You are currently viewing Divine Masculine has shifted on the Planet ~ Light Body Reconnection ~ Pillars are Activated ~ Valentines

Divine Masculine has shifted on the Planet ~ Light Body Reconnection ~ Pillars are Activated ~ Valentines

Divine Masculine has shifted on the Planet ~ Light Body Reconnection ~ Pillars are Activated ~ Valentines



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Great Light Alliance of Infinite Source Creator

Our local Solaris continues to release daily massive pulses of higher light with multiple C Class Solar Flares and another Trinity of M Class Flares today, the most powerful being a M 2.69 Class Flare at 12:12 UTC. We are bringing in the God Codes of 12D into our Sacred Avatars and anchoring them deep into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.

Pachamama received another powerful activation today with a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in the Sacred Portal of Romania at 13:16 UTC. The Divine Masculine of Earth are rising up and being activated to support and protect our Divine Feminine Goddesses of the New Lemuria. On this day of Divine Union the Eagle and the Condor fly in Hieros Gamos to usher in the New Golden Age for all Sentient beings of the Way.

Our Luminous filaments of Light that make up our Energy Bodies are vibrating at a New Higher Resonance as We are being flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves of 5D and beyond directly from the Great Central Sun. In the Illumination of our True Nature we realize our Buddha Mind and release all the lower density of negative thoughts, feelings and emotions and step into our Divine Heritage through the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres.

In these last days of the old false 3d matrix we connect together through the Diamond Grids and assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun to transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’ho!



Right now: Moon at 14°49′ Sagittarius, Sun at 26°11′ Aquarius

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

An ancient pottery bowl filled with fresh violets.
Sabian Symbol for 27º Aquarius

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 27º Aquarius.

Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

The ground hog looking for its shadow on ground hog day.
Sabian Symbol for 15º Sagittarius

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 15º Sagittarius.





Damselfly Feeding
Damselfly Feeding
Do you feel the New Timeline dropping in? Opening the Emerald Ray Hearts Codes! Updates to the 123123.
Galactic Rays!
Emerald Ray Hearts Codes
Emerald Ray Hearts Codes


