THE KUMARAS OF EROS ~ Dragon Aspects are Coming Online ~ Incredible things are Happening! In Simplicity of Love
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Pure Awakened Ones of our New Earth Rising
The Rainbow Diamond Creation Codes of Freedom continue to pour into this realm from the most high directly from the Great Central Sun. This higher resonance is pulsing into your DNA transforming the Gene Keys from carbon to Crystalline based of our 12 Strands of Avatars of Light.
Allow the Ascension Process to integrate into your cells and atoms to reconfigure and calibrate the sequences for full embodiment of our Higher multidimensional Self in Human Form. Keep cultivating the Heavenly Chi filling your Sacred Vessel with the Eternal Life Vibration of Divine Alchemy.
The Five Elements come into Perfect Harmony of the Music of the Spheres as our Universal Alliance of the One True Source, Shifts this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue calling in the benevolence of Infinite Source Creator and our Highest Timeline for Peace, Joy, Abundance and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.
With total conviction and consistency our Victory shall be of the Light. We came here on the Wings of Love to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in the Greatest Transformation of all time as Wayshowers and Guides of our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
UPDATE. You may be sensing changes coming at a rapid pace without exactly knowing “what”. You may be feeling like existing on two separate timelines simultaneously. An old path and a new one. Connection & resonance are rapidly leaving spaces that have become outgrown. The weeks to come will only reinforce the direction that you know in your heart is already taken – inviting you, over and over, to dream of a lighter life zone. Wish upon a star. Major things are going to happen. No, life didn’t give up on you. You were just getting prepared.
“Graciousness isn’t just politeness or courtesy, although it may contain both of these qualities. It’s a whole cocktail of noble qualities. It’s also very refined and often very subtle. It’s an attitude carried in our aura, and it’s rooted in a deep reverence for all life.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
The intergalactic fleet has installed hundreds of sacred geometric light patterns, and they have now truly replaced the Old Earth’s light grid completely, burning down the old one.
As this happens, many dark souls and trapped and slaves and hostile beings have been removed. This is a mass removal.
This activates enormous light codes in our crown chakras and third eyes as more veils are removed.
We are in the midst of such unprecedented changes and enhancements that affect all lives and life forms on Earth. Burning down an old one.
I’ve never seen such a powerful Light update.
They’re pouring it into pyramids and pyramid webs because the winged solar stars have returned.
We are in for intensive upgrades and ascension.
We are carried through it all, as Divine Love is poured directly into our heart centers, fusing with the Light that flows into our crowns and third eyes.
This is getting intense.
Everything has been eliminated as the rebirth is currently taking place on all levels.
Always with love care and enlightenment
Always helping the humanity planet Earth and others
We travel in this mothership, one way ticket journey through the divine vibrations, frequencies, energies, quantum consciousness of sovereign spirit, towards eternity and it’s our divine right and responsibility to cocreate the reality, where we all feel the impulse, incentive, motivation, credit, credibility for the 100% exercise of the plenitude of global-universal human faculties, to cocreate a beautiful reality for the civilization in one global healthy organism, one team, one family, one spacecrew, one orchestra, one quantum physics in one spirit of harmony, to know the planet and the global cultural communities in peace, to facilitate the divine existence of humankind in stable, natural, productive momentum of dynamic evolution.
3/7/24: Nothing happens on earth without benefiting someone or something. Nothing. Nothing is without purpose or potential, regardless of appearance. Today is especially serious about understanding this. You could easily misinterpret this very spiritually charged day if you don’t seek the gifts and goodies sprinkled throughout your experience of it.
So, your Right Action is to go treasure hunting… to go get the pony in the pile of poo. Regardless of circumstance or situation, there’s something important in this day for you. It could be material, mental, emotional, or divine. It could be hiding in plain sight… or buried deeply beneath the obvious. But this day of hide-and-seek offers up plenty on your behalf. Happy hunting!
This is a wondrous Universe, a strange and mystical theater of life. Invisible elements which actually design the experiences of lives intervene such as a moment of synchronicity, wherein one discovers the psychic bonds that pulsate through the world.
Heighten your senses. Pay attention. Don’t dismiss the ordinary. In fact, see the most ordinary as the most extraordinary of your day. Pay attention to what you are looking at in your world. Pause for the beautiful and the not so beautiful. Take time to actually appreciate what you can see and feel. Listen to the people in your world. No conversation is without meaning!
