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The Event

Event Code ~ Operation Free World

The Event… Operation Free World



The Event


What is the event? The event could potentially be the most important event in the evolution of humanity to date and could occur in the very near future. If you come from a biblical perspective, some call it the rapture.
The event is a quantum shift in our consciousness that will affect each of us in profound ways.

All people are currently going through an ascension process, whether they are aware of it or not. You are going through it on an individual level and we are also going through it collectively.

This ascension process consists of many gradual and layered experiences that prepare us all for this final event, which could soon erupt into a single powerful event that would end the long, long history of humanity and usher in a new beginning.

This event is said to occur every 26,000 years. See my post “Precession of the Equinoxes” at the link below.

This coincides with the change of ages. We happen to be in transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius. It is said to be a sudden galactic impulse, a solar event that will change the frequency at which humanity vibrates.

The Event
The Event

A higher frequency will bring with it a wider spectrum of reality, which means higher vision, wisdom, knowledge, psychic abilities and incredible awareness. This event will release an extremely dazzling light emanating from our Central Sun, which has triggered a quantum leap in our spiritual evolution every time it has occurred in the past.

This solar pulse event will begin the process of transforming matter, energy, consciousness and biological life as we know it.

I believe that in the immediate aftermath of this event, much of humanity will be left confused and fearful as they try to comprehend what has just happened.

I believe that this is the time when benevolent forces will take control of all global communications and airwaves and begin disseminating information to the human population. They will release information about our secret space programs, the Cabal’s inhumane crimes against humanity, etc.

I also believe that there will be testimonial videos showing the human population how we have been controlled by Satan’s agenda. Is this the time for these mass arrests? Personally, I believe that the mass arrests will occur before the solar event.
Is this what we are currently being prepared for?

These arrests will happen to members of the United States Congress on both sides of the aisle.
We will make sure that these criminals never again hold a position of power. If you are paying attention, you can see the steps that are being taken.

However, while this is happening, there will be another monumental transformation that will involve the resetting of the global currency. Some call it GESARA/NESARA.

There are people who believe that this monetary reset is part of the New World Order, and yes, they also want a reset that brings with it a socialist agenda, which ultimately means more oppression, control and tyranny.

Remember, we are witnessing a conflict between a dark, satanic agenda and a light-based liberation agenda. The Light-Based Agenda seeks a reset that brings sustainable governance that benefits all human beings on the planet towards freedom and liberation. Our entire global economy will return to the gold standard, instead of the fictitious fiat system that only benefits the dark.

Suppressed technologies are being introduced. Free energy technologies are gradually being made available to the public. Many suppressed technologies from the Cabal’s secret space programs are also being made public. The planet’s natural wealth will be distributed to all and our ecosystem will be restored.

In time, as the Earth readjusts to its original creation frequency, all healing on a physical and psychological level will also begin. The aging process of humanity will slow down incredibly.

The elimination of these Archons in the higher dimensional planes currently occurring will dissolve any relationship they have in this transformation. War will be a thing of the past.

In my opinion, some will make the transformation to the 5D experience and many will remain on their ascension path and continue their experience in a 3D material world. Many will experience the activation of their Claire, such as telepathy and clairvoyance.


Many believe that first contact will occur soon. We are told that this will happen when enough people accept the fact of extraterrestrial existence and acknowledge their role in our history.

These benevolent galactic civilizations, who have supported us throughout our existence and who are on the front lines and behind the scenes of the current situation, will reveal themselves in an event called First Contact.

Ultimately, the human race will be absorbed into the Galactic Federations, that is the plan.

As you can see, not only in the United States, but all over the world, many are simply not prepared.

Many are still stuck in the old structure and are fighting furiously to stay there. Change is incredibly difficult for many, as the saying goes… “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”

Any species that stagnates can no longer exist. These higher frequencies will be accepted by many and will have an easier time, but any who resist will pay the price.

After death, those who resist this monumental frequency activation will continue their soul evolution on a planet they resonate with.

No one gets a free pass here because what is happening is so important. This is just the beginning of a higher vibrational existence. This is the beginning of a physically, psychologically and spiritually healed planet.

The event will be the impetus that will usher in a larger reality, and we are being prepared for it now.
The Alliance of Light is in control and is waiting with excitement and optimism to see how the human race will achieve this. Many have asked and wondered when this event will happen. I believe there are many factors, and one of the main ones is the astrological alignment of the Earth.

