Military deploys medical beds


REDEMPTION: Why do people still sell Bonds if the RV/GCR is so close? Why does Redemption allow it and not prevent it?



August 11, 2024




Vesna Curguz

I looked at the “new” 13 month calendar yesterday.
✅9 today. August is 25th. Oct. (17) (17)
✅Sunday 11th August is 27th. Oct. (19) (*19)
Guess what day 💥Aug.17💥 it is…
💥5. Nov !! 💥
“Remember, Remember, 5. New! ”
Remember remember the 5. New! ”
yeah It’s about to get ⚡️🔥💥*HOT* & *SPICY*💥🔥⚡️
🇺🇸 THOR ..☝️☝️☝️🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂





Why Planet Earth is not a Member of the Galactic Federation – Part 3

We must put an end to the systematic exploitation of natural resources, the environment and its people.

In this case, human beings act just like the regressive alpha draconian and reptilian beings who move from planet to planet like locusts, exhausting all the natural resources and then moving on to another planet and the theft begins again. On Earth, we have deforested the Amazon and are already selling it in batches to foreigners.

Oil tankers are spilling oil in large quantities into the sea. There is the so-called Guarani Aquifer, which covers a large area of ​​Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná and Santa Catarina in Brazil, as well as large areas of Paraguay and northern Argentina, and is the largest reservoir of drinking water in the world. This location is already being explored by developed countries, which are already buying certain areas and even establishing military complexes there.

Exploitation is so widespread in the world, whether of minerals, wild animals, and why not also include sexual exploitation, that the so-called Mother Gaia can no longer breathe naturally and, in order to regain her balance, she does what she can, causing various catastrophes, such as tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, erosion, acid rain, etc. When will human beings acquire ecological maturity and learn to work in contact with nature and in direct contact with the so-called elemental beings that are also being completely decimated by our society?

Governments will have to end the systematic extermination of peoples through wars, medicines, illegal drugs, poisoning and hunger.

The secret government, which is made up of various subgroups such as the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission, among others, aims to reduce the world’s population to around 500 million inhabitants, so for them, the more people die in war, the better. How many people are dying today in Afghanistan, Iraq and Haiti?

And this dark government has other plans for the near future: to attack Iran and then North Korea and Venezuela. Regarding medication, most of the so-called allopathic medicines are terrible for our bodies, as they have extremely harmful chemical content and, if they combat the disease in question, they generate several side effects and damage the body.
As for vaccination, there is no need to talk about it. It destroys the body’s immunity, which makes it more prone to more diseases. A cocktail of vaccines is a cocktail of poisons for you and your children.
The secret government that controls the official governments, and the latter are the ones that help fight drugs, do not know that the secret government also sponsors the drug gangs, once again acting on both sides.
There are also developed countries in the world that produce super-grain crops and that, in order to improve the price of the product on the market, burn tons and tons of grain, while millions and millions of people in the rest of the world die of hunger at the same time in Ethiopia, Somalia, Palestine, Haiti, etc.
This is a lack of humanitarian awareness and planetary citizenship, they only think about themselves.


Why Planet Earth is not a Member of the Galactic Federation – Part 4

We have to begin to individually accept the collective responsibility for what we have created and co-created while we are here on Earth.


Here is an item that the human being on Earth understands little. Everything you think, your emotions, your thoughts, your actions, are radiated to the environment where you are. If you are in a victim position, external variables, whatever they may be, will probably affect you just as you imagined. If you are always sad, moody, irritated, depressed, what energy do you think you will send to the environment and what energy do you think you will receive? An energy of the same vibrational range.
There are people who have the same disease, one of them is always discouraged and talks about the disease to everyone, which is why she feels sicker and sicker, the other doesn’t even mention the disease, lives her life normally, watches comedy films and doesn’t care about the disease and the disease ends for her.


In which energy range do you prefer to be: sadness, bad mood, hate, revenge, depression, irritation, hurt, mockery, irony, sarcasm, victim, resentment, lack, neediness, envy, arrogance, etc. or good mood, joy, love, abundance, humility, serenity, mental clarity, kindness, audacity, etc.

The second group of behaviors is certainly healthy and would be advisable to cultivate. We emit our thoughts, feelings, and energies at all times to the Universe and I ask what is the quality of this emission: is it positive, cleansing, and calming or is it incendiary and irritating?

Planet Earth has an aura around it that corresponds to the sum of the thoughts, feelings and energies of all the inhabitants of the planet. Unfortunately, the content of Earth’s aura that is easily perceived by other planets is oppressive, confusing, debilitating and manipulative, in other words, it is an aura that should be avoided. In order for Earth to be able to exchange with other areas of the Cosmos, it will have to learn to emit only high-level and constructive frequencies…

We need to put an end to the rampant corruption that has taken over the planet.


There have always been and continue to be so many cases of corruption in our world, involving such significant amounts of money, that many people think that there is no end to this. If you do the math, corruption diverts resources that could end hunger, greatly reducing poverty.
You do not calculate how many people die each year because of the consequences of the cancer of corruption and theft disguised as politics. But if, on the other hand, you think that corruption only involves large sums of money, you are mistaken. There are countless brothers and sisters who, suffering from spiritual illnesses, subject themselves daily to the corruption of small sums of money.
They think that, because they are small amounts, the wrong they commit is minimized or eliminated. This is another mistake, because when they act this way, they are harming others who behave with decency and zeal regarding what is honest. And if the corrupt think they will never be discovered, then we have a new mistake. Because men may never discover, but in multidimensionality there are the Akashic records, where everything is recorded, and these beings are subject to various suffering environments in the future.


We must end the intentional impoverishment of the masses for the benefit of a few self-appointed controllers who own the world’s resources, including food, water, technologies, etc.


The secret government, which is currently made up of around 13,000 people, including politicians, businessmen, international bankers, kings, emperors, media professionals, etc., holds approximately seventy percent of the world’s resources.
They are greedy, powerful, millionaire people who join forces with others like them, forming cartels and oligopolies and dominating practically everything. They access privileged information unknown to the public, make more bargains and earn more and more money.
The central banks of the largest countries are controlled by the United States Federal Reserve, which does not have to present a balance sheet or pay taxes. It places money on the market at will, charging interest, and is responsible for financial crises that have occurred around the world, such as in 1929, when it bankrupted several Americans by collecting debts, and the same thing happened now in 2008, when it bought bankrupt banks.