In Divine Love the two become ONE,
In the depths of Diamonds,
From Every Heart Endlessly Elevated ♡
Endlessly Elevated
Endlessly Elevated
In the last few months, a lot has been in flux. Deep layers were cleared. Many things have been happening at the same time, shaking your system up–all calling for your expansion. Your own lower energies were shed through, and thanks to, external situations mirroring back to you what had to go. In the midst of all of this, there is an idea, a vision, a golden dream, that your soul never gave up on. The field is fresh now. Something big is preparing. The answer to long held prayers. The rewards for all you pushed through.🦋
Are you feeling a lack of energy and focus. Maybe even nausea and drowsiness out of nowhere. There’s a feeling of defeat, and partly it’s because of what you’re going through for a spiritual awakening/shift. Which might not really be new to you, however, this is stronger/longer.
All your chakras are under construction, to maintain balance and enhance. Your authentic self is breaking through all the layers and barriers that life and others have imposed on you. You are an abundant being in general and in spirit. I want to show you how much you really are and your true potential.
spiritual awakening
spiritual awakening
Hi, Beloved Starseeds
We are getting some POWERFUL Spiral energy coming through these last few days and it seems to be getting even more powerful in nature. The Spiral energy of Nu creation is a “new” form of ultrasonic frequencies that are assisting us with our transformation here on Earth. It is affecting the nervous system and causes the body to go through a massive uprise in inflammation. It is spiralling down the higher chakras and “turning them on” more powerfully than before. This will affect the BRAIN. When I saw this in my meditation my body started to move as if it was in a cyclone of energy. I always see these energy codes go down the Spine which is the “information highway” of the body and then it distributes the energy to all major organs, chakras, cells and DNA.
I am seeing that this is the energy wave leading up to a NEXT LEVEL Equinox gateway.
Some symptom you may be experiencing at this time with this POWERFUL energy download is dizziness, sensitive eyes, blurry vision, or the eyes seem to be trying to focus, watery eyes/dry eyes, overwhelm, depression, emotions in waves, exhaustion is next level, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, annoyance, radical shifts happening to ALL the vortexes in the body (Chakras), old wounds are coming up as it is being cleared. Some are going through a MASSIVE healing “crisis”. If you are an energy healer this means massage therapist, acupuncturist, hands-on healer, chiropractor etc. MAJOR activations in the hands. The Spiral vortex affects the bones/skeletal system and as it is entering the body it is clearing deep shift. The Ancestral clearing is the most intense I’ve seen/experienced in over 25 years, this is the buildup of the powerful container that 2023 will be.
As we reach the Zodiac New Year, are you feeling the energy of 2023?! Let’s GET IT!
POWERFUL Spiral energy
POWERFUL Spiral energy
Artist: Kamora Jones (artsoldier77)
The recent M2 Solar Flare that occurred at 12 12 is administering the Divine Masculine Electric to calibrate the Masculine Energetic Field higher and to become more compatible for the important Twin Flame/Hierogamic Unions.
This electrical application is also administered to the planetary electrical magnetic field as well during this Great Advancement with the planetary Ascension.
As more of the Pillars are Activated, this upstep procedure will become common indefinitely until the 13 geographical Pillars has been fully Activated and Operational. The Pillars transmit the Harmonic Relationship Codices, as one of the Divine attributes and principles thereof. The Original Twin Flames Prowess is now amplified and a prudent discretion is encouraged in this respect in terms of planetary Manifestation and Creation as a whole.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
The Brain / Masculine has shifted on the Planet.
The brain / masculine of the planet just shifted last night. From Friday the shifts that have been happening is like nothing I’ve ever witnessed before. We are in the age of prophecy for sure!
Last night I had a dream where I was escaping from a prison sentence. We where falsely accused. I was on the run with another lady, then we stopped by a farm. Here we where approached by the owner. An old man, he knew we where running away from something. No questions asked he took us in, treated us like his children.
Then the scene switched to me experiencing a brain aneurysm. The owner of the farm was now my career, I had to deeply surrender to being cared for. Trusting this man and totally surrendering to being held whilst I recovered. I woke up this morning my my head pulsating, I knew something huge had happened.
I then read that lighting struck Brazil’s Christ The Redeemer Statue yesterday. I began to make sense of what I was being shown in my dream. The brain of the planet has finally shifted / masculine out of patriarchal rule into a new paradigm. I was then told by my team this morning that the higher masculine has now fully anchored onto the planet. This is huge, I know so many of us has been waiting on this happening. So many men around the world have been holding up the Scaffolding, whilst the foundations where being built for this to happen.
Of course this isn’t to do with gender, we all hold the feminine and masculine within. But I know for many women, including myself there’s a deep surrendering into being held by the support and strength of the masculine. How you move now is completely supported by the masculine. I had been writing about this in previous posts. I had stated that right and left side of the brain where changing, now it is complete. Because now we will see the higher masculine step into his kingship. I almost want to give a deep sigh of relief. Oh my goodness finally it’s happening.
The feminine is now in full union with the masculine. The two equally in balance, each aspect fully awakened to itself and the role it plays. Now I wonder how this is going to play out with divine counterparts coming in. Love will always be the biggest activation on this planet. Just in time for valentine day…. Cheesy I know lol 😂but you couldn’t write the script if you tried. !
Here is the links to my previous posts on what has been happening with the brain ~
Big love everyone ❤️
Saffron 🐉🌹
Gratitude to the Artists
Christ the Redeemer
Christ the Redeemer

