Bring Our Mother’s Cosmic Rose To Earth ~ THE CROSS OF THE FLOWER ΙS SHOWING ALL DIRECTIONS ~ Power of Crystal Golden Light – ENTER the SACRED SPACE OF YOUR SOUL
new worlds are germinating within us
Bring Our Mother’s Cosmic Rose To Earth ~ THE CROSS OF THE FLOWER ΙS SHOWING ALL DIRECTIONS ~ Power of Crystal Golden Light – ENTER the SACRED SPACE OF YOUR SOUL
Bring Our Mother’s Cosmic Rose To Earth ~ THE CROSS OF THE FLOWER ΙS SHOWING ALL DIRECTIONS ~ Power of Crystal Golden Light – ENTER the SACRED SPACE OF YOUR SOUL
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Lyran Nation of our Lion Kingdom of New Lemuria
Moment by moment the Breath of Life flows in and out our vessel supplying our essence with Heavenly Chi for our Expansion in the Light.
Gaia and all her children of the sun continue to be filled and flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves of Higher Dimensional Galactic Light.
Our local Solaris released several more C Class Solar Flares today and another M Class Flare maxing at M 1.14 at 20:17 UTC.
Synchronizing with todays 3 17 7 Portal we had a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 58 WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR as our Great Cosmic Consciousness becomes a mirror of Buddha Mind to activate our Rainbow Body of Indestructible Diamond Ray of Infinite Light.
In the Clear Light of Bliss all things become perfectly resolved as we come into the Divine Harmony of our Kingdom of Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
“There is an aloneness which is not this loneliness, this sense of isolation. That state of aloneness is not a remembrance or a recognition; it is untouched by the mind, by the word, by society, by tradition. It is a benediction.”
Ancient memories flood, seal after seal upon DNA & nerve fibers are opened as we return to our pristine state of consciousness. Christ-mas gifts unwrap,we fly high in frequency,f urther above any previously reached by humanity. Oh the stunning defeat of darkness, our power returns.
Those that “feel” energy are beginning to sense Soul Signatures ( and responding accordingly) on a much deeper level. Those that “see” energy are seeing through the veil, understanding that they’ve been with their Ancestors/ Ancients/ Monad Soul aspects All along, in every lifetime, reality and timeline. The illusion reveals a human suit, the Eyes reveal the Soul Signature of Aspects that continue to show up in every dimension.
Full circle energies today, Union codes integrated. 3, 6, 9 energies merging, The Trinity ( within & without) completing, Divine Child integrated. All previous timelines converged into zero point field. Change of the Guard complete. Big week ahead.. Happy Solstice Gateway and Quantum Love jumping, and the full Rise of the inner Christ ( Consciousness Embodied). Love, Love, Love
The Solar Influx is beginning to subside now, but that was intense! I was shown a great Cosmic Alignment which brought greater Harmony & Stability to the Sun and many interstellar alignments which did the same for this sector of the Galaxy, especially for those most affected by the Lyran-Orion Conflict. The Cosmic Felines were very Present for this one. A more detailed update will come soon.
UPDATE. A rollercoaster of emotions, possible paths to take, of moods. Sacred need for sacred recharge, out of any of the ways people see you — project onto you. Back to sovereignty. What’s next is still blurry, under the clouds of tomorrow. A part of you is floating in the air, not knowing where to land. No need to know now. One day at a time. The whirlwind is in everyone involved, all trying to get to a new, solid center of self. Your sacred mission, purpose has expanded in the last few months. What matters now is to not forget about what you saw, what you know. Let the wave wash over you. Something foundational is being reformed.
Picasso moth
You have entered a new phase in this spiritual evolution. All that you think, speak and do shall manifest much quicker than previous times. Expect nothing but wonderful things in life. Everyday there are stronger energy waves entering Earth, and they will only increase in intensity in 2024, permeating all aspects of the Third Dimension. Your role is to be a beacon of light, do what is necessary so that you don’t allow the matrix to fool you into the lower vibrations.
The Soul is taking over the steering wheel of your life. What’s unfolding now is the will of your Soul. All things which would hinder your spiritual growth during this process, are being released from your reality. It is very important that you understand this truth at this time.
new worlds are germinating within us
{Matt} $XRPatriot
The Twelve Extraterrestrial Tribes.
If you are part of it and have completed your Contract and therefore your Promise,
Get Ready, We’re Going Home. Extraction from the Matrix and the Avatar.
New Body and New Reality.
Sky Event.