Also the readiness of the new systems that need to be implemented and the deep and true transformation of humanity’s role. I also believe that the Light Forces must be in full control before the event can truly begin. The Archon Network must be completely eliminated.

It is also necessary that the energy grid that orbits our planet and that has kept us in quarantine be completely dismantled. Liberation will come to humanity through the overthrow of the Archons that exist on the inner planes and that have controlled humanity for eons through the karmic process, implants and AI technologies that have prevented the spiritual evolution of humanity.

The event will happen, it is written in the stars, in many ancient texts and in the Bible, because everything that is happening today has already happened before, and everything is connected to the outside world.

By Teri Wade



The black cube

Then illuminated by 7 rays of God’s light
The 20 cubes represent Mind, Ego, Intellect,
10 Indriyas, 3 Gunas –Satwa, Raja and Tama and the 4 basic elements — Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
All 27 cubes represent the invisible God inside our body plus the aspects we are affected by to face the struggle of life & the tools to overcome it all.
These cubes are used to code and decode the matrix of the mind.
Metatronic healing is quantum healing. It is done through vibration & frequency of those who have opened all 27 cubes within the human energy field and the body. Our taura field is in full expansion which allows initiation.
We are here to clear negative energy and bring vitality & newness!!!
A true one on one hands on initiation into excelling humanity into the expansion of their DNA and teaching others to embrace their angelic human essence.
Contact me for a life-changing experience as I assist those who are just learning how to heal their mind, body, and spirit …through light language, sound bath healing, crystal vibration healing, body vibration through music healing, deep meditation and tuning the chakras.
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Deep meditation.
Matatronic Healing
Matatronic Healing

Tesla’s Obsession with 3, 6, 9: The Secret Numbers That Could Unlock the Hidden Power of the Universe

Nicola Tesla was a visionary far ahead of his time, blending science with ideas that challenged conventional thinking. He wasn’t just an inventor obsessed with electricity; Tesla believed in invisible forces, energies he called “The Ether,” which he claimed connected everything in the universe.

While most people saw science and religion as opposites, Tesla saw them as interconnected. He believed that religious texts like the Bible were coded messages filled with scientific truths waiting to be decoded. Jesus’ miracles, for example, were not magic to Tesla—they were advanced applications of energy and vibration.

Tesla believed that humanity could access free and unlimited energy through the Aether, creating a world without power struggles or environmental destruction. He was convinced that ancient civilizations had already mastered this knowledge, hiding it in myths and religious stories like Noah’s Ark and the parting of the Red Sea. These weren’t just miracles—they were technological feats lost to history.

Tesla’s obsession with numbers, particularly 3, 6, and 9, led him to believe that they were the keys to unlocking the hidden secrets of the universe. He theorized that these numbers contained the blueprint for reality, a harmonic pattern that connected everything.

He also saw our minds as antennas, capable of receiving signals from the universe, suggesting that thoughts and emotions could influence the world around us. Tesla wasn’t just after technological advances—he was on a mission to reveal deeper truths about the universe, truths that could disrupt everything we think we know.

In Tesla’s world, science was not just about progress; it was a gateway to a hidden order, a cosmic plan that he believed could revolutionize humanity if we dared to understand it.


Tesla 3 6 9
Tesla 3 6 9




AA Uriel

Payments are being received. They started
yesterday in other countries.

To meet today’s requirements, confirmations of received payments must come from all platforms.

Confirmations from the bank to the Treasury to avoid delays in notifications. One day of grace. Iraq has confirmed the payment days (?). -He then put his finger on his lips as if to tell me not to ask any more questions about it.


-Accidents are coming. There will be a plan to handle them.

Caravans are coming.



