You are currently viewing The MASS Awakening ~ COUNTDOWN FOR YOUR CHANGE OF POWER ~ We are in the Process of a Huge Shift – Our New Heaven On Earth
Saint Germain and The Rainbow Rays

The MASS Awakening ~ COUNTDOWN FOR YOUR CHANGE OF POWER ~ We are in the Process of a Huge Shift – Our New Heaven On Earth

The MASS Awakening ~ COUNTDOWN FOR YOUR CHANGE OF POWER ~ We are in the Process of a Huge Shift – Our New Heaven On Earth



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sacred Star Shaman of our Galactic Rising

In these last couple days of 2023 we have massive energetics pulsing forth from the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.

With this Higher Resonance flowing through we had multiple Pillars of Light in the Heart beat of Gaia on the Schumann Charts today at amplitudes of 38 hz, 56 hz, 58 hz and a big blast of white Light at 62 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in.

Pachamama also had a powerful activation today on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Indonesia at 17:16 UTC.

It is time to fully trust in your Higher Power, your True Nature/ Sacred Self is coming through the veils of Separation to Activate and Empower you in the Deepest, most Profound and Powerful Ways.

In Self Realization you see with clarity our Buddha Mind and come to find that which you seek has always been within you the whole time. We transcend all limitations of all concepts as we tap into our Infinite Multidimensional self and breakthrough all barriers and limitations to our full Manifestation of 5D New Earth.

As our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA comes fully online we complete our Transformations as Solar Cosmic Light Beings of the Universal One. It is time to make our complete Shift into the timelessness of our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way…A’Ho!





A big opening underway #gateway ✨🐉✨
A big opening underway gateway
A big opening underway gateway




False frequency nets collapsing, inorganic base 10 spin rates in the collective field being reversed to 12.. Huge day in the field. Narc/ Inorganic grids set to go offline in the coming week.
Saint Germain and The Rainbow Rays
Saint Germain and The Rainbow Rays




Incoming vibe 👉🏻 you are drawn to continuing walking your own steps towards joy, no matter what the surroundings think or say. Your direction matters more than what may fall. 💛
Angelic Legion of Light
Angelic Legion of Light
Dec. 29, 2023
Last night, once again,
I visited our Parallel World..
I was shown
Beautiful Events to unfold!
We shall CELEBRATE and Merge completely
Our New Heaven On Earth..
Each soul is given a choice.. Each of us.. Together..
Perform this Divine Initiation to receive
Our Divine Birthright, embracing
A World of Universal Love,
Blessings of great joy and anticipation!
Our New Heaven On Earth
Our New Heaven On Earth

The mass awakening to come is the end of the SIMulation.

The end of CONtrol.
The beginning of living FREEly.
Doing what YOU desire.
Not what OTHERS want you to do.
Waking UP to the MANipulation.
The keeping DOWN of one’s FREEquency.
2024 is the year where everything CHANGES.
It has been prophesied for eons.
Its up to YOU to take back your POWER.
It was always about POWER.
Cast your New Year Resolutions, PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO YOUSELF, to live the life YOU DESERVE.
You are worthy.
All ILLUSIONS are just that.
Distorted energy perceived as real.
2024 will see a BRAVE NEW WORLD.
Start preparing NOW.
Make plans NOW.
Put YOUR systems in PLACE.
YOU doing YOUR bit will ACCELERATE the change for ALL.
We do it together.
As one.
Create. Love. Be YOUR DIVINE SELF.
Peace x
The mass awakening
The mass awakening