12/17/23: You might be feeling a heaviness… or emptiness… right now, waiting for the next breeze to lift you up. Maybe there’s a sense of nostalgia, or of a vague loss, or that things aren’t quite right. If so, don’t let it weigh on your heart… it’s just confirmation that you’re still on your journey of acceptance and release, and that you’re still finding your balance. The relief you need lies in the experience and wisdom you gained this year… not in focusing on what you left behind.
There is certainly debris back there, but carrying it forward is like hoarding trash. You’ll regret it before long. Your Right Action today is to be aware of any lingering burdens of guilt or regret you carry. You must focus on your travels now… and you can’t fly if you’re stuck to the branch.
It is most important in the next days and weeks to make time to be quiet and still and to ask to be prepared on soul and all levels for 2024, which is a crucial year of immense changes, as the ascension process accelerates.
All the navigational tools you need are within yourself and amplified by the Divinity within your own soul as one with your monad and All That Is.
We are being lifted into the higher soul self, where our inner Suns unite with the Illumined Suns beyond Suns and where all which has been encoded in our 12 and 24 DNA strands are being fully activated with the keys and codes of Illumination and sacred geometries of the Metatron’s cube, encoded within the Suns beyond Suns.
It is vital to go deeper within and to shut out all outside disturbances and frenetic attemps to distract.
More than this vital keys and codes from the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Sacred knowledge are being downloaded to prepare us for the Golden Age of Love and Unity in ways we cannot even comprehend right now.
Quiet time, connecting with nature is vital, yet also grounding all of this firmly into Mother Earth. It is vital.
According to the ANGELIC KINGDOM 2024 will BE the Year of the ROSE and NOW it is TIME to GO Within!
The ROSE is the HIGHEST Expression of the FLOWER KINGDOM that can BE Achieved. . . with its BEAUTY and its SCENT the most EXQUISITE!
It also Represents the CHRISTED ENERGIES BEcause of its Attainment in HU-man EVOLUTION!
Dear Ones. . . KNOW that this NEXT COSMIC CYCLE of TIME is to SEE the CHRISTED ENERGIES Come to the FORE Here on this Beleaguered Planet!
Therefore. . . It is NOW Most Significant TIME to GO Within into our STILLNESS Point Within the Center of our SACRED-HEART using our Quantum Breathing to Prepare our SELVES on SOUL. . . CELLULAR. . . and ALL Levels for 2024!
2024 is a VIBRANT Year of ENORMOUS CHANGES as WE Have Been Receiving Downloads of CHRISTED ENERGIES as well as Vital SOUND and LIGHT CODES for our DIVINE LIGHT BODY Activation to SPEED-UP our Ascension Process!
NOW this is the TIME to BE QUIET. . . to BE in STILLNESS. . . and to BE CONNECTED with our Beloved Mother Earth. . . and to BE GROUNDED on a Regular Basis!
For GROUNDING ENERGY. . . WE Hold in our Hands the GOLDEN KEY to the GOLDEN WORLD!
The Tools and the Mechanism for GROUNDING and to TRANSFORM ENERGIES Are Within our SELVES!
WE can Only TRANSFORM ENERGIES in One Way: by passing them through our SELVES! And then, having passed through us. . . they Go into the Earth – they BEcome GROUNDED!
They GROUND Themselves. . . BEcoming LIGHT. . . and thus Giving the Power of LIGHT to Mother Earth. . . Who will Immediately Share with us the Multiplied Powers in GRATITUDE!
To LET ENERGY pass through One SELF means to ACCEPT it. . . NOT to throw it Away. . . and to Experience What this ENERGY Brings!
ENERGY can Cause One Emotional Reaction or Another in us. The ENERGY can Cause Laughter or Tears. . . Pain and Suffering!
There is NO Need to BE afraid of this. Pain and Suffering are also Something that WE Must ACCEPT and TRANSFORM. And then. . . even Pain and Suffering will Seem SWEET to us!
Because ONLY a Living Person on Earth can Experience them. These are UNIQUE Experiences given ONLY to People! This is a SIGN that WE Are a DIVINE SPIRIT Operating in a Temporary Living Human Shell!
WE Use the WORD to bring Subtle ENERGIES into the Dense World. . . and thereby Help them to BE Embodied in the Material World. . . CHANGING our Lives and the REALITY Around us for the BETTER!
Worthy of Reverence and LOVE in the HIGHEST Sense of these Words as Affirmations. . . Say Slowly. . . Certainly Out Loud with Pure Intent and Strength!