Even on an extra-planetary level, they maintain contact with beings from other planets – grays or reptilians and want to establish the so-called New World Order – NWO – which aims at a single government, a single currency, a single religion and few inhabitants; the organization called FEMA created several concentration camps and produced 500,000 coffins where 4 to 5 adults fit in each one, in case of a global catastrophe that would happen by 2012.

They built at least 1,500 underground bases, 215 in the United States and 30 in Canada, where the elite would reside until the global hecatomb passed, as they are also interested in a Third World War.


Monsanto has planted seeds underground to replant the Earth in the future. They have hidden, cheap technology and only provide expensive energy to the population that has a meter to charge for it. Many inventors of technology have been bribed or killed and these cheap technologies are used by them in their military complexes.

There is an electromagnetic weapon called HAARP that exists in Alaska and Greenland, which consists of a set of antennas that can capture energy from the ionosphere and direct it to any part of the planet and cause various phenomena such as earthquakes like those in Haiti, Chile, Russia, Turkey, China, the city of Nigata in Japan and tsunamis in general – these phenomena, then, were provoked, they were not natural. They misinform the population, because they only want to save their own skin, because, after all, they are the Elite and the rest are just cattle.


The New Earth Federation
The New Earth Federation


Xena XRP

Now ask yourself…why XRP and not another digital asset? I mean imagine XRP reaches $100 and later $500. Ok, and? That’s cool but many coins did that -Solana, Quant, Ethereum- and more might do the same in the future. So what’s the fuss about XRP if it can reach what others did? The answer could be : because it will go so much higher. Have you missed the Bitcoin run? Most of you missed Ethereum as well. What if, this time, you don’t miss the only other digital asset that will do the same thing? And the good news is : you can have plenty of them! It’s in the cents. Maybe that’s the deal with it, Maybe that’s why everyone focuses on XRP and it gets so much hate and so much love.


REDEMPTION: Why do people still sell Bonds if the RV/GCR is so close? Why does Redemption allow it and not prevent it?


I’ve answered the question so many times, but I’ll ask it again for those who missed it…

The question:

If we are so close to the RV/GCR process, why are the Bonds still being sold?

The answers:

1. As many Bonds as possible must be sold to bring the Elder’s massive off-ledger Gold donation onto the ledger. How else would you do this if the Bonds were not sold until the bitter end?

2. Is it not our duty to help our fellow men until the last second, just before the door of opportunity finally closes? Is it our fundamental duty as Humanitarians to promote wealth for others while there is still time?

This is why I have explained in detail to people here over and over again, that there are few Bondholders and lots of Gold. Each registered Bond generates a certain amount of digital certificates backed by gold. But if there are too few Bonds registered to impact the GCR, what happens? You sell more Bonds.

1. Below is the amount of people for registered Bonds.

Fact 1: World population in 2024 = 8,118,835,999 (8.1 billion). Redemption says it’s much lower, as globalists inflate the number. But let’s assume the inflated number is correct for a moment.

Fact 2: According to  Redemption , there is an extremely small percentage of people in the world who know that the redemption of Historical Assets (Bonds) exists, let’s assume 0.05%, estimating 4,000,000 (4 million) Bondholders, and this is still grossly overestimated.

Fact 3: Of the 4 million, only about 2,700 are on this Zurich platform.

Fact 4: Out of the 2,700 on this platform, less than 1,000 people have registered their Titles in hand for Redemption. The rest with Titles in hand are waiting for their Gurus to announce to an RC Bank where they will redeem. (As of now, there are about 20,000 Title Holders registered globally on the books by our Africa Redemption Sub-Officer, many of them with a huge amount of Titles. The many other Sub-Officers positioned globally have similar numbers.)


1. The day  Redemption  announces the RV, will be a joyful day for all Bondholders on this platform who will instantly receive their Bonus, and a day of anxiety in search of a Bank or RC location for the rest!!

2. Below is the available Gold from the Elders.

Too much Gold and hopelessly few Title Holders, more importantly, read why the Elders need you.

Elders, Royalty and Wealth:

1. Curiosities: Delving deeper into the gold of the Ancients – Study [History of the Ancients]

2. Fun Facts: The sources of wealth for paying off their bonds that must and will be distributed back to ‘We the People’

3. Trivia: Chinese Elders, Royal Families, Direct Involvement in Redemption  and the Completion of the GCR Launch

4. Fun Facts: Why Elders Need You [The Vital Role You Play in RV]

Hope this helped…


hold the vision of the highest possible outcome for the greater good of all
hold the vision of the highest possible outcome for the greater good of all


The Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is tonight. The handover that will take place between Paris and Los Angeles carries a deeper meaning: the passing of the Golden Flame that unites both countries. Please hold the vision of the highest possible outcome for the greater good of all.
From Paris with Love✨


GESARA and Med Beds
GESARA and Med Beds


Behind the Scenes with NESARA/GESARA and Med Beds – Monday, August 12, 2024



NESARA GESARA and Med Beds: Behind the Scenes

The connection between NESARA GESARA and Med Beds is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. NESARA GESARA, a set of proposed economic reforms, is said to be closely linked to the rollout of Med Bed technology.

Proponents urge the public to “trust the plan,” suggesting that a major reveal is imminent. The behind-the-scenes activities involve a complex interplay of political maneuvering, technological advances, and strategic timing.

What to expect. The launch of Med Beds is expected to be nothing short of dramatic. As the world watches with bated breath, the reveal promises to be a game-changer. Imagine hospitals equipped with these advanced devices, curing diseases that were previously thought incurable.

The potential for social transformation is immense, with far-reaching implications for health, longevity and quality of life.

Unlocking the potential of Med Beds. Let’s delve deeper into what makes Med Beds so revolutionary. At their core, these devices use advanced technology to scan and diagnose the human body with unprecedented accuracy.

