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144,000 the Way to Exodus is via Natural Law ~ WE ARE THE TIME TRAVELERS * 5d Light Beings  ~ Solar Eclipse in Libra at the South Node

144,000 the Way to Exodus is via Natural Law ~ WE ARE THE TIME TRAVELERS * 5d Light Beings  ~ Solar Eclipse in Libra at the South Node




Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings New Earth Shamans of the New Lemuria Rising

We begin this magical, mystical month of October with a Big Bang!! Our local Soularis sends us a massive X Class Flare today just in time for tomorrow’s New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra, sign of the scales!

Our Sun released another 8 C Class Soular Flares , 2 M Class Flares and the most powerful X Class Flare Maxing at X 7.15 at 22:20 UTC encoded with our 222 Code of our Angelic Legions of Light. This was the second most powerful Soular Flare of the current Soular Cycle 25.

Mother Earth also had higher pulses of resonance in her “heartbeat” today appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 12 hz, 29 hz , 33 hz and a big blast of white light at 40 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics holding steady and rising.

Pachamama also received two major activations today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in East Timor at 9:28 UTC and a magnitude 6.6 earthquake in Tonga at 20:05 UTC.

We are all being prepared for tomorrows most powerful New Moon and “Ring of Fire” Soular Eclipse in Libra. All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving key codes and updates to their Crystalline DNA to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in the Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of homo-Luminous.

All our Good People of the New Earth are receiving powerful waves of Crystalline Gamma Plasma Liquid Mother Light to transform the human 3d physical vessels into 5D Christos Rainbow Avatars of Infinite Light and Infinite Life.

Keep anchoring in, rising and shining bright as perfectly Awakened Buddhas of the Pure Land of Terra Nova Gaia… A’Ho!











As worlds shift and consciousness expands, it’s key to find your balance, inner grounding and centerdness. This is how you’ll know about the external. Self care and self aware. To withstand the storm, your priority is to take care of you & focus within. Then the rest becomes clear. What a powerful time. ❤️

Only Beings Of Crystal Core Can Hold Vibration
And Come Into The One Song Of Creation
Through Resonance
We Are Formulating The One Energetic Mind Now
Heartless Beings, Crystal Coreless Beings
Are Leaving This Earth Now
Crystal Core
Crystal Core

 Alexander Quinn – Starseed

“In the past 24 hours, there has been a notable upgrade affecting the physical state, accompanied by significant celestial activity at various levels.
This particular shift will be accompanied by an emotional upgrade or purge. Symptoms such as loss of appetite, bloating, unusual aches and pains, electrical sensations in the body, and increased irritability may be experienced.
“Additionally, with an impending eclipse event tomorrow, we are entering a period of heightened intensity over the next 48 hours. While such phenomena may not be observable through conventional scientific methods such as the Kp index within this period, emotional responses such as sudden anger, irrational sadness, or fear may arise.
These emotional fluctuations are indicative of personal and energetic development most likely at a cellular level. So Jump for Joy. You’re ascending still.”
Oct 1, 2024
On the approach to the New Moon and Eclipse on the 2nd, I am finding myself back in mode for the creation of space and the keeping of only what is needed to hand. This again is an energetic response to the bigger cosmic picture flowing all around us.
The moon’s energetic resonance is psychic, intuitive and feminine, which suits the Sensitive Community very well. However it is also triggering and a catalyst for emotional and environmental happenings. The gravitational pull speaks to the waters held within all living form and has powers to drag from under what lies beneath.
Keeping your surroundings clean is an act of intention, of manifesting a clean palate for a fresh new experience. This is the oldest magic and the most underrated trick in the book, passed down across the generations from those who lived immersed in a life in harmony with the call of their natural surroundings.
This is the art of living within the beat of Gaia and her cosmic swirl.
New Moon and Eclipse
New Moon and Eclipse
10/1/24: Oh, where to begin with October. Endings. Enlightenment. Empowerment. Emotions. Responsibility. Release. Redemption. Renaissance. Unveiling. Upleveling. Unloading. Underscoring. You will hit a wall of your own making this month. You will see the results of your efforts this year.
You will stand alone in the light you now shine. October is an open door and the end of the line. It’s where we part ways and speak without words. Today is the starting gate but we begin at different places. Keep your eyes to yourself and your mind on your own journey. You now enter a world you’ve been creating. It can give you what you’ve asked for… and show you why you got exactly that.
OCTOBER 1 2024


