THE EMERALD TABLETS ~ JUPITER’S CLOSE ENCOUNTER ~ Prepare to Stand ~ Music of the Songs of Creation
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Beloved Wayshowers of the New Edenic Paradigm
Happy Holy Day of Rosh Hashanah to our Jewish Tribes of the New Earth. This is a day of Celebration of the Jewish New Year and the Feast of Trumpets where the Jews honor and glorify God and to celebrate when time itself began. We honor and celebrate all holy days and Spiritual traditions of all our PEoples that serve God and Hue-manity for the highest good of all. This is a time of repentance and returning to the Creator.
As we become Cosmic and become Self Realized, what one may call God Consciousness, Buddha, Allah, Cosmic or Christ. All Alluding to Prime Creator. In several Native American tribes we call Wakan Tanka or the Great Mystery. The Great Spirit does not care what you call her. We might say Holy Spirit or the Tao, the Way, for I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. Very simple indeed.
Only humans make a big deal out of names, places and things. But that is only a problem of the little mind. The Big Mind, with a capital M, what we call Buddha Mind, Christ Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness, goes by many names all pointing to the same unchangeable Universal Truth. What is called Love.
You see I was never sold on human concepts for , like many of you, I Am from the Stars and am in this world but not of the world. I am honored by the world and the world is honored by my presence for we live in balance and harmony. I transmit my love to the Earth and the world. There is great beauty in both. For God/ Goddess created the Earth and man created the world. Imagine that!
Through the evolution of consciousness we have reached the apex of the highest 3D evolutionary Path we call Unity Consciousness. The Ninth Wave or the 9th Level. This is the realization and activation of the One in the Many and the Many in the One. We know in the holographic universe each piece and part is a fractal, a mirror or representation of the whole hologram, manifestation.
The Lotus Flower rises from the mud, through the still waters and blooms and blossoms in the Heavenly Golden Light. Just as the Lotus Born Buddhas of the NEw Earth have risen from the mud and muck of thousands of years of pain and suffering , through the waters of the ocean of consciousness to bloom and blossom in the Eternal Bliss Consciousness of the New Jerusalem of peace and Prosperity for all.
With the Diamond Sword of Truth I cut through all illusions and delusions, the veils of separation, to expose through this revelation all that was hidden and kept humanity in the dark of ignorance and greed through the fear and false emotion programs of the Archonic Control Systems. As we continue our journey through this chaotic node of time and space we inch our Way closer to our breakthrough point and make our collective Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human upon the New Earth.
Are you ready to make the jump? A’Ho!
Shalom Adonai Elohim
Right now: Moon at 18°50′ Libra, Sun at 4°01′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 19º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 19º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 5º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Libra.
Camilla Ma Ra Åkerström
Linda Good McGillis
May today expand you out of your limitations. It’s a very powerful day
Sophie Grégoire
A new and mature perspective especially about significant relationships is available or about to be. Old karmic energies — can be a relationship or only layers of it — want to be released now. You are seeing truth for what it is. Grieve if necessary but let go of the outgrown layers of you, and the external mirrors who reflect that. A new frequency is implementing. Key new beginnings, deepenings or closures in all kinds of relationships are around the corner. The Universe is guiding you — your highest team & helpers in human form are being shown.
Celia Fenn
Ally Raye
I am aware that many are having a difficult time.
Some are feeling quite alone, disconnected, and even hopeless. “What’s the point to even existing?”
You, beloveds, are moving through a holy tunnel of sorts. And, although you may not even care to hear any of this right now, it IS happening and it is ultimately a gift.
Yes- you may want to tell me to F-off, and that’s perfectly understandable.
I just feel to tell you this…
If you do find yourself angry, allow it to flow.
Obviously, not out into the world in a destructive way (and not destructively internally toward yourself), but find some ways to let it flow out.
Maybe you would do well to journal about your anger at your circumstances, your family, your job, your “awakening”… maybe you need to journal taking your anger straight to God…
Maybe going for a walk in nature and telling nature how pissed off you are feels right. Whatever feels right for you! Don’t judge your anger or yourself. Give it all your loving attention.
Remember when we were kids and the adults around us seemed to ignore our needs?
How hard we tried to please everyone so that they would love us?
How we broke our hearts and backs just to be acknowledged, approved of, and loved, and were inevitably abandoned and left feeling like “something is wrong with me?”
I would say there’s plenty of reason to be angry!
And, precious friends, your anger is fuel!
It is energy and it can help propel you through this glorious Divine tunnel with your OPEN HEART!
So, don’t sit on it!
Transmute it with the LOVE WITHIN YOU.
There are great miracles on the other side of it! Allow yourself this experience. Allow LOVE to meet you as you move through the feelings.
And, right NOW, even if you “don’t want one,” I am sending you a big open-hearted hug that you can receive whenever you are ready.
I so love you.
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is.
God Is. God Is. God Is.
Diego E. Berman, PhD
Dear friends, Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, will be at opposition —its closest approach to Earth since October 1963— at a distance of 591.2 million kilometers on Monday September 26.
As the Sun sets in the west, Jupiter will rise in the east. The planet will appear larger and brighter than any time of the year. This is the best time to view and photograph Jupiter and its moons. A medium-sized telescope should be able to show you some of the details in Jupiter’s cloud bands, and a good pair of binoculars should allow you to see Jupiter’s four largest moons, appearing as bright dots on either side of the planet.
Jupiter is named after the “King of the Gods” in Roman mythology (also known as Zeus in Greek mythology), so it’s no wonder this planet is known for being such a mighty cosmic force. Like its divinely royal namesake, Jupiter’s energy is all about fortune, abundance, and expansion.
Jupiter’s energy is optimistic, hopeful, compassionate and generous, like a “guardian angel” that is always there to guide and enrich your life. This positive energetic imprint will be affecting us all during this week, as long as we grasp this beneficial opportunities from a place of inner balance and make decisions from our hearts. It’s a time for reflecting and reassessing the next steps we need to take in our life’s journey to reach a more expansive and brighter timeline. And Jupiter’s closeness this week will be providing us with some extra energetic boost.
This week take sometime to watch the night sky and connect with the energy of this amazing planet. Place one hand over your heart, and literally “wish upon a planet”! All will come in divine timing.
Have a wonderful week, much love
Eliza White
Pars Kutay
Blue Rose Oracles
Timelines are closing out as the chapters we have co created and the characters that we have embodied until this present moment are no longer aligned with the space we are energetically being guided towards.
The physical, emotional and energetic spaces that we used to inhabit are no longer able to hold the frequencies of the version of ourselves wishing to be embodied and anchored at this pivotal time of planetary expansion and transformation.
Right now there is a beautiful opportunity to let go of the illusions, distortions, old timelines and the versions of ourselves that have been comfortable moving in energetic frequencies, connections, roles , environments and realities that require us to stay smaller, hidded or limited.
These comfort zones are contracting, dissolving and feeling too small for the enormity of the divine essence and presence we are able to embody if we just trust and surrender and allow ourselves to really let go of the need to know the direction and to control the process.
A huge expansion wave is moving through the planetary grids and the heart of Pachamama which is reflected in our collective external reality experience.
We are collectively shifting, transcending and moving into new timelines that are co created through seismic changes as a significant shift is occurring within the collective heart space.
Be present with your sacred heart
Hold space through unconditional love
Let go, release, grieve, heal, integrate
Dance, cry, laugh, sing, rest
Everything is shifting, transforming and changing
Know that you are held and you are loved and come back to your centre.
The time is now
Anchor love
Hold love
Trust & surrender
Take only what resonates, use your discernment and follow your own intuition.
photo by
Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
Suryananda & Aed
THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN Has Released 26 September, 2022 Energies & Higher Frequencies Within The EMERALD TABLETS As A DOWNLOAD to many inhabitants on Gaia. This follows on from the posting on THE EMERALD TABLETS 25 September.
From The Great Central Sun Sacred Scripts Akashic Records.
This will specifically affect those on Gaia who are receptive not only to higher energies but who are aligned and attuned to The Emerald Tablets.
This Download Direct From
The Omnipresent Omnipotent Power of Creation : Existence Itself
Gifts to those receptive to frequencies beyond the physical, an expansion of consciousness as greater understanding unfolds on
Each on Gaia will respond and relate to the ever increasing higher vibrations in their own way particular to their roles and path of service pre-destined for them.
These times have long been awaited thus great excitement has already begun in worlds beyond Gaia. Inevitably the more responsive to the higher frequencies people on Gaia are, this acts as an upgrade into the new energies which will be of assistance to Gaia and inhabitants being very necessary.
Inevitably Melchisadek Is One Of The Elohim Who Are Overseeing These Downloads Set To Be Released To Inhabitants On Gaia.
The momentum will begin to build up as more people become receptive to these Downloads and begin to integrate them fully within.
Aed & Suryananda’s journeys on The Great Central Sun & Creation continues.
Adam El Daoud & Suryananda
Divine Consorts.
Monday, 26 September, 2022.
Readers of The Great Central Sun Sacred Scripts Akashic Records & The Great Central Sun Akashic Records.
Also Both Aspects The Great Cosmic Sun & The Great Galactic Sun. Amenti. Atlantis. And Many Others.
Seers To The Great Central Sun : The Great Cosmic Sun : The Great Galactic Sun. Amenti. Atlantis. And Others.
Aurora Ray
This Will Happen When Earth Ascends: Earth’s Ascension And Tips On How You Can Help Lighten The Energy Of Planet Earth
The divine plan for Earth has always been ascension.
You are being asked to hold the vision and mission of a world that works for everyone as you align with your own divine plan.
You may be wondering if we will be here physically on Earth after the ascension. And, yes, we will be. We will still have our physical bodies, and the planet Earth, in all her beautiful blue-green glory, will still be here. Do you know what this means? It means that we can create “heaven on earth!” How exciting is that?
Many people reject this information as fact because they are afraid of change or simply cannot comprehend such a thing happening on our beautiful planet. However, it is up to each individual how they want to perceive this information—fear or acceptance and understanding.
Even though it may be difficult at times to accept something you don’t think exists, many amazing things are happening right now on our planet that point to this shift in the consciousness of humanity.
The ascension of humanity is inevitable during the ascension of our planet.
The ascension of our planet is is inevitable during the ascension of humanity. In other words, they are one and the same. This is because Gaia and humanity are one.
Gaia is a sentient being, just like we are sentient beings. She feels love, as we feel love. She feels fear, as we feel fear. We have become so accustomed to referring to her as “it,” but she has many feminine qualities-just as women do!
We can lighten up Gaia’s energy so that she can ascend faster than us—which will help with our own personal ascensions too!
A new era of light consciousness will begin, and the old ways that no longer serve humanity’s highest good will fall away.
As Earth ascends, humanity will experience a new era of light consciousness. The old ways that no longer serve humanity’s highest good will fall away and be replaced with new systems that are more beneficial to everyone.
You can help accelerate this process by loving yourself unconditionally each day, extending compassion and love to all people, being kind and patient with others (especially those who are still in denial), and spending time in nature as often as possible.
By taking these small steps on a daily basis, you can help lighten the energy of planet Earth and bring peace and harmony to our beautiful world!
The ascension phase that we are moving into could involve some difficult challenges, but it is okay because we have all done this before.
You may be wondering, “What will happen during Earth’s ascension?” It is a good thing to ask that question because we all have the right to know what is coming our way, but we also have the ability to determine how things turn out.
If you are asking yourself now about what will happen during Earth’s ascension, then you are already on your path to making sure that you can help lighten the energy of planet Earth–and this makes a big difference!
When Earth ascends, we all ascend together: humanity, animals, plants, minerals, Gaia, everyone ascends!
When Earth ascends, Gaia also evolves. When Gaia evolves and gets closer to her ultimate completion of creation, she guides all of the life on Earth through the same process. This includes humans, animals, plants, and minerals. We are all evolving together, and we are all in this together!
According to Archangel Michael:
When the planet ascends into a new octave—a new octave is a different frequency of vibration—the star-seeds who have been working with her for eons upon eons, who are from many different star systems and civilizations throughout this universe, who have been assisting in anchoring light and energy for Gaia for some time now—they will be going home with Gaia.” – Archangel Michael
What does it mean we’re “going” home? It means we’re actually arriving in the original creation that God intended for us. It will be here not somewhere else. But we will be living in a higher consciousness in resonance and alignment with Earth.
We are entering an era where everyone can know and experience their divine selves with more clarity than ever before!
The ascension process may be challenging. In many cases, people are not aware of what they are going through, and they just think it’s something that’s happening to them. However, if you know what the challenges are, it will be easier for you to deal with them. The good news is that most of these challenges can be overcome and even avoided altogether!
There is one thing you should keep in mind when dealing with the ascension process: you need to stay calm and let your body take over. You can’t force your body to do anything; that’s like forcing yourself into an uncomfortable position! If you try too hard, your body will respond by resisting any change at all.
It’s also important to realize that no matter how challenging things get on Earth right now, they will not stay this way forever! The cleansing must take place now first.
Clearly, humanity still has some work to do before we reach an era in which everyone knows their divine selves with greater clarity than ever before!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Relax in the unfolding path knowing that everything is happening in perfect timing. You may not have all the answers from all that you have walked away from. This may feel like you’re at a crossroad today, lost and confused. Know that this is the end of releasing what needs to go. Continue aligning with these changes that will soon produce results.
Daily revelations are bringing transparency from darkness and confusion. Focusing on healing, recovery, and balance will help dissolve what separated you from yourself. Support is here for this opportunity of soul searching and self discovery. Relax into the process knowing you are safe and guided. Trust that this is the moment to continue mending your heart and emotions in preparation for the new love entering.
The Feminine within is raising up into a leader of life, peace, and contentment. Stand in your power knowing that you deserve to have healthy people and experiences in your life. Only accept the best Beloveds. Let God guide your Way into the light. You’re almost there!
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Debbie Edwards
Today, the Moon in Libra is Trine to Mars in Gemini and Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius. We are unifying all three Air signs in a powerful display!
What we think about, we bring about. This energy can either manifest our greatest desires, hopes, and dreams, or, it can drudge up our greatest fears, judgements, and distortions of thought.
Memory Lane is inviting us to take a stroll down her path. And the future is reminding us of how powerful we can be, to design and construct a beautiful life ahead.
The Moon aligns us with our Shadows and Subconsciousness. Mars aligns us with our Sacred Masculine and Root Chakra of our fight or flight response, survival mode, and actionable energies. Saturn aligns us with Karmic Cycles, Self Discipline, Tough Love, and Self Control.
Today will challenge us to rise into our best selves, motivated by the urge to do better than we did yesterday. The past, present, and future, are all standing in unison around us. We get to decide what to do with it and how to shape it from here on out.
Debbie EM
We are entering the last week of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury will turn direct next weekend, just as the exact square between Saturn and Uranus takes hold. Pressure is building for big changes in the areas of our life that have been stuck and immovable.
Venus is catching up to Mercury Retrograde, now in Virgo. Together, Venus and Mercury in Virgo make a sweet trine with Pluto in Capricorn. This Earth trine energy is helping us to ground out and harmonize the shifting structures of our reality.
These changes are also supported by a dynamic sextile between Uranus in Taurus, and Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. We have been wallowing in our core wound with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer so activated. Dark secrets revealed, also reveal the hidden treasures of who we really are. This transit says we are ripe to experience unexpected solutions as life begins to go our way again. This can be like a flash of lightning, a realization and remembering, that can give you the strength to navigate these times and head in your own direction, more in alignment with who you really are.
Venus has been opposition to Neptune in Pisces, and now Mercury will begin to move into this opposition with Neptune over the next few days. It’s an Activation of our Intuitive, creative mind, and an opportunity to shed programming and conditioning that have long held us in the energy of fear and trauma.
With Venus coming to the end degrees of Virgo, the feminine is getting cleansed and and healed, and new powers of consciousness are awakening. Our right and left brain are learning to work together once again. With Earth trines and all Earth signs represented, we are grounding back to Heart Center.
The Sun is now in Libra. Trading places with Mercury retrograde, it’s the Sun’s turn to come into opposition with Jupiter at three degrees Aries. This is activating New Timelines which are more in alignment with our true cosmic identity. This is a time of rebirth for the SuperNova Soul. And together, we re-birth Earth.
Leah Whitehorse
Sun in Libra opposite Jupiter retrograde in Aries. Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus in Virgo. Venus trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn – The solar connection to Jupiter is an echo from yesterday’s New Moon chart. The future looms large and we want so much – so much for ourselves, so much for one another. It’s true that life is abundant, the opportunities endless and yet, we’re on the fence. Restless yearning alternates with swells of confidence yet every time we take a step towards what we hope will be a brighter future, it dances away from us, a swirl of golden sparks, tantalising, teasing. Just my luck we say, deflated.
Mercury and Venus become one voice, urging discernment. It’s not about the big things right now. It’s the little things that matter. It’s about how even a small dedication of time and energy can create a wave of transformation. This is about making careful choices, conducting thorough research, creating order inside and out. Here is an invitation to sink deep into the truth of the matter. Connect heart and mind to find purpose and joy.
Degrees and Times
Venus 26°Vi09′, Pluto 26°Cp09′ R – 06:45 (BST)
Sun 03°Li41′, Jupiter 03°Ar41′ R – 20:33 (BST)
Mercury, Venus 26°Vi47′ – 18:58 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
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