Tonight’s Message On The US Debt Clock ✨️❤️✨️
Very Powerful Biblical Message 💛❤️✨️❤️💛
Soon “We The People” Will Enter The Golden Age

The Age Of Aquarius ❤️✨️💛✨️❤️


The Final Push: Operation Free World As the alliance moves toward its ultimate goal, the launch of the final operation, dubbed “Operation Free World,” is set for November 2024 This operation will involve synchronized actions in more than 60 countries, targeting the last remnants of clique control. The major financial centres in London, Zurich and New York will suffer unprecedented attacks aimed at dismantling the money laundering networks that have drained thousands of billions into the Cabala’s coffers.
At the same time, a series of military drills disguised as disaster response drills will be used to strategically position troops and resources, ready to act when the cabala takes its final position. Expect interruptions: the clique won’t be stopped. Cyber attacks, market crashes and artificial crises will likely be their last desperate ditch to stay in control.
Operation Free World
Operation Free World





RUMORS: 10/20/2024


The US will introduce the new strong dollar that symbolizes the strength and stability of our economy. This happened a few hours ago. The USN started digitally.


History of MarkZ

Bank: “I spoke to a teller at my Chase bank in Arizona this morning. I asked if this branch would be an RV center… He didn’t know what I meant, so I told him about the dinar. He said he was from Iraq and still had family there. He told me that Iraq was in a renaissance and is a very prosperous nation. He also confirmed that Iraq has adopted a new digital banking system.” The Iraqi dinar won’t stay this low for long.

Question: How are you feeling about the RV Mark?

MarkZ: I’m still feeling warm and fuzzy… I know a few wealth managers/rescue people working over the weekend. They don’t think we’ll be doing any swaps this weekend… but they think it will be in the very near future… I think there’s an excellent chance we can do it this week.




After the ten days, we will be connected to a new and secure Quantum Internet system; the currencies of the nations participating in the Global Currency Reset will be backed by gold/assets and traded at a 1:1 ratio with each other.



Things are starting to get underway. The green light has been given in Zurich as the sovereign whales are moving along quickly and some are getting paid. We hope to take off on Monday for our big D-day in Reno.

They are putting the codes in place to get started. The QFS has been officially established as our payment system. This innovative system ensures security, transparency and efficiency in all transactions. The new strong dollar on November 6: The US will introduce the new strong dollar that symbolizes the strength and stability of our economy.

This happened a few hours ago. The USN has started digitally. They are already trading using the USN, but the states will be using the physical note. The digital commercial dollar is now being used as the Swift system is out. Reno is transferring the money to the Zurich payers so they are ready to go on Monday. There are reports that German bondholders are receiving funds.




The Dark Purpose of HAARP: 

For years, the military disguised HAARP as a research station, keeping its true mission hidden from the public. According to Snowden’s leaks, HAARP is no innocent experiment — it’s a weapon of mass manipulation, targeting people’s brains, causing what appear to be natural deaths — strokes, heart attacks. This is more than a conspiracy theory. It’s happening right now, right under our noses.


Biometric Integration: The QFS Security Lock

With the QFS fully operational, the security measures being implemented are unlike anything we’ve seen before. The system now uses advanced biometric data for every financial transaction.

Forget passwords and pin numbers — QFS integrates retina scans, DNA samples, and neural recognition to ensure every transaction is legitimate and traceable. This is the future of financial security, and elites cannot manipulate or access the system like they did with fiat currencies.

The Quantum Access Card is now available in select areas, with a full global rollout expected later this year. Unlike traditional bank cards, this card links directly to the QFS via secure biometric data, ensuring that only the legitimate owner of the funds can access them.

The card’s capabilities are built on the principles of Einstein’s Quantum Manuscript, which global elites have suppressed for decades. Now, these principles are being used to protect wealth and ensure it remains in the hands of the people.




Banks are collapsing and it’s all part of the plan

The recent collapses of Silicon Valley Bank, Credit Suisse and others? These are not just management failures; they are deliberate orchestrated downfalls to weaken the cabal’s control over the global financial system. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is operational and directly challenging the old fiat infrastructure. The banking system as we know it is imploding, and it’s all according to plan — the NESARA plan.

Even JPMorgan Chase, one of the deep state’s strongholds, is under immense pressure. Rumors suggest a silent bank run is taking place as insiders try to protect their wealth before the full reset happens. But here’s the problem: they can’t win. The entire system is being watched, every transaction tracked by the QFS, and these corrupt elites have nowhere to hide.




The Emergency Broadcast System is Ready to Be Activated

The EBS is already prepared and ready to go. Inside sources have confirmed that military communication channels are being cleared in anticipation of the global broadcast.

The media blackout we’re seeing? The controlled narratives being spun by the mainstream? They know what’s coming and are fighting to maintain control over a world that is slipping through their fingers.

