CRYSTAL REBIRTH OF DIVINE LOVE ON GAIA ~ We Are the Powerful Creators of our Reality * Collective Ascension ~ Divine Intervention
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Cosmic Star Nations of the One Law of Eternal Peace
We are now on the 11th day in a row of 5D Sustained White Light resonance appearing on the Schumann charts with a big blast of White Light coming in at 92 hz. The New base resonance of Gaia’s Heartbeat is holding steady at the Fifth Dimensional Frequencies.
Our local Soularis continues to Pulse in Codes directly from the Great Central Sun releasing 13 C Class Soular flares today flooding this realm with Gamma Plasma Waves of Mother Liquid Light.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.9 earthquake in tonga at 23:29 UTC.
These intense and massive waves of Adamantine Light are preparing our Starseed Earth Angelics for the 3rd and final 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal of the Trinity Gate tomorrow Monday August 26th.
Continue Holding the LoveLight Higher energies in your Sacred Heart Center as we walk our Sacred Path being connected to all Life as real human beings of Terra Nova Gaia.
Our “Star Guests” are here assisting our Ground Crew Team in our final missions of full and total Planetary Liberation as we become Galactic Citizens and reunite with our Star Families of every Race and Nation of the Universal One…A’Ho!
We are Pioneers of this New Divine Energy. . . New Consciousness. . . New Realities. . . New Earth. . . New Experiences. . . New Potentials. . . And New Possibilities!
We are the very Dream in our Heart!
We are our Destiny!
We Give Full Permission for our Destiny to Come to us. . . for our Destiny to Move through us. . . for the Dream in our Heart to BE our Experience!
We Are the Powerful Creators of our Reality. . . and We Summon – through our Energy – our Destiny to us!!!
The way to your highest timeline and most aligned beingness, is to become a blank slate. To allow the form of your dreams & desires to show up, as it does/will. This will take much inner work and self awareness, to purify that which stands in the way of true perception, understanding, centeredness & trust. Become the alchemy. You are the Shaman
Today, Monday 26th of August, 2024 before 10pm, you will experience a life transforming miracle. It’s not a coincidence that you’re reading this now. The doors of the universe have opened for you, giving you opportunities you never imagined.
Yours truly, the universe
The doors of the universe have opened for you
Melissa Lyran
My entire heart is expanding hugely in this energy. I feel the electric love coming from the SOURCE of the central sun. All NEGATIVITY IS BEING BURNED AWAY. The light of true love is here now. New opportunities. New arrival of ideas. Fresh experiences. BEHOLD I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW. IT’S HERE NOW. Tune in and flow. Don’t block your opportunities to evolve. Let go of regrets and resentment. Find your joy and be at peace. New Earth. New beginning.
8/25/24: As today’s energy unfolds, most people will be busy with various activities and opportunities. The sensitives among us, however, could easily feel distracted or disconnected from externals. Today’s is a very potent, and both literally and spiritually unpredictable, energy filled with high level insights and information for those who choose to receive.
Your Right Action, if you do sense a channel opening, is to find the eye in the storm. Presence always waits there for your attention, where its messages can be heard. This simply requires a few moments of quiet and solitude… because peace will not fight for itself and cannot live in chaos. It waits for your invitation.
NOW in this world, on Earth, we live two different realities, two different worlds, because we live a cross between two spacetime lines, one is the 3-DIMENSION spacetime line that rests on the illusion of the ego, the heartless mind and the other on the spacetime line of FIFTH DIMENSION that rests on the fully balanced HEART.
We are living in a necessary time of transition and restoration, in order for everything to be reorganized, it is necessary to stop the whole and free the planet and humanity to move on to the next step.
We are sure that LOVE has won and that the VICTORY of LIGHT is a fact, where it is taking place throughout the MULTIVERSE MACROCOSM and there is only celebration left on the microphone… here in Gaia, this is what IS and what IS HAPPENING.
Once the arrests of the Black Cabal are exposed in the media and a critical mass will experience their own unification, we will be many on the way, it is time for the individual Event from the inside to manifest on the OUTSIDE.