Once a diagnosis is made, the bed can initiate a healing process that regenerates damaged tissue, restores organ function and even reverses aging.

Healing Chronic Diseases. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune disorders could become a thing of the past. Med Beds’ ability to repair and regenerate tissue means that these conditions, which currently require lifelong management, can be cured entirely.

Patients who have spent years suffering and managing symptoms may find themselves living healthy, pain-free lives.

Reversing aging. The anti-aging potential of Med Beds is perhaps the most exciting aspect for many. By activating and repairing DNA at a cellular level, these devices could theoretically reverse the aging process.

This means not just a longer life, but a healthier, more vibrant life. Imagine an 80-year-old with the physical health of a 30-year-old—that could be the reality that Med Beds offer.

Enhancing Human Capabilities. In addition to healing and regeneration, Med Beds can also enhance human capabilities. By optimizing genetic potential, these devices can lead to improved physical and mental performance. This could usher in a new era of human evolution, where individuals are healthier, stronger, and more capable than ever before.

Ethical dilemmas. While the benefits of Med Beds are immense, they also raise significant ethical questions. The idea of ​​human cloning, for example, is fraught with moral and philosophical dilemmas.
What are the implications of creating clones? How do we ensure the rights and dignity of cloned individuals? These are questions that society will need to grapple with as this technology becomes more widely available.





I’ve practically read some of the best news in a long time. We will be having the announcement of the launch of NESARA which seems to be like the first days of April, so we will see soon…

What they are basically saying is that NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.

Then after that, there will be an emergency broadcast system circulating globally, where they will literally be showing documentaries of everything that has happened to wake up the masses.

But, to do that, there will be a message on EBS saying that sometime in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to be home and a global lockdown will begin for 10 to 12 days.

During that lockdown it will be broadcast on every station and there will be documentaries to provide full disclosure for everyone to see everything that has been happening.

So at the end of the 12 days, apparently there will be an 800 number that we will then have to call and then from that point we will be given our quantum appointment with confirmed date and time to go to. (Here it refers to VR).

Other things were also announced.

– Apparently we already GLOBALLY ALL have a sum of money in our quantum account and the reason why there hasn’t been much information coming from the QFS team in these last few weeks, is because some important things were happening.

One of the things is about about 75 banks that were said to have been seized and all assets and accounts closed and all of these were Cabal accounts.

These assets have then been taken and moved to the quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.

And also all trust funds were moved to the QFS account. So, that’s already moved, which is awesome!

In fact, over time, money will no longer be a problem. Money literally just won’t be important because everyone will have enough to live an abundant life.

So try to progress instead of being held back for so long.

This is incredible news and it is what we have been waiting for.

They also confirmed that all the central banks have been taken and entered into the QFS, so they are all on the ISO 20022 standard and the other thing to remember is that this is blockchain and nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.

Any money that is sent they can see where it goes. Stops corruption in its tracks.

There’s nothing about moving money behind doors or, you know, banks in the middle of nowhere abroad and stuff like that.

None of that can happen anymore.

All money is traceable and remember this is on a computer that is from Out of This World… it’s next level stuff.

Now we are in the final steps. Then the stock market will crash because when it does, it will be the end of it.








Project Odin: A Starlink Quantum Revolution

Introducing Project Odin, the article suggests a revolutionary technology poised to disrupt the status quo. This section serves to intrigue the reader with the promise of groundbreaking advances, while also relating to Trump’s failure.

White Hats and Military Intelligence. 

The concept of the White Hats adds a layer of intrigue and hope to Trump’s campaign. Either to suggest that a group of morally upright military and intelligence personnel are supporting Trump, or this article reassures readers that Trump is not alone in his fight.

Or the Decline of the Rothschilds. 

Shifting the focus to Europe, the article details the financial decline of the Rothschilds. This section not only broadens the scope of the article, but also reinforces the theme of a global power struggle.

The Financial Web of Conspiracy. 

This detailing of alleged financial conspiracies involving large corporations and global entities, or this article paints a picture of widespread corruption. This section is designed to evoke a sense of urgency and outrage in the reader.

The Expansion Exhibition Circle. 

Highlighting several entities that are supposedly not on Trump’s radar, either broadly or in the context of the conflict. This section aims to raise awareness and highlight the magnitude of the supposedly background exposure.

Trump’s battle cry: 

“The Hunters Become the Hunted.” Echoing Trump’s own statement, this section serves as a rallying cry for his supporters. It sums up the theme of the article and leaves readers with a powerful and persistent image of Trump as a ruthless warrior.

Conclusion: The Unfolding Saga. A concluding section sums it all up, emphasizing that the conflict is long overdue. It encourages readers to stay tuned, suggesting that the most dramatic chapters are yet to come.

By incorporating these elements, the article aims to be immersive and informative, mixing facts and speculation in a way that captivates the reader and leaves them eager for more.







Military deploys medical beds
Military deploys medical beds

Bombshell! Military deploys medical beds and trains for breakthrough operations

Amidst the innovation and technological advances that have defined our era, comes a groundbreaking development that challenges the very foundations of traditional medicine and social norms.

The introduction of Med Beds, along with Healing and Education Centers, represents a paradigm shift in healthcare, promising revolutionary healing processes.

Yet as  these centers prepare to open their doors to the public  , a deeper narrative unfolds, one that intertwines the potential for unparalleled medical advancements with a plot of intrigue and the unwavering spirit of human resilience.

At the heart of this  transformative movement is Med Bed technology,  a concept that has captured the hopes of many, offering a future where terminal illnesses and chronic conditions are no longer death sentences.

These centers, soon to become healing sanctuaries, are not just facilities; they are beacons of a new dawn in medical science, where the impossible becomes possible.

The serene environments envisioned for these centers, with an emphasis on natural beauty and tranquility, are designed to promote healing not only of the body, but also of the mind and spirit.

The process of establishing these centers is as innovative as the technology they house. Stakeholders are encouraged to renovate existing structures or embark on new constructions, always with an eye toward harmony and the avoidance of spaces marked by negative energies.

This approach highlights a deep understanding of healing as an experience that transcends the physical, touching the spiritual and emotional realms.