Expect mass internet outages, power grid outages and a complete communications blackout — these are the 10 Days of Darkness. During this time, the only source of information will be the Emergency Broadcast System, which will deliver the truth bombs the world needs to hear.




The Quantum Financial System — No More Secrets, No More Corruption

The Quantum Financial System is the backbone of this revolution. Every transaction, every movement of money is being tracked and traced. It’s not just about eliminating corruption — it’s about ensuring that people’s wealth can never again be siphoned off into the dark.

Insiders have leaked that major financial institutions are being forced to integrate with the QFS or face collapse. This is why the IMF and World Bank are suddenly pushing for “financial transparency” — they are being cornered, forced to play by the rules of the new system or risk being shut down.




The so-called “mysterious accidents” at munitions plants in the United States and Europe in recent months? These are covert operations to ensure the cabal cannot wage another war. GESARA mandates peace, and the world’s militaries are being systematically disarmed, their offensive capabilities neutralized.


Everything you thought you knew is about to be destroyed— because the events unfolding now are nothing short of unprecedented. As we move toward October 2024, the final showdown between global elites and the forces of good is coming to a head.

NESARA and GESARA are breaking down the corrupt barriers of the financial system. And with the Quantum Financial System (QFS) fully operational, the final pieces are being put in place to restore wealth to the people and dismantle the deep state once and for all.





The question is what will actually happen from October 22, 2024…

Sometime between Tuesday, October 22 and Thursday, October 24, during the BRICS summit in Russia, they are expected to announce a global currency reset.

Sometime between Thursday, October 24th and Sunday, October 27th, seven “Trumpets” or text messages with instructions will be broadcast to every cell phone around the world, warning the world’s population of the upcoming mass arrests and ten days of communications darkness.

After ten days, we are connected to a new, secure Quantum Internet system. The currencies of the countries participating in the global monetary reset will then be backed by gold/assets and traded 1:1 with each other.









Trump declared 📢 Return every dollar 😀 

End Child Trafficking 😀 GESARA Gold Collateral Reset Will Bring Freedom to the World 🔔 Dismantle the System That Has Enslaved Us for Decades 🔔 GESAR is Not Just a Financial Reset ❗ The Federal Reserve ❗ IMF ❗ World Bank ❗ They Will All Collapse ❗

A new gold standard will return wealth to us, the people 😀 The era of elite debt slavery and hidden technology is over ❗Red October is the storm that changes everything 🦖World leaders face ultimatums, not diplomacy 🐯The days of manipulation and lies are over 🤩Nothing can stop what is coming 🔥2024 October 16 [2024/10/16]


Q Phone ❗ The future is now 🔔 Starlink ❗ Gesara ❗ UBI Distribution ❗ Starlink Era 

😄 The stock market crash is coming 📣 Then Stellar will absorb the wealth 😄 redistribute it fairly to humanity 🍿 The quantum revolution is here 😄 and the elites can’t stop it 🤩 QPhone is 🔔 the ultimate weapon in this new world 🙏 connects to the quantum financial system via tarlink 😄 With Stellar Wallet you can bypass the traditional financial system and gain wealth 😄 This is a financial reset 🔔 October 15, 2024 [2024/10/15]


EBS Emergency Broadcast System will start from [October 26-27]❗❓🙏

President Trump said on October 12 that November 5, 2024 will be [Liberation Day🎉]🔔😄Before that, I need to finish [EBS] ❗ Inevitably → I will have to start more than 10 days in advance… If I count backwards, it will start ❗ [October 26-27] 🙏 That will be 10 days ago. It corresponds to the event that occurs from late November to early November🔔 October 12, 2024 [2024/10/12]


President Donald Trump 🐯 

“There will be an explosion before the elections, there will be an explosion” 🔥🔔➡ BRICS finance ministers meet in Moscow after signing de-dollarization deal 🤩 It’s coming true 🍿BRICS = Gesara victory🔔October 12, 2024 [2024/10/12]


In reality, electricity comes from the ether (Tesla Energy) 📢 

I’ve been scammed this whole time ❗ Electricity bill ❗ Airplane surcharges were also a complete scam ❗ Japan is also ready 🙏 Get your money back ❗ DS They’ve been scamming me for years, Dubai has been scamming us by claiming our electricity comes from nuclear, coal and hydroelectric plants, when in fact it comes from the ether❗➡Dubai is willing to ❗ Advertise Free Energy ❗ Explain to people the principle of the Tesla coil ❗ Nikola Tesla “If you want to understand the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Light is nothing more than sound waves in the ether Not even a thing❗ April 20, 2024❗ October 20, 2024 (10/20)



Breaking News! Trump Directs Federal Funds to Sponsor Medical Bed Healing Centers

– facilities are healing soldiers and children as the medical cabal faces collapse!

