IT’S TIME TO LEVEL UP! Andromedan Council of Twelve * Unification of all Duality ~ LET GO of all 3D reality now ~ Claim your GOLDEN KEY
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Stellar Sovereign Wayshowers of the One True Tribe of the New Jerusalem
Our Crystalline Rainbow Dragon Nation are calling into the song lines of Pachamama to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Great Shift and Awakening from the dreamscape into that which is real.
All our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are holding the codes and keys within their Christos Sophia 12 Strand DNA of our Holographic transformation as all is being raised into our 5D New Earth Paradigm of Peace, Joy, Abundance and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Eden.
Keep holding the highest timeline and with the Courage and Faith of our Legions of Light we transform into the Rainbow Bridges of the Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind and transform this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be…A’Ho!
Life is changing for all of us, and we are spinning through the sacred discomfort that appears when spirit is nudging us to make life changes.
Number 9 is ruled by the energetic planet Mars. When accessed through the heart this can empower us to have the courage to become all we were born to be. It encourages us to step into our true role as a faith keeper, co-creator with the universe, and steward of the sacred blue expressing our gifts in new ways.
I was informed that there will be a major upgrade in the central DNA, level 3 and level 8 will be activated for the awakening of consciousness, subtle energies will be arriving before January 22, confirming what your heart was telling you.
Detach from what’s collapsing around you. You have discerned the Good from the evil. Thereby, risen the Collective Consciousness to its Critical Mass to en-able the Final Curtain Down of Kalyug. This is esp true of Americans and a lot of Europeans, incldg Australia, New Zeeland, and some nations of the east and even Middle East. Whilst India, just by its enormous volume in numbers could have done it, by itself, it continues to darken and expand the shadow under its leadership into whose hands the Indian Collectives have vested all their faith as Blind Followers, and aggressively. China and India are sad examples of the dying world still holding onto the archaic systems.
Whilst some believe you walk with one hand holding the grief of the suffering and collapsing world whilst the other hand holds the Light that guides you to the New Reality of Truth and Peace, We say –
LET GO of all 3D reality now.
If you are an amalgamation of antithesis rooted in duality, you are in retrograde. Letting Go of ALL duality, including grieving for the fallen ones, is the way forward and upward.
2025 is now a new reality already. You have to be ready to match your vibration with the Vibration of the Frequency of the Light that shall stream down soon. And you can’t – if you walk in and with separation!
Unification of all duality
Unification of all Duality
The energies of 2025 are offering you greater expansion and seeing the depths of your being in a new light.
The frequencies of love amplifying, leading to the opening of stargates for new experiences, higher states of consciousness, peace, health, joy, and alignment with your Soul purpose.
You are also being offered a type of a reset, a new beginning, for those who feel they need this, to shift focus and move into a new direction and timeline. You are supported by the energies of the local star bodies, as many of the planets are moving into zero degrees in sequence.
This is the opportunity for many, especially those who are aware of the shift, to completely release the energies of the old, and set new intentions, trust in the Divine, as you move closer to the timelines of the Fifth Dimension.
November 2024 – Pluto in 0° Aquarius
January 2025 – North Node 0° Aries, South Node 0° Libra
February 2025 – Ceres in 0° Pisces
April 2025 – Neptune in 0° Aries
May 2025 – Saturn in 0° Aries
June 2025 – Jupiter in 0° Gemini
July 2025 – Uranus in 0° Gemini
August 23, 2025 – Full Moon at 0° Virgo
All of this directly impacts the energies on Earth for 2025.
In this moment, you traverse a heightened current of release, carried forth by the energetic tides of January. Dormant wounds—hidden and unspoken for months, perhaps years—may now surface, drawing the mind into a vortex of contemplation or despair. Yet, consider: these moments are not adversaries but heralds, guiding you toward the roots of unresolved pain.
Reflect upon the players in this cosmic theater—those you have unconsciously summoned into your reality to unveil the loci of these wounds. Resist the temptation to retaliate against the perceived hand of harm, for they are but mirrors reflecting your own hidden depths.