There will be times when the path seems difficult to see or find. You may meet confusion and delusion on the path. You may meet challenges and obstacles. May today be the day is that the illuminated ones who are on the path ahead of you lovingly guide you through such times. There are many who have walked the path of awakening to reunite with the One, Source Light Creator.
There are countless behind you who are taking early steps on the path. Your light and your example are encouraging and helping those. This is the Great Work of coming out of darkness into the light. Whatever you choose to be or do today, I wish you light, bright, joyful days to come.
Big Shifts happening as this 3D reality continues to be dismantled by our will to bring in the Higher Dimensional Realms back to Earth.
Be prepared for anything Loves.
The oligarchs are starting to hide because they know we know the truth of their criminal deeds.
At least that is what I am feeling right now.
I have also noticed that some Humans have gone downright crazy, pulling out in front of cars, running stop lights and when you look at them, they look like they are under some kind of spell.
Been driving extra careful here lately because I don’t know when someone is going to just pull out like I am not there.
Others are filled with so much Love that they are glowing.
Mother Earth will continue to shift her poles as the Sun continues to kiss her ionosphere.
Wild Weather, Wild times.
It will get crazier as we continue to receive these celestial energies from our Universe and our Galactic Sun.
Loving every minute of my experiences here lately.
Keep Shining Loves, we are so close.
Sending Love to all you beautiful Souls out there.
Dear Masculine (in all)
Divine Mother has accepted you back in her Sphere.
The Mother of all Spheres!
The Silver Lining is here
MARCH 7 2024
Today and tomorrow are another two days of deep exorcism of the anti christ belief system in the masculine (both in men and women), the immature and false sense of power, fear of abandonment and rejection, the detached from the heart , the AI implants and negative interference, the mental stuckness, addiction to porn and all distortions concerning sexual energy etc.
The antichrist program is one of emotional detachment, deep anger and hate, disrespect, meanness, lack of oneness, guilt and limitation which brings inability to connect with one’s Self or Another through the Love of True Eros.
Many indigos suffer from this.
The Kumaras of EROS hold the rainbow of Eros and the words and frequencies of the Living Hearts.
They bless those willing to open to the True Flows of Eros, reconnect to Organic Source and experience the free Living energy of the awakened Heart via purity and joy!
The old is gone, the new has resurrected!
This is the returning children!
This is the regeneration of the inner Holy Trinity body, mind and soul!
The Holy Light is here!
We are free to be the Divine Creators that we are!
The Kumaras of Eros can show us the way to Orgasmic Existence!
Woweeeeee! I know many are feeling the INTENSITY today!
Those who are sensitive may be feeling EXTREMELY sensitive with HUGE waves of unexpected and uncontrollable despair and emotions of all kinds!
We are moving through a “contraction” energy at some levels and this is creating a wave of collective release and purging.
Some precious hearts are literally participating at this level of collective purging by “feeling everything and everyone,” and they may find themselves in moments of absolute overwhelm!
Please, dear ones, do not look for the closest cliff! Please.
YOU ARE THE BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE in the midst of some of the greatest shifts ever to occur on this planet!
It is why you have come.
And, deep in your own HEART- you KNOW.
This, however, does not make this process “easy!” Absolutely not!!
Please do take some comfort in knowing that: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. YOU ARE NOT MENTALLY ILL.
This is just a very INTENSE and elaborate process that you ARE moving through and these waves WILL PASS.
Do your best to find safe cozy places to be alone during this time whenever possible. Be sure to hydrate and nourish your body. Find safe and easy ways to allow these EPIC feelings to move through- to be cried out, to be raged out, etc. Be sure to be kind to yourself and remove yourself from others often, so there is no unnecessary collateral damage.
Precious ones, I FEEL YOU. I SEE YOU.
And I AM HERE holding you in my very HEART with ALL THE LOVE I AM…
Knowing that YOU ARE A MAGNIFICENT SOUL doing magnificent processes in greatest LOVE for humanity…
It is your destiny!
And on the level of LOVE, it has already been accomplished multidimensionally. We only need now to allow it to move through our humanness.
Take good care of YOU!!!
And FEEL LOVED- whether you are crying, screaming, laughing, or whatever!!!
It’s all REAL and it’s all passing through to bring us all back home to LOVE and free us all from eons of pain and suffering.
As ascending souls, we are now traversing a very important month, whose energies are key to harmonizing our 12th-dimensional DNA strands, body glands, and lymphatic, digestive, and circulatory systems. As you know, during this time we are receiving a massive influx from our Central Sun, and other interdimensional sixth, seventh, and eighth frequencies, to continue assisting us in the process of light body reconnection and monadic integration.
