You are currently viewing Equinox Gateway – A Massive Stargate Portal * Sacred Elixir ~ ACCELERATING the LIBERATION of the Planet! Zero Point Energy of Ascension
universe of love

Equinox Gateway – A Massive Stargate Portal * Sacred Elixir ~ ACCELERATING the LIBERATION of the Planet! Zero Point Energy of Ascension

Equinox Gateway – A Massive Stargate Portal * Sacred Elixir ~ ACCELERATING the LIBERATION of the Planet! Zero Point Energy of Ascension



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Cosmic Wayshowers of Mothership Gaia Supernova Galactica

Happy Equinox Gateway as we enter the Equilibrium of the Balance of Light and Dark, as we transition from The Waters of Pisces Season and enter the Season of Fire of Aries the Ram and fully emerge into the Fifth Dimension and New Age of Aquarius!

As we enter through the Zero Point Quantum Energy Field and experience equal day and equal night we Shift all Awareness into the New 5D Golden Age of the Satya Yuga forever more.

In the Middle Path of Awakened Buddha Mind we walk the Sacred Earth in Peace and Bliss as New Earth Pioneers and journey through the Unknown Void into the Great Mystery fully awake and fully aware.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 Now have the opportunity to dream themselves awake into the Pure Land of Eternal Life. With Crystal Clear Clarity of a Purified Heart and Mind all has been released and resolved to realize your True Nature of Infinite Multi-dimensional Presence.

In the Still White Magnetic Light and the Center of all Things of Infinite Source Creator all is in Perfect Harmony and Power of the Silence to assist all our Ground Crew Team in your final Divine Missions of Operation Planetary Liberation.

As Wayshowers of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica you all lead by example and take right action to guide all Sentient Beings home to the Kingdom of Heaven within and transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!







The Divine Unions are at the CORE of grounding the NEW EARTH templates! Our togetherness is what forms the NEW Blueprints!🤍
Divine Unions
Divine Unions

Pars Kutay

WE Are Significantly ACCELERATING in the LIBERATION of the Planet!!!

Waves of Transformation are currently Sweeping through our Collective. . . Marking a Pivotal Moment in our Individual and Collective Journey!!!

As We claim our Rightful Place within the Universal Order. . . Humanity will NOT Only Discover ITSELF as Stewards of the Earth but will Also BE Recognized and Held in Great Honour for our DIVINE Heritage!!!



Equinox Gateway
Equinox Gateway





Happy Equinox Beloveds. Tonight at 10.01pm nzst is the beginning of a new season and era

As the Equinox arrives, we stand at the threshold of a new cycle of Alignment—a time to balance, reflect, and harmonize with the rhythms of creation. This sacred passage invites us into the stillness of inner peace, where we dissolve distractions and rediscover the infinite landscapes of our Imaginarium.
We are the architects of our reality, weaving worlds with thought, intention, and vision. Now, as the scales of light and dark find equilibrium, we are called to gather the fruits of our labour. The seeds we have sown—through our dreams, our efforts, and our silent prayers—have blossomed, and it is time to harvest.
This is the season of distillation, where we bottle the nectar of our insights, preserve the essence of our creations, and savour the fragrances of what we have manifested. Every lesson learned, every joy experienced, and every challenge overcome becomes a sacred elixir, nourishing us for the journey ahead.
And soon, as winter whispers on the horizon, we prepare for the great trail of stillness—the descent into deep listening, inner knowing, and quiet gestation. But for now, let us embrace this equilibrium, honouring both the seen and unseen, the expansion and the contraction, the golden light and the shadowed depths.
May this Equinox remind us of our power to align, to create, and to receive. May we walk forward as conscious dreamers, harvesting with gratitude and weaving with intention.
Blessings upon your path, luminous souls. The cycle turns, and we rise with it.


Sacred Elixir
Sacred Elixir


Divine Energy Works


March 20th, 2025✨
March Equinox arrives at Zero Degrees Aries on March 20th, opening the Aries Equinox Stargate of Zero Point Energy of Ascension inside the Eclipse Corridor – a rare Point of Galactic Equilibrium and a QUANTUM CROSSPOINT of past, present, and future timelines, marking the start of the Astrological New Year.
The Equinox Portal is the Magnetic Reset Point within the most accelerated energetic Passageway of the year, unleashing a Massive Flow of Energy – transmitting Higher Frequencies of Ascension Plasma Waves, carrying DNA Light Code Activations, Light Body Activations, Nervous System Upgrades, and deep Cellular Recalibration.
This Equinox Portal is not just a moment of Balance – it is a QUANTUM ZERO POINT, where Timelines Converge, Realities Shift, and energetic structures undergo Recalibration.
Within the Eclipse Corridor, it acts as a Magnetic Lock-In, stabilizing the collapse of outdated frequencies, while anchoring the Blueprint of what is to come. Merging the energies with Mercury Retrograde and the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Aries, it is a full-system Override, fracturing the old matrix and anchoring the architecture of Quantum Reality.