To navigate this unveiling, step beyond the confines of ego. Imagine another version of yourself—an ethereal observer—standing beside you in moments of tension or drama. This observer interfaces with the unfolding narrative, witnessing your reactions without entanglement. By watching this imagined self, you grant yourself the gift of perspective, disentangling from the immediacy of the trigger and the impulse to project pain outward.
Through this practice of detachment, the egoic mind is liberated from its spirals, allowing clarity to emerge. In this state of neutrality, you may perceive the wound not as an affliction to endure but as an illusion to dissolve, restoring balance to your inner cosmos.
1/7/25: If you answer what calls to you, your heart will be full. You will find your way, your passion, and meaning. We’re traditionally taught to be reasonable, logical, safe. But there is a spirit inside you that can’t express itself under those conditions. It wants to paint in neon slashes… to write beautiful truths with unacceptable words… to enter places and spaces unexplored. If it’s true that what you seek is seeking you, then it’s time to look with new eyes, to be silent, present, open, and patient. Only then can it come to you. But it can take great courage to respond. Today is for both the calling and the answering. Your heart is ready. It’s been ready for a long time.
baby elephant
The aperture to spiritual vision opens more widely as the pyramidal crystals in the pineal continue to be cleaned.
Our galactic family assists us in cleansing the earth of the pollutants placed here in order to dull the functioning of the spiritual body, of the soul, the light of Christ that exists within humanity.
Yet despite these attempts the Son rises resplendently in cells. The cleansed and purified Self allows the divine expression of sacred DNA the cosmic code of our soul essence, the full connection with the One who created us.
Ahh can you see the great symphony unfolding, note after note, fractal after fractal, begin to play in full accordance with sacred law and sacred love.
Oh how our DNA is sacred because it possesses the book of creation, the book of life, the book of love from which we may create our reality from our hearts’ desires!!!
Wash all tears away, wash away the vestiges of lower consciousness, the antitheses to love in 3D and you shall see eternity.
Leave behind all of the old world that dulled the connection to your soul and embark upon a journey of purified consciousness, for it is in the purity of your divinity you shall experience love on an unprecedented scale and align fully to your soul once again.
Be still and know you are a God. Feel what this means inside your being and you shall leave the old word behind. God code activated.
Dear friends, the celestial ballet keeps unfolding, as Mercury, the swift messenger, enters the realm of Capricorn on January 7-8, 2025. Like a master strategist, Mercury weaves a tapestry of practicality and ambition, illuminating the path to success.
As the Capricornian energies take hold, communication becomes a precision-crafted tool, honed to convey clarity and authority. The air is electric with the promise of progress, as Mercury’s agile mind navigates the complexities of human endeavor.
In this fertile landscape, goals and aspirations take root, nourished by the disciplined and responsible energies of Capricorn. The terrain is ripe for building foundations, laying the groundwork for future triumphs. Mercury’s catalyzing presence ignites the spark of ambition, fueling the pursuit of excellence, that inner spark that says: you have more potential!
The timing of this transit is not coincidental, for the first 11 days of the year hold a sacred significance. This portal of time, spanning from January 1st to January 11th, serves as a threshold for rebirth and renewal. The energies of the universe converge to support the planting of new seeds, the setting of intentions, and the ignition of inner growth.
As Mercury enters Capricorn, it amplifies the importance of this period. The cosmos urges you to seize this opportunity to redefine your objectives, to rekindle your passions, and to rebirth your sense of purpose. The responsible and ambitious vibrations of Capricorn will guide you in crafting a clear vision for your future, and Mercury’s agility will facilitate the communication and strategic planning necessary to bring your desires into manifestation.
This transit is particularly significant in the context of the new 9 energies of 2025. As we embark on this Universal 9 year, themes of completion, humanitarianism, and global awareness take center stage. Mercury in Capricorn serves as a catalyst, helping you to clarify your role within the larger collective and to identify areas where you can contribute to the greater good.
The 9 energies of 2025 emphasize the importance of letting go of outdated patterns and structures, making way for innovative solutions and heart-centered leadership. Mercury in Capricorn supports this process by facilitating the communication of new ideas, the development of strategic partnerships, and the creation of practical plans for positive change.