30.12.2023 and 31.12.2023

The finale of a 23 year spiritualy transformational period of human history leaves on a most subtle slipping away, as the moment of waking from a dream and reorienting our sense of self and the reality which envelopes us.
Many of ‘us’ relate to being awakened, thanks to the high bursts of energetic attunements of which we have been anointed.
‘We’ hold high hopes for a future which is an energetic match in physical form to that which we have sensed.
Despite ‘our’ vision being of an Earthly living space worthy of awe and wonder, are ‘we’ now finding how the vast number of sleeping masses are a spanner in the works to ‘our’ creative mission ?
Surely creation is a united effort, requiring ALL to pull their weight, is it not ?
So the enlightened children are held in the grip of the created vision of the mass awareness… And for ‘us’, this simply isn’t good enough, is it ?
How can ‘we’ get out of an illusion which ‘we’ are not party to when ‘we’ know so much better ?
‘We’ are living in a construct of a mindset which does not reflect that of ‘our’ own …and ‘we’ are ready to shift on out !
How frustrating that the sleep walkers are oblivious to the obvious, especially after all that ‘we’ have been through !
2024 is days away
Here is my prediction…
1/1 2024 begins a new energetic state where ‘we’ will be walking towards a new goal of COMMUNITY living.
The biggest wake up call yet may come to be that there is never a place for ‘us’ and ‘them’ and that ‘they’ are never responsible for the wisdom of SELF.
Expect some re learning and re thinking to occur across 2024 as the message of divide drops in on itself and inverts consciousness to new levels of compassion which revolutionises spiritual understanding and earthly living.
Could it be that ‘we’ are ready to be woken up from being awake ?…
Art by @aiyinyangart
spiritualy transformational period of human history
spiritualy transformational period of human history
12/30/23: Your Right Action today is to intuitively putter. Puttering: unrelated actions and activities that don’t seem like much in the big picture, but can feel so very satisfying. Intuitive puttering: doing whatever putter feels easiest in the moment. Alternatively, puttering can involve a long-neglected guilty pleasure that you gift yourself just because you feel like it.
Puttering is an art of accomplishment from the heart. It’s free from routine and expectation. It’s without structure or form. You can putter here and putter over there and enjoy the journey because it’s by your choice and in your own sweet time. Kitchen, garage, garden, studio, or store. Any putter is a good putter.
2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon
2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon



‘’144000 what is inside will unfold outward and what is outside will unfold inward.
What is invisible, will become visible and what is visible, will become invisible!
A new colour spectrum has opened up and everything dead will vanish from your perception!
This is part of the Self reunification process via the new multiple polarity nodes!
This is the new Kundalini rising out of the ashes of the old world and system!
You are the Phoenix, open your wings and come to the Home Self!
Your Divine Mother is in labor, soon she will birth you into the new world!’’
Τhe reason why we are now able to perform the great jump in consciousness and we are provided openly with all the tools and supporting energies, so much more than other periods in human history, is because earth and the human species are approaching another great reset/change of level in the overall program of this creation and there is a given time and support for those souls who wish to consciously and harmoniously experience the transition from one stage to the next.
Those who are awake and preparing, will find the arc/ark which will take them to a different reality and will keep them safe while the reset will be taking place.
Those having found the arc/ark will not have to experience any destructive earth events and this will be more and more seen and understood during the first part of 2024.
This story is not new, it has happened before many times.
Accessing the Home Self at this stage is the brilliant move because it provides the Great Key for the total physical rebalancing!
Upon the December Solstice and the greatest collective exorcism we have ever undergone, the door of Divine Justice opened.
This took place because the Living Children spoke the Truth and escaped Satan’s control and are now free to find the way to the arc/ark.
As there is Divine Intelligence, Divine Providence etc., there is also Divine Justice and there is a Divine Timing upon which each can be accessed and exercised.
During the first part of 2024 we will witness the first big wave of Divine Justice bringing Light to the many injustices, lies and dark technologies that were entrapping and secretly sabotaging people, restoring balance again in many.
Those who have dropped the habit of dictating God/Goddess how to bring about the change and have surrendered in trust and faith, will receive the greatest gifts, manifestations and blessings!
The world in 2024 will experience great upheaval, explosive and shocking events and unprecedented challenges in many places.
Groups of souls will depart and many conditions that people were considering as granted, will be taken away.
The pink coloured shades will be removed and many people will need help and support to be able to cope.
The forerunners are also upleveling in 2024 opening themselves to Godhood/Dragonhood!
They will be busy embodying Godhood, creating the new and also supporting those that the Divine Justice will be awakening and pushing out of oblivion.
Collectively the energy is directing humanity faster and faster towards the autonomy mode which will allow people to feel free and happy to take back their personal power and responsibility
and together to start co-creating and finding new solutions under common values and goals!
Blessings of the most High Gifts!
El Moryana Anadimiana
OL A Christos
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy

“We are nearing the end of 2023 and we are in the process of a huge shift which will gain momentum in 2024.