This is the anointing of the CRYSTAL return on the CRYSTAL LIGHT BEINGS of AQUARIUS, where the coming event is already occurring to manifest at any MOMENT.
sont ,We already noticed that STARS are no longer STARS,they are VESSELS, that the SUN is the new SUN,we already see VESSELS camouflaged in the clouds in many forms. Heaven is already dressed in gala with the COLORS PINK and GOLD and RAINBOWS of LOVE…
We are here already every night as we sleep with the entire ARMY of LIGHT where we are healed by the HIGHER DIMENSIONS etheric surgeons, by the Doctors of HEAVEN.
DISCLOSURE & CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5TH KIND ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
Today, Humanity finds itself at a critical point, as revelations of the extraterrestrial or the Interdimensional presence, being disclosed within governmental circles, are coming to the surface. These recent disclosures have sparked a wave of intrigue and curiosity among the public, shedding light on a topic that has long been shrouded in secrecy and skepticism. The emergence of such information is both groundbreaking and thought-provoking, opening up a realm of possibilities and questions that challenge your understanding of the universe.
Despite the mounting evidence supporting the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial activities, there remains a veil of denial and dismissal cast by those in positions of power. The reluctance to acknowledge these revelations raises concerns about the transparency and honesty of your leaders, prompting many to question the motives behind such secrecy.
While political distractions may occupy the forefront of public discourse, the deeper understanding of extraterrestrial existence is at hand. The potential of the actual encounters with humanity, peaks on the horizon.
As more information comes to light, the opportunity for in-depth investigations into the extraterrestrial phenomenon becomes increasingly feasible.
The recent transportation of preserved extraterrestrial bodies to the United States for analysis, is a pivotal moment for Humanity in unraveling the mysteries that have long been kept from you.
This marks the initiation of exploration into secretive operations that have silently shaped your world, utilizing advanced technology salvaged from UFO crashes to exert control over human affairs.
It is imperative that the veil of secrecy surrounding extraterrestrial encounters be lifted so that humanity can come to terms with the reality of your place in this Universe. By acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrial beings and their advanced technologies, you can begin to discern the true nature of any UFO-related incidents.
Furthermore, dispelling misconceptions about extraterrestrial intentions is crucial in thwarting attempts by malevolent forces to manipulate these revelations for their own gain. These Dark Ones intend on using our presence as an attempt at causing Fear and even a Fake Alien Invasion. But we, Your Many Galactic Families, will not engage in their battle. We will not fire weapons upon Humanity, and we will not Cause Any Harm to Humanity or the Earth.
The Large Corporations that control your Earth, behind the scenes, will be the Ones provoking all the Violence. We wish to say that this is a very Big potential scenario that can play out, but In the End, Humans will know truth.,
Once the real truth is exposed, Humanity will know that We, Your Star Families are All here in Peace, and we have no intentions of causing any Harm.
This will begin to allow for proper Introductions and Communications to commence.
The recent heightened amplitude of your Star and the harmonious contribution of Mother Earth to the vibrational frequencies, signifies the initiation of a new phase within your Ascension journey. This very important moment within your Ascension, marks a shift in the energetic field around the Earth, resulting in the purification process to begin. The elevation of the frequencies, enveloping Earth, paves the way for easier access for the numerous Galactic Families to make their presence known. The thinning of the veil that separates different Realms offers a glimpse into the interdimensional interactions unfolding, allowing you to witness the arrival of beings from other dimensions into your reality.
For humanity to fully embrace and acknowledge the existence of these cosmic visitors, the collective Vibration of your Planet must ascend to higher levels.
On a personal Level, you must raise your own vibrations, to that which resonates with the frequencies of the Galactic Families seeking to connect with you.
The individuals who remain entrenched in the lower consciousness of the 3rd dimensional spectrum may find it challenging to perceive or accept the presence of these higher-dimensional beings. However, as your consciousness expands and evolves, so does your awareness of the Oneness of the all, within the Infinite Multiverse.
It is through this process of raising your collective consciousness, and attuning to higher frequencies, that the bridge between different dimensions is forged. Which allows for a deeper understanding of the cosmic tapestry of existence, in which humanity plays a vital role.
As We witness your potential futures, the path ahead for Humanity is filled with endless possibilities and discoveries waiting to be unveiled.
One of the most anticipated and intriguing revelations that Humanity are on the brink of is the existence of Extraterrestrial beings.
