The Great Flood is upon us ~ Re:writing Eve’s Story (Creation Serpent Source Codes) Major Activation Occurring In This Gateway ~ Daughters Of The Sea
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Solar Fire Dragon Nation of Divine Illumination
We had another day of Higher Dimensional Solar Diamond Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light flooding in from the most high Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Solaris continues to send in reinforcing energetics from the Great Central Sun today releasing 9 C Class Solar Flares and a M Class Flare maxing at M 3.71 at 1:10 UTC encoded with our Heaven on earth Codes of the 37 into the 73.
We also had major higher pulses of light appearing on the Schumann Charts today as Mother Earth’s heartbeat reached amplitudes of 57 hz, 61 hz, 64 hz, 67 hz and a big blast of white light at 69 hz. Fifth Dimensional energetics fully anchored into the grid and rising. As Goddess Gaia rises we rise with her.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are calling in our Higher New Lemurian timeline of Peace, Abundance, Joy, Unity and Love of our Ascension Process as we consciously co-create our New Earth Paradise forever more…A’Ho!
The forces of Love are one with the Eternal God Spirit that resides within our Sacred Crystal Heart, and are invariably the most powerful healing and harmonizing forces that exist on this planet. When we open our Crystal Heart, we begin to work with spiritual forces that are themselves sentient life forces, such as compassion, empathy, forgiveness, and generosity towards others.
The Crystal Heart acts as an energetic gateway to our higher spiritual bodies, opening all the higher frequency centers that exist in the head and crown and beyond, into the morphogenetic layers where the blueprints reside. Those of us who awaken our Sacred Crystal Heart on Earth are giving birth to new Crystalline Lotus Heart Flower configuration grids on the inner vertical channels and within the planetary grid system. During this time, it is more important than ever to guard our Sacred Hearts.
Christ Mary Sophia (Mary Magdalene)
Emerald Guardian, Eternal Cosmic Christ – Sun Dragon in Cosmic Service
4/28/24: You should sense forward motion now. A restlessness, a resolve, a sense of time ticking away. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s real. It is here now and it is pushing you and it is time. 2024 started slowly but it’s gaining speed and momentum quickly, and it will continue until its climax in December. You can either struggle to stay where you are (or, worse, go back to the past) or you can make your peace with change, find your balance, and enjoy whatever comes your way.
April illuminated and riled things up. It will be May’s job to get it all sorted, organized, and purposeful. Ground yourself today in bedrock… your values, your integrity, your reasons. Because it is from your current foundation that you will soon launch.
A few days ago I wrote “remember the word/world peace in the upcoming events!
(please check what took place yesterday on the island of Santorini in Greece.
Santorini is located in the Aegean sea and its name means Santa Eirini/peace!!!)
Back on the March Equinox the Silver Mother via our reception of the Titanium reversed the first set of polarities/flows in our systems and a few days after the Golden Father reversed the second one.
The Silver Mother provided the most strong cleansing I have ever experienced, one that cleared out all dirty energies and impurities of the 3d world and the Golden Father cleared us from all the frequencies of lies that had hurt and disrupted our spheres! He spoke very strongly of how we have been lied to about EVERYTHING!
Since then we have been processing strong change and realignment to the four rivers of Life and reconnection to our solar homes!
The Twin Flames in order to get to the centre they need to synchronise their clocks!
So anything out of synch in them and between them will be shown to them!
“It takes a lot of ‘reversing’ in order to align and embody the reversed flows that take one back in truth and back home!”
The grandmother Goddesses and Grandfather Gods showed us back in 2022 during certain initiations on the revival of the Flames of the Twin Flames how they hold/keep each others Flames!
They know, listen, trust and cooperate with each other that deeply and unconditionally!
This is so important to remember during the current energies because it is only when the Feminine and the Masculine can synchronise that they can reach the centre and birth the Son of the Sun!
Everyone will feel in the upcoming weeks (if they haven’t already)
if they have been attuned to the Mother’s clock or not.
If yes, the road is open, shiny and fully supported!
If not, the road is supported but for some strong reversing.
Meaning, those not attuned to Her clock will be going back to those moments that they have skipped or mentally bypassed in order to be able to address them and allow truth and transformation so that they can recover their being and be accepted.
There is no space/way through the Mother’s clock for those stuck minds of the old masculine both in men and women!”