This was on the beginning and the only way we will be able to navigate the unknown now expanding within us, as well as outside of us, above, so below, within, so without, is to go deeper into the heart-space and allow our inner guidance, our inner navigational systems to lead the way.
I am transcribing my journals at the moment for my book on Greece and Egypt and came across this journal entry made on the 16 June 2019, which seems so relevant for this moment: “As long as we try to grasp what is happening now with our minds, we will fail. It is only the heart and soul who see the Truth and can expand into it.”
More than this, it’s the soul which merges with the Monad, the Soul Group and the expanded merger with the Cluster Soul Groups, which will now lead us through.
I see this like being on a spaceship and exploring a new solar systems it has never entered before and where the old navigational systems cannot function. So the consciousness of the pilot and that of the Spacecraft now use their expanded consciousness, not only of their own soul, but that of monad, plus the Universal knowledge stored in Universal Energy fields, and then through this combined knowledge, and deep intuitive knowing, move into the unknown, and in the process, they discover latent abilities within themselves, they had not used before, yet can access now, and this allows them not only navigate the unknown, but lead to new and exciting discoveries.
They discover a new planet and now start a new life and new beginnings on this planet, and start co-creating from the heart and soul and with great love, new life, new life forms, applying their inherent knowledge and then are joined by other souls who join them on this journey of discovery, and in co-creating the new!
This is indeed is what happened in the beginning on this planet, and we now are the pioneers who are co-creating the New Golden Age, in the newly created New Earth!
What a tremendous gift of Love!
Yes, there will be moments when it feels as if we are a bit lost at sea, or when we enter the vastness of new infinite space, and when all which we ever felt we knew, is not applicable anymore and we need to pave new and ever higher ways of life and living.
Yet, the beauty of this is, that when we are being challenged, our soul genius is activated, and suddenly ideas come, creativity flows, insights, and solutions, and more than this, our hearts ever expanding in love and with love, we lovingly create the new, ever in the highest loving service in the highest and best ways, for the greater good of all.
The greatest insights, the greatest visions, are all really remarkably simple. We only make things complicated by trying to label everything, and then try to fix things, when in truth there is no-thing to fix, nor to label, but rather to intuitively explore with great love, allowing ourselves to be stretched beyond the beyond, and be inspired by new possibilities we never even dreamt of before!
Let us be open to the totally new – and leave the old behind forever! And this includes all aspects of life and all we have ever lived before!
I am inspired!
the process of a huge shift
the process of a huge shift

Ascension Energy Update: December marks

A significant turning point for many ascending
In earths new energy you can expect to attract completely different energies , stronger vibrational alignments, clarity, love, and many unexpected blessings. Believing in the higher purpose and blessings in disguise.
Trusting the higher powers at bay , letting go of residual concerns and doubt. Surrendering to higher faith and observing the synchronistic events unfolding for you . No longer overthinking , accepting Everything is as it should be in this moment. Trusting divine timing and knowing that what you desire is always for you . Staying positive and in receiving mode. Knowing that you are seen, heard, loved, guided, and protected. Keep trusting, as your life and consciousness continue to elevate.
To align yourself with the new Earth’s energy, you can choose to focus on self-care , self forgiveness , self love , self parenting , self partnering , self-reflection. Practicing mindfulness, meditations, and grounding techniques. Cognising and integrating the ascension experiences and changes taking place .
Surrounding yourself with positive and higher vibrations , influences and engaging in activities that bring you joy , enjoyment, value, purpose , fulfilment, inner peace and vibrational alignment . Connecting with nature and setting strong intentions aligned with the highest and greatest good. Trusting your intuition and following your higher heart’s guidance.
To connect with nature on a deeper level, spend time outdoors regularly. Engage in activities like hiking, gardening, or simply taking walks in natural settings. Practice mindfulness while in nature, paying conscious attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations within and around you.
Taking time to observe and appreciate the beauty of the natural healing world. Feeling the oneness with the trees , plants, animals, oceans all bodies of water and ecosystems in your area to activate earths grid and ley lines. To heighten your awareness , develop deeper understanding and experience a higher self connection.
New higher vibrational sunlight energy from the Central Sun is upgrading our DNA, primarily affecting ascending beings resonating in the higher levels of 4th -5th dimensions and beyond. Lightworkers have a crucial role here in creating a new world of peace, freedom, health, love, and abundance.
Earth is approaching a transitional split as the cycle of 2023 concludes and leads into the major phase of the Great Ascension Shift in 2024. This energetic transfer will be the largest ever felt during our current collective transition.
As we enter 2024, a multidimensional energetic split will energetically shake the earth plane, those with the Heart Chakra in the Higher Heart center will enter the Higher Dimensional Light and connect with the Higher 5D Light Network.
Your Higher Heart becomes the center point for new alignments and connections, essential for familiarising and participating in the metamorphic process. Graduating to the Higher Heart is compulsory for entry and engagement with the Higher Dimensional Quantum Light Planes, this also explains the rapid heartbeats and palpitations experienced during the Ascension process.
Since July of this year, waves of Starseeds have been ascending into higher conscious levels intensifying with major portal activations. The upcoming date marks a clear division between 3D and 5D, setting the stage for the final splitting on December 31 2023. New earth energy in 2024 brings in a brand new energetic planetary cycle .
Starseeds have been incarnated across the globe , in different races, colours, cultures, and creeds to prepare for this mass ascension of humanity and Earth. It is beneficial to connect with our true origins and highest potential as carriers of Cosmic Light, accelerating the ascension process.
Ascending individuals are venturing into unexplored territories in 2024 which will bring to many exciting new experiences. To stay aligned with your destined path, it’s wise to keep your moral compass focused on your innate and true values.
Trust that a much higher Ascension force and power is at play here , it is at work in your life, at different stages throughout you may temporarily feel lost , doubtful , battling internal struggles, feeling confused etc . Have strong faith and confidence in your inner guidance , higher self together with the collective ascension team, they will keep you on track and ensure that you never truly lose your way, even in what feels like the darkest of times.
2024 is all about consistency, vibrational alignment , Authenticity, Maintaining inner calm , equilibrium and balance, accelerated ascension , expressing true self , radiating light for humanity, joining forces with Starseeds and higher realm beings , we are being guided to create a truthful and loving future in the new age of Aquarius.
Ascending Souls Collectively embody the Divine template of God’s light with the innate power to create much needed change in this world.
Channeled in Loving Ascension Service
By Ascension LightWorkers . copyright ©️
A significant turning point for many ascending
A significant turning point for many ascending