I AM the Beautiful. . . Majestic. . . Perfect. . . Immortal DIVINE Spirit.
I AM an Integral part of the Great DIVINE Whole. . . the World of LOVE and LIGHT. . . from the Energies of which the Universe was Created.
I Accept my SELF as a DIVINE Essence Acting in a Human Body for the Benefit of the Whole World. . . Humanity. . . and the Entire DIVINE Universe.
I Immensely LOVE and RESPECT All Manifestations of DIVINITY in my SELF and in All Earthly Existence round me.
From Now on. . . I Discover in my SELF the Ability to Transform and Transform the Energies that Manifest themselves in my SELF and the World around me.
By Full Right. . . Given to me along with the Right to Incarnate on Earth. . . I use my DIVINE Gift of Energy Transformation.
With the Power of my LOVE. . . the Power of my LIGHT. . . the Power of my Intention. . . the Power of my Acceptance and Gratitude. . . and the Power of my Word. . . I Transform the Energies into the Pure Substance of the LOVE and LIGHT of GOD. . . and thereby Act for the Good – my Own and All Humanity.
I Thank Mother Earth for Helping me Transform and Neutralize the Energies.
I Send Countless Streams of LOVE and GRATITUDE to Mother Earth.
With All my Heart I Wish for the Speedy REIGN of HEAVEN on Earth and Every Moment I do Everything in my Power for THIS.
And So Be It.
Enjoy BEing in STILLNESS and GROUNDED in these Very Exciting and Magical TIMES Dear Ones. . . Happy 2024 the Year of the ROSE!
As we approach the Solstice, Guides invite us to continue working on personal synthesis, as the first step to achieving trinity, which is where many are heading, during this New Cycle. After the 12:12 portal, together with the recent Sun emanations, and many other benevolent frequencies, we have the opportunity to integrate polarity, unifying what is still fragmenting within us.
This is the process that many call healing the Christos wounds, which refer to our crown chakra, sixth and seventh shoulder portals, related to crucifixion implants, and other DNA corrections, related to our cathar/essene lineage.
This is a propitious time for us to trinitize ourselves, throuhg the corrections of the many mental, energetic, and physical implants that we have carried within, through many incarnations. It is now time for us to fully liberate ourselves, through polarity integration and reclamation of our sovereignty, and start acknowledging our personal power, as it is the only way to regain freedom and act as integrated beings.
In this month, the energies are nothing like other years, for it is now for the first time that many of our Earth’s structures have been repaired, being able to descend upon us more illumined codes for us to embody.
Guides invite us to remove these old beliefs and implants through the reprogramming of our DNA and mental bodies, using many tools as the trinity symbol, and the alignment with the Threefold flames, the sound first origin of God’s Creation that gave us birth, to help us restore our authentic lineage, through DNA restoration, and our connection to who we truly are.
This inner work that many are now initiating is what allows monadic integration, as it is precisely moving from duality to unity, what takes us closer to our divine selves and God’s Dimensions.
Soul retrieval is another important tool to start merging with our monad, through forgiveness and compassionate witnessing, so we can embody our soul fragments and initiate the reconstruction of our soul.
We are experiencing a unique time for us to heal, reconnect, and rehabilitate our DNA as never before. The coming energies will be the catalyst for what we will be working with during 2024, onwards.
Ascension is precisely the conscious rehabilitation of all of our body portals, as it is what allows the unification with our Illumined Self. It takes place first within, and it is only when we work with ourselves, regaining our soul memories, and personal power, that we can continue helping the Earth to retrieve its own lost essence as well, re-connecting with All within Creation, feeling everyone, and any living form as part of us too.
Artists: Victoria Ailin Rozengurt & Encoded Frequency
cathar/essene lineage
Maria Lustig
We will have the opportunity to Anchor much more to the Power of Crystal Golden Light.
You will be able to Root and Expand in your Heart, Soul, the Pure frequencies of ONE’s Unconditional Love.
All of this will mean a progressive and sustained elevation of your Being Consciousness.
In this last Portal of 12.12 many have invited the Golden Light of Crystal Consciousness to ENTER the SACRED SPACE OF YOUR SOUL, so that they have already ignited the TRINITY FLAME and promoted greater development in their cells and DNA.
In each of the Portals that will open this month and next, i.e. January 2024, remember to USE THE POWER OF YOUR HEART SOUL, so that you may experience the Peace, Love, Compassion and Joy of transcendent NEW CONSCIOUSNESS.