The military’s involvement in treating patients and the  secret extraction of individuals from hospitals and streets for Med Bed therapy  have raised eyebrows. These actions suggest a complex web of motivations and alliances, suggesting a narrative far richer and more intricate than a mere medical breakthrough.

CALL ZORRA ~ Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Golden Age:

ZORRA’S CALL ~ Saturday, August 10, 2024

ZORRA: Beloved Gods and Goddesses, how are you doing on this loving and glorious day? Understand, beloved Gods, that your blessings are extremely close, very close… beyond imminent. It is minutes… if not hours, minutes… anyway, keep an eye out for email notifications or things of that nature. It could be an email, a phone call, whatever. When it happens, you will definitely know and so will we.

BOX: When we receive the GO, Quazar/Jane will send out a newsletter with the title: “Urgent, Urgent, Urgent” and that will mean that it is your time to schedule your appointment.

As the hours draw near, I cannot say what day, but it is more than imminent… hours, but minutes and as I said before: “you will not have a branch, but an entire forest.”

This means that there are two people, one is Julian Assange and the other is Dave XRP Lion who provided information that we printed and that will surprise you because it is correct and accurate. Get your pens out if you want to take notes.

ZARAYA: *Upon redemption, the first TWO 100T Zimbabwe bonds will be paid out at a rate of 1:1 EACH BOND. This means that if you hold 1 note/bond you will receive 100 trillion dollars (USD) (IF YOU HAVE TWO you will receive 200 trillion dollars USD). After that you will receive 25 million for each 100T zim bond up to 30 Bonds. If you hold more than 30 Zim Bonds and need more money than you have already received for your projects, you will need to schedule a second appointment to discuss. this matters.

No mention was made about how much of this money you can use for yourself and how much you have to dedicate to your project(s). The assumption is that the highest percentage = 80% would go to your project. Assange says that your project does not need to be approved in order to receive your money. Assange says that the rate of the money you receive for the exchange will be the same for everyone, depending on the country where you reside. It is for your use and will be available immediately after the exchange.

Assange does not suggest any requirements for how to write your humanitarian project. In the past, we were told to write a one or two page summary of your projects with the goals you want to achieve, how long you will carry out the project, how many people you will employ, and an estimate of how much money you will need.

You should also write a short paragraph about yourself and why you feel qualified to undertake your project.

The next bit of information comes from Dave XRP Lion. 1 Zimbabwe 100T note/bond would be worth $3.75 billion to $2.75 billion. We can keep 20% of that money for our own use. Dave did not imply that there were any limitations on Zim redemptions as Assange indicated. Dave says that the majority of the money should be used for humanitarian projects and a smaller percentage should be for personal use. Dave says that the money you get for your project and for personal use would be determined by the approval of your project. Dave showed how to write a humanitarian project to get a higher rate, but several people complained because they found the instructions for submitting projects complicated.

ZARAYA: In addition to the Zim payment, they will give an advance of $500 million in the first 90 days until structured payments begin.

90 days…November 10, 2024. All currencies except ZIM, the money will be available immediately.

For those who wish to be in a structured payments program (SPP), there will be a 250 million progress until the structured payment starts around November 10, 2024.

It is expected that by mid-September there will be substantial activity in the financial movements. The information changes daily. As of today they are paying out as follows:

-Without projects: 15 million no matter how many Zim you have

-With projects: the first two Zim Bonds are 1:1. After that 25 million for each Zim bond of 100T up to 30 and for more bonds you must return for a second consultation.

ZARAYA: These are the updates.

JANE: Ok, now tell us what you and your father discussed about this and other information you have obtained from the internet.

ZARAYA: It is very different (from what other informants say) and I would tell them to take it with a grain of salt. Take your Zim and ask for the rates that we just gave you because when you ask for them, they will know that you know… You will get a very high rate on your Zimbabwe bonds. It will be like that and even Markz said that the rates would be high, although he does not know how high.

ZARAYA: I know you will be jumping for joy now. Let’s go to the questions.

Q: I was interested in the Dinar and Dong rates.
ZARAYA: They will be very high, we assume that they will be double digits for every million of them.

Q: Do you need to have big projects to get this rate?
ZARAYA: We have several projects and you will be very happy with the rates because the Zim Bond is not a normal bond. They are backed by gold. It will be a great blessing that is coming. Zimbabwe is a very rich country: they have diamond mines, sapphires, rubies… Everything is underground and they get a huge flow of crystals. Some of these crystals are 3, 6 and 9 meters high and they are underground. They have huge resources in Zimbabwe.

Q: Will Med Beds be available for people working on projects?

JANE: Sure.

ZARAYA: After the rescue at the center, you can make an appointment for that. (arrange day and place)Q: Will you send the notification?

JANE: Every person who has signed up with us to receive our newsletters will receive our Urgent, Urgent, Urgent, but until we have the final update on the process, we will not know anything about it and for people internationally. We do not have all the procedures and details yet, nor do we know the day and from what Zorra has told us it is any minute, hour, day and we must be very careful for security reasons.

BT: Dear Gods and Goddesses, understand that the information that you have just heard and that has been given to us by other sources is correct.

From now on, all of you out there, I hope you are meditating because it is very important for your ascension. Going from 3D to 5th density. That is where you should focus. Commune with the trees and go to a park or place where you can reconnect with Mother Nature. Walk barefoot on the grass, lean your back against the trunk of a tree and talk to it if it is in a high vibration. They will light up more if you do so.

JANE: Use visualization for what you want to achieve.

Q: I heard you were talking about RV or Global Currency Reset. I was explaining to some people yesterday that the problem with RV is that technically we don’t have a government until next month.

I was talking to the Admiral, the General and some people… including Rachel Steward, her husband who set up the QFS in Las Vegas. We’re going to be a government next month and we can’t have a RV until that happens. I want to give people hope, but we can’t do anything government-like if we’re not a government.

BOX: Hmm, well, the Republic of the United States is going to be announced very soon.

Q: Yes, the Republic is in the Lakota Nation. The United States never really existed because we had the Original Treaty in 1613.