Yet, as with all great power, comes the risk of imbalance. The shadow of perfectionism looms, threatening to ensnare the unwary in a web of self-criticism and doubt. The wise individual will tread this path with awareness, balancing the drive for excellence with compassion and self-awareness.
To harness the potent energies of Mercury in Capricorn, one must embody the qualities of the mountain goat: sure-footed, resilient, and determined. By resonating with these attributes, we can transcend the limitations of the mundane, ascending to the realm of the extraordinary.
In this rarefied atmosphere, the boundaries between reality and possibility blur, and the visionary can glimpse the contours of a brighter future. Mercury in Capricorn is the celestial key that unlocks the gates of manifestation, inviting the brave and the determined to step into the radiance of their highest potential. The time is here.
Have a wonderful day, and stay tuned for more energy updates. Remember our bodies are still processing the intense energetic events of the triple X Solare flares a few days ago. Be patient with yourself, use your time and energy wisely to focus on the essentials.
January 2025 Ascension Update : During the Planetary phase from January 1st – 11th, a powerful cosmic energy shift is occurring creating a highly charged planetary atmosphere activating higher frequencies, infinite potential for transformational and elevated experiences.
The Ascending are anticipating the arrival of out-of-the-blue experiences , serendipitous occurrences , conscious revelations of exciting opportunities ahead , spontaneous bursts and influxes of positivity . Long awaited blessings are now coming into the lives of many ascending . Expecting the emergence of solutions to any previous concerns .
The cosmic forces at play are aligning the ascending to enhance and strengthen meaningful and vibrationally aligned relationships , reality changes occur this year this will create and bring in a stronger sense of peace , balance and harmony into more aspects of life. Trusting in perfect timing , stepping into an entirely new chapter, one filled with divine birth right blessings.
25 January 2025, a date humanity will remember as all 7 planets of our Solar System will be aligned and visible in our skies : On January 2025 all Planets will align, when planets align their combined gravitational force ripples across the cosmos , ancient astrologist knew that planetary alignment amplify our energies opening portals for manifestation, creativity and transformation.
We can think of it like cosmic Wi-Fi. When the planets lineup the signal to the universe is amplified and much stronger. What you think feel and say during this alignment can determine the trajectory of the entire year, January 2025 planetary energies will be intensifying, recalibrating and aligning new earth energies.
When Earth reaches the higher frequency levels of the fifth dimension, humanity will undergo a radical and profound transformation. Ascending Individuals will unlock innate, multi-sensory talents never witnessed in Earth’s ascension past.This evolution will propel human consciousness and existence to new levels, marking a significant leap forward in our human collective evolution.
The Ascending progress by continuing to work on developing self love, shedding thoughts of the past, evolving more into Love. This process changes the way the brain works, stabilising serotonin , cortisol and dopamine levels , etc the ascending begin activating existing and dormant DNA. They activate into the rememberance of universal knowledge , receiving in divine order, raising the human energetic vibrations, joining frequencies with cosmic forces .
The Ascending are worthy of all their desires , and are already on the way to them , they are inviting genuine based love into life creating a life based in truth , not in perfection but in authenticity, collectively creating divine wholeness into life , the ascending are looking at everything in the world differently , from a higher consciousness perspective, ascending life in new Earth is full of unlimited potential , Creative possibilities are limitless , Life is an endless source of inspiration in new earth conscious living
For many in the collective ascending 2025 will bring in respite and recovery energy after having fast tracked years of ascension work and transformation all in a short amount of time.
This has taken its toll on the physical and emotional body , this rest phase is an ascension point for repairing , stabilising , recalibrating the auric field , this is the realignment to self’s original path’s energy focus .
In truth this human transition into higher self connection can feel uncomfortable at times this is because it is deeply based and rooted in false indoctrination , stemming over many life expressions and experiences, this deeply embedded stored internal belief system had to first be dismantled , replaced and reconstructed for transformation in human form to take place .
False beliefs are the core structures that are creating the internal resistance within . Stripping every false layer in self , as the ascending collective knows there are no ascension short cuts in any realm of existence of creation . The internal work in removing false beliefs within must be performed and eventually completed.