Ra James

Countdown to the New Year! Sirius is our New Year’s star. It’s the brightest star in the sky. It will ring in 2024 by reaching its highest point in the sky around the stroke of midnight. It marks the beginning of the calendar year. Orion is also bright on display. If you follow Orion’s Belt upward you will see the Pleiades. New Years Eve is all about the huge influx of Galactic Energies that we are receiving. New Years Eve is always symbolic of the clock, which represents Divine Timing. The clock is a reminder for us to be mindful of the present moment. The clock symbolizes fate and destiny. It’s a reminder that everything in your life happens at exactly the right time.
It’s time to declutter. it’s a good time to clean out your car, your house, and of course your own energy field. We are about to make a big shift into 2024. It’s all about clearing and cleaning out your space, and your life, so that you have lots of room for new energies to arrive. I would do a good clean. Get rid of things you aren’t using. Freshen up! Do a good sage, palo santo, Florida water, burn some herbs or incense. If you keep the energy clear in your house, you will have more energy. Light some candles. I would recommend doing a chakra clearing too. The New Year is a time to really open your heart chakra. It’s time to get rid of anything weighing you down. It’s a time to be getting rid of and working on your own bad habits. It’s a time to be setting your intentions for the year ahead. It brings a lot of manifesting energies…
Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation
Orion Ra Star Born Galactic Activation