Upon this UNIQUE Equinox we detached ourselves from the bonds of the matter and antimatter nodes.
This was possible because we had previously become the Twin Flame Phoenixes by burning our old selves and taking the Wheel of Life in our hands.
Through a series of very specific steps and guidance which included a huge amount of inner work, we managed to set and lock our new course and we lifted the last anchor.
Because of this monumental development, we witnessed another series of structures began falling away.
As we became the owners of our flow of DNA, we got unstuck, the Merkabah was reset and we said farewell to all those contracts and conditions that we had agreed upon our attachment to the 3D reality so now we can freely travel through time/space again and physically open ourselves to the galactic frequencies of the big ocean of Life!
999 has already opened!
– Message from the Mother’s vortex/shell 🐚
”The new energies that are arriving are the New Breath of Life.
A new wind, a new flow of sea breeze is coming in connected to Posidonia kai the memories of the Free Waters.
Life is entering your systems!
144000 the way to Exodus is via Natural Law!”
The 5d Light Beings are here to support each and everyone through this great transition via specific healing, liberation, restoration and guidance so that it can be as smooth as possible!
Happy October!
🙏🏼❤️🌟💎 ⚕️❇️
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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Solar Eclipse – Oct 2 ( Part 1)

We are approaching the last Solar Eclipse in Libra at the South Node conjunct Lilith on Oct 2nd with Venus , ruler Of Libra in Scorpio at The Sacral Chakra in her Shamanic synodic cycle .
There is an undercurrent of sadness and grief as we are in the process of wrapping up some major karmic cycles that have played a foundational role in the arena of relationships and connections .
Situations / patterns in relationships could be coming up where we feel marginalised , mistreated or denied justice fuelling intense rage, revenge or bitterness.
Sexual Trauma is an important aspect of these Karmic relationships. Intimate connections when fuelled by passion , desire and pleasure help in deepening our connection with self and others but when weaponised to be used as tools of control and manipulation create Trauma bonds.
The other category of Karmic relationships up for redemption deal with the Mother Wounds of Abandonment, people pleasing, submissiveness to maintain peace at huge cost to self , constant need of validation , weak boundaries, self sabotage/ sacrifice to accommodate others.
These are the Karmic wounds/ debts that will Now need Final redemption. Significant connections and relationships are now ending to make place for more SoulFull connections.
Past life Connections / Soul Mate Connections , that have traversed separate path till now in the physical in order to learn some soul lessons like Self Love and Empowerment , Assertive Action as opposed to the analysis paralysis of the mental plane and Sovereign Control over Sexuality, Desires, Pleasures and Emotions could now reunite as Soul mates/ connections . The high level of ‘Frequency Resonance’ between these soul in the etheric planes may well manifest in the physical over the next 6 months.
We are at an extremely transformational and Karmic phase in our evolution at this time with major relationships ready to be eclipsed out of our life to make way for higher levels of Connection that serve us both in the physical and spiritual realms.
Surrender and Flow with what is Divinely Guided and OUT of your control, take courageous action aligned with your authenticity and Soul Truth for things IN your control…..and Let the chips fall where they may….
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse


Dear friends, welcome to October, a month energetically imprinted with the transformative power of a solar eclipse. Tomorrow’s ring of fire solar eclipse marks the official closure of the eclipse corridor that opened on September 17 with the Supermoon eclipse. This solar event, occurring at 10° Libra, heralds a profound rebirth, illuminating the path to balance, harmony, and self-awareness.
As the earth, moon, and sun align, a potent energetic shift stirs the cosmos. As millions of people around the world attune their consciousness to the solar eclipse energies, a pivotal energetic momentum for individual and global transformation is created.
The assimilation of this eclipse passageway information will continue taking place intensively in our energetic fields this whole month. However, the physical manifestation of these changes into our realities may take a while depending on each individual’s journey. Throughout this eclipse corridor you may have received information that is already triggering inner shifts and recalibrations within your systems. Give yourself a few weeks to truly feel/embody the shifts you want to make on your journey during the rest of the year.
All eclipse corridors are energetically connected, and create a grid of energetic transformation through time and space around the planet. This current eclipse corridor is energetically linked to the previous corridor we experienced earlier this year. Personal issues you may have started healing and processing at the beginning of this year may find a new opportunity for deeper release during the present eclipse corridor. Our human evolutionary journey continues.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing some issues that may intensify as we approach the eclipse climax. Sleep disturbances, ear ringing, lack of focus, and on/off fatigue periods may be possible at this time.
To fully embody the essence of this eclipse, you can consciously attune yourself to its frequencies at the time of the eclipse. Check your local times. Here are a few simple ways:
-Meditate as the moon’s shadow dances across the sun, allowing the stillness to awaken your inner guidance.
-Set intentions that honor your heart’s desires and nurture relationships built on mutual respect.
-Embody self-compassion, embracing your humanity with gentle kindness.
-Release the shackles of outdated patterns, embracing the liberation that this eclipse offers.
As this celestial event reverberates globally, expect shifts in international relations and diplomacy, alongside a heightened focus on social justice. The world, like our individual lives, is poised for renewal.
The upcoming 10/10 energy portal and the full Supermoon on October 17 in the sign of Aries will bring an extra wave of passion, courage, and tenacity to enact the changes triggered by this eclipse corridor. Stay tuned for more updates as the energies roll in.
Have a wonderful month of October and eclipse day. I’ll be seeing you on the other side. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective
As we enter the month of October, we approach the opening of this months energetic portal with a sense of established faith and trust in the transformational energies that are guiding our Journey. This journey allows us to release the old and embrace an expanded version of heart-centered consciousness.
What to Expect in October: Reconciliation of past karma and personal growth. Positive change and inner transformation. Advancements in love, career, and relationships. Significant improvements in every aspect of life.
Over the past few years the Ascending have embarked on a lengthy and often challenging ascension conscious path that took them through an awakening portal. This portal serves as a catalyst for purging eons of programs and past traumas from cellular memories in this current moment of linear time.
The physical body, emotional body, and etheric body are undergoing a process of crystallisation, enabling those ascending to embody more light and express a greater essence of soul. As layers of density rise to the surface, much of your previous reality in the 3D realm begins to dissolve and fade away, creating energetic space for new experiences and opportunities.
Third eye, throat and heart chakra enhancements and modifications are well under way . Some may feel higher vibrations in their base chakra . Symptoms in this planetary shift include pain in the eyes, legs, feet , ankles , shoulders, head and throat. Higher Sensations and sensitivities in all chakras . Erratic sleeping and eating patterns , Ascension communication , repeated influx of number codes , stronger and more obvious synchronicities .
On October 1st, 2024 The ascending welcome in downloads of higher frequency energies , new information that has been preparing to flow through the physical being as requested by the higher self aspects . The energy will manifest as white pearlescent light, vibrating at a rapid speed as it moves through the physical .
This gifts and downloads of light hold profound meanings. The primary aspects of these energy downloads are the awakening of embedded ancient abilities, the reconnection with innocence, creativity, and the awareness of beauty. These sacred qualities are the very essence of the Creator, the foundation of ascension, and the virtues inherent within the being.
Innocence represents the truth, purity, and simplicity of internal energy as we journey through the Universe of the Creator and experience life on Earth. When we connect with the vibration and presence of innocence within, we are reconnecting with the source of all that is , Creator source Energy and Unity .
In this place it is telepathic , transcending from words, limitations, ideas, and thoughts, recognising the self as the indescribable alchemist , This knowingness is what all Ascending beings seek, a knowing that resides deep within.
Ascending Souls literally need to lose their Programmed mind to regain all quantum and higher senses . Embracing the release of what no longer serves and having impeccable faith that what awaits is beyond the imagination. The Ascending are moving into a higher energetic space, liberating self from the limitations and illusions that once constrained . These limitations were necessary for Self’s evolution growth and awakening.
Within your crystalline starseed template, you are healing generational trauma and transmuting layers of density and false beliefs that have veered away from the truth of the Divine soul essence. Starseed / LightWorkers have dedicated themselves to clearing the collective pain body, allowing an opening for unity and oneness to resurface in the light of the present moment.
Starseeds are attentive to the thoughts that arise from deeply rooted patterns within The DNA , corporeal structures .Through compassionate presence with Self these patterns are being purged , transmuted , transcended and transformed into healed expansive and loving energy. The higher self consistently connects to through the heart space and inner core breath, this is stronger and more powerful in the moments of stillness.
As you move beyond the perceived limitations of your mind, you begin to tap into the vast possibilities that reside within your heart. With Love all things are possible. Starseeds remain patient and centered, knowing a divine plan is working through you .
We Welcome the 1st Day of October , Currently there is a significant influx of Cosmic Energies affecting our planetary frequencies. The Equinox has transitioned us into the final quarter of the year, and we can anticipate experiencing its energies for the next few weeks.
This coming week, the energy levels will be particularly high as we move through the rebalancing Libra Season that is preparing all of the Ascending for the collective Scorpio energy of the death / rebirth cycles .
In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service By Ascension LightWorkers . ©️


