Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Holy Council of the Sacred Order of Divine Visionaries
With an open heart and an open mind we see into the realms beyond and bridge heaven and earth through our Crystalline Heart Center. We resonate with the tones of the Angels on Earth to raise the vibration and frequency of this realm into the fifth dimension of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.
The Sword in the Stone has been removed as we enter the doorway into the New Golden Age of Eternal Avalon. The Dragon Mists rise as the veils lift and Divine Magic Returns to the Sacred Lands of the New Earth. All is being Returned to Divine Order as the Five Elements come into balance and the Harmony of the Music of the Expanding Spheres of Influence.
The Great White Brotherhood of Shamballa and the Magdalene Sisterhood of the Order of the Rose of Lemuria join forces to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Great Ascension Process.
As the old world of false projections crumbles to the ground the phoenix rises from the ashes to take flight as the Sacred Condor to fly free with her Sacred Eagle to call in their Divine Jurisdictions and retrieve all energy stolen by the slavery systems of the nefarious ones. Our Earth Angelics of the 144 continue to anchor in the 5D New Earth as Gaia rises we rise with her.
In our Exodus we are set free from Samsara as we activate the Dharma of the Wheel of Truth. All is turning into our favor as Wayshowers and Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia.
We keep the Hope and Faith alive as we step into our roles as Pioneers of the Unknown Waters of the Holy Spirit. It is time to rise and Shine Christed Spiritual Warriors of our New Jerusalem on Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 2°44′ Libra, Sun at 4°21′ Cancer
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
At a railroad crossing, an automobile is wrecked by a train.
Sabian Symbol for 5º Cancer
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Cancer.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
The dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.
Sabian Symbol for 3º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 3º Libra.
The major planetary acceleration that will begin in July is already in the earths field. This weekend opens a significant gateway for all ascending hearts to vibrationally align, prepare, and serve as human form conduits of a new earth experience. 2023 Energetic overview
It is all being revealed effortlessly as Solaris shines brighter every millisecond.
You don’t have to participate in any of it.
All that was hidden in the Dark is being revealed.
Mature souls know that this is the opportunity to transcend Duality as a whole, where unconditional love and acceptance is the key to graduating beyond the illusion of separation.
There’s some powerful electrical currents from fire being activated to burn out inorganics as I heard they are all being fried. Like an exorcism
Pulling them out … from
All in which is hidden..and ancient
This energy is so powerful that it will revoke and reverse those abusing karmic laws… infact ALL reversals are being corrected by this current (and us) running through inner and outer Gaia right now to restore to the orginal temple template…
Allow the burn allow the purge – purity gates are aligning true LOVE again. Kathryn Emily
We have entered into a higher unprecedented level of Individual Divine Prowess and Co-Creator ability.
Due to the main body of the Gaia having the Natural Electro-magnetic Rhythm restored, then adjusted forward with the Cosmic Clock adjustment and Alignment Activations, Your Individual Electro-magnetic fields have also been adjusted forward as well as empowered beyond anytime prior in respect to, and in conjunction with Your manifestation abilities and effects on overall Creation.
It is important at this time to be more conscientious of Your energetic fields effects on what You may term as inanimate objects and material things in Your proximal reality that You now come into contact with and physically touch. You may wish to consciously recalibrate everything in Your vicinity that is part of Your space, like Your home, to yet a higher positive and higher calibration. Everything You touched a few days ago had a lower charge and energetic imprint from You, and You are NOW able to energize Your proximal space to a higher capacity which increases the overall extents of Your energetic field, emanating outward to include Your physical place of residence. This Creates an effective field of Your Co-Creator influence beyond anytime previous and also has a larger Creation impact on the outside of Your field, on reality as a whole.
You may simply physically touch items in Your home or place of residence with the intention of calibrating them energetically higher to harmonize with the new reality/frequency.
Dear family of love and light, the planet wide special clearing operation has been working out well. The Divine says so far, the effort has paid off. The entire planet has been busy going through the clearing process. Souls on earth have heard the Divine call and the Divine intervention and now are applying the Divine intervention to themselves and clear themselves very hard. The Divine and Gaia are pleased with the progress. The planet, too, is eager to get the process going and trying to finish the clearing process by end of this weekend. The Divine and Gaia are working with the planet and all sentient beings on earth to make sure that all souls will have the chance to be cleared. And all sentient beings will be cleared. That is what is going on. The Divine is please to share the news with you.