Equinox March 20th

Equinox is a Solar phenomenon revered since ancient times as it allows us to engage with higher Plasma Intelligence Downloads which is ordinarily not available to us.
This results in The Crown Chakra Activations and is experienced via increased Clairaudience and Clairvoyant images and information.
Pay attention to any image / sound / knowing that suddenly bursts into your consciousness. This is the new information ready to unfold and direct you at this time of Death and Renewal as we are smack dab in the middle of the Eclipse Gateway with Neptune N Saturn ready to change signs and Venus ready for her metamorphosis into a brand new avatar of the Pisces-Aries MetaGoddess .
As I was connecting with these Energies it was the Whale Energy that presented itself. they are the Akashic Record Holders for Earth and can unlock the same within our own DNA via their sound frequencies thus allowing for a reconnection of the gifts and purpose that we carry as part of our DNA.
Since they carry the entire earth history past present and future within them ,Whale Medicine invites us Trust the Wisdom of the Universe. We are navigating intense energies in the present Cauldron of Transformation of this Eclipse Gateway and Whale Medicine not only assists with Light Code Integration but invites us to Trust and have Faith in all that which is presently unfolding for us for there is a bigger vision that you are unable to perceive at this time.
May Your Faith Be Bigger than Your fears
May Your Dreams be Bigger than Your doubts
Sa Kei Na
Aries season begins today
Aries season begins today

20th March : Spring/Fall Equinox

This is the BIG day.
The change of seasons from Winter to Spring in the North and from Summer to Autumn in the South.
The day and Night are of equal length as the Earth comes intro balance for its onward journey towards the Solstices in June.
This was always a Sacred time for our ancestors, and so it is for us!
At this point between to two eclipses, we are receiving powerful downloads of codes for the New Earth.
This is my new mantra for the coming period: Simplify, Slow Down and Enjoy!
In a time that seems so complex, allowing yourself to simplify the flows of energy in your life will create clarity and focus that will create abundance.
Slowing down is essential as we move to Higher Consciousness. Higher Dimensional consciousness always requires that we slow down in the physical, as in the practice of meditation and the Alpha and Theta brain waves.
In this state we can enjoy life and what we are creating. It is time to release the idea that it will all soon be wonderful and focus on what is wonderful today! Life is a miracle and we can create miracles every day with Love and Gratitude.
Have a wonderful Equinox everyone!
universe of love
universe of love
3/20/25: Pisces opened the door to higher awareness for us because that was its job this year… to rise and shine in spirit. Aries, though, can come in like an internal fireball (maybe a wrecking ball). You will feel its energy, enthusiasm, passion, and impatience when it hits. While still in March it can create major waves as it invigorates Snake energy and gets things moving. April will help to catalyze its power into purpose. You will notice a shift in direction and ambition today but remember that you are responsible for the power you wield and the consequences left in your wake. Be present, be open, be flexible, be smart.





Sun & Neptune at the clock! An Equinox like no other! This is the Tsunami of Golden Christed Light! The upgrade to the 6D! All keys have been given! Free at last! Bye bye karma! ⚖️ Walk through this Solar door proud of your achievement and in gratitude of your Solar Family! Love you Nemesis! Thank you 🙏🏼🌊☀️
Nemesis is the second part of the exiting process and she brings in the rebalance of what is just after the catharsis that the Phoenix brought.
The Phoenix began last year and his fire is still active for the souls that need it.
Nemesis begins now!
She is already here, viewing and sharing the rebalance!
Nemesis opens the spiritual eye and feels joy when people are choosing to be just and fair!
She is the one gifting and guiding the mystics to gain pure and good intellect.
Today’s group session is a Self Knowing initiation via Nemesis!
A very deep and existential process of unprecedented growth for the forerunners.

This is a translation from ancient greek to English that I found on

“Thee, Nemesis I call, almighty queen, by whom the deeds of mortal life are seen:
Eternal, much rever’d, of boundless sight, alone rejoicing in the just and right:
Changing the counsels of the human breast for ever various, rolling without rest.
To every mortal is thy influence known, and men beneath thy righteous bondage groan;
For ev’ry thought within the mind conceal’d is to thy fight perspicuously reveal’d.
The soul unwilling reason to obey by lawless passion rul’d, thy eyes survey.
All to see, hear, and rule, O pow’r divine whose nature Equity contains, is thine.
Come, blessed, holy Goddess, hear my pray’r, and make thy mystic’s life, thy constant care:
Give aid benignant in the needful hour, and strength abundant to the reas’ning pow’r;
And far avert the dire, the hateful opinions, and the impious, arrogant, capricious and base.”
Blessings of just choices!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior





Now we see a brilliant light shining in our pineals, a new and glorious resplendent sun rising from the east illuminating our cells in our ancient majesty.

For you see all is being revealed now. All is being unsealed now. DNA strings begin to sing an ancient melody of our spirituality, a song blossoming from our heart strings creating a new and desired reality.

Oh this is the resplendent and glorious return to love many prophets long spoke of throughout the ages when sages danced in elaborate twirls allowing their DNA to unfurl, electrons spinning ever so speedily to lift us to the love we sought so eagerly.

Ah the days we have long searched for are over as we have found the four leaf clover, the pot of gold at the rainbow’s end we found inside ourselves my long time friend.

With this pot of gold we find a treasure worth more than all things that can be measured, a golden frequency that returns us to love, a harmonic aligned to heaven above.

For it was and always has been love, a powerful but gentle force that returns us once again to the origins of our souls, the birthplace of our Source. A garden paradise granted from the heavens above has been and shall always be created from our love.

In this place of infinite possibilities exists an electromagnetic field of love we all seek and find within our hearts a treasure where love’s presence peaks. It is in this place I will find you, a field where infinite love flows and walk with you for all eternity wherever our love goes.