Vilma Capuano


Today, December 30, Jupiter follows directly in Taurus, along with Uranus, one of the most anticipated astrological events marking the path of 2024
We are preparing through the Inner Work of purifying the Solar Plexus, emotions and reactions, to enter the New Year making a difference in the world radiating higher frequencies!
We are interconnected to the movements of the Waves of Energy Transformations occurring in the Network around the planet designed to boost the Collective Light quotient for Ascension.
On January 1, 2024, never-seen cosmic gates will open allowing a tsunami of high-frequency particle waves from the Great Central Sun to enter our solar system, reaching Earth’s magnetic core and activating divine human biology systems to restore the superior skills of the conscience.
An alignment ritual to receive these massive energies is to be in stillness tomorrow 31st for 20 minutes before and up to five minutes after dawn
and the sunset, with hands on the chest, focusing the space of your heart.
To know the right time in your city in Brazil, search
Vilma Capuano.
During the days prior to a new year cycle, I tend to reflect on the past year…what did I learn, how did I grow, what did I complete and also appreciate any new developments.
In Numerology, 2023 was a ‘7’ Year (2+0+2+3), a more introspective year. 7 inspires us to seek answers to the steady stream of questions about life itself. What am I passionate about? What is my Soul purpose? What am I missing in my life? What are my dreams and aspirations?
2023 was the perfect year to journal, create a vision board, ponder your true calling in life!
The number 7 describes intellectuals, deep thinkers, philosophers and scholars. Those with 7 vibration are visionaries, their way of thinking is unique, beyond the ordinary. It is the path of ancient mysticism, the exploration of the internal essence of Being. Born with a 7 configuration myself, I found 2023 to be quite transformative, illuminating new tracks, new directions, new awareness and new infrastructure being initiated.
All were incremental steps in preparation for 2024’s ‘8’ Year of the Dragon. In Numerology, the coming year is an 8 year (2+0+2+4) and the Chinese Year of the Dragon. What a combo! Both aspects are vibrating with positivity, empowerment and success. 2024 is a year of action, abundance and achievements. The 8 Year of the Dragon offers great potential and possibilities, if we apply ourselves.
The major astrological aspects of 2024 highlight Pluto moving into Aquarius and Saturn in Pisces. Pluto, the planet of transformation (death-rebirth) has been blasting through Capricorn (traditional hierarchies) since 2008…triggering the stock-market financial crisis that rocked the world. Pluto in Capricorn flushes out hidden corrupt power structures, deceptive, fraudulent politicians, and criminal grifters.
The revelations will continue during 2024, as Pluto transits in and out of Capricorn, concluding the tumultuous US Pluto Return during a presidential election. Pluto will finally settle in Aquarius on November 19th, 2024 initiating transformation in Aquarian issues till 2044. We made this chaos, because we are to evolve, develop and grow as a Human Species. As the old power system continues to crumble, the new Golden Age rises. Embrace the New Dawn of Humanity! Let’s make this happen together!
Strong benevolent Jupiter influence throughout the year, especially the impactful Jupiter conjunct Uranus 21° Taurus on April 20-21st, 2024. Jupiter represents good luck, abundance, initiating opportunities for growth and expansion. Uranus is the planet of progress, revolution and unexpected surprises. Then Venus joins the conjunction on May 23rd, 2024.
The progression from December 12, 2019 (12:12:12) timeline bifurcation, to 2020’s Saturn/Pluto conjunction of collapsing systems, into 2021’s rapid Saturn-Uranus societal changes – we are experiencing the reset/restart activation of the new circular operating system. In the 2nd half of 2024, Jupiter in Gemini will Square Saturn in Pisces on August 19th, 2024 and again on December 24th, 2024. This is the first square of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle that began in December 2020, at 0° Aquarius. Other highlights of 2024 are the nodal Lunar and Solar Eclipses:
• March 25th, 2024 – South Node Lunar Eclipse at 5° Libra
• April 8th, 2024 – North Node Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries (conjunct Chiron)
• September 18th, 2024 – North Node Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces
• October 3rd, 2024 – South Node Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra
There is much to look forward to as we embrace the new year. Jupiter in Pisces initiates more hope, optimism, expansive visions and infinite possibilities. Let’s connect with AA Metatron and establish a new trajectory into 2024 in unity consciousness. We were born for this time. We are the Wayshowers of Light. We are birthing the New Earth!
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte
Copyright (c) 2023 Meg Benedicte
Spiritual Mastery
Spiritual Mastery
On Saturday, December 30th, mighty Jupiter, planet of expansion and abundance, turns back to Direct Motion at 5 degrees of earth sign Taurus at 9:40pm EST. While he has been retrograde since September 4th, his energies were turned inward and we were in a process of moving into higher understanding of life from a higher soul perspective. We were meant to learn lessons and gain insights as it pertained to our philosophical growth.
We may have felt compelled to ask some existential questions about wealth, material growth and a purposeful sense of direction. Jupiter has led us on a spiritual transformation regarding how we view the world, and ourselves. Now that he is turning to direct motion, his energies can express outward once again. Blessings, Prosperity Good Fortune, New Horizons, Expanded Knowledge, Success, Increased Faith, and Creative Visualization that leads to the Manifestation of our Aspirations are some of the themes. Let us all now move into the optimism, joy, wisdom and abundance that his energies can bring! Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
mighty Jupiter, planet of expansion and abundance, turns back to Direct Motion at 5 degrees of earth sign Taurus
mighty Jupiter, planet of expansion and abundance, turns back to Direct Motion at 5 degrees of earth sign Taurus
Venus in Sagittarius sesquiquadrate Chiron in Aries – Despite Venus being in optimistic Sagittarius, the turbulent connection to Chiron twists perception and exaggerates any perceived disharmony in relationships. Unrest triggers old wounds related to feeling unloved or not good enough and this can lead down a slippery slope. Focus on where healing can be applied, inside and out. Sometimes it’s just that greater independence is required, more space to breathe, a wider horizon to roam.
Money too can be a sore subject under this influence. Sometimes it feels like there’s never enough, a permanent hole in your wallet. Maybe deep down you don’t believe that you deserve to be paid for your art, writing, music or your own special gift. Sometimes we keep ourselves poor, emotionally or materially, to stay safe or stay free. Check in with yourself as to whether you feel worthy, valued, loved and appreciated. Know that you do not have to be ‘fixed’ before you can be adored. Cultivate a sense of adventure to soothe heartache. Look ahead instead of looking back.
Degrees and Times
Venus 00°Sg27′, Chiron 15°Ar27′ – 05:24 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – ‘Adornment Fields’ by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Adornment Fields
Adornment Fields