Our DNA is experiencing a rapid transformation, as we continue embodying the solar flares received, for it is plasma that allows our DNA to shift. The focus is now on our seventh and eighth DNA strands, healing galactic wounds, and retrieving the wisdom required for us to become more unified and balanced.
This is a month of self-mastery, as its universal 11 number reminds us, is a time for us to work on both our inner healing journey and our planetary mission, remembering that first, we need to be whole to be able to receive the guidance, light codes, and hence precise information to be able to work in the field. Guides share the importance of working with all the previous parts of our body, for all of them are in charge of integrating, directing, and amplifying light.
Being informed is key to being able to work with what obstructs the organic influx of light within our bodies. Many important factors may be impeding us from consciously embodying the light emanations received during this time. Some of them are contamination (especially chemtrails that are meant to disturb our field and DNA) genetically modified foods, as well as any other source that we ingest that can modify or control our DNA in any way or form, not having our body portals connected and cleared, and many other subtle and silent ways to interrupt the free flow of our life force.
This is occurring so we cannot embrace higher levels of consciousness, and hence Light, which is what precisely shifts genetics and allows us to regain sovereignty through DNA retrieval and rehabilitation.
Our main aim is not to rebel and fight the system, for we cannot change it or do anything to control others, and this shall not be our will. Our main task is to understand that when we awake and inform ourselves, we have the power to start disengaging, more consciously from mass manipulation, regaining full sovereignty of our bodies in all we can.
Working with ourselves is what creates the shift we wish to see in the world, for we cannot control what is taking place outside of ourselves. In the end, it is our Consciousness the great shifter, as Guides always share, and it is our Consciousness, together with the work we do in the physical, the one with the power to transmute any lower frequency.
As crystalline beings we surrender, accept what we cannot change, and embrace All as equal, for All is essential to help us evolve within this dual plane of existence.
We know that our main task is to awaken and reconnect ourselves, so we can start descending the codes we came here to anchor, for our mission was never to interfere with the Divine’s Plan, but to support it with our unique blueprint, abilities, and mission.
As crystalline beings we know that there are different choices in this universe and our task and intention is to respect them, focusing on our mission of being, seeding, and expanding the love that we are.
When we are ascending , we will always feel to be out of our comfort zone. This is all ok . It is teaching us to think and live outside of the box of linear thinking and being , trying to stay safe from the darkness others embody. However it is because we are ascending past the lower vibrations of our own thinking and being .
Trust the process of life. Trust that every moment has a purpose, and that the Universe is always working to move you in the right direction. Allow yourself to go with the flow and have faith that everything will always work out Trust that you are strong enough to make it through any challenge ahead, and that all of the lessons you learn will lead you to where you need to be.
It’s about Trusting the process of ascending life. Trusting that in every moment it has a purpose, and that the Universe is always working to move you in the right direction. Allow yourself to go with the flow and have faith that everything always will work out , Its about trusting that you are strong enough to make it through any challenges ahead, and that all of the lessons you learn will lead you to where you need to be at all times , with people and in places.
There is no better exercise for Starseeds than strengthening the heart to then reach down while you are helping to lift others up. Your Hidden paths are opening the way by the closing of old ways.
Some People may say that walking on water is the real miracle, but for the Starseed ascending souls , walking peacefully on this earth is the real miracle.
The truth is that the most powerful souls on the planet are often sent to the darkest places here on Earth , this is to bring your Soul light into those dark places and people . They too in their own darkness will help us expand and grow in our ever evolving light , love and awareness , as everything in life serves a higher purpose , sometimes you may have to dig a little deeper to fully discover this . As the dust settles the gifts in every situation will always reveal themselves
There is so much information and disinformation shown to us during this time. Knowing truth from fiction/falsehood is the very key , as lower conscious forces are well practised at mixing and confusing truth with lies.
Trust your own connection to your higher self. The clearer vour connection the harder it will be for you to be blocked and deceived. You are learning to discern all information through your higherself and your expanding heart.
Starseeds , anytime you find yourself giving a lot more energy in any one than you are receiving , it means it’s time to step back and asses whether it is reciprocal and given back equally . This is how you will conserve and value your energy in who and what you give energy away to . Replenish your light by making clear assessments in all areas . The universe is all about reciprocal energy.