ZORRA: You also understand that in 1776 there was no independence until recently because they were always a commonwealth of England. Recently and before Trump left office and the Queen ascended, he went to England to sign the liberation of America to be an independent country.

Q: My position is that next month I will reclaim the Republic because they lost the revolutionary war flag. I will receive the appointment and I am the Chief (Indian) of the Lakota Nation. (the man continued explaining but there was no more time)

JANE: Okay, we’ll call you back in a moment. All right, we only have a few seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

BRICS moves towards independent digital payment platform, Russian official says

In today’s rapidly evolving economic landscape, the emergence of alternatives to traditional financial systems is more crucial than ever.

Recently, Valentina Matviyenko, the Speaker of the Federation Council of Russia, unveiled an exciting initiative under the BRICS economic bloc (comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa): the development of a digital payment platform called BRICS Bridge.

This strategic move aims to establish an independent financial system, mitigating the bloc’s dependence on Western financial institutions, particularly in light of recent sanctions and Russia’s disconnection from SWIFT.


The BRICS nations, representing a significant share of the global population and GDP, have advocated a more multipolar world order where no one country, notably the United States, dominates international finance.

With increasing geopolitical tensions and economic sanctions — especially against countries like Russia — the need for a resilient and flexible financial infrastructure has become apparent.


Historically, countries have turned to alternatives in underlying technologies and systems that may offer some immunity from sanctions. The SWIFT network, crucial for international banking transactions, has played a significant role in global finance but has often been criticized for its reliance on U.S. regulation and oversight.

Following sanctions related to the Ukraine crisis, Russia found itself disconnected from SWIFT, prompting a search for alternatives to protect its economy and ensure continued trade with partner countries.

The BRICS Bridge is envisioned as a comprehensive digital payment platform, with the aim of promoting financial transactions within the BRICS nations and beyond. By creating a system that operates independently of Western controls, the BRICS Bridge will provide a crucial alternative for member states and their partners, facilitating trade, investment and economic cooperation.

This initiative is not merely about replacing or replicating existing systems; it aims to create a robust infrastructure that incorporates the latest advancements in blockchain and digital currency technologies. Such features are expected to increase security, speed, and transparency for international transactions, making trade more efficient and accessible.

While the goals of the BRICS Bridge are ambitious, the road ahead will present several challenges. First, integrating the disparate financial systems and regulatory frameworks of five diverse countries could prove complex, requiring considerable cooperation and coordination.

Furthermore, fostering trust in the new platform will require extensive investment in technology and security measures, as well as ongoing dialogue with potential users to address concerns about usability and compliance. A robust regulatory framework will also be essential to ensure that the platform is not susceptible to misuse — a problem that has plagued many cryptocurrencies.

The launch of the BRICS Bridge could signal a significant shift not only for its member countries but also for the global economic arena. It could inspire other regions to explore similar initiatives, potentially leading to a more fragmented but diverse financial system across the world. As nations grapple with sanctions and other economic pressures, the appeal of independent financial platforms could grow.

Furthermore, the initiative aligns with the growing trend of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital payment solutions globally. Several countries around the world are investing in digital currencies to enhance their monetary systems, reduce transaction costs, and improve monetary policy implementation.

The BRICS Bridge could integrate with these global trends, providing a collaborative platform for nations seeking alternatives to existing financial systems.

The BRICS Bridge initiative represents a pivotal moment for the bloc and the global financial landscape as a whole. By laying the foundations for a digital payment platform independent of Western control, BRICS is not only addressing immediate economic pressures, but also looking toward a future characterized by greater financial autonomy.

As we await further developments from the BRICS nations, one thing is clear: the move toward independent financial systems is gaining momentum, heralding potential changes in how countries conduct trade and finance in an increasingly interconnected world.

Whether the BRICS Bridge will successfully navigate the challenges ahead remains to be seen, but its very design indicates that the financial status quo is ripe for transformation.

BRICS moves towards independent digital payment platform
BRICS moves towards independent digital payment platform





💥💥💥Sun. 11 Aug. Bombshell!!!

Martial Law Unleashed: EBS Alert’s Urgent Broadcast and How Redemption Centers Might Be Our Only Hope! | Alternative | Before It’s News ETHAN WHITE … BOMBSHELL !!! MARTIAL LAW UNLEASHED: EBS ALERT’S URGENT BROADCAST AND HOW REDEMPTION CENTERS MIGHT BE OUR ONLY HOPE!

Deep State arrests: California alone has witnessed up to 8000 arrests, with over 3000 in the Northeast U.S., particularly concentrated in the New England area.
Rumors suggest that the populace might be urged to stay indoors for their safety, especially during ‘Disclosures‘, while the final arrests take place. However, a resilient and awakened citizenry, now more than ever, won’t be silenced or confined.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the horizon, and when it hits, it will be swift, silent, and shocking. Like a ghostly shadow, everything familiar will fade into obscurity.
Just like the eerie silence of 2020, we’ll be asked to remain rooted, perhaps for days, maybe weeks.
The Military, it seems, has a broader purpose. As the last of the so-called Satanists face arrest and are sent to GITMO, the Military is also gearing up to distribute food, especially to the elderly. This is not just about control but also about care.
There’s chatter about the Military potentially overseeing the nation until fresh elections are held, precisely 120 days post the Gesara announcement. The focus should shift towards electing individuals with business acumen, particularly those who can rejuvenate local businesses, and more importantly, food-growing enterprises.
The bustling stock market? Halted. The digital world you’re so intricately linked to? Gone. And trust me, when the EBS alert vibrates your cell phone, echoing the chilling announcement, you’ll know it’s begun.

These messages, sourced from the Starlink, are there to stay. Deleting them? Forget about it. They’re imprinted, lasting reminders of the changing times.
Essentials First: Stock up on clean drinking water. Ensure there’s enough food, not just for you, but for your pets too. Medicines? Get them in advance. Remember, the digital world is on a hiatus, so medical records are inaccessible.
Cash is King: In a world where digital transactions become obsolete, cash will be your savior. ATMs might be out of service, and swiping those cards at gas pumps? Dream on.
Mental Fortitude: When the shock hits, it’s vital to keep your wits about you. Before you extend your hand to others, ensure you’re mentally fortified. Some might be in a state of shock, unable to respond. In such cases, a breath of fresh air, a gentle walk, might help.