Paving the Way for the Collective Consciousness of your Species.
Aligining to the Galactic Universe, Calibrating The Upcoming Light Upgrades
See the Power of YOU – the Collective Consciousness of LIGHT – like a vast forest growing, expanding, integrating, achieving.
Sending waves of Cosmic Love, as we collectively pave the Way.
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Light Channel


Commit to your choices, trusting that you are divinely guided. Release the ego’s reigns and go forward with conviction. The strong Libra energies are supporting you in prioritizing yourself and what you want. You are free to move away from what is holding this back. Now is the perfect time to take action towards joy, love, and your legacy.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

heightened planetary phase of releasing and recalibrating into higher self awareness
heightened planetary phase of releasing and recalibrating into higher self awareness
October brings a surge of transformative energy, with the powerful New Moon Eclipse in Libra on October 2 setting the stage for significant shifts in relationships. This eclipse invites sudden new beginnings and brings unexpected emotional changes.
You may find yourself experiencing a turn of events in your connections—whether it’s meeting someone new or feeling a shift in your current relationship that steers you in a different direction. Eclipses often bring things to light, so you might uncover deeper feelings or truths that change the course of a relationship. With Mercury’s influence on the same day, clear and open communication becomes essential.
On October 5, Moon Conjunct Venus takes emotions to center stage. This tender alignment brings a sense of emotional and romantic fulfillment, making it an ideal time for love and self-care. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you may feel the need for affection and intimacy. Small, sweet moments with a partner, or even time spent indulging in things that bring you joy, will feel more meaningful now. Venus also rules money, so you could find yourself wanting to treat yourself or make an investment in something that brings happiness.
Challenges might arise on October 14 with Venus opposing Uranus, bringing unpredictability to relationships. You may suddenly crave freedom, or an unexpected twist could occur in your love life. Embrace these surprises as opportunities for growth, as sometimes, unexpected events are exactly what’s needed to shake things up and bring a fresh perspective to love.
Sun Trine Jupiter also on October 14 brings a wave of optimism and opportunity. This is one of the luckiest transits, offering a boost of confidence and the feeling that anything is possible.
Whether in love or career, this is your time to expand, take bold steps, and welcome the abundance the universe has to offer. However, Sun Square Mars on the same day reminds you to channel your energy wisely. You may feel more competitive or frustrated, especially if things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like. It’s important to find a balance between going after what you want and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.
The energy remains high as Venus Trine Neptune on October 16 sparks a dreamy, romantic vibe. Creativity and inspiration will flow, making this a great time for connecting with a partner on a deeper, spiritual level. If you’re single, you might feel drawn to someone who feels like a soulmate, or you could find yourself inspired in creative or artistic pursuits. Just be cautious of getting lost in fantasies—while it’s great to dream, staying grounded in reality is equally important.
Closing out the month, Mars Trine Neptune on October 28 brings an inspiring blend of action and compassion. You’ll feel motivated to pursue your dreams with kindness and empathy, and it’s a great time for spiritual or artistic growth.
October’s energy is undeniably transformative, so welcome the surprises, trust the process, and be open to new beginnings, both in love and life. This is your time to manifest, grow, and let the Universe guide you to your next chapter.
Star Nations
Star Nations