This month’s powerful energy frequencies marks a significant period of ascending and transformation in various aspects of life. By consciously setting bigger intentions and focusing on qualities like intentional creation presence, self-love, and surrender, you will align with these higher planetary energies to manifest positive changes.
Embracing a forward-looking mindset, letting go of the old narratives, and maintaining a positive outlook helps you welcome in new opportunities and experiences with open arms. your attention shapes your reality, so concentrating on what you desire to achieve and experience. Exciting developments and significant progress are well within reach as you continue on your journey of personal ascension and evolution.
Trust that the daily alignments your are receiving are guiding you towards your destiny and inner peace. The activation of the Soul Star Chakra with Source Light Codes are awakening your heart’s deepest truth, helping detach emotions from uncontrollable situations.
This planetary shift supports maintaining a positive attitude, developing joy and trust even amidst all challenges. By letting go of past burdens and embracing new opportunities, you align with the positive changes unfolding on your path. Remain open to receive the universal blessings and opportunities that the universe is presenting.
Continuing to reclaim your energy is essential for a fresh start in aligning with the New Earth energies. As you recharge, you may experience improved emotional balance and stability. While the ultimate destination remains uncertain, you are better equipped to follow your path with confidence, prioritising your needs over others’ expectations.
Trust that focusing on self-love and self-empowerment will lead to success, increased self-esteem, confidence, and abundance. With each step, you are liberating yourself and ascending to new heights.
For the Great Light Waves are providing endless opportunities of light integrations
For the higher persepective of Now is providing deep points of immersive reflections of light
Many of you are undertaking deep immersive light journeys in your day, as you transverse the cellular memories within your physical format
Deep diving within the Cellular Expression of you is an expanded light opportunity in the present moment
For life experiences, stored within your cellular light field are open to deep exploration, wonderment, healing and clearing
I am shown this with my own childhood experiences as I explore the light of now
So be gentle as you delve deeply into day dreaming. We are being provided the multidimensional light tools to explore and magnify the light expressions within our physical multidimensional light spheres
Find solitude to process, reflect and clear
Heal, expand nurture and grow
Play Expand and Thrive in Light
Powerful light work is apon US to Advance our Own Light
Inner union continues awakening the Rainbow Light Body, merging you into one. We are going deep into the roots of your foundation to clear what is in the way of this reunion with self. These are things you didn’t even know were there.
Do you best to embrace the results that are leading to a healthy expansion of embodying a higher frequency of light. Movement forward is happening through this clearing and alignment. Utilize deep breathing of the light in, and exhaling tension and stress out, to get centred and grounded into your oneness field.
On Thursday, March 7th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in fixed, air sign Aquarius and in a challenging square aspect to Jupiter, ruler of our belief systems, in stubborn, earth sign Taurus. We may have a difficult time letting go of certain thoughts or perceptions right now. Our emotional nature is cold, detached or disconnected from expanding into other possibilities or potentials beyond what we perceive as our 3D reality.
However, the Moon will move on later in the day and create a positive sextile to Chiron, the healer of our inner wounds, and then connect to Mars, ruler of forward movement, to assist us in untangling ourself from the briar that we seem to be stuck in. Then, we may be able to give energy to new ideas and solutions for our future goals.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in fixed, air sign Aquarius and in a challenging square aspect to Jupiter
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its key words are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. The eighth day of a wavespell is all about restoring harmony in our lives. There is a Shamanic ideal which is referred to as ‘Impeccability’. This concept concerns our personal integrity…something that can only be balanced if we are impeccable at all times. We must walk our talk, consider every action or word carefully and most importantly- never do anything which diminishes your self-respect. Harmony can become out of balance when we feel ashamed of ourselves or allow bad behavior, jealousy or fear drive our actions. To restore harmony in your life, be proud of your words and actions and be a ‘model of integrity’.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Endlessness and Order.’ The mirror doesn’t lie, it simply tells it like it is. The truth not only sets you free but tells you where you stand. How can you decide what step to take next unless you know where you are now? ‘What you don’t know won’t hurt you’… is a big fat lie. Being in the dark about your situation can’t possibly be good for you. As it is a number 8 day and that represents ‘harmony’ this suggests that the truth can restore harmony and therefore being true to yourself today, will make you feel surprisingly good.