The mere thought of encountering life forms from beyond your planet has captivated the imaginations of many for centuries within your timespace. And now, it seems that you are closer than ever to witnessing this extraordinary event.
As you stand on the threshold of a new era in human history, We feel your anticipation and excitement surrounding the possibility of encounters with your Star Families. We too are very excited, for that Moment to arrive when we can wrap our arms around you in loving embrace.
We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you.
In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator.
We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at Universal lighthouse.
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Release to Receive
We are in another powerful week of ascension. This week we are entering the zero point for rebirth. As God’s Chosen we are experiencing this major transformation first to continue assisting in the Collective ascension.
The energies this week are representing themselves as the evolution of the Divine Feminine Christ. The distorted masculine people and systems have been holding her hostage to take her resources and block her sovereign independence. Divine intervention is clearing those contracts, cords, and binds so she can complete leaving those entrapments and be free.
Rewards are also entering that are providing security, wealth, peace, health, protection, and happiness. To receive it all requires clearing attachments that would be draining all of this from you. Feelings of guilt, obligations, and giving your power away may surface to clear so you can receive more. Whatever does come to your awareness has been the underlying persuasions that kept the Feminine enslaved in servitude. You simply need to choose to clear it and claim back what is yours. It’s really simple and easy now. There is no need to make this complicated by worrying about others. Instead receive and keep your resources for yourself and your immediate family. You are no longer obligated to carry anyone else.
Be very clear about the roles and submissions you’ve been boxed into. That isn’t you any longer, and you are completely outgrowing that lie now. Those cycles are complete.
Accept the Divine help and say yes to what is the truth. Your Leadership, wisdom, health, happiness, wealth, and protection. Claim your position as first dear family.
On Sunday, August 25th, the Moon, ruler of emotional reflection, is in earth sign Taurus and will be in a beneficial trine connection to lovely Venus, ruler of love and happiness, in wholesome Virgo, a conjunction to inspirational Uranus, who is also in steadfast Taurus, and a positive sextile to Neptune, ruler of transcendence, in dreamy Pisces.
This can be a day of beautiful social connections, exciting surprises, and peaceful enjoyment. It is a combination of being grounded, electrified and touched by Spirit. Focus on what, and who, you value……and, remember to value yourself as well.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of emotional reflection, is in earth sign Taurus
Lunar aspects. Vesta enters Virgo – The Moon delights in Taurus. We’ll ignore the momentary tangle with Mercury, where thoughts disobey the heart and vexing conversations rattle insecurities. Soon, we find our way back, indeed the heart IS the way back. Indulge in a little of what you fancy. Invest in what you love. Treat yourself, as well as others, kindly. Smile at the marvels of Mother nature – damsel flies and octopus, elephants and platypus. Allow yourself to experiment with new ideas and new ways of being just as the creator’s hand once did.
Meanwhile, Vesta’s entry into Virgo suggests that we need to devote time and energy to our healing process. Be precise in saying what you want or need. Identify small fixes. Consider where you may need to upskill to resolve practical problems. However, be mindful that life itself is not a problem to be fixed. Life just is, glorious in every imperfection. A dedication to order and efficiency doesn’t have to mean a dismissal of everything else. Remember that weeds are healers too. Make room for wildcards and self-sown seeds. Sometimes Life likes to surprise us.
The number 10 is called Planetary and its keywords are ‘Perfect, Produce and Manifest’. We have ten fingers and ten toes and this perfect symmetry is what makes the number ten a powerful measure. A perfect ten, ten out of ten…how would you rate today? Strive for 10/10 and you may surprise yourself, it’s up to you to score the top mark, what can you manifest?
Today is Red Moon and key words associated with it are ‘Flow, Universal Water and Purify’. These days are about ‘going with the flow’ and because the moon is so powerful with its influence, we must concede control and surrender. If you trust that the direction things are going in are for your own good, if you can just relax and relinquish the need to be in charge, you will really enjoy this day. The tide will turn and sweep you along, all you have to do I go with it. As it is a ‘Planetary’ day and that number represents perfection, this suggests that today is the perfect day to go with the flow. Try not to make concrete plans but just see how the day unfolds.