On Tuesday the 30th takes place the anchoring of the collective Masculine via the organic flows of time!
This is monumental!
And on Sunday the 5th, on the resurrection and Saint Eirini celebration day, takes place the Hatching of the Egg for those ready.
But its crack will be heard by ALL and will eventually affect ALL!
The Mother’s Song is electrical and it is for ALL!
You see, we are aligning to Her clock via Sound matching frequency and no one can fool Her!
Deep gratitude to all the Hunas and Huna Mauta Taki for inviting me with them to Rhodes so that I could support their work with the Giants and also anchor the foot of the Father
via my female body so that the Son of the Sun could return back here!
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, you are an Extension and Expression of God here on this Earth.
Just like a finger on a person, so do you belong to God and are a part of God.
So often, we see you doubt that you are loved by God or that you will always be provided for by God…
If you are a true part of God, why wouldn’t God provide for himself (herself) at all times?
Why wouldn’t God love every part of himself?
You are that part of God.
It is the Ego Mind with its Illusion construct, that is trying to tell you otherwise…
It tries to make you doubt that you are always safe and always loved.
This is why it loves to have you plan your future and dwell on the painful past.
It is trying everything it can, to prevent you from being just in the present moment, fully secure in the knowing that God will be there for you in this moment and the next and the next.
The Ego Mind likes to use Time to pressure you into having to survive and worrying about the future.
But remember, God cares about all his parts – in this case, you.
It makes no sense that God would make himself suffer in any way.
It makes only sense that God loves all parts of himself, if we just let him.
The Ego Mind likes to wedge itself between you and this truth.
Who do you prefer to belief?
The Ego Mind that thrives on your suffering or God, who only knows Love – unconditionally.
The choice is, as always, yours.
What we can tell you is that, the sooner you fully know and feel that you are a part of God, which is unconditionally loved, the sooner you will be able to become the full embodiment of God here on Earth.
This will allow you to love all the other parts of God here on Earth as well.
By that, we mean that all others in your world are a part of God.
When you begin to realize this truth, all Ego Mind expressions of yourself and others will disappear into nothing and you will be free.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have been programmed in. The Ascension journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.
You might not be able to see the results of your actions yet, but that doesn’t mean that they are not on their way. Trust that every positive vibration you have put out into the Universe is making its way back to your reality in the form of something much greater .
Lightworkers / Starseeds are not here to avoid the darkness. They are here to transform it through the illuminating power of Love.
YOU ARE THE NEW EARTH: You are shifting timelines-shifting away from the Old Earth of war and darkness to the New Earth of love , peace and higher knowledge. Others May not see this but you know this because your vibration is higher, in calm , peace and love.
The New Earth is for vibrations of open hearts and open minds. It will receive those who know of its existence. It will take the ascending in with open arms. Welcome to the greatest consciousness shift in human history. The New Earth is here for you. Everything changes when you decide that life is happening for you and not to you.
You begin to realise the whole Universe is supporting you and holding you. You can feel that you are a part of this Universe experiencing itself through you, and no matter what happened in your past, you are always unconditionally loved by it.
The whole Universe works in favour of life .You begin to remember the extraordinary order at play in the Universe, and you can trust that it’s happening always for your highest good. This awareness grants a level of inner calm and peace.
This is a time to open your hands wide and prepare to receive a vortex of abundant energy from the Universe. This is your time to receive. Enjoy the emotional fulfillment this celestial gift is providing .
Take a break when facing any challenges allow Self to rest and relieve the burdens. Quiet your mind, breathe to allow the creative solutions to emerge, in accordance with the will of our Creator . Nourish your soul during this transformational time on Ascending Earth.
Your journey is exclusively yours, only you can fully comprehend the battles fought, dreams chased, and inner passion burning within. This is a time to Ignore excessive distractions a time to shake off any residual negativity, to continue Ascending according to your own terms.
Feeling down, tired, and emotionally drained is normal during a significant Ascension transition, especially when letting go of what you know for something unfamiliar Embracing great changes, through challenges encourages personal maturity , development and self transformation.
You are in a Fortune period , as new earth energy favours the ascending as you strategize and navigate to work towards realising your aspirations and dreams. Seizing this auspicious time , trusting in the path ahead. Remaining patient while you continue on your path of Ascension success.
