 months ago it was EASTER SUNDAY – A majikal day of RESURRECTION of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.
54 months prior – it happened to be HALLOWEEN… October, 31st 2019.
On that day the veils were extra thin as the Black Magic tried to take hold of our planet – but the counter measures by the LIGHT-workers were successful in reclaiming the White Majik through the Magnetic Wizard’s grid.. The WHITE MAJIK began flooding our planet through that EASTER portal directly linking to the BIRTH of CHRISTOS through the CHRIST-MASS and Solstice gateway.. Huge AMPLIFICATION of our CHRISTOS coding.
Today KIN 111 falls on a potent SOURCE flow DAY – pumping out the CHRIST LIGHT from the HEAVENLY REALMS.
This MAJIK portal is WIDE OPEN attuning us all to MAJIK, MIRACLES and ABUNDANCE!
MANY MIRACLES ABOUND through this DIVINE passage.
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE RESONANT MONKEY CHUEN Today is a great day to LIGHTEN up and release all those ancient PRIMAL SURVIVAL FEARS! Whatever triggers our FEARS, be it playful, benign or intense, know that it is all an ILLUSION that can be dissolved and erased in the tracks of our minds.
Chuen is the Master Magician and as the veils are lifted, we can see behind the smoke screens that what was – FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL – is nothing more than an innocent child wearing a white bedsheet with cut holes for the eye sockets! Not really SCARY at all!!
At the end of the day we are all pure divine souls playing this REAL-IT-Y game of life. So LAUGH and mock the FEARS – face them with humour and acknowledge the role they have played in your life....
It is TIME to let go of the HORROR, the suffering and trauma of the past Nightmare on Gaia – it is the END of the dark night of our Planetary soul!
So rejoice, play and gather with your children and your kin – face your inner demons, and blast them with the HIGHEST WHITE MAJIK LIGHT that your Majik Monkey can channel – (or you may prefer to use Rainbow BLISS BOMBS)
The BLUE MONKEY KIN hold the BLISS codes for 5D Earth. Their totem is the DOLPHIN which exudes JOY, exuberance and higher LOVE. This is expressed through euphoric play in the Oceans of LOVE.
CHUEN perfectly brings forth great MAJIK today from many realms, along with the RESONANT tone inspiring ACTION. Chuen reminds you to keep your high manifesting vibe happening through lots of play and merriment. Keep it LIGHT and use your JOY to inspire your happiest Dreamspell.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RESONANT NIGHT– AKBAL is a portal to the Abyss and the deep DARK subconscious… opening portal upon portal beyond the veil… so your deepest core FEARS may arise to be finally released – particularly those childhood wounds and traumas.
That poor innocent child who is afraid of the dark and is hiding from the “Boogie man” beneath the covers! Pull off those sheets and robe yourself in your Hero’s costume….. bravely face the UNKNOWN and the mystery with unbridled LAUGHTER……. until you cry tears of JOY ….
Life is a party now…replace the trauma with celebrations and welcome the UNKNOWN as marvellous serendipity…which makes you GLEE with De-LIGHT.
AKBAL is THE DREAMER! He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing and attuning and channeling spirit.
Today we have an.. 8.10.8 code giving us DOUBLE ABUNDANCE through our MANIFESTATION power… GOLDEN KEYS to access AKBAL’s gifts.
The DREAMTIME is the dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality, where our creation VORTEX exists. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.
RESONANT AKBAL as the Higher guide today asks you to PAY ATTENTION to your DREAMS!! You may channel messages in the DREAMTIME or energize your DREAMS through attuning to Majik!
A brilliant code for DREAMWEAVING!
What SWEET DREAMS will you energize today?
Hold the collective PLANETARY dream of ABUNDANCE for all beings!
Grab yourself a CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL – preferably a wand or a vogel crystal – OR a tumble stone will suffice.
1. Hold the crystal in your left hand – place your index finger on the tip/point of the crystal, then take a deep breath in. Stroke the crystal with your finger running it from the point and down the length.. Visualize ELECTRIC BLUE LIGHT from your breath filling up and charging the crystal.
2. Transfer the crystal to your right hand – with your index finger on the tip – reverse the motion and rub the crystal from the end to the tip – as you do so – take a deep breath in and VISUALIZE NEW EARTH already manifested with all souls living a happy and abundant life infused with LOVE and UNITY..
Breathe out and visualize the ELECTRIC BLUE LIGHT pouring out of the crystal and charging up Mother Gaia with this Utopian Dream-Spell..
Sit in BLISSFUL stillness feeling the PEACE, JOY and jubilation.
Give gratitude and thanks for this manifesting for the HIGHEST GOOD of ALL.
SUPPORT: YELLOW RESONANT STAR – LAMAT the beautiful, graceful and diplomatic STAR is our supporting energy, elevating our happiness quotient and encouraging us to REACH FOR THE STARS with our desires. Swing on a STAR and reach the furthest heights that you can imagine.