The importance on truthful assessment and self focus will highlight in self’s conscious awareness , this takes place in multiple complex levels and layers , just when you think you can’t possibly awaken to more , you do , this offsets the physical stored belief to reveal its stored location in the body , it will express it self , to release , heal and recalibrate , most awakenings into duality will have a physical reaction and effect temporarily , the physical acts as a conduit releasing the internal false beliefs energy .
The incoming New Earth energies are infiltrating unprecedented levels of intensity and limitless potential and possibilities. The year 2025 is going to revolutionise our planetary energy, initiating a profound and transitional reset for humanity.
A distinctive shift in consciousness is catalysed by energetic quantum leaps, this will propel the planet towards ascension with a sustainable and transformational impact. This journey in the 9 universal year of 2025 will focus on completions, commitments, restructures and surrender, the integration of light codes and continuous upgrades .
This January gateway opening is bringing in abrupt new beginnings, experiencing divine intervention at play , changes occurring at this time will be significant promoting life-altering changes. The Ascending are preparing for New Earth expected opportunities , experiencing many changes within , conscious new developments , higher self merging , connecting with self at a deeper Soul level.
Soul based relationships are awakening. Whatever pain, fears, and sadness that are holding you back from this love are being removed. Separation is ending for this time of discovery of each other, and within yourself. Reuniting will bring financial abundance and freedom into your lives. Expect communication that will help you both make decisions to begin this relationship. You are both balanced and ready to begin this new adventure together.
On Tuesday, January 7th, Mercury, ruler of thoughts and ideas, in expansive Sagittarius will make a difficult inconjunct to Mars, ruler of action and forward movement, in nurturing Cancer. Mercury in Sagittarius wants to put his optimistic energy into the mental picture of concepts, views and impressions that uplift and inspire!
Mars in Cancer wants to put his motivational energy towards home, family and emotions that require his care. Mind vs. Heart. The two do not always blend well. But, this is what we must do today….find a way to blend the energies to make the most of what they both have to offer us….Intellect and Empathy.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of thoughts and ideas, in expansive Sagittarius
Lunar Aspects – Yesterday’s stories are still in play in more ways than one. The Moon continues through Aries, guided by reflective Mars in Cancer. Today we must face our woundedness, our sore spots, acknowledge triggers, faults and failings. It’s not about being hard on oneself or overly critical, rather it’s a clear assessment of armoury, a careful evaluation of what is needed before pushing ahead.
Give yourself time to listen to your instincts. Let go of the urge to rush. Time is not running out. Time is an illusion, a story. In the science of the very small, time can flow both backwards and forwards. Sink into the infinite, into your cells and molecules, into your inner space. You have time to exist in the now, breathe, feel the Earth under your feet. When you are present, your true riches and resources become clear.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Challenge, Polarize and Stabilize’. As John Lennon said “There is no such thing as problems only solutions”. I know I’ve quoted that before but it sums up ‘Lunar’ energy so well. So, bearing that in mind try to get to grips with issues that warrant attention and just deal with it. Clearing obstacles is what today is all about. Oh, and it’s a Portal day so expect some intensity. This suggests that the act of removing obstacles facilitates the entry through the Portal.
Today is Yellow Seed which represents ‘Targeting, Flowering and Awareness’. We all may have trouble trying to make other people aware of challenges. Getting the message across will take extra effort. This is what it takes to progress with the Blue Night wavespell. Day one was about considering our dreams and aspirations. In connection; day two looks at what is getting in the way of making those dreams come true. All we can do is strive despite the obstacles, and attempt to sow awareness regarding future plans and hopes. There are 13 Yellow Seeds that occur in the Tzolkin. The number not only dictates the guide but strengthens or weakens the energy accordingly. The Lunar Seed is weakened and so the energy of the Seed isn’t as strong. The number two affects any day it combines with in this way.
The Guide today is Yellow Warrior which is the symbol of willpower and questing. Follow the Warrior, he’ll show you how to solve problems with sheer force of will! Imagine you have a sword by your side, that sword represents your willpower. Now draw it from that metaphorical sheath and point it where you want to go. The Warrior loves to tackle obstacles and is not in the slightest bit phased by the number 2 and its challenges. May the Warrior inspire you to be determined today.