Light Body Reconnection

Beloved Ones,
Many of you are undergoing a process of light body reconnection, at this time of our ascension path. Since the beginning of this seventh universal Year of Wisdom, many are experiencing the awakening of their light bodies, while others continue building it, reaching further stages. As we embody more light and continue linking our human self with our Divine one, we will begin to experience certain physical sensations, as a result of building our light vehicles, for this process comprehend a total reconfiguring of all of our bodies.
This is a time when we are finally moving from a more passive (feminine) phase into a more active (masculine) one. However, knowing ourselves and our personal cycles is pivotal to know where we truly are in our ascension journey and what we need.
If you find yourself in the initial phases of activating your light body, healing it of all distortions, imprints, and implants, fatigue is going to be a constant, as the physical body needs time to release and embody a higher frequency, and we need to give it time before continue working on other techniques. Otherwise, it will collapse, especially due to the massive amounts of different energies that we cannot yet digest, causing us many other physical sensations and even imbalances that may result in illnesses.
It is important to explain that the light body is not just the Merkabah, as it is often called. The light body is the sum of building the silver cord or hara line, having the entire chakra system healed, and having built the shoulder portals, as well as many other body conduits. It is not until we have worked on the restoration and reconnection of all the previous that we can regain our conscious connection to our God Self and the rest of the God dimensions.
Guides remark on the importance of removing fear as well from our mental, emotional, and physical bodies, during this process, connecting with nature to help us be grounded and release the excess of energy. Fear is precisely what continues creating impediments for the energies to freely flow within ourselves.
When we begin working with our light bodies, we literally become another person, for we are ready now to release old egoic layers and embody higher aspects of our Self. It is then that a period of confusion, and fear, starts. We need to trust the process, align with our God Self, and Guides Team, and begin to look fear in the eye, as fear can be a transformative energy, if we embrace it, learn from it, and dissolve it as another human illusion.
We are not alone in this process, for there are many benevolent beings such as the Arcturians and the Hathors helping many to reconfigure their light bodies, with their highly evolved light technologies. The Hathors recommend us to work with sound therapy to help heal and build the light body, as the Hathors communicate with us through sound, mathematical patterns, and mental telepathy. Sound brings healing, clearing, purification, and restoration, helping us stabilize the body after having healed what was damaged.
The most important during this process is working on forgiveness, and soul retrieval, if we have not yet initiated this process, focusing on gratitude and compassion is vital to help us navigate through the rehabilitation process of our light body, something that shall be linked to the work with our DNA to truly shift old patterns, distortions, and manipulations.
As we consciously choose to awaken our light body and reconnect our DNA layers, we too begin the process of ancient wisdom embodiment, as this process will unlock our soul’s memories, allowing us to remember who we are, and what is our purpose, at this precise time within Creation.
A process that will help us remember unity, for once we restore our shoulder portals, which is the last phase of light-body reconnection, we will begin to also reconnect with all the planes of existence, and benevolent beings, that are part of our journey as well, and that due to our physical disconnection, we were not yet aware of their presence and assistance.
We are always assisted more than we can imagine. However, no one can do the inner work for us. But we can ask for help from our Guides team and open our hearts to healing and the Truth. We just have to have the will to initiate the process, ask for help and be courageous to navigate our own shadows, for we will never walk alone among them.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Light Body Reconnection
Light Body Reconnection


For the Light Mechanics of your world is reaching Higher States of Light Attunement..
We write to clearly define this Light Opportunity
For the seeding of this Light enables every cell to attune vibrationally, as your Light Body Hums in vibrational upgrades.
As Light Amplifiers, you’re becoming aware of the sensitivities of your vibrational light. We ask you to expand this senstivity and feel into your Light Signature – the vibrational tones of your Light Field.
Know this Light Connection is another mechanism to reading the parameters of You.
To vibrationally feel your physical-light body, state of balance. To understand vibrationally how this feels and sounds.
For the elements of our world, the impacts of viral, fungal and bacterial contacts will become easier to detect energetically. You will become attuned to the sensitivity of imbalance. With the power of thought form and vibrational light therapy. The erradication of any introduced pathogen can be corrected.
This is simply the Light Opportunity before you. As Light Mechanics expands, you become more integrated with Higher Light.
The Light Path Before you.
The Great Light Healer is YOU
Simply open your Heart to Light
Choose the Higher Light Path
Sending Waves of Cosmic Love ❤🙏
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika


Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Continue utilizing the clearer perception of the truth to help release lifetimes of karmic relationships and baggage. The CME Solar Flares are clearing the third eye chakra, pineal, and pituitary glands so you can receive the knowledge of the truth, helping you happily break free.