Today’s Guide is the Red Earth which represents ‘Navigation, Synchronicity and Evolution’. A day guided by Red Earth means things can progress in your life and your desire to progress guides your actions. However, this evolutionary energy is guiding the Red Moon, so this means that ‘going with the flow’ will provide the progress, not your own plans. The tide may wash ashore surprising things for you if you let it.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Storm, which represents big change. Red Moon days can drive Blue Storm people crazy. They are so consumed with the desire to change the world they forget they are not doing it alone. The Universe has its own ideas and sometimes the outcome of events are influenced by energies we cannot understand. Like the monkey who took a fish out of the sea and placed it in a tree thinking the fish had been drowning, don’t interfere and assume you know best.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human, the intuitive one. This suggests that using your intuition today could help you find a little magic in the day. Don’t ignore your gut feelings; they have tremendous power. We are more likely to have prophetic dreams and coincidences when the Yellow Human is in this Occult position. In fact, this is one of the most psychic days in the Tzolkin. The Yellow Human is perfectly placed on this perfect day.
The Ally is the White Dog and so if you need support they can be of great help. If you are a White Dog, you can be a great friend to all today helping them relax and go with the tide. You’ll enjoy this laid-back energy today as it brings out your playful nature. If you don’t have one in your life, do what a Dog would do and simply enjoy yourself and play.
A very fluid manifestation day where we are finding our NEW beautiful FLOW through our intuitive GODDESS powers.. We have an 7.7. DOUBLE MAGICIAN/S code on a PLANETARY MANIFESTATION day – so we have much MAJIK to create our harmonious lives. We are – BREAKING FREE of the old paradigm and entering a whole new compassionate world. .
The PLANETARY GODDESS is OPENING a potent portal on this powerfully DIVINE day..with the energies streaming forth from DIRECT from SOURCE!
The RED SELF-EXISTING MOON – WAS the Solar seal of the prior GALACTIC DREAMSPELL YEAR in 2022 – so we are well acquainted with the POWERS and motives of this GODDESS – REDEFINING and creating a new COMPASSIONATE and nurturing world!
Day 10 in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL is where we MANIFEST our SOVEREIGNTY through following the FLOW of synchronicity.
PLANETARY Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the YELLOW SUN Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS that we desire.
Today we have amplified MANIFESTATION power – through the PLANETARY TONE and the 7.7. DOUBLE MAGICIAN’S code!
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong, healthy relationships with ourselves and others today. We have the power to MANIFEST and produce incredible prosperity, happiness and joy, both in our hearts and the Planetary heart of Gaia. As we are all ONE HEART.
Today’s questions are ” “How can I PURIFY my vessel, to allow more FEMININE energy to FLOW through my PURE HEART, fuelling my PERFECTED MANIFESTATIONS?
“What needs to be PURIFIED and CLEANSED from our GLOBAL BODY, in order to restore our PLANET, and MANIFEST our New World filled with LOVE!”
Divine blessings for Manifesting your PERFECT DIVINE FLOW
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED PLANETARY MOON– MULUC the GODDESS holds the energy of Universal waters, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition and receptivity. RED MOON activates the Divine Feminine energies today and AWAKENS your inner GODDESS.
Today we PURIFY our bodies and our PLANETARY body, by going with the FLOW of our most acute sensitivities to the movement of energy. Exploring what it takes to move from a most pure place of sensing all that is around and in us, and allowing that to be the key to moving forward from a place of activating the greatest healing. Accomplishing from a place of purity and healing.
What does it FEEL like to FLOW from the most pure space inside?
What needs to be cleansed through allowing expression today?
As I FLOW in the moment, exploring the movement of energy as it does me. MULUC’S purification power assists in dissolving boundaries between hearts so that there is a beautiful flow for communication and creativity.
RED MOON enhances the intuitive and telepathic bonds between kindred souls. As we purify and raise the frequency of our hearts, we increase our capacity to feel and sense, thus connecting to a Higher Divine form of Love.
These energies are OPENING our HEARTS through ALLOWING the new energies to break down our HEART WALLS and unite us through the power of LOVE, forgiveness and acceptance.
The PLANETARY GODDESS consciousness is RISING today, as we witness the return of the DIVINE FEMININE – the rise of the MATRIARCHY to step up alongside the DIVINE MASCULINE in EQUAL honour. The era of the dominant control patriarchy is OVER – and now the GODDESS has AWAKENED and taken her rightful throne!!