art by: Stine Millard Antvorskov

On Tuesday, October 1st, it is the day before the New Moon Solar Eclipse, so we are in the Dark of the Moon. Luna is in Virgo the Priestess most of the day and will be connecting to the transforming collective planets of Uranus, the Awakener, Neptune, the Transcender, and Pluto, the Transformer.
This is opening us to greater awareness, magnifying our spiritual gifts, and moving us through a death and rebirth process. At 6:20pm EDT, the Moon will move into Libra the Scales where the Solar Eclipse takes place tomorrow. Go within, reflect and surrender to the shifts that are taking place, and allow soul healing to permeate your inner being.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
New Moon Solar Eclipse
New Moon Solar Eclipse
Lunar Aspects – We’re moving towards the eclipse. But first we must navigate an ordinary day filled with extraordinary moments. It’s walking down the street to buy lunch and vividly remembering school dinners and playtime. It’s starting back to work as we find ourselves wondering about the untravelled road. Life’s junctures are suddenly in stark contrast and then comes the thought…what if it could be different? The thought hangs, dissolves the scene and we’re lost, dreaming of something, anything other than what we have. Wistful longings fill the air with an intoxicating perfume then…POP!
Back to planet Earth and her lists and tasks, routines and washing.
But as we pick up where we left off, the join between then and now makes an un-erasable mark, a kiss to the future self that says, don’t worry, I hear you, I see you, I’ll help you. Somewhere in the day is an opportunity to create a tiny change that has big life improvement potential. Ground your dreams into reality. Dare to make another mark on Life’s canvas. Live by design. Make every minute count.
Degrees and Times
Moon 21°Vi13′, Jupiter 21°Ge13′ – 05:29 (BST)
Moon 26°Vi53′, Uranus 26°Ta53′ R – 16:59
Moon 28°Vi13′, Neptune 28°Pi13′ R – 19:42 (BST)
Moon 00°Li00′ – 23:19 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – A Painter at Work by Paul Cezanne
A Painter at Work
A Painter at Work

Kin 86 ~ White Galactic Worldbridger

‘Galactic’ is the name for the number 8 and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model.’ The 8th step of any wavespell is about finding harmony in your life, so check yourself and make sure you are appreciating everything you have and make an effort to get along with everybody. It doesn’t matter what day in the Tzolkin that the 8th day of a wavespell falls on, it always softens down any energy it combines with. Make it your mission today to be fluffy, this number puts folk in a good mood.
Today is White Worldbridger and its keywords are ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. Worldbridger days provide an opportunity to cross a bridge but first the toll must be paid and this is where the word death comes into play. It symbolizes sacrifice and letting go. Don’t be afraid to let bygones be bygones as this process – is a form of death. Also, anything that has been preventing you from crossing a bridge to the next level must be considered. Ask yourself what you must do to get where you want to be. As it is a Galactic day, this suggests that harmony is waiting for you on the other side of the bridge. A Grand Prize worth striving for indeed. The Worldbridger is a diplomat and this gels very well with the harmonious number 8.
The Guide today is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. By allowing your heart to guide your actions today you should have no trouble finding the bridge. Be a Braveheart and cross it…don’t miss this golden opportunity. The dog also symbolizes tenacity, so summon up a bit of determination today and you should find things easier. Imagine a dog on a leash and he is pulling over a bridge. A dog knows where he wants to go and this stubborness is very helpful today.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Warrior and so we are all challenged to go on a quest but it is not easy symbolizing that anything worth having must be fought for. If you are a Yellow Warrior, you too can find harmony today so don’t despair.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin. When in this powerful magical position Eagle soars high and can locate the bridge for you…step back and see the bigger picture like the Eagle and you too will find the way.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who loves adventure and who has a great deal of courage. If you need assistance today find a Skywalker, they can help you cross over the bridge. If you are a Skywalker, expect calls for help and support from your loved ones. You’ll enjoy today as everyone wants to go on an adventure with you! Because the Ally is a friendly energy and like the number 8, it is very fluffy – this suggests any adventure Skywalker goes on today is gentle and not too adventurous.
Kin 86
Kin 86