The Guide today is the White Wind which symbolizes ‘communication’. As always when in the guiding position, the White Wind leads us to communicate. So, speak the truth and be impeccable. Be as honest with others as you should be to yourself.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. If you are a Yellow Star, you will find today difficult. Let’s face it, you have a tendency to shy away from the truth because it isn’t always what you want. That’s OK, take a peek in the mirror anyway…you may learn something of value.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Dreams have a real magical chance of coming true when the Blue Night is in the Occult position. Dream big and make a wish.
The Ally is the Red Dragon who loves to nurture and therefore makes a great friend and ally today. If you are a Dragon, you will enjoy today as your friendship is in much demand.
Did you know that the Tzolkin is the length of a human pregnancy? I’ve mentioned before that you are likely to be born in the same wavespell that you were conceived. It’s also worth considering this magic length of 260 days as a cycle that ‘gestates’ continuously. Our lives are lived in increments of this sacred calculation. Babies are not the only thing that takes this long to make…ideas take time to come to fruition and projects working with this timescale are more likely to succeed. Thanks for reading!
Read this mantra through once, then REPEAT it out loud as a COMMAND using your breath and pausing between each line tuning into the feeling it evokes in your body. This will attune you to the frequency of the daily KIN energies activating the POWER within your cells and DNA.
KIN 138 =12=3 Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union JOY JOY JOY
Today is a very powerful -MAJIKAL, DIVINE. Heavenly DAY!
We have 5 more days, journeying through the Majikal Monkey wavespell of reclaiming our Divine Majik and pure innocence, before we embark on the
YELLOW SEED Wavespell on 13 MARCH 2024 MARK your calendars!)
The YELLOW SEED is the cycle of AWAKENING and RIPENING to our fullest potential.. This wavespell aligns with the second half of our journey through the
The YELLOW SEED passage brings us through another 10 successive GAP day journey, giving us DYNAMIC LIFTER – the super fertilizer for our next rapid growth spurt.
Day 8 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today we are integrating the MAJIK and BLISS through REFLECTING on the disharmonious patterns that are revealed and brought to LIGHT by the GALACTIC MIRROR.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
We need to reflect on the messages from Spirit and ensure that we are aligned in order to co create more Harmony in our world. Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
So beloveds another very DIVINE and precious day gifted to HU-MAN-ity!
Allow the DIVINE BLISS to flow through you today. Sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being. Fill your life with LOVE, JOY and great MONKEY MAJIK !
Today’s question is “How can I HARMONIZE the discordant reflections, in order to integrate and model DIVINE TRUTH, DIVINE BLISS and greater MAJIK in my reality?”
Divine blessings for reflecting and modeling PURE BLISS, HARMONY and JOY through your Divine creations!”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR – ETZNAB reflects the patterns, in order to integrate them into the joy of our creations. Seeing that every pattern that we have resisted thus far, actually has a gold lining that points to our greatest gifts. This resistance is born through a subconscious FEAR of some type, seeking to keep us hidden from sight and becoming our greatest glorious self. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know the TRUTH. Anything that is not in alignment will be stripped away and discarded.
We have just completed the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL so we have truly honed our inner DIAMOND to reveal our TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.. Now it is time to REFLECT on the OUTER WORLD. What is our world REFLECTING back to us? Is it in resonance with our TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF that we have uncovered?
The MIRROR represents the MIRROR WORLD, the REFLECTION of our current REALITY which in this case is the Artificial Time Matrix. KIN 138 is located in the central MYSTIC core of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR which is called the MIRROR realm or the RAINBOW BRIDGE to SOURCE.
When the MIRROR CRACKS – it SHATTERS and the veil is lifted revealing the TRUTH of CREATION for all to SEE. Anything else is a distortion in this GRAND ILLUSION in the GAME we are playing on Planet Earth.
The GALACTIC MIRROR strongly reflects all that is not in full alignment with Divine Law and the principles of transparency, integrity and HIGHER LOVE.
The GALACTIC MIRROR strongly EXPOSES the TRUTH today!! Not just any TRUTH but the highest DIVINE TRUTH according to UNIVERSAL LAW. Be observant of revelations today, both personally and on a collective Global level. Attune to Spirit today to calibrate your TRUTH BAROMETER!
The sword of truth cleanly cuts away all distortions leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE GALACTIC WIND – IK is the breath of Spirit, the word of God, the messages whispered on the Wind. A very POWERFUL divine DAY with SPIRIT bringing forth very powerful messages as the HIGHER GUIDE of the Mirror on a Holy DIVINE 9 DAY.