We must act, dear brothers and sisters , in Consciousness in the opening of each of these Doors to receive in your Sacred Space the Divine Golden Light of the high frequencies of the OM, you will activate your cells and DNA with the Sacred Alchemical Force and the Vitality of Sacred Geometry. of the New Dawn
In the Mind of Your Ego, You Will Experience the Alchemical Awakening of the Sacred Symbols of the Crystal Energy Golden Light Codes.
Besides, in your cells and DNA you will activate your evolution much more and interact more directly with your Soul’s Primary Purpose.
We are undergoing a deep transformation, at every stage of the Ascension everything is changing by the end of this 2023 this is a shift in your Consciousness of Being.
It is time to ANCHOR into our Being the Radiations of Higher Light so that the Golden Codes of Crystal Light unlock and increase the full potential of the DIVINE POWER of your “I AM” Presence .
In these times we are Returning Home, with the Pure Intention of our Heart Soul to ACTIVATE our Awakening and the interaction of Consciousness with the Network of the Universe.
On this day 12/21 we will have a Solar Burst, that will help us really progress in our Ascension.
On the other hand, we are slowly advancing in this process of Ascension.
Many countries are adhering to the New Gesara Financial System, this is no longer a time for wars.
Let’s continue to pray for World Peace, sending Light to the Earth Crystal Network.
The process of the Ascension must continue and we must go peacefully to the Higher Dimensions, otherwise the Ascension will not occur to those people who seek or are in the midst of struggle and cause destruction.
Archangel Michael affirmed that these people will not ASCEND to the 5D, since a peaceful mindset is needed and not anger and fight.
Since we Ascend a vibration of Peace,respect and Unity manifests itself towards everyone else.
We have to create a Peaceful world, we are Warriors of Light and we don’t use weapons, for we use our Mind and our Energy to fight battles. Beloved Archangel Michael uses his Divine Sword.
Warrior angels don’t use weapons either!
Let’s continue to expand Consciousness as with this month’s energies many different things will happen and are already happening, as they will be very Powerful.
Currently, there is a significant wave of activations and upgrades happening for Starseeds. These include new light codes, technologies, and information being sent to Earth. Over the next 48 hours, Starseeds will experience strong upgrades that will enhance their psychic and healing abilities. This leads to a remembrance of their true origins and triggers collective kundalini activations and mass awakenings.
This is a time to remain aware of the energy
We are putting out, as it comes back to self amplified. This is an optimal time to be conscious of internal thought structures, the company you keep, and the ideas you focus on. By striving to reach your highest potential, you are creating an internal shift in your reality that aligns with your higher self decisions.
You are forever leaving behind the old energy of the 3D matrix mind conditioning, relinquishing internal baggage, the need to be right, ego, anger, and the fear of the unknown. Instead, you are embracing the flow and welcoming the next level of your transformation. This is an opportunity to build new and much stronger foundations for your life.
In 2024 , your resolution might be to stop questioning if you are good enough for others and start questioning if they are aligned with your energetic vibrations. You will evaluate your compatibility with people, things, and places from a higher perspective of vibrational alignment. This assessment will gradually become automatic, guiding you to invest your energy in what is truly meaningful .
By 2024, those who are not on your evolutionary and spiritual frequency will naturally distance themselves from you. Simultaneously, those meant for you and aligned with your journey will enter your life in unexpected and divine ways. This is the power of your ascended self.
As you align with authenticity in yourself, people, and places, you will seek genuineness and trustworthiness more and more. This strengthens and stabilizes your energy. While fear and anxiety will always be part of the human condition, the grip on you will lessen as you ascend.
You will experience loving thoughts for yourself, realising that you are enough just as you are. The only thing that needs to change are the limited perceptions you hold within self . Moving forward, you will find relief from inner duality and density, bringing in a lighter energetic frequency that enhances inner peace, calmness, comfort, and serenity.
You are connected to the Universe in profound ways. As both the created and the creators, recognising your inner power allows you to realise your limitless nature and unrealised potential. The Universe is ready to expand your consciousness and help you discover new ways of experiencing life on Earth.
During your journey, you will be called to be of service to yourself, humanity, and the planet without fearing failure. Making mistakes is a natural part of life and contributes to learning and growth. You will always achieve your highest potential.
Currently, there are strong transmissions happening, including a planetary-level cleansing of low-frequency, karmically-based trauma bonds and attachments. This process cannot be controlled, slowed down, or manipulated. The collective consciousness energetically shifts to the next timelines based on the natural laws at play.