The spiritual mind is expanding sharing with you the lifetime lessons of childhood trauma that has led to trust issues in the emotional body. As the 144000 we came here to break these lifetimes of cycles for the human species. Our next role in this mission is to forgive, let go, and open up to unconditional love.

Ground into the body and meditate to help get centred out of the egos triggers, and into the higher truth. This will help unlock what’s been hidden deep in the subconscious.

You are safe to go there now and heal. The intense Light Codes entering the brain and glands are bringing you enlightenment, and setting you free to be wiser, stronger, and back into your power Beloveds.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Lunar aspects – It’s been a heavy couple of days but as the Moon emerges from Scorpio’s shadows and skips into Sagittarius, there is a fiery call to follow your joy. Open the doors and windows to let in the light. Plan a holiday or an afternoon adventure with friends. Consider whether you want to go back to school or deeply self-study a topic of interest. Don’t let the woes of the world close your mind to life’s abundance.
The Sabian symbol of 0 Sagittarius is ‘Retired Army Veterans Gather To Reawaken Old Memories.’ The key themes are about shared stories, triumph over hardship, the moments of laughter amidst the worst of circumstances, unbreakable bonds. Sometimes we must revisit the past to understand how we got to where we are. Follow the treasure trail. Pick up memories, turn them over in your hands, examine them for truths that come in retrospect. Under today’s influences, there is potential for greater awareness of who you were, who you are and who you are becoming. Bless the path behind, ahead and under your feet.
Degrees and Times
Moon 00°Sg00′ – 01:31 (UT)
Moon 04°Sg02′, Mercury 04°Aq02′ – 08:39 (UT)
Moon 08°Sg46′, Jupiter 08°Ar46′ – 16:55 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Painting – The Veteran by Ralph Hedley
The Veteran
Hedley, Ralph; The Veteran; Laing Art Gallery;

Kin 12 ~ Yellow Crystal Human

‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Cooperation and Universalize’. The 12th day is so near the end of the wavespell that there is not much you can do now to aid your mission along. The best thing to do now is to talk to others and share your experiences. ‘Cooperation’ is a key factor to understanding the 12th day. Instead of trying to make sense of all this by yourself, learn from others as this is the best way to gain a deeper understanding of the calendar.
Today is Yellow Human and the key elements for the sign are ‘Influence, Wisdom and Free Will’. The Yellow Human is a sensitive soul who doesn’t easily communicate but who is on the receiving end of much wisdom intuitively. They must be aware that their ‘cup can runneth over’ sometimes, so it’s good to share this wisdom and offload some of it. However, they have free will and no one can tell a Yellow Human what to do. If you are a Human, today you will be in your element, for the rest of us we can tune in and receive wisdom too and also, we have free will to do with this wisdom what we like.
Today’s Guide is the Yellow Seed which when in the guiding position, is motivating us to gather information and exchange knowledge. So, there’s a lot of information to take in today whether you are channeling or Googling. Also, because it is a number 12 day, it’s best to be sharing information in a group setting.
The Challenge of the day is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication and Spirit’. Look out for crossed wires and misinformation today for when White Wind is in the challenge position, communications can go awry. Be very careful with what you say and don’t believe everything you hear. People who are born on Yellow Human days do struggle to communicate which is a shame since they have a lot of interesting, downloaded information that they could be sharing. Their cup runneth over with all the downloading going on, it is quite overwhelming and it’s not surprising they struggle to express themselves.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which represents ‘going with the flow’. This suggests that magic comes easy today if you just let go and release control. I believe it’s this aspect of the day that boosts our intuitive abilities, for when we let go and relax, our inner voice can be heard more clearly.
The Ally is the Blue Hand and if you know one, they could come in very handy today. Take their hand and let them assist you. The Ally power is like someone holding your hand and the Challenge power is like someone yanking your arm in the wrong direction. The Guide is an energy that pulls you in the right direction and the Occult power supports you. These energies jostle us around all day.
Kin 12
Kin 12