RESONANT LAMAT is attuned to HARMONY and the frequency of the NEW TIME and NEW HARMONIC MATRIX. It is a direct PORTAL to NEW EARTH carrying you swiftly forth to our Utopian Paradisiacal timeline
LAMAT assists us in creating harmony in our world, and being in the beauty of nature, celebrating the ABUNDANCE and joy that surrounds us. Another layer of ABUNDANCE giving us 4X the JOY!!
LAMAT reminds us to bypass the HORROR and SEE the BEAUTY beyond the Illusion. Sing, dance, LAUGH and SHINE BRIGHTLY dear STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RESONANT DOG OC is the SUPERPOWER of the day which is FANTASTIC NEWS as this means the Hidden POWER of this day is WHITE MAJIK!!!
RESONANT OC – is attuned to unconditional LOVE! He channels the purest form of LOVE, loyalty and devotion through his precious heart, and inspires others through his selfless compassion and Service to Spirit.
The POWER of LOVE will dissolve the deepest darkness…which will switch on the LIGHT in the darkest of times… No matter how much the DARK attempts to use SCARE-CITY tactics, YOU will have the winning outcome if you attune to the Divine force of LOVE.
OC asks us to OPEN our rose-petalled HEART which we expanded yesterday activating our 5th chamber Etheric CHRIST HEART, through our double DOG day! CHANNELING our PASSION and LIFE FORCE from our chakras to IGNITE our true heart’s desires.
Attuning to the compassion and unconditional LOVE, that we have for ourselves and our fellow kin. LOVING OUR SHADOW, our fears, our emotions and our wounds. Embracing our inner child and treating ourselves with loving kindness.
OC asks us to TRUST in the Divine support for our Survival issues, knowing in our hearts that everyone deserves true PLANETARY ABUNDANCE which comes from FREEDOM. Financial and emotional FREEDOM knowing the truth that our SOULS are eternally FREE SPIRITS playing in this Universal wonderland of great adventure!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RESONANT DRAGON – IMIX is the Mother Dragon who nurtures us so that we feel loved and supported. IMIX is also fearlessly protective of her brood, knowing that you are always SAFE in the loving care of your Mother/Goddess.
IMIX guards the womb of creation, where her eggs are incubating and are birthed within the dark void. From our deepest fears we can birth our greatest gifts to humanity. Emerging from the darkness with the greatest strength, talents and wisdom your soul has gained, is the GIFT of today.
IMIX enables us to BIRTH our creations into reality. IMIX also gives us the Dragon’s courage and determination to protect our unique visions from corruption and fully empower them into manifestation.
BELIEVE in yourself
BELIEVE in your unique talents and contributions
…in this New world we are collectively birthing.
We become fully empowered, to accept full responsibility for our role, and flow with the collective evolution of Earth and all beings. We step up and become deeply INSPIRED, in the joy that arises as our birthright when we are connected vitally to the life force of GAIA, who lovingly supports and provides for her children.
So cheeky monkeys it is time to dance, sing, play and be joyful and allow the DIVINE life force to ignite and channel through us as we perform DIVINE ALCHEMY!!
Today’s question is “What MAJIK am I attuning to, in order to transcend SCARE-CITY and manifest great DIVINE ABUNDANCE and HARMONY?”
Divine blessings for LOTS of majikal play and Divine alchemy today.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle in: SAMADHI, a journey into profound meditation and bliss within the Secret Garden of Eden. In this sacred space, you will be guided to experience the pure state of Samadhi, where the mind transcends thought and enters divine union with the infinite. Through this meditation, you’ll hold sacred space for your awakening, allowing your soul to connect deeply with the source of peace, love, and oneness.
Immerse yourself in the tranquil energy of the Garden of Eden, a symbol of paradise and spiritual rebirth. As you meditate, feel the essence of bliss and harmony permeate your being, awakening your inner light and guiding you toward a higher state of consciousness. This practice is designed to help you release attachments, find inner stillness, and experience the profound joy of divine connection.
Perfect for spiritual seekers and meditators, this guided journey will open your heart to the peace of Samadhi and support your path to enlightenment.
I DEMAND the Invincible, Fiery, Victorious Hand of the Victorious Cosmic Christ, stand in front of every individual within our Land; especially those in public office and all in positions of trust, authority, influence, and control within our Land, and accept GOD IN ACTION!
I DEMAND GOD IN ACTION and the Divine Plan fulfilled for America and Her people and throughout the World, made manifest!
That all may know there is only GOD IN ACTION in all the Energy of the Universe!
I CALL the Invincible Hand of God into action to keep this Nation out of War; to protect the Light of God within Her ! Control and operate our Government System, hold the Divine Balance of that which God had placed here for the expansion of the Light in America and throughout the World , and fulfilled the Divine Plan of America and throughout the World Destiny, the Ascended Masters Way !
Right Now! this instant and forever!
Victorious Cosmic Christ
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