Kin 71 ~ Blue Rhythmic Monkey

‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Balance, Organize and Equalize’. The number six is all about restoring balance in your life. It is a necessary process as we all seem to have a tendency to wobble too much in one direction or the other, leaving us a bit disoriented. ‘Rhythmic’ days essentially are about taking care of these important things, so you can reconfigure your energy. Today, make a list and organize your life as you can’t progress effectively until you do so anyway.
Today is Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Illusion and Play’. How on earth do you organize the Monkey? Ha! Monkey will mess with your head today if you do not address practical matters. Why wouldn’t you want to get things done and re-balance yourself? If you avoid these things Monkey will catch you out. If you choose the wrong course of action things will not turn out well. The most important thing to remember is that Monkey is only trying to show you the right way for your own good! This practical Monkey is better behaved than most as he is more balanced.
Today is Guided by Monkey too, so it is a double helping of this message. When it’s a double Monkey day, anything can happen. But don’t panic! A Monkey day can be guided by either Blue Hand, Blue Storm, Blue Night or Blue Eagle. When he is guided by himself, he is not influenced by these other energies.
The Challenge today is the Red Dragon which symbolizes nurturing among other things and so when in the challenging position, it makes it hard for them to find nurturing. If you think that Monkey gets on your back, be thankful you are not a Red Dragon. So if you are a Dragon, how do you get through this day? Well, you too can benefit from rebalancing, it’s just that you may have to try harder than everyone else.
The Occult power is the playful White Dog which represents ‘love and heart’. This is the nicest aspect of the day suggesting that despite today’s challenges, if you can still be loving – well that can lead to magical moments. Plus, Dog’s tenacity can be tapped into which aids this re-balancing act. When this playful puppy is in this position, the chances of magical, romantic encounters are more likely too.
The Ally today is the Yellow Star and so, do call upon one if you need assistance. If you are a Yellow Star, be prepared to be there for others, cheering them up with your sparkly personality. If you don’t have one at hand, you can be shiny like a star and be friendly and sparkly wherever you go today. Indulge with some art and enjoy this beautiful world!
Kin 71
Kin 71