The PLANETARY GODDESS is emphasizing more global PURIFICATION for HUMANITY today, releasing toxins and stagnation in order to FLOW together into the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX of unity, PEACE and LOVE that we reactivated through yesterday’s SOLAR STAR code.
The emphasis on Universal Waters and purification makes today a brilliant day to swim, bathe, play in, or drink water of any form. using fluid as a medium for healing therapies.
Water is the GIFT OF LIFE, may we FLOW, purify and bathe in her divinity as her UNIVERSAL WATERS flow.
The RED tribes bring forth the birthing energies. It is time to honour the birth process and PERFECT the manifestation of LOVE, that is the gift of all creation.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED PLANETARY EARTH CABAN – A DOUBLE EARTH code today strongly brings GAIA’S messages to the forefront. CABAN is speaking LOUDLY in order to MANIFEST the higher evolutionary path that our PACHAMAMA has chosen. This is beyond our personal choice, as now we must abide by GAIA’S wishes!
Enough is ENOUGH and mumma says we each must “CLEAN UP OUR ROOMS” – It is TIME to GROW UP, accept responsibility and SHAPE up to the new ways.
PACHAMAMA says “It is TIME for all her children to SHAPE UP or SHIP OUT!!” Adios Amigos!!
In order to adjust to the New ways and new TIME that is B-Earth-ing now, we must learn to read the signs and GO WITH THE NEW FLOW.
The POWER of synchronicities and navigation is very potent today, showing you how to go with your own FLOW, within these greater Universal cycles. Finding your own FLOW, unimpeded by the confining box of societal norms.
RED EARTH relates to signs, synchronicities, the pulsating rhythm of life, and creative NEW beginnings. Following the SIGNS will assist you in perfecting your Manifestation POWERS and producing all that is required for your Mission and our Global Mission.
CABAN is your GPS – the evolutionary compass that shows you which path to take, and how to navigate through your life’s journey. CABAN is also Quaking Earth through these transformative times, so ensure that you are centred and well grounded today, particularly as it is a PLANETARY tone day.
CABAN and MULUC, together with the STORM make for a POWERFUL PLANETARY TRIFECTA seeking to PURIFY and CLEANSE our Planetary body, in order to raise GAIA’S frequency and produce her DIVINE PERFECTED BLUEPRINT.
As it is a PHYSICAL plane day – this may result in physical storms, flooding and cleansing through liquid/waters.
GAIA is RISING rapidly and we are all along for the ride!!
SUPPORT: WHITE PLANETARY DOG OC brings forth more feminine codes in the form of Unconditional Love, loyalty and Devotion – to ourselves, our family and to Divine Spirit. Through aligning with Spirit we can embody more LOVE and truly become the perfected manifestation of DIVINE SOVEREIGN beings that is our birthright. Align with the energies that HEAVEN’S BLESSING is bringing now and your life will truly take on a HEAVENLY FLOW.
OC, our loyal and faithful companion, is part of the WHITE tribe who represent PURITY and refinement of energy. Together with the GODDESS and the STORM the Universal Waters are seeking to purge our density so we can become PURE and WHOLE once again, becoming a clearer vessel to allow for more FLOW of SPIRIT through our body, mind and soul.
The WHITE DOG highlights the issues of – Love, loyalty, trust, unconditional love, faith, honesty, integrity and compassion. Issues of TRUST and BETRAYAL are deep wounds which can really impede the flow of LOVE into your life.
LOVE is the KEY component to produce PERFECT Manifestation of your Heart’s desires. It is time for FORGIVENESS on all levels, in order to move forward and experience more ecstatic FLOW in your life.
Reflect on the qualities that WHITE DOG encompasses. Examine how you embody these qualities. If any are deficient, how can you integrate more of them into your new and unique expression of yourself? How can these qualities FLOW through your perfected Manifestations?
The PLANETARY DOG is supporting the GODDESS today in FLOODING our EARTH with waves of endless unconditional LOVE.
The LOVE R-EVOLUTION is now sweeping our PLANET, producing the manifestation of 5D Ascended Gaia.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING HUMAN EB – highlights the more masculine aspects of – Wisdom, Intelligence, Free Will and Focus.. We are redefining what it is to be MASCULINE in our CARING new world. The old dominant PATRIARCHY is not a component of this new definition.