Conscious ascenders often find themselves waiting for the rest of the collective to catch up. On the ascending path, you realise that investing in yourself is the most important priority. It becomes less about what others are doing and more about your personal Ascension purpose and journey.
Ascension is an inside job only , we must be willing to confront absolutely everything within ourselves and action the required and necessary changes to evolve .To recondition the mind for internal change.
Letting go of more old thinking , past influences , false beliefs , low conciousness, habits , past self perceptions etc , remembering that thoughts are just thoughts and can always be changed and totally transformed. Self-reliance and support from your ascension team and light community become key in this major ascension process.
Channeled in loving ascension service
By Ascension LightWorkers . copyright
light codes
Ra James
Today is a Major Galactic Activation Portal Day. These are days where we should be connecting with the spiritual energies. They are amazing for tapping in for manifesting, healing, and getting guidance through. These days are all about the spiritual activations and upgrades that we receive. We are preparing for the Winter Solstice. This will shift us into a new Season as well. We are in a void like space at the moment. Where you have outgrown your current timeline, but still remain there.
Over the next few months your timelines will take you much higher. Prepare for major shifts over the next few months, that will take you into a new reality completely. The veil is thin as we move closer to the Winter Solstice. That means pay attention to the downloads, messages, dreams, signs, and synchronicities coming through from the spiritual right now. Follow your intuition a little extra right now, as it’s leading you forward on your path. Many have been feeling ascension symptoms and purging over the past few days as we integrate into the higher frequency energies.
2024 will be taking us into much higher energies. The Winter Solstice is going to help us to close out the door on 2023. The Winter Solstice will be bringing new light codes, third eye activations, and major DNA Activations…
On Sunday, December 17th, beautiful Venus, ruler of harmony and self-love, in mysterious Scorpio is inconjunct Chiron, ruler of past life wounds and pain, in passionate Aries. With this connection the mystery and passion energies are about healing traumas and suffering of long ago. Scorpio rules, and reveals, what lies hidden beneath the surface of our subconscious. And, with Venus being in this psychological sign, it is about the empowerment of the Divine Feminine within us all.
Chiron rules the fragmentation that has happened over many lifetimes of experience, but also rules the reintegration that occurs during our healing evolution and growth as a soul. We need to give ourselves the time and attention necessary for this process to occur. Time alone and self-care are extremely important now. Tune into your Higher Self……listen to your sacred soul and what it needs! Ask for assistance from the Healers of the Light! You are moving through a Shamanic Initiation with the unseen forces of the Universe, that is guiding you through a spiritual cleansing and back into a state of Wholeness.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
beautiful Venus, ruler of harmony and self-love, in mysterious Scorpio is inconjunct Chiron
Sun in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces and sextile Hygeia in Aquarius. Venus in Scorpio quincunx Chiron retrograde in Aries – Ouch, the heart hurts, fears of rejection and ridicule slip through our defences. Shields up, says Hygeia and yes, it’s good to look ahead and take preventative action. But little is as it seems right now and maybe we’re not seeing ourselves or the future clearly. It’s not healthy to avoid the truth. It’s not healthy to live in perpetual doubt. It’s not healthy to second guess every intuitive prompt. It’s not healthy to be constantly disappointed with yourself or with life. Don’t let the pain of the past dictate your future.
Maybe you just need a rest. Stretch out like a cat, wiggle your toes, thank your feet for bearing you, for holding you up, for connecting you with Mother Earth. Soften. Loosen the reins for a moment, let yourself relax. We can’t fix every problem in one day, right every wrong, feel better immediately. Sometimes the most healing thing we can do is surrender to the soul’s need for sanctuary and compassion. Let the universe carry you for a while.
The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. The 6th day is very practical, as it’s all about sorting yourself out and clearing out the clutter…whether that’s actual clutter or simply mental clutter. It’s time to re-balance yourself. Each day of a wavespell has its purpose and if you follow each step accordingly, the 13-day journey is more rewarding. Maximize your experience during this Red Skywalker wavespell and get into your ‘Rhythm’ today.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness’. The Mirror asks you to take a good long, honest look at yourself. Self-reflection is vital as we all need regular reality checks. Some folk are afraid to face the truth but avoiding it only results in living with a fabricated reality. If you take stock honestly, you can then proceed and decide what to do next more accurately, this can only happen when we truly know where we stand. As today is a ‘Rhythmic’ day, clearly the truth manifests re-balancing. It is a great combination of day and number and it is not hard to understand its message.