6 CHUEN – KIN 71
30 DECEMBER 2023
ORGANIZING for Majikal PLAY! 💫💫
I ORGANIZE in order to PLAY
Balancing illusion
I seal the process of MAJIK
With the Rhythmic tone of Equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
30/12/2023 = 3/3/7 = 3/10=3/1=4
✨3.3. HOLY TRINITY portal✨
30- Retrospection/Retreat/Solitude
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Happiness/Creativity/Communication
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader/Perfection
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 71 = 8 – ABUNDANCE/Infinity/Source FLOW 🌞🎆
Another DIVINELY MAJIKAL day with the FORCE of LOVE abundantly flowing 💖💖💖
Day 6 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER🌈🌉 WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges. Today is the day to ORGANIZE our physical reality to find BALANCE through the Majik of PLAY!
WORLDBRIDGER leads us from a world of imbalance, to a beautiful alternative New World of wonder and joy, filled with LOVE, BEAUTY HARMONY and greater balance.
💫WHITE MAJIK💫 and PLAY – THE BEST: combination = FUN, FUN, FUN!! 😊😊😊
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a day to find BALANCE in the physical body by PLAYING, by pushing the edges of what may be possible, to see that so much more BLISS💞 is AVAILABLE, beyond the realm of this illusionary existence.
Today’s question is “How can I add more PLAY in my day, in order to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY in my LIFE?”
“Does my environment enhance my creativity and JOY?”
Divine blessings for muchos MAJIK, FUN, and DE-LIGHT-FUL merriment today! Better get used to it folks! BLISS IS ON ITS WAY! 🐬💕🐒💫
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY 🐒🐒 CHUEN Today we are blessed with a DE-LIGHT-FULL code! DOUBLE the MAJIK💫💫 and DOUBLE the FUN🐬🐬, with our DOUBLE CHUEN day. We also have another majik 7 from the 2023 year code and a HOLY 3.3. =6 HEAVEN code… beautiful DIVINE MAJIK at PLAY today!!!!! Yipeeee!!! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
A great day to LIGHTEN up, release all that was burdening you – take off that heavy brick laden backpack, kick off your shoes and run, skip, hop and jump barefoot in the park with your best buddies. BLUE MONKEY’s revel in the Art of Tom Foolery and PLAY! So today, beloveds we are in for a sweet TREAT! 🍧🍨🍦 Today is a CONEY ISLAND 🎡 (Amusement park) type of day!
Ariel Spilsbury author of The Mayan Oracle sums up the revelry as such;
“BLUE MONKEY🐒 represents the Divine Child,👶 the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, simplicity and joyful wonder.
❓What would it feel like to actually BE a magical child in this culture and time?
The secret that very few know, (because they may feel more comfortable trying to protect themselves) – is that the divine child offers the strongest of all protections, the invulnerability of openhearted Love. 💗
Through innocence, a kind of immunity is created that allows the divine child to be TRANSPARENT, so that the apparent ‘slings and arrows’ of the world can pass right through without being personalized into wounds, reactions or hurt feelings. This is the path of innocence regained. Transparency is the path of the new consciousness. Your spontaneous, divine child will usher in and anchor the new frequency.
❓How can you heal and nourish your inner child?
Explore what truly gives you JOY. 🐬 Find types of work that support your sensitivity and create deep satisfaction. Be simple: love, play, dance, draw, colour, sing. These activities are for all divine children – they serve the expression of the magical child in everyone.
Consciously make time for the joyful freedom and majik of play! “💫💫💫
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY is the Feng Shui Monkey 🐒 who will rearrange your furniture and environment in the most creative way, to build that play tent made from your Bed Sheets.. The best PLAY equipment comes through utilizing what you have access to. Imagination is the mother of invention!
Add a restful hammock in your garden or a mini tramp in your rumpus room. Add the whimsical, fun and colourful to your decor. Project the STARS and GALAXIES onto your ceiling. Use your talent to create and construct, add more LIGHT CATCHERS✨ to your windows which reflect the most Majikal rainbow prisms.🌈💎 Add the WOW FUN factor to your home.🏠.
It is time to balance our homes with our environment – blurring the boundaries so that there is no division – all areas invite you into a PLEASURE zone. The New Earth Architecture is FUN, inviting, warm, ORGANIC, sustainable and very, very comfortable!
The symbol for BLUE MONKEY is the dolphin,🐬🐬🐬 which epitomizes BLISS and the 5th Dimensional codes, so surround yourself in the Dolphin frequencies today to organize for more ecstatic BLISS!🐬💕🐬💕
BLUE MONKEY is also the TIME TRAVELER so today may be a little TRIPPY🌀🌀 as you slip through the veil into other dimensions and realms.. A wonderful code to journey, astral travel and QUANTUM JUMP to NEW WORLDS.
SUPPORT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR🌟 LAMAT the beautiful graceful and diplomatic STAR is our supporting energy, inviting us to be the playful, creative Artist of our life. Select the hues from your rainbow palate to colour your world with the New frequencies of SOUND and LIGHT, with a sprinkle of SUNSHINE. 🌈🌞🌞
LAMAT is elevating our happiness quotient, and encouraging us to REACH FOR THE STARS. ✨ Swing on a STAR 🌟 and reach the furthest heights that you can imagine.
✨✨✨LIFE IS GREAT, and LIFE is filled with PEACE and JOY, as nature intended it to be, anything else is but an illusion.. LAMAT is guiding you in finding your “sweet spot”. LA DOLCE VITA. 🍧🍦😍
LAMAT assists us in creating more HARMONY🎶 in our world and being in the beauty of nature, celebrating the abundance and joy that surrounds us. Sing, dance, LAUGH and SHINE BRIGHTLY dear STAR🌟 BLISS🐬 SUNS! ☀✨ 🌸
✨The NEW TIME✨ allows us to express our JOY and creativity, to the MAX and celebrate our beautiful lives as a living work of ART..
You are the Artist👩 so make sure you PAINT a beautiful landscape! 🖌🎨🖼
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE GALACTIC DOG ✨🐕 OC asks us to OPEN our rose-petalled HEART🌹💗 and reach out to others around us that need some JOY, laughter and PLAY in their lives – which is EVERYONE on our planet right now!
The GALACTIC DOG implores us to respect ourselves and our kin, ensuring that we treat all souls as EQUALS.. focused on harmonizing the energies around us. As we organize our lives and our Divine Mission through total transparency and heart based devotion, we model the better lifestyle that we are all seeking.
In the past few years there has been much division and opposition which separated humanity. The way forward to UNITY is through an open compassionate HEART.💗 Accept and embrace all differing opinions whilst standing firmly in your TRUTH.
Shine your HEART❤ LIGHT✨ and then the TRUTH shall prevail and pave the way forward.
Use the power of compassion, connecting through your compassionate HEART, to create more Majik and wonderment in your day and make the world,.. our world a better place.
❓How can you make someone’s day BRIGHTER and LIGHTER today? 🤔🌞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON🐉 IMIX challenges us today to find balance through nurturing our bodies and our cell-ves, and that of nurturing others… There MUST be a harmonious BALANCE between giving and receiving.
The BEST WAY to find JOY and “treat” ourselves is to elevate our frequency through PLAY TIME! Especially if this involves PLAYING with our beloved kin – our friends, family and besties! Time for some much needed GROUP HUGS! 👫👬👭👫👬👭
✨A warm HUG a day keeps the “nasties” away, and boosts our IMMUNE system and our love quotient❤❤❤
RHYTHMIC IMIX is assisting RHYTHMIC CHUEN in organizing your PLAY SPACE, to be both FUN and life nurturing, a haven for your soul. Your own PEACEFUL SANCTUARY where you can REST and rejuvenate, in order to come out and PLAY again another day!
The shadow of IMIX can include trust and self-worth issues, like the child who feels rejected and isolated like a wall flower and refuses to dance. Do not wait on the sidelines to be invited – take the initiative and create your own MAJIK💫💫 in life. Through reaching out and nurturing others, you in turn can share the true healing power of LOVE! ❤❤❤
Today’s question is “How can I add more PLAY in my day, in order to organize for more BALANCE and EQUALITY in my LIFE?”
“Does my environment enhance my creativity and JOY?”
On a PERSONAL NOTE- I absolutely LOVE ❤ KIN 71❤ – I experienced this code for 12 months in 2019 as my birthday code. (KIN 71 was the kin on the day of my Gregorian birthday) The RHYTHMIC tone is FANTASTIC for getting organized (I cleared out a whole shed full of furniture, PLUS a pod of furniture I had stored for 4 years!) and the Monkey brings out more cheekiness, fun and laughter. The two combined bring out the MAJIK – like having Samantha in Bewitched clean your house… just a fabulous code to weave into our daily existence!
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY makes everything FUN!! 🐒😊😄😍
The MAJIKAL BLUE MONKEYS are the MAGICIAN’S holding the codes of the DREAMSPELL.
Jose Arguelles (Valum Votan) the FATHER of the DREAMSPELL was a BLUE SPECTRAL MONKEY. The MONKEYS hold much mystery and genius to carry and decipher these codes. We are indebted to Jose for his PLANETARY DIVINE SERVICE over many decades preparing HU-MAN-ITY for our Ascension passage on TIMESHIP EARTH into the NEW TIME on NEW EARTH! DIVINE GRATITUDE to our GALACTIC BROTHER ❤🙏❤🙏❤
HAPPY GALACTIC BIRTHDAY🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 to beloved GALACTIC SISTAR and pioneer of the DREAMSPELL – Vasumi Zjikaa who has travelled the world for decades, teaching and creatively expressing the DREAMSPELL in her own unique and cheeky way;.DIVINE GRATITUDE for her incredible devotion and service. 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
If you are interested in having a DREAMSPELL reading I highly recommend VASUMI – you can contact her at
Divine blessings for muchos MAJIK, FUN, and DE-LIGHT-FUL merriment today! Better get used to it folks! BLISS IS ON ITS WAY! 🐬💕🐒💫
🙏Namaste’ ❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
BLue Rhythmic Monkey
BLue Rhythmic Monkey