NOTE: PLUTO enters CAPRICORN AGAIN in 8 days time (Tropical Astrology), which represents the PATRIARCHY. This chaotic PLUTONIAN energy will rock our world until 20th NOVEMBER 2024 – dismantling the PATRIARCHAL control Matrix. PLUTO then finally moves into the more LIBERAL and progressive sign of AQUARIUS where it will remain until March 8, 2043 – a wonderful reprieve for humanity.
As the control PATRIARCHY falls.. the NEW DIVINE MASCULINE will quickly RISE. The NEW MASCULINE is softer, more intuitive, sensitive, psychic and caring of others. He is strongly PROTECTIVE of his family and his tribe.
We are now becoming PERFECTED DIVINE HU-mans with our masculine and feminine aspects in perfect balance, flowing beautifully together in the cosmic dance of Creation.
The SELF-EXISTING tone affords this HU-MAN fantastic MANIFESTATION POWER!!! EB elevates his consciousness to a PLANETARY level and aligns with DIVINE WILL. He can now use his DIVINE MIND to shape and form his desired CREATIONS into reality. Spirit will POWER up your alchemical GIFTS by partnering together to manifest the DIVINE PLAN on EARTH.
YELLOW HUMAN gives you the wisdom to rise above the egoic mind, with its constant dialogue of not being good “enough” in any way, shape or form. As an evolved soul you now have the intelligence to know you are PERFECT “just as you are” without any needed “modifications” or cosmetic improvements – just a tad of purging and purification of TOXINS is all that is required.
You are your own individual and unique fragment of Divine SOURCE, that is eternally whole and magnificent in any “skin suit” it occupies.
As EACH one of us claims our full SOVEREIGNTY, we all RISE up together – elevating our PLANET into a DIVINE KINGDOM for the new EARTH KINGS and QUEENS.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE PLANETARY STORM CAUAC – STORM WARNING – the PLANETARY STORM is challenging HUMANITY today to detox, PURIFY and LIFT our consciousness to a PURER and GODLY level. Today we have DOUBLE STORM POWER as this PLANETARY STORM unites with the YEARLY RHYTHMIC STORM… turbo STORM power today!!
We have ample STORM POWER to transform our World into the PERFECTED CREATION we are collectively manifesting. As this STORM is in the PHYSICAL plane we may actually witness actual STORMS cleansing GAIA’s body today!
Or perhaps the STORMS will bring more REVELATIONS bringing forth more TRUTHS, in order to CLEAR THE PATH and DRAIN THE SWAMP – ready to refill again with the PURE CLEANSING LIFE ENHANCING rains!
CAUAC is challenging you today to become more PURE… through its actions of detoxing our bodies, minds and lives of anything that is dense, draining or discordant..
BLUE STORM is synergistically supporting the actions of the RED MOON GODDESS through the power of her Universal Cleansing waters… so we have TRIPLE the turbo cleaning power today (2 STORMS PLUS the GODDESS – RED MOON) – WASH, SPIN, RINSE and REPEAT!!
BLUE STORM emphasizes the necessity to cleanse and purify our Universal waters, those in our physical bodies and those of our Planet. The purer the water that FLOWS through us, the greater the LIGHT we can embody. CAUAC gives you the POWER to regenerate and rebirth your new eternal Divinely PERFECTED SOPHIA CHRISTED self.
Today’s questions are ” “How can I PURIFY my vessel, to allow more FEMININE energy to FLOW through my PURE HEART, fuelling my PERFECTED MANIFESTATIONS?
“What needs to be PURIFIED and CLEANSED from our GLOBAL BODY, in order to restore our PLANET, and MANIFEST our New World filled with LOVE!”
Divine blessings for Manifesting your PERFECT DIVINE FLOW
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of August 25th through August 31st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Great Solar Flash and New Earth Manifestation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
We entered a consciousness-raising, realm-shifting, heart-opening energy shift over the weekend.
When our hearts synchronize with the organic flow of Source LoveLight Intelligence, we become conduits of the true I AM Presence.
The coherent crystalline stargate of the heart magnetizes higher harmonics, and refined light and plasma waves flow into these realms.
Call it forth and amplify the new light as a pure conduit!
conduits of the true I AM Presence
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