8 CIMI – KIN 86
1 OCTOBER 2024
Modeling Opportunity
I seal the store of Death
With the Galactic tone of integrity
I AM guided by the power of HEART
1/10/2024 = 1/10/8 = 1/18=1/9 =10=1
✨1-9 ✨ ALPHA to OMEGA
✨10-10 ✨ MANIFESTATION code
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power/Leader
1-New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
18- Social upheaval.endings
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 86 = 14/5 = 5 LIBERATION code. BAM 💥💥
111 – DIVINE NEW BEGINNINGS as we commence a new Gregorian month – OCTOBER the 10th month of MANIFESTATION and LEADERSHIP. October is LIBRA season which favours love, romance, partnership, harmony, PEACE and ART-istry.. Expressing your soul essence through the ARTS.
OCTOBER is the 10th month of the Gregorian Year – emphasizing PERFECTING your MANIFESTATION POWER.. The 10 reduces to a 1 which puts the spotlight on LEADERSHIP, independence and claiming your unique gifts and talents.
OCTOBER is an 18=9 Universal month when the 10 is added to 2024. 18 is a code for social upheaval, conflict and change bringing about endings – finalized through the 9 code. Although LIBRA season desires PEACE and HARMONY – with all these INTENSE energies, eclipses and celestial visitors – comet and second moon/asteroid.. through this BLUE STORM cycle – it is doubtful that OCTOBER will be a PEACEFUL month.. Perhaps the conflict and wars will escalate before final resolution takes place.
We have a NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in LIBRA♎⚖️ on October 2/3 with both SUN☀️ and MOON🌛 in the sign of LIBRA – illuminating humanity’s need to find PEACE and HARMONY in all our relations! There is NO ESCAPE – we must uplevel to a state of HARMONIC resonance with our kin and all kingdoms.
Buckle up beloveds – the ASCENSION TRAIN is gathering momentum! 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃
Day 8 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we LET GO and SURRENDER in order to transform the past, and build bridges to the future.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today we are modelling OPPORTUNITY, so that we can build a bridge to the New World where EQUALITY, LOVE and INTEGRITY are the new foundations.
Today’s question is “How can I harmonize with my kin, through the power of my authentic HEART, building bridges to our wonderful NEW WORLD?”
Divine blessings for the gentle SURRENDER of the pain, and ultimate connection to a higher plane of existence.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER ✨ 🌈🌉– CIMI seals the store of DEATH and continues to assist us in LETTING GO and releasing the past, forcibly closing ONE door and opening the NEW.
We need to totally SURRENDER our past identity – who we thought we were, in order to transform ourselves and evolve into someone new. A pure more evolved version of yourself, operating with integrity and focused on equality for all beings – the best version that you can possibly be, in order to be FREE!
We are no longer separate, from the whole, our new identity is JOINING as ONE unified community. This is the way forged!
The GALACTIC WORLDBRIDGER is the new Networker, joining with others and creating these new common-unities based on harmony, truth, Divine Service and providing for all equally. GALACTIC CIMI is the new teacher and 5D LEADER who models the HIGHEST principles for our new cooperative alliances.
🌟🌟🌟Many great LEADERS are NOW stepping forth to HEAL and lead their communities, nations and our world, highlighting the BEST models for living a BRILLIANT life in HARMONY and PEACE.
CIMI is forging a NEW PATH to these innovative social and business models which are replacing the old crumbling “GREED – for the HIGHEST PROFIT at all costs” model. All new systems and structures are in alignment with the Harmonic Matrix and will ensure a SOLID secure and SAFE future for all Earth’s citizens.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE GALACTIC DOG ✨ 🐕❤ OC rules the HEART❤ through opening us to unconditional love. ❤❤❤ OC working with CIMI enables us to use our COMPASSION and empathy, to assist ourselves and others to release old pain – particularly associated with rejection, separation and betrayal.
Through SURRENDERING the old divisions, we can feel greater devotion, love and support from our kin, to move together from one world to the next, creating our new tribes. We are building bridges🌉 connecting to other HEARTS💗💗 through trust, loyalty, faith, acceptance and compassion, the beautiful higher qualities we all need to embody.