The Guide today is also White Mirror and so a double helping of reflecting the truth.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Star, so people born on a Yellow Star day will find it hard to accept the truth and re-balance. Yellow Stars are great at seeing the beauty of the world but if the truth is ugly, they don’t want to look at it. Since ‘Art and Beauty’ are not favored today, if you do try to beautify something it may not turn out as expected.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. This suggests that if you seek and find the truth, your dreams have magical potential. They may actually come true! The chances of having a magical dream are likely too, the type of profound dream that leaves you with an important message. Before you go to bed, try asking the Universe for a dream that will help you learn the truth.
The Ally is the Red Dragon, the nurturing energy of the Tzolkin. Dragons are a great help today, providing support and comforting to those who seek it.
It is a Portal Day! This means today has the potential to be quite intense but also there’s a chance that doors can open. Organize yourself and be truthful, this can lead to amazing opportunities.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 58 = 13 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation
Another POWER packed GAP day meaning it is another portal day! The energies are AMPLIFIED and the focus is on REFLECTION and WAKING up to the ILLUSION that has kept us trapped. Huge focus on TWINS, partnerships and reflected relationships.
Day 6 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and NEW ADVENTURES! Today we BALANCE our awakening and exploration, by putting all into ORDER in our PHYSICAL reality. We will be ORGANIZING the SPACE in which we live, work and play!
RHYTHMIC Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
A great day for SPACE clearing, energy balancing and using FENG SHUI to organize our living spaces into balanced and harmonious sanctuaries to nurture and comfort us. Inner balance is also featured through yoga, meditation and physical exercise – walking, dancing and stretching. Our inner and outer spaces need to REFLECT the TRUTH of who we are now as souls.
Today’s question is “What distorted REFLECTIONS are arising, in order to restore BALANCE and HARMONY in my life, and our world?”
Divine blessings for laying the foundation for your new sanctuary!
May we restore PEACE, ORDER and BALANCE to our BELOVED planet.
May PEACE prevail on Earth!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF AND HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR ETZNAB. DOUBLE MIRROR today!! THE POWER OF ENDLESSNESS Today is a day encouraging you to gain a new perspective on your LIFE and physical surroundings…
The themes are endlessness, reflection and TRUTH, from the WHITE MIRROR, nurturing and new beginnings from RED DRAGON. and following your dreams and intuitive hunches from BLUE NIGHT..
These energies bring forth healing and accomplishment through our clarity of mind, through the endless solutions revealed to us in the Mirror. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know THE TRUTH.
Anything that is not in alignment will be stripped away and discarded. The sword of TRUTH cleanly cuts away all distortions leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build your DREAMS.
The WHITE tribes are the refiners. Their emphasis is on purifying the Spiritual energies within your body and your consciousness, so that you have a stronger connection to Spirit. The RHYTHMIC tone is seeking to bring these energies into greater BALANCE so that you can embody a much higher consciousness and more LIGHT in your physical body!
Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
The MIRROR star glyph also represents a Mayan PYRAMID – from the top view looking down. The pyramid AMPLIFIES energy so together with the GAP day we have very potent MANIFESTATION energies.
The DOUBLE PYRAMIDS can be joined together at the base forming an OCTAHEDRON (i.e. Diamond shape) which forms the crystal core of Mother Gaia. By placing ourselves in a Golden Octahedron, or visualizing one in our home we can activate it to clear out the debris, entities, lost souls and discordant energies. We order it to SPIN, pulling in all the energy through spiralling up through the apex and back to SOURCE, or downwards into GAIA’s core, transmuting it back to harmonic frequencies through the golden mean spiral.
A brilliant tool for restoring ORDER and BALANCE to our homes and environment, especially when used in conjunction with the VIOLET FLAME of transmutation.
KIN 58 – 6 ETZNAB was the code on August 9th, 1945 when the plutonium bomb nicknamed “Fat boy” was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Three days earlier on August 6th, a uranium bomb – “little boy” – had been dropped on Hiroshima.. creating a huge AWAKENING on ELECTRIC EAGLE day, for humanity to SEE the global picture for the human species.
Although the Japanese were in the process of SURRENDERING, the USA decided to drop a second bomb to “Seal the DEAL” – ensuring WW2 was fully OVER – hastening Japan’s conceding defeat. The United States of America deployed the bombing on Nagasaki, to make clear the strength of its nuclear arsenal, ensuring the nation’s supremacy in the global power hierarchy.
Many argued the futility of the Nagasaki bombing and the great loss of civilian lives – however since 60 Million lives were lost during WW2 -what was a few more? Nagasaki was a FANTASTIC opportunity to experiment in a real life setting – examining the differences between uraniumand plutonium bombs, as well as analyzing the effect of varying land topography – flat versus hilly terrain on the death toll and affected land mass.