If you have been Feeling down during this profound transition , this is normal because change often involves uncertainty, stepping out of comfort zones, facing unfamiliar challenges, and letting go of the familiar. These factors can at time trigger emotions like doubt, fear, anxiety and sadness as you navigate the unknown and adjust to new earth circumstances.
The recent weeks may have felt tumultuous, filled with transformation. As we enter the Cosmic gateways, we may experience energy peaks or a sense of calm settling in. This transitional season encourages deeper reflection as redirection for many is now taking place . It urges us all to identify and change undesired patterns, shifting our focus towards new earth possibilities.
This cosmic earth Activation is emphasising our relationship with ourselves and the world at large , bringing forth spiritual evolution and profound inner transformation.
The keys and codes are now being activated for the next stage of the ascension process.
Huge activations are occurring and this will continue until all 50 to 300 chakras are fully opened in the New Golden Age for the new human race.
It is opening new faculties in our brain as the heart-mind becomes more balanced, in harmony with thd soul itself.
This will result in the further activation of our new Solar Crystalline Lightbodies as the ascension process accelerates.
We are going through intense changes on all fronts now and it is gaining momentum.
Your intergalactic family will come to the fore now and there will come a time when we freely mingle with them again on earth and universally. They are already here.
On Sunday evening, Mars forms what will be it’s last conjunction to Neptune in Pisces for the next 165 years! In addition, Venus enters Taurus on Monday before forming a square to Pluto in Aquarius on Tuesday. Finally, Mars enters Aries on Tuesday before forming a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius on Friday.
A surge of creative transformation flows in for this week but it may not be properly aligned if we don’t first make the conscious effort to dissolve our egos and allow inspiration to ‘direct’ us rather than being motivated by what we ‘think’ is true and what we think we need to do next.
Collectively, we are getting a glimpse of what will be behind some major transitions that will unfold over the next couple of years due to the increasing inability for those who direct information to paint ‘stories’ of what is happening in the world without the ‘receipts’ of reality presenting themselves in a way that proves the narratives to be inaccurate…
On a personal level, it will be best to allow our intuition to serve as the conduit of inspiration so that we can channel this week’s creative ‘splash’ in a way that is authentically aligned with our sovereignty rather than in a way that is ‘polluted’ by external influence and manipulation!
If we get good at this practice now, we will be better equipped to handle this kind of boundary setting that will be necessary over the coming years if we want to remain in alignment with the light of truth regardless of what is ‘thrown’ at us…
“There’s a mysterious door that appears when we stop attaching ourselves to the comfort of what we believe to be are our obstacles. This is where the light of our inner fire appears. This is where we start to see, feel and listen. This is where we stop pretending. And this is where we no longer seek refuge outside of ourselves…” Tanya Lee Markul
The huge gathering of planets across Aries/Taurus increases this week as Venus enters her own sign of the Bull on April 29 and Mars returns to his own sign of the Ram on April 30, crossing the World Axis square the karmic Galactic Centre.
Jupiter/Uranus together in Taurus for the first time since 1941 are removing your blinkers and rose -tinted glasses, turning you into a clear-eyed visionary as a new 13 years’ cycle of opportunity begins.
On May 2nd, transformer Pluto slows to turn retrograde at 2 Aquarius until October 12th, briefly returning to the master 29 degree of Capricorn. This retrograde period is a time to update old beliefs about power, money, authority, convention, contrarianism, humanitarianism, technology, and progressive ideals.
For the next few years, the part of your chart between 29 Capricorn-3 Aquarius is your most rewarding zone for re-invention. If you exert yourself in the area of life these degrees symbolise, you’ll tap into a dimension of strength and renewal you never knew existed.
Underlining this, from May 25th, Jupiter in Gemini will align with Pluto in Aquarius – how skilfully you use emerging technology and social media platforms and collaborate with the groups you associate with and the causes you support will be crucial to your personal prosperity, security and stability.
No one is coming to rescue us, so grab the reins. There’s a lot of freedom in this chaos.
• simplify, streamline, pare back to basics
• say NO to everything that is not absolutely essential
• clean up your environment, throw out/recycle what you do not need and take care of tasks that you have long procrastinated over
• make radical permanent changes – no more tinkering at the edges
On Sunday, April 28th, fiery Mars, planet of assertion and action, is connecting with watery Neptune, ruler of inspiration and oceanic consciousness. On a 3D level this can bring about feelings of being ungrounded, confused, anxious and fatigued. But, take this up to a higher level and this can produce the spiritual warrior archetype!