  • President Trump has directed federal funds to fund Med Beds Healing Centers  , marking a revolutionary shift in healthcare. Despite elite efforts to keep this technology hidden, Trump’s actions are making Med Beds accessible, bypassing the corrupt medical-industrial complex and Big Pharma.
  • These healing centers, supported by federal funding  , will soon be available to heal soldiers, children and ordinary Americans, threatening the elites’ stranglehold on health care and their profits.
  • Med Beds are already here  . Underground facilities across the United States have been secretly training technicians.
  • So far, over 50,000 Med Beds  have been strategically placed in these hidden centers. They are currently being used to heal soldiers and children rescued from elite gangs, victims of the same globalist network that controls the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
  • These children, some of whom were horribly abused and injured, are now being treated in these secret facilities. Their recovery is nothing short of miraculous, but the media won’t tell you that.
Medical Bed Healing Centers
Medical Bed Healing Centers

Rig For Red: The Shift of Power to the People (The Hunter’s Moon):

…Gitmo TV on Telegram

  • You know it’s pretty unusual that the hunter’s moon will rise later today for the first time of fall.  I wonder what we should expect? Because isn’t today the last time the SEC has a chance to appeal the case? Are we in the official transition period? You might want to read more.
  • Are we going to have a financial reset this week starting on the red moon?  Because man, that is definitely going to trigger some major events to come. As I have always stated, Iraq is going to be the official starting point for everything.
  • Because if you didn’t know. The term Rig for Red is often used in underwater operations to prepare for stealth movements.  Q-drops refer to military intelligence operations happening under the radar, particularly those involving the clearing out of deeply entrenched elements of the Deep State. (Think The Sum of All Fears.)
  • What happened to the Deep State in that movie?  The Hunter’s Moon could mark the moment when these covert operations become more visible, possibly through indictments or arrests. The military will play a larger role in global affairs under the guise of “financial instability” or other orchestrated crises.

    Hunter's Moon
    Hunter’s Moon
  • Additionally. Q-drops have repeatedly referenced hunting and hunters  , often suggesting that the pursuers will become the pursued. The timing of the Hunter’s Moon suggests that this is when those who were in power will begin to face public exposure.
  • This could mean more high-profile arrests  or leaks of documents revealing hidden corruption. For example, movements linked to child trafficking, money laundering or political blackmail could start to emerge around this time.
  • EOs that target financial corruption  , global supply chain disruptions, or new sanctions against foreign entities linked to trafficking or human rights abuses could be key. They may not immediately make headlines, but they lay the groundwork for dismantling hidden networks.
  • Also, pay attention to communication blackouts  or internet outages, especially in key regions, as this could indicate military operations or data sweeps that will target individuals linked to global criminal syndicates. So, if this occurs, you should know the underlying reason behind why. Don’t panic.
  • The Hunter’s Moon could signal the beginning of several actions:  a financial reset, significant military action, indictments of high-profile figures, and moves toward a new global financial system that uproots those in power. The Iraqi moves could be the official “kick-off,” but the full offensive could unfold over the next few months.
  • As always with Q-drops, the timing of these events can be symbolic  , but the alignment of the dates with the Hunter’s Moon and financial markets should be monitored closely. Expect the unexpected. Because the SEC literally has hours left or it’s already gone. This is our first clue. Take note.
  • Look at the documents signed by the DOD in September 2024.  Look at the financial conclusion for Iraq to join the WTO. Look at the SEC appeal that basically wasn’t filed. All of this is happening this year. D. Trump told you the military is on standby. The DOD filing proves it. We have all the information in the world to underscore where we are in this process.