President Harry TRUMAN had authorized the dropping of additional bombs on the Japanese cities of Kokura (present-day Kitakyushu), Niigata and Nagasaki as soon as the weather permitted.
Ironically the NAGASAKI bomb had been intended for the Japanese city of Kokura. Kokura was the primary target for the “Fat Man” bomb on August 9, 1945, but on the morning of the raid, the city was obscured by clouds and smoke, from the firebombing of the neighboring city of Yahata, the day before. Since the mission commander Major Charles Sweeney had orders to drop the bomb VISUALLY and not by radar, he diverted to the secondary target of Nagasaki. So it seems KOKURA was saved by a twist of fate, whilst NAGASAKI was devastated – and the rest is HIS-STORY…
What has humanity learnt from this experience? That Atomic nuclear weapons have the capacity to kill large populations of people instantly? – and yet the arm’s race prevails and nuclear energy proliferates on our planet. It seems the human species are very SLOW in learning their collective lessons!
Death, devastation and EXPERIMENTATION on innocent civilians (as well as soldiers) occurred only too often during the war years, and yet here we are today with the ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN war killing thousands of innocent civilians – the majority being children! Mass GENOCIDE occuring ONCE AGAIN.. how the WHEEL of KARMA turns!
The RHYTHMIC MIRROR is reflecting these repeating patterns, cycles and events through the corridors of TIME, so that we can TAKE STOCK and return to BALANCE.. restoring ORDER from the CHAOS. But only if we are willing to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and see the TRUTH of what the MIRROR is reflecting!
IT IS TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH!! STOP the GENOCIDE! and BREAK FREE from the MATRIX – choosing to construct a new PEACE filled world.
SUPPORT: RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON IMIX provides nurturing and creative energies to support our choices and the creation of our new ideas, options and pathways. Once we have FACED what the Mirror has reflected, we can then CHOOSE a different course – a new direction and a new beginning. IMIX the Mother Dragon assists us in creating this new life especially promising with today’s AQUARIUS moon!! A fresh NEW START for NEW EARTH supported by Spirit.
IMIX gives birth to these new dreams and visions that have been illuminated by the MIRROR, adding FIRE and PASSION through the forces of Creation, to organize and shape our physical reality.
The DRAGON tribe are very active on Earth at this present time bringing forth great POWER, protection and the codes for b-Earthing New systems of Abundance.
The Dragons of myths and legends always guarded a den of treasures for which the fearless Warriors would eagerly battle (often to their demise) in order to claim untold wealth.. Now the Dragons are returning this Wealth to our Planet, and all will be distributed to those with the purest of hearts!
If your finances are lacking, call on the Dragon tribe to restore this balance.
IMIX reminds us to NURTURE ourselves and others, by taking responsibility for our physical realities. In order to nurture ourselves and others, our homes MUST nurture us! Our homes MIRROR our inner state, by creating nurturing spaces, we in turn feel more nurtured and in harmony with the Universal flow of giving and receiving. A sacred healing sanctuary is a TOP priority for the 5D LIGHTHOLDERS of the future!
OCCULT: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT AKBAL is today’s SUPERPOWER assisting us in modelling a balanced life, and using our intuitive knowing to accomplish the collective DREAM of ABUNDANCE for all beings.
AKBALis the MAJIKAL BLUE GENIE bringing forth the dreaming codes, to manifest our greatest DREAMS and VISIONS into creation. AKBAL is a beautiful complement enhancing RED DRAGON’S CREATION powers through the VORTEX.
When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that spirit has your back and the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices.
Allow the SUPERPOWER of AKBAL to redefine your perception of Wealth – breaking the old ceilings and revealing the endless flow of Cosmic Abundance to manifest in your new life..
In 5D reality there is no “haves” and “havenots” – everyone is EQUAL and every soul has EQUAL access to ALL resources to provide for their needs.
ABUNDANCE for ALL beings is the new “normal”-
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR LAMAT – challenges us to bring HARMONY to the chaos and discordant energies, by creating balance and order. But first we need to SEE and recognize that DISHARMONY exists. This requires a form of DISCLOSURE in order for the TRUTH to be revealed and the lies and illusion EXPOSED.