The GALACTIC DOG has a very PURE HEART❤ and ensures that we have a HIGHER FOUNDATION based on LOVE❤ for all that we are now initiating and creating. Our new purpose and Mission is to FOLLOW OUR HEARTS ❤ in order to manifest our TRUE HEART’s desires. Our HEARTS never lie to us, and they reveal the path of integrity, as our HEART fully aligns us with Divine Will and our natural “goodness”.
The GALACTIC DOG symbolizes all that is GOOD and wholesome in our world – connecting us back to the love and protection of Mother/Father God. We all came from SOURCE so we are ONE GLOBAL family. 👫👬👭
The new GLOBAL🌐 systems will simply be an extension of our HOMES now. As we will all feel LOVED, nurtured, protected and supported by the new governments, leaders, rulers – as Planetary kin – no division, no borders and total acceptance of each other’s uniqueness.
We will unite with our GALACTIC BRETHREN once more becoming truly Galactic citizens of the Universe!
SUPPORT: RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER ✨☁🚶 BEN the GALACTIC EXPLORER leads us into new realms, new possibilities and new opportunities.
BEN is CIMI’s best buddy and travelling companion💼 They have a beautiful synergy in sealing the store of DEATH.. by closing old doors and through their exploration, discovering wonderful new opportunities and routes to take, opening the new doors.
BEN the Angelic Messenger, brings forth these signs and messages from other realms and worlds, assisting us in integrating higher frequencies during our awakening to our new selves. BEN’S mission is to anchor BLISS ON EARTH.💒 Following his lead will always lead to the most amazing soul EXPANSION.✨✨✨
It is time to EXPAND our MINDS and our thinking of WHAT IS possible for us, to anchor our own unique piece of HEAVEN on EARTH.💒❤🌈🌹
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RHYTHMIC EAGLE 👁– MEN gives us the power to SEE with great clarity, that which was hidden in the past. This enables us to LET GO of what is extraneous and outmoded now. LET GO of the OLD to make SPACE for the NEW.
BLUE EAGLE beckons you to spread your wings, and fly like an Eagle over the vast oceans of LOVE, connecting us all, returning with a new found greater perspective. Although the landscape is vast indeed, the mighty oceans🌊🌊🌊 on our planet 🌎 are all composed of single drops💧 forming the greater whole. Without the drops,💧 the ocean would not exist.
Do not underestimate your influence and contributions to the whole.
The RHYTHMIC EAGLE enables you to organize your physical environment for greater balance and equality. Harmonizing the VISIONS that are revealed, as the basis for your new Mission.
Fly high beloveds, on the Eagle’s wings to set the bar to the new 5D GOLD standard. ❤🌈✨🎆
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR✨ 🏹🌈– CIB gifts us with the ability to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that is disharmonious and incongruous with stepping into our NEW self.
The higher intelligence of CIB aligns with BLUE EAGLE, to give you much needed wisdom, to rise above the old ways, closing the door to the old world, and fearlessly moving forward. You are being challenged to LET GO of the PAST and the OLD WAY, and forge a new path on your new HIGHER DIVINE QUEST. ✨🎆
The RAINBOW WARRIOR🌈🏹 gives you the courage to fearlessly defend your DREAMS and GO FOR IT! 👍
This is the new call, as we collectively forge ahead together in these precarious times of transition and uncertainty. Our challenge is to CONFIDENTLY LEAD THE way, by building the new stable and secure RAINBOW BRIDGE. 🌈🌉 so that others may confidently follow.
Constantly being VIGILANT and focusing on the NEW WORLD and new systems we are creating, negating the conflicting and disharmonious events, fully ENERGIZING our VISION of our NEW UTOPIAN world. 🌴❤🌹🌉🌈
With each new dawn,🌄 our QUEST for this NEW EARTH draws closer. Aho!
✨HOLD the FAITH devoted RAINBOW WARRIORS🌈🏹 – we have fought the GOOD BATTLE, and the way forward has now been cleared for HU-MAN-KIND. ✨
Today’s question is “How can I harmonize with my kin, through the power of my authentic HEART, building bridges to our wonderful NEW WORLD?”
Divine blessings for the gentle SURRENDER of the pain, and ultimate connection to a higher plane of existence.
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of Week of September 29th through October 5th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 29th through October 5th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Libra Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE to receive this special Transmission



Stargate to Stargate, unified in Service to the organic Ascension.
New magnetics are birthed in the Heart for direct connection to pure Source flows. Use the Solar Eclipse on Wednesday @ 11:45AM PDT to strengthen this conscious connection.
Stargate to Stargate
Stargate to Stargate

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