Your TV, phone, and internet will spring back to life, unveiling a spectacle titled ‘Disclosures’. Rumor has it, it might even grace the big screens. But this isn’t your typical Netflix binge. It’s a 24/7, 8-hour block broadcast, lasting anywhere between 3 to 10 days.
The content? Oh, it’s the raw, unfiltered truth of events, spanning Military Tribunals and even, hold your breath, Public Executions. Areas drenched in corruption, like Los Angeles and New York, might experience extended viewing periods.
But when the switch is flipped back, expect a metamorphosis. A world pulsating with positive energy, devoid of evil’s grasp. The internet? Transformed. Banking systems? Revolutionized. This, dear readers, is the dawn of an era of transparency and abundance. A veritable paradise on Earth.
However, as the layers peel back, revealing covert operations, prepare to be flabbergasted. The faces you recognize might just be elaborate masquerades, Hollywood-grade masks, CGI marvels, and eerily realistic Body Doubles. Ever watched the ‘Truman Show’? Our reality might not be far off, with the scripted drama unfolding since 2015, or perhaps even earlier.

Join and share my channel immediately:

Julian Assange




JFK Q17: GESARA Will Soon Be Available Worldwide


John F. Kennedy Jr.


LEAGUE OF LIGHT OF THE ANGEL YEZALEL. (The 13th Guardian Angel Iezalel (also known as Yezalel or Jezalel) is the Shem HaMemphorash whose name means ‘The Glorified God’ or ‘God Who Is Praised For All Things.’ – Reader Sherry)

They have been informed that GESARA is being enforced by the different governments that are now famous, Russia, China, Mexico, BRICS, they are enforcing GESARA, not the United States, because NESARA belongs to the United States.

States and GESARA It is global, but the United States no longer has power in the world, so it will not be the United States that announces this law, but the people who are implementing it, the countries that no longer have elites, Russia, China, Mexico, India, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, etc. It was all part of a light plan to end the elite’s financial system that manipulated everything and everyone with its currency, which is over and now the dollar is not the official currency of the world either.

Now countries will have their own currencies backed by gold and assets to trade and thus boost their economies, help each other, all countries will be sovereign now, there will no longer be one country over another and no currency that rules everything, you understand.

This is what is really happening and they want to avoid it, that’s why they invent everything for themselves, they want war and to stay in power and they will not be able to do this anymore, THEIR TIME OF POWER IS OVER, now Russia is the military power.

The world still has China, the world economic powerhouse, everything has changed, but the dark ones don’t want to surrender or leave power, that’s why we are going to do a financial reset globally, whether you like it or not.

No, it’s the end of their system and it’s coming soon, but this is not to alarm anyone, everything will happen without chaos, everything will change, the value of currency, money will also disappear and everything will be digital, but it’s a process, it won’t happen overnight, everything will take time, so don’t worry, you don’t need to withdraw money from the banks because everything is controlled, any bank that is going to fail will be the upper class people, because of the new quantum financial system, the QFS cannot be hacked or corrupted, that’s why.

Why do they want to prevent change, because in this they no longer gain and lose everything, do you understand everything now?

The GESARA Act also covers the event of contact with beings from space and other planets, so the disclosure of UFOs is also important, but the dark ones continue to prevent everything, inventing false theories like the supposed Blue Ray and the alien invasion theory. Stop the progress of this planet and make contact with them, because if they come, the dark ones will leave, do you understand?

Do not fall into these traps, they are just traps to try to avoid the event and the laws of GESARA, but mainly the First Contact.

But they will never be able to stop it, they can no longer avoid the inevitable as before, on September 11, they stopped the advance by lowering the vibration with events that distract them from what is really about to happen, they are capable of anything, even knocking down their own tower to manipulate things, killing many people.

That is why stop empowering them and stop giving them attention, because with your attention you only give them more power.


💥💥💥 . August 11th Bombastic!!!

Martial law triggered: 

urgent broadcast of the EBS alert and how redemption centers may be our only hope! | Alternative | Before it becomes news ETHAN WHITE…BOMBSHELL!!! MARTIAL LAW DEVELOPED: URGENT TRANSMISSION OF THE EBS ALERT AND HOW REDEMPTION CENTERS MAY BE OUR ONLY HOPE!

Prisons in the Deep State: 

California alone saw up to 8,000 arrests, with over 3,000 in the Northeast US, particularly concentrated in the New England area.

Rumors suggest that the public may be urged to remain at home for their safety, especially during the ‘Disclosures’ while the final arrests take place. However, a resilient and awakened citizenry, now more than ever, will not be silenced or confined.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is on the horizon, and when it arrives, it will be swift, silent, and shocking. Like a ghostly shadow, everything familiar will vanish into darkness.

As with the eerie silence of 2020, we will be asked to remain rooted, perhaps for days, perhaps weeks.

The military, it seems, has a broader purpose. As the last of the so-called Satanists are rounded up and sent to GITMO, the military is also preparing to distribute food, especially to the elderly. This is not just about control, but also about care.

There are rumors about the military potentially overseeing the nation until new elections are held, precisely 120 days after Gesara’s announcement. The focus should shift to electing individuals with business acumen, especially those who can rejuvenate local businesses and, most importantly, food production companies.

The bustling stock market? At a standstill. The digital world you’re so intrinsically connected to? Lost. And trust me, when the EBS alert buzzes on your phone, echoing the chilling announcement, you’ll know it’s on.

These messages, coming from Starlink, are here to stay. Deleting them? Forget it. They are lasting, printed reminders of changing times.

Essentials First: 

Stock up on clean water. Make sure there’s enough food, not just for you but for your pets as well. Medication? Get it in advance. Remember, the digital world is on hiatus, so medical records are inaccessible.

Cash is king: In a world where digital transactions are becoming obsolete, cash will be your savior. Could ATMs be out of service and swiping those cards at gas pumps? Dream on.