Are you ready to combine your courage and confidence with trust and faith in the Universe? Are you ready to conquer your fears and illusions to move into a state of unconditional acceptance in the Divine Plan? Vibrate to the best of both of these energies and move forward like the spiritual warrior that you are!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
fiery Mars, planet of assertion and action, is connecting with watery Neptune
Venus in Aries semi-sextile Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in Aries semi-sextile Saturn in Pisces – Is it real? Can I believe it? Do I dare to hope, dare to dream? Or do I shut down those thoughts, get with reality, be sensible, stop wishing?
Two lines of thought, flip-flopping in the sand – positive, negative, realistic, idealistic, sceptical, certain, filled with doubt, filled with faith. Which to believe? What to trust?
Maybe we don’t have to choose, just feel, let the heart speak; whilst at the same time there is a requirement to run this sensing through a reality filter. Check in – is this possible? Is this wise? Do I really want this or is this an escape? Whose words are these? Whose thoughts? Where do these mental constructs come from? Questions, questions.
Be kind. Be compassionate. Life is art. Loosen up. Let ideas emerge via the tenderness of your heart. Make paintings of your monsters. Make stories from your tears. Beyond the veil of illusion lies more creativity than you can imagine. Don’t wait for a miracle – create one.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its keywords are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. I always find Galactic days relaxing. There’s just something mellow and pleasing about this energy. The number eight also symbolizes eternity as time loops around and around! On Galactic days we are encouraged to restore harmony in our lives. Today say sorry if you need to. Do your best to get along with others and don’t indulge in any activity that causes discord. Galactic is a Model number and whichever day it combines with, it mellows the energy and gently softens the rough edges.
Today is White Dog and it represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. It’s a great combination of number and day, the Galactic Dog is playful and sweet and doesn’t growl at all. Have fun today and be light hearted like a puppy. Normally the Dog is tenacious and stubborn, and on Dog days we can feel very determined. However, the Galactic dog is less concerned with getting his own way and more interested in wagging his tail. Matters of the heart are favorable and the chances of romantic encounters are more likely. Harmony and Love is the agenda for today. Remember too, that we are in the wavespell of dreams and so, if your dream was to find a lover, well today is looking promising.
The Guide today is the White Wizard which symbolizes ‘Enchantment and Spell bounding’. The Wizard leads us down the path to enchanted places. As it is a Galactic day, Harmony can be found in these enchanted places. Also, with so much love in the air there is a chance we may be put under a love spell. Be on the lookout for charmers who wish to lure you into their world. You can also be the Wizard and lay on the charm to get what or who you want!
The Challenge is the Yellow Sun who is in the dog house today. If you know a Yellow Sun, give them some sympathy, as they won’t be having as much fun as the rest of us.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey who represents ‘Magic’ and when in the magical position is at his most powerful! This means magical things are more likely to occur on Dog days. Monkey and Dog play together and their combined shenanigans are great teachers to us all. So, enjoy this lovey dovey day but remain aware that Monkey is playing with us all.
The Ally is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. If you need a friend today, a Red Moon can be a great help. They are experts at relaxing, they can be a lot of fun too. Just see how the day goes and don’t be too serious.
A beautiful loving day, great for modeling love and compassion with our kin as the KEY to LIBERATING our NEW DREAMING.
Day 8 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are integrating more LOVE! In order to harmonize Abundance in our lives, we integrate these energies through modeling a receptive and compassionate MIND, aligned with our HEART.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Today we are modeling COMPASSION and LOYALTY as a cocreator of this New World.
Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
We need to reflect on the messages from Spirit and ensure that we are aligned in order to cocreate more Harmony and model greater LOVE in our world.
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others, following in our footsteps, who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
PLEASE take a moment to hold COMPASSION and unconditional LOVE for ALL life forms, (human/animal/plant, mineral et al) on our beloved Gaia. For those souls who are suffering in the lower densities and holding FEAR, – uphold and uplift them through DIVINE LOVE and pure LIGHT… keep HOLDING this DREAM for HU-manity.
We are on our way through the GATES to EDEN… Blessed be!
Today’s question is “HOW can I OPEN my loving HEART and compassionate MIND, connecting with kin, to Harmonize greater prosperity and PEACE on our beloved Nova Gaia. “.