I’m sure you’re all anxious about what’s going on and stressed out like we all are.. we’re all hurting in our own way… and you’re all in our prayers…

We have received information that things have started. The green light has been given in Zurich, at a time when sovereign whales are moving fast and some are getting paid. Last night I received information that someone was paid by a close contact of mine.

Things are really moving forward on that side of the world. Also hearing things in Reno. Hopefully things will happen and we’ll take off on Monday for our big D-day in Reno. Bruce’s information was in line with what we’re hearing.

They are putting the codes in place to be launched. Some sorting mechanism that needs to be installed to release this.

Intel I am authorized to share: “Transfer Operator of Rights to the Global Historic Item Recovery Group, Acting as Seller Representative at the Sovereign Buyer Level, Statement on Asset Recovery Status (Your Friday, October 18, 2024)

We are pleased to inform you that we have reached a crucial milestone in our process. All sovereign countries have given the green light for the official launch, which implies the launch of the QFS as a payment vehicle system. This progress is a testament to our continued dedication and effort.

I would like to highlight some important aspects of the process: Sovereign approval – The authorization of all sovereigns marks the beginning of a new era in the management and release of payments.

QFS Implementation: QFS has been officially established as our payment system. This innovative system ensures security, transparency and efficiency in all transactions.

The New Strong Dollar on November 6: The US will introduce the new strong dollar that symbolizes the strength and stability of our economy

This happened a few hours ago.

Also, the USN started digitally. They are already trading with USN, but the states will be the physical note. The digital trade dollar is now being used because the Swift system is gone.

Other information: Good morning. Reno is transferring the money to Zurich treasurers so they can be ready to go on Monday. There are reports that German bondholders are getting funds. It is not known whether the funds are fiat or new US dollars. Holders are instructed to prepare their paperwork.

Things are moving along. I’ll get that call soon so I can release the opera. PPN sent me a link to their new channel and they’ll be streaming the opera. What I’m thinking of doing is having the opera air on Rumble.

But the NPP guys can record it and blow it up. Carpathia can be on the NPP and make his speech on the NPP. We will remember that as history. I was given what you call the responsibility to give them the signal, the opera, which means the green light for the release of funds.

We’ll also put up that YouTube clip that one of our members made and the Trumpets of Freedom. We’re hoping to put it all on the Rumble. I’ll talk to Chaz and see if we can do that. So everyone can enjoy it and celebrate at the same time.

I spoke to Captain Marvel, a good friend of mine, and he gave me the news that Harris was removed, and what you saw is part of the playbook.

She was compromised because her husband has a huge investment in lithium in North Carolina, and there’s a lot going on between her and Diddy, and she paid $5 million to have all the pictures of her with him removed, to experts, to have those pictures removed from the internet.

Also, what the Democrats did was illegal to put her up as a candidate, since she never participated in the primaries, she was never voted in. This is what other dictators and communist countries do, just putting someone in without anyone having a say.

BREAKING NEWS: One of the main information providers who comes from the Latino/Spanish speaking community basically signed off and said this will be his last audio. He knows we’re in the final stages now, so he said “bye.” He’s a great information provider, as is Bruce. Wolverine… TRANSCRIBED BY CARPATHIA***

NOW JENTEL JOINS US LIVE ON OUR CALL! Please listen to her statement on the recorded call.


BREAKING NEWS: One of the main information providers who comes from the Latino/Spanish speaking community basically signed on, and he said this will be his last audio. He knows we are in the final stages now, so he gave us his “goodbye”. He is a great information provider, just like Bruce is. Take care, guys, we are almost there. Wolverine… TRANSCRIBED BY CARPATHIA ***






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 20th through 26th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 20th through 26th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE to for the Special Transmissions , Astrology Report and Guided Meditation



BREAKING NEWS! Global Blackout Imminent: EBS 10 Days of Darkness, Secret Tribunals at GITMO, Over 1,000 Elite Arrests and Indictments Revealed This Week!

On September 27, 2024, the intensity has reached a fever pitch. Elite trials have already begun behind the scenes, with high-ranking Cabal figures being hauled off to secret military tribunals. You won’t hear a word about it in the mainstream news. Why? Because they are terrified,  watching the world around them crumble,  brick by brick. The reality is simple: the elites are falling, and no amount of censorship, distraction, or manipulation can save them.

Guantanamo Bay (GITMO)  is now ground zero for these military tribunals. High-profile members of the Cabal are facing justice they never thought possible. People like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and certain tech billionaires are already being questioned.