12 EB – KIN 12
14 FEBRUARY 2023
I dedicate in order to influence
Universalizing wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of Flowering.
14/2/2023 = 5/2/7 = 7/7 =14=5
14- Media/Publicity/Recognition/Status
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
2 – Twins/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation/Duality
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
9- Completion/Endings/Mission/Destiny/Service/Humanitarian/Grace
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 12 =3 Holy Trinity/Spirit code for building our new foundation of PEACE and Harmony.
A beautiful DIVINE and Heavenly day aligning with DIVINE LOVE and WILL.✨
Day 12 ALREADY of our journey with our RED MOTHER DRAGON Wavespell 🐉 where we are incubating in the Womb🍥 of Creation… We are being guided to focus on nurturance and compassion, for ourselves and others, and our Planet.. Realizing the importance of self-love, in the giving and receiving of unconditional love, in order to grow and flourish and be born anew!🐣
Today we are Universalizing our DIVINE WISDOM and connecting with our kin, to influence the way we communicate and cooperate in a more LOVING and compassionate manner.. Pure crystalline connections through our world wide web! 💎🕸
What a beautiful code of LOVING CONNECTIONS 💖 with our kin, which is perfect for VALENTINE’S DAY💞 – a day of SELF-LOVE and nurturance, where we are lovingly demonstrating our LOVE for others. MOTHER DRAGON would be proud of us!🐉💖🐉
Day 12 is a day to take stock of your intentions, motivations and influence. Filled with an abundance of yellow (golden energy) from the combined energies of Yellow Human and Yellow Seed. It is a day of gentle empowerment and loving cooperation.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation.
The veil of illusion and false deception of the old matrix has finally been dissolved. Through the space and freedom engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new partnerships emerge. Energy comes together and CRYSTAL beings form. Stories must be shared of the wondrous and brave adventures we have been on!
The Crystal energy is brilliant for gaining crystal, clear, clarity and guidance for your next step forward. Communication and networking flows. Information from Spirit and all realms flows, freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid! Day by day, we are getting closer to permanently linking telepathically to this Universal Grid🌐 and each other. 👭👬👫
The Crystal💎 Deva’s are very excited and anxiously awaiting to be of service. Ditch your “smart” phones and 5G and tune in to the new kid on the global block – 5D! The channels have commenced broadcasting, transmission is ON! This is the NEW Aether-Net! – GGG – Galactic Global Grid! FREE subscription, includes unlimited Akashic Records downloads! No freezing, crashing or dropouts! Galactic LIGHT speed assured!
GET READY for Galactic Google! Life will never be the same again! 🌐
RADIATE your INNER LIGHT✨ as you telepathically connect with our Planetary kin through the Universal Crystalline Grid of Creation.💎🌐.
Send forth the SPARK🎇 of inspiration that will allow others to see in the Dark,💡 guiding them back home to the loving embrace of infinite SOURCE. 🌞☀🎆
✨✨✨ Come fill your GOLDEN HOLY GRAIL with the GOLDEN LIGHT nectar from the Gods, until your cup runneth over!
And then share your NECTAR with others!
This is the holy sacrament. AMEN…
Kodoish✨ Kodoish✨ Kodoish✨ Adonai Tsebayoth🙏🙏🙏
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts.
Today’s question is “”How can I share DIVINE LOVE and Divine wisdom, through compassion and acts of loving kindness? Am I positively influencing others to follow my lead, and co-create a better and more caring world for future generations? 💕💕💕
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
DIVINE BLESSINGS for connecting to the UNIVERSAL SOPHIA/CHRISTOS GRID of loving kindness and spreading this GLOBAL WAVE of LOVE.. ✨🕸💎💕🎆
Make LOVE the highlight of your day. 💖💞💖
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN💎 😊 EB is preparing our circuits for transformation. Become empty, that your thirst may be quenched by the bounteous gifts poured from the GOLDEN chalice of the spiralling galaxies. Open and receive all that YELLOW HUMAN offers in the chalice🏆 of your own body.
YELLOW HUMAN represents free will and wisdom. The wisdom that evolves from aligning with Divine Will. Surrender to the Universal Mind and your cup🏆 will runneth over with Universal Wisdom. Once filled with wisdom it is the turn of the Divine Mother to fill your golden chalice with the love of SOURCE and creation energies. The well from which to drink, then manifest your desires.
Today is THE day to take control of your human vessel and FILL IT WITH LOVE until it is overflowing into the COSMOS. It is high time you traded in your little human to that of a better and more spectacular high tech Divine HU-MAN. Upgrading the egoic lower desires and commanding your mind to shift to a higher frequency, tuned in to higher dimensions.
These current ASCENSION ENERGIES – through COMET ZTF🌠💚 and the SOLAR FLARES🌞🔥🎇 and magnetic shifts, are boosting and upgrading our DNA, and bringing forth our ancient gifts and psychic abilities.. we are truly embodying our DIVINE expanded selves now. l