ETZNAB and IK make for an EXCELLENT dynamic duo. These two WHITE KIN are the purifiers and refiners enabling DIVINE TRUTH to be both SEEN and HEARD – very clearly with no confusion or distortions. The SMOKE and MIRRORS are CLEARED today by the breath of Spirit blowing a fresh liberating breeze. This will allow many souls to AWAKEN to the TRUTH of what is being revealed today – for those who CHOOSE to LISTEN.
Today we need to allow the clear pathways of the creation to channel through us, and understand that our greatest innate gifts come directly from Spirit. All creation originates from SOURCE, we are just the divine conduits, who express this divine bliss filled energy, through our creations. We just need to get out of our own way and let it happen!
Let the energy flow……. through us, channeling and reflecting upon the divine patterns of the cosmos channeled through our beingness, uniquely modeling God’s perfect creation in our daily existence.
We are all SPIRITUAL beings, having a hu-man existence, all connected through the golden threads of the Divine Harmonic Matrix of creation.
SUPPORT: RED GALACTIC DRAGON – IMIX – Mother IMIX is assisting us in birthing our creations today. Birthing better, purer and more Divine versions of ourselves through allowing our true Diamond essence to shine through. Connecting with our TRUE AUTHENTIC selves – the DIVINE CHILD that is always connected to Spirit..
Allowing our MINDS to respond to the impetus of Spirit flowing through us. Witnessing how we are enlivened and experience more JOY and BLISS through the Majik that is birthed through us and our creations. Modeling the receptivity to the many gifts that consciousness provides.
Allow the GALACTIC DRAGON to reveal to you WHAT NEEDS to be b-Earth-ed during this next growth cycle.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT – AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS to all our deep subconscious distortions. ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH and LOVE today.
The RHYTHMIC NIGHT has the POWER of FENG SHUI.. to BALANCE and HARMONIZE all that is revealed in our physical environment, in order to REVEAL the pure TRUE reflection of our inner most DREAMS and DESIRES.. The PURE messages that have been encoded in our DNA and cells by Spirit upon incarnating.
We all collectively hold this DNA of NEW EARTH and the collective DREAM, encoded in our cells and our consciousness so that we can become the CONSCIOUS CREATORS of the NEW HARMONIC REALITY.
Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, particularly through your DREAMSTATE. Take the time to REFLECT on the DREAM in order to receive the next steps in your journey. Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective abundance today.
6 AKBAL is a BRILLIANT SUPERPOWER today bringing forth DIVINE POWER to manifest your beautiful DREAMS to create our NEW UTOPIAN WORLD. CLEAR THE WAY for ABUNDANCE TO FLOW, unlock the FLOODGATES with your GOLDEN KEY!
All GOD’S children deserve the INFINITE UNIVERSAL ABUNDANCE available on PLANET EARTH NOW.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW GALACTIC STAR– LAMAT allows the pure luminous REFLECTION of the gifts of creation to SHINE through us today, raising our sparkling BLISS barometers! The GALACTIC STAR is really challenging you to SHINE your LIGHT – and speak your TRUTH, as the beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN that came here to be!
spread the DIVINE messages that guide your Mission for all to HEAR. Stand up and be SEEN.
We are integrating the wisdom of harmonic patterns in our MINDS so that we can create from a pure, clean palate – new creative and beauty filled lives that assist us to continually birth a new better and BRIGHTER version of our cell-ves beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS.
The GALACTIC STAR brings the GIFT of PEACE and HARMONY – both in our MINDS and our GALACTIC HEART of our Global family.
HUMANITY is being challenged today to categorically REJECT the ARTIFICIAL TIME MATRIX and all its ILLUSIONS, and model a new way. Adopting the NEW TIME and a HARMONIC cycle of PEACE, equality and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL…
WHO will choose this option today?
So beloveds another very DIVINE and precious day gifted to HU-MAN-ity!
Allow the DIVINE BLISS to flow through you today. Sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being. Fill your life with LOVE, JOY and great MONKEY MAJIK !
Today’s question is “How can I HARMONIZE the discordant reflections, in order to integrate and model DIVINE TRUTH, DIVINE BLISS and greater MAJIK in my reality?”
Divine blessings for reflecting and modeling PURE BLISS, HARMONY and JOY through your Divine creations!”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension report and Astrology Reading 🕉
March 3rd through March 9th 2024 from my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 3rd through March 9th 2024, reads two powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation “3-3 Portal Energy Activation – A powerful time of Transition and Transformation!”.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste 🕉
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