These are the same elites who have orchestrated global manipulation and control for decades. They believed their wealth and power would protect them forever.  But they underestimated the military and the will of the people.

As we approach the dawn of the new financial era, the greatest GESARA wealth transfer is about to become a reality. This is the reclaiming of power from the elites who have kept humanity in a financial stranglehold for generations. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is in full swing, freezing the ill-gotten gains of corrupt banking dynasties, corporate oligarchs and shadowy financial puppeteers.

The wealth they stole from the people is being seized and redistributed. Soon, the masses will experience a financial renaissance as funds long hidden by secret elite networks are returned to their rightful owners—you, the people.  The promise of GESARA is clear: global prosperity and a future  where no one can control the monetary system for their own gain ever again. The power is shifting back, and nothing can stop it.

We have just learned that over 1,000 secret indictments have been unsealed in the past week. Key members of the financial system, including top banking executives in Switzerland, New York and London, are being taken to undisclosed locations for immediate questioning.

Don’t believe the lies that these individuals are “retiring” or “resigning for personal reasons” — they are being rounded up, one by one, and taken into military custody for crimes including human trafficking, financial terrorism and massive corruption.

The new waves of arrests have intensified as the world teeters on the brink of a  10-day blackout event  —  the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is ready to go live at any moment.  Preparations for the darkness are underway, and they are tightening the noose on the Cabal.

Reports from Texas and Florida indicate that Russian Spetsnaz forces and Brazilian Special Forces have increased their involvement. These units, long part of the secret BRICS alliance, have been embedded in Cabal-controlled financial sectors, extracting high-value targets from behind enemy lines.

In Dallas, top financial executives have been caught trying to flee the country through backdoor channels. But here’s the problem:  Their escape routes have been completely compromised by the Quantum Financial System (QFS).  Their money is frozen, their assets seized, and their backdoor channels blocked. It’s checkmate, and they have nowhere to run.

The underground networks that the Cabal has built for years are now being destroyed at an unprecedented rate. In Nevada, new military strikes were carried out this morning on previously unknown deep underground military bases (DUMBs).

Sources indicate that these bases housed not only financial resources, but secret weapons systems designed to maintain Cabal control after the public unrest they were planning. These bases have now been obliterated by surgical military strikes—another major victory in dismantling the elite’s infrastructure.

The truth about what was housed in these DUMBs is even more terrifying.  Advanced weaponry designed to wreak havoc during the EBS blackout was seized  . These weapons included EMP devices capable of destroying the grid of entire regions, biological weapons designed for population control, and mind control technology that had been secretly developed over decades. All of this is now in the hands of the White Hats, who have neutralized any remaining threats to the public.

But even these plans are failing. Special Operations Forces from Europe, including German KSK commandos and the French Foreign Legion, are already being sent to these areas to capture the last rats fleeing the sinking ship.

Meanwhile,  final preparations for the EBS are underway.  Major government buildings in Washington DC, New York and Los Angeles are now fortified, but not for the protection of the Cabal. They are being surrounded by elite forces in anticipation of mass arrests.

Troops are prepared to storm these buildings during the 10 days of darkness,  extracting key political and corporate figures linked to the Cabal. The scope of these arrests will be enormous. As the blackout unfolds, the world will witness the systematic dismantling of a corrupt power structure that has ruled for far too long.

But here’s the game-changing update: the trials of these elites won’t stay hidden behind closed doors for long. Once the blackout begins, the  Emergency Broadcast System will provide live feeds from these courtrooms.  Every lie, every crime, every secret agenda will be exposed to the public.

These trials will expose the truth of the Cabal’s deepest and darkest operations, including its roles in child trafficking rings, satanic rituals and adrenochrome harvesting. Brace yourselves—because the revelations will shake the very foundations of society.

New leaks from insiders confirm  that even more famous names, those whose hands are soaked in the blood of financial manipulation and political espionage, are about to face public execution. Yes,  public executions  .  The courts are about to deliver swift and decisive justice, and it will be broadcast around the world.  This is not just about prison sentences or fines; this is about bringing down those who thought they were above the law, beyond the consequences.