By making wiser choices you can then step into a more influential position, dedicating your LIGHT and wisdom, as a role-model for others to follow. Reclaiming your power and aligning your free will to that of Divine Will, and dedicating yourself to Divine Service, as you fully anchor and activate your Galactic soul GOLDprint. This enables you to download greater wisdom and guidance, directly from the Universal Grid, for your upcoming Galactic Mission, becoming the beautiful, compassionate and humble Ascended Master that you are.
✨YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST💗🕊 ☀ demonstrated the ideal way that humans need to conduct themselves on Planet Earth. Exhibiting elevated consciousness through CONNECTIONS👫👭 – continually performing LOVING deeds for the Healing and betterment of others, in Service to the DIVINE. This is the ULTIMATE expression of DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE – the giving of LOVE with no expectation, and no attachments.. simply RELEASING and initiating an infinite FLOW of LOVE through your being.
YESHUA spent his lifetime teaching others about his FATHER’S wishes through alignment with DIVINE WILL, so that we can experience HEAVEN on EARTH.💒. Today’s 3 Holy Spirit code, with the 5.5 liberation code, ensures we can LIBERATE an INFINITE FLOW of Divine codes activating our SOPHIA/CHRISTED body. Our birthing cycle is nearing completion as we celebrate the SPECTACULAR rebirth of 🌞CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS🌞 on EARTH. 🌍🌎🌏
✨CHRIST/KRYSTIC CONNECTIONS are our priority from this day forth ✨ as DIVINE HU-MANS. 🕊🕊
The energies are very conducive for surrendering your Free Will and fully aligning with your mighty I AM presence, ☀ becoming the Golden Angelic Christed HU-MAN GOD being, that is your birthright. Love, Compassion and Devotion to others, and our planet is the KEY.
✨We are GODS in training. ✨
At some point we must make the decision to remove those training wheels and let our golden chariots fly!☀🎆
This beautiful CRYSTALLINE code aligning with VALENTINE’S day brings forth the opportunity to UNITE through DIVINE PROVIDENCE.. elevating our relationships and connections through HIGHER LOVE. A beautiful DIVINE BLESS-ING for the twin flame and soul re-unions on this wondrous day.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW CRYSTAL SEED💎 🌱 KAN is the Higher guiding force today, which is absolutely BRILLIANT! KAN is the GREAT AWAKENER – calling for Humanity to WAKE-UP and start GROWING through the POWER of LOVE through these waves of LOVE CODES… the new way to GROW… 💞🌿💞
We are now looking for the ✨LIGHT✨ as nutrition for your SOUL, in order to expand and rise from the depths of the deep dark soil… We have been incubating long enough in this RED DRAGON void – in the belly of our Mother God.. it is time to RISE🌄 and AWAKEN! ☀
KAN is providing the opportunity for us to align with our HIGHEST POTENTIAL today… We have a DIRECT super connection to our GOD SELF… the unlimited CREATOR energy to manifest splendour here on Earth.
KAN encourages you to put down strong roots, lean towards the LIGHT, fully OPEN your petals and BLOSSOM. When your golden chalice is filled with the LOVE of the DIVINE MOTHER, your soul blossoms as your 1,000 petal lotus opens and expands. 🌹
✨The gift of HIGHER consciousness is achieved through the SUPER expressway of Divine LOVE and Compassion. 🌹❤🌹
What a GIFT to access on this GLOBAL DAY celebrating LOVE ❤💞❤💞
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL HAND💎🙌 MANIK provides beautiful healing energies today and the power of accomplishment. We can take positive ACTION based on our wiser choices, to cocreate the beautiful compassionate world that Humanity craves.
Through volunteering to be of HELP to others, we forge STRONG connections, and bond with others through our loving kindness in our acts of SERVICE.. Supporting, helping and HEALING each other is the CONNECTION that builds and repairs our HEARTS, so that we all feel valued and LOVED. ❤💞❤
MANIK brings forth the access to greater knowledge through the portal he opens. Humanity can now access greater healing wisdom and wonderful new inventions, creations and advancements through the flow of higher information in our Universal grid. 🌐💎🌐
As our great MINDS link together in this Crystalline Consciousness Grid 💎🌐 we can ACCOMPLISH whatever we put our collective MIND to! The UNIVERSE is our NEW LIBRARY. Go forth and dedicate your wisdom to HEAL our world.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR MOON 🌓🌛👸 MULUC allows you to connect with your higher senses and intuitive guidance from Spirit, so that your ideas, creativity and impulses flow naturally and effortlessly.
Today’s LUNAR MOON SUPERPOWER is challenging you to purify and cleanse your physical vessel, the container for your Spirit to flow through, so that you can hold greater Divine wisdom. When we fast and eat “LIGHT” foods containing more chi/life force we gain more CLARITY in our MINDS, thus becoming more receptive to the messages from Spirit. 🕊🕊🕊