Because of the huge number of souls on earth, the Divine says that this clearing process takes a great deal of effort and tremendous amount of the Divine intervention. Gaia understands that this huge undertaking is so enormous and she asks the Divine to take its time. she wants to make sure that all sentient beings will have a chance to be cleared. The Divine appreciates Gaia’s understanding and sentiment, and will put the most effort and get it done asap.
Meanwhile, the Divine also wants to let the light workers know that there is tremendous amount of the clearing needs to be done. The amount of work is unprecedented. The Divine and the company of heaven are doing whatever it takes to complete this Divine intervention. And hopefully by end of this weekend, the planet will be completely cleared. All souls on earth will be cleared so that Gaia will start her next phase.
That being said, the Divine wants to ask light workers and involved souls for help. The Divine says that there are some light workers on earth who have tremendous amount of the power. If these souls actively participate in this clearing process, then they each will be able to clear groups or countries of souls. That way, the clearing will go very fast. The Divine asks these powerful souls to help with this clearing process, and make sure that their soul groups and countries get cleared with their help. In doing so, these souls help the Divine and also help their own soul groups and countries. That is a great effort and powerful light work.
So if you are one of these powerful light workers and regional leaders, the Divine hopes that you hear the Divine’s call for help, and start clearing the souls who are in your jurisdiction and under your watch according to soul contract. And together, with the Divine and the company of heaven, this clearing process can be done quickly.
Again, thank you for your hard work and great effort. Divine love for you always.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
The Divine and Gaia
Aurora Ray
Pleiadians Have Arrived on Earth to Assist Us in Our Evolution
The Pleiadian races are coming to Earth because they want to assist us in our evolution.
They are known as a group of beings that are all righteous, loving, kind, and have such a high sense of honor in the way they live their lives that we here on the planet can hardly imagine it.
The Pleiadians have come to help us in many wonderful and astonishing ways. They are here to assist us in our evolutionary journey and to assist each one of us as we go through this process.
They have been watching this entire time, and now they have realized that we are ready for a very significant shift in consciousness.
The Pleiadians have been working with humanity for many years and have amassed a tremendous amount of data about what we can do with our DNA in order to transform ourselves into beings of light!
They have come to help us evolve in many ways, including by helping us with our DNA. We are being upgraded from two helical strands of DNA to twelve helical strands of DNA.
They have helped to upgrade our DNA so that it is more flexible and able to adapt to the changes that are coming. The Pleiadians are assisting us with this process because they know how important it is for us to be able to evolve as individuals.
They are helping us evolve and expand in ways we could never imagine! They are bringing new technologies into our reality so we can experience the full potential that exists within us all!
Once your DNA has been upgraded to twelve helixes – which will happen in a short period of time – it will give you the opportunity for a better understanding of who you really are as a soul.
These twelve helixes represent the chakras, or energy centers, both within and outside of our body. This procedure will proceed on an accelerated timeline and represents an extraordinary evolutionary leap for anyone involved.
There is so much happening on Earth at this time. The Pleiadians have arrived and are helping to usher in a new era of peace, love, and happiness for all beings on Earth.
As members of the Family of Light, once you are ready to take this evolution into your bodies, you will be able to combine your twelve centers of information.
You’ll come to understand that you design your own experiences and develop the ability to create consciously. The development of conscious memories of who you are is more significant.
You can then choose whether or not you want to hold onto old beliefs held by those around you that have kept them in fear or darkness throughout their lives—either physically or energetically.
When the Pleiadians come down with their new technology, we can expect many changes in our world right now.
We have been given new tools with which we can rewrite our DNA and upgrade our bodies in an instant! We can even do it without any surgery or drugs! This is a very exciting time for all of us who have been waiting for this kind of technology for so long.
There are many amazing things happening in our world today, and the Pleiadians have an incredible amount of knowledge to share with us. It is because of great beings like them that we can look forward to a bright future on Earth.
I look forward to this new age and am excited by all that it has to offer!
They are putting out a vast amount of information, and we have to make the most of it. We need to understand that this is a massive time in our history and that we are finally at the point when we can manifest anything that we want. That sounds absolutely incredible, doesn’t it?
So basically, the way we understand our reality and thus perceive it can change throughout the actual process of ascension.
As we understand things better and due to the fact that our mind is constantly expanding, this means that we can actually see different perspectives on different topics or issues and thus be able to orient ourselves much better in any given situation.
We are all unique and are on different parts of the pathway of awakening, yet we are becoming aware that we are all connected now more than ever before.