Mental Fortitude: 

When shock strikes, it is vital to maintain common sense. Before reaching out to others, make sure you are mentally strong. Some may be in a state of shock, unable to respond. In such cases, a breath of fresh air, a gentle walk, can help.

Your TV, phone, and internet will come back to life, revealing a spectacle titled ‘Disclosures.’ There are rumors that it may even make it to the big screen. But this isn’t your typical Netflix binge. It’s a 24/7, 8-hour block broadcast that lasts for 3 to 10 days.

The content? Oh, it’s the raw, unfiltered truth of events, covering Military Tribunals and even, hold your breath, Public Executions. Areas rife with corruption, like Los Angeles and New York, can go through long stretches of screening.

But when the switch is flipped, expect a metamorphosis. A world pulsing with positive energy, devoid of the reach of evil. The Internet? Transformed. Banking systems? Revolutionized. This, dear readers, is the beginning of an age of transparency and abundance. A true paradise on Earth.

But as the layers peel back to reveal covert operations, prepare to be stunned. The faces you recognize may just be elaborate masks, Hollywood masquerades, CGI marvels and eerily realistic stunt doubles. Ever watched The Truman Show? Our reality may not be far off, with the scripted drama having been unfolding since 2015, or perhaps even earlier.





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Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


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Explanation of the individual escrow account, dealing with birth certificates and NESARA/GESARA parties:

Part 1 – Current international trade law

Part 2 – new era with GESARA

– PART 1:👇

To better understand the connections, a basic knowledge of UCC international commercial law is very useful.

Each person’s escrow account in Germany is held at the IRS, a sub-organization of the Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service

under your social security number – Social Security Number (SSN).

Germany is registered in Deleware, hence also the IBAN number DE for Deleware

Asset/liability accounts in Germany must be balanced every day at 6 pm.

Since 1794, international trade law should indeed be implemented in this way for the benefit of the people.

With the creation of the guarantee account, all costs from birth to death of a person, as well as the maintenance of the workforce, will have to be paid internally.

– Birth costs, childcare, school costs, vocational training

– Health insurance costs, all costs to restore health

– Electricity costs, all energy costs

– High old-age pension during the twilight years

All costs are therefore already paid in advance.

After that, each state (company) must pay 90% of the amounts accounted for to the individual upon request to the Federal Revenue Service and keep only 10% for administrative expenses of the “state”.

PART 2 – new era with GESARA

Global NESARA/GESARA will turn this situation around again 180 degrees => free healthcare/medical beds, free Tesla energy, unconditional basic income, max. 14% tax on all newly created goods.

All escrow accounts will be reversed by the IRS and then closed!

+ GESARA: Abolition of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with the transfer of IRS employees to the national sales tax area of ​​the US Department of the Treasury.

In the future, they will only be needed to settle the 14% tax on all newly created assets.

Instead of escrow accounts, everyone will have access to your QFS account

that only they have as sovereign.

Excerpts from GESARA laws:

+ Trading of international birth certificates on the stock exchange is prohibited.

After the collapse of global stock markets or the closure of all stock exchanges in accordance with the EAS

trading is no longer possible.

+ Cancel all credit card debt, mortgage and other bank debts due to illegal banking and government activities.

Logical, since all of the people’s loans have already been paid off through the escrow accounts.


Affirmation for the Strong Energy Shift


✨🌟🌟🌟CLEAN your body, mind and emotions for HIGHER LIGHT experiences.
✨🧘💫🌟Meditate often. Get rid of the old, leave all that negative behind.
✨🧘💫🌟Affirm :
✨🌟 My presence is my power. “It manifests abundance. “
✨🌟 I feel safe in my body. “
✨🌟 I see the Divine in myself and others. “
✨🌟I am experiencing CLARITY, TRUTH, REVELATION, and DISCERNMENT as I go through this SHIFTING experience. “

RUMORS: 08/12/2024

That’s it, folks. I just have to wait for Elizabeth to give me the green light so I can premiere the opera for you.

The precarious have their own opera and as soon as they release these funds, they will premiere their own opera. Make no mistake, it is my opera. I will be the one to sing it!

I’ll see you at the meeting, probably in February. It’s already close to mid-August and the end of the year isn’t far away. I’ll have about 3 months off to get off the grid and off the radar and I don’t want to risk my NDA.

I’ll ask if I can do some things in the Room of the Chosen or if I have permission, but I have to be careful. Most likely it won’t show up there.

We are nearing the time to leave this channeling, and when I do, it will be because it has already begun. I hope to have another live call tomorrow.

Take care, Wolverine (transcribed by Carpathia)

NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: Listen to the audio to hear Carpathia’s off-the-cuff comments at the end of the chat.


The black swan event! 

The world’s most powerful families are creating global chaos. Trump is leading the fight against a globalist conspiracy!

In the clandestine corridors of power, hidden from the prying eyes of the public, a sinister conspiracy unfolds, a conspiracy so audacious that it mocks the very essence of democracy and the freedom we hold dear.



Top Secret Medical Tests Performed by White Hat Military: Secret US Deployments Already Cure Lives!

Hidden in the shadows of top-secret military bases, far from the prying eyes of the public, lies a clandestine operation that could change the world as we know it. The Medbed, a revolutionary piece of space-age technology, is here.


Quantum Financial System (QFS) Released: 

Every citizen will receive $100,000 monthly through the NESARA payment plan!

In the midst of a world on the brink of economic collapse and moral decay, the Quantum Financial System (QFS) emerges not only as a beacon of hope, but as a revolutionary force destined to disrupt current financial paradigms and reshape the global economy in the future.



Trump and the Space Force Alliance Prepare for the SKY EVENT: The Deep State in PANIC Mode!

The countdown has begun. What lies ahead is not simply another orchestrated spectacle, but the culmination of decades of shadowy operations and clandestine maneuvers.


Imminent collapse: 

50,000 troops ready to attack, mass arrests against the cabal, Basel 3 compliance and IRS shutdown.

The global landscape is moving toward an unprecedented climax, a convergence of events that signal the imminent fall of existing power structures. The orchestrated collapse of the Cabal system is a preordained sequence of events, each meticulously planned, that is now reaching its inevitable conclusion.