Divine blessings for integrating greater JOY and prosperity, through COMPASSION and your beautiful LOVING HEART!”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE GALACTIC DOG – OC brings our focus to our HEARTS today and matters of LOVE, loyalty, trust, integrity, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion. The GALACTIC tone operates in the MENTAL plane, bringing our FOCUS to our MIND and how we can join together with other minds, through loving compassion in order to integrate the collective Dreaming of our planet.
We are modeling authenticity and total transparency through unconditional LOVE and acceptance of ALL humanity. This was the requirement for the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to be granted admission to the NEW TIME through the entrance gate of the RED GALACTIC EARTH – as we head through the STARGATES to NEW EARTH.
Our GALACTIC PASSPORTS have been stamped, and now we are elevating ourselves to join the Galactic community through holding higher values and behavioural norms, befitting of an ADVANCED society. We are rising above the primitive survival responses, and DOG EAT DOG mentality of the competitive paradigm of our past.
We must learn to TRUST one another UNCONDITIONALLY to build a peaceful foundation based on LOVE, respect and acceptance. Most of all we need to TRUST in Spirit and have FAITH that ALL IS WELL in our world – in perfect divine alignment.
We are OPENING our Hearts and our MINDS to connecting in a reciprocal manner, with the understanding of the connectedness of us all. TRUE Abundance, is the energy of sharing all that we have, without limit, knowing that we have an endless FLOW. The deeper and more unconditionally we share, the closer we come to understanding the deeper dreaming of our planet.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE GALACTIC WIZARD – IX Standing in full integrity, the enchanting WHITE GALACTIC WIZARD reveals the endlessness of your IMMORTAL soul throughout the echoes of time. Bringing the awareness of our connection with ALL THAT IS, open and receptive to timeless compassion.
The GALACTIC WIZARD unites with the OVERTONE WIZARD today, to fully enable our RADIANT EMPOWERMENT through our pure authentic hearts.
The WIZARD helps us in OPENING our true HEART’S desires to ourselves, becoming more receptive to our endless prosperity and flow.. Embracing all shadows, all fragments of ourselves that we resisted loving. All can today be brought home and embraced, releasing all sense of lack or unworthiness, in union with the Divine, as we merge with all dimensions in the pure presence of LOVE and connectivity – the ultimate web of the Divine order of unconditional DIVINE LOVE!
The GALACTIC WIZARD is the SHAMAN that connects us to our MAJIK throughout all SPACE and TIME.
Tap into the timeless MAJIK that the WIZARD is casting today to activate your DREAMSPELL!
SUPPORT: RED GALACTIC MOON – MULUC the GODDESS is continuing her support today, as we connect with our feminine essence of GOD, through the LOVING WHITE DOG. The pure loving compassion of the feminine right brain’s DREAMing, through our in-tuit-ion and psychic senses. .
MULUC is increasing our capacity to tune in and FEEL the messages in our HEARTS.
We can ascertain the direction in which to FLOW, moving forward with ease and grace, allowing the Universal waters to gently take us to our greatest Dreaming and expression of Abundance. Our sensitivity is heightened as we become pure channels, and we have the ability to respond and FLOW with the needs of the common-unity with unconditional LOVE and COMPASSION.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY – CHUEN is the beautiful Divine child that embodies pure INNOCENCE. CHUEN invites us to LIGHTEN up and play. Be spontaneous, follow the promptings of Spirit and see where it leads you.
In your adventures LAUGH and sing, as joy, happiness and sharing a SMILE instantly connects TWO HEARTS together as ONE, in the NOW moment. Modeling harmony as you earn the TRUST of others, to connect with like-MINDED loving kin, and play with sharing telepathic messages.
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY SUPERPOWER gives us an extra dose of Harmonic Majik – revealing all that needs balancing and healing through the power of LOVE so we can reach a place of total EQUILIBRIUM. Experiencing the Majik of being part of the Harmonic patterns weaving a new web of JOY and prosperity consciousness, as we LIVE the DREAM together.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW GALACTIC SUN – AHAU represents the masculine ILLUMINATING brain, integrating the AWAKENING, and comprehending the potential for SHINING the LIGHT on the Collective Dreaming.
AHAU challenges us to RAISE our thoughts and align with the Higher Mind, the DIVINE MIND, so that we can create PEACE and stillness, to allow the higher divine guidance to flow through our MINDS leading us to greater Abundance and joy.