🔥 New Earth Ascension Energy Report, Ceremony, Meditation and Astrology Reading

for the week of December 24th – 30th 2023 from the Sacred Condor 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth report my Goddess covers the astrology for the coming week from December 24th – 30th 2023, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Tuesdays Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th of December and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmission.

May the Holy Days, your final days of December and 2023 be most beautiful and blessed and may 2024 be full of Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste





Prayer to ArchAngel Michael~ ❤

Dearest AA Michael, please clear away any energies from within and around me, that are not of God’s Love & Light!
ArchAngel Michael please clear myself, my home, my Loved ones, and all on our Planet, from low energies of fear, unhappiness and anger, and elevate us all on the greatest vibration of Divine Love, Peace and Freedom.
Thank You! ❤
Invocation to Arch Angel Michael ❤
In the name of God, I call forth the Blue Flame of Divine Love of Arch Angel Michael to clear my path of all interference of the fulfillment of my Divine Plan, expansion of my Faith and my Ascension. Infuse my Soul with the energies of Divine Will, and surrender to my Holy Vows.
I ask for a Golden Dome of Protection to be placed around me each day, to repel any negative energy directed against me, and the Light for which I stand. I ask for your Legions of Blue Flame Angels to stand by my side. By the Power of Your Sword of Blue Flame, cut me loose and set me free from all discordant energy in my world, in my home, in my work, in the city where I live.
I thank you for your relentless love and service to mankind and to the Earth, and I thank you for your loving assistance in my own unique pathway. Help me develop faith and trust in myself and in God. Let blue lightning bombs of divine love bring cleansing and transformation within me, and everywhere on Earth.
Prayer to ArchAngel Michael
Prayer to ArchAngel Michael

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