Art by: deepdiverq

Equinox brings a New Light
Equinox brings a New Light


Beloved Ones,
The Equinox brings a New Light, a New Divine Order in the Earth’s templars, and Fabrics that facilitate the migration of the 3D Earth’s timelines into 5th-dimensional ones. The relocation of the earth’s timelines and many manipulated structures that are being restored is an arduous planetary work that many of you as sonic stabilizers are now involved in.
Sonic stabilizers is a term my Guides use to define those stabilizers working with the earth’s sonic pillars in certain key locations that can only be accessed through the power of sound and the knowledge of how to work with these Illumined Frequencies. Many of you have the ability and the DNA-specific coding, to listen to sounds the rest cannot, as part of your mission, following the sound of the earth, calling you where you need to be of assistance next.
Sonic stabilizers are key to anchoring the harmonics that are now being descended into planet Earth, which needs to be realigned to the new earth’s frequency. Many of you are assisted by highly evolved beings such as the Arcturians and the Hathors, to work with sound, so you can be attuned to this subtle but powerful frequency and shift the discordant non-benevolent created sounds that interfere with the many connections our planet has with many other dimensions, restoring its openings and portals.
There are three main locations on our planet whose sound can be strongly felt by those who visit them, feeling the difference in the air, the atmosphere, and sound, as when we go to these locations, we are literally outside of our current time-space zone, whether we are sonic stabilizers or not.
These main locations, although there are other “minor” ones, acting as sonic supporters, are Uluru in Australia, Easter Island in Chile, and the Hill of Tara in Ireland. As I said there are others such as Montserrat, Barcelona, and many other important locations around Earth.
There are other fifth-dimensional spaces on the earth, however, their function is totally different than the one these locations fulfill. the main purpose of these location is not only to retrieve communication to other interdimensional worlds but to anchor illumined frequencies from the God Wolrds that only these spaces are prepared to anchor.
These locations act as sound extensors, allowing this unique sound frequency to be extended into other areas that are preparing themselves to become fifth-dimensional spaces. Sound as you know is the origin of Creation, within it mathematical, to name them as such, codes are embedded within sound, containing the instructions required for the space to shift its time-space coordinates, as well as many other anomalies it may have.
As always, nothing is more special than anything else within Creation, for all have a unique and precise function.
Those of you who are awakening to your sonic stabilizing mission may have sensations in your ears that are not uncomfortable I must say, as if so this can be then the result of other issues, but that can be challenging sometimes. These sensations are the consequence of the non-physical opening that your ear’s portals are experiencing at this time, getting adjusted to sounds they have never heard before, and to frequencies they do not know yet how to decode.
The more soul aligned that you are to the fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions, and the more you focus on knowing yourself, your body, and your unique abilities, supporting your body and living from your Heart, the easier will be for you to receive more clarity about your mission and how to accomplish it, for no one can tell you the details but your soul and Unified Self.
All of you have a precious, unique, and equal role within Creation. I was just guided today to talk about this important role for this time as we move towards the Equinox.
All of you are Divine harmonic channels working for the betterment of the planet in the way you are guided, and that is enough. You are always more than enough for you come from God, and God is infinitely perfect in Her-His decisions and in all She-He creates.
God makes no mistakes, you are perfect, and so is your unique role, for there is nothing imperfect in God’s Creations, only in our human delusive mind.
Therefore love, honor, and respect yourselves unconditionally and your unique Divine Purpose, Beloveds.
Thank you for your unique contribution to assist All in this transitional year.
May you always feel your strength, wisdom, and power.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Ascension LightWorker Collective
Ascension LightWorker Collective


Dear friends, welcome to this special Equinox day, bringing with it a synergy of grounding earthly energies together with the transformative celestial energies of the eclipse corridor. The total lunar eclipse of last week officially opened the eclipse corridor energetic vortex. This special energetic period will last until March 28 2025. I am posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this new eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of the energetic processes that might be happening within you and around you.
Today’s March 20 equinox marks a profound moment in the Earth’s journey around the Sun. As day and night converge in perfect harmony, the energies of renewal and transformation are unleashed upon the planet. This celestial event holds deep spiritual significance, as the Sun’s entrance into the fiery sign of Aries ignites the flames of rebirth and new beginnings.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the arrival of spring is met with vibrant enthusiasm, as the once-dormant earth awakens from its winter slumber. The Aries energy coursing through the atmosphere is electric, inspiring bold action, courage, and determination. It’s a time to plant seeds of intention, to nurture the spark of creativity, and to fearlessly pursue passions.
As the Southern Hemisphere welcomes the arrival of autumn, the Aries energy takes on a slightly different tone. The focus shifts from external expansion to internal reflection, as the leaves of old patterns and habits begin to wither and fall away. It’s a moment to acknowledge the cycles of life, to release the old, and to prepare for the new.
Globally, the March equinox serves as a powerful portal for transformation, growth, and renewal. As the Earth’s axis aligns with the celestial equator, the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. This is a moment to tap into the cosmic energies, to access ancient wisdom, and to align with the rhythms of the universe.
Furthermore, the March equinox occurs within the current eclipse corridor, amplifying the energies of transformation and renewal. The eclipse corridor has opened a two-week portal for accelerated growth, awakening, and rebirth. The equinox energies now ignite the spark of creation, propelling us forward on our journey of self-discovery and evolution.
As the Earth undergoes a profound energetic recalibration during the March Equinox, energy sensitive individuals may experience physical manifestations of this transformation. Some possible symptoms include: heightened sensitivity to light and sound, vivid dreams or lucid dreaming, increased fatigue or lethargy as the body releases old patterns, and heightened emotional sensitivity. Others may experience physical releases such as headaches, joint pain, or digestive changes as the body purges and recalibrates. Additionally, some people may notice changes in their sleep patterns, appetite, or metabolism as their body adjusts to the new energetic frequencies. It’s essential to listen to your body and honor its needs during this time, allowing yourself to rest, hydrate, and nourish your physical and emotional well-being.
As we navigate this potent eclipse corridor, the equinox serves as a midpoint marker, offering a moment of balance and reflection. It’s an opportunity to assess our progress, release any residual patterns or energies, and recalibrate our intentions. The convergence of the equinox and eclipse energies creates a powerful catalyst for transformation, urging us to step into our highest potential and embody the frequencies of love, unity, and harmony.
May you have a prosperous Equinox! Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