OPEN and elevate your MIND to become more EN-LIGHT-ENED and become the SUN , brightening the day of those around you. Focusing on the highest potentials of humanities AWAKENING . Exploring our sovereign nature as we expand into exploring our starry GALACTIC connections.
A beautiful day to connect and anchor a compassionate connection to other souls, and to love ONE and ALL, and truly embrace the glorious ABUNDANCE of our divine planet…
LOVE ONE ANOTHER – all our sisters and brothers! Together we are all ONE LOVE
PLEASE take a moment to hold COMPASSION and unconditional LOVE for ALL life forms, (human/animal/plant, mineral et al) on our beloved Gaia. For those souls who are suffering in the lower densities and holding FEAR, – uphold and uplift them through DIVINE LOVE and pure LIGHT… keep HOLDING this DREAM for HU-manity.
We are on our way through the GATES to EDEN… Blessed be!
Today’s question is “HOW can I OPEN my loving HEART and compassionate MIND, connecting with kin, to Harmonize greater prosperity and PEACE on our beloved Nova Gaia. “.
Divine blessings for integrating greater JOY and prosperity, through COMPASSION and your beautiful LOVING HEART!”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
April 28th through May 4th 2024 with my Sacred Condor🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of April 28th through May 4th 2024 She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation of Lemuria, Mt Shasta and Telos of Inner Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
I RELEASE my parents from the feeling that they have failed me.
I RELEASE my children from the need to make me proud, so that they can write their own ways, according to their hearts.
I RELEASE my partner from the obligation to make me feel complete.
I lack nothing in myself.
I learn with all the beings that surround me through all time.
I THANK my grandparents and ancestors who met so that today I breathe life.
And I RELEASE them from the faults of the past and from the wishes they did not fulfill, aware that they did the best they could to resolve their situations, within the consciousness they had at that moment.
I HONOR them,
I love them, and I recognize their innocence.
I BARE my soul before their eyes and that is why they know that I do not hide or owe anything, more than being faithful to myself and my own existence walking with the wisdom of the heart.
I AM AWARE that I am fulfilling my life purpose free of visible and invisible family loyalties that may disturb my peace and my happiness, which are my greatest responsibilities.
I RENOUNCE the role of savior, of being the one who unites or who fulfills the expectations of others.
And learning through LOVE, I bless my essence and my way of expressing, although there may be someone who cannot understand me.
I INNERSTAND myself, because only I lived and experienced my story; because I know myself,
I know who I am, what I feel, what I do and why I do it.
I RESPECT and approve.
I HONOR the Divinity in me and in you.
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Strategies to help you work towards realizing your aspirations and dreams:
Set Clear Goals: Define your aspirations and dreams clearly. Break them down into smaller, actionable goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Having a clear roadmap will help you stay focused and motivated.
Create a Plan: Develop a strategic plan outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Identify potential obstacles and challenges, and brainstorm solutions in advance. Flexibility is key, so be prepared to adjust your plan as needed.
Take Consistent Action: Consistency is crucial for success. Take small, consistent steps towards your goals every day, even when you face setbacks or obstacles. Remember that progress is made through persistent effort over time.
Stay Motivated: Find ways to stay motivated and inspired along the way. Surround yourself with positive influences, visualize your success, and celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Remind yourself why your aspirations are important to you and the impact they will have on your life.
Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it. Surround yourself with mentors, friends, and family members who believe in you and your dreams. Join communities or networks related to your aspirations where you can connect with like-minded individuals and gain valuable insights and encouragement.
Embrace Learning: Stay open to learning and growth. Seek out opportunities for education, skill development, and personal growth that will enhance your abilities and move you closer to your goals. Be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences and challenges.
Stay Persistent: Persistence is key when working towards your dreams. Keep pushing forward, even when faced with setbacks or obstacles. Remember that failure is a natural part of the journey, and each setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your approach.
Practice Self-Care: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being along the way. Make time for activities that recharge and rejuvenate you, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. A healthy and balanced lifestyle will give you the energy and resilience you need to pursue your aspirations with passion and purpose.
By implementing these strategies and staying committed to your aspirations and dreams, you can navigate the journey towards realizing them with confidence and determination. Keep believing in yourself and your abilities, and never lose sight of the extraordinary potential within you to create the life you desire.