It’s an exciting time to be alive, and things are only going to get better from here. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Allow yourself plenty of leeway to feel your way through the fog as Neptune stations to turn retrograde on June 30th until December 6th.The Sea God at 27 Pisces is square the Galactic Centre-the unified field of Source or the Noosphere from where intuition and vision seem to originate. As the veils lift, there is no choice but to remove your rose-tinted glasses to see things as they really are, not as you want them to be.
With Lord of Time and Karma Saturn also retrograding in Pisces, it’s time for a reality check on the comfort zones of denial, avoidance, spiritual bypassing, numbing addictions and escaping into virtual reality.
It’s time to unplug yourself from trying to make things happen; from working on yourself; from suffering, martyrdom or being a victim- no more allowing personal wounds, shadow – triggers and blame to run the show.
It’s time to say goodbye to egocentrism, narcissism, the conceited artist, the irresponsible child, the drama queen.
If you’re feeling – as so many of us sensitives are – down, depleted, drained, alone or in a void like floating on the Dead Sea, understand that you are not fading, falling or failing but energetically detaching from the ending of planetary cycles and outgrown timelines. The past is withdrawing from us and we are in the process of disabling the past.
For those of us who are empaths, mavericks and edge walkers, this deep space energy is a chance to shift into Creator mode -intuitively doing what feels good/right/aligned in the moment. Knowing that there are no spiritual/ unspiritual activities. That there’s no longer the choice of staying in your spiritual comfort zone or of trying to control things. You are learning to master being in the moment, in the zero point and creating from there. With intention but no expectation or insistence on specific outcomes.
Be kind to yourself, be discerning, patient and tender towards your growing edge
Make time for loving self-care
Stay grounded and strengthen your boundaries
Be alert for cyber scams and secure your communication platforms.
When we let go of our perceived reality and allow our imagination to take us in a new direction, it may just be that we are beginning the process of creating a new reality for ourselves……one that brings us closer to our desired visions and dreams for the future.
On Sunday June 25th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in Gemini the Twins, is in a challenging square aspect to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in Pisces the Fish. Mercury rules our thoughts, perceptions and communications and Neptune rules illusion, confusion and delusion. Both Gemini and Pisces, where Mercury and Neptune are consecutively, are mutable signs, which means changeable and ungrounded. Things may be unclear to us now. If we have to make a choice or decision about something, it may prove difficult as our mind is all over the place.
Interactions with others can be muddled and disorienting, leaving us bewildered or perplexed. The best use of this energy is through creative activities, brainstorming, guided meditation, visualization, using your imagination, or tapping into the messages from Spirit through nature, the fairy realm or daydreaming. Just surrender and go with the flow with where your mind takes you today. It could be fun if you allow it to be! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces – Mentally, we may feel clouded and unsure. Perhaps you are doubting ideas, thoughts, perceptions. Part of you needs clear labels, check boxes, understandable instruction. Another part of you calls for imagination, creativity and being open to interpretation. It’s possible that the subtext doesn’t match the text – that what is said is different to what is felt. Sometimes you just have to stay quiet, listen, speak with your heart instead of your voice.
Information may seem insubstantial, spurious or just plain wrong. Perhaps the facts don’t add up and you feel confused as a result. It’s okay to bide your time if nothing makes sense. Wait. Listen to your intuition. Feel your way forwards. Let your soul decide. Whisper a quiet prayer. Chant a mantra. Wordless answers come in dreams. If all else fails, leave it in the hands of the universe.
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. The last day of the Blue Monkey wavespell is special because it so poetically sums up the journey that began on day one. The agenda was ‘Magic’, and after all we went through – the final destination we find ourselves at is the ‘Cosmic Night’. Today, we Endure to Transcend all we have learnt and this process leads us all to become ‘Cosmic Dreamers’.
Today is Blue Night and it represents ‘Dreams, Abundance and Intuition’. The Blue Monkey led us here, a day full of dreaming, aspirations and imagination. Our dreams are what define us as humans. The Monkey in the tree dreamed of walking on two legs and it was so. What dreams can you dream up to transform your life? Attract Abundance into your world today.
The Guide today is the Blue Hand, the healer. A dreamy day guided by the healing hand makes this Cosmic day a little less harsh than some other enduring number 13 days. The Blue Hand offers his hand to guide you to the healing you need. Offer your hand to others as well and pass on the good vibes. This guide gives the day a high five! May you accomplish today what you need to make your dreams come true.