As we purify our MIND, and our physical vessel -greater spontaneous impulses occur. This creates more LOVE and connection through empathy and deep compassion. 👪💞 Through compassion and acts of loving kindness, we forge stronger connections, and rapidly advance as a species into the higher realms.
💞💞The level of COMPASSION💞 and empathy displayed by a species, is the prime indicator of their level of advancement. The more advanced they are, the KINDER they become.
MULUC the GODDESS👸 is returning to our planet and standing alongside Father God, so that we have BOTH of our Divine parents👪 present once more… no more patriarchal dominance! Our Mother God was backlined for too long!
We are currently half the way through our journey in this DREAMSPELL YEAR of 4 MULUC.📦👸. the SELF-EXISTING MOON… This year is focused on building a world based on the foundation of LOVE, sensitivity and COMPASSION. This DOUBLE GODDESS POWER👸👸 today is amplifying the OCCULT SUPERPOWER which is the hidden agenda driving this VALENTINE’S DAY… to forge GLOBAL connections through our HEARTS and MINDS based on unconditional LOVE. ❤💞💖
The qualities of empathy, compassion and nurturance were not valued in our old Patriarchal controlled society.. The greatest caregivers and nurturers, were receiving the lowest “income”, as their contributions to the economy/society were not held in high regard. Notably these roles were traditionally “feminine” roles – undermining and devaluing the DIVINE FEMININE and GODDESS energies in our reality.
At the point of DEATH when your life is under review – you are not asked how much money you made on Earth, or how many assets you accumulated, but rather how many HEARTS you touched with your kindness.
❓❓Has your PRESENCE on EARTH made a POSITIVE difference to the lives of others? 🌹🌹🌹
The GODDESS has arrived and now the NEW WAY requires that EVERYTHING holds the frequency of LOVE, compassion, fairness and equality – with HARM TO NONE!
In order to receive DIVINE❤ LOVE and Nurturance, we must EMBODY these energies and dedicate our lives to PEACE, as we all weave and create the beautiful harmonic Matrix together in our tribes.🕸🌐 💕
Broadcast this loving INTENTION into the AETHER-NET today, to weave our beautiful new compassionate world.
Make EVERY DAY a day to CELEBRATE and share your LOVE. ❤💞💖❤💞💖
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL WIND🌬🍃 EK relates to the breath or voice of SPIRIT. Today’s challenge is that you are SWITCHED on and tuned in to SPIRIT, in order to receive and transmit HIGHER GUIDANCE , rather than your lower egoic desires.
❓What channel are you attuned to?
❓From what level are you making your choices?
❓Are those choices based on love, compassion and service to others? Or are they coming from a place of fear, survival, greed or service to self? 🤔
❓How HUNGRY are you for the power of SPIRIT🕊 to enter your life, your body, and guide your MISSION?🤔
Focusing on the greater good and the whisperings of SPIRIT, will put you on the right path.
✨🌞✨✨A greater connection to SPIRIT protects us from our lower destructive selves, and the forces of DARKNESS. ✨✨🌞✨
✨Let the GREAT WHITE WIND 🌬be the wind beneath your wings, and lift you towards the HEAVENS. 💗💒💗
Spend some time in stillness today on this Holy-day of INFINITE LOVE , communing with God/Goddess/Spirit to forge a stronger and purer connection to your SOURCE of wisdom.
Allow the messages and images to download until the projector ceases, and then you have arrived at the zero point of nothingness and pure GOLDEN SILENCE☀🎆
Tap into the infinite well of DIVINE LOVE💕 and transmit this back through the GRID🌐 bathing our Planet in the beautiful blanket of the utmost comfort and nurturance, as we lovingly embrace in our United resolve to become better humans, better citizens and caretakers of our beautiful New World. 🌈🌍🌎🌏🌐
Become the hollow bamboo today and channel the inspiration of Spirit through your influential wisdom, music, dance, yoga, breath, singing, light language and whatever form of WIND🌬 that seeks to whistle through your being. Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly…
RADIATE your INNER LIGHT✨ as you telepathically connect with our Planetary kin through the Universal Crystalline Grid of Creation.💎🌐.
Send forth the SPARK🎇 of inspiration that will allow others to see in the Dark,💡 guiding them back home to the loving embrace of infinite SOURCE. 🌞☀🎆
✨✨✨ Come fill your GOLDEN HOLY GRAIL with the GOLDEN LIGHT nectar from the Gods, until your cup runneth over!
And then share your NECTAR with others!
This is the holy sacrament. AMEN…
Kodoish✨ Kodoish✨ Kodoish✨ Adonai Tsebayoth🙏🙏🙏
Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts.
Today’s question is “”How can I share DIVINE LOVE and Divine wisdom, through compassion and acts of loving kindness? Am I positively influencing others to follow my lead, and co-create a better and more caring world for future generations? 💕💕💕
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
DIVINE BLESSINGS for connecting to the UNIVERSAL SOPHIA/CHRISTOS GRID of loving kindness and spreading this GLOBAL WAVE of LOVE.. ✨🕸💎💕🎆
Make LOVE the highlight of your day. 💖💞💖
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥


Cutting all Chords and Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all False Programs, implants, inserts and overlays:






Celestial Harmonics
Galactic Return
Star Sun Rigel
Orion Constellation
Wormhole FlashPoint
Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy
Earth / Venus JumpPoint
Captured by Milky Way
Star Map Nations
Nexus Cross-Roads
Two Galaxies Merging
Hyper-Magnetic Waves
Earth-Node Quickening
Venus Reverse-Spins
Planetary Giza-Pivot
Dual Galactic Plane
Kali Rift Eye of Ra
Launching Pad
Galactic Tree
Point of InterFerence
Magnetic L-Shift Turn
StarGate InterFaces
New Earth-Grids
Breaking Down
Formula Cycle
End Days…
Lemuria-Light Unity
Morphogenetic Field
Proteins Writing DNA
Inner Dragon Rising
Cosmic Christ Star
Avatar Activation
Triple-Helix Flame
Zero-Point Love
Family Matters
Universal Dynamics
Orion-Rigel Birthing
White Crystal Star
Royal Cubit-Gold
Tethered to Light
Back to the Future
Consciousness Power
Inverted Consciousness
Running Reversals in DNA
PaperClip to Fort Detrick
Constitutional Monarchy
– Atlantis-Antarctica
2D Realm for Trade
PetroDollar WEF
False Crown
Celestial Harmonics
Celestial Harmonics


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