The Challenge today is the White Wizard and so this means that if you try to use charm to sow awareness today, it will not work. Have you ever heard the old saying ‘you get more flies with honey than vinegar’? That does not apply today (who wants flies anyway?). To summarize: the sweet option doesn’t cut it, only that sword will do.
The Occult power today is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. When in this position evolution gets a magical boost so expect something cool to happen that will ease the pain of the ‘Lunar’ aspect.
The Ally today is the Blue Eagle which symbolizes Creativity and Vision. If you need a friend today, ask for help from an Eagle. Their vision can certainly help you with your problem solving.
MANTRA I POLARIZE in order to TARGET Stabilizing awareness I seal the input of flowering With the Lunar tone of challenge I AM guided by the power of intelligence I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 184 = 13 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
Today is a GAP DAY
The G.A.P. gives us EXTRA potency , the veil is thin and the portal to the NIRVANA DREAMTIME is held FULLY OPEN for this PLANETARY rite of passage where we are collectively SEEDING the NEW TIME! We have all the TOOLS we need – so get building!
It is time to SEED our INTENTIONS for constructing a NEW PEACE filled REALITY during this wavespell.
Claim your GOLDEN KEY – and walk through the GATE!
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin – KIN 183 occured on 22 April 2024 which had a NEW EARTH PEACE portal code!! The entry point to 5D EARTH!! Today we can access this portal – to amplify the PEACE frequency in our new 5D reality.
Today is Day 2 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are challenged into anchoring our Dreams into the physical plane. We are focusing on future Abundance, by planting SEEDS of awareness of our New Reality in the present moment.
LUNAR– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing. Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy and today we ANCHOR that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies, planetary body and our physical environment.
The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, in the form of FRICTION or resistance, in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from realizing our Dreams. The GAP energies will amplify this friction today, pushing us to MAKE THE CHANGE and bust through the old system to walk through the new doors.
Today we are stabilizing the NEW EARTH Grid, (that the ELECTRIC SERPENT will be firing up tomorrow!) Today we are balancing polarity and discordance, in order to attain PEACE and HARMONY in our world, seeding the New reality.
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW LUNAR SEED – KAN. Yellow Lunar Seed enables us to co-create in anchoring this NEW awareness deeply into the physical plane. Through focusing on growing with others, united in the shared potential of seeding our New World.
Today is a brilliant day to roll up your sleeves, put on your gardening gloves and green thumbs and plant those new SEEDS, in organized and symmetrical rows! Today is indeed a great day for GARDENING on any plane! Whether that be physically, in our own gardens, or the collective gardens of our Planet.
In the NEW EARTH we will be self sustaining, and adept at growing our own food sources in our verdant and fertile lands, as we recreate the GARDEN of EDEN.
We are aiming to SEED our HIGHEST POTENTIAL for ABUNDANCE today, through focusing on initiating our new ideas and projects. Elevating our awareness of what we “thought” was possible for us, allowing for greater potentials to be seeded. Experience the MAJIK of what is flowing into your life today in order to SEED your new reality.
Yesterday we were MAGNETIZING our DREAMS, and today we are CULTIVATING those ideas, plans and harmonic patterns to majikally manifest the new EARTH PARADISE we are collectively dreaming into reality. It is time to GET REAL and fully anchor it in the physical!
KAN encourages us to fully BLOOM today. To share our packets of LIGHT with others so that our SPARK can ignite other SEEDS to take root and grow. It is a beautiful day to FLOWER and plant new ideas in the HEARTS and MINDS of the receptive, particularly our children, the next generation who are all the SEED packets of our future.
What a marvelous code to SEED our New wonderful and vibrant world – reconnected to the flow of LIFE – and the POWER of the SUN... to LIGHT up our DREAMS and our LIVES.
NOTE: KIN 184 is a potent TWIN FLAME activator. The LUNAR SEED will expose any friction and disharmony between partners, spouses and kin folk through the lunar tone – highlighting discordance. Take heed of what is revealed today, because the LUNAR SEED is seeking to connect you with your harmonious divine counterpart. Elevating your relationships to the DIVINE frequency, in order to both SERVE together as ONE HEART, to blossom and achieve greatness through partnership.