The Challenge is Red Skywalker who represents Wakefulness. To make your dreams come true, you have to wake up. Skywalker encourages you to be braver but it is a challenge. Don’t be meek about your goals and aspirations. If you don’t care enough about them, who will? When the Skywalker is in the challenge position, it can mean that it’s hard to muster up the nerve to do what we must do. It is not impossible but we just have to try harder. If you are a Skywalker, you may find today tricky. It is also an enduring day and so that doesn’t bode well for you at all, sorry.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. What if the truth was that your dreams really do stand a chance of coming true but you’ve been afraid to question it? What if the truth was actually quite magical and it is only your belief that needs changing? Look truthfully in the mirror today you may be surprised to find magic.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior who loves being Ally for the day. He is always up for a quest and so if you need assistance, call up Warrior. If you don’t have one handy, be like Warrior. Be fearless, wield your will power.
KIN 143 = 8 – Abundance/Infinity/Flow . ABUNDANCE GATE!
It is time to CLAIM your REWARD!
Day 13 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today we conclude our majikal carpet ride with CHUEN the mischievous and playful BLUE MONKEY.
And so today we reach the HIGHEST level of MAJIK, transcending the humdrum old paradigm, and launching into our Greatest Dreaming, having returned home to our pure Divine DIAMOND Selves.
Today we CELEBRATE the active STILLNESS in the pure MAJIK of the enchanted Monkey Forest.
We commenced this wavespell in search of our pure divine innocence, our original essence, and today we have arrived here, realizing that the greatest MAJIK lies wholly within us!
Connecting to our pure presence unleashes the POWER of the COSMOS and all of CREATION!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today you have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at your disposal to transcend all those old patterns, where the world and all its trappings dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by your pure presence, translating into pure BLISS!.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can be STILL, and connect to the essence of our greatest Majik the frequency of pure internal presence!
What do you choose to TRANSCEND, in order to make your life on this planet more blissful and heavenly?.
You are the RAINBOW BRIDGE and you have the power to do this for yourself personally, and also collectively as a valuable member of our PLANETARY tribe of RAINBOW WARRIORS!
HEAVEN on EARTH is our Collective birthright –
Today’s question is “How can I TRANSCEND the humdrum, and use my highest MAJIK to ACCOMPLISH my GREATEST DREAMS – opening to COSMIC ABUNDANCE through my pure DIVINE presence!
And so we bid adieu to CHUEN, the spontaneous Majikal BLUE MONKEY who enabled us to SEE through the illusion, in order to transcend all that is not of BLISS in this world. Reclaiming our lost innocence and aligning with our inner Divine Child, remembering that JOY and PLAY are our greatest MAJIKAL tools to create a wonderful life.
Now that we have rediscovered our greatest Majik we are READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell packed with even greater potential, with KAN – the YELLOW SEED as our learned guide.
And so our journey of RIPENING through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
GET READY TO GROW exponentially!!!!!!!!!!!!……
Divine blessings for your transcendance to RECEIVE your highest form of Cosmic Majikal ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE COSMIC NIGHT– AKBAL -THE DREAMER! carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the Golden keys to prosperity and ABUNDANCE, accessed through intuitive knowing.
COSMIC AKBAL holds the highest code of DREAMTIME – the GREAT COSMIC DREAM for man-kind… Our Planetary collective Destiny for manifesting 5D UTOPIA!
Our great COSMIC GENIE has all the POWER to make our wishes come true. Connect with the MAJIK flowing throughout the Universe to ensure your DREAMS are activated.
As we join with our fellow kin we can become a conscious dreamer. You can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger DREAM that is emerging.
By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes. This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality. At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace/unity/food for all people, the underlying constructs of reality shift,
and a new reality begins filtering into human experience.
Source: The Mayan Oracle – Ariel Spilsbury
And so it is TIME for our collective DREAMS to manifest the Utopia that we are all dreaming of… the outer expression of our pure Spiritual presence.. the joy and bliss of creation made fully manifest in the world we live in…
Disconnect from the Matrix and keep your eyes on the prize!
Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and KNOW that they are co-creating the larger dream. .
What DREAMS will you energize today?
Hold the presence of the collective dream of our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your manifestations today.
Today’s COSMIC dreaming code perfectly leads into the next 13 day wavespell of the GREAT AWAKENING and ripening ABUNDANCE – so get ready to REAP YOUR REWARDS – beautiful STAR BLISS SUNS!!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE COSMIC HAND– MANIK the COSMIC hand guides us today to HEAL the collective unconscious, those underlying streams that create the script for our world, through the mysterious CONDUCTOR of our global SONG. The her-STORY that is being told through the mass consciousness, and held in our NOOSPHERE.