And let’s not forget the media moguls. The puppeteers behind the mainstream narrative, the talking heads who pushed lies and deception to cover up the Cabal’s crimes, are next. Their corporate offices are being seized, their assets frozen, and their executives detained.

Their control over the airwaves is crumbling, and when the blackout happens, the last vestiges of their propaganda machine will be obliterated. The truth will no longer be silenced.

Space Force continues to secure communications globally, making it impossible for Cabal operatives to coordinate any retaliatory strikes. Starlink satellites have created a shield around the planet, preventing any Cabal attempts to reignite their faltering systems of control.

This includes thwarting a last-ditch attempt to launch a bioweapons attack on major global cities, an attempt that was neutralized just days ago by Special Operations.

NATO’s betrayal is perhaps the most shocking of all the recent updates. More secret arrests of high-ranking officials loyal to the Cabal occurred this week, revealing a global network that was working to sabotage military efforts to liberate humanity.

These NATO officers were planning a massive counterattack, but were intercepted and are now facing the same fate as their Cabal brethren.

The world is on the brink of the greatest change in human history. The coming days will reshape everything.

The Cabal’s days are not just numbered—they are over. Prepare for blackout, prepare for justice, and prepare for the complete exposure of the darkness that has controlled humanity for far too long.

The dawn is near, and the Cabal empire will be nothing more than a distant memory.

EBS 10 Days of Darkness
EBS 10 Days of Darkness

Facts: Difference between Exchange and Redeem

Part 1

✅ A. The fundamental difference:

✅ There is a difference between “exchange” and “redeem”.

✅ You exchange modern currencies at a bank.

✅ Historical assets, i.e. old coins, which are often called securities, are redeemable, but not in a bank. A bank does not redeem old coins.

✅ Do yourself a favor and take any old currency note to any foreign exchange (Forex) bank, then ask the manager if they exchange these old notes. The answer is 100% no, and there is a valid reason for this, which I explain later in this article.

✅ Collectors of these old notes and coins buy them, not banks.

✅ However, there is another group that is very interested in obtaining all these Historical Assets (Securities), but only if they are connected to Gold.

✅ This group is The Elders and they are the true “Title Holders” of these Historical Assets.

✅ B. The Redemption Process:

✅ RV began as a very private and confidential US Government program about 60 years ago.

✅ It was deliberately kept secret as it was never intended to come into the public domain. Only the 12 Families (The Elders) who, at that time, literally owned every Historical Asset (Commodity-Backed Securities) on the planet.

✅ Then Zimbabwe’s assets followed in the early 2000s (2008-2009) and that’s when the initiative got completely out of hand which later developed into a rat race of people scrambling to acquire assets (securities).

✅ That said, a few quick comments…

✅ Redemption did not design the RV initiative, they are “just following instructions” as they have been appointed as “managers” to recover/rescue these assets.

✅ Although it may seem unfair to many, it is “not designed for those without titles” (the general public), so it is not an initiative for everyone.

Exchange and Redeem
Exchange and Redeem

✅ It was designed “specifically for those with title” (the elders who were the original “owners” of all historical assets) and a clean-up operation of the historical asset market to take these assets away from society and destroy them.

✅ Hence, the fundamental reason Redemption is designated to register these Historical Assets with their serial numbers to them (The Elders) in a central database under the control of the US Department of Defense (DoD).

✅ Not everyone can benefit from everything and those who do not hold Titles will not benefit from it. (Unlike GESARA where everyone will benefit. It also explains why you are the “Title Holder” and The Elders the “Title Owners”.)

✅ It’s not a free-for-all, but rather a “recall” for those who have Historical Assets.

✅ Not everyone can be involved in everything. If they recall Kruger Rands tomorrow, only those who own Kruger Rands will benefit. Likewise, it would not be for the benefit of everyone and it is up to those who have to create opportunities for those who don’t, at their own discretion.

✅ I have been involved in this for many years and there are still many people who have no idea what these Titles are.

✅ It was not to be leaked that “certain Titles” are connected to Gold and therefore valuable, and that the Elders asked for and appointed the Redemption in firm Treaties to redeem (recover) the Gold-backed Titles for them.

✅ “Wealth for all” is coming (with GESARA), but this, the Bond Redemption, is not it, and I hope it reaches those who don’t have it. Hence the fundamental reason why projects are not and cannot be connected to Bond payments.

Continued with Part 2…

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