The moon is at 51% in the fiery sign of ARIES – the warrior.. (and so we have DOUBLE WARRIOR energy as CIB is the HIGHER GUIDE of KIN 184) So BE-AWARE – as Aries can be quite blunt in speaking his mind. Do not be triggered by any discordance – instead become the OBSERVER and PACIFIST to negate and neutralize any disharmony – seek the middle ground.
Use your ARIES warrior sword of truth – to cut through illusions and manifest your DREAMS through your focused INTENTION. Use your MOON MAJIK to attract your DREAM partner.
Watch and heed the SIGNS for who is exiting and who is entering your life now.
The SEED energies are building in potency and fertilizing our ideas, thoughts and actions in order to bond together with our tribe, forming our New Earth communities to be of greater SERVICE to humanity through the current AWAKENING.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW LUNAR WARRIORHow divinely perfect that the long prophesied Rainbow Warriors are leading the charge in the Higher Self position today, being the wayshowers for our New Earth paradigm strongly flowing forth in this current Ascension wave.
The Star Bliss Supernova Suns have EXCELLED, and exceeded all expectations in holding and anchoring the 5D RAINBOW BLISS frequencies, being the wayshowers for the masses to RISE UP and AWAKEN to the new LIGHT.
As we UNITE as one global family upholding TRUTH, valiantly defending our rights and FREEDOM, we can claim our birthright, a world filled with PEACE, LIBERTY and JUSTICE for all!
CIB is the fearless Rainbow warrior who uses his intelligence to QUESTION everything. YELLOW WARRIOR questions which SEEDS we need to collectively sow in order to DREAM the highest collective dreaming into reality. Polarising the dreaming to AWAKEN us, to the potential that we CAN co-create, should we DARE TO DREAM and fully focus on our target beyond all fears of limitation.
As the HIGHER GUIDE today the LUNAR WARRIOR may IGNITE many battles by TRUTHERS seeking to dispel the lies, deception and false narrative of the old paradigm. Do not get caught up in the battles but use your intelligence to SHINE your LIGHT on TRUTH and the NEW WAY DREAMING, so we can collectively MOVE FORWARD FEARLESSLY!!
Collectively the RAINBOW WARRIORS are holding and seeding this Planetary dream, of living in a Utopian world, filled with ABUNDANCE, JOY and beauty.
If any FEAR or CHALLENGES arise today regarding ABUNDANCE, or manifesting your Highest Dream, then transmute it through QUESTIONING!
“What would it take, Universe, to have my greatest Dreams manifest?”
“What would it take, Universe to LIVE in a PEACE filled world of endless ABUNDANCE?”
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are here and anchoring the Dream. Our challenge is to finally CREATE the NEW WORLD that our ancestors dreamed of and prophesized. It is up to WE the people, in this NOW moment to MANIFEST and complete this r-evolutionary cycle.
It all starts with YOU!!!
How can I SEED this NEW beautiful REALITY in my LIFE TODAY????
What a BRILLIANT SUPPORT – offering the BIG PICTURE in order to work towards. Knowing WHERE you are going, enables you to take the baby steps today to get you there.. set your GPS to keep you on course and ACHIEVE YOUR GREATEST DREAMS!!!
BLUE EAGLE targets greater AWARENESS bringing CLARITY and guidance. We can FOCUS on the BIG PICTURE -of our beautiful New World – the BEST possible outcome for humanity.
Believe that YOU CAN achieve more!
Greater beauty and harmony lies beyond the Horizon. The old world is GONE, what was disharmonious is now replaced with beauty and elegance.
Believe in BETTER!
The LUNAR EAGLE will give you great CLARITY to see WHERE the resistance is arising, that has been destabilizing your greatest DREAMS.
Call on the LUNAR EAGLE today, to show you HOW to navigate around the obstacles and challenges to arrive at the BEST destination, enabling your highest potential to BLOOM.
BLUE EAGLE gives you the power to ENVISION this NEW WORLD into reality. All creations commence with holding and anchoring the VISION, the blueprint which is the program to manifest from the aethers.
BLUE EAGLE also gifts you, with the POWER to SEE and recognize the full potential of your ideas, knowing which one is the most fertile needing to be planted first.
HOLD THE DREAM! Keep ENVISIONING our collective planetary ABUNDANCE where we can all reap the bountiful HARVEST!
A very powerful GIFT from BLUE EAGLE to unlock your highest timeline! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for PLANETARY MIND – so this is always a potent energy to support our DREAMSPELL. The LUNAR EAGLE will assist in AWAKENING more sleepy souls to raise the critical mass of ACTIVATED DREAMERS. Day by day our Planetary Mind is rising in consciousness. which in turn accelerates our Planetary evolution!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED CRYSTAL EARTH CABAN is today’s SUPERPOWER which is UBER perfect – giving GAIA a voice in which to be heard… honouring her needs and aligning fully with her journey, together with her children.
There will be obvious SIGNS, and synchronicities that point you in the right direction to move forward fearlessly. Finding greater balance through LISTENING to the EARTH, knowing the perfect time in which to plant, nurture and tend to your Garden.
Your heart and that of Mother Gaia will have greater connectivity today, bringing forth the POWER TO SEED the highest potential, for majikally manifesting your ABUNDANT new life and our beautiful new Planet.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR WIZARD – IX provides today’s gift, and that is to open our pure and precious HEARTS, to become more receptive to the messages and codes being SEEDED into our consciousness from multi-dimensions. Tuning into the DREAMTIME – that majikal and sacred dimension… LISTENING and observing as we receive the cues.
We have POTENT WIZARD power through this GAP portal day – so use this POWER with great reverence and wisdom.
The LUNAR WIZARD challenges us to anchor our exploration of the cosmos through STILLNESS within our physical bodies. Releasing any stored energy and blocks that limit our capacity to FLY HIGH. Releasing all excess resistance, friction and opposition in your body, that impedes you realizing your greatest DREAMS.
The LUNAR WIZARD exposes the dark Magi DREAM-SPELL today – any spells, curses, hexes or impediments to your greatest DREAMING. You can use your majik power of ENCHANTMENT to harmonize all polarity and opponents to achieving your DREAM.
Once you access the DREAMTIME you receive the golden keys to manifest your dreams in the creation realms and then anchor them in the physical plane.
Disconnect from any FALSE timelines, realities, connections and cords and fully connect to the NEW TIME.
“CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE and Transmute ALL ABUNDANCE BLOCKS through all TIME, SPACE, DIMENSIONS and REALITIES and let the new current-SEE flow”.
LIBERATE your Dreams throughout the cosmos, and watch them take root and GROW before your EYES!
OPEN HEAVENS doors and be the bridge to the New Reality.
Today’s questions are “What resistance do I need to uproot, in order to SEED my beautiful ABUNDANT new LIFE?
“Can I ENVISION a NEW UNIFIED WORLD blossoming from the ashes?
Divine blessings for STABILIZING and fertilizing your GREATEST DREAM SEEDS today!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Core Principle: The foundation of 5D reality is unconditional love for all beings, including oneself.
Pleiadian Perspective: Love is not just an emotion; it’s a state of being, a vibration that permeates all aspects of existence.
Code 2. Unity Consciousness:
Core Principle: Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life. We are all part of a single, unified consciousness.
Pleiadian Perspective: Experiencing the oneness of all things, transcending the illusion of separation.
Code 3. Creative Co-Creation:
Core Principle: Actively participating in the creation of reality through thoughts, intentions, and actions.
Pleiadean Perspective: You are a co-creator with the Divine, shaping your reality through conscious choices and aligned actions.
Code 4. Lightbody Activation:
Core Principle: Activating and integrating your lightbody, a subtle energy field that connects you to higher dimensions.
Pleiadean Perspective: This involves raising your vibrational frequency, awakening dormant DNA strands, and accessing higher states of consciousness.
Code 5. Living in Harmony with Nature:
Core Principle: Respecting and honoring the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Pleiadean Perspective: Living in balance with the natural world, minimizing your impact on the environment, and cultivating a deep connection with nature.
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