Ironically the NAGASAKI bombing eventually did bring HARMONY to our world, as the Japanese Emperor, Hirohito officially surrendered on August 15th, 1945. The Dreamspell code was that of KIN 64 -the Yellow CRYSTAL SEED which was also a GAP day.. This was a day of coming together and UNITING in PEACE to seed a NEW BEGINNING. A new BEAUTIFUL ERA of PEACE.
The RHYTHMIC STAR challenges us to CHOOSE and CREATE beauty and peace in ourselves, our homes and our greater world. The microcosm and the macrocosm. Peace starts with YOU!
Your old definition of life and how it unfolds, needs to be discarded if it has not served you… Unworthiness must be harmonized and transformed into deservedness, self-acceptance and LOVE.
YELLOW STAR asks you to become AWARE of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Open more fully to HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation of FREEDOM.
Achieving INNER PEACE and calm is then reflected outwardly in our external environment and all that we create. Our manifestations are the outward reflections of our frequency. By raising our vibe and reflecting our LIGHT we automatically illuminate our world!
It is TIME for PEACE to reign SUPREME in our lives and our world…
LOVE, HARMONY and ABUNDANCE are all our natural birthright – AND SO IT IS!
Today’s question is “What distorted REFLECTIONS are arising, in order to restore BALANCE and HARMONY in my life, and our world?”
Divine blessings for laying the foundation for your new sanctuary!
May we restore PEACE, ORDER and BALANCE to our BELOVED planet.
May PEACE prevail on Earth!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Meet your Spirit Guide (Sacred Condor Guided Meditation)🔥
from my Sacred Condor is a transformative experience designed to facilitate a connection between an individual and their spiritual guide, providing a space for self-discovery, guidance, and insight. This meditation typically involves visualization and intentional relaxation techniques to create a receptive state of mind.
Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection with the “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide.” This immersive experience invites participants to explore the depths of their inner world, guided by a soothing voice that leads them through a series of calming visualizations and intentional breathwork.
As the meditation unfolds, participants are encouraged to create a sacred and protected space within their minds—a tranquil environment where they can feel secure and open to spiritual energies. The meditation then guides them to ground themselves, establishing a connection with the Earth’s energy and fostering a sense of stability.
The individual is gently led into a state of heightened awareness, transcending the physical realm to enter a sacred space—a serene landscape tailored to their personal preferences. In this ethereal setting, participants are invited to encounter their spirit guide—an ethereal being, perhaps human, animal, or symbolic in form.
The encounter with the spirit guide becomes a heartwarming and enlightening experience. The meditation encourages open communication, allowing participants to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive messages from their guide. The exchange is rich with symbolism and intuitive wisdom, fostering a deep connection between the individual and their spiritual guide.
Throughout the meditation, the soothing voice provides gentle cues and prompts, helping participants remain grounded in the experience while embracing the profound insights and guidance offered by their spirit guide. The session concludes with a gentle return to the present moment, leaving participants with a sense of gratitude, newfound wisdom, and a strengthened connection to their spiritual path.
This “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide” serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the cultivation of a meaningful connection with the unseen realms of guidance and support.
Prayers to connect with Adama and our Telosian Family and receive their help on our pathway…
to be said before sleeping..
Dearest God Almighty, I ask to go to Telos, and receive teachings and healings, from Adama, Ahnamer and many others, and to connect with my own remembrances.
I also set my Intentions, to remember, upon returning to normal conciousness, all that I have experienced, so that what has been revealed to me in Telos, may be remembered in my waking hours as well.
I give myself permission to experience, remember and learn, without judgement and without critical analysis.
I give myself permission now, to simply recognise and let that awareness grow.
Let the recognition grow, until the conversations I had with them, become as commonplace, as those I have with my physical brothers and sisters around me.
Thank you!
Dearest God Almighty,
I would like to go to The Ashram of The Will of God in Mt. Shasta, and attend Ascension Classes. I would like to go to their Inner Planes.
I’d like to petition Adama, as I’d like to be His Student, to teach me about Ascension, raising my Vibrations and increasing my Light.
I’d like to request my Guardian Angel to take my Soul to Their Inner Planes.
I Am desirous of having a better understanding of the Will of God and wishing to come along thru their 7 Portals leading to The Ascension Door of the 5th Dimension.
I would like to take Your Hands of Assistance and allow my Telosian Guides, Friends and Helpers to lead and Guide me.
Thank You!
In my mind and Heart, I want to be receptive to my Telosian Family, and invite Them to become my Guides & Mentors in this awakening.
I would like to request to have a Guide in Telos assigned to me. I connect this request to my Heart. I would like to meet my Guides and communicate with Them on a regular basis..
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