TRANSFORMATIONAL ENERGY SHIFT INTO ARIES MARCH 20- 2025 SOLAR STORMS, EQUINOX AND MERCURY RETROGRADE COMING TO A CLOSE Causing an Unpredictable and Life-Changing Few Days Expect: Healing, Renewed Strength, Feeling Re-energised, Revitalised, Karmic cycles closing out : Dissipating unwanted thought programmes , Endings, Completion and Closure of the Past Six Months, New Beginnings, the start of a new and exciting Six Month Cycle.
An incredibly positive energy shift is here bringing in a fresh ascension chapter. Intuition is enhanced and at its peak. Everything now manifests rapidly including internal processes, thoughts, behaviours and actions.
There is a clear divide in this World and it is now obvious for most to recognise. Ascension in new earth is purely and solely based in truth, what is real, authentic and genuine , Vibrational alignment is most important in new earth for true ascension to take place. In this new earth ascending energy maintaining a higher resonance and frequency will be the main focus, moving forward.
PLANETARY ENERGY: THE START OF ARIES SEASON WE CAN ЕХРЕСТ, DNA upgrades Rebirth, Renewed Energy, Reignited Passion, Awakenings, Light Downloads, Closure, Working with a Clean Slate, Enhanced Intuition, Transformation, Soul expansion , Balance, Harmony, Vitality, Motivation, Abundance, New Beginnings and a Fresh New Cycle.
The March 20-03-2025 Equinox energies bring heightened awareness and expansion, guiding the ascending away from past influences and towards clearer direction and guidance aligned with the higher heart’s desires. Welcoming the changes with an open heart and mind focusing on fulfilment and igniting inner passion to create ascending changes .
As you question and define what you most desire in life, cosmic energies filtering through the system amplify the Higher Self connection, offering broader perspectives and liberation from external control.
Aries is ruled by Mars and action driven it symbolises strength, power and action it will highlight areas in life where action is now needed. Ascension energies are at their all time peak in new earth, catalysing transformational Light Body activations.
The Earth’s Zero Point Energy is rapidly collapsing old cycles and paradigms, paving the way for personal and collective rebirths. An ascension shift occurs on March 20th representing radical transformation on individual and collective levels, leading to new energetic cycles and many new beginnings.
Maintaining higher awareness of your energy and physical body responses to achieve inner balance and harmony during this ascension stage. Recent timeline shifts have released denser energies from the past, leading to a lighter and benevolent energy experience in the coming month of April.
Expect significant global transformations ahead with the world undergoing extreme and profound changes that will reshape familiar structures across various sectors like politics, finance, education, and governments. Over the next few months many extraterrestrial beings, our star families, will be present on Earth to ensure balance and prevent further manipulation by power driven individuals in lower consciousness states in 2-3D .
The current unhealthy global financial distribution system has lead to issues like mass inflation, housing crisis, and scarcity of essential resources that are deeply based in greed, misuse of power and imbalance. However in the next few years a prominent shift towards balance is highly anticipated, those responsible will begin to be held accountable .
In the age of Aquarius, 2025 the focus is on restoring equilibrium for the masses, addressing the existing global corruption and bringing many hidden issues to light. Exposure is imminent, Karmic retributions and restoration are all essential for the upcoming New cycle of Earth’s rapid metamorphosis and evolution.
Self beliefs are the foundation of existing current reality. They create your personal reality as well as add to the collective reality. Ascending Starseeds here on planet earth are all connected and co-created this way. The individual frequency affects the overall frequency of the planet.
Starseed’s are advanced light beings and embody a unique blend of metaphysical talents, gifts and abilities having an established skill set with many life time experiences, this distinguishes them from many others in society. Embracing your individuality in creational light, the very foundation of Sovereignty. Recognising self worthiness is based in divine unconditional love and abundance.
Deep cellular healing is occurring at both physical and emotional levels, often manifesting as a feeling of being broken open to confront the internal suffering. This process is extremely important for healing and for creating necessary ascension life changes.
Physical and emotional imbalances signal areas where the self has strayed from alignment. Establishing a level of devotion and self commitment to healing enables the flow of energy, the goal is to create an authentic and harmonious ascending life.
A potent energetic space is emerging, and you may sense a shift or slowing down in your momentum. The upcoming portal gateway of self mastery 4-4 will naturally remove what no longer serves ascension in self without over analysis . Trusting in this process.
Allocating time for self in the upcoming weeks to develop optimal integration and processing.
By creating space this enhances the ascension journey. Energetically this new earth cycle marks the start of the new astrological year.
In loving and dedicated Ascension service
Source Inspiration by : Ascension LightWorkers .
We have entered a massive stargate through which we cannot move or gain full entry, until we have truly left behind all the baggage of the Old Earth lifetimes and this one.
For some it may seems like they are in massive turbulence, like when in a plane, only amplified. This will be experienced in all world matters and literally churn up, scatter, shake up, and shake out , all which has been ever miscreated by the collective, including ourselves.
To some it may seem as if they have been pushed over the edge and into the ineffable void. For some it will be that they find their wings and allow themselves to be guided into and through the stargate, even as they all pulled deeper into the vortex energy in the next weeks, months, years, yet now discovering ever greater marvels as they fly. Indeed they find it exhilirating, and are filled with love and joy.
Some will spread those wings, but then find themselves heckled at take off by those who wish to keep them bound.
I am reminded here of visiting a Raptor centre in the Drakensberg where there was a magnificent black eagle. As this eagle took off and gained height, a few crows were doing their best to bring him down, heckling him, even trying to get on his back. But then the eagle shook them off, flew higher and then found a heated air telluric current and it simply became the air beneath his wings where no crows could reach him!
Remember this!
Clear your energy fields, let go completely, spread those wings, and allow the greatest moments of a new life and new experiences to unfold, even as the universal telluric energy becomes the wind beneath your wings and embrace new life beginning, with love and joy!
There is so much to discover in this stargate, more than you can even dream of right now, and all filled with so much goodness, love and blessings.




Equinox Portal
Equinox Portal
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

The Light Body is awakening your new life purpose. Whatever brings you joy, peace, and happiness is what you are meant to be following for now. Soon your Soul Tribe will see your Angelic Light and will receive the wisdom you have to share. In preparation, complete purifying the old earth connections by going deeper into understanding the details. You will find the validation needed for closure. Allow this spark of inspiration to move you onto this new new earth network.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Solar Lightbody
Solar Lightbody

March 20, 2025: Sun enters Aries; The Equinox; 5:01 am EDT.

The two Equinoxes describe a time of balance within a polarity. Night and day are of equal length regardless of where we are on planet Earth. We physically experience the unity inherent in opposition.
At the March Equinox we enter the sign Aries, first on the Wheel of the Zodiac. Aries describes the initiation of something new. Individuals with Aries strong in their chart have a fascination with the new and can have difficulty finishing projects.
In traditional astrology, Aries is associated with warrior energy. While these natives are often seen as combative, in truth they care less about winning and more about freedom. They do not want to be restrained; their desire to experience all of life is strong.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Aries is allied with Kephera, the Morning Sun. Every day is a new beginning, pregnant with possibility.
On the Wheel of the Zodiac, Aries forms a polarity with Libra. Aries describes the first stage in the growth of an individual. Libra is the first stage in the evolution of a collective. While Aries celebrates individuality, Libra longs for relationship. Aries is the “I” in the I/Thou relationship that defines our experience of duality. And, during the Equinox, Aries find balance with its opposite while expressing a difference in intent. This is worth contemplating at this time of simultaneous initiation and balance.
The Sun will be in the emanation of Aries/Kephera from March 20 to April 19.
March 19, 2025, by Ruby Falconer.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.


On Thursday, March 20th, the Sun, ruler of our creative self-expression, enters energetic, fire sign Aries until April 19th. We have now arrived at the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere….the first day of Spring! The Sun rules our life force, individuality, physical vitality, personal identity, confidence, power, attitude towards life and sense of Self! Aries rules initiation, exploration, courage, boldness, assertiveness, dominance, passion and leadership. It is the first sign of the zodiac and so rules new beginnings, and this is the time to plant new seeds!
We are in the Eclipse Portal right now. We have a New Moon Solar Eclipse coming up in Aries, sign of the Ram, on March 29th. This will magnify the effects of this fireball of energy towards fresh starts and blazing alternate pathways towards directions that may still be unknown to us at this time. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that has passed is not done with clearing the pathway yet. In fact, endings and new beginnings may be merged for some weeks, and perhaps months, to come. This is a very potent and influential time for us all! Set intentions now, and then again on the New Moon Solar Eclipse on March 29th! We are in the midst of a death and rebirth phase! Focus on what you desire and wish to create!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Sun, ruler of our creative self-expression, enters energetic, fire sign Aries
the Sun, ruler of our creative self-expression, enters energetic, fire sign Aries
Sun enters Aries – We reach the turn of the season, the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. As the Sun returns to the first of the zodiac signs, this is a time of beginnings, new inspiration and growth. This solar ingress also marks equinox – equal day and night. In the Northern hemisphere it is Ostara, a time to celebrate the Earth’s fertility. In the South, it is Mabon, the second harvest festival. Now as the cosmic balance is reset, it invites us to find our centre.
Go within. Reconnect with your divine inner spark. Know that you have the strength required for all that lies ahead. Fire up your courage, take the initiative. The world awaits your next move. Sometimes you just have to go for it! Be a pioneer. Forge ahead into new territory. Break new ground, especially if you’re bored, listless or uninspired. Give yourself a challenge and something positive to fight for. Don’t let the grass grow under your feet.
Equinox blessings to all and happy International Astrology Day!
Degree and Time
Sun 00°Ar00′ – 09:01 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Allegory of March – Triumph of Minerva and Sign of Aries. Frescos in Palazzo Schifanoia (detail) by Francesco del Cossa
Allegory of March – Triumph of Minerva and Sign of Aries
Allegory of March – Triumph of Minerva and Sign of Aries

Kin 256 ~ Yellow Solar Warrior

The number 9 is called ‘Solar’ and its keywords are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. The 9th day is all about intention, grabbing what you want. It is a very powerful number so be very careful about your intentions. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” said the Dalai Lama. Whatever you pursue today, consider if you really need it because the chances of you succeeding is very high.
Today is Yellow Warrior and the keywords associated with it are ‘Intelligence, Fearlessness and Questioning’. Yellow Warrior days are about taking on a mission. The combination of day and number makes this one of the most powerful days in the Tzolkin cycle. If you take on a quest or go on the warpath… with the number 9 adding re in your belly there’s no stopping the determined warrior today. The Warrior has an insatiable appetite for knowledge and asks a lot of questions. You may find this energy influences you today and you feel determined to get to the bottom of things.
The Guide for the day is Yellow Human which represents ‘Channeling and Free Will’. This suggests that your mission today is guided by intuition – so don’t worry if you don’t at rst understand what your mission is, it will come to you. Also, you could say that the answers to these burning questions you have today, can be answered by tapping into your psychic abilities. Channel what you need to know.
The Challenge of the day is White Worldbridger, so if you were born on Worldbridger day you will find that you are pushed around by the universe as it provokes you into taking up arms and defending yourself. Worldbridgers are the peace-loving diplomats of the Tzolkin and they resist the urge to fight. This can mean that today playing the piggy in the middle doesn’t work and there’s more chance of fights breaking out.
The Occult Power is the Red Serpent which represents ‘Instinct’ and the ability to shed one’s skin. This symbolizes starting fresh and renewing yourself by letting go of the past. As it’s in this Occult position, this suggests that our quest today has a deeper purpose. Expect to feel a bit sensitive today as well because the serpent compels us, to really check out what’s going on. You will notice every little thing.
The Ally is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Before you take on a mission you have to dream one up! Dream big like the Blue Night and you shall find ‘Abundance’. Need help on your quest? Find a Blue Night, they have plenty of dreams to share.
Kin 256
Kin 256


9 CIB – KIN 256
20 MARCH 2025


I pulse in order to question
Realizing fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of free will

EQUINOX 🍂❄️🪻🐝🌸

20/3/2025 = 2/3/9 = 2/12=-2/3 =5


20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
5- Freedom/Change/Liberation/ Transformation/Movement

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 256 = 13 = 4 Form/Foundation/Earth

A VERY Majikal day focused on using our higher intelligence to create a NEW system! COMPLETION of the old cycle as we are on the threshold of A NEW BEGINNING bringing forth a new GOLDEN ERA of PEACE.


Day 9 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR🌟 WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

And so we reach day 9 in the final countdown 🚀 to piercing the veil through to SOURCE!🌞

🌟🌟🌟🌟4 DAYS TO GO!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Today we are fully focused on consciously co-creating beauty and harmony through intention. We get to realize what it is to be creatively pulsing forth our radiant creations through our higher intelligence, questioning and rejecting all that is not defined as ART! 🎨🖼🌹


SOLAR ☀– Tone 9 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – realizes, POWER – pulses, ESSENCE – intention.

The ninth day of YELLOW STAR✨ Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our dreams come true.

The STAR🌟 fuelled by SOLAR POWER🌞 is POTENT manifestation energy today! This SOLAR STAR energy is amplifying the Solar Ascension energies to catapult us into a NEW DIRECTION! Use this potent SOLAR tone to cast your INTENTION through this EQUINOX gateway – leveraging the Earth’s magnetism to SUPER CHARGE your desires. 🚀🚀🚀

Golden Solar powered energy stored in your Solar Plexus Chakra – your Dantien, the power house of your stored CHI! 🎆 Pulse this ELECTRIC yellow energy OUT into the Vortex of Creation with your commanding INTENTION that you deserve, and EXPECT a better life! ✨🌟✨

Shape, create and construct your powerful energized intentions, through this holographic universe, to manipulate the aethers, in order to manifest your heartfelt desires into your new reality. You are the humanitarian whose dreams unfold the larger pattern of our new world.

❓❓What powerful DREAMS are you pulsing into reality?🤔

Today’s QUEST-I-ON is “How can I use my creativity, to fearlessly pulse my intentions forward, CHOOSING a world filled with beauty, LOVE and Harmony….. where Time is Art!”🎨🖼🌹🌟

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Go forth peace filled RAINBOW WARRIORS,🌈🌎💞 YOU are the ARTIST!🎨🖼

What are you choosing to paint on the canvas of your soul’s journey?🖼🌹💃✨💝

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


EQUINOX 🌓❄️🍂🐝🪻🌸
Twice a year – on the March and September equinoxes – everyone worldwide supposedly receives exactly 12 hours of day 🌞 and exactly 12 hours of night.🌛 But that’s not precisely true. In fact, there’s about eight more minutes of daylight – at mid-temperate latitudes – on the day of an equinox.

March equinox, also known as the vernal/Spring equinox🐝🪻🌸 in the Northern Hemisphere and
Autumnal Equinox🍂 in the Southern Hemisphere, will occur at
09:01am Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on March 20th 2025
8.01 pm Melbourne/Sydney time
10.01 pm Auckland N.Z. time


The equinox is an opportunity for us to look to the natural world for guidance and comfort. The cyclical change in seasons allows us to look inwards at our own transformation and growth.

The Spring Equinox🪻🌸 is a celebration of new life,🌿 new beginnings, and a return to balance.⚖️ Your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life.

During the Autumn🍂 Equinox, as the leaves fall from the branches, we learn to LET GO to what no longer serves.

The human race is upgrading and shedding our old SNAKE skins in this WOOD SNAKE year.
It is our natural inclination to resist change, but it is through change that real growth occurs.
Release the OLD to make way for the NEW to enter your life.…/equal-day-and-night-on-the…/…


CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SOLAR WARRIOR🌞🌈🏹 CIB The qualities of CIB are those of QUEST-I-ON-ing the status quo and what IS. Being fearless, and using intelligence and free will, to eliminate what does not resonate with your being. To question and use our free will to fearlessly choose a bold new path. To be abundant, to choose intelligence. To question our culture and the culture we come from. To have the intelligence to REALIZE that WE get to CHOOSE, what type of world we live in, and the suitable culture for our new more harmonious communities.

The fearless Rainbow Warriors🌈🏹 HAVE chosen a NEW CULTURE based on HARMONY, ART, BEAUTY, Unconditional LOVE and RESPECT for each other. A culture based on questioning FEAR and not allowing it to take root, or rule our lives ANYMORE!!!. Bravely questioning our deepest fears, in order to release them from the subconscious realms. A powerful day for a total PURGE of the old ways!

Through the power of HIGHER INTELLIGENCE the SPIRITUAL Warrior cuts through the ignorance of the illusionary world, releasing the old “Time is Money” paradigm that kept us locked in as slaves in an artificial time matrix. Finally realizing that “Time is Art”🎨🖼 and using our intelligence to FREE ourselves, in order to express Art creatively, in whatever form our soul desires. Having FREE WILL and CHOICES to govern HOW OUR day flows. Find a new more ARTISTIC and creative path and become the MASTER of your own life! ✨🌟🎨🎭🖼🌟✨

🚫🚫TAKE NOTE: Warrior’s fearlessly charge into battle, so be wary of arguments, disputes and conflicts today.⛔

The saving grace is that it is not emotional energy today, but in the spiritual realm. This elevates the focus of the Warrior to higher states of consciousness and thus accordingly his behaviour through RADIANT expression. 🎆


HIGHER SELF: YELLOW SOLAR HUMAN🌞 😊 EB and CIB are good buddies as they both rely on their INTELLIGENCE and FREE WILL to QUESTION what is?

The difference between the two is that YELLOW HUMAN has access to greater wisdom through the BUDDHIC MIND, but only if he CHOOSES to align with a higher DIVINE SOURCE of intelligence.

CIB in contrast needs to align with the greater good through his HEART – choosing to defend the vulnerable citizens, in allegiance to his rightful KING.

Thus EB as the HIGHER GUIDE allows for a greater flow of inspiration and divine wisdom to help guide our choices today.

❓Which options are you choosing to follow?
❓Which desires do you want to accomplish, in order to push your intention forward?

Energy goes where attention flows, so choose wisely. This duo today, provides extremely laser focused energies to magnify INTENTION.. use this power wisely..

The events of the last few years have highlighted how controlled we really were as global citizens, and the extreme level of suppression of our individual rights and FREEDOM.
This great reveal is facilitating a Planetary lesson that humanity as a whole needs to WAKE UP and use their INTELLIGENCE to QUESTION what is happening!!!

HISTORY REPEATS until we learn the LESSON presenting – over and over again – the WITCH hunts in the middle ages, the Black Slavery regimes, the exile of “convicts” to the colonies, the Nazi regime, repression of indigenous people, the Arab/Israel/Palestine/Ukraine wars… Conflicts over POWER and LAND.. all fuelled by EGOIC needs.

All designed to DIVIDE and CONQUER – to segregate and marginalize – persecuting one section of the populace in order for another to gain CONTROL and DOMINANCE through a false sense of superiority!

The mass hypnosis continues until WE as a collective can recognize it for what it is, and then CHOOSE differently!

✨We STAND at the doorway of CHOICE NOW!✨🤔


When we finally AWAKEN and REALIZE the ILLUSION that we have been living, we start to QUESTION what is transpiring before our EYES👁👁..

Then we have the CHOICE to – ACCEPT✅ or REJECT ❌ this way of living…

As the old paradigm crumbles away we have the CHOICE as to what type of NEW WORLD we shall consciously CREATE… WAR or PEACE???

It is CLEAR that GAIA and Father/Mother God have chosen that TIME = ART🎨 as indeed there is NO TIME, in a collective creative expression of our Souls’ desires.


✨✨✨The YELLOW STAR Wavespell is thus a DIVINE MESSAGE to humanity that our new Harmonic Matrix MUST BE ALIGNED with DIVINE LOVE, GRACE, BEAUTY and compassion🎨 – where our lives are expressed as LIVING works of ART! 🎨🖼🌹


SUPPORT: BLUE SOLAR NIGHT🌞 🌃 AKBAL. The OLD Matrix collective program was that we MUST WORK 9 to 5 to “EARN” a living. We were brainwashed to believe that TIME IS MONEY and that we need to WORK HARDER to get more money, in order to pay more bills and buy things that we cannot afford or don’t really need!…

We buy bigger houses and take out HUGE Mortgages to pay for the houses that we rarely occupy – because we are too busy out EARNING the money to pay for it!! So HOW did we fall into the TRAP of believing this LIE? 🤔

❓❓WHY do we need to “EARN” a LIVING? 🤔 Why can’t we just LIVE spontaneously through JOY and creative expression????

LIVING a happy and healthy LIFE is our birthright, and should be FREELY available to ALL global citizens.. When we release these old beliefs and outdated money scare-city programs we free ourselves from the 9 to 5 entrapment.

We all have the CHOICE to walk away and BELIEVE in something better. Hold onto your DREAMS and let them be your guide.
Release the FEAR of having to earn and hoard money, and just allow your life to FLOW. 🌊🌊🌊

Energy is the greatest form of current-sea that SOURCE provides. That is infinitely available to us, as prana, the air that we breathe, the water that we drink and the food that nourishes us. We have EDEN🏝 right here now! We just need the INTELLIGENCE to realize that!

Earth is the only planet in the Galaxy where we are CHARGED for the water we drink and food that we eat! How crazy is that????? They even put a meter on our energy requirements! Insanity! And we have allowed it!!
THIS paradox IS about to CHANGE..💥.
We can no longer LIVE on a PRISON PLANET🌍

GAIA is being set FREE 🌎💥 and SO ARE WE!! HALLELUJAH! ✨✨✨


WE are the ABUNDANCE! It is INSIDE of YOU, not somewhere external.
Stop seeking, and start OPENING your GIFTS, 🎁 only then shall you RECEIVE your true heart’s desires!😍💝💞


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED OVERTONE SERPENT👑🐍 CHICCUAN combines with BLUE NIGHT to ease your survival FEARS and old scare-city programmed instincts. FEAR is easily dissolved through creative expression.

Many talented souls are now creating beautiful uplifting songs, poems, cartoons, videos and images which are humorously uplifting people’s moods and vibration – filling people with HOPE and through Common-Unity distracting us from the mass FEAR projection. LAUGHTER is the quickest way to raise your frequency.

We must COMMAND BACK our POWER👑 and RADIATE LOVE❤ and HOPE to our fellow kin, in order to DISSOLVE the collective doom and gloom, and make our world SHINY and BRIGHT again☀✨🌎

The beautiful Harmonic symphonies of all these musicians, singers, comedians, ARTISTS and everyday citizens creates a MOMENTOUS upsurgence in our bonding and compassion through our Divine hearts 💓 reminding us all of our DIVINE SOURCE. 🌞🌹
We each hold a store house of RADIANT chi within us WAITING TO be expressed.. A powerhouse of unique creation energies exists in our being. Unleash this power 🔥to fuel your desires and make wiser choices.

Invite the POWER of CHICCUAN🐍 today to raise your life-force and vitality🎇 as this focused PASSION 💃can then be directed into your RADIANT creative expression..

CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SOLAR WORLDBRIDGER🌞 🌈🌉 CIMI seals the store of DEATH bringing CLOSURE and ENDINGS to the OLD WAY of being. Today we have a 5 LIBERATION day code.. giving us the power to CLOSE the DOOR on the PAST. Full CLOSURE and release of the OLD PARADIGM clearing the slate for a FRESH NEW BEGINNING..

CIMI’s shadow expresses as having difficulty accepting death and letting go! We are purging deep FEAR programs, memories, beliefs and patterns.
CIMI is challenging you to go within and SURRENDER your FEARS..

❓❓Where in your life are holding on to FEAR of releasing the old paradigm and way of being.

Sadly the human race has been programmed to resist change and transformation, and we generally respond with fear, rather than embracing the new.

Many souls are being fearlessly CHALLENGED right now, to WAKE UP and CHOOSE a new way of living… However the pressure from the FEAR and FALSE narrative, causes them to shut down and become even more resistant, refusing to acknowledge that the world is changing for the BETTER.😍😍😍 – despite appearances!

and yet the masses are mourning and grieving for their old lives – doing anything they are told by the “POWERS that be” in order to get back to “normal” or rather the “new normal”! They are not realizing that something much BETTER and BRIGHTER🌞 is just around the corner… if only they have the courage to LET GO and LET GOD!🕊✨

The GALANT RAINBOW WARRIORS must NOW take the reins/reign – to LEAD these masses to the Golden shores – the promised land..

✨It is TIME to SURRENDER to the SWEET LIFE! 😍🍬🍩🌹

If you are in denial or resistance mode, then Spirit will continually intervene with more drastic measures until you are forced to LET GO!💥
Sometimes this non acceptance can take the form of unforgiveness, keeping an energetic tie to the old relationship or situation. It is time to cut all these old cords, find the forgiveness within your heart to detach and move forward.

Choose to LET GO, and choose HARMONY✨, PEACE🕊 and ABUNDANCE! 💰

Allow CIMI to send out new golden threads 🎆 to all the wondrous new connections you will be making in your new chapter. Remember at all times to choose LOVE💞 rather than FEAR. Ironically to do this we usually have to accept the DEATH of something old in order to build this new bridge to LOVE! 🌈🌎💞

CELEBRATE the DEATH of the OLD WORLD – and create the SPACE for the new to enter… the UNIVERSE will fill that vacuum with wondrous new surprises…


Today’s QUEST-I-ON is “How can I use my creativity, to fearlessly pulse my intentions forward, CHOOSING a world filled with beauty, LOVE and Harmony….. where Time is Art!”🎨🖼🌹🌟

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Go forth peace filled RAINBOW WARRIORS,🌈🌎💞 YOU are the ARTIST!🎨🖼

What are you choosing to paint on the canvas of your soul’s journey?🖼🌹💃✨💝

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within 🌙 with the Sacred Condor 🌙 🕉 🔥


🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor 🌙

Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:

✨ Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming.
✨ Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting.
✨ Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose.
✨ Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.

Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.


CLICK HERE for the Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

🌞 Sacred Prayer for the Equinox Gateway 🌎✨

Divine Creator, Great Spirit, Guardians of the Celestial Realms, and Ancient Keepers of the Sacred Earth,

On this holy day of perfect balance, as the Sun stands in harmony between light and dark, we open our hearts to the cosmic gateway before us. May we receive the sacred codes of renewal, transformation, and higher gnosis as we step into this new cycle of ascension.

🔥 By the power of the Equinox, we call forth:
🌟 The restoration of divine harmony within and without.
🌿 The awakening of the crystalline light within every soul.
💫 The release of all that no longer serves our highest path.
🌍 The anchoring of peace, unity, and love upon this Earth.

As the veils thin, may the wisdom of the ancients flow freely once more. May the sacred fires of truth burn away all illusion, and may we rise in radiant sovereignty, aligned with the rhythm of the cosmos.

With gratitude, we honor the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and the sacred dance of the Earth.
We stand as bridges between Heaven and Earth, embracing the divine balance within.

I AM a vessel of light. I AM a keeper of divine wisdom. I AM the dawn of the New Earth.

Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin! So it is! 🙏💛

Sacred Prayer for the Equinox Gateway
Sacred Prayer for the Equinox Gateway

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