If there is anything to support the funds for the Gesara components:

43 million trillion = over 29 million tonnes of gold in US dollars of gold recovered from the tunnel, not including other locations (gold price at $1,800/oz)

A Gcv Pi = $314,159 has been established. The total supply of Pi is 100 billion Pi, which meets ISO 20022 and legal requirements that no other currency has ever achieved. Assuming the total amount of gold in the world is 70 million trillion dollars, then Pi is backed by gold and is the world’s gold, so 1 Pi = ? The gcv price of $314,159 is the minimum. Note.


Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency fuels QFS and GESARA, paving the way for a global financial reset!

In the shadows of global finance, a seismic shift is taking place that the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge. The introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold ZiG in April 2024 is not just an innovative economic recovery tool – it is the linchpin of a much larger plan to reform the global monetary system.



The Storm Unleashed: Televised EBS Executions, the World’s Largest Military Operation, Downfall of the Satanic Cabal in Real-Time Military Tribunals!

Brace yourself. The largest covert military intelligence operation of all time is unfolding before your eyes. Every scenario meticulously planned, every detail taken into account. The storm has arrived. We are in the final stages of the plan. It is happening now, and you have a front-row seat.


EBS Alert! 

Martial Law Declared in Hundreds of US Cities, 10-Day Blackout Underway – GESARA NESARA and QFS Set to Unleash the Largest Wealth Transfer in History!

Martial law has been imposed on hundreds of U.S. cities, marking the beginning of a transformative period in history. As we brace for a 10-day blackout, it’s clear that this is no simple power outage; it’s a strategic move designed to stage a World War III-like scenario.


Breaking News: 

Trump’s Secret Plan with the Military, Collapse of the US Corporation and Launch of a New Gold Backed Economy!

As the old world order crumbles under its own corrupt weight, a new era, defined by integrity and innovation, is rising from the ashes. Central banks? Bankrupt. Traditional financial systems? Obsolete. Government entities like Congress, the White House, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve?


GlobalShift ALERT! 

10 Nation EBS Activation, Internet Blackout, Global Martial Law and Transition to Metal-Backed Currencies!

God Rods and Directed Energy Weapons are on the horizon, ready to strike Satanic strongholds around the world. This is not a drill; the world is on the brink of a seismic shift.

The Cabal, with its insidious reach, is about to be stopped as plans and trains come to a halt. A flicker of lights and a brief power outage will herald the transition to Tesla Free Energy, ushering in a new era of clean, unlimited energy.


Economic Tsunami Unleashed: 

Trump’s GESARA Plan and NESARA Implementation Smash Banking Cartels, Freeing the World Economy!

The transformative potential of NESARA and GESARA, under the bold leadership of President Trump, is not just a policy shift – it is a seismic revolution in global economic stability and justice.

These Acts represent more than mere legislation; they are beacons of hope and symbols of the powerful change that dedicated leadership can bring to the forefront of the global economy.


Breaking News! Quantum Financial System (QFS) Activated! 

US Space Force and Zim Bonds Trigger Major Global Currency Reset!

In the heart of Basel, Switzerland, a seismic transformation in global finance is underway, led by the revolutionary Quantum Financial System (QFS).

This is a comprehensive overhaul aimed at ensuring transparency, efficiency and security in monetary transactions worldwide.


Dollar collapse imminent! 

How GESARA and NESARA Will Trigger the Largest Redistribution of Wealth in History!

The current financial system, a puppet show controlled by elites, is collapsing under its own corruption. We are not only facing an economic recession, but also a global uprising poised to dismantle the status quo.


Global Alert: 

EBS activation worldwide, NESARA/GESARA implementation and quantum financial system overhaul – banking elites are crumbling

The stage is set for a seismic shift that will forever reshape the geopolitical and financial landscape. This is an orchestrated dismantling of the old guard, paving the way for a future where transparency, equity and fairness are not just ideals, but realities.


BREAKING!!! Top Secret Medbed Testing by White Hat Military:

secret deployment across America already healing lives!

Hidden in the shadows of top-secret military bases, far from the prying eyes of the public, lies a clandestine operation that could change the world as we know it. The Medbed, a revolutionary piece of space-age technology, is here


UPDATE:   “White Hats”

According to NSA sources, “White Hats” are currently attacking the Fort McPherson base complex in Atlanta, Georgia. This is where AT&T and CNN’s Rockefeller citadel is conducting fake psychological operations on the Joe Biden administration.

To see how bad things are with psychologists, watch how Biden reads quotes from his teleprompter. “End of quote. Repeat line.”

According to Canadian intelligence sources, Biden’s ouster will be followed by a similar move in Canada. “Justin Castro will be removed from office and humiliated in front of the world community. The Canadians, backed by the military alliance, are waiting for a signal to act,” they promise.

In turn, Dutch farmers warn Prime Minister Mark Rutte:

“The protests will continue. We have the support of millions of people. There will be actions the likes of which the Netherlands has never seen.

It seems to have started in China too. People are rebelling against the CCP machine. Banks have gone bankrupt there, and the police have failed to stop protesters who have fraudulently manipulated their mobile devices to make them look like they have “Covid.”

The Chinese people need to understand that George Soros boasted that his people took control of China in 1987. We had a video of him saying this, but it seems to have been deleted from our computers and the internet. However, the fact that the regime there is going along with the fake pandemic and the excessive social control that accompanies it is a clear sign that they are not working for the Chinese people.

An MI6 source says: “The days of the G7, G20 and the like are over. Their failure will be reflected in an economic crisis leading to global unrest, similar to what we are seeing in Sri Lanka.”

“All these archaic prime ministers must be caught and shot along with all these old habits. Clear the decks,” the source continued.

When the regime finally falls, people will hear many shocking things. Here are some clues as to the nature of the horrific truths that will come to light during the trials and public hearings that will follow HMM’s worldwide defeat.

Mel Gibson told the truth about pedophiles and child sacrifice… It cost him his acting career. He said he had enough money and had nothing to worry about.

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