Angelic Kingdom





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Stellar Light Keepers of the Galactic Alliance of Light

We are receiving powerful Galactivations from the Great Central Sun and through our local Solaris. Our Sun released multiple C Class flares and a M1.1 Class flare today. Mother Earth and all her children are being flooded with the higher light of Prime Source Creator.

Pachamama received another massive activation today again on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Vanuatu at 11:04 UTC. This powerful activation reached a depth of 144 km into Mother Earth. This Portal opening is encoded with the synchronicity of our Earth Angelic Ground crew of the 144. I know many of you felt this within your Sacred vessel with many ascension symptoms today. Everything from pressure in the skull, aches in the muscles and bones especially spine, lower back and sacrum. Many of these activations and releases have to do with the survival programs embedded in our cells and DNA over many millennia.

We are diving deep with these incoming energies into our Shadows to reveal, uncover and integrate the suppressed, segregated and blocked parts of our unconscious, symbolized by the underworld, for complete integration of all aspects of our multidimensional selves to make us complete and whole once again. Just like before the fall from Grace and the separation programs and simulations were implemented and put in place. We are re-uniting every piece of the Great Mystery to live in Unity Consciousness as we go Cosmic. We no longer can hide from the cause of our fragmented minds and souls and as we resolve and heal all of our self we step into the all-might power of our I Am Presence….Pure Awareness. In truth we learn to love every aspect of our being; mind, body and spirit, good, bad, right and wrong and in this we end all picking and choosing and become the Kings and Queens of our own Kin’s Domains.

The Schumann charts as reported, by , that we are experiencing 8 days of Darkness with over 205 hours of blackout and no data coming in. This is symbolic with the 1o days of Darkness, walking through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and doing our Shadow Work. This is the Light Work we practice to reveal and recover where we have disassociated our memories, feeling and emotions and now they are being revealed and exposed in the Light to integrate and complete our Transformation into Luminous Beings of Eternal Life. This is the Resurrection and the Ascension of our Rainbow Tribe of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.

We are fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Pachamama as we rise and raise the vibration of this realm fully into the Fifth Dimension and Beyond into the Infinite. Now we break on through to the Other Side of the Veil fully awake and fully Aware for our Exodus and Freedom from all that causes conflict and suffering. The Dharma has been transmitted to every living heart in the Buddha Consciousness of our Highest Self atone with Brahma…A’Ho!




Right now: Moon at 20°55′ Taurus, Sun at 22°16′ Virgo

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A lion-tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena.
Sabian Symbol for 23º Virgo

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 23º Virgo.

Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

Moving finger points to significant passages in a book.
Sabian Symbol for 21º Taurus

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 21º Taurus.




Lion Fish
Lion Fish






Valerie A. Elster


Updates to the #Causal Body (Higher Mental Plane) over the past few days.
Karana Sarira which contains: Anandamaya (the bliss sheath).
DEEP Sleep States mixed w/Dreamy Awake States
Plasma Fields have been integrating with newly Awakened Quantum Fields.
❤ Valerie


Causal Body
Causal Body

Mary Long


There is a Major Shift happening.

Feeling it deeply within my Being.

As we Rise from the Ashes.

We Glow in the Light of Love.

So it is.


Rise from the Ashes
Rise from the Ashes


Elizabeth Peru


WHAT A DIFFERENCE A WEEK MAKES! This time last week, one of the largest solar flares ever recorded erupted on the far side of the Sun. Scientists are so enthralled by this CME and its effects (a Halo event) that was Venus facing (Venus took the brunt of its force) that they’ll be studying its impact for years to come…

And us awake and aware HUMANS on Earth (and the animals) have changed because of it. It’s why you may have felt like you were moving through a foggy haze (with head and body aches) for many days. When the Sun’s energy alters, we receive the flow-on effects. Our particles have rearranged (like the Sun) and NOW you can now the difference.

Energy is settling back down. It’s lightening up. The physical body is elevating and the exciting part is that with 7 retrogrades in play and EQUINOX coming up, you’re about to feel a true life upgrade ♡


The Arcturians
The Arcturians



Ramona Lappin



SEE & FEEL everything already completed! New ASCENSION EARTH already ALL AROUND YOU! SEE EVERYONE & EVERYTHING, including YOU, already FULLY HEALED & FULLY EMBODIED as your all-ready ASCENDED, TRUE DIAMOND AVATAR SELF! Tune into & QUANTUM MERGE with the Frequency of this NEW REALITY, IGNITING from deep within you NOW!


Pisces Full Moon
Pisces Full Moon

Ally Raye

Beloveds, so many are moving through processes, situations, and circumstances that we call “challenges.”
I, too, feel these moments of “pressure” and “contraction.” This is truly a universal experience- happening uniquely for each soul- in this time of epic quantum human evolution! And although the “issues” or “details” arising for each may be different, the experience of “great transformation” is collectively underway!
For those who may wish to cultivate a bit of PEACE amidst all of the intensity…
Commune in nature, meditate, journal, soak in waters, and spend as much time as possible “talking to God in gratitude.”
Yes! Walk around in your day and thank God for everything!
“Thank you for this flower. Thank you for the trees. Thank you for this glorious sun. And, thank you for the sea. Thank you for knowing every desire in my heart and revealing it all to me in your appointed time. I trust in you God. I am faithful. And I know you know all that is in my heart. I know that my wholeness is certain. I know that my grand rising is destined. I know that it is you, beloved God, who is the only to fulfill my heart and everything in this life experience. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is so.”
Simply BREATHE… and BE.
With my utmost LOVE & BLESSINGS to ALL as we navigate these profound, holy, and evolutionary times!
I so love you beloveds!
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is. ✨🤍✨
God Is. God Is. God Is. ✨🙏✨




Gabriele Mara Schmidt


“The universal energy, the energy of Mother Earth, the energy of the Father of the Universe will vibrate on another level, it will be purer, brighter, more intense, stronger, it will be a transformation that many expect. There is nothing to fear, the new age will have begun”.

We are entering a NEW ERA that was promised centuries ago. Many events and phenomena are at the beginning, and a very TRASCENDENTAL will be the meeting with our galactic brothers and sisters from other distant worlds.

DNA will change and we will be watching new potential human abilities. 

It is suggested that we align ourselves in silence, be in nature and promote a climate of peace and love. Let’s start with ourselves and those around us.



Pars Kutay


WE Are Entering a Period when the COSMOS cannot BE easily Calculated as has been Allowed for many thousands of years.

Yet. . . WE Are Still. . . as of NOW. . . BE-ing Allowed to Receive Messages from what is termed the “COSMIC HOLY BOOK”!

However. . . the Messages are coming SWIFTER in this “NOW” because the Space / Time Continuum of the often-discussed “Twilight of Kali Yuga” (“Age of Chaos”) is Coming to Closure.

This is Why LIGHT is so Intense.

DNA is BE-ing Re-Coded so that “WE” are the “Spiritual Devices” attuned to Cosmic Energy and its INFLUX of Events.

WE “Will Know” the Movements of the Stars Because WE are Comprised of many of their Substances.

WE Must BE made ready to TRANSFORM along with our planet and the Entire Solar System.

WE Must Still Know the “NOW”. . . but WE Must BEgin to Study the “Future NOW”.

This is done through Deep and Profound Connection with the HIGHER SELF—the Repository of HIGHER KNOWLEDGE.

Many may Inquire: “Is it really possible to tune-into the HEAVENLY REALM and Receive Information and KNOW what is Happening and what is to Come?”

Our Ancestors Did So Long. . . Long Ago.

Current Mankind is NOT so Advanced as may BE Thought.

There has been a downward trend in Consciousness that is BE-ing offered a CORRECTION—an Invitation to an Upward Soaring.

How many will Answer the Call may Birth the “NEW GOLDEN AGE” quicker than might BE Expected.

As Yeshua Ha Messiah taught: “At the end of the Age. . . there will BE Signs in the Sun. . . Moon. . . and Stars.”

WE Must Receive the MESSAGES Quickly. . . for they are CHANGING.

“What WE will BE has NOT yet Been”

Our Planet is CHANGING in Angular Momentum.

The SOLAR SYSTEM is Transforming.

As “Galactic Citizens”. . . So Are WE.


Pars Kutay

~ ~



Eliza White



Yes it is, I keep hearing, saying it.  It is time to step forwards and truly live the life we have been preparing for so long.  For many this means using the spiritual tools you have discovered within on your healing journey out of separation consciousness.  For many others this means laying down all tools, all arms, laying down your sword and shield, and using all of you…LOVE.  Love is the only true way of life, of living.  Humanity is preparing for immortality, for no more falls from grace, no more mistakes, no more emotional imbalances…we are preparing for mastery over all of these concepts.

Our descendants will live lives of mastery.  Maybe we will enjoy incarnation in those lives, though many of us still say never again For me, I have changed my mind.  I feel that when I complete my training for mastery, I will come again to Earth, and live a life free of pain, and just bloody well enjoy that earthly bodily joy every  day of my life, and with of course navigating the inevitable ebbs and lows of life with grace.   What I will not do, is come into the past, and live a life of mastery, where I am teaching others….but hey! can we ever really anticipate how we will think when we are free from all fear?  Just musing really   At times like this…when it IS TIME, one tends to muse and say their goodbyes to the old life.

I know for sure that my whole way of thinking has changed – I have done a 180 I would say, so life is getting so easy for me to navigate the ebbs and flow with the lessons still coming but much fewer now. I am at peace, and I believe this golden phase of my life began a few years ago when I first downloaded YOUR CRYSTALLINE HEART.

I am actually wondering how much of a sense of ‘seeking’ we will have in the golden age – after all seeking is the nature of the soul, and if we live in a golden age what would we be seeking if not a new way, a new truth, all other than what we will be presented with from childhood.  Interesting thoughts….but I am so keen to hear other awakened thoughts on reincarnation – perhaps, if nothing else, that they might open pathways in my consciousness not yet so conscious.  Let me know in the comments please – just what you think about reincarnation in humanity’s future.

With the love that is you,

Eliza White Buffalo


Golden Future
Golden Future


Saffron Satara

Letting go of all Suffering

I just brought through a powerful transmission for my Goddess Codes container. Archangel Jophiel stepped forward to work through the transmission. I had no idea what was going to come through, I just allowed it to come. Yesterday I was doing a clearing session with a lady and we assisted with many reptilian leaving the planet. It was heavy and this morning I knew something big was coming forth.

As I sat and communed with Archangel Jophiel what was brought was the words “ Release the Suffering” I was shown that this is a very deep program within the collective consciousness. I then seen all of the Archangels step forward releasing suffering from this planet. This was something placed upon us that we where never meant to carry. Thousands of years this planet has been trapped in suffering. We have been programmed to think suffering is part of life, but it is not. As I assisted yesterday in the clearing of negative ETs I knew something huge was going to clear.

Now it is up to each individual to go into there own inner programming to release this, it has already been anchored this morning through the grids of Gaia. Now each of us has to go through our own consciousness to see where we still hold onto to this program. It won’t be easy to clear, we have carried it as a collective consciousness for thousands of years. But I know what I assisted with this morning and it is hugely healing for those who are ready to release this. I seen golden light pouring through the grids and cleansing suffering from this planet.

It is time elevate yourself out of these traps that have held you down. I find it extremely interesting that I tried to find a letting go of suffering quote and I couldn’t find one. Most where advocating suffering as you coming into your greatness! Your going to experience the root being pulled out within you. Everything that was placed on you / collectively has been a control program to keep you trapped in lower dimensional fields. This is huge folks! I hope you can feel into what I am saying. The root of suffering this has been pulled out of Gaia.

I love you Saffron


Letting go of all Suffering
Letting go of all Suffering


Ana Maria Shekinah


I feel so much of the old programmed energies… of the old World… is moving through me… and it is telling me that The collective is going through another huge purging of the old.

If you feel fear… pain…if you feel you don’t belong here or elsewhere… if you feel stuck and can’t see the brighter future… or you don’t even understand who you are or what are you even doing here… then this message is for you:

You are here to birth the New World…and you are assisting the Earth and humanity that is currently going through a huge transformation.

Allow the energies to move through you. Find some quiet place that you Soul is longing for… and just breathe.

Breathe in… and breathe out… and allow…Allow whatever needs to purge through you now,to be released. Ask your Divine team in Spirit to assist you in finding out the way to release the energies… ask Gaia to help you transmute it.

You are never alone beautiful Angel. You are courageously walking this path that is helping sooo many at this moment. And you are not even aware of it. Trust that you are always surrounded by your Divine team in spirit and held in the love of God.

Call upon your  Divine guidance..and trust that your prayers will be heard. Soon there will be a beautiful lotus blooming from this mud you’re currently stuck in.

Trust… be patient and have compassion for yourself…

Know that there is nothing wrong with you.

It’s all a part of the process….

You are moving the old World I to the New one.

You are bridging the Heavens and the Earth….

You are clearing the energies that were stuck on this Earth for centuries… and you are not alone.

Know that this too shall pass… and soon you will breathe love again … soon you will shine like a thousand stars…and bath in all you have been praying for.

I feel you. I am with you.

I love you

Ana Maria Shekinah


The Golden Age is dawning
The Golden Age is dawning




Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Crown chakra upgrades are bridging inner union with self, and outer Union with Source.  Layers that were blocking this are being purged and detoxed from all 5 bodies.  This release will lead to your growth and evolution out of the matrix.  Understanding the bigger picture from the higher perspective will put an end to that system through peace and closure.  

You have the strength and willpower to continue evolving, acknowledging the great lessons of Earth School.  Through the process of Mastery you are becoming more centred, balanced, and stable.  As the past neutralizes, new ideas will enter from your higher consciousness that will inspire you to take action steps on.  Relax into the process and move with the natural internal shifts and changes unfolding.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen.  God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


Angelic Kingdom
Angelic Kingdom


By Daniel Giamario




Turning of the Ages Mystery School – Totams



Venus has been a morning star since January 14 2022, as the morning star phase of the Capricorn synodic Overstory. On Tuesday September 13, a rapidly setting Venus will come within 10degrees of the Sun and in most places will be obscured by the glare of the morning Sunrise.

Ancient peoples saw this as the entrance into the Underworld. With modern scientific objectivity, Venus can be seen as disappearing behind and on the other side of the Sun. Our school refers to this as the exterior Underworld. This includes the Sun/Venus conjunction on October 22 at 29Libra27. This is the conjunction that is not retrograde.

In the Venus synod, this is what we call the Inanna underworld, when Venus/Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, has gone through a comprehensive surrender, relinquishing her various vestments and attachments, and going through shamanic death and rebirth. It is also where she meets Ereshkigal, whom our school feels to be the feminine expression of Pluto/Hades, existing long before the Zeus cult allocated the underworld to brother Hades.

Venus will be invisible until December 1 2022, a total of about 79 days. This is quite a profound time-frame where the Goddess, or archetypal feminine, for both women and men, becomes capable of grieving, and developing a wisdom and maturity necessary for her evening star apparition to come. Surrender and vulnerability are not generally the most natural states for the Capricorn Goddess archetype. This is the greatest clue for how the Capricorn mystery school, for both women and men, can best navigate these next 79 days.

It is interesting to remember that the purpose of Venus/Inanna’s journey to the underworld for the ancient Sumerians was to grieve the end of the Age of Taurus, as the patriarchal ways were fast overtaking the matrilineal ways of life. The main purpose of her journey was to attend the funeral of Gulaganna, the great Bull of Heaven. Her journey was not because she was some vain and arrogant Queen.

What is most important to grieve? What would the Venus synod Overstory of Capricorn most grieve? Could it be for some – both men and women – losing the material benefits of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the patriarchy? Perhaps also grieving the loss of connection to the natural world and no longer feeling the love and compassion coming from the Great Mother, who has been so marginalized from 5000 years of patriarchy. It can be important to feel Her pain.

It is interesting to note that Venus will be in the underworld, within 10 degrees of the Sun, at the time of the United States election as well as the upcoming eclipse season.

Venus has been a morning star since January 14 2022, as the morning star phase of the Capricorn synodic Overstory. On Tuesday September 13, a rapidly setting Venus will come within 10degrees of the Sun and in most places will be obscured by the glare of the morning Sunrise. Ancient peoples saw this as the entrance into the Underworld. With modern scientific objectivity, Venus can be seen as disappearing behind and on the other side of the Sun. Our school refers to this as the exterior Underworld. This includes the Sun/Venus conjunction on October 22 at 29Libra27. This is the conjunction that is not retrograde. In the Venus synod, this is what we call the Inanna underworld, when Venus/Inanna, the Queen of Heaven, has gone through a comprehensive surrender, relinquishing her various vestments and attachments, and going through shamanic death and rebirth. It is also where she meets Ereshkigal, whom our school feels to be the feminine expression of Pluto/Hades, existing long before the Zeus cult allocated the underworld to brother Hades. Venus will be invisible until December 1 2022, a total of about 79 days. This is quite a profound time-frame where the Goddess, or archetypal feminine, for both women and men, becomes capable of grieving, and developing a wisdom and maturity necessary for her evening star apparition to come. Surrender and vulnerability are not generally the most natural states for the Capricorn Goddess archetype. This is the greatest clue for how the Capricorn mystery school, for both women and men, can best navigate these next 79 days. It is interesting to remember that the purpose of Venus/Inanna’s journey to the underworld for the ancient Sumerians was to grieve the end of the Age of Taurus, as the patriarchal ways were fast overtaking the matrilineal ways of life. The main purpose of her journey was to attend the funeral of Gulaganna, the great Bull of Heaven. Her journey was not because she was some vain and arrogant Queen. What is most important to grieve? What would the Venus synod Overstory of Capricorn most grieve? Could it be for some - both men and women - losing the material benefits of knowingly or unknowingly supporting the patriarchy? Perhaps also grieving the loss of connection to the natural world and no longer feeling the love and compassion coming from the Great Mother, who has been so marginalized from 5000 years of patriarchy. It can be important to feel Her pain. It is interesting to note that Venus will be in the underworld, within 10 degrees of the Sun, at the time of the United States election as well as the upcoming eclipse season.


Leah Whitehorse


Venus in Virgo sesquiquadrate Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Mars in Gemini square Juno retrograde in Pisces – A T-square is forming in the skies between Mars, Juno and Venus which means there is significant tensions around relationships. The tumbling aspect from Venus to Pluto feels like everything is falling into chaos. Love matters, money matters, it seems like the tiniest thing out of place sends us spiralling out of control. The more we try to keep everything in order, the messier it appears.

Meanwhile, Mars forming a square to Juno feels pushy – like someone or something, an internal or external voice, is demanding we commit, sign on the dotted line, make the agreement, do or die. But Mercury, is currently retrograde so we have all kinds of questions that need to be answered before decisions are made.

In the midst of this heavenly muddle, it’s natural to feel unsettled. Allow for unknowns. Create space for the story to play out. Plan your strategy but be flexible as you proceed. Avoid catastrophising. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Ask where a small voice within may have been ignored for too long. Focus on practising the small things that improve your health and peace of mind on a daily basis.


Degrees and Times

Venus 11°Vi15′, Pluto 26°Cp15′ R – 07:14 (BST)

Mars 13°Ge21′, Juno 13°Pi21′ R – 13:57 (BST)

© Leah Whitehorse


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Painting – Spring Showers, The Coach by Alfred Stieglitz

Spring Showers The Coach
Spring Showers The Coach



Kin 119 Blue Lunar Storm . I felt important to pulse the following:

The GM-108X mind transmission is a function of the fourth dimensional 20, or the 0-19 code. Within this code, the mind of the receiver is an open field, representing the Zero point. Zero is emptiness, the absolute void. The Transmitter represents the 19, the point of absolute fullness. The 19 imprints the Zero with a pure numerical cosmology, once the imprint is absorbed, the pure cosmology burns the remnants of the old being in a process of purification, transforming it into a new being.

The world of human civilization is based on the third dimensional zero which functions as a positional place factor for 10; this is only half the score (20). Ten is third dimensional and 20 is fourth dimensional. The third dimensional decimal “10” code creates an artificial world- artificial in compensation for being closed off from benefits of the fourth dimension.- Cosmic History Chronicles Volume 2.



Kin 119 ~ Blue Lunar Storm


‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’.  OK, let’s be honest, number two days can be a pain in the backside. There’s no relaxing today, you must deal with challenges and then those challenges must be polarized to stabilize them. Problems must be faced and just like members at an AA meeting, you must admit that you have problems before you can tackle them. Today, look at what needs fixing and deal with those issues without further procrastination.

Today is Blue Storm which represents ‘Catalyze, Self-Generation and Energy’.  Stormy days bring about big changes. When you combine this energy with the number two the result is KAPOW! What a crazy day. To summarize; identify your challenges and then with the mighty power of the storm blow your troubles away. This suggests that even very large problems can be dealt with today if you have the nerve! As always on Stormy days you either get blown away or you harness all that energy and put it to good use.

The Guide today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion.’ I can hear your groans… when you all realize that today is guided by a monkey, and a ‘Challenging’ day on a Stormy day to boot. But don’t panic! Monkey is a very useful guide showing us that magic can help remove obstacles. In fact, Hanuman the Monkey god, is a symbol for removing obstacles and so this is a great help for facing challenges and polarizing them.

The Challenge today is the Red Moon, the go with the flow energy. There is no chance of relaxing today and chillin out. If you are a Red Moon, you will find this day tougher than everyone else. Don’t worry …it will all blow over by tomorrow.

The Occult Power is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication, Spirit and Breath’. I always say when Wind is in the magical position expect magical messages. It’s happened to me countless times. This really helps today and so if you need to understand how to solve a certain problem, expect the answer to land in your lap, voila! Just like magic. The White Wind also symbolizes Breath and Spirit. Today is ideal for doing breath work and connecting with spirit.

The Ally is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. If you are a Yellow Sun, you will find the Storm a breeze and may even be amused by the shenanigans going on around you. I implore you to help out all of those poor buggers being blown around today. Any help will be greatly appreciated, so shine some light on a friend in need today.  If you don’t have a Yellow Sun handy, be like one and shine brightly.


Kin 119
Kin 119

Christina Papageorgiou



2 CAUAC – KIN 119
Stabilizing energy
I seal the matrix of Self- Generation
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I AM guided by the power of MAJIK!!!
14/9/2022 = 5/9/6 = 5/15 = 5/6 = 11 =2
14- Media/Publicity/Recognition/Promotion
5- FREEDOM/LIBERATION/Change/Transformation
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Duality/Cooperation
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Completion/Service/Destiny/Divine/Humanity/Grace
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony/Fertility
KIN 119 = 11 Portal/Duality/Twins
A turbulent day revealing any distortions to TRUTH… lots of “mud slinging” 💩 as the pond is being stirred up to be cleaned! A catalytic day for powerful transformations.🌀🌀🌀
18 months ago we had a DOUBLE LUNAR STORM DAY 🌩🌩🌪🌪🌫🌫 as we were closing the turbulent Year of the BLUE LUNAR STORM… and one spin of the TZOLKIN later the LUNAR STORM arrived again. This is our second Galactic Spin since the LUNAR STORM arrived. So we are all too familiar with the qualities of this upheavaling STORM!
Generally on STORM days, we witness GAIA releasing pent up energies through physical storms – electrical,🌩 hurricanes,🌪 hail/snow,🌨 floods/tsunamis 🌊 and all types of extreme weather conditions. Particularly when in the PHYSICAL plane as the LUNAR tone of creation is! 🌩🌪🌧🌨
Whether “natural” or artificially induced (H.A.A.R.P – GEOENGINEERING) these extreme STORMS are reflecting the nature of our reality – one filled with confusion, discordance and huge upheaval. When our collective consciousness is calm and stabilized then GAIA’S weather patterns will reflect this HARMONY back to us through idyllic and balanced conditions.
Welcome to Day 2 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification.
Today we anchor our capacity to REFLECT the TRUTH as revealed by the MIRROR. Trusting in the transformation of the chaos that the STORM is catalyzing in our physical world, enabling us to stabilize the polarity conflicts.
LUNAR🌓– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from expanding into new horizons and recognizing our true authentic 💎 DIAMOND’s POLISHING time!
“How can you use the POWER of the STORM to MAJIKALLY transform your physical reality?”
✨✨✨NOTE: If CHALLENGES present today, FLIP the energy, funneling the POWER🔥 generated through the chaos🌀 into CREATION and ALCHEMY! ✨
Divine blessings for our collective journey through the Hall of Mirrors, may we arrive at our desired destination with ease and grace – buffeted from the ravages of the STORM.🌪🌪🌪
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR STORM 🌓🌀🌩🌪🌧– CAUAC brings transformation, change, self regeneration. BLUE STORM is the initiation by fire,🔥 the lightning storm.🌩 The arrival of the THUNDER BEINGS 🌩who bring the final transformation.
BLUE STORM 🌀🌪🌩 is presenting today with WHITE MIRROR to cut 🗡 to the TRUTH and sever any discordant reflections, that are distorting your energetic field. Today’s LUNAR STORM 🌩🌪 reveals what has been blocking our HARMONY and peaceful relations.
The MIRROR Wavespell magnifies the STORM 🌪🌪🌪 energies so we have TREMENDOUS catalytic powers focused on our SELF and our reflection in the physical plane!
It is time to be born anew🐣 – after our rebirth through the Phoenix rising in the culmination of the Serpent’s🐍 cycle. We have completed our shedding and now we begin the POLISHING! 💎
✨New beginnings, and a NEW YOU! 🌟🌟🌟
BLUE STORM will assist us in honing our image, confidence, self-esteem and projection of our true AUTHENTIC SELF.
❓❓ Are you projecting the image of the PERSON you want to be? That you are PROUD of being? If not, allow the BLUE STORM to wash away the remnants of the undesirable aspects of your false self.
To the Maya, BLUE STORM🌪 represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain🌧, and the lightning🌩 that shatters any false structuring of reality. (The TOWER card in the tarot)
BLUE STORM is the purification of the ‘body temple’ and the ignition of the LIGHT BODY. This initiation by fire🔥 breaks any false containers of SELF that cannot withstand the flames of transmutation. Only your TRUE IDENTITY will survive through these fires, for you will be reborn in the heart of All That Is.
BLUE STORM provides the water💧☔ that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you seem to be, in order to become fully what you ARE. You step into the fires🔥 of the unknown, and you are changed forever.
Allow BLUE STORM’s energies to purify and cleanse you in preparation for your DIAMOND SELF💎 to be brilliantly buffed and polished. .
The LUNAR STORM energies BREAK the WINDOWS in the HALL OF MIRRORS – shattering all illusions and revealing the green pastures that had been hidden from view.
The STORM partners synergistically with ETZNAB to reveal the TRUTH of what IS – the reality beyond the ILLUSION..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE LUNAR MONKEY🌓🐒 CHUEN is the beautiful Divine child who uses MAJIK and PLAY through laughter and merriment to transform the world. As the higher guide CHUEN assists in unveiling the deception through the smokescreen and Hall of Mirrors, as the Magician can decode all illusions. This Majik can be transformed from dark to Light by connecting with the purity and innocence of your Divine Child.
The DIVINE CHILD 👶is your inner pure self – that aspect of Divinity that can never be diminished. The innocence and purity that every Divine soul embodies. Connect with this Divine Child that reveals your TRUE SELF – the beautiful aspect of your authentic self – free from masks, cloaks, distortions, personalities and layers of imposed illusions..
Look in the MIRROR and reconnect with your TRUE LOVING SELF to find your CENTER and place of BALANCE through the chaos of the STORM.
The cheeky monkey 🐒 has a riddle for you today!
He asks “What type of cheese🧀 looks in the MIRROR and LOVES itself?”
Answer – Hello me! (Halloumi)….. 😆😂😆😂
It is time to LIGHTEN UP to lessen the severity of this LUNAR STORM… Laughter diffuses all seriousness! 😆😂😆😂
Today we can use the MAJIK that CHUEN offers us to work with the Elementals and transform our physical reality. It is a great day to PLAY with the turbulent and powerful STORM energies using them to catalyze great change, rather than being tossed around in the chaos.
Today is a great day for WEATHER MAJIK 🌧🌦☔☀– playing with the Elementals to affect the Sun, Wind, Rain, temperature, or even some psychic cloud busting as per Weather 101 class!
A FANTASTIC day to SING A RAINBOW into existence! 🌈
LIGHTEN up and PLAY today. Do not take yourself too seriously!. Join with your friends, jump in the PUDDLES and PLAY in adventure land – Look for the BLUE SKIES – SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW..🌈🌈🌈
SUPPORT: YELLOW LUNAR SUN –🌓☀ AHAU peeks through🌤 the dark clouds today, commencing the radiant light codes that will fully anchor tomorrow, throughout the following VERY POWER PACKED day of the YELLOW ELECTRIC SUN! 🌩☀ Wisdom and en-LIGHTEN -ment!
The LUNAR SUN casts the darkest shadows, illuminating what needs to be stabilized, in order to hold more LIGHT and SHINE BRIGHTLY. Once the SUN has unveiled the density, the STORM can wash away all debris cleaning the slate for a new foundation to be built. The STORM thus catalyzes change leading us to our en-LIGHT-on-ment.❤
The STORM allows for our physical independance to stabilize us in the midst of change. Our LIGHT☀ shines brighter after each and every STORM in our lives.
What does not KILL us, serves to make us STRONGER 💪
LOOK IN THE MIRROR – you are not the same person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year! Tremendous soul growth through releasing, detaching and self generation has transformed you into a new wiser and brighter version of yourself.
Look through the ILLUSIONS to really SEE your true Divine Soul essence!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND💎 🍃– IK provides the energies of spirit, through the whisperings of the wind. The STORM merges with WHITE WIND and is thus Divinely directed in its path of minimal destruction for the purpose of bringing you to your most beneficial destination unharmed.
The CRYSTAL WIND 💎🌬– brings us crystal CLEAR cognitive abilities to receive and channel the VOICE of GOD/Spirit🌬.
Spirit is the SUPERPOWER behind this Lunar Storm, having the hidden agenda of transmitting the Divine plan into every mind that is OPEN and receptive to hearing and knowing the higher DIVINE TRUTH.
As we partner with Spirit to do the work of the Divine on Earth, we can navigate a clear path through the Storm arriving safely at our utopian destination.
Today we cooperate with our kin, through open and fun communication, making LIGHT of all that is in a state of change around us, as we anchor to let spirit communicate through us, as a pure channel. Follow the guidance of spirit to best utilize and navigate through these powerful energies!🌩🌪🌫
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR MOON🌓 🌜– MULUC DOUBLE MOON/LUNAR POWER today! The MOON reflects the SUN-LIGHT. The shadow of RED MOON includes negative self-talk and self deprecation, that is, hiding the fullness of your LIGHT. Forgetfulness and lacking awareness of signs and synchronicities voiced by Spirit is also a challenge of MULUC.
The Lunar Goddess asks us to surrender the battles, through the power of forgiveness and compassion. Become softer and more receptive to the needs of both yourself and your loved ones, to stabilize any polarity clashes. The GODDESS soothes all hearts through the power of LOVE. 💕
RED MOON also brings forth another layer of PURIFICATION power, working synergistically with BLUE STORM to PURGE every last remnant of any toxins you have been holding in your body, mind or life revealed by the MIRROR.
To reap the gifts today MULUC asks you to become an empty vessel and take off your veil of forgetfulness and shine your LIGHT, becoming the beacon of awakened awareness. As you open to the remembrance of your true LIGHT the voice of Spirit will freely FLOW through your purified vessel, filling it with the GOLDEN LIGHT from AHAU🌞 until your cup runneth over!
Allow MULUC to help you find your FLOW so that you can meander through the great Hall of Mirrors, effortlessly flowing in the right direction
May the STORM,🌀 WIND,🍃 SUN☀, MOON🌜 RAINBOWS🌈and WATER〰come out to PLAY 🐒and cleanse our bodies catalyzing great transformation in our physical realities.
“How can you use the POWER of the STORM to MAJIKALLY transform your physical reality?”
✨✨✨NOTE: If CHALLENGES present today, FLIP the energy, funneling the POWER🔥 generated through the chaos🌀 into CREATION and ALCHEMY! ✨
Divine blessings for our collective journey through the Hall of Mirrors, may we arrive at our desired destination with ease and grace – buffeted from the ravages of the STORM.🌪🌪🌪
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈








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Dark Covenant
US Trigger Event
NWO FreeFall
Precession Cycle
Dragon Head / Tail
Rahu / Ketu Lunar
North-South Nodes
Zodiac Projections
Planetary Deities
Life Sims Guise
Atlantis Down
Black MirrorTech
Stranger Things
Inverted World
64 ChessBoard
Queens Alliance
Imperial Family
Table Mountain
Blood Sacrifice
Lemuria Harmonics
Sirius – Kahu / Rehu
Whale-Dolphin Portal
God-Self Expansion
Door of the Child
Table Mountain
Southern Gate
Lions Head
First-Light OS
Reversal Poles
96 – 69 Coded
Hieros Gamos
Blue Violet Flame
Founder Royals
Galactic Line
Divine Love
NZ Aotearoa
White Dragon
Ring of Fire
St Louis Gateway
Bull Fight Orion
Fomalhaut Star
Gold Gate God
Point Nemo


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