As we draw up these powerful healing hands we can clear that pattern, and steer our nations into a better and brighter future, evading the continual repetition of cycles and lessons that we have been doomed to repeat over and over ad infinitum.
Today we are AWAKENING from the old DREAM with a new found AWARENESS, that we have the ability to SHAPE and sculpt our new collective experiences as a HU-MAN global family.
As we claim our true power as COSMIC beings, we can finally experience the TRUE meaning of ABUNDANCE for all beings. This is the default setting of the Universe.
Today we KNOW that we can ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS, realizing our greatest dreams through pure MAJIKal presence!
Put your hands together in GRATITUDE for all the GREAT REWARDS you are about to RECEIVE…AMEN!
SUPPORT: YELLOW COSMIC WARRIOR CIB is the fearless warrior who uses his intelligence to QUEST-I-ON everything. Through applying his wisdom from past experience in his many battles, CIB knows how to forge a peaceful and sustainable path forwards.
Allow CIB to guide you in the choices you make today. Choose wisely as there is potent majikal manifestation energy in vast supply today.
Use this wondrous opportunity to SUPERCHARGE your DREAMS placing your full focus on the most beneficial outcome of your Quest-I-on.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS of Planet Earth are bringing forth their promise of delivering us back to Paradise.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE MAGNETIC MIRROR ETZNAB. The MAGNETIC MIRROR- Etznab can assist you to attract the TRUTH.. What is needed to manifest a better reality? – The revelation of TRUTH shatters the old illusions.
The MIRROR will reflect your current REALITY… but to TRULY CHANGE – you need to THINK BIGGER and BETTER than your current environment.
“Fake it, until you make it”.. DREAM your new life into REALITY.
The Rainbow Warrior with his fearlessness, courage and trusty sword, marches into the Hall of Mirrors defiant of the games and trickery that the monkey is notorious for. Etznab assists CIB in revealing the TRUE PATH to discover and create your wildest DREAMS.
Sift through the infinite choices and possibilities reflected today, and ENERGIZE those in alignment with your BIGGEST DREAMS.
ETZNAB also provides the power of the PYRAMID to exponentially MAGNIFY and supercharge your DREAMS, with the FIRE energy from the pyre! KA-BOOM
You may wish to write out your desires and place them under a pyramid to fully utilize ETZNAB’s powers (alternatively you can place them on a mirror, or mirror tile to DOUBLE the power!). A quartz crystal or manifesting crystal is also a brilliant tool.
Allow MAGNETIC ETZNAB to magnetize and ATTRACT the life you desire.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED COSMIC SKYWALKER BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who brings HEAVEN to EARTH. His challenge to you today is to ensure that you do just that!
What do you choose to TRANSCEND, in order to make your life on this planet more blissful and heavenly?.
You are the RAINBOW BRIDGE and you have the power to do this for yourself personally, and also collectively as a valuable member of our PLANETARY tribe of RAINBOW WARRIORS!
HEAVEN on EARTH is our Collective birthright –
Today’s question is “How can I TRANSCEND the humdrum, and use my highest MAJIK to ACCOMPLISH my GREATEST DREAMS – opening to COSMIC ABUNDANCE through my pure DIVINE presence!
And so we bid adieu to CHUEN, the spontaneous Majikal BLUE MONKEY who enabled us to SEE through the illusion, in order to transcend all that is not of BLISS in this world. Reclaiming our lost innocence and aligning with our inner Divine Child, remembering that JOY and PLAY are our greatest MAJIKAL tools to create a wonderful life.
Now that we have rediscovered our greatest Majik we are READY to set forth on our new journey.
Tomorrow we commence a brand new Wavespell packed with even greater potential, with KAN – the YELLOW SEED as our learned guide.
And so our journey of RIPENING through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
GET READY TO GROW exponentially!!!!!!!!!!!!……
Divine blessings for your transcendance to RECEIVE your highest form of Cosmic Majikal ABUNDANCE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
I invoke the presence of the Pillar of Golden Light. As I open my receiving channels, I am inviting my Higher Self to bring forth the most empowered Light for me to ground on the planet so I may be a bridge from Heaven to Earth. I ask that this Light anchor onto the Earth more Love, Joy, Freedom, and Wellbeing and bring this energy into every area of my life.
As I bask in the Golden Light I can feel the wings of Angels enfolding me in safety and protection, guiding me in new ways that allow me to fulfill my soul’s destiny on Earth in this lifetime. For these and all my blessings I say